V-~*~* ~ ALZUA'.OLlILX, R&D. .ra, 1513 THt t~!AMAflTA~ ~'T'A'PWiUMA I? ~WMAM17TY .?2t AM'1'A UIi of the new Hanuxxond organ and its dedication ln October and the ie Orono News crcitdd ain g a theeOroint mm R B. ogmcharge. Trustees of the church, the choir and the splendid service ofa Mrs. Workman, as a most ef- Mro. Wmn. Armstrong spent the ing a bus at their own expen£e' ficient organist and choir leader, week end lni Montreal with her about 35 members arrived in good were ail highiy commended for sister Mrs. Dawson and her fath- time for dinner at 6:45 which the their untiring efforts. Plans are ,er Mr. Neal. W.A. had ready for them. To open wehl underway for the beginning Miss Adele Morton and Mr. the program, Mrs. W. E. C. Work- af work on the renavation of the * Dick Morton, Toranto, visited at man piayed a short argan recital church ln the spring. their home here. Dick has been when the new Hammond organ transferred fromn Toronto to Kip- was heard ta good advantage. The ling where he wifl have charge of four soioists of the Runnymede ST. JOHN'S CHURCH a Hydro station, choir are Miss Gladys Morten, Mr. C. Wood, Kitchener, spent soprano; Miss Jean Brown, con- (Continued fromn Page One) the weekend et his home here. traita; Mr. Wm. Bush, tenor and Mr. Dick Bostock, whio has been Mr. Jas. Crockatt, baritone. They Younger Men of St. John's, They on the sick list, is in Toronto for were heard ln solos and duets as hed presented the organ fund medical examination. . weli as in the choral work. The with $226. Mr. Murray Paterson who has whole progrem was delightful The Guild president, Mrs. E. C. been ln the Bank of Commerce et and thoroughly enjoyed. At Its C. Southey, gave a resume af a Tamworth hes been transie'rred close, Park St. Choir and their very full and busy year. They to Belleville branch. fiends, aiong with the visiting had corne out on top with the 1er- Mr. and Mns. John Morris, Mr. choir, were entertained. Refresh- gest receipts in their history. and Mrs. Charlie Stepleton and ments were served and a social $1,700 had been raised fram tees, son Walter returned last week time enjoyed. Proceeds $115. suppers, banquets, and a bezear. fram a pleesant three weeks hall- are in aid oi the building fund She expressed their thanks ta the day spent in Pasadena, Cal, of Park St. church. W.A. who Wllling Workers and the Guiid- Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns and Dor- sponsored the concert are very ettes for their support and assis- othy, Bowmanviiie, visited Mr grateful ta the Toronto choir for tance, also ta Mr. Thos. Cert- and Mrs. C. Wood. their help in this worthwhile pro- wright for his untiring effort on Mrs. C. Gamey is a patient ln ject their behelf. Their thenks went the Toronto East Generai Hospi- The Evenîng Auxiiiary ai the elso with the Rector's, ta Mrs. J. tel. W.M.S. met Thursday evening. A. Gunn and her ever popular Mrs. J. Blue and Mary Jack Installation af officers was con- 'Birthday Bank,' were in Toronto attending the -ducted by Mrs. A. E. Eustace. The Ail the four Missionary groups skating carnival. new president, Mrs. H. Allun, from Juniors ta Seniors met their Mrs. J. Dickson is visiting her took the chair and conducted the pledges in full, and meny acts deughter Mrs. Milison and fam- business. Mrs. Geo. Carson sang of endeevour et home and abroed. ily in Kingston. a solo. Lunch was served. Bales had been packed, layettes Mrs. J. D. Brown spent a few A very weli eattended annuel made, quiits finished and suppers deys in Oshawa. meeting of Park St. United church served to organizetions, the choir Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe and daugh- was held on Monday evenirig with and the Sunday School. The Af- ter Ginnie, South Hampton, Is Rev. A. E. Eustace presiding. ternoon brench hed clothed a girl visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Splendid reports were given by in an Indian Mission School at C. Duncan. al arganizations with increases in Sioux Lookout. Parcels had been W.M.S. met Tuesday afternoon, chunch ettendance and interest as sent 'ta Mrs. Cannon Turner, in Miss M. Davy, president, ln charge well as in finances. Mr. Eustace, England and ta Rev. and Mrs. T. oi the devational period. A short in repoîrting for the Session, M. Dustan in Pelampur, India. synopsis was given ai the ist four stressed the fact that although Each memnber had pulled their chapters of the Study 'book "West finances are important and nec- weight in accomplishing their oi the Gorges" by Mrs. W. Arm- essary ta run any organization, year's objective. It is their aim strong, Mrs. W. Cobbledick, Mrs. church fellowship and a deepen- ta provide the education bi One N. Porter and Mrs. M. H. Staples. ing oi the spiritual lufe were mast 'boy student at the Indien Board- Pees for the year 1949 were re- Important. Each member ai the mng School in Palampur, India, ceived. Refreshments were serv- church, as well as the minister where Rev. Thomas M. Dustan is ed. and members of the Session, is now principal. Miss Laura Allen, Oshawa, visi- cailed upon ta, witness for Jesus ThSudySoohaane tedinOnnoonTusdy.Christ. The treasurer, Mr. W. J. Superintendent, Mr. J. Goodmnan. A large crawd gre'eted the Run- Riddeli, reported more maney On the retirement ai Mr. Gea. nymede United Church chair, handied lest year than any year Vine, aiter 25 years as Secretary- Toronto, on Fnlday nlght in Park in the histary ai the chunch. High- Treasurer, Mr. H. McDoneld St. Church, when they gave an lights ai the year in the lufe ai the wsepitd .S snwhi excellent entertainment. Charter- congregatian were the installation in the orng.S.etS10 an. he usuel picnic and Christmas party with giits, prizes, candy and oran- ges was pravided for the chiidren. The Evening Auxiliary provided supper for them priar ta the Christmas tree and Santa Claus. Mr. and Mrs. Sehon have again ô- eerned the gratitude ai ail in presenting the "Nativity Play."' The chair had presented for A G E TEthe entertainment o ai mui RA NG ETTEloyers ai Bowmanville, in the High Schooi Auditorium, the Golden Crest Maie Choir in Apnil and a return engagement in December. They had provided stock, and attended a musical (eami g te.recital of sacred music by Dr. Heely Wilean in St. George's, Osh- .... .........awa. They had punchased new " Portelai chair hymn books, music and ma- Emmmcl Top terial for cassocks. Their financial statement presented by Mr. J. " Dak.d Humphrey showed receipts ai Enami Boy mm$423 with a balance ai $119.18. Ensmo BodyA small band ai womnen, suit- " Exra Lrge ven-ably namied the Wiliing Workers, * Ext U es.had presented the Wardens with lnsuat. Ml Id ~$400 to decrease the cost ai ne- " Stoate Dowerbuilding the argan. * Stoage Daw.rReport ai the 'Guildettes' was " Rane Qulitygiven by Mrs. J. deP. Wright and * Rane QUIIt7Mrs. W. Tait Jr., shawing that in Swtche nine manths ai working together they had taken ln from tees, rum- PLIJO lm - mage sale and parties $146,33. 22 Amp.- 220Vlts Mr. W. J. E. Ormiston was ne- elected Church Werden for the $69.50seventh year. $69.50Delegates ta Synod ere: Messrs. R. G. Harding, J. A. Living and L. A. Parker, Substitute delegates eèall-Messrs C. Bell, Wm. Tait Jr. and y Beau itut!F. Hooper. Sidesman Convenor- eitll elliCtery-Mrs. J. A. Gunn. ten The Pherachiel Tribunel were ea(I Cf'icint!re-elected and includes-Mrs. H. Humphrey, Mrs. E. C. C. Southey end Mrs. W. J. E. Ormîston, INVEST NOW IN AR ENA CAR TICKETS'l YOU MAY WIN A 1948 PONTIAC COACHI When you buy tickets on the Arena Car, you not only help to finance the building, you also take a chance on winning a valuable car. If you have already made your Arena donation add to it by purchasing car tickets direct from the Arena Building Committee or from one of the ticket sales staff. One of the ones you buy at 25c or 5 for $1.00 may be the lucky one. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH1 (Continued main Page One) the Y.P.U. whîch, for 1949 beceme St. Peui's new mission circle; the Baby Band which hes hed a very active year: the senior yaung pea- pIes: the new junior W.A.: the senior chair the junior chair; memoniai committee and auditors. The report ai session in many weys the most important ai ail, showed an increase in member- ship ai 27, bninging the com- munion rail cali ta a new high ai 296 ai which 48 are non-resident. The femily list hes had a number ai additions in the year so that at present there are 193 families under pastoral ovevsight. This report ecknowledged the grati- tude ai the church for the iovely and appropniate gits given dur- ing the year: namely, brass flow- er vases from Mn. anîd Mrs. D. Ormistead, wal igh-ts from Mn. and Mrs. Norman Scott and Bap- tismal font from Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruthens. Three memibers received the highest honon a local church cen give when Messrs. Cherles Cenru- thers, Otto Bragg and Edwerd Doidge were elected ta the session ai the church. This is a lufe ap- pointment in St. Peul's. Othen officens elected were: ta the board ai stewards, W. Teeple, George Graham Jr., W. D. Cerru- thers and'Roy Lunney; ta the M. and M. Committee, J. H. Swin- delîs, Alex McGregor, Bert Syer, Allan Cuthbentson. Francis Thom- mson, Herbent Galbraith, Ronald Hethenington, Ivan Hobbs, Don-, ald Lawson. Miss Donalda Creas- ser, Mrs. David Armistead and Mrs. J. W. Parter. Mr. Cednic Pansons was elect- ed presbytery representative and Messrs. J. H. Swindeils and D. H. Williams auditors. The proceedings ai the meeting were interrupted when Mrs. Ken- neth Hull, president ai the senior W.A. presented e substantiel check ta the minister and bis wiie in appreciation ai their un- tining work in the church. Mn. Quigley made a suiteble reply ta this unexpected kindness. The latter part ai the evening was e time for happy iellowship when members ai the Junior W.A. served delicious neireshments and extra good cofiee. Thus with another milestone passed In the long and splendid history and Christian witness Wf faith and good works St. Paul's, giving thenks ta Almighty God for ail the biessings ai the past, looks forward in anticipation ta even greater things in the future ior the Kingdom. Board ai Education (Continued froma Page One) School Manuel Training, and $7.00 for the Public School Auxiliary Classes grant. We have received $4.75 from the Sterling Trust Corp. as dividend for one ai thein certificates. Donations have been receiveil ion the High Sehool Commencement pnizes as follows: $10,00 fram Mn. Elmer Davis, and $15.00 from Mn. R. R. Stevens. Property Repart A new stoker has been instaîl- ed in the Central Public School, and heating equipment ln the class-roomn which was recently made in the gymnasium bas been instelled as well. Management Report Principal Thompson was given autharity ta spend up ta $100,00 on the Public School nink this year. Finance Repart Mr. Paterson reparted that It appears as if we wiii be weli within aur budget for the year. Principal Dippell's Report Iwas egreed ta seli the used typewriters et the High Scbool ion $25.00 eech. These machines have beeri disposed ai et the pre- sent time. A letter ai appreciation and a cheque were ta be iorwerded ta Miss Phyllis Challis for her as- sistance in the High Scbooi Com- mencemnent. Permission was granted Mn. Gardon Eliiatt ta view' a textile firm in Hamilton fain a Voca- tionel Guidance stendpoint, and Mn. Witherspoon was given per- mission ta go ta Kingston to, a cadet meeting. Mrs. Dippeli was engeged ta teech spelling ane bahf day per week et the High Scbool. Principal Thompson's Report Two sets ai reading books for Grade 1 are ta, be purchased for the Public School. Principal Tbompson is ta, fol- low the question ai getting a suitable replacement for one ai the teachers et the Centrai Pub- lic Scbool wbo mey be leeving soan. The USA gavernment bas just pub]isbed a book recordin th story ai winners ai The Medai aioe Hanon from the Civil War through World War Il. The decoratian compares with aur Victoria Cross. by Vestry-Mrs. V. H. Storey, Mr. L. A. Parker, Mr. Lionel Parker. Appointed by rector, (honor- are members by Virtue of their being members af longest stand- ing ln S.t. John's.) Mrs. W. H. Den- sem and Mr. La"r Cryderman. Mrs. E. Henning, Mr. E. C. C. Southey and Mr. R. G. Harding. Secretary-Mrs. Forrest A. Dii- ling. In keeping with the trend of the higher cost of living in the Vestry voted an increase in the Rector's stipend with their sincere thanks to him and his wlfe for leader- ship in the past three years. The Rector closed the meeting with prayer, and the singing of "Abide with Me." Delicious refreshments were served by the wives of the Rector and Wardens, and a very enjoy- able social hour was spent. EumkCampaigz (Continued fram Page One) square dances. It should te a gala trne. Muriel Dunn Euchre Nets $60.45 The first euchre of the series for the Arena fund sponaored by Muriel Dunn in co-operation with the local merchants got off toaa good start Thursday night, Mrs. Dunn having soid 132 tickets. Proceeds were $60.45 Including a cash donation oi $25.00. less $2.00 for rent ai Union Hall which was packed to the doors with 23 tab- les. The lucky draw prize a lavely table lamp, went ta Mrs. Ray Fry, ticket being d«awn by George Graham af The Statesinan staff. Mrs. Harry Morden won lst prize, an electric iran; 2nd Mns. J. Coole, set of Evening in Paris; 3rd Jim Coyle, 20 quarts of milk tickets; 4th Mrs. Florence Kil- patrick, flashlight; 5th Mri. L. Goulah, ibread box; fth Mrs. L. Kerr, cup and saucer; 7th Mrs. J. Wilson, pr. ot men's sox; 8th Mr. T. Veale, mnan's tie; consolation prize Mr. H. Murphy, double guest tickets ta Royal Theatre. To-night the euchre wlll be held at the Lions Community Centre at 8:30 p.m. and the lucky draw prize will be a beautiful Kenwood blanket. An evening's euchre and a chance on the iucky draw, all for a quarter so get your tickets early and help make this worthy cause a real success. An addition- ai merchant donation which was flot inciuded in last week's list town when it has been completed. Pork Sausage--------------- lb. Orders Taken 30C Sausage, beef and pork -----3 lbs. $1.00 45c - Phone 2836 In the un-answered question departinent le: How many $2.50 radio licence fees are being used up by the CBC in running one or more two-column display ads every day in each Toronto news- paper, In an attempt to attract listeners ta its station CJBC? Mii Curl Caps - $1.50 Wonder Curi Caps - 690 Meltaway Reductng Plan $2.95 - $4.95 - $9.95 Mynex $3.00 Kyran - « ---- 3.00 1 Hy-pa-clds. Relief for stomach sufferers - $2 .00 An 18-year aid maural lnu LS Angeles depicting the signing of the Declaration of Independence, includes the figure of George Washington. Eut history reveais Mr. Washington elsewhere that day, and red-faced officiais are wondering if a beerd, painted lu, would give the figure obscurity. includes a cref;it slip for '$5.00 from the Domninion Store. Beehive Preceeda $20.01 The second 500 and Euchre game of the series sponsored by the Beehive Service Club was held on Jan. 25 at the Balmoral Hotel with 13 tables. Proceeds $20.01. A very enjoyable lunch was contributed by Mrs. Jarrett, the hotel proprietress. 500 win- ners were Walter Cochrane and Mrs. Passant. Euchre winners were Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Som- erscales. Don't forget here will be a grand prize at the end of the series. Next Beehive game, Tues- day, Feb. 8, at the Balmoral. Foresters Euchre Relues $16.10 On Tuesda.y night the euchre sponsored by the Foresters Lodge drew il tables and raised $16.10 at the Balmoral Hotel when the winners were Mrs. Harry Mor- den and Miss Edith Joint. Every- one appeared ta have a good time and enjoyed the lunch provided by the hotel. Next Forester euchre at the same place Tuesday, Feb. 22. Recreation Bingo Nets $50.00 On Saturday night a bingo sponsored by the Goodyear Rec- reation Club with Charlie Van- atone in charge, attracted over 50 players several of whomn went away with beautiful prizes dona- ted by Bowmanvile merchants. Proceeds are expected ta be ap- proximately $50.00 With se much iund-ralslng ac- tivity going on for the Arena, there ls no doubt that it will be one of the most popular places In Ila Water Bottles 98e - $1.29 - $1.59 - $2.00 Dr. Chase'. Nerve Foad 69o - $1.79 Anacin Tablets 25e - 49c - 74c - $1.19 Bayer'% Aspirin 18c - 29e - 79c NyaI A.S.A. Tablets 25c - 49c Alke-Seltzer ------29c-57c Bromo-Seltzer .- 25e-49c-95o TONM CREME SHAMPOO TONI HOME PERMANENT Phone O L N' ..6 CW IN' 33e- 55e -950 $2.50 DRUG STOR E We Fit .4 Trusses 4i .NEWS PAPER ADVERTISING Y. Make your advertising copy easy to read, friendly and informative. People read news- Papers for the news. Give them Jacts and neu'p about your nierchandise and services. 2. A dvertise regularly. Do what successful sa'Jes- men do -cail on custo mersr and krosPtects cou- sistently. 4 3. Pro tect your advertising invesa'mena' by insit- ing on audited circulation rep.orts that tel! yon jusm' what circulation you get for your monoy. Guessuork is wasteful.* -*In order that you may know just what you get for your money when you adver- tise in this newspaper, we are members. of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. This is a national, cooperative association of more than 2000 publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. Organized in 1914, the purpose of the Bureau is to establish and maintain definite stand- ards of circulation, audit the circula- tinAs records of the publisher members «zd report this verified information to advertisers. Annually, one of the Bureau's large staff of trained auditors makes a thor- ough audit of our circulation. The verified facts and figures thus obtained are issued in an officiai A. B. C. report. Our A. B.C. report tells how much cir- culation we have, where the circulation goes, howôIt was obtained, how much people pay for it and many other facts that you should know when you buy newspaper advertising. Thus when you advertise in tliis newspaper your invest- nient is in known and verified values. This nespaer is a mem ber of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Ask for a co»y of our latest A. B. C. report liting audited facts and figuresr about our circulation. A.B. C. = AUDIT BUREAU 0F CIRCULATIONS = FACTS AS A MEASURE 0F ADVERTISING VALUE e -~ g PAGE six, SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY ORLY Beef Sold by Quarter or Roasts Upwards f rom .--------------lb. Hamburger ------------------2 lbs. Darlington Abattoir HAMPTON Help Build The Arena flYAL CREOPIHOS Guaranteed ta stop Branchial Cough Lge. Bottle --$1.25 NOXZEMA SPECIAL .lO ..1-oz. Size - l0 0v' ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ,Dlilu ~ 9csize ____69e ~Y at eals.. NEEDS FOR TH£ BABY Bet fle Baby Powder-- 28c-55c Baby 011 ----------59e-$1.19 Formula Pîtcher 75e 5 8e98Ç Glass Funnel -------25e TTPyrex Botties___ 25e ElEvenflo Botties, Compiete ------- -39e ______________Absorbent Cotton, 1-lb. 79e éttee WC7 59Ç 1. l-9.ý m 1 1 .1 il .1 1 TRI CAMADUN STATZSIL&M. ROV:bIANVrrý19. ONTAKYô .MMM -l R à y -OIT% A'W ipim 0-2 4dbAý