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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1949, p. 7

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Tu mDAY,,lu# eSOCIAL Au PERSONAL Ini the Jack and Jili Club write- up last week the names e! the correspondlng and recamcing sec- retaries wcre can!used. These should have read: Correspond- ing Secretary-Howard and Stel- la Blckle; Recording Secretary- George and Helen White. A memenil gifttIn memory o! the late Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Rey- nolds, was dedieated in an lm- pressive cercmony at the Annual Meeting o! the Port Hope United Cburcb beld on Wednesday even- îng in the Sunday Sehool hall. This memorl remembrance, a cbester!ield and chair, will be uscd as tumnishings for the vestry which is In the procesa! being. re-equlpped. Congratulations ta Miss Joan Woolley who bas successfully passed ber examinations and is now a reglstercd bairdresser. Joan semved ber three yeams ap- prenticesblp at Collette Beauty Parlours, Oshawa, and wiil con- tinue on the staff there. She is only daugbter ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley, Qucen Street. .Mr. John Carscadden, Beech * Ave. will observe his 90thbibrth- day annlversary on Tuesday, Feb. S. Mns. George Krelg, Preston and Mns. E. W. Hanian, Taronte, vlszited thein parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter. Mn. and Mrs. Edward Hawkey, Edmonton, Is vlsitlng hi% parents, Mr. and Mis. Richard Hawkey and his sister, Mrs. Garnet Me- Coy. Mr s. Beatrice Hall and son Bar- #ýrTaranto, spent the week-end witb their tather, Dr. J. C. Dev- Itt. PAGE SEYEII . UUURnvqv A pleasant time was enjeyed severai little fniens and th mothers at the home a! Carl a frr. Adams when their li daughter Patay celeI>rated l second birthday. Best wlshes ta Jack and Mv Eliton (nec Ehle Oke), Bowma ville, and Walter and Mrs. BraN Ebenezer, an the arrivai o! tht littie sans at Bowmanville Hc pital. Speedy recovery is hoped1 aur townsbip clerk J. D. Haga wbo had the mistortune to brei bis arm. Sympathy la extended by the many friends ta the tamily the lette Mrs. Walter Logue, Ha many, Courtice W.A. met Jan. 19. 1 1948 executive bad charge o! t] meeting. Mrs. Nara MacKcnz apened meeting with a poem "C: portunity",. foilowed by pray, by Mns. C. Adams. Secretarý report was read. Treasurcr's repo for 1948 was given by Mrs. Hi aid Scorgie. Mrs. Ruby War'bu ton reported on Flowem Commi tee. Rail cail showed 21 preser Seripture was read by Mrs. Pei found. 'Vocal duet "More Lil the Master" by Mrs. Nellie i Lean and Mrs. Cecil Adams. Ti pic "Seven Ways ta Peace ar Happiness" prepared by Mr Glenis Simmans was readt Mmm. Ruby Warbumtan. Rulesi !ollows: Thlnk and act cheeî fully-and you wili teed cheerfu Let's neyer try to get even wit aur enemies, because if we d, we will burt aurselves tarmoi than we hurt them: Instead( worrying about Ingratitude, let expeet it. Let's remember Jest and the Lepers. Lct's rcmembE nat te expeet gratitude, but1 give for the jay of giving. Ti gratitude is a cultivated trait,s if we want aur chuldmcn ta grateful, we must train thema be grateful; Count your blessing flot yaum troubles; Let's flot in tate others. Let's tind ourselv( and be ourselves; Wbcn fai hands us a lemon, let's tmy1 make lemonade; Forget youmse by becoming irnterested in otl ers. Do evemy day a gaod dee that wili put a smile o! joyo sameone's face.. We are indebte ta Mms. Simmons and Mms. Wai burton for these mules as inflt ences for 1949. Mrs. Fulton wa asked te take the chair and cer duct the election o! officers fo 1949 as follows: Pmesident-Mr: Joe MacKenzie; lst vice-Mn Eddie Warburton; Treas.-Mn Harold Scorgie; Rec. Secy.-M Cecil Adams; Carres. Secy.-Mn Ceciu Simmons; Pianist--Mrx Clarence Penfound. Refmesh ments werc served. C.G.I.T. met in the cbumch o Saturday atternoon. Rail eau w.a called cach member answering b: something they wauld like ta cý in C.G.I.T. Minutes wcme read b, Bcth Dean. Prayer wvas read b, Louise Welnert and a stomy en titled "A Story For You" wa read by Mrs. Herron. Betty Wil son and Shirley Brooks were ap pointed as scrutirieers for thg election o! officers. The follow, ng girls were eiected: President- Domothy Hockin; ist Vice-Bett3 Wilson; 2nd Vice-Patsy Hackin Secretary-Louise Weinert; Treax urer-Margaret MacGmegar; Presý Reporter-Carolyn MacGrcgom. HAMPTON Mr. Jlm Paterson, Unive of Western Ontario, Lon, spent the weekend with bis, ents, Mm. and Mrs. W. L. Pi son. Dr. Mary L. Northway, Dorotby M. James and Mm. Mason, Toronto, were weel visitors wlth Mrs. N. S. B. Jai Mrs. G. F. Purdy bas retur home atter spending a weeP Bobenygeon with hem sister law, Mrs. W. R. Graham. Mm. anid Mrs. D. Stainton tamily, Tymone; Mm. and Mrs Lowe and famliy, Port Hope,v Mm. and Mrs. Gea. W. Graha About 45 members o! Tri: Young People's Union v guests o! the Maple Grave Ion an Wednesday evening, ýB.RY-CREE. Mm. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and tamily, Taunton, at Tom Wcst- iakc's. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo, Miss Ruby Colwill and Ralpb Simpson visited Mm. and Mrs. J. WIllis and Miss Beatnice Colwill, Tomanto. Mm. and Mrs. T. Wray visited -Mm. and Mrs. Jackson, Wray, Osb- 9awa. Misses Dora Purdon, Ailiston, and Margaret Purdan, Cherry- wood, with their parents. rMm, and Mrs. A. Ciemens, Bew- -manville, visited Mr. and Mms. Lavemne Ciemens. Mms. Alt Deweil and Miss Gert- rude Dewell, Bowmanville, at Sam and Percy Deweil's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwaod, Marilyn and Sandra visitcd tri- ends in Oshawa. Bruce Hogarth, Guelph, vimited bis parents on Sunday. Mm. and Mmm. Ivan Law, Whitby, Mm. and Mrs. Russell Pcrkîns, Zion, vIsited at Lorenzo Trull's. Mmm. R. J. McKessock, Mm. and Mmm. Bryce Brawn and baby, Jean, Oshawa, Mms. H. E. Tink, Solina, Mr. Ait Deweli and Larry, Bow- manville, visitcd Mm. and Mmm. Pemcy Dcweii. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo and Miss Ruby Caiwili attended the Warren-Wilson wedding In Osh- awa Saturday. Women's Institute "Open Night" is being held this Thursday night, Feb. 3md, when Rev. S. R. Hen- derson, Bawmanvillc, will be the guest speaker. Mm. and Mmm.- Gea. Armour vis- ited Mr. and Mms. R. H. Wood, Omono, on the occasion a! Mmm. Woods' 86th bithday on Jan. 24. Hem many Hampton friends ex- tend best wishes to Mrs. Wood, who is stîli canfined to ber bed ince beaklng hem hip last May. Mmm. K. Wînterburn who bas b'een assisting in the home o! Mm. and Mmm. Wood, lu now at home. An event o! intcmcst was heid at the tawn bail on Manday even- Ing wben Mn. and Mmm. Jim Han- na (nec Ruth Fergusan) were the banoured guestm and weme pre- senftr1 on bhal~f of the. ah.Tmnfnr Ssity don, par- ater- Dr. Don kend imes. rned c in and s.R. AwtI îIM. nity 6vere Un- Jan. Mrm. (Dr.) Narman Alin, Centre St., bas returncd tram vis- lting ber mother, wba is recaver- Ing niceiy tram hem ecent seriaus Illincss, at Taft, Calitomnia. wrs. George Freeiand, Toronto, ln renewing hem subscription wie:I always enjay reading the "Goad Old Town Paper"- especiaily your editoiais. Mi's. Margaret V. Stanley, 28 Beecbwood Ave., York Milîs, writes: Enclosed find cheque for renewai ta Statesman tor 1949. I get se much pleasune getting the home news. Mr. Gardon Carnegie, wba bas 7, beep on the Canadian Bank a! Cormmerce staff here, bas return- cd to Part Perny, where he will b%, employed with the Carnegie Hardware. Mm. R. L. Mitchell, local Mana- ger Canadian Bank o! Commerce, was a gueat a! Tomonte Canadian Club at Royal York an Monday noon wbcn bis brother, Mn. W. A. Mitchell, New York City, Vice-President et J. P. Morgan and Co., addmesscd the club. ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterian Church Corner of Church and Temperance Streets 10 a.r.- Sunday School il a.m.- Church Service Mînister: Ur~ ..t -- --sYuLes n A. Organist: Miss Louise Osborne. Came and Sing the Psalms and Paraphrases ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencier Wright Rector W. E. C. Workman, L.L.C.M. R.M.T., Organist 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class 1l a.m.-HaIy Communion Subjeet: "A Spiritual New Look" 71 p.m.-Evensong Subjeet: "Keeping Your Head" Corne anc -A' TRINTY UNI'r Services at li c Rev. S. IR. Henderson, B.A., REI Minlster. TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMAMVTT.?.V~ flWI'A~?n SYRUP TAR & COD LIVER OIL, reg. 39ec- - 29c KLEEN-OR SODIUM PERBORATE, reg. 25c --19c OINTMENTS: Zinc, Boracie, Etc., reg. 25e .19e MUSTARD RUB, reg. 25e -------------17c FULLERS EARTR, 4-oz., reg. 15e ---lic WHITE EMBROCATION, reg. 29c, 49o 22o - 37e PABISAL TABLETS, 100's, reg. 89e ----67e GLYCERIN, 2-oz.. reg. 20ce -------------16e "1BROWNIE" WRITING PADS, reg. De-------- - 7c VITAMIN BI TABLETS, 100's, 300's, reg. 37c, 79e - 23c - 49e LAVENDER SHAVE LOTION, reg. 43o ---....- -33e WILD STRAWBERRY COMPOUND, reg. 25c --_ 18e s MAPLE GROVE 1 by heir and ttle her &às. ,an- ier aos- fer rth eak ieir o! :ar- rhe the mie yer ys ýrt lt- nt. ike [c- .0- nd Ers. by as Lii ith of t's ;us )er to ai sc tc ni- es te to th- ec on cd r- ras n. lor rs. rs. .s. .s. s. rs. ;h- 's friends with a lovely occassional Following is list of officers for chair. Mr. Harold Salter acted 1949 of Maple Grove S.S.: Supt.- as master of ceremanies and Mrs. H. G. Freeman; Asst.-Supt.-Wm. T. Rogers and Mrs. Lorne Bradley (Jake) Laird; Secy.-Ken Sum- assisted in the presentation of the mersford; Asst.-Secy. - Arthur gift. Mr. Hanna made a fitting Burgess; Treas.-Clifford Swal- reply expressing appreciation of low; Supt. Jr. Dept.-Mrs.Rloss the token of goodwill. Cards and Stevens; Director of Sr. Music- crokinole formed t.he evening's Les. Collacutt; Organist Sr. S.S.- entertainment after which re- Edna Swallow; Pianist of Jr. S.S.- .freshments were served under the Dre efr;Ass-osMt management of the Ladies' Service caif, Teresa Finney; Director of Club. Jr. S. S. Music-Mrs. I. Munday; Cradle Roll and Home Dept.- There are more than 40,000 Mrs. W. H. Brown, Mrs. Sam Van- kinds of fish, ranging from the Camp, Mrs. E. Twist, Mrs. H. Philippine gaby, weighing one- Bradley; Auditors-Lloyd Snow- hundredth ef an ounce, to the 2o- den, L. C. White; Temp. Supt.- ton whale. Stan Snowden; Missianary Supt.- In contract to generally rising Doreen Jeffery; Teachers: Begin- prices, the price oN penicillin has ners-Mrs. H. J. Brooks; Primary dropped sbarply because of im- A-Pearl Collacutt; Asst.-Mrs. proved production methods. S. Morton; Primary B-Ruth The total loss o! life in World Preston; Asst.-Mrs. I. Munday; War II is estimated at 78 million- Jr.-Jean Burgess; Assts.-Mrs. 32 million troops, 26 million killed Ken Summersiord; Susie Laird; in concentration camps, 20 million Int. Girls-Mrs. Ross Stevens. by bombs. Bible Class officers and teach- ers: Pres.-Lloyd Snowden; Secy. -Mrs. W. H. Brown; Asst.-Mrs.j The Statesman Sold Morley Flintoff; Treas.-H. J. Brooks; Flower Com.-Mrs. Roy1 Ai Following Stores VanCamp, Mrs. C. P. Swallow, g Mrs. Ted Foley, Mrs. L. Hackin. Teacher-H. B. Foley, Assts.-1 Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle Ross Stevens, Hon. teacher-Mr. D. G. Walton's. Newcastle A. Laird. 1Wilson & Brown, Newtonvilie Young People's Class: Pres.- T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen Muriel Stevens; Secy.-Treas.- F. L. Byam, Tyrone Greta Snowden; Teacher-Mrs. G. A. Barron, Hampton W. G. Allison; Asst--Stan Snow- Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool den. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock Y.P.U. officers: Pres.-Jean C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Burgess; Secy.-Miss Jean White; j W J.Bagell Juy &Lovll Treas.-Ron Brooks; Convenors- J. W. J agell, W J ery aLved Joan Wright, Muriel Stevens, Th J.' W. Jewe fficW . J er n Ross Metcalf, Stan Snowden, Gre-E TheStaesan ffie.ta Snowden, Philip Finney, Do-( reen Jeffery, Pearl Collacutt;1 Social Com.-Dot Snowden, Nor-1 ma Hagerman, Carl Schwarz, t vvnat did You do Catherine Campbell; Pianist- Loryne White; Ast.-Sylvia Buck- i Last Suniday h tqelc MoeThe many friends and relativesc was M reof Mrs. Wm. Jeffery are sorry ta W~orthwhile than bear that she bas been under the Attending- Church? Mr. Don Whitehead, South Ri- 9 ver, has been guest of Miss Doro- thy Snowden at Mr. and Mrs. Bill C Lewis. C i Worship Sorry that the name of Mrs. C. Axford was omîtted asat week G T - from the list of those for whom G the memorial service was beld TED CHUR CH at the congregational meeting. G Twelve ta Fifteen Club met on m.m. and 7 p.rn. Jan. 29th in the Sunday School F: room with six girls present. We Fi Mr. R. G. Harle, took a lesson in darning. Women's Fi Organist. Institute donated $5.00 ta aur Fi club. Next meeting Feb. l2th in S.S. room at 2 p.m. iu ýl OnTTTInmyrin Many chlldren are on the slck list. h Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeil, 5Grant and Gwendolyn wlth Mrs. Is Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright, Grant Iand Beverley with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright, Blackstock.. ;0 The congregational meeting of ITyrone United Church was held lFriday evening with a good at- ltendance. After the election of officers encouraging reports were heard from ail departments. A .most pleasing Meature was a keen Ldiscussion on the renovation of the church. A building fund was created with Ralph Glaspeli as Treasurer. The ladies served a Iflovely lunch including generous kservmngs of Ice cream, steaming dcups of tea imparted a genial glow n to ail our spirits and waves of d friendly laughter rippled and .- broke through the extended dis. i- cussion on the renovation of the schurch. We earnestly solicit your support for the building fund. ,r Tyrone Senior Young People met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5Frank Werry with a large attend- 3ance. Program was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees' group. Rev. Cresswell acted as chairman. Devotional was given by Mrs. Wes. Taylor and prayer by Rev. Cresswell; reading by Mrs. Art Youngman and review sof current events, 1948, by Mrs. yRalph Glaspeli; solo by Gordyn :Brent. Ideàl for the coming year jwas given by Mrs. G. Rosevear. jSeveral humorous readings were -given by Mrs. Broome. Percy sWerry had charge of contests. Mrs. Everton White led in a singsong. A delicious lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry attended a birthday party Saturday evening at the home of Miss Florence Werry, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George White and Jean, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Moffatt, Shirley and Leon, Bowmanville, Mrs. V. Milison, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Millson, Orono, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. A. Spicer and family and Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Laura Virtue and Mr. Milton Vir- tue. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Virtue and John with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and Doreen with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne >Griffin, Purple Hill. Mrs. R. Hawkey, Bowmanville, visited her sister, Mrs. G. Phair. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hawkey, Ed-. monton, Alta., Mrs. Garnet Mc- Coy, Mr. Richard Hawkey, Dow- manville, Mrs. William Cochrane, Kirby, called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey. Glad to report Mr. Hawkev is much better. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alldread, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clif- tord and Grenville, wlth Mrs. J. Lillicrapp. Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall with friends in Toronto. Mr. W. H. Taylor took a bus load of people to the Ice Follies in Toronto Monday evening. Mrs. W. Miller attended the funeral of Mrs. W. Yates at Des- eronto on Tuesday, formerly of Long Sault and Tyrone. Sym- pathy is extended to, those be- reaved. We also extend sympathy ta the family of the late Mrs. Chalmer Sanderson who were former re- sidents of Bethesda community having lived on the farm.where Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller now reside. The first "time capsule" of the atomic age bas been buried in Chicago by the Chicago and North Western Railway. It picturès Present-day railroading and Is to be opened October 25, 2048. To allay hunger, a certain jungle triýbe chews in pieces of crude rubber. We wonder if they caUl them steaks? Local Mauil Service Mail Closes [L'l RECULAR LARGE r29e 4l BRONC RIDA for tight, chesty coughs --50g i COLD NEEDS PINEX Cough Compound--------- 49c PERTUSSIN Cough Remedy -----59C-99C SCOTT'S Emulsion ----------59c-$1.11%0 Buekley's Mixture ----- 40e-75e MaBan'. "'49" - --45c-75e Lantigen "«A" ----------$6.00 Vick's Vapo-Rub or Va-Tro-Nol ------- 45e The Two fan 890 Minard's Liniment - - --__ 2c-59e Alka-Seltzer .29e-57e Grave's Cold Tabiets - 29c-49e Bayer Aspinin-- 18c-29e-79e Zubes Cough Lozenges ---- loc-25e Smith Brai.t_____ r Cough Drops - f KOTEX -- 12's 33c, 2 for 65c - 48's $1.23 TAMPAX ---------------------- 25c-39c-$1.29 KLEENEX Small and Med. 18c, 2 for 35c : i i.iý' ý Alex We Deliver TAK IIE M'>j- FOR MORE IrENDER-LIGHTER NIORE UNIFORU PASTRV USE PBE LL PLOUR^l , 1 il TYRO E B ACKT7ftPa dance in the Community Hall, TY ON .DIA Jib'UC riday with a go tedne r Mr.WeslAnather dance will be held ini a r Mr. WcaXecy HUiS, Agrlcultural Glenn VanCamp Is In Oshawa month. Shol, Hamilto , dMrss Gardo Hospital suffering fram mastoidu. United Church W.A. met at Mrg. HUIs, Hamtebron mal Ms Besale Mr. J. McKibbin and Margaret George Fowier's, Tuesday. ila, terboar norm adMSchol hve returned home tram Taranto There was a good attendance at wibt hhir aets ads. bringlng baby John with themn. the United Cburch an Tbsursday Albet Hils.A big praperty deal took place evcning for the Pot luck 9up. W.M.S. will xdiet this Thursday recently in the village. Ti a n ogeainlmeig at the home of Mns. L. J. Goodman the sale o! the large brick build- Wnd oHeLoMsion Band was at 2 p.m. lng whlcb George Crawford bad held at Mrs. Ceeil Hili's on Jan. A game o! hockey was played converted Into apartments. There 29th. Catherine Bailey read the on Monday nlgbt between Sauina are six tamilies housed therein. scripture. Joan Venning read a and Tyrone at Blackotock. In the "«Wifliamsburg" days the stary. Joyce Farder gave the A number tram here chartercd building was a busy hotel. Harold prayer. Joan Venning read a let- a Garton bus and attendcd the Martin, Canada Bread Salesman ter o! thanks tram Rev. Harrison. Ice Falles In TorontoTedyfrti district, is now the owncr. The rail cali was answered by a evening. Tuesd e fol J. McKibbin had a busy place in China. Donna Farder read Mx. acoald wlth day on Sunday. In the morning be lber repart. Mrs. Hill read the Mrs. Wlliam acdonpreached at rolnhiow Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barber and sriei roln i w story "Broadcast It". Sang byf MissC. Mservice Tarnte the atternoon and at ail "Can a Little Chiid Like Me."s Mis C.Mcenze i Trono. Port Perry in the evening. Mrs. Igll read a story eut o! then Mrs. W. T. Werden witb Mr. Mrs. Myrtle Cann, Vancouver, book et "Dike Against the Sea." t, and Mrs. Jim Shorten, Toronto. wlth bier aunt, Mri. James Henry. Scbeol children had a holiday Sympatby is extended ta Mr. 5There were 8 tables o! cuchred Friday ast Mm. H. Pbllp was an James Byers and other relatives ofet the Institute Card Party in the a business trip ta Tarante. Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Sanderson, Cornmunty Hall, Wednesday ev- Jams ad LoydAilrea viit-wba died Jan. 28tb, at the home ening. Prizes were won by Mrs. James an Lloyd lldread isit. Prcy VanCap ndOm d cd Mr. and Mrs. William Robison of!lher daugbter, Mrs. D. Kay, in Peampanghso. at Pontypool wbo are bath quite Tarante. She was bumied 'on Wrgt Ili. Monday In Cadmus United Cem- A Port Perry bus took a load o! Mr. and Mri. Charlés Burrison, etery. young people ta Taronte Manday' Mrs. Robert Staples and Dianne, Agricultural Society sponsared evening ta the Ice Follies. Every- h Gore's Landlng, Mrs. Eric Kelley, one reported a gaad time. t4 Harwood, Mr. and Mmm. Erýn n /e~ie Tlmlin, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. ____________ Henry Haines and Blle, Port TOrent, small modern house or HOW TO CAKE FORI Hope, wlth Mr. and Mms. Wiilis apartment, unfurnisbed. Apply HOUSE PLANTS e Stewart, and Mms. Dawson Tim- Recreational Director, Phone 880. TJ lin, wbo bas been looking atter 5-1 Those Cbristmas gift plants wil s( Mxi. Stewart. Glad ta report Mrs. __ Stewart lmpraving. neyer below 60 degrees, and does nat relish sudden changes o! tema- perature. A plant needs watcr when the soil bas dried eut so that it crum- bIcs in the hand. Most plants are best watered by standing the pot for a !ew minutes in a shallow pan or saucer containing an inch or two et water. The pot should be remavcd wben the surface of the soil appears moist. The humidity in most homes Is far too law for bouse plants- particulamly cyclamens. Humidi. fiers or pans et watem piaced on adiators wvill lielp. Standing the pots on saucers or tmays of gravel wbicb arc kcpt moist is another way ta provide humldity, but thc OVALTINE, NEEDS o-------39c-67c-$ 1.10 -----------29c-49c-89c )0 ------------- 59C Fitch Dandruff Remover Shamzoo . .39cg, 69c, 980 Nestie Hairlac -. 35c, 65c Ollve'on Hair Dressing -- 40c, 55c, $1.00 WiIdroct Crez-m-O11 59e Nestie Colorinse 15c, 35e ~ ~ SCOTT'S EMULSION The High Energy Year-Round ,~Family Tonic- Dam Rich in Vitamin A and Sunshine S9and~ll Pau,»O îvoftr hcomplfeho9 wuappu 3 730 5*1ES R"L 32c ROILS FOR SPCIAL OFFLR $2.50 VALUE 'LARGE SIZE- 16 OZ, OLIMliTUo tome OMfIT SMOOTHSKIN 4 C&ftdZ2otftl MAC LEAN ZwMzt:01mzOWOC 'Ptd lok.YooM STOMAC OWMIE w w.w. .R 'a otsmooifmss PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECLALTY Drugs Phone 792 VALENTINE GIFTS1 I.D.A. BIRAND WEEK-END SPECIALS OGILVIE CREME SHAMPOO -$1.00 box of 12 Boof4 Modess Beits 290 McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store last longer and bloom. more pro- fusely if they are given ample sunlight, if the air is kept cool and iioist; if the soil is neyer allowed ;o dry aut; if tbey are kept out of draughts; and if Insects are kept under contrai. The tempemature in most bouses during winter is genemaily tee warm for Most Plants-partcul- arly at night. That la probably whby grandmatber grew better house plants than many o! us do today-ber maams weme cooler at nlgbt. Night temperatures sbould be 60 degrees or lower, se It is warth maving a plant to thc cool- est room in the bouse at nigbt. The exception ta thLs Is the Pain- 1 MW ettia whicb likes wamm nights, pot itself must not stand in watem. Pnell Creme fl Shampea ----27c, 63e, 89e VLustr..Creme ~ELLODMShampoo --- 29c, 55c, $1.00 IIAIR Ftch Creme UN HANDY udaut Rame TUBE Praet -- 3.25 'NRND25449 Ref il-- --- 51.75 SToni Rame WILDROOT Permanent $2.50 HAIM TONJO 59e - $1.09 Ref il$1.25 HAIR 1 1 DRENE Shampo( HALO Shampoo SHASTA Shampi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvmtit. ôxTARTo 1 - 1

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