THURSDAY, FER lO0th, 1949 PAGE TWELVZ H AAINSAEMNBWAVLE NAT The Orono News Mis. R. E. Logan wilh a Case Hammermîli Corne ln and see the New Case Hammermill. With one of these milis you can have fresh chop m.hen you want it andi as you like it, Core ne and let us look after your rnachlnery needs for Sprlng. We have smre new equipment available for immediate delivery. NOW IS THE TIME TO BOOK YOUR ORDER FOR Swifl's Canadian Gro-Mor Ferlilizer W. He BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machinery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment el King St. W. Phone 497 Importa nt Changes in th1e new OSHAWA Telephone Directory To keep Pare vwith the steatir Inrase of telephones it the area. the Oshawa Telephone Directory for 1949 ,wiIl contain listings for the following exehanges ONL Y: - Bowmanville Clarke Orono Oshawa Port Perry Whitby YELLOWI PAGE SECTIONS IVILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE OSHAWA EXC'HANGE Ail other listings formerly inelucled in the Oshawva directory W~il 'N' be Puhljshed in a separate director3y for (obourg. Port Hope. These changes represeîît another step in our con- tlnulng program tb provide more andi better telephone service at the loivest possible cost. F. A. WILLIAMS, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE* COMPANY 0F CANADA very wel.l known as the reprsent-1 ative of Rawleigh's proclucts. To! his daughter Mrs. Howard Or-' miston we extend sincere sym- pathy. Woman's Association of Park St. Chorch met Tuesday after- noon witl'! Pres. Mrs. M. J. Tamnb- lyn presiding. Mrs. N. F. Porter gave the devotional, a very in- spiring message on prayer.em phasîzing these points, To Listen, To Learn and To Obey. Mrs. M. H. Sta 2les concluded the devo- tional b y reading a praver for mcrning and evening. Mrs.Tab lyn conducted the business.Thr was a good attendance. .At the morning service at Park St. Church Rev. A. E. Eustace spoke on "Our Christian Calling' this being the first of a series of sermons for Febroary. StresSing: individuality he gave a very in- spiring sermon. The choir sang the anthem "Oh Love that will not ]et me go," Mrs. Geo. Carson and Mr. Colin Taylor taking the solos. In the evening the topic was "The Great Companion and His Housýe." The antbem was -Love Divine" witb Mrs. Oeo. Carson again taking the soprano solo. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn visited in Rager visited her parents in Co- Toronto. bourg. Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson spent Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mowat, To- a day in Toronto. ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Mrs. May Johns, Tyrone, visit- 1 Hamm. ed Mrs. C. Wood. M Nrs. Jas. Ly-cett is a patient in Miss Shirley Porter, R:N.. Osh- Peterboro Hospital. We hope for awa, spent the wveek-end at her easpelreory home. Miss Marjorie McLaren, Toron- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraelick, ta, and Mr. Willis Glen, Ottawa, Prince Albert, visitcd Miss. M. visiteci Mr. and Mrs. C. McLaren. Davey. Mir. Donald Staples, Misses Mr. nd Ms. . Balowand Carol and Anna Staples and Mr, Mr. nd Ms. . Baiow Glen Wiggins. Toronto spent the week-end \vith Mr. and Mrs. M. _______________________ H. Staples. Two car loads of Masons ac- 1 companied Rt. W'or. Bro. Charies IT.vrrc'll ta Port Hope an Friday right when he paid his official ATTEN ION isit to Hope Lodge. Orono lorticultural Society H OUSEWIVES! held a card party in the Orange Hll on Thursday night. There Bonded Singer %vas 11 tables of five hundred. Mrs. Wm. Hoar %von the ladies Repesetatve viI be~' prize for high score and Mr. Ben Bowmanville and District Whyte the gentleman. Consola- every Thursday. tion prizes went. ta Mrs. E. White and i'.lrs. E. Hancock. Lunch xvas For information regarding 1 se-'\-ec and a social time enjoyed. repairs, rentais, sewing Oooctzn eesokdt courses, electric and learn of the sudelen death of Mr. treadie machines. Harold Allun in Toronto ear]y Phone or %Vrite Saturday' morning. Sincere sym- pathy' is extended ta the family. Thîs is the second death within Singer Sewing si\ monîhs in the AllUn aiy Machine Co. last August inOsa . Machie Co.Death carne very suddenly te Mr. Andrew Minto of Newton- 47 Walton St. Phone 1015W ville Friday morning. as he drove %, ~hi car toward Orono. Seeing the Port Hope, Ont.' car stopped on th e road Mr.R. E. Logan n pa sng stopped tc rec er assistance but found him _____________________dca' at the xwheel. Mr, Minto was SAVE TIME ANI) LABOUR 1 Courtice C les Club me Sam Van Cý decided the f rnonth -was tîme ta meet, ond Wedae couples were 7ings. Plans are per ta be Spai ta raise for crease and causes. Lloyd Doxý ra eouiisng sii by Eiiecrî Dc »grani in ch, Kay Orms', Sumcrsford, was as folle en bay vHowar Severa1 acco: 1Rogers: Solo- beautifull.v s a cam pa n ed the Piano a %vith couples vital ion of1 Ouest speý Feiend, Oshý bay Ken Sun began by sa ta have bec hio% tboy w( stidos, bu thievoq brea Me. and Mes. C larence Good-1 and stealing man and Judith, Bowmaaville, valued CaME with Mr. and Mes. L. J. Good- speak on Q man. usu-al blunta Me. and Mes. Russell Virtue ner he dotei with Me. Fred Moore, Bowman- wbere ville. d ta handici Miss Editb Woodley with Miss vi o hto- Annabelle Adcock, Hampton. iuth oavue me Me. and Mes. R. B. Scott with nchv i Mr. and Mes. C. M. Careuthers. thoy admsc Bowrnville. iugadbitnioil Mes. Eric Kellev Miss Merle s a it toe Kelley. Haewood, Messes Dawson ual so ensiîv and James Timila, Roseneath, at Me. Frie Me. W. Stewaet's. aire' wh-ich Miss Editb Woodlevy atteaded au the cappiag of student nurses at amusingan niols suibIDecti Oshawa General Hospital on Police Far-ce. Monday. WAilf Brow Mes. A. Hoar and Jo Anne with lation ta Chi Me. and Mes. F. Weeev. meotfn Mr. and Mes. Howard Philp and sekbfr childeen and Miss Jean hPbilp seak befor xith Me. and Mes. Russell Philp Ibirstc a euh Peteeboro. wetoresiugfac Me. and Mes. W. H. Taylor and xxe noxvsah Mers. R Burgess with Mes. A. B. C*iplcs lmu Stephens. Toronto. vasri am Me. and Mes. P. Haywaed and Wordeni. Mai Orace. Bowmanville, witb MerRban v and Mrs. W. Rahm.Ruyadl Miss Marion Haywaed. Bow- manville, witb Miss Velma Colla- F R cott. A Me. and Mes. Henry Stainton and family, Me. Luther Stainton PROVIDEN( xisited Me. and Mes. Harold Tock, Toronto. Providence Me. and Mes. Neil Yellowlees borne of Mer and family witb Me. and Mes. ton, ,vith 21 John Rundie. Hampton. "Food in saliý Me. and Mes. J. Elston. Powas- sidet that acisan. witb Mr. and Mes. J. Delan. duets is ber ey. and conume Mes. W. J. Miller spent a few the produeta days in Toronto. smimcrs of tl Me. and Mrs. Earl Luke and also encouire tarnîlv, Hampton, witb Me. and try toacnhiex fMes. Don Stainton. in their g-ooe, rWomen's Insttitte xiii meet It also belpst Feb. 16 at Mes. O. Alldeead's at 2 p.m. Raiph Glaspell and Harold Sbeep Breedees' Assoc. meeting at Royal York, Toronto. Me. Russell Hardy. Toronto. Alldread and Me. ,Jack Welsb T Bowmanville. witb Me. and Mes. George Alldread. Congratulations ta Me. and f F Mes. Fred Partner wbo celebrated F their 3tb wedding anniveesary on Sonday. Olad ta know that Me. Leslie Brooks, Bowntanvilie. formerlv of Tyrone, is doing nîcel), afier bis seriotîs operatian. MVr. Lawrence Tabb. Mes. Li]-' 'lie Prescott, Mr. Roy Peescott. Bowmanville and Me. and Mes. Murray Tabb with Me. and Mes. Norman Callacoti. Wbile reading the Tyrone neWS ia The Statesman. a feiend ______ fof Me. Albert Haw,.kev's Aho lives 'in the U.S., saw by the paper that he had been siock and sent bhim a Oet-Well card, which goe- to show' peoples names do meanu- something in the paper. Mes. C. A. Baetlett, Bowmaîi- ville, waq guest speaker at Jr Young People's whicb met ai the Manse Sonday evening. Mes. Bartlett gave a splendid talk on! ber trip ta Bermuda and alsor showed somne slides all of vhî were maxt interesting. Miss Dora- tbv Skinner's group wvas i charge of the peagram wit, tih Doeotbyv gix'ing the devotiona] and Doris Park read a poem. A r pesentation was made ta Missesi iMarion and Orace Hayxx'ard I Bowmanville, and Me. and Mrs. ý Stuart Daxx, Oshaxwa. of bard- painted plaques from the Jr. Y.P. A social time wnas sp ent. Tyrone MissianaryN Society' met Feb. 3, at the home of Mr. and Mes. L. J. Goodman. Presiderît,! Mes. S. Jewell peesidedi. A lettci of thanks was read fromn the Boxw- jmanville Hospital tbanking t he 4 0 r society for the fruit sent. Me. Jewel and Mes. Huis also tbauk- ed the ladies for cards and lettersý sent them. Devotional xvas gîx ca bx' Mes. S. T. Hoar after xvhicb TVRONE business was discussed. Mes. S, Jevcell bad the studv book.M Russell Wright gaxe tvo splendidi readings. Six new members join- cd last 'year. Our allocation fo r ! 1948 was reached vtb a gond surplus. A daint'y lunch w~as serx'ed. Circuit Country Coup-, et on Tbursday, %vith1 'amp presîding. Tbey first Tbursday of eacb a more convenient trather than the sec- îsdav- when more efree ta attend meet- underwxay for a sup- nsored by the couples îds for Treasury în- donations ta variaus "n led the couples in ng-song accornpanied own at the piano. Pro- iarge of Hou-ard and 'on, Ken and Jean Carl and Jean Adams ows: Devotional--tak- rd and Kay Ormiston; rdion solos by Harry c"Far Avvay Places" ung by\ Eileen Down, cby Jean Adams at and 'Carolina Moon" s.joining in at the in- Eileen. 3aker, Cheif Owen T. -ava. was introduced mersford. Mr. Friend a ving bis subjeet xvas me "Fin ' erprints, and ýork," with illustratcd shecpishly admitod akinIc ii'to bis home stides along w.ith a nera. so decided ta >uips of 111 "lu his and hi-mourous man- ailed mnany instances gc qîiips of la%\, \work- cap police. is opinion on the -li v xx h-o vr" wreak- l te cities. Le stated i(îa gnon soxînrlick- eci b1 ,somione xho 1i2!cr tho n the\ arc emore benieficial andl for go1 t n d iiivitcd a "qiest ion- Sproved ta be both cd fighIteniing. on va- s connuted with the wn rxpresscd apprec- iief Frienri for taking n a vr bîs.v life to ea gatheriing stichi as igbtru I llern xxith ;n- ts about law of \vhich litt le. busicd thernselves nt sot i ut il lunch by iVarj aud Harry tro and Fred Wright, viFon Midv M~ FORUM CE FARIM FORI-'M se Forum met at the -and Mes. Neil Mut- ýpresent. Tapie was ls Clothing,.' Wo cou- vcreiti.siug o! food pro- neficial ta prodicer oer. Ad',crtising scîls nnd iuforrns the con- hein gond points. It agos the praducor ta ve the hi ' licz:tquality' ds aund inlýcaScs sales.ý ta mai uta inu uni frm- Quips of Law Topic 0f Informative Talk At Couples Club ity in grade, size, package,' so that the consumer gets the same each purchase. Advertising tells the consomers about the products helps them boy intelligently, but, to achieve success, it should not mislead the consumer by false c lai ms. We tbir.k the peoducer should take responsibility for merchan-i dising of faem produets as he is prnimarily infrested. This couldi be done through a Co-operative ora Marketing Association, as it ýstocostly for the producer ta meechandise his own. By prepar- ing food products attractively it helps ta compete with other mar- kets. Next meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Luxton's Feb. 14. HAMPTON Mr. Donald Yello,.lees. Kitcb- ener, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees. Home and School Association held a social ex'eniag at theý scboal on Tuesday evening. Peesi- dont Mes. J. R. Reynolds conduct- cd a short business meeting. The rernainder of the eveaing was spent in playing cards after which ecfecshncn-ts were served and a pleasant evoning was spent. Congratulations ta Mrs. R. Av- eey wbio on Wedaesday, Feb. 2, ,elebraited lier 9lst birthdayv. She %vsthe recipient of aumerous beatiulcards and gifts fromn bier mnany' friends who wish bier continuied bealth and happiness. Friends called during the after- noon and cvening ta extend best _________ vi s hc s. Sy-mpathyN of Hampton feiends H Y O is extended ta relatives of Mrs. 1____ Bessie Rabbins, wbo passed away Bible Class meeting %vas held at Eom-anville Hospital on Fcb.r at Mes. T. Co\vling's and Mr. and 2. FLinerail serv ice xxas bcld at the l Mrs. W. Blackburn's on Wednes- Morris Funeral Chapel. Bowrnan-I day evening. Mrs. C. Siemon ville. Frida.v aftcrnoon. A number opeîîed the meeting. Bible read- of Hampton friends attended the igwsra ,,M.D lc funeal.Intermnt as n Bw-,and devotional by Mrs. Garrard mauxîlle cemeteey. She ,vill ai- and praY er Lx-'Mr. C. Slernon. xxy av he remnemberci. by he 1Mes. T. Cowl-ing bad charge of cheerful disposition and kindly ý'the prograrn. Readings by Mr. D. liospitalit,\- in ber homne and was Black and Mrs. R. Olesen. Violinr i an interested membrr and wvork- selections bv ,ýMes. F. Denby and or in the Womcnt Insttitute and MWr. C. Siernon: Mouth arga .n and ethier actix'ities wben bealth per- guitar rnuiJc byv Mr. A. Beecb and mitted. Mes. MW. Blackburn, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcy Allun and a cantest on "Countries." Lunch daunoýtcr, Sheila. Oshawa, visited rwas served and a social time en- ber'parents on Monday. joyed. Mrs. 1-ilton Peters, Toronto. Manly tbanks ta Mr. Clarence visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Woodievy for doneiting a quantity T. Salter eind brother Harold and of slab xxaod ta aur church. Mr's. Saltpr. Mrs. Chas. William, Narval. is Kcith Billett. Toronto. spentrnaking her borne witb ber grand- the w,ýeek-end witb Mrs. Billett. son, Me. Chas. Rankine. Mrs. John Rogers visited ber Several aroiînd here have bad father Mr. Tompkins at Burketoa. the flu ti iwnter. l\lTrs. S. Kcrsey andi Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westover Mes. Harold Ashton and sonanBiatM.CciSrnns Clare visited relatives in Toronto. Me. and Mes. Sulas Trewin, Mr. Me. andi Mes. Ted Kersey, Lloyd and Mrs. Jim 'Martyn and Anne Kersey. Toronto, Me. and Mes. Elizabeth, Bowrnanville, at Me. Reg Keesey and Rannie. Ajax, W. Trewia's. Miss Marion Kersey, Me. Ken Ms hre arrTrno Pooler, Mr. and Mrs. R. Boras iss hrlaeynararToono and Barbara, Oshawa at S. Ker- Mthr opAe n. Ms ai sey S. Ashton. Miss Joan Frecker, To- ronta. at Me. Lloyd Asbton's. As in the floral kingdorn odors Miss Vivian Cowvliag, Beveels emit characteristies of tree andr Anderson, Toronto. at Mes. T flower, a peefume or a poison, sa Cowling's. the hurnan character carnes forth1 Miss Jean Black, Toronto. Me. a blessing or a bane upon mndiv- Roy Revîmolds. Nestieton, at Me. chiials ai-d society.-Mary Baker D. BlacikS. Eddy. Mvr. and Mes. A. 'Beecb at Mr. i Don Caresr, F.uiniskillen.1 Me. and Mes. Chas. Gareard la i - g g Oshawva. te New Dueflier Iarm laller Wagon Solves al rm Hauling Problems: ADJUSTÈABLE FOR ALI, TYPES 0F HAY RACKS OR WAGON BOXES At lcft is shown how the dual wheels may be placed in any position under the laad, quiekly and easily. Where il is desired ta use it as a tilting wagon, the wheels are placed onder the centre of the load for easy titting. Where more wveight is to be cnrried by the tractor, the wheehs are plaeed further ta the rear. Boisters are adjustable ta take any wîdth or length box or rack, and are remaovable. Has dual demaountable drap rentre ,wheels for 6000e 650 x 16 tires. Heavy axies are Timkea Roller Bearing equipped. Load eapacity op to 4 ton depending on tires used. Use your awn hay rack or wagon box or specini platform for your specmal nceds. The tiltiag frame simplifies loading and unloading. DRIVING TRACTOR INTO BARN us A FIRE HAZARD Why take a chance? With the Buehler Farmn Trailer Wagon you can casily BACK into barn with a load on, leaving tractor on the outside. No need of saving vatuabte space ta drive tractor in. Utilize ex'ery foot of fluor space. Fit] your harn to thc doors. IT TILTS-lT BACKS EASY- IT TURNS SHORT- IT RUNS EASY-IT IS VERSATILE-lT IS PRICED RIGHT Ask your dealer for informiation or write direct toi Now Available THE MODEL 138 FERTILATOR FITS ANY DRILL WITH REVOLVING AXLE FRED A. PARTN, B PHONE:. BOWMANVILLE 2328 CUTr BIURN1S Healin S onad Aisepîic. Dr. Ch-le"; Ointmeo ak eie.Regular Size 69c. Economny Size. 6 times si much $2.23. A heraler for aver 50 years. KIRBY An enjoy* able exening was pen ai the Sohool on Thursday nigbt.r the event hocing a progressive ceakinte and card part.y. f Me.anud Mes. Ahox W'alker and1 family xith Me. and Mes. J Thompsoa. Me. and Mes. Wm. Wannan., Me. and Mes. Mviit Wauuan and Me. and Mes. .lim Rutiherford xith Me. and Mes. Wm. RutLer -r fard. X.M.S. met Feb. 2 with Mes. Youmans. President. presicling r The presideut gave a prayer a! intercession for China. Mes. J. H. Loweryv aud Mes. Win. Wauuan sang a diiet "Father, take my hand aud tend me." Mes. Ray-r moud Chapman bar] charge ofi the studv book. The thoreme as TxKingdini- Came Thraugh the wvark o! ChristianPeople." Chai ce uof stiichx book xasen- tîtted -Literatmire for the Nexx'lxv- Liteente"xxi his the th rîting stoe v o! th(,CaradîanMission Press in Cheuigti. Mesz. Chapman presoutod this siorv iin farm of a dialogue xith thr lhetp o!f fxe memrbcrF--Mvrýz.Staulcv Chap- mau representing e . Davx Mes. Orley Cbnpman as, Me. Yang: Mes. H. Morgan as Me. Peu: Mes. Cliff rCawan as Me. Kitcboîî aud Mes. Reid repiresenting Miss Floreuco Fi-e, ill members a! the Canadin Mission Press Ever.vaie saîng a verse of a CLinese sang and took part in a r{uiz. Mes. XVm. Altin tank the chair for the W.A. meeting.Mes, Reidi rend a nlevoîiouial paper based on thîe scripture. It xvas decided tou bold a ba7aae this yeair. SOLINA Mr Roscoe Baker has re-enhist-i ed with the R.C.A.F. and is at present in Clinton. Mr. A. Mur:ray was in Oshawa Monday and had the cast remov- ed from bis arm. After aine weeks in the hospital, he has been get- ting aioag aiceiy at home the iast two weeks and can now walk a litt'e more each day.. Mr. Tom Baker ondeewent a knee operation at Toronto West- ern Hospital last week. He re- tuened home Soaday and is pro- grcssing favourably. Bruce Tink. Art Blanchard andr Jack Cruickshank attended the annual H(àlstein meeting at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto, last wcek: Me. Jack Baker Se. attend- ed the annual Shorthoen meeting and. .vith Me. Cyril Murnford, attended the Sborthorn sale, inr Toronto. Miss Ada Pascoe is on a holi- dlay trip ta Florida. Mr. and Mes. Orval Jackson, Robert and Murray, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston and Marion, Brooklin, at Bruce Tink's.i Mes. Real, Wick, with Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mes. Jack Baker Sr. with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jobnson, Peter- bora. Me. and Mes. Roy, Langmaid, Muriel. Charles and Helen, at Me. Roy McGilî's. Eaaiskillen. Mr. and Mes. Wesley Werry attenried the Young Libera-ls coný- vention at Kingston last wcek. 'MISSES' & GIRLS' SKI PANTS and COATS 'OFF Take adva;'tage of this treeren- clous saving ta add sorne smart ski togs ta y-our waedeobe. A good variety of styles and sizes left at these budget saving prices. LADIES' WINTER COATS 331% OFF to 50% OFF Sec these beautiful xinter coats to-day. A large range ta choose from ia a wide x'aricty o! styles, sizes, colours and prices. Corne early while the selection is at its best. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 - 49 King St. W. -IBOW14ANVILLIIE THEATRE - BOWMANVILLE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - FEB. 10 - Il - 12 Color Cartoon and Selected Shorts NONDAY - TUESDAY - FEB. 14 - 15 0 P 0 IR EN E DU NN E "I1 REMEMBER MAMA" Color Cartoon Movietone News WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY ~ FEB. 16 - 17 Robert Cummings . . Brian Don Levy "MONTANA MINE" Groucho Marx Carmen Mirandar Andy Russell "CG PACAR ANA" COATS & SUITS Arriving Daily The first shipments of the most exciting collection of Spring Coats and Suits are now arriving in Misses' sizes. Corne in to-day and see this collection of the new Spring fashions. 1/ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TYBONE 1 Dr.Chase'sOintment 1 1- - sv*_ 1 Glad ta see Mr. R. McColloogb out around again. Mr. Herb Cameron bas return- ed from Kirbyville, Texas. il