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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1949, p. 1

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_ _ _ _ Fa nl _ __ ""Duham ount's a ilyJournal" VOLUME_____95 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THXJRSDAY, FEBRUARY lflth. 1949 PERCp (fP T1fD' ]Robber Steals Cash Prompt Fire Dept.- Fromn Brown's Store Dep. Reeve Creates Uproar Action Prevents Leaves Footprints nM Ia~wrTxs Serious Loss Sunday Sometim Monay ighta i lgo e t Low r T xesCalled into action at 7.45 AM, robber broke into Brown's Self i unay tef wanile ir ~evice Grocery, 27 2nd St. near i if lA ' Department brought under con- teran's Ave. and got awav with l a k S p o t fCo n i trol a fire that broke out in the 9ërO cash, the amount of change_____ office of the Imperial Oil service left over in the cash register forstto ondadopredb A sensational development oc- hie claîmed, would save the tax-stio we an opredb the night. The theft was discov- Everett (Mike) Osborne at 84 ered by the proprietor when heý curred almost at the close of the payers money.KigS.WsBwavle checked up the folîowing morio- 1 regular FcbruarY session of Town Routine BusinessKig S. es, owavle ing ater 1Within three minutes of the ngaerdiscovering evidence of Council, Monday night. Dcputy- The importance of this matter to alarmn the firemen were on the the illegal entry. Reeve Frank Jamieson. Chairman, the public is such that further job and under the direction of Entrance was gained for theý Roads and Streets Committee, details appear below as objective ifire Cwas ciltl ut Hout with- thief by breaking a back wmvndow. iargest spending department in reporting by The Statesmnan's re- fin en acminute ptou ih T faiiate lus escape the bari was remnoved from the bac1k door levi affairs, prescnted a double- presentative at the meeting. The blaze originated amnong a through which lie made his si-f barrelcd motion cieariy dcsigned Routine proceedings xvent along stacik of wooden cases containing lent getaway. Apparcntly noth- to save thic taxpayers mone *.v and smoothly with the follo\ving high-1 soft drinks and it is assurned that ing else was taken for the tobac- chailenged his colleagues to sup- liglits recorded. Decision xvas a customner tossed a cigarette butt co and groccry stock w-as ont dis- port him. Whcn lhe eouldnit even taken Io instali a wig-wag system into theni as hie paid his bill late turbed. Mr. Brown who is ppu get a seconder for the motion, or at the C.N.R. crossing to the west Saturday night. Several of the lar with his customers and neî-h-i a single \'oicc raised in support of beach at a cost of approximately wooden cases ,vere destroyed be- bors bas no idea wh-lo the cuipritf it. MaY'or L. C. Mason cloclared $8.000. A By-law was passed to fore the flames shot up to the was.f there wxas notling hefore *the authorize further extensions to fro n undterfesad meeting on wýhich a vote could be the sewer and water system. A ro n undterfes'ad The case was invcstigieced hv taken. special meeting of counicil xvas sheeting. If the fire had spread' Acting Chief Constable Becrnardf The question. howevcr. xvas of designated for Feb. l5th to pass .aeal oajcn Udus Kitney. He described the' job as 1 ,uch intercst to tlhc large uumhcr the necessary By-law to qualify it is believed an explosion might, an amateur effort for the ihief of ratepa ' ers present. largcst for provincial refund on road have occurred and a buge fire was carelcss e-nougýh in leaxe a turnout in recent \,cars, that thcY expcndlitures. The Arena Com- ssetidintereisad clear footprint in the snow ' at flhe gmthc-cd in luttle knots aftcu Ulic mittee was supported by confirm-n-0tenits. baek of the store whcn lie de- sessioii ,as over to discrirs the ation of contract to instaîl per~ Credit for prompt action in th parted. The small footprint hlidi- i matter and considier wvhaft thev manent seatinge in the new Mmhe - cats ha a on jvenledî th soud do "to rop 'thé' queù'stion. orial Arena. lives across the street. He tele-~i job. Anyone finding eévidence off Briefly the Deput ' -Reeve cie- Library Grant phoned Mr. Osborne and the Fire a sendng prc shuldreprt rand,Ëd two things: (1) Dai],, the case to the police. time sheets. duly' signed. whiclî Wt i ebr fcuelDeatetwe eswsoeh ______________ jwouid show thie exact division of present, the proceedings opened1 issuing from the building. Mike the work of the ton rew be- by hcaring Rev. W. P. Rogers,1 rushed to the scene and was ap- twce thetownand ubli Uthi. airman, Library Board. request plvîng lus fire-foamn equipment ' Basketball Carnes i tics; (2) A definite stop put bb asu in neighbouurhood of $1,0001 when the brigade arrived. Ad- At Hgh ShoolGym practice of using townitrucksasa rntadoenesi joining the office at the rear, the OnSauda igt This tr tl busies'icédueee(ContinLied on Page Six) damage. Mr. Osborne voiced high O aud yNgtpraise to Mr. Lattimore and the I. F~~lire Brigade for their quick 4"~i DaLalug t o-Council R isfs Point action. The lmss is cornparatively ketball Nvill be played in the D ri g o o n i a e,à o n smallan prmteais li High School, Saturdav yt e . mn restore thc damage donc in a few night. Port Hope girlsw Co Iunty Discrimination on noaps das play BoNvmanville girls at 7:30 and at 8:30 Bowmanville i ee a ion to M eetCo m si nT nty huc C or Mens Intermediat e s wuiI lga o miso irîanquty C urh C oi tangle with a strong team n uetdb from Dunnville with Bart A t tue régu lai- essioni of Dar- had been treated in the past. o a 'As citn 1 ngton Townoship Couneil1 hcld Rates PaidAso at n Smithson coning as mana- n Hanmpton Thusdav Feb. 3 From the fles n The States- In recogniton of the faithful ger. Deputy Re e Roy W.'Ni ols, man office, hoxwever, it appears service of Trinity United Churcli retiar eionf onte Con-il, at Darlington is taxed at a rate Choir and as a token of apprecia- Bairnoraionof odithes a th il and on an assessment which Plac- tion for their excellent musical Bam rlEuchres placed on the table thepic t es the municipality about- thecnrbuin o h uda'e- The pictuires above were taken Continue to Draw reortsleadcnwliche sunimariz- icipaîiton the lasiu of al]atheomu vicesrthetladies ofhTrinity Wor- by The Statesman's staff photog- of te Wadenwhih sunmarz- ii'plitis paing ate it mahevicsAssocaiesofwere hostessesrapher at the great banquet in St. ,î_______ Pauith'snra curt epedt-UnteChurcli.asry urmais ssciteb. 2.otese au wCurh.Fic2.whc ,~n Tueday Nthisesdflictgeirlonfexerit-ured hountiestrar . Ocu t digbfl anut o temarked the 25th anniversary of ~ah ueda ngh fr Ices f or .ca198uteîefgrsho tltDrinonad choir menibers and their friends the Bowmanvilip Rotary Club. ÉahTedyngtfrte Mnd o cer. tenin eapproximatcly $32.909 to the on Friday evening. Did Rt r past several weeks the Balmoral Mr ihl aldatnint counby treasury in 1947 and $34, . 'stinguished otauans frm .Hotel bas 'beeuî the scene of Ppe 40) in thc report whicli dealt 247 in 1948. These rates are lev- Rev. S. R. Henderson was many Ontario clubs enjoyed the euchre and "500" parties alternat- with rodcntruction expendit- ied for roads, sebools and general chairman, and the following fine proga htmre te ly sponsored by the Foresters u res frbi eidi us iadm inistratlion. It 15 believed at guests brouglut greetings from the ~--, Lodge and the Beebive Service and the amounîts paid from the lcast a blird is for roads ac- var. usDevitt. departments: Dr. eounty treasury for xvork donc in count. .C eit the OfficiaI Board:( u Clb(eea og).the variaus municipalities of the Breakdoivn Sought Mr. A. M. Hardy, the Board of I This week the Beehive Club united COunties. He personally Suc akrcrsaenta Stewards and Mr. A. W. Puekard, iv r J 6 - staged tbc event and lîad .13 broke down tlie figures to show oic akrcrsaenta 1n behaîf of the Music Commutte tables with net procecds bcbng that of tlie total of 5133,951 .86 dis- I'lbea h oet i e Peieto hiM.Oe h v o g o o n t e p l a c e t b c m a t t e r c o r h d r n e e r a e v c k :U Fund. municipalities for ordinary cn- eafor the p blias that intwo Ncols oitd u haa Cocra nerCifsamis inalte r tio and ainutenanceoflv-ftbe eountv jackpot over $67.000 during thc past monilis. but Cochaneand lif Sams i th roas ad apurtnanes, n1Yan d recei ved back on roads a could do even greater work in the 500 group and Harr 'y Hammi and $280.65 camne to Darlinglon toxxn- confirmed amounit of $280.65 in future. He emphasized that the A quarter-century period of Mrs. Martha Bird in the euchre slip. That was listed as spent for198Wehenthe94fius task required willingness te work local history was reviexved Pt a class. a sn0w fence.198 ehvntte14fiuean rcieChi ietrMr ra a-ceinS.P l'Ui- Mrs. Bert Colwell, as Noble Delegation Namned The fugures above quotcd are andG. prcie.Chdoriect Mr. gîatbice iht.PulsUnt Grad f bc ebkaîs lis ie Tis uslour th arun indeon the heading of ConstructionR.GHaleordM.Nih- ed Chuirch, Wedncsday evening. Gran ofthe ebeali. ha he Ths dicloure hatDaringtn olv.While Darlington received, as' remarks and cxpressed bbauuks Fbur .winwscrcie coileagues well organized. pass- receivcd onlY about i /6401h of back only $28065, paymcuîîs 0te lu is choir anîd appreciabion te Fe b-urve t.ewicn a cuicéivcd igaround the arraungemuent dut- thc amounts allocate d w a s1 other municipalibies for the sanie bbc representabives of tlue curcIh o\obs'.rve iJe RSilverv JubiTe o jes ecdlime, s0 thai, before the brouIglt Out in a discussionî hY a pro a shg s ~ t for their support. -rgam xvi.s a -ag 1v I six affairs lave been conciîuded. delegation which xaited on Dar- over $20jA90. What Darlington Tlanks was extended bY' past five living Charteur Members stili almost everynnef in tle lodge ivill liuufon CouIncil, resulted in couuncil 00w wauuts fo find out is president Mrs. T. W. Cawker. te active in tle club*s affairs. Geo. have donc heu' part oward mnak - \vhidh delegatiouî will meet with hiow bue wlole thing squares upiMrs. Irwiuî Bragg and thc ladies Cliase. Gco. James, Jii Devitl, ing this project a SUCCes-s. Mu-s. thue Cotnties Road Commissionf over a period of vears. of the W.A. for their bhoughtful Fred Vanstone and Dave Marri- Colwell lias donc a great deal of in Cobourg Feli. 15, Io lry fo gel Reeve Arthur Milîson. wbo is ness in providing and preparin son. Mr. Chase, tlîird President work in assisting the comrnititees. I fuît information oni tle uabrcr. a mcmber of the Counties Road sul1n xeletdnno f tIc club, actcd as chairman Next week. il wull be fIe For- Depuutv Reeve Niclols made bis Comnmission promused tle dele- Following bbe banquet, Missif affer Prcsudcnt Howard Rundie esters turn fnurIlîir card part, first appearance as a memîcu- of galion lie would do everything in Margaret Allin led inu community exten-ded a lîcarty welcouuue" b so be on hand Tuesday at 8 at theJ Counties Council iuî JaIlîuary- andi f is powver te sec fIat this partie- singiuîg, and evcryone cnjoyed an tle nmanv *disinguislîcd vis iting Balmoral for a wonderfxul even- n flie fewv days of flic session lad uflar road froin Hampton toe exenîng of recreation Lindeur bhc Rotarians aud oblier guests invit- ing's entertauunuient. You will bel ne opporbunifv of stuudv iug backl Taunton will gel everY coosider- supervision of Mrs. L . Goddard cd te share in btceînotabecas helping te complete tIe Areuîa. records te sec houx Darlingion afion in tle coming ycar. and Mrs, Clare Alliuu. ion. Fwve Rotary Charter Mem bers Remain Af ter 25 Years n event. Geo. James and Dave Morrison,. jThe group of five in bhe top Mr. Chase acted as Chairmanfor t. picture are thue only Charter bbc programme arranged by bbce hIMembers of bhe original 18 mem- fixe. -f bers left in- thc present member- In thec lower group, lcft to right, )slip of fifty and ail arc still Joe Caulder. Toronto, Chair- 1active in club, affairs. Reading man Canadian Adxfisô'ry 'Board, e froni left te righit are: Fred Van- Rotary International,' and guest Dstone, Geo. Cliase. Dr. Jini Devitt, J paker; Ed. Simmons, Trenton, District Governor; Geo.. Hart, Oshawa. Who took part in the inauguration of the Bowmanville club anid Harold Gully, Toronto, native son of.Bowmnanville, now President, Toronto Rotary Club, l'argest in the British Common- wealth, Who introduced the guest ee oFB Bowmanville Roýtary Club ýarter Century Com'munity- Service District Visitors wider reâognibion, bhc gucst1 Joining willittIc5f) prescrnt speaker of tbce vening. Joe Caul- niembers of Bewmanviile Rotary der, Toronto, Past International Direcier and present' Clairman. Club werc Rotary delegabions Canadtan Advisory committee of from Torouito. Whuîby. Oshawa, I Rotary International, made a Port Hope. Cobourg, Peterboro, stirring, cloquent address which and this frabernal district repres- credibed fhe Bowmanu'ille Rotary cotation xvas made unanimous Club witli bcing a Virile unit for wvlen District Goveruior Ed. Sum- two and a hlf decades in a great mens. Trentîon, brouguut. greiuîgs world-widc movement. Another anîd coogrr ýtulations froni tIc do- marked looor was the presence tire me mbersh'ip in thue 32 clubs of native sbn Harold Gully. Presi- comiog undeîvfhis jurisdiction. His dent, Toronto Rotary Club, larg- inspiratuonai message brougît a est club in the British Common- burst of applause iii honor cf the wcalth whicl meets rcgularly iuî Old Guard of fix'e and tlie 25- thc Empire's iargest huotel. These ycar miestone of tlie local club, points were made ktuown by Mr. IntenatonalSpeker Guilly% when lue inbroduced bis Intmaentatinaleker ofe colicague Mr. Caulder. To mke i anexen nf ven Old Guard Hlonored Fifth Line Citizens Protest Lack of Maintenance of County Roctds in Darlington With more modest claimns, Gen. Hart, Past President, Oshawa Ro- tary Club, former local citizen. delivered his accolade in which he traced the sponsorship by Osh- awa Rotary Club and his per. sonal pleasure in being present at the Charter Night of the Bow- nianville Club 25 years ago. Mr. Hart counted it a great perseiial hionor to be selected in the pro- gram, formally to introduce "Our Honored Guests, The Chartr Members" each a personal friend for more than 25 years. Chamber of Commerce Executiv e Holds Long and Dusy Session Discussing Many Local Problems t rai features of bbc eveîuing ¶uy no meauîs tells the wliole story for tle four-lotir celebration xvas replete witb customary Rotary fun and bIc musical program, which is described later, offered interliudes of great enî.oyment. A very ootable contribution also was tIc short hisbory of tle Bowman- rville Rotary Club prcsenbcd b.y Pasb President anîd Charter Mcm- 'ber Dave' Morrison, perennial club historian. A real anniver- sary spirit was fusomely culti- vated by tIe splendid, home- cookced dinner prepared and served by the ladies f St. Paul's Churcli. Naflve Son Speaks Hauold Gully, an inumitable iotrlocutor got in an advertising plug by rcmindung bIc audience blat the dairy industry~ was al- ways prominentiy represented ini Rotary- activibies. Here, he said, wrréGco. Hart, founider and Pre- sident, Oshawa Dair - , Bob Stbsv- ens, founder of Bowmanville's Glen Rae Dairy, Joc Caulder, Chaurman cf fhe 1Beard, Silver- wood Westernî Dainies, and Guly humsclf a Siivcriwood executive, ecar xitl 20 te .-)ycars simul- taneousîx distributing dairy pro- ducts auîd tIc miýk of human A farmer's market, liceuîsung1 retail peddlars, parkung lots and obtaiuîing oew ,iodustries occu- pied a large part of bhe discussuon at thie mouîîhly meebing of flic Chamber of Commerce execubivo beld Tuesday evening. Retail peddlars operauing in bhue Olw n and nt payig any ax r lie crnse to the town drew bbe most When Daringon ownhipthedelgaton djorne teporIt was felt fluai aumost al Whe Dnligtn ownhi th dleabin djorîedtemor itbe United Counties. From lcft ter bbe noon heur and conduets, Reeve and Dcputy Reeve and cal! sbray fan trom fthe beaben path. At, îowo refaulers te compensate for Counicil held its second meetung aril.y tuntf flic Road Ceuuuissioni ho riglut. fr-ont row te back row, 'its many important pliasea. et each other lv thein first names. fhe moment, Mr. Hogarh lias: 11cm rnen-payment -of business of the year last Tlursday, they meets in Cobouurg, Tuesdav, Feb. are showiu: (1). Carl Bradley, business during the lotir or five Sage Reex'c Art Milison even gees been forced- te hand over tle tax ho thc muoicipality. Mcl Dale were greeted by fuis large dele- 15, when thev il e on hauîd te Lloyd Broome. Clarence Tink, heurs of tIc afbernoon, as being se tar as te address somd of lus cîeque-signuog deparf ment te was appeunted tg inquire into gation ef Fifthb Line ctuzeuis w~ho agaun registen probest. Depuufv (2). Ailan Thonipson. Gerry Glas- the mosb convenient tume for its colleaguues as '1ev" 00w an-d then 'Mis, Niddcrv liceause bis right the legality et bIe act and to sec waqted somefhiîîg donc teimi- Reex'e Rnv Niclols aured the farts peli. Walten Pingle. Hans Geiss- members. Subjects include many but le dees if se kindîx' that tliey anm is in a sling as the result of ft blre is anv legîslatuon at tIc prove their road whicli is a eourihy fIat Darligton lad received last berger and Frank Pascoe. stand-* sudh as paymenbs for sleep killcd know ilat, witlu Ibm, it'us a triend- a uall. Counicul frai left te night, towsn hall no' standing that <an responsibilit.y. Afew others froni veau'on]uilv abouut S-280 cf a total uog: (3) Fred Cameron, Herrnan by dogs and relief, items xvhicl ]y title and in ne wa ' reflects LivingstoneMiler, Road Super -b-e put intefcct te increase tIc the Sixtî Line sat in uillthlenet ofS3IM.U0 spera oun reads and Haas, Henrv Dart and vcteran fthc present tewn ceunicil las net upon their ' euonger years. As in intendent, Miss Mar ' vNudderv,1 revenue in the town coffers. te add numericai strengilu. Alter simulai' work lx the Unitecd Coiui- ev-Reeve A. L. Pascoc: (4)1. Bruice te date encountered.. Darlington, Bo%%vmanvuill. vetera n Clerk and Clerk's assistant, Couniciilou- Roy ]Reeve Arthur Mlîson, ie\\ ly\ ap- fies. If va5 poinihcd eut Iliai th1iî-Tîuuk. Norman Breome, Roy unlike Bowmanville, allows ils i Treasurer Jïnu Hogarth, ably as- MecGilI. Reevc Arthuir Mlîson, ln h aÈ ie h a pcýjntedto the Cunt.N. oad Coni was no tuounoirtiorsI hoesmokeaith surstedlby tl'isoseefficientt stenogna-is J.fD.enHogaeofh.-CJ.Dr Hogath. rlrr-Tbersuet canvafssersase eekingin dona- mission explained bliat flic res- amounit paid inuotec Couinties' Unike Bouvmanxiile's town bbc entire meeting and the menu. pler. Marx' Niddery. guides the Cotuncillor Harold Skinner, Cotin- tion, for v'arieus causes was ponsibility for bbe condition uxas Treasuur 'v lh.Darliuigton xli hhas Counicil. Darlin-ton Toxv:nship's bers trequîcntlv, in th(, bat et a rotunruldrngits :ssons and ciller Garnet Riekard and Depu.1- broght up. Thiç headache w as not the ault of the Township ,bth seconîd highest assessnuit in governing body meets shortly ai- discussion forget such ities as. neyer lets the township fathers tyr Reeve Roy W. Nicliols. turned over to Lorne Doreen and luis commerucial committee wutb a rc .-ommniidation to contact aIt merclauîts asking for their ce- Operation in buis olitter. lb is planned Ie h av e orgauiizationis seekiuig donations apply te blie Commecial Coimittre for auth- ority in writig te ranvass. In otlîcu words a canvas.scr contact- ing businesshouses witîout a propet' letten frein bue Chamber sliouid be burned down. TIe Special Events Committee under Keitî Jackson repenbed on th<-ir artivuties for' the part month. TIey lad planned te liold an Arena Day in conjonction with fIe opening ot tIc ncw Memorial Arena but atten a thorougli dis- cuscsion ut was, telt fIat duc te un- certain wcatier and likeliîood of a biggen opening licld in bbe fall blat Ibis mabter would be postponned. The tarmere' market aiso cu»n (Coxauated on Page six), 4 ý'e ', - ý ý,' ulu xýrj.£i %iir 1

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