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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1949, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CA!~ADIA~ ~TATI~MA~. ~OWMA1~VffL~. ONTAMO 'TflJRSflA'Y' WWU 1fiN~ tUAS .anbmii tatouin Etabliuhed 1854 11th which in incorporated Vins Nw,The Newcastle ludependent and The Orono News Continuous Service fe the Town nanville arnd Durham County arized as Secon2d Clama Mail, IOffice Department, Ottawa VDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER w The fiowmnvi 94 Years' C of Bowir Authc Pst $250 a $300 a THE JAM Bi' Bowmanville Churches Up5hold Christian Moral Values We have bean glad te receive many com- pliments from citizens the pait week on the front page preminence given te reports cf the annual meetings of three Bowrnanville congre- gations represented in Tinity United, St. John's Anglican and St. Paul's United Churches. The ministers and officiais of eaoh church were happily able te, present cempleta evidenca that the past year bas seen a great resurgonce cf public interest in the werlc of the Christian churches in this community. Church member- ships have increased, financial support bas In- creased, and mont important of ail, young people are-taking a larger part in church affairs. Much ef the credit fer this revival in these three churches gees te the three yeuthful min- isters who have shown unusual capacity te worlc with church boards and inspire the public with a reàl desire te share whelesomely in the service of tha chief moral cencern cf the cern- munity, the practical application of Christian ethics. Bowmanvilla bas cf tan prided itself on its long establishad churches. The past year's splendid work is great encouragement for the aven wider intarest anticipated in the present yaar. This kind cf cemmunity spirit is one cf the great compensatiens in living in the smnall towns and the rural districts. It is in the littie churches and schools that people coma togethar with the mnutual desira te preserve the great moral herit- aga handed dewn by pienears whose early buildings are stili in use for teachlng and wer- ship. A great centrast is shown teday in the traquent news reports cf the waywardness cf yeuth in the cities. It pays te be bern and brought up ini rural surreundincp. Liberals Walk Out When ,Farm Debate Opens Well In advance of the cpening cf the present session of the House cf Commons in - ~Ottawa, this paper camaeout f latly fer early con- sdrto f the developing situation which finds t arm experts falling and surplus food products piing up at home until a price break bas already set in. We took the stand that the farm ques- tion is the big issue at the moment, will be se in- the coming election, and should have right- of-way in the House.1 S.Last week wa pointed eut that the Throne Speech offered net a ray cf hope for farmers. In the debate which openad immediataly, the leader cf the opposition and Prime Minister St. Laurent, used up f iva heurs cf eratery with net ct single reference te farm preblems. Othar private members followed, including farmer 1. A. Ross et Manitoba, with net a word about the farmer. The debate was simpiy political jockey- .ing te place "quotes" on tha record. It remained for the C.C.F. leader te broach the tarm question. Ha was feilloed by the Social Credit leader. Each off ered their solutions which wa shall discuss later. At least they viawed the question as highly important, sought te capture the interest cf the House. But it re- rnained for Park Manross, Progressive Conser. vative, London, Ont., te peint eut hew Liberal members and the Liberal Ministry were con- cerned with harried farmers. Manross pointed across the floor te the Liberal seats te show the number who walked eut from that sida as the farm debate proceeded. The record as it appears in Hansard,,Page 102, discloses that only 18 percent of the total Liberal membership and enly 12 percent cf the Cabinet setup were in their places. Whan 82 and 68 per- cent thus take a wallc, farmers will surely take note the implication. Slandering Medical Profession Speaking on a CBC network pregram, Mr. Colin Cameren, a member of the CCF, quoted health figures released by the Bureau cf Statis- tics and said: "These show that the medicai pro- fession has made a shockingly peor job cf maintaining the health of the Canadian people." He went on te say that "Under private anterprise In medicine a doctor earns bis living eut ef sick people. The tewer sick people, the better for seciety, but the doctors make less. They get high fees for cring icknsssQcthat should nover-have Member Audit Bureau ci Cireulation Canadien: Weekiy Newap prs Association JBSCRIPTION RATES uYear, strictly ln advance xYear in the United States Publinhed by EE5 PUBLISHING COMPANY cowmanville, Ontario ;O. W. JAMES,eEdf tor would conform v4h our recant editoriai damand- ing agniculturai policy statements f rom party leaders. We cen now report, atter reading Hensard, the generai attitudes et the tour re- cognized parties in the Housa, Libeaas, Pro- gressive Conservatives, 00CF. and Social Credit. Tbey were placed on the record in the follow- ing ordar: (1) C.C.F. leader Celdweli deciarad bis pelicy in a sub-amendment. (2) Secii Credit leader Low offered bis cure without ap- pending an amendment. Nothing cencrete came from the others. For the Libarals, the Speech From the Tbrone bcompietely ignored the develepirig agricultural criais. For the Pregressive Conservatives, John Diefenbaken, M.P., Saskatchewan, said: "The tima bas coee.for the Goernmant te tall us wbat it intands te do, and something sheuld ha dona NOWV" We egrea entirely, but out egree- ment wouid ha mucb more emphatic if the apokean bcd told WHAT ha would do, for bis -enterprise system cf medicine lives on alck people, it foilows that private enterprise in medicine must go by the board!' W. had heard that CCF Socialism was a cure-ail fer eur econornic ills, but this is the f irat time that we have learned that it will create a seciety in which there wlll be ne sick people. Mr. Cameron did net mention any thing about growing aid and dying, but the CCF medical experts are probably working on those problems. Best Possible Co-operation f or New Recreational Director Thanks te al.most unanimous support frem the Town Council and the Executiva of the Bowmanville Community Council, a new Re- creational Director bas been secured te carry on the splendid work organized by the towris first Director, Bart Smithson. In welcoming the new Director te Bowmanville in the person cf Vince Mathewson, The Statesman calsa for the boat possible co-oparatien te enabla him te carry forward and extend the pro&amme which lapsed fer a space following the resignation cf its f irst architact. With the new Memonial Arena opanad for aIl forma of public entartainmant the year round and the South Ward Park still available for public recreation, as well as the playgrounds at the public and high schools, it is hoped these will be utilized te the tullest extent for games that will satisfy the wants of youth as well as aIder groups et the tewn and indeed the sur- rounding district. The courtesy et the Lions Club in providing office spaca for the Directon and greup activities, bas been recognized in a fitting manner by the Town Council. The stage is al set for another year's fine programme of the Community Ceuncil. It is well to recall that this continuance came about by virtue et a municipal plebiscite in which the people of Bowmanville voted ever- whelmingly te provide the very smaîl amount cf money necessary te sustain this essential youth movement. The f ew whe were opposed, including oe membar et council, have flot made it dlean why they stand opposed to the welfare and natural desiras et the young people et the entire cemmunity. As a minority they must respect the wishas et the majority. U.S.A. Slams Door on Scores of Canadian Leftists A teature article in the Financial Post, Feb. 5, quotas extracts from the USA Immigration Law which forms the basis for the refusai et the USA government te permit scores et Canadian labor leaders te cross the border. Many have been barred for lite, the activities ot others, in- cluding their political affiliations are being constantly screened against the day tbey might appiy for a bprder cressing. The USA Law specificelly defines anarchists, communists, people whe advocate revolution to overthrow censtitutional government, or sabotage, damage or injury te or destruction et preperty, as pao- pie who won't ha permitted a border crossing. The story is accempanied hy pictures et a hait dozen laber leaders who hava been barred togethen witb the names of others denied entry. Several are CIO unienists. One is from Peterboro, anothen is identified with a CIO Bubben Work- ers' Union. When authenticated news like this is placed before the public, it naturaily brings inte question the bona fides et many other labor leaders. It aise intrudes the thought that the wedded trinity, CCL-CIO-CCF, may hava con- caaled in its ranks many others tee cautieus te permit their true celer. te ha shown. The smart- est communists are extremely caret ul people. The Canadien Government, as the Post article points eut, is net nearly as tough as the USA gevernment in dealing with leftist sabo- teurs. Ottawa was litenaily forced into the spy trials and bas neyer taken such severe measures as the USA about border cressings. Under sham political maneuverings the leftists have, fine ground in Canada te cultivate their sabotage, which in soe cases takes the form et attempts by way et boycott te "damnage, injure or destroy" long estabiished, legitimate property, sucb as, for instance, a free press. Throne Sp'ch Motion stituents feel honored ini thierec- Assigned ta ognition accorded him. 'Mcdor John Foot. In the Editor's Mail The highhonor of being selecfr- ed ta open the debates in the On- tarie Legisiature which opens on Feb. 10, has fallen te Major, the Dear Mr. Editor Rev. John Foote VO, member for olyubekneoght Durham County. Major Foots, in Wud~'ub id nuht his formai. address will move the put a few lines in your paper. 1 adoption of the address of His was at the Council Meeting Mon- Honer the Lieutenant Governor, day night and Deputy Reeve which, as the Speech Frem the Frank Jamieson put a motion that Throne, outlines the geverniment's the town employees be net ai- program for the session. lowed te drive the town trucks Lately returned te his Port home te dinner. The Goedyear Hope farm after another opera- Co. dees net supply their men tion in Sunnybrook Hospital, To- with a truck for that purpose. rente, occasiened by a war The motion was turned dewn. I wound, Major Foote is now pre- have eften thought the town hav- paring an outline of his address. ing se much money they should It is Iikely he will expand on the put racios in their trucks an' glanies of Durham County and 'snow plows, and a small one *l say something of practical im- the snow shovel. portance in the interests of the farmers of the province. His con- A Rate-payer cm Guaranteed 3% Trust Certificates ISSUED for any arnount .... for a term or ' five years ... . guaranteed both as te principal and interest . . .. lnterest cheques mailed te reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed te accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for- individuals, cern- panties; authorized by law for cernetery beards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTfS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Tarante 1 37 y@.ors in Busines Monarcli Lifte Reports FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT Business In Force, Increased 13.3% to .................$145,033,739 New Business, Increased 9.4% to ..... ............. $ 25,524,078 Premium Incoie ....................$ 3,434,423 Paid or Credited to Policyholders and Beneficiaries ---- $ 3,893,690 Âssets .........«............................ $ 30,826,320 Capital, Surplus and Special Reserves ...............»..$ 3,432,093 S. E. WHITE District Representative .Bowmanville W0ýrchLife --ÀstraceCompaW~ HEAD OFFICE- WINNIPEG challenge te the Liberals went unenswered. Fer the C.C.F., leader Coldwell recognized that the Canadien tarmars hava lest hundreds of millions in supplying f ood te Bitein under the totelitanian state trading setup et the present Libenal government. His cure was simply a stif fer dosaet the sae mmdicine. Heving taken a buge cash les. the fermer is new told by the C.C.F. leader that ha would intreduca "barter" or goods for goads, which in time would leave the farmer without a dollar and with a huge stockpilaet overpriced, overseas manufactures in hemn and wood shed. Ha descrîbed this as "intelligent" marketing and bas cbellenged the House to vota on it. Mr. Low, Social Credit leader, agreed thet $Canadien tarmers were on the brink et a fali, but ha scornad the C.C.F. patent medicine and cftered the patient bis own nostrum, Socia'l Credit, which bas been proved in Alberta te ha merely celeured water. Ha would print extra dollar bills and bend tbem eut toeavary man, woman and child in Canada to exp and their purcbasing power. People will recaîl that this sert et meney, as represented in German marks atter the tirst wonld wer, is fouind today in soe places as wallpeper in littia. bouses bock et the wood shed. In beth the aboya cases we tind these pelicias ending around the wood shed witb the fermer back et subsistance farming, and with unemployed labor clamoning et bis doorstep for a hendout. Since the wheîe issue will bave te ha settled hy oe or the other et the two major parties who will form the next government we propose te keep bammering along these lines te smeke tbem eut and tell the fermer what they will do for hlm and how it will ha done. The coming election binges squarely on this issue. By-Election Bribery in N.S. Cost Liberals Sharp Defeat Speaking in the House on the Tbrone Speech debate, Progressive Conservative leader George Drew placed on the record soe startling asser- tiens made by two Liberals identitied with Ministenial positions under Prime Minister St. Laurent. The sttements were mae in connec- tien with the loss ef the by.election te the Pro- gressive Conservatives in Digby-Annapolis, NS, lest tail. The seat was formanly beld by ex-Fi- nance Minister Ilsley and was considered a Lib- anal strenghold. Just te ha sure te keep it a stronghold, the Libaral straegists pumped in buge sums et money together with extravagant promises Io kaep the electorate in good mood. A national park ton the constituency was eutlined; the Naval Scbool wes te ha nevived; the buge epple surplus wes te ha purcbesed and $500,000 was allocated for cutting eut surplus appla trees. A million er so ougbt surely te tunn the trick. But it didn't work out that way. The Conservative candidate welked away from both Libeaaend CCF in a complete upset. Cemmenting on the brezen sallout bv the voters, Hon. B. H. Winters, a naw Cabinet Minis- ter, complained: "Getting votes is obviously net a mattar et hendouts or trying ta eut-socialize the socialists. Moe was done for this consti- tuency by direct financiel benafîcence then any other in Canada and sea what beppenied". Hon. Douglas Abbott, Minister et Finance, said, when told et a vote of appraciation trom the epple grewers, tet ha regretted the appreciation bad net taken the form cf a langer vota for the governimant. Thase statements wane daclered by Mr. Drew te ha just wbat they wara, rn attampt et public brihary by using tex rmonies drawn tram ail acres. Canada. Mn. Dnew callad attention te the huge sur- plus of $600,000,000 takan unnacessanily trom the public in the currant year by way et ex- ceasive taxation. Ha asked wby a bug..-ilice et this money shouid ha taken ta pour into one censtituancy te buy votes rethar than apply it an the naduction of a national dabt. There was ne answer. The Ministry set silent as the whoe fneud wos exposad. It is a fine thing te sea how the hend-beadad Nova Scotiens nepudiated the invitation te dishonon their citizensbip. We hope aur local Wood Sanat'e wilI debate Ibis pnoved record bat ore the next election. White Cane Week Impresses Assistance to the Blind White Cane Week, which i. being beld fromn February 6th te l3th, acnoss Canada, re- minds us that there may ha a blind persen in our neighbounhood te whom wa might "lend our eyes" tram time te time. The Canadian Ceuncil et the Blind and The t;anadian National Instit- uta for the Blind, joint sponsors cf the White Cane Campaign, have îssued the toilowing pointer. abeut the sert et assistance thet is neally useful te sightless people: Most blind men and wemen bave no wish te ha babiad, but there ara many woys in which sighted people can belp. For instance, te a blind persan wha lives alone, a reguler visiter is a tremendous asset - oeawbo cen read latter. er the newspaiDer te him, who con find things that mnay have been mislaid, check cver accaunts and do othar such small tesks whicb are impossible for oeawbo is blind. A blind bousewite would oppraciete a littie neighbeurly assistance with ber shopping, aither et the local gracer'. or an downtown shopping. Any blind student requires a regular reader, and many who are net students would enjoy the mutuel pleasure which naading aleud cri- lords. Elderly people who bave lest their sigbt ara less able to go eut by themselves than the younger anas and may, for lock of eppertunity bacame shut-ins. A campanion en a doily walk or an occasional drive would mean a greet deal te Ibis group, both for their health and thein morale. Attending games, playing cards, are othar pleasures te share. The men andi women wha carry the White Cane in thair trayais about city streets and country walks are always grateful fan e guiding bond te help them acres. busy streets, te locate the entrances te buildings, te lead them an to street cars. Wben ottering ta guida a blind per- san on the street, the Council reminds the sight- ed persan te speak te the hlind man firat te find eut wbere ha wants to go, and then te offer bis arm for the blind man te take. Candidate for Office Exposes Labor Union Trend Andrew Craig, a candidate for election as Eastarn Canada Directar, United Steelwerkens et America, (CIO-CCL) is reported te bave warnad the 50,000 members et that enganization thet "the wishes et union leaders are being imposed upon the membership, rathen thon the members giving guidance te the leaders." Ha also stands opposad te the 4-year term for union leaders and lsaegainst thain damands for large increasas i their salaries and emoluments. Hi. observations follow the racent election et C. H. Millerd, 00F, MPP, te a 4-year tarmn as International Diractor et the Steelworkers Unien, a comtorteble bigh- salaried job. Craig is on the inside, knows bow the machine works, and has boldiy stated tacts qulte apparent te ebservers net connected with union activities. It i. a sae abat that ha will ha de- feated and aise disciplined by the union hier- anchy. Ha cauld have gene futher anc eie the "wishes" of the leaders. The rank and file cf union members under 010-COL auspices as wall as intermed laymen, aven in smoil towns in which such unions exist, correctly viaw tbqe "wisbes" as detarmined attampts ta transform the basic concern et such unions into mare CCF political clubs. The sttements et Mr. Craig quite cenven- iantly open the door for The Statesman te set forth an arney et tacts thet will complataîy retuie the allagations recently put forth by leaders cf OTO-COL Union 189, Bowmanville. In the attempt et a smell coterie in this union te persuade its large, indif fanent majonity that The Statesman i. anti-laor, the wbele bellow-shell et the at- temptad boycett ha. fallen and will ha shown in ils complata talsity in terms extended from the bnoedsida delivened by Mr. Craig. We shall show how and why we are 100 percent for leg- itimate unienism and 100 percent against a pol-i itically dominated mamhership. Thanks te Mn. Craig for a dafinite contribution te the intareats cf the rank and file union memnbars. - GIVE US A CALL TO-DAY - HIGGON ELECTRIC Your General Electric Appliance Dealer j, - ... - . - - Lourtesy Globe & Mail !ONLY A \ý POOR FISH GETS HOOKED THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVnJANVI=, ONTAMO IM. 1148 PACM TWO THAT'S BECAUSE HE FORGOT TO LOOK AHEAD Careful planning of rour electnical installations i. tour way ta avold trouble in the future. Core ne and talk ever your requlrements ith us - you are under ne obligation. Then, If yau want to, be sure of the best In wirlng we are equlpped to handie any sîze of job. When you tell us te go ahead on a Job you can be certain that only quallfled technîcianu wîth years cf practical service will be doing the Installation. We aise prîde ounselvês in using the beat ef materials In eaeh and every job.

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