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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1949, p. 7

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THURSDAY, 7!!B. 1Ot1~, 1940 TEE CANADIM( ~ 2OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PA!4w ~wvw~a IlSOCIAL AND PERSONAL e 1 Phone 663 Mrs. N. S. B. James is visiting friends and relatives in Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Edger is in Peter- boro nursing ber aunt, Mrs. Mar- cus Miller, wbo is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. George Allun, Lindsay, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joint. Mrs. Geo. W. James is spending a few days with ber daugbter, Mrs. Ward Hoffman, Toronta. Miss Kay O'Neill, Toronto, spent thtc week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neill. Mr. A. Haines Cox, Riverside, visited bis father, Mr. J. A. Cox, and Mrs. Cox over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. James Larmer and Edna, Burke. ton. Mrs. B. Carr, Port Credit, was week-end guest of Miss Leila Carr at tbe borne of Miss Florence Werry. Mr. Allan Strike, University of Toronto, spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder and Helen, Sauina, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack *Large, Hunt St. A.C. Kirk Everett, R.C.A.F., Trenton station, spent the week- end with bis lfarents, Mr. and Mrs. John Everett. Mr. M. H. Goslett of A. E. Me- Gregor and Ca. attended the Hardware Convention at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, tbis week. ST. PAULIS United Church Sunday, Feb. 131h Il a.m.-Speaker: 4ev. W. P. Rogers Young People's Service Speaker: Rev. B. Morwood Northminster United Church, Oshawa, JUNIOR CHOIR WILL LEAD IN FRAISE, Mrs. Wm. Alchin, Oshawa, mother of Mr. George Alebin, Manvers Rd., Bowmanvillc, cele- brated ber 93rd birthday on Jan. 29. Sixty-foun members of Trinity Young People's Union attendcd the Oshawa Presbytery skating party at Brooklin on Tuesday evening. Mr. Allin F. Annis, K.C., Osha- wa, well known Durham County boy, bas been elected president of the Ontario County Bar Assoc- iation fan 1949. Major John Foote, V.C., M.P.P., Port Hope, was elected cbaplain of the Pipe Smokers' Club of Canada at their annual meeting beld in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Allin and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Galbraith and Mr. Clifford P. Joncs visited Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Orono, on Sunday. Dr. Eardley S. Allin, Edmon- ton, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery and family, Toron- ta, visited Dr. and Mrs. Norman Allin and other relatives in town. At the annual election of offi- cers of the Royal Canadian Mili- tary Institute, held in.Tarante, Col. L. T. McLaughlin, C.M.G., D.S.O., V.D., wvas elected a Vice- President. Chief of Police Sidney Venton is greatly missed from bis usual rounds about tawn. Sentenced ta three mcnths rest by bis physic- Îan, nany friends are already asking if tbey may visit hlm in bis horne. We welcome back ta Bowman. ville Misses Violet and Bertha Osborne who have been living in Tarante for a number of years. Tbey are occupying the McLaugb- lin apatment at corner of Elgin and Concessions Sts. Clifford P. Joncs, T.C.A., Dan- val Airpont, is visiting his par- ents, Mn. and Mns. Giddus Jones, after a very enjoyable air trip ta Seattle, Victoria and several wes- tern Canadian cities. Laten this week be leaves ta take on duties at Malton Airpont. Winnens of the I.O.O.F. hockey dnaw for the past eight weeks are as follows: Howard Cowle, R. Stevens, E. Gibbs, H. Corden, J. Macnab, J. Lunn, C. Bell, J. Nokes, A. Dewell, E. Gibbs, W. Conden, F. Cawling, W. L. Reid, K. Palmer, M. Moore and F. Mountjoy. New post-war GE light bulbs installed aven the front entrance of the Town Hall and the Police Office shine a welcome ta people visiting the libnary and the trans- lents and guests accommodated by the police. The former hazards in clirnbing the steps at nigbt arc naw largely removed. Provincial Tneasury rccently sent a cheque for $286080 ta the municipality of Bowmanville being Uic subsidy of ancernill on the local taxes. Witbout it the rate would just be a mill bigber. Oven burdened taxpayers with ane accord gratefully acknow- ledge it in the spirit of "smal favons tbankfully received". Messrs. Andy and David Lock- hart, Niagara Falls, Ont., flew tram Cbippawa Airport ta spend the week-end with their brother Bob Lockhart and Mrs. Lockhart. The two brothers flew aven the town buzzing it Up Saturday af- ternoon and then landed at Osha- wa Airpont wberc they lef t thein plane until thcy rcturned home Sunday. Mrs. William Leask, 'Elgin St., bas received word that ber cou- sin, Mr. Jack McPherson, is com- ing fram Regina, Sask., to sing on tbe special White Cane Week radio broadcast over C.B.L. in Toronto Sunday night between 8:30 and 9 o'clock and to take part in other activities in the interests of the C.N.I.B. Mr. Mc- Pherson is himself blind. Little ACORNS Grow To Great 0OA KS Thoughts grow ta character and make you the kind of persan you are. What kind et thoughts bave you planted thîs week? Attend Church This Sunday MORNING SERVICE 11 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 12:15 p.m. EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M. At our evening service we are revlewing the bible, book by book. Uniess you are entirely famillar with' the seriptures by constant reading you cannot afford to miss these services. There wiil be a fireside heur atter the evening service at which Dr . J C. Devitt wl show sonie of his own motion picture&i TRINItY UNITED CHURCHR Minister. Director of Music: Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Mr. R. G. Harle. First Hockey Battie February. 26 New Committee Elects Officers The newly appointed 7-man Memorial Management Commit- tee held its first meeting on Tbursday evening with ail mem- bers present. The first item of business was the election of John M. James as Chairman and J. Clîfford Samis as Secretary- Treasurer. Plans for tbe opening nigbt on the tentative date, Feb. 26, were discussed, wben the advisability of bringing in top outside teams or baving local district teams play the opener were given con- sideration. The outeome was that the local intermediates wauld be asked if they would consider playing the combined Port Hope- Cobourg intermediate team. In betwcen pcniods tickets will be sold on tbe Pontiac car. The theme of the evening will be nat ane of a grand opening which will be beld in tbe faîl, but will be an opening to make money s0 that the balance of the seating and otber facilities may be put in this year. It was feit that if citizens understand that this op- ening gamne on Feb. 26 is an ef- fort ta swell tbe Arena funds rather than the celebration ta mark tie completion of the Arena effort that they will turn out in large numbers to, assist the cause. The flat charge of $1.00 per per- san was set as the admission price. It was also felt that ta bave our local intermediates play the open- er wauld arouse local interest immediately in aur borne teamn wbich would draw crawds later on when the playdowns begin. In the meantime, the sluggîng job of digging hales for the ce- ment footings bas been procaed- ing at the Arena; the furnace is beîng installed, the hardwood flooring in tbe upper portion of the auditorium building is about ta be laid and the lighting is be- ing installed. Everytbing is now working toward that Feb. 26 op- ening date at the higbest speed possible. There is a possibility tbat an evening sbift may have ta ha put on ta complete the seat- ing but the contractors have as- sured the committee that they will do everything withîn their power ta meet tbe deadline. Donations continue ta arrive al- most daily but much mare is needed. This week's contributors are as follows: Roy McGill-$10; Goaoiyear Recreation Club Bingo -$47.29; O. F. Robson-$50.00; Jack Rice-$0.00; F. C. Vanstone (additional)-$100.00; Mn. and Mrs. Bert Jobnston-$10; Floyd W. Bradd-$5.00; Mrs. Bessie Densem-$5.00. Domestic Reations Almost Shattered By Darlington Farmer While attending Darlington township council Tbursday after- noon, an interesting story came ta aur reporter's notice and we pass it on ta subseribers ta show haw misunderstandings can arise. Walter Pingle, long-time Dar- lington resident, learned that a stove belonging ta his neigbbour Bill Hasiuk was nat working pro- perly and required new f ire bricks. As Walter was caming ta town he tald Bill he would try ta find some bricks in one of the lo- j cal hardware stores, but that he would requine the namne of tbe stove and the number. Bill told him it was a Clare-Jewell and gave him the numben. Walter copied the information on a slip of naper. When Walter returned, Aims of Y.P.U. Given in Address At TrinityMeeting At Uic February 7 meeting of Trinity Y.P.U., the numben of points earncd se far by cacb group was given. Tbey were: Fellowship 53; Missions 71; Cit- izenship 75 and Culture 64. The meeting was in charge of Christian Fellowsbip Convenors Dorothy Haig and Bob Williams. The worship service was canduet- ed by Dorotby Haig, Lucille Far- der and Ellen Ward. The theme was "The Security of Inner Peace." Dorotby read a story "The Latcbstring" and an effect- ive scriptural presentation was given by the singing of verses of the hymn "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" as a response. Dorothy introduced the guest1 pianist, Miss Lillian Naylor, wba played "Warsaw Concerto","Jal- ousie", "Penquin at the Walarf and "Waltz in A." Bob Williams1 accompanied by Miss Naylor atl the piano, sang "Still as thei Nigbt," "When Love is Kind" and1 "Just a'wearyin' for you." Helen Pritchard gave a talk ex- plaining the organizatian and aims of thc Y.P.U. She explained that the National Y.P.U. bas a constitution parallel ta that of the Cburch at large witb Councîl Conference, Presbytery and Lo- cal Unions. The ultimate purpose of the Y.P.U. is ta mnake Christ more and more real ta youing people, bath in personal lite and in social and palitical relations. This aim is follawed tbrough a Fellowship, Christianz *Missions, Christian Citizenship and Christ- ian Culture. %ý The purpose of Christian Fel- lowship is the enrichrnent of aur persanal lives thraugh worship- ping God tagether and it is the fellowship canvenor's task ta di- rect the rninds of others ta a high elevation where they expericnce the presence of God. The Christian Missions should encourage Christian Stewardshia of if e, time andi talents, as weil as money, and should pramate inter-racial understanding. Christiani Citizenship aims a teaching the principles o uni- versal brotherhood in order that we may be equipped ta meet the problemns which face us. Christian Culture is cancerned with the five tbings & ife, those things by which we store aur minds with knowledge, vision, and understanding. Miss Pritchard read the sevent objectives for a Y.P.U. as outlined in the Leadership Training. course. These she summed up in a single aim: "Ta Develop Christ- ian Persans in a Christian Sa- ciety." - One of the main factors in this development is worship. At heart the aim of worship is ta help the worshipper experience God and anly by the leader's ach- ieving what we caîl the "atmnos- phere of worship" is this made possible. Jesus Christ is the foundation of our whole life and we. as young people, must be vjilling ta fallow in His footsteps, for as aur motta Y.P.U.C. signifies, we are "Youth Partuers Under Christ." Dunn EuChre Game Drcnvs 96 P1c-iverç from town, unsuccessful, the slip I. of paoer was forgotten and re- Third Game To-nignt mained that way until a couple of weeks later, when, at the sup- The secand of the series of per table, his wife suggested they eucbres sponsored. by Muriel have a heart-to-heart talk because Dunn held in the Lions Commun- she wanted know just wba this ity Centre turned out ta be a Clare Jewefl was and wby be huge success in spite of the was carrying ber name and phone stormy night. There were 125 number. Walter, momentarily tickets sold by Mrs. Dunn with stunned, recoveredl quickly and 96 in attendance. Proceeds were told bis spouse that 'sbe was $32.65 whicb brîngs the Arena' nice but smoked far too much for Fund amaunt to date ta $91.10. 1 bimn altbougb she did iget pretty The lucky draw, a lovely Ken- warmn at times." Finally, he wood blanket xvas made by Mp. couldn't carry the gag any furtb- Vince Mathewson, our new re- er and told the wbole story and creational director and the win- both have been telling it, around ner was Gardon Richards, OdelI the township ever since. St. First prize went ta Mrs. Alan Moffatt, a $3.00 credit slip for Final Plans Laid meat; CGhuck Wright won 2nd, a lovelv bed larnp; Mrs. Stan Hodg- For COF Team Bail son 3rd, $3.00 worth of gasaline; j Wih Fee 'us ide 4th, Mary Corson, a pr. of nylont ____Fre_-us_ ide sackings; 5tb, E. R. Brornell, pr. It i execte tht th Arna illow cases: 6tb, Mrs. P. Bath- Bu iding Fund tlit shelle bygate, Praphylactic Haîr Brush; BuldngFudwill esledb 7th, Rhea Burns. flat 50 cigarettes several bundred dollars after the 8th, Edna Cain, crystal candy jar;J praceeds of the Valentine Baîl ta 9tb, A Iobbs, serving tray. be staged by the COF girls bah Týhis week's eucbre will be held tearn at Varcoe's on Wednesday, ta-night at the Lions Comniunity Feb. 16, have been banded in. Centre at 8:30, so don't forget tao Final arrangements are nOw buy your tickets and get in on beîng made for one of the out- the luckv draw, a beautiful table standing evenings of the seasan. cloth. An additional donation wý's; Wes Taylor, Tyrone, bas danated received this week fram Missý the services af bis bus and be will Nina Neads. provide~ free transportation for ___________ this entire area until bis bus is loaded. He plans ta pick up pas- C nevtvs¶i o'clock fram bis bouse witb tbe In Q LT' route includirg Havdon at 8:15.H Enniskillen at Petbick's store at Howl in House 8:30, Hamo)ton -.t Barron's store at 8:40, and at the Post Office in Biggest political news of the Bowmanville at 8:45. He wiîl week is the victory of the Pro- make the rcturn trip as soon as gressive Conservative Party in the the dance bas concluded. by-election beld Monday in Yam- Radio Station CKDO in Osh- aska, Que. A-ý Liberal strongbold awa bas agreed ta interview almost since Canfederation, the: members of the Faresters girls Conservative candidate polled baIl team and the Arena commit-' only 944 votes in the general elec- tee ~Td Fb. 1, bt tion in 1945. On Mondav the Con- 4 and 5 p. m. ta add further im- servative candidate palled almost petus to the dance. 19,000 votes ta win a majority. Witb only 10 days experience. Tickets may be obtained from1 in the House of Commons ,%here any me'mber of the Foresters be beads the official opposition, Lodge or the Girls Baîl team. It Mr. Drew defined his party's gen- sbould b>e noted that Varcoe's eral stand on major issues and on have donated the use of their one occasion the Liberals tried ta beautiful ncw pavillon witb tbe howl birn down with 200 inter-; round and square dance music be- jections and catcalls. Tbe echo ing donated by Ruth Wilson Va- 1 was heard in the returns from the r'1f-t'l -nd. It should be quite anj Quebec election. evenir.g. ------ _ _ Following the sweeping victory Ii for the Progressive Conservatives iii -£innapolis, N.S., a few weeks before, which had also been a Liberal strongbold, the Quebec result brought a reiteration fromn the new opposition leader that "The Progressive Conservatives are on the march."1 Speculation is now rife as ta wbetber Prime Minister St. Laurent will cali a general election this year. Romania bas disbanded the Greek Catholic Church there, and confiscated its 1,700 churches, flinastries and other buildings. taffeta frock with navy blue and WEDDINGpink bat and accessories, and a corsage of pink carnations and THRASHER-MIRLLER feathers. Mrs. C. G. Morris at- tendcd the bride wearing a navy Rev. S. R. Henderson officiated blue taffeta dress with pink and at a very quiet wedding in Trin-_ navy accessories, and a corsage ity United Cburch parsonage, of roses. Mr. C. G. Morris acted Bowmanville, on Friday evening, as best man. Also in attendance Feb. 4, when Leola Falle, daugh- was tbe bride's neice Miss Lynda ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller, Miller. Bowmanville, was united in mar- For a short wedding trip to To- niage with George William Tbra- ronto, Hamilton and London, the sher, Toronto, son of Mr. and bride wore a green gabardine Mrs. L. A. Thrasber of Oshawa. suit and bat with accessories ta The bride chose a blue clay match. Mr. and Mrs. Thrasher .VAJLUV and PABENA 25c - 50c FOR TIGHT CHESTY COUGHS will reside at 103 King St. E10 Bowmanville. St. Paul's C.G. LT. met Jan. 2Ç with Kathleen Yeo in charge of worship service. Bessie Yeo read a chapter of the study book en- titled "Greater Love." The priz- es for perfect C.G.I.T. attendance from October to December were awarded to Jean and Joyce Bragg and Colleen Hutchinson. Iso-bel Cruickshank and Jean Bragg of- ficiated as president and secre- tary of the meeting. Friendly Personal Service - Lowest Prices We know, because it has always heen one of our mnost popular days. So better pick up your gift box of Laura Secords to-day. CANDIlES EE *.15.E TUBEj A Wildroot Creme Ou ------59C-99C Suave --------------- --49c-85c S COTT'S EMULSION Te Highi Energy Year-Round Fm.iy Tonic- [L Rich in Vitamin A and Sunshjne 59 and$ 1. 191 Nea-Chemnical Food Capsules $1.45 - $2.05 - $5.95 SPECIAL Crerne Rinse FRE with Hiudnut Hlome Permunent 017 Refui. Bath for .i. VALENTINE IGIFT SUGG~ESTIONS 'We have listedi below - 0111y a fevi of the many idelightful Valentine gifts that your I.D.A. Druggist suggests. Box cHOOOLATES Neilson's, Laura Secord, Page and Shaw, Etc. TAYLOR Boxcd SoaPs Rose Soap, 3 rose-sccfted cakes------------ $1.00 Aiso Lilac, Carnation and Blue Sprilce. BATHETTES for the Bath Assorted Fragranlces --._65c - $1.25 - $3.00 '%VOODS Bath 011 --- - ---------~ ~ 60c - $1.00 REVLON Aquainarife Lotion --------- $1.00 "1GEMEY" by Hudnut Perfuie ---------- -------------$1.75 - $3.75 Eau de Cologne - $1.75; with atomizer $Z.75 ljusting Powdcr --- - -- $1.75 se s ------ -------- -- -- -------- $3.50 up SeAts ru ' ------75c-$2.25-$4.50 up "1APRIL SHOWERS" by CIeranly 8cl Cologne ------------7---------- 5 -12 Bourjois EVENING IN PARIS $.0$.5$.7 Perfuifle ~------ - 1O~16-2 Cologne -- -- ---85c-$1.60 T o ilet W ater - - - - . - -- - - - - - 8 5c -$1.60 it Face Powder with Trial Rouge and Lipstick $1.25 JCASTOR OIL, 4-oz., reg. 25e 18e COD LIVER OIL CAPS., 100's, reg. $1.09 - --79e COD LIVER OIL, reg. 89c, 16-oz ------ ------- ----67c CLEANING FLI, reg. 18c, 39ec-----»--- 14e - 27o BEEF, IRON & WINE, reg. 69e------------ 53e - 2 for $1.00 TINCTURE IODINE, 1-oz., reg. 20e ---- -------------- 13e SODA BICARBONATE, reg. 10c, 15c, 25ce-- 8c-12c-18c SYRUP, FIGS & SENNA, reg. 25e 18e VALENTINE GIFTS S$250 VALUE .LARtGE SIZE-. 16OZ. LIMITEO TIME ONU' PAGC, SH VITA-RAI SMO OTH SKIN t rogrant peorty pink lotion thot tielps pro. vent thot unattroctive chopped look. You'l Ieven use it for c body rub as an after-bath refreshment. I's non.sticky. helps your honds tô petoi-snioothness. Chase's Nerve Food -- 69c-$1.79 1 ALIMOND LOTION, I.D.A. Brand, reg. 50c Ex-Lax ----------- -- - 15c-33c! e7momtO$t/?Help relie ve DULLNESS e SICK HEADACHE ACID INDIGESTION a CONSTIPATION with eFRUIT SALT" Soft* Safe * Neat 2 sizes .. . Regular, junior napkins 5 39e 1 BORACIC ACI>, I.DA. Brand, reg. 25e --- ------------------ 17e NEILSON'S CIIOCOLATES $1.00 - $2.00 MACLEAN * BRAND STOMACH POWDER for UPSET STOMACH INDIGESTION SHEARTBURN For homTablais for RFolr homeus" bocket or purs; ç9 Regr UNLE EII&4JI BRONCHIDA I ACAGI 0OP8 200 tissues 91, x 101, 2 for 35c 50cMAN'S SIZE 12"x]2" 2 9C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY We Deliver McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterian Church Corner of Church and Temperance Streets 10 a.m.- Sunday School il a.m.- Church Service Minister: Rev. Louis H. Fowlet et St. Paul's, Part Hope Onganist: Miss Louise Osborne. Corne and Sing the Psalms and Paraphrases GIN PILLS Reg. Size 43Ç PI LL Economy 'COCOANUT OIL Shampoo, reg. 25c, 39e ------ ----- 19c-32c e Econon,:cat 98e Economical59 OLIVE OIL, I.D.A. Brand, reg 39e -29- la-g----arg--i--- 29eJ HOT WATER BOTTLES, reg. $1.29 - -99- - -- -- -------- --q Ipana Tooth Paste --- 33c-53o ('laiite's Derntal Cr. 25c-45c-75o Lyan's Tooth Powder 28c-45o MEAD'S T% l T IrY % E v C KiEv MACLEAN YOUR TEETH TO YOUTHFUL BRILLIANCE! The speciol lpeid solve nt mokas teeth dozzIiug ~ Tooth Poile Regulor tube 29Ç Econamical large tube 47Ç wc&%xr.à omèvmffl THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMA"MI.E. ONTARIO 1 L qi TMMDAY, "tB. IM, 1040 PAGE si7m 9 -- 1

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