?HURSDAY, MARCH I7tli. 1§4~ £ ~ .8JLJ~â V ~A1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTT.T.W~ (~rrA~Tn Dowmanville Hospital Shows Deficit Of $2,6 15.63 for Year Ending 1948 The Bowmanville Hospital revenue and expense for year ending 3lst December, 1948, as presented at t meeting last month is as follows:- REVENUE: Maintenance Revenue - Private and Semi Private ---- Public Warcs Special Services - Private and Semi Private Public Wards------------------ Out Patients ----------- statement _$26102.72 -9.827.75 Sweet Peas - 5,802.61 Sweet peas are almost a must - 3,639.61 in mnost flower gardens through- 144.19 out Canada. Except in those few _____ areas wbere hot summer nigbts $455 cam8ore eaî'ly. there should be littie ,416.6 difficulty in making a good showing. The secret is an early - 19.50 start, and preferably in a pre- pared bed. These plants, as well $45 ,953.06 as the vegetable variety, make their first growth when soil1 and $27896.16 air are fairly cool, therefore - 858.23 Planting just as soon as the soul - 163.67 is fit ta work, is advisable. -7,987.37 Jt is best ta dig a trench about -2,469.18 a foot or so deep. In the bottom -2,901.25 1 put a six-inch layer of well-rotted leaves and manure. On top of this - 501.25 sbould be a couple of inches of -2,390-55 good ricb loam. In this the seed -2,003.90 is planted about twa inches apart - 42.55 and haîf an inch deep. Gradually - 87.00 as the plants develop the trench -1,200.00 filîs in, thus encauraging a deep - 55.7() root growtb. Becentiy x'ery mnuch - 11.88 1i.Mproved varieties have been _____availabie in Canada, as welI as $48.568.69 new rolors. Wben the plants are ___-up three or four inches some sup- par t for ciimbing should be pro- $2,615.63 vided. This mas' be brush or string, or a combination of the twvo. Wire is nat advisable as it is $56966.63 hiable to rut or burn the tender 1,450.00 grosvîb. If flowers are remnoved 1,630.64 daily and no seed pods allowed _____ to form, bloomirg will last far' $60,047.27 loaer. Earning from Investments ---------.---- - ------ -Miscellaneous Donations, etc - -- -------------- - S a la rie s - - - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Administration --- - ----- ----------- D ie ta ry - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -z --- - - Housekeeping and Maintenance Bhdg. and Equip. Light, Water and Power ----------------- ----------- *Laundry, Bedding and Linen ------------------------------- Dispensary - ---------- Medîcal, Surgirai and Sterile Supply-- Operating Raom Supplies----------- Laboratory --- ----- ------------- ------- Depreciation on Buildings --- Depreciation on Equipment Taxes------ --------------------------------- Defleit on Year's Operations - BUILDING FUND Balance January lst, 1948 --------------------------- ------- D o n atio n s ---- ------- ------- ------------- - ----- ---- Interest THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA are a little bard on claver, but they certainly do an amazing jub in destroyîng dandelion,, dock plantain and most other weeds. Where there is heavy infestation one should follow witb fertilizer. wvatering and some reseeding s, that grass will take dver where the %xeeds have been killed or re- moved. Nursery Stock Nursery stock is the term ap- plied to shrubbery, vines, trees, etc. The wood of top quality stock will be green, pliable and with some strong, well-formed buds. The î'oots should be pro- tected from the air and be moist or xvet, and it necessary that thcy be kept in that condition until they are planted in their new quarters and growing. If the ground is not fit ta reccive them when purchased the plants shouid be "heeled in", that is pianted temporarilv in a trench iith soul packed about the roots. * * NEXT WEEK -Cheaning up getting ready- minature green- bouses. Lawns Need Early Attention Grass seed is another thing that makes its best growth during the coo] weather. The seed can be Fown even before the last snow 1bas disappeared. It is best to do this on a day when there is no wind and to make sure of even coverage it is advisable to broad- ,cast fram two directions. Some Sexperts even advocate sowing last thing in the faîl. The seed xili lie dormant throughout the winter and start to grow first thing in the spring. For new lawns the ground should be thoroughly prepared, cultivated several times to level off the surface and kIl the weeds. Hepairs are handled in somewhat the same fashion, with the bald spots raked thoroughly to open up the soul. A light raking one wav xiii cover seed sufficientlv. Wkell nourished grass and high quality blended seeds from a reliable seeci house will usual]y crowd out most weeds. Grass, like any other plant will benefit from a good dressing of fertilizer. Commercial fertilizer, because it is free from weed seeds, is re- commended. It should be high1 in nitrogen. which is the chemical1 element which provides the green1 growth in plants. A littie early work with the1 spudder and regular cutting with the lawn mower will heip. Then there are the new 2-4-D sprays.* These must be applied carefully according to direction and aftere the& weather turns warm. Thcy riea o/aor fre#ds fâe 7e,êqo/w& and we a//us e 6e 7Te/eph on e more!0/" DAY AND NIGIIT, seven days a wveek the telephone is at your service. Quickly and easily it keeps N'ou in touch with everything and-every- boly e rwee There are 400,000 more telephones and two million more cails a dlay thian there wvere thrce ),ears ago. And serv'ice is getting better ail the timie. In three years, hawever, costs of important raw materials for t'eiephone lines and cables have risen sharplv. Copper prires have douibiet, zinc and I lad price trl1)lel. X'ct, up ta now, despite rising costs on ahi sides, there has been no imcrease in the basic telephone rates estal)lished 22 y-cars ago. Feiv things give you so much real value at such Iow~ cost as your telephone. We'v'e broken ail records btît there are stili orders we hax'en't been able to flli. Ve ill keep right on warking and building to miake your telephane srvie a bigger baigain than ever - to con- tinîue to provide more andi better service at the lowest possible cost. Courtice Couples Enjoy Movies of Algonquin Park Lla3 d'Down, assisted by Eileen Down at the piano, led the Couir- tire couples in the club's theme song, followed by numerous re- quests. Business session was held with Sam VanCamp presiding. Program Committee-Mildred and Sandy Muir, Mick and Win- nie Broxwn, Bert and Marie Rog- ers-presented tbe fallowing pro- gram: Devational on Hospitality, Kindness, Generoshîy and Love, aptly given by Mihdred Muir. after which the couples jained in singing "W'bat a Friend We Have in Jesus". Mildred led in prayer. Peggy Wade gave a rollicking piano solo. Violini selection played hy Barry Johnson also added ta the program. We were very pleased ta have as aur guest, Dr. J. C. Devitt and bis famed maving pictures. Intro- duced by Sam VanCamp, the genial Doctor acted as commen- tator on movies sbaxvn of Cape Breton, Algonquin Park and the Bahamas, assisted by Mr. C. Carvetb, Newcastle, at the pro- jecting machine. The mavies were bath picturesque and interesting and much enjoved. Lloyd Down thanked Dr. Devitt xvhich brought forth a hearty round of applause for tbe speaker. Honourable mention and ap- preciation of the couples go t0 Cari Adams wbo skilfully made a portable case complete with biooks for name-tags for the Secretary. It is verv compact and a convenient addition ta tbe club. Lunch xvas served by Marj. and Harry Worden, Babe and1 Wilf -BrowÀn, Eileen and Lloyd Down.1 *Aided Charges of United Church Given Bonus of $100 United Cburch mînisteis an aid-receivind charges ,'ere happy to learn that tbey would roceive a cost-of-lhving bonus of $100 for 1948. More than 500 ministers xiii benefit. The net result of the bonus is that ministers an aid-receivhnjig charges in 1948 wilI be within $150 at leasf, of the new mini- mum salary s et by General Coun- cil of tbe United Church of Carra- dia, xvhich is $2.100 for a married. ordained minister, xith a furn- isbed manse. Rex'. Dr. George Dorey, Serre- tai-Y of the Board, saîd that a sîI'ong resolution was adopied by the Ekecutive and forw'arded ta the Board of Finîance of the United Cburch, asking for an increase of $1.50,000 in the ap- propriation ta the Board of Home Missions from the Missionary and Maintenance Fund. This w'ouid make a total of $ý750.000 for 1949 for Home Mission xxork. This is a'osoiutcily neccs'sary if t he cainpaign foi- in- creased ministeriai salaries is ta be s uccess hi . Sper nnens of 'Missions from most of the Conferences of the United Cburch attendcd the meeting. One of the superjitten- dents, Rev. Dr. J. I. MacIa.v, bas been loaned Ia the National Com- mittee ori Mînisterial Salaries. for a period of six manths. The mieeting gave seriaus ronsidera- lion ta the financia: probiem facing the Boarid in 1949. in arcer Io assuire that the nexv minimum of $2,100 and a furnislied bouse for a married. ordained minister WI ld bc foîînd pasibie. Reniuneratioîn paid ta students xxho served on. summer fields .azt 'yeur xas s18 per wcck, hn addition ta board and travri cx- ')Cnses. Thoze serving third. fourth or fifth vear telrms receiv- ed S19: S20: $21 r-spcîîvely-. - The Boar'dlbas flot vet been ahile Io catch uip xith' the in- creased cosýt 0f lix ing" the meet - W:p~as told by 0ne of the sere- 1a e.-.' by a Id rger appropriation fî'om the M ' sN,~ an d Main- tenance Fun %-Ilxvir te Board bc able ta mneet the ir.creased costs, the meeting was tbld. Stafford Bros. j MONUM'%ENTAL WORKS Open Everv Day and Eveninas Phone %Vhitby 552 TiiERE'S new activitv in Ontario's bushland north of Lake Superior. Marathon and Red Rock, Terrace and Ileron Bay: îhey ail tell the same s tory. New tow~ns have arisen, oid ones ex- panded. Only five years ago on thc site of MNarathon, for example, ilîcre was noLhitig but bush; today a new coin- munity beside a new pulp miii is contributing millions to Canada's export trade. Such spectacular dcvelopments in thc north arc matched by continuing industrial expansion iW- the older established coimuii ities. Throughout Canada today ever-widening avenues of opportunity awçait the cntcrprise of young Canadians. 14 itti new4sprint production 5ý l4ar levels, ~ lias ailOui thiat of any fi -Iý- andi accot ouît of evi paper lia" 50/ô ahove pre. SCanada today tput five tiines 1'here is, a fc'l for almost anvtliinrg anc can thiink of, anîd anyone %iitIi a %illingness for liard utork las a --ood chance ta achieve accssavs Donald J. Sîîîiîh, iresjdent of liarnet Indlustriei5 Lirnited, qN,ý ýImc- uephi, ntarir Ilorrnrt Tni i-tries T.im ited, %%i icii'iNças folinded in 191.', lias ini luis short ti me arljex cd reînarkaiîle sku,<'e;s in the Immi facture of <bain saw~s andi cornhî't ion ' v on elîgines. More tiîan liai f the producteion of the plant reaches markets outi ide L.iuitcd haà cxipdLîded tu threc pilanit, in Guelph, eînp1oýiuig 296 wiorkers. --------------- TRIMSDAY, MARCE 17th, 1949 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO WT.A. of Trinitv Hear The 12 group secretaries present- OUTLOOK FOR 1949 other sources. Copies may be ob- ed creditable reports of activities tained from the Dominion De, Address on "'Beautv#" undertaken during the past An attractive pamphlet en- partment of Agriculture, Ottawa. B iu.M. F r e month, titled "The Agricultural Outlook uy ~~1eu~. r armer for Canada 1949" as been pre- PTT ILTO pared by the Dominion Depart -_____VIOLTIO "~Many beautiful faces conceal Sixth Arena Euchre ment of Agriculture. It sum- A evakt n. aur ugliness of the soul" stated $3.5 marizes the findings at the 28tJoewMort, HOlnt.,Landing, Lieut. M. Farmer of the Salvation Net Proceeds of Dom inion- Provincial Conference 28 oe., orstfnd $40and costs for Army, in an address ta Trinity jheld in December, 1948. to review sOng., tatofies w$4c0and benfo Woman*s Association, Tuesdav (Intended for las. week) the probable agricultural de- elnpoaeswih adft afternoon, March 8. The topic The sixth in the series of Arena fma nd and desirble production placed tnder detention without "]Beut,-" ws dvide thfirst receiving a release or author- "Bauv"wa dviedtreefold: Euchres sponsored by Murielfr 949. ization fromn an inspector. Beauty of Face, Beauty of Nature Dunn was again ivell attended on The pamphlet is being given This action was taken under the and* Beauty of Soul, and was in- Thursday night. Mrs. Dunn sold l wde distribution through prov- provisions of the Farmn Productu troduced with the remark that 141 tickets with 80 in attendance. incial depaitments of agriculture, Grade and Sales Act of the Ont- beauty is sonietbing cveryone is Proceeds $36.50, with total pro-i agricultural organizations* and 1 aria Department of Agriculture. interested in whether or not they ceeds to date $229. I___________________________________ admit it. The lucky draw was made by Beauty of Face was considered Roni Johnson and a beautifully fîrst, stressing the thousands of iced 7 lb. Fruit cake went ta Mrs. advertisements on cosmetics, Win. Thetford. Euchre prizes an, tooth paste, soap, etc., used ta wvinners are: Mrs. Bihl Buday captivate the imagination of gui- case of mixed soft drinks; IL_ Place Your Order NOW! lible wamen. in this canncction. Witheridge $3.00 slip for grocer- she toid the storx- of an evangeiist les: Mrs. Ed, Clapp, case of Mar.- for who visited a home and discover- velube ail: J. Fair, pr. of ladies ed that the rug in front of the slippers; W. Cochrane, bed lamp; sa aS aig Cu mii'ror %vas %vorn out, but almost Cyril Quinney, portfolio: Mrs. T'.Osa aS tigCu like new beside the bed where the Gould, patted arnament; Mrs S. prayers should. be said. Bond, can of cbicken; Low scoreIi Quating from the poem iu Mrs. E. Brooking, double guest14 think that I shall neyer see, a tickets ta Theatre.1 E FR L O Jf9 9 paenm lovely as a tree", Lieut. As Mrs. Dunn bas been request " C R lcof - 9 9 Farmor described the beauty of ed many times ta have a Bridge the mountains of Pennsylvania Party for ail the bridge fans l'e rg.I gft -2 wvith the trees in a hbundred bas decided to have one slated for 2 - Bi rht shades of green blcnding xvitlh Thurs., Marcb. 24, with a luck, cverv other shade of the rainbow. draw prize pnd several other e St. Luke has recorded in the Bible ceptionalhv good prizes, ail do-1 T JR L ) the often quoted verse "Cansidcr nated by the merchants. If Mr- i uesdV -WeufleSuaV ivarcit 221-2 the hules how thcy growv, they Diînn dors not get around to con-Ji tail not, they spin not, and y e '1 tact you. help her make this par- sav unto tbre that Sohomon in ail t.v a success by making up table, A Star Studded Spectacle Embracing Nearly 300 Skaters 1 bis glory vvas flot arraved like for ber. Dzln otms-Bet-aigRuie - ~Mare donations have come iniDzlnCotms-BatTkngRtne one of these". siîice the iast cuchre, viz. Milierst h Beauty of SauT shouhd be thc Beautv Parlor. four oil shampoas a h desire of evcry anc. Newspapers and iinger waves, value $5.0: tell of xvanen %vlo thougli beauti- $2.50 credit slip from Dilliti-« fui by the standards of Holh.y. Cammunity Store; potted plant Oshawa rn ivoad. have given reason to from Jackman Florists and an question the beaut ' vaf Ibeir souls. $850 cream ail permanent wave F1 u n alti opn Beauty is oniv skin decp. Beauty from Iris Beauty Salon. Fl u n alti opn of the soul is reveaird in Christ- ________________________________________________ ian living. St. Paul wrote "How beauitiful are the foot of tlîem thiat ST. PAUL'S C.G.I.T.CLPADM LTIS OU NTOMKSPAE preach the gospel of peace andCLPADMITHS OU N IK'PAE bring glad tidings of good thiings." St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met on KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONTARIO Lieut. Farmer was introduced March 2. Due to the absence of A Self-Addressed Stam-ped Envelope Must be Enclosed bv Mrs. G. Widdecombe under bath President and Secretary the whose conx-enersîhip the program chairs were taken bi, Jean and wa pesned T e aie' ua- Joce Bragg. Ruth buh ENCLOSED FIND $ FOR TICKETS FOR tette: Mrs. L. VanDriel, Mrs. S. R. was in charge af the Worship ser- () TUESDAY, MARCH 22 () WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 Jamcï, Mrs. O. Richmnond and vice and alsa read the themo. Mrs. D. Alldread. sang "A Little Worship Service \vas in the farm (Mark X in brackets ta indicate evenîng wanted) Bit of Heaven" and a negro of different passages of the lullaby which concluded the pro- Bible read 'by the girls as groups- PLEASE MAIL TO - gram. or scperately. lst. reader-Jean- nie Bond. Second reader-Joy-c% NAME_____ Devotional period was conduc- Bragg' third reader--Jean Bragg. ted hy Mrs. Widdecombe asssîd Rut'n Rombough closed xith A hv M4rs. Leslie Jackson and Mrs.pe. She also favoured with ADDREý5 Gea. Miller. la solo. Marilyn Leask read the Tickets 75c - $1.00 Per Persan Mrs. C. W. Slemon presided I ast cha pter of the studv book. fortebuines_________nbc (Cash must accompany ail orders) hiaîf of the C.G.I.T., Mrs. Mihier SeIf-Addressed Stamped Envelope MUST be Enclosed! expressed thanks for the donation An intensive campaign ta seli of black crepe material for fies Biritish goods in Canada will start to complete the girls' uniforms. thîs sprîng j T 7oday we Live in.,a Greater Canada --------- ----------------- un of a sain romw bi 'PAr.v. 11PT.w.Uw.u N