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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1949, p. 12

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P41kGE TWELVE ~~TTE CANAPIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIOTHRD.MAC 7k14 BIRTHS COMING EVENTS Wanted To Rent DOLAN-Mr. and Mrs. Paddy Lost Heir Party at Bradley's HOUSE, 6 -7 rooms in March or Dolan are happy to announce the School Friday, March 18, at 8:30. April. Write Box 223, Statesman birth of their.son, Richard Kerwin 1 11-1 Office.1-2 (Riekie) at Bowmanville Hospital. Dance at Tyrone Hall, Satur- en Saturday, February 26th, 1949. day. Mareh lth. Ruth Wilson THREE Bor four-roomed apart- 11-1 Variety Band. Admission 50c. ment in Bowmanville. Write Box 11-1 224 c/o Statesman Office. 11-1'* TAYLOR-Mr. and Mrs. Fred HUEi omnil ymd Taylor (nee Grace Stark), Toronto. Haydon Church, Tuesday. Mar. diUE ged opeabstinlersGood- wish ta anrounce the hirti )f 22nd. at 8 p.m. Tyrone Y.P.U. will j ear employee. Write Box 214. their daughter on March l4th, prcscrit their play "A Jieady Made Statesman Office. i1-1'- 1949. A sister for Paul. 11-1 Family."' Admission 35e and 20c. ________ 11-1* YOUNG COUPLE require an un- ENGAGEMENT_ furnished 3-room, self-contained ____________ ___ Dan-2e at Ernnîskfflen Hall. Fni- apartment by the middle of July. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lloyd Crago diay, March 18. Linder auspices of Write Box 220, Statesman Office. wish ta anriounce the engagement the Athletic Club. Ruth Wilson Bowmanville. 1- of their daughter. Velma Stella, Variety Band. Admission 50c. ta A. W. Byron Holmes, son of 111Wanted Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Holmes. The marriage will take place earîy in Reserve Friday, April 8th, for GENTLEMAN requires room and April. the three-act camedy "Jumping board, office worker. Write Box ___Jewels" bv Trinitv 'Young Peofle. 219, Statesman Office. 11-1* Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Chapman of Admission 35e and 25c. 11-1 _______ _____ Carrying Place, Ont.. annauince 1 HOUSE or apartment, 5 or 6 the engagement of their youngest A play at Enniskillen Hall, by rooms. Rent or buv Goodx'ear cm- daughtcr, Ruth Miriam, to Mr. Ty ron.e Young People "A Ready ployee, Phone 2803, P. Box 425. Keith Bruce Johaston, son of Mr. Md ai. ac 5h ..i- and Mrs. .1. A. Johnston of Black- Admisian 40e and 25c. AuspiceS stock. The marriage will take of the Service Club. 1l-V XVork \Vanted place Aoril 2nd, in Smithfield________ United Church. i Farm meeting olanned to be ALL kinds of trucking. W. ____ ________ Iheld in Bowmanville High SehoolI auditor ium on Wednesday, March1 Cooper, Middle Road, Bowman- I TH 3th, has been cancelled. 11-1 ville. i- CARPENTRY WORK wanted- HARVEY-In Leskard, March 15, The Wormen's Hospital Auxil- hardwo,(od, trim, sereens. an.ything. 1949, John Harvey, son of the late jiary wvilI hold the Hospital Birth- No phone. Write Box 222, States- James Harvey. Resting at the day Party on Thursday, March 24, man Office. 11 - l Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- from 3 te 6 p.m. in the Nurses' ville. -Service in the Chapel on Residence. Ahl women are invited MAN wants employment in fac- Friday at 2:30 p.m. Interment ta attend. 11-1'* tory or with construction; has Orono Cemetery. 11-1 done some carpentering and brick- Dance at the Avalon, Oshawa, laying, willing ta learn more. RICHARDS - At Boxvmanville evcry Friday - Gord Stickwood Family moving ta Bowvmanville. Hospital. on Mareh 11lth, 1949, Tena and h is 9 piece orchestra. Roun d Write Mr. Gardon Wickie, Roomn Prout Richards, beloved wife of ad Square. Admission 50e. AIs a 8, 305 George St., Toronto. 10-2* William J. Richards, 59 Cent re Sti.dancing every Saturday eveningI Funeral from the MorrisFuea admission 50e. ~ MARRIED MAN with three small Chapel, March l4th. Int et____ children would like farm job. 23 Bowmanville Cemetery. A St. Patrick's Dance will be years' expçrience. Separate hotise held in Newcastle Community and hydro required. Will give SOUCH -In Bowmanville, On Hall, on Thursday. March l7th reference. Appl 'y Harold E. Green, March llth.-i 1949, Eva Selena under auspices of Board of Man:' c/o Mr. Phillip Schwarz farm, Souch. daughter of the late Mr. agemnent. Roy Forrester's six-e Courtice, Ont, or phone 491w11, and Mrs. William Souch, in her piece band in attendance. Spot Oshawa. 11-3* 87th year. Interment Hampton dances and lueky numbers. Ad - CUSTOM Sawing done. I expeèt Cemetery. mission 50e per persan. 10-2 ta be in Smith Bros. Bush for two SCOBLL-n Bwmavile, n Hmptn Wmens. nsttut months yet. I will appreciate SCOBLL-n Bwmanill, o HamtonWomn's IntitteIS your work. Price $ 14.00 per M, Wednesday, Mareh 16, 1949, Edith presenting its annual St. Patriek'sý you get yaurs slabs back. eut in V. Scobell, beloved wife of the Day concert on Thursday. Marc h 4 f t. or long as desired. Ray Man- late Arthur H. Scobeil, in her 79th 17th. at 8 p.m., consisting of twoayPh year. Funeral from the Northcutt short plays and a variety of musi 0- I Phne Port Perry19--. & Smith Funeral Chapel on Fni- cal numbers. Admission: Adu1ef 10-2*1 day, March l8th, at 2:30 p.m. In- 35e, Children 15c,.XVaned To B terment Bowmanville Cemetery. a tdT Bu Hampton United Church Anni--_____________ WESTAWAY-Suddenly in Osh- versary Service, Sunday, March PIANOS- Cash for your piano? awa, on March 12, 1949, Theodore 1,2th at 2:30 p.m. Special speaker, Telenhone 492, Bowmanvile. F. Vernon Wcstaway, in his 44th Rev. S. R. Henderson, Trinity J. Mitchell. 11-1*~ year. Funeral fromn Luke Mcîntosh United Church, Bowmanville. Funeral Home. Interment Bow- Music by Trinity Choir, Bow- REAL GOOD '38 to '47 Pontiac or manville Cemetery. manville. Plan to attend this in- Chev. used car, ail cash. Phone spiring service of worship and 774.- WILLIAMS,-At Woodstoek, on musie. 11-13 PIGTOT utiaoi Mareh 151.h, 1949, W. Harold Wil- 1 PIGTOHcliaoi liams, son of the late Mr. and Maple Grove Date Changed good condition. Phone 2313.1-* Mrs. Solomon J. Williams, in his At Bowmianville's new Arena,-_ _ i 6eLh year. Resting at Northeutt commencing at 8 p.m., on Tuesday, THREE..QUARTER BED, wood. & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bow- March 29th, the subject: "Resolved with back. Phone 2200. I11-P* manville. for service on Thursday, that Consolidated Schools would -__ March l7tri, at 2:30 p.m. Inter- serve the community better than PIANO. Alsa for sale v iolin, ment Hampton Cemetery. the present system," is ta be de- trumpet, clarinet and cello. Phone -bated by J. R. Reynolds, Russell 653, Bowmanville. 1-V* IN MEMORIAM Osborne, W. B. Reynolds and Gar- BFR ehn orlv olr ______________net Rickard. Dancing at 9:30 with BFR eln orlv olr ROGERS-In loving memory of recorder and violin music. Lunch try us. Our prices are higher. M.c George Rogers who died suddenly served. Admission 50c Publicit-y Fa, RR. 1, Bethany, phone 7 ra ;13, neyersecags 7t in Toronto, Mareh l2th, 1939, be- group, Maple Grave Women's . schrgs 7t loved husband of Annie Spurr,j Institute in charge. Mrs. L. C. GORDON YOUNG LTD. will be in his 74th year: Snowden, convener. 11-1 pleased ta pick up dead or crippi- Memories are treasures no one edfr1nmi n a ihs canstel;Lost prices. Telephone calleet, Toronta Death is a heartache no one can AD3636, Cobourg 48J. 1-52 heal. SMALL HOUND-Black and Tan4 -Remembered by bis wife, Annie. female, answers ta the name of NOTICE-Farmers. We pay as 11-1* Judy. Last se er NewMto-nvil1,.hiiih as $0.00for ead r Crn- i _______________________ IStation. Reward. Phe Clarke CARDS 0F THANKS 9ri 11 600 x 16 TIRE AND WHEEL, lost Mrs. Hilton Tink wishes ta ex- between Howard Gibson's and press sîncene thanks and apprec- George Laing's on Saturday, iation for the many acts of kînd- March l2th. Finder please natify ness, and f or the letters, cards, Jack Reid.1-* gifts and fhowers receivod during hec recent stay in Western Hos-F pital and since returning home. For RentL 11*FOUR-roomed, unfurnisbed, heat- Mrs. Florence Crawford and edaatet hoe82 i1 Harold wish ta thank their many JOHNSON electrie palîshers, $1,001 friends and neighbours for kind- per day. Royal vacuum cleaners, nesses shown during their recent i$ 1.50 per day. Murphy's Phone sîckness and accident. The dona- g 81.11* tions of time and money for the hockey benofit game were greatly DUPLEX-6 nooms, sunporeh, appreciated, alsa flowens, fruit heated, caatinuous hot water, and cards. 11-1 'laundry tubs, hardwood floars, - I front and rear entrances, garage. Mrs. H. Bond and family wish Write P.O. Box 441, Bowmanville. ta express their hoartfelt thanks 11-1'> and appreciation ta their many frîends and neighbours for acts Repairs af kindaess and messages of sym -_________________ paty etenedta bemdurngREPAIRS toa ah makes af refrig- their sad bereavement, in the lass eraters, damestie and rommercial. af a dean husband and father; Higgon Ehectric 42 King St. E., especially thaakiag the Women's Phono 438. 26-tf hastituto, the Woman's Associa- tion. the churcb and also Rev. R. FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteedj B. Harrison for his comfortingj service, dyeing and custom work, words. 11-1 try 'the Ncat-Way Shoe Repair - -Shop, King St. West. 9-tf The Byers families wvish la ex- press ta thcir many friends. irla- REPAIRS toalal makos of cars by tives and neighbours, also frater-! licenced mechanie, at the Chand- nal orders and municipal caunjcil, ilcr*s Siga Board Garage. narth ofl their heartfeit thanks and apprec-j Hampton on Scugog Road. Phono iatian for acts of kiadness, mess- 1 2695. 11-i ages of sympathv and beautiful B AEdrmhthnbrke floral tibules expnessed to themn lines. Raybond brak e bonding in their recent sd bereavemont 'service - no rivets. Brakos are in the loss of aur dean father, ju pcat. o tce' also thaitking the Rex'. M. Sand- unrageciahont804,Bo Stocke' erson. Rev. R. B. Harrison andGrgPoe 4 omnille. Rev. J. R. Bick for their comfort-ilt ing words.1-' Chicks For Sale Notice____ 4c HEAVY Breed Cox 5c-Susse, Oving ta ilI health. I have been Hamps. 5c; Fast Foathering Rocks,1 forced ta give up my business, Rock x New Hamps, 6e; Rhode1 wiiieh is beincr taken over by Mr. Island Reds, 4e. Our choice of and Mrs. Garbo of Toronto. Theyi breed or breeds. 4e: March de- are nal new ta the gasoline husi- liverv: order fnom Ibis ad; wirc n12-s, havng served eleven years colleet. Started Pullets, 2 ta 12 in Toronto. I wish ta thank my w eeks-i0.000 floor brooded pul-1 custone"s for their patranaize lets. March and Apnil deiivery, 2j 'ring tb2 yeqrs I have lived in weeks ta 12 weeks aId. Gel a TPOwmanviiie, Houe the peoob aof head stait and cash in on tho high Eo;aviewill patranize 1,n.1 egg prices riext Summer. Lake-1 Garbe as %veli as thev have mie.1 vieur Farmi & Haîehery. Phono Un. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson. 11-2 78, Exeter, Ontario. 10-2 iliil b iu.u ur jea o ii t }i pied Hanses and Cows, according ta size and condition, small ani-1 mais removed free. Highest pricesl paid for old hanses. Phone 4026 Peterborough, reverse charges. Nick Peconi, awner. 5-tf Livestock For Sale c YOUNG, purebred, bronze Gob-1 bler. Phone 51r3 Ocona, 10-2* THIRTY White Leghorn pullets,È good layers. Phono 2557, Bowman-E ville. 11-1a TEN y oung pigs, seven weeks aId. Taylor and Hall. R.R. 5, Bowman- ville, Phono 2402. 11-1* Articles For Sale QUANTITY of mixed hay. J. R. Ormiston, Phone 2355. 11-i* QUANTITY of used rug- brick. Phone 2257. 11-1 SEBAGO potatoes. grown from certified seed. Ralph GlaspDeli, Phone 2664. î11ý CORDWOOD-hard and soft. in' foot lengths; also cedar posts. Phone 2679. 10-tf 1930 DODGE Sedan in good con- dition, Phone 2298, Bowmanville. 11-1 ONE maroon deluxe strolle ', in good condition. Phone 2863. - - -. -. - SJEVER2AL tons of Timathy hay'l BRADLEY Furniture Ca.. 40 Kingi 15, Con. 4, East Whitby, three y "our ch oiec mixed with a little aifaifa. L. A. St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. miles north and haîf mile west cangriderd. e Squair, Phone 2223. 11-P bedraom suites, $69.00; steel bcd For Sale or Rent of Os'iv,wa, ta selI by publie auc- fulFamii"'x outfits, complete, S23.95; foît base _________________ ion an Saturday. March l9th, at a barowed 2~ MASSEY-HARRIS tiller, a]n-ost 1 floar cavcring, 49e a squaryd; WOhnrdaesod pad 1 p.m. sharp, three Percheron it is wortha ncev. in good workinc, condition, chrome chairs, $6.95, ail coioî's; pasture, no buildings, pond. run- hanrses.20haofHstictleeqimncs Phone 17r22 Gardon Hill. 11-1 p.a1ae:eou hýt~ftd wtr ifyare ie 1941 G.M.C. truck, farm machin- triets. Busin( 13______________ I eserfeldning spring wtr it ce ie FUL iz eib oo cndtin osuites. $149.00: 6-pc. natural finish and mixed hardwaod. Lot 18. Con. ery and bousehald fdrniture. ta-dayfrc mattress. Apply 200 Hig breakfast suites, $S6600; spring- 5 avî onhp onyTcrms cash. Na reserve. Jack lague,eFamile: 11-V* filed mattresses. S2tJ.95: tri-Uight Durham. Apply Alex McMaster, Riacine.1- otel _____ -lamps. complote. S12.95; rangettes, 92Lasvwe .,Toronto, Fut DrhmC ny DOUBLE steel bed. spnings and ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. ailover Moîrose Ave.3Th Famuth urhnamlCounty Be ure lta b goad spring mattress, reasonable. velour bed chesterfield suites,CmuntAuio Saewlbe arvatae Phone 2259. il-i $119,00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, held at the Sales Barn, Orono, on ening at the N( ____________ - gren r wne rinta deign. R al stae F r S le Thursday, March 24th. at 1 p.m., when Orono MODER larg siz CGE.c grceen orîinile -oreadsi$6ns, Real____________For______ where there wil be offered for present their tric range, in good condit, tallap 65E rthnfoTREIomdosenfisd sale a large number of sprnfgers stars on skateý Phone 2777. 1- the home at, BradIcy's. 40 Kin hdre, large lot, East Beachi Rd.admessokrcate on St W Osh za han 21 -tfcalves, brood sows, feeder hogs, BARN, 32' x 17', with attached hon t._ .,_Oshwa,_Phne_271___ jfbest offer. Write Box 216, States-foc pstum redgai house 17' x 10, good condition. VanIffce.1 - and dozens of ather items. That HA Phone 2037. 1L-1 k 1QLIE FlIRoLS 56 ACRES of pasture, goad creek, is at the Sales Barn, Orono. thej CORD OODeut n fot legths A Tpleny ofshade. one mile east of place where ail farmers meet.SNi maple and becch; two cords ta Hampton, Cn 5, Lot 14. Phono eid, s acti oe il-iJack ioad, $16 per cord. Phono 2952. RIl AR 0 1)tS 273il1-P1 _________________________-1 10-tf 156 SIUE ST. S., OSHAWA DOUBLE frame house, haîf ten- The undersigned has received BEN rcar sraer i go 10-pc, Lixing-Room Group con- ant occupicd, separate entrance, instructions from the Executar of TH EN BEANorchrd sraye, ingoodsisting of smart 3-pc. chesterfield stane foundation, cement cellar the Estate of the late Mrs. J condition; also good 13-dis~ Deer- suite in floral velaur, end table, floors. double garage, 2 cisternS, Fr~ank Osborne, ta sell by publie ing seed drill. Phone 2412 lanke. table lamaD, coffce table, magazine woll, bus and train at door, school auction at her iate. residence, For the smoi rack, foot stool and 2 satin cush- nean, eîectric iights, easy stove Kingston Road east. opst skates you", TWO 10-hall machines; add ons, uhefrdVlu.hoLt, all good repair, price $5,000. Alexander Matons, on Wednesday, ofPuniue;smllpoltale 10 pc. $189-00 Possession arranged. David Luery, March-23rd, at 1 p.m., her entire try aur rien 0fg furnite; s. mall p ool abl;8 Choose from 30 chesterfieid suites Myrtie, Ont. 11-4* household effeets, including a highn eStd. W.Wlo,5 on our floor. Guerney ail enamel caok stove. P rl 10-pc. Bedroam Gî'aup includes FARM-200 acres, one miePot ewraa1Jc-ic wlu vne FRAME barn, 30' x 50', good steel lovely dresser chiffioner, large and oîie-half mile west of Janet- hedroomn suite, new: a Frigidaire roof on one haîf, situated on Lot bcd. modern watenfall styhing, ville, 50 acrecs mixed bush, creek, refrigerator; a Coffiehd electrie G i, Con. 7, Clanke. Russell White. steel spring, soft cotton mattress. nemainder viorkable land; brick washer; dining-room and living- Campbeilcroft. 11-* 2 pilloxvs. 2 dresser- lamps and bed 1 house, hydro, goad stuible with room furniture; dishes; glassware; Resuits SAF. apl spceforboks ndlamp, Rutheford Value stanchians. Immediate possession. seveltal pieces of antique furniture SAE ape pcefr oksad10-pc.-----$ 9 9.50 Also 100 acres adjoining Village af and dozens of othen items. For smootber pi cash, for av'erage business, cam- Choose from 25 bedroom suites on Cadmus, 10 acres mîxed bush, funthen n3articulars sec bil1s, Terms ,l bination lock. The Bowmanville aur floar. remainder suitable for farming, cai;h. No reserve. Jack Reid. IFoundry Ca. Ltd. 1-l* 6-pc. Nalurail and Red or Greon crcek, brick house, good driving auctioneer. 1- THITYIo'shet Pela __Ran-Kitchen Suites S(37.50 shed. Immediate possession. Ap- r.F THITY 0, hets edlr Rm-5-pc Plastic and Chrome Dinette plY Mrs. William Hanna, Janet- Giving up farming-The under- *F J bow metal roafîng, new. A, . Rutherford Value -ý $49,50 ville, or Ed. Harris, R.R. 3, Burke- sîgned will seli by public auction TIR' Graham, Newcastle, Phone Clarke Unfinished Drap Leaf Tables, ton. 11-1 the property of Robt. Shred, Lot Corner Kiii 1223. il-P 1Special S8.95 1 10. Con. 9 Darlîngton (21'. miles RED Fox fur scarf, nearnîfe.2-c.Cesefield Bed and Chair, north of Tyronel on Saturday, Phn47 also white shartie cot. Apply 9 uphalstereh arms, choice of colons Real Estate March l9th, all bis fanm stock, George St., Bow aa.le Po3 Rutherford Value- -- $89 .00 implements and furniture includ ________ 994. ne1 Studio Couches, 100%i sprîng- S2 200- Solid brick dwelling in ing 2 hanses, Il head of cattie, 7 1-*filled, alh calons .--- - $44.50 Bowmanville five roams and stool, pigs, 25 rock bons. 600 bus. ofco $900-ALLI -S Chalmers B tractor 3-pc. Bed Outfits, metal bed, soft gas, hydro, full basement, possess- grain, full lune of farm maehinery, BOM with 6' mower, row cultivaton and caftan mattresi: and steel spring. ion arranged, centr~al location. dîning-room suite, kitchen cup- OM piow, gaod condition. J. C. AIl- Rutherford Value - $26.50j board, batteny radia, gasoline S T dread, 55 Liberty St. N. .11-1* Drap-side or pull-out Couch with $12.000-Buy-s a beautiful home. washing machine. Renfrew sen- oT -cahorfîil cretonne covercd mat- 100 acres good land, 65 acres till- aratan. several quilts, mihk pails, I - FORDSON tractor, 1937, in AI îress. Ruthorford Value - $19.50 able, same orchard; brick bouse, beds, fruit jars. cook stave andMad condition, just recently and comn- Foldaw-ay Bcd %ith cotton filhed .5 naams, suniroom heated, beauti- many other articles too numenous pletely overhauled. Apply E. Mill- mattrcss, Ruthorford Value $12.95 ful bathroom, hot and cold wMeýr, ta mention. As Mn. Shned is son, Enniskîllen, Phone 2263. Large Size Natural Woodon Crib hydro heated: ail furnace, built-in giving up farming positivelv no I1 T 11-3* and s.ift catton mattress, Ruther-, cupboards. hardwood floors, full reserve. Terms cash. Sale at T rinil, 198ALShlesfard Value $15.50 'basement; bouit-mn garage. Wiil 1*p. m. T. S. MounUiov. Cienk: IAu 1948 ALIS ChlmersRoto-Balen, Playpens. natural wood with rein- have ta be seen ta be aopreciated.1 Clifford-Pethick, Auctionen. u complete with 1(00 lbs. of twine; îor5ed floor, Rutherford JAMES NIXON 1- alsa Jamesway ail brooder in good Valu $9 rkrBwavlet~V condition. Murray Payne. Phone Natural Finiqhed High Chairs, ili-îlp W ntd h Ar. Clarke 2811. -11 Rutherford Value $5.50 BRIGHTEN up for Spring! Can- [Commode Chairs, eovcred style PEBSON WANTED for laiindry ada's finest Venetian Blinds mea- with traY $4.501 SOL work. Apply Balmoral Hotel. al*V lue n ntl.Fneesti- Remember Rutherford's hav-e the OXH N F 'T mae.F .Mri oPoelargest selectian of floor -_________________________ 4at. F.FMorsC, 8-tf and carpets in Oshawa. Chocse SALE EX HA G EXPERIENCED SINGLE man consisting0 ____yaurs fnam aven 200 patterns at for dainy farm. Apply M. Moigan, dfcosf MEN and boys' wonk boots and actually in stock. Sln Taunton. chietrs ofd dness shoes. complete stock of Congaleums - Feltlhs- Inlaids. Baker Farms, SoofGR O ideacdwmnfr cailRe sîzes and styles at papular prices. all widths, expert lyigservice. oGIeaRL Ousidleewo-k wPomn 91or Co'sC Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair, King S'ti flo olgaio for measuring yaur onicnrI i - D.Pon 91 onk't Ch West - oogto nwRbe i,1 a- Frîday, March 18th 200 BUSHELS carrots, tender and teras, guananteed for the lîfe of at 2 p.m. peINcLEdORabe opeaex-trac a ianc r crisp, 50e bus. Use own containers, your home. Sale ta consist of:- . ti,îernc cs rabequioprd.eVtrac- auditapî-riu cal etee 7an 1 pm.evn- For Sei-vice and Satisfaction Duam nd1ostnsrngr Box 218, Statesman Office. 1 1 co om ings. Also cooking orlians, $1.51)h a and fresh -ov.-i: somre vaccinated (onj Eus.skioe268 J . 1raam -3 a Holstein heifers; 14 Durham and HOUSEKEEPER FOR modein àchildien, txk bunsiln Phne248,J3K Ga 2m Hereford stockors; szows:"Oit home, ail furnace; permanient. or child's tic .RLAAutherford pigs; caîx-os; implements; potatoes; posçition;- references. Write Post S e SEE the n and improved feed- F rntr Co usecl car, etc. I OfieBo 9,Oanii ponisor, ingtalfo babies, the "Bab ' un ur Co1Fr information Phone or see Gr'oup of Butler," in yaur own home. Your 156 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Jack Baker, Ralph Davis MAN Wanted for Rawleighi busi - icesai agent, Fred' S. Hellyar, 66 Diis Teleplione 3413 Phone 2180 Phione 2413 ness. SelI ta 1.500) families. Good Tietav ion St., Bowmanville, Phone 4 "Out of tlie high rent district'" Terms Cash ýprofits foc hustlers. Write today. ing's Drug SI 10-2* - Budget Terms - Clîfford Pethick, auctioneer. Rwaleight Dept. ML-C- 140-S, M--'- of the group il-i ~~~~11-1* treal, Que. - ________ DODGE sedan, '29,fair tires, ,-ad_________ Articles For Sale ATTENTION - Farmers, Truck. ers, Car Owners, Have been ap- pointed wholesale agent for this district by Cities Service Oul Co. Can supoiy aoil, grezise, tires, bat- teries, etc.. be smart, buy .whole- sale. Frank Carter, Bowmanville 2717. 10-22; iNEW Case tractor; ne\v Case one- way dise; ncw Case three-furrow plow; new Case hammermili; new Case pick-up baler; new hay- loader; new electric refriigerator;, 3-furrow pony disc plow, used; ncwv Rota ry hoe; Beatty Bras. water systcms, stanchions, wvatcr bowls: De Lavai pressure systcms. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 11-1 Phon e 778 Pets For Sale WELL bred, black and tan female hound. Phone 65r2 Orono. 11-1* COLLIE pups. good cattie dogs. Phone Warren McQuade 195r4 Port Perry. 11-1* Seed For Sale__ CLEAN Beaver oats, with barley. Apply Fred L. Smith, Phone 2157.' 11-2* CARTIER oats and barley. Can be scen at Swain's Cleaning Plant, Burketan. Smith Bros. 11-2* ALFALFA, Rcd. Clover, Timothy, Permanent Pasture Grasses, etc. Stewart's Seed Store, Phone 577. 1AUCTION SALE Help Wanted COMPANION - HOUSEKEEPER IVictoria County Shorthorn Sale, for lady living -alone in suburbs Thursday, March 24th, at 1:30 p.m. of Toronto, good home offered athExhibition Grounds, Lind- refined lady who prefers that to Ia,1 ae and 3 females of high wages. Write Box 221, States- excellent quality will be offered. man Office. 1 LeRoy G. Brown, Secretary. 11-1 WOMAN TO live in and toig: charge occz:sionally for day &r~ The undersigned auctioneer wiil at a ime of two children (3 and seli by public auction ail house- 6 years), in their own home, while hold effeets of Mr. John Graham, their parents are absent. - No in the village of Enniskiilen, on other xvark required. Apply Mrs. Saturday. March 26th. Termns N. J. Scott, Duke St. Telephone cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Sce list 345. 11-1 in next week's paper. Clifford iPethick, auctioneer. 11-1 A SPLENDID opportunity of be- Ico-ming yaur awn boss! Retail I have been favoured with in- aur 250 guaranteed household structions from Mrs. Martin necessities ineluding the fulli une iHranec and Mr. John Bolas, Lot of Insecticides, in a territory of PUREBRED young Jersey cow, in fain runniag conditin;so due ta freshen anytime. Phone 11932 Chrysher chassis, neanly new 2904. 11-1 tires, in running condition. Cali evenings, E. D. Knapp, Middle Rd 27 HEAD af Holstein heifers, one Bawmanvilic. 10-24'I year aid, vaccinated. Phone 197r3, Port Penny, Morland Anderson. FLOOR Covering! Cangaleum rua- ilVner, Congoleum and Rexoleumr REGITERE Yoksbie ~ Dehuxe in yard goods and rug' mon ths old. Apply O. Hylandszs loîli ioemwt Bunketon, Ont. Phone: Port Peni'v canvas back. F. F. Marris Ca.,, llr5. Phone 480. 8-tf TWO red Scotch Shortborn bulîs. TRADE-IN - Portable battery Good pedigrees, senviceable age. radio; portable battery and elec- Priced ta seil; also 3 b.p. gas trie radia; combination table engine, Fairbanks-Morse. N. R. mode], aulamatie radio; BeattyGreen, Nestlctbn. 11-1* washer; wardrobe witb mirror - Idoors; chesterfieid; studio couch, CHESTNUT mare, 6 years aid; Murpby's, Phone 811. il-V j black gelding. 8 Nyears aid; set of1 _______________ team breeching harncss: 4 horse TACO Peeniess wagon with drop collars, 22 ind 23 inch: Cocksbutt centre rims for 600-16 tires, double plow. Phone 2197. Il-1P $113.50; 4 sections dca g harnows - with steel draw bar, new; used GRADE Hoîsteins-one two-year- General Elctnie battery radio; ohd heifer, springing; one yearling also compîcte line of water sy- heifer; two houfer calves, ten stems. Apply Harvey Partncr moaths old; ahl accredited andi Phone 2323. -îj vaccinated. Neil Malcolm, R .R. h. ________________ Bunkton.114*FORD Sedan, Model A, in good condition, new tires and heater; Personal custom bujit radio for Chrysler prouct, fts39 and up; newi SKINNY men. women! Gain 5 power take off, fits ail trucks.* ta 15 lbs. New pcp, too. Tr 'v Apply evenîngs, 7 tili 10, 71 On- famous Ostiex Tonie Tablets for;.fanao St.1-* double results; new healthv flesh: new vigor. New -get acquainted"! MYERS sprayer pumps,- 13 to 50 size only 60tc. AIl druggists. 11-1 :gallons a minute capacitx-, 800u lhs. i pressure; complete line of Myers HYGIENIC Supplies - (rubber orchard sprayers, new and used; gaodsl maipd postpaîd la plain, used Massey-Harris 102 tractor, on sealed envelope %vith pnice list. new rubbcr, campletely overbaul- Six samrple.3 23c: 24 sampies $100 d and in perfect shape; Wîiscon- Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- sin air-cooled enclines, 9 h.p. J. H. ber Ca., Box 91, Hamîtian, Ont. Haaeock, M.-H. Dealer, Phono 781. 9-9 1.1-1 c;1 __ Part time agents Hundreds of success- agents started with 25 ai' $50. No nisk - a trial, Travelling ýential in rural dis- iess is good. Write ýtails and Free cata- 'x, 1600 Dehonimien, 10-6 attend the Skating eheld on Friday ev- kw Memonial Arena Skating Club will r extnavaganza of es. VE YOUR ATES RPENED [EW WAY! oothest sharpened Ie ever had w C.C.M. Lel SkaI e rinder - faster and performance and ,ker stops. JANIESON RE SHOP Ig & Silver S- Bowmanvilie MING TO ANVILLE ON 'URDAY# h26, 1949 ln [y Church liforium nbassador olce Choir TORONTO of memnbers and fvariaus chureh ler the direction Iford, organist of .urch, Toronto. iss Tihis Treat - 3only 35e 50 that ne and fîli the Mother and Dad and bning their ,va on one ticket Iket at 20e cach. by (hurch St. fTrinity W.A. diable at Cowl- itore or members P, or P>hone 620. SUMMER AT THE ~ DRUG STORE S L friday m Saturday MARCH 17-18-19 AND LOVELL 15 King St. W. YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When We Test Your Eyes It Is Done Properly BOWMANVILLE BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMTJM COST 35c PER AD JURY AOL4u, 40-90 PAGE TWELVE THUMDAY, MARCH 17th. 1949

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