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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1949, p. 6

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TrM CANADIAIf STATESMMq', 1OWMAPTVTLE ONTAMO TEURSMAT, MAXCWf 171h1, 1940 The Nowcasile Independeni j j »Mss Trody Sailowa Mau Lillian Fowler is back te Miss ftuth Hancock read the scrlp- work at Tome' store aller enjoying ture and Mrs. Toms offered pi-ny- a week'à vacation in Guelph. er. Mms. J. Awde gave a reading. Mr. &Sadod Salkows, Cold-- The Preuldent, Mra. Cowan had water, haï; bftn vislting his so charge of the business. Coi-r. MorleY SaJlows and family. Sect'y read lettera of thanks from Sorr to ear rs. eo Cow-sick and shut-ina for carda sent. Soerry ad etrnm Go row- aA dainty lunch was served by Mrs. lat ee d 1 eurit os t Toms' group after which mem- mat eekeld.bers of the W.A. choir practised Benny Dickinson is lmproving for their Sunday evening service, nicely at home. Benny w85 hit Mai-ch 20. by a car some lime ago and was _________ In Oshawa hoepital for mmny weeks.WEDDING W.A. of the United Church met Mar. 10. Mmi. Hemb Toms opened Rz.a-or tue eetng b redinga pem. A beautiful double ring cere- mony took place Tuesday after- noan, March 15 at Albert St. LIMB!R United Church Parsonage, Oshawa by Rev. Donevan Jones, when - ______Helen Aileen Moore, daughtèr of T I I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, New- castie, was united in mariage ta cO.LIfT!DElmer Rozmiak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rozniak of Simcoe, Ont. Spi)r ngkj.... The bride, given in marriage b y her father, was dressed in pale blue taffetta and wore a corsage *1 of pink roses. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Howard Moore, sister-in-1l w of the bride, wore grey taffetta with a corsage of red roses. Howard Moore, brother of the bride, was best man. After a short honeymoon the young couple will reside in Newcastle. ITThe receptian follawing the ceremony was held at the Cadi- llac Hotel, with the bride's mather receiving the guests. Librctry Board - Elects C. Carveth Chairman for 1949 "Boy, that was Some jump, hub follows?" Annual meeting of Newcastle Memorial Library Board was held March 8. Board is made up of follawing members: firn Baardj of Educatian, Miss E. Lockhart,j iMrs. H. Hancack, Mrs. K. Ailten; Nm6oeMunicipal Board, Reeve Geo. Walton, C. Carveth, chairman;1 Miss H. Masan, Secy-TTrenq; Mr-. A. Toms; Mrs. C. B. Butler,1 ________________________Librarian. TEA WANTED e CON Close or Backward Young or Old of Ail Breeds WE BUY - TRADE OR SELL PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE - SCHWARZ BROS. ER. 3, Bowmanvllle Phu] .oss ne 2895 QUALITY SEED GRAIN AND SEEDS THIS VEAR WE OFFER A CHOICE SELECTION 0F THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES 0F GRAIN. 0GAT S Beaver, Ajax, Cartier, Victory, Erban and a choice lot of Mixed Grain 1i3 Qats, 113 Barley and P3 Wheat. BARLEY Barbof f, Montcalm, O.A.C. No. 21 and Sunalta, a two-rowed smooth awned variety. Spring Wheat - Spring Rye Field Peas - Seed Buckwheat This grain is Commercial No. 1 Grade wlth germination tests from 90 ta, 100% and Iargely grown fram reglstered seed. (Registened seed cen be suppiied et slIgbtly higher prices) We are In thce market for good quality Oats and Barley sultablo for seed. f LOYVERS Aif alfa, Red Claver, Sweet Clovers, Alsike and Timothy Permanent Pasture Mixtures, etc. Thos grains and seeds are here for your inspection. You will find the prices rigict. Feeds - Fertilizers - Seed Poiaioes - Lime Phone Clarke 33-12 We Deliver A& W. GLEMNEY NEWCASTLE There were 239 aduit memberu and 23 juvenile members in 1948. Circulation of books foi- the year showed: aduit non-fiction, 1321, juvenile non-fiction 590, adult fiction 5,405, juvenile fic- tion, 1,323-total 9,139. Books in the library Include 1,255 non-fiction, 2,626 fiction, 1,720 juvenile-total 5,601. Financlal Statement Recelpts Balance Jan' 1, 1948 - $108-13 Interest on Bonds____ 23.10 Fees and Cards~.~- 19.05 Fines ------__--_---31.24 Municipal Grant____ 631.24 Provincial Grant--- 239.50 Ci-edil Note (Ryerson Press) Renti - ..~ 20.00 Retl(Polling Booths)- 15.00 MisceUlaneous --~-.--- _ _ - .50 $1 ,087.66 Expenditurea Rent .~ $300.00 Papers -------------21.50 Magazines 62.92 Books-Fiction ---- 94.51 Books, Non-Fiction 88.69 Books, Juvenile --- 75.30 Express-------------------------- 4.97 Librarian's Salai-y & Bonus - .-- 210.00 Miscellaneous ------- 48.70 Bal.. Dec. 31, 1948 . 108.17 $1,087.66 KENDAL Miss Hazel Mae Fisher, New- castle with Miss Margaret Jack- son. Mi-. Robt. Alexander, Toronto, with Mi-. and Mrs. B. Alexander. Mn. and Mrs Alex Hoy and son visited Mr and Mrs. Henry Hoy, who have been under the Dr.'s care. Mrs. A. G. Darlington with Mr'. and Mrs. Ernie Patterson, Bow- manville. Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Joanne and Billy, St. Thomas, with Mrs. Darlingtori and Bill. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer and Bruce and Mrs. T. Hilditch were In Toronto. Miss Shirley Quantijl is stay- ing with hem gnandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cooper and attend- ing Bowmanville High School via Burley's Bus. Congratulations Shirley on passing yaur grade 1 theory exams in music. Ms-. and Mrs. J. Muller and son have moved ta the Gea. Langstaff tabacco farm owned by Mi-. Sel- kirk. Mn. and Mrs. Ned Foster and family ai-e remaining on the Saper farm again this yeai-. Mi-. and Mrs. L. Barnes and family finished, their tobacco last week and ai-e moving ta the house on the Paeden lai-m on the fifth Line. Mr-. and Mrs. Evan Quantrill and family have moved fi-rn Crooked Creek ta the Fred L. White Farm at Elizatbethville va- cated when Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Elliott moved ta Oshawa. Flu has been very prevalent in this vicinity witb many of its vic- tims requiring doctor's attention. Kendal young folks took advan- tage of the snow and bright moon- light of Monday evening ta have a tobogganing uparty back on El- liott's hill. The, lovely spring-like weatbe- of the fi-st part of last week took a decided change when Old Man Winter again took charge and, with upwards a foot of snow and high north west winds, gave us a real taste of winter, making mnany of aur roads impassable un- til opened by the snaw plow an Sundayl There was no church here Sunday due ta the storm and blocked roads. We extend congratulations ta these pupils who passed their mu- sic exams: Grade III piano-Fbo- rence Rowe, Honours Beryl Thickson, pass. Grade I piano, pass-Helen Elchuck, Evelyn Muldrew and Darlene Thickson. Be sure ta, attend the Skating Cas-nival ta be held on Friday ev- when Orono Skating Club will present their extravagenza of stars on skates.1 WILL SWIM Dowmanville Saturday MARCH l9th Krikor Hekimian Botter known a4 "THE HUMAN' POLAR BEAR" wiii swlm in Vanstone's Milli Pond above thse dam at 2:30 p.m. Don't failita cee this unusuai performance. SILVER COLLECTION MRON FIREMAN STOKERS jj 'ST 30% ,q.-Mr @mnt NIA? JACK BRGUGH PLU'MBING AND BEATING Bowmanville 3 King St. W. Phono 2384 Public meeting of Ci lizens Voied Strongly for Arena At a public meeting called by Reeve George Wallon, who la aisa Preuident af the Memomial Aena Commitlee, about 50 Newcastle citizens assembled Friday even- ing ln the Cammunity Hall, Mar. il, 10 discuss the situation whlch has dragged on for some lime about the projecl and corne ta some conclusion as the ultimate procedure. Put la a vote on a mo- tion ta proceed wilh the building, the resolution caried elmost 95 percent. The absence of many in- lerested citizens was laken as furîher evidence ai approval for the genenal feeling was thal a favorable majorlly would be the recuit et the meeting. Arena Committee Reeve Walton urged discussion on the proposed site for the Ai-ena and deplored the stalemate whlch existed and he didn't favor acceptlng the public's maney in the absence of a definile building pi-agi-arn. The Ai-ena Cammittee, composed of Reeve Walton, W. F. Rickend, Gea. Graham, Tracy Manes, Cecil Canveth and Irwin Colwill mustered a quorum at the meeting with only Mn. Carveth and Mr-. Colwill being absent at a previously arranged meeting. It was disclased that variaus Arenas have been inspected and variaus ways of raising money ex- plored. The cornmittee wes favon- ably impressed with the Wood- ville Ai-ena and discussed pros- pects af following their plan. The Woadville Ai-ena cast was in the neighborhood af $14,000. with voluntary l-bai- supplied by the cammunity. At the present time, the Newcastle Committee has sufficient funds ta proceed on these lines. Views Expnessed In the vaniaus points of view brought out, Mn. Rickand thought the cornmittae had decided on a certain site. He would like ta see the rink buiît but deplored sa much bickering which led ta dis- satisfaction. HAMPTON Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, Saline, visited at Sarn Dewell's'. Mi-. and Mrs, M. Mountjoy visited friends ln Os'hawa on Set- urday, and were recent visitai-s with Mr. and Mrs. Kene'th Samn- elîs, and other friends at Nestle- tan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mountjoy, Hewerd, Sask., who spent the winter in Floride, spent the week- end with his cousins, Theron and Mrs. Mountjoy befome eturning ta their home. Her rnany friends bei-e weme son-y ta hear of the passîng of Miss Eva Sauch, Eniskillen, and extend sympathy to Mi-. C. W. Souch in the loss af bis sister. A number firn Hampton attended the funeral service at Enniskillen United Chus-ch on Monday after- noon. Burial was in Hampton Cemetery. S TARK VILLE Ms-. Victor Farrow suffered a painful injuny ta his saulder. Miss Kilepp visited friends in Ottawa. Mns. H. L. Trim spent a few days in Oshawa. A numben bave been suffei-ing with coids. Shiloh W. A.,met in Starkvilbe school. Plans wes'e made for St. Pati-ick's entertainment on Thurs- day at which Mr. Carveth will show pictures af the Royal Wed- ding. Mi-s. Etwell is in Tor'onto. Mrs. M. Bennett, Toronto, is with hier mother, Mrs. Jacob Mal- lowell. Pîctures appeared in Daily Star of Good Music Concert on Mai-ch 2 featuring Parkdale United Choir in which Miss Melena Mallowel took part. BLACKSTOCK Miss Gertrude Henry, Sher- bourne Huse Club, Toi-onto with Mrs. James Henry. Miss Audrey Mauntjay, Taranto, with Mr, and Mrs. Nai-man Mount- j 0Y. Miss Vera Farder, Toronto, with Mrs. John Farder. Mi-. and Mrs. George Ruther- fard and Allan, Miss Diane Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vice, Oshawa, with Mrs. George Fawler. Miss Phyllis Gray was sick last week and Mrs. Dalton Dan-ell taught at the Public Schoal. Wm Farder and Jim Emertan, Marlow Transport and Feed, are attending the Purina çanventian at St. Louis. Howar-d Malcolm, Yelvertan, accompanied them. Misses Pearl and Dorothy Wright and Miss Mai-ion Nuttaîl, FOR SAKERY AND RESTAURANT ~ Only the Best : SQIJALITY AND SSERVICE :: 8 55 - Phone - 855 % On a query by Mr. Knax, It was slated in reply that &Il other Arenas recently completed and In operation, were paying their way. Mr. Gaham pointed out that about 9j. percent af the citizen% had contributed to the building fund and now awaited leadership ta get the thing mnoving. The sticker appears ta be the site. Mi-. Manes also felt that there was a 2 to 1 sentiment for golng ahead but didn't want a situation that might result In a throw-back an the ratepayers. Reeve Walton referi-ed ta the opening of the Bowmanville Ai-ena as inducing some sentiment that the Newcas- tle project was not needed. But, he said: "If the people want it, I arn right behind it." He called for the coopemation of the entire community, village and country alike tô back theresolutian ex- pressed at the meeting and go ahead and make il a complete succeas. Sites Conaldered Originally the committee de- cided on what is known as the Elmhurgs site. Surveys have been made here and in the park. The feeling et the meeting was defin- itely for the Elmhurst site front- ing an the park. Other sites con- sidered were on property owned by Mrs. Mark Aluin, near Mr. Al- bert Naylor's and the Ross Dick- inson lot at the north sîde of the school, ai-,a the Weyrich nroperty plus a bit owned by V. Milligan. After much discussion, Rev. W. W. Patterson brought out many details to be considered including the preservation of a wholesome camrnunity spirit. At the conclu- sion the press reporter present feit that the cammittee should decide in finality on the site, study all details and then go right ahead. Then valuntary labor would ne- turally fallow thîs leadership, par- ticularly the young people for whom the project is mainly con- ceived. Any Opposition wauld quickly disappear just lîke a quick flareup in a family quai-iel. R.N. Toronto, with Mi-. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. Ralph Lai-mer look charge of the service at the United Church on Sunday evening. There wasn't a service et St. John's on Sunday. Misses Mabel and Wilma Van Camp, Toronta, with Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Van Camp. Mi-. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and family, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Mrs. Levi McGill and Merlin Bailey, Peterboro, wlth Mrs. Velva Bailey. Mrs. Earle Dorrell is visiting Mi-. and Mrs. Rager Don-ell in MantreaI. Mrs. Cecil Hill is visiting Rev and Mrs. Clarence Fergusan at Kemptville. The flu germ has been gaing the rounds in the village. Last Wednesday evenlng the Institute held a card party in the HELP WANTED YOUTHS For llght faetory work Good wages and worklng coniditions. APPLY AT GOODYEAIR BOWIMANVILLE Community Hall. Piles were won by Mms. Luther Mountjoy and Osmond Wright. Friday evening there was a dance in the hall sponsored by Agicultural Society. Prizes were won by Mrs. Dalton Danrell, Richard Van Camp and Ted White. .RotaryClub (Contlnued fi-r Page One) while a few other sons were bald- businessmen and et least one wes a grendfather. It was nothing short af genius that Ai-t Mullins and his graup displayed for the next thi-ee houns ta hold the un- divided interest of this mixed-age group af guests. Hlgh Inspiration Mm. Mullins led off with a greet compliment ta Ai-tie Clernence, former Bowmanville pitcher, who tried out with the Ceridnal's school of recruits down south and who hes a big future ahead. Then Mi-. Mullin extended a per- sonal invitation ta Morice Tam- blyn, line freightcan of the High School Rugby Team ta, corne ta Hernilton, expenses paid, ta take several weeks tnyout for a place on the Big-4 team. But the whole theme af the smart speeches of Mi-. Mullin, Frank Knupp and Lai-ny Sullivan, wes the gi-et op- portunity in dlean sport ta devel- op chai-acter, self-reiance and cooperation, for good citizenshîp and the hard work necesseny for success in any adult occupation. Of perticular, interest ta the young cheps novi engeged in active sparts were the many stonies told by the three speakers ai the cereens ai famous figures in basebaîl and other sports. Iti wes shown that the "calai- ine"1 is being removed fi-arn profes- sioal sports and now that such figures as Jeckie Robinson, Larry Dobie and Setchell Paige get heedlines in big league baseball, the fans are responding with reasoning generasity. Friendly City The Harnilton men eceived a great ovation for an inspiring, highly welcomed and excellently balenced sports programme. It was quite a personal sacrifice ta drive such a long distance through the most severe snow- starms af the winter ta entertain stehms ai the winter ta entertein the young chaps af Bowmanville and the Invitation l'camne again" by President Howad Rundle, ex- pressed pnecisely the thoughts ai evenyane present. These enthusie- stic visitai-s certainly so]d Hem- ilton as a "Friendly City." Mr'. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett and Dorotby, Mi-. and Mrs. W. M. Pet- erson, Alnme and David, Toronto, Mn and Mrs. Chas. Bell, Fred and Ron and Mrs. B. Bennett, Oshawa, were visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Bennett. FULL STOCK OF Clover and Timothy Seeds AND Seed Grains Now on Display GEG. G. WICKETT PORT HOPE PHONE 228 SOLINA' Mr. and Mrm. Ernest Lainer, Beryl and Glen, Blackstock, at E. R. Taylon's. Miss Margaret Bowen, Oshawa, At A. L. Stevens'. Miss Lois Lai-mer, Blackstock; Mi-. and Mrs. Harold Balson, Gene and Virginia, Hampton, at A. J. Balson's. Murray Vice and Ewart Leask left with a gnoup of young fermers hast weekend on a trip tu Chicago and St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Narval Watten attended the funeral of their cou- sin Mms. Morton at Oshawa. Mr-. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, Mi-. A. L. Pascoe, Mi- Russell Gil- bei-t ettended the funeral of Miss Eva Souch, Enniskilhen, an Mon- day John Cruickshank, C. D. Pascoe and A. L. Pascoe attended a ban- quet at Columbus lest Wednesday wheh the fai-mers of the Oshawa district entemtaîned memnbers of Oshawa Ratai-y Club. About 300 were present to hear Rev. Frank- lin Bannister, Toronto, speak on "There's a Time ta Laugh." Mn. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees entertained a number of friends at a t.ost Heur pai-ty last weeic. Wamen's Institute met Manday afternoon in the Sunday School raam with Mms. Roy Langmaid pnesiding. Mms. Loi-ne Hoskin and her group were in charge af the pi-ag-arn which was headed "Ag- ricultui-e." Mrs. C. Daw, Hamnp- tan, wes guest speaker. Basing her talk on farming conditions in Western Canada, Ms's. Daw des- cribed "The Exodus fi-arn South- ern Saskatchewan." The St. Pat- rick's theme was carried out in the singing of Irish sangs and a vocal solo by Pearl Leach "Gal- way Bey" as well as in the me- Ammident New Anti-Decey Tooth Powder 175c Home Permanents Toni --- ----- -2.50 Toni Refill 1.25 Hudnuts ------3.25 Hudnut Refi 1.75 Rayve --- -----2.50 Rayve Refil------ 1.25 Minit Curl--.__ 1.50 Wonder Curl ------------.69 FOR THAT - t .cDLD RUS EN... AirWick Kilis Mousehold Odors .89-1.19 De Witts Kldney and Bladder Pis .60-1.00 freshnients that followed. Home and School Club wlll meet at Solina School Friday nighl when Rev. E. S. Linstead will bi the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Roseot Baker have sold their house south af the village. 4kuP Wlih Modern Eloctrical Wiring If you are modernlzint your home be sure ta con- suit us first about your electnical problems. 'Ne lviII be glad to advise you free of charge ivhat is best. You can rely on our elec- trical inistallations g i v 1 n g years of tnouble-free ser- vice. Hliggon Electrîc Tour General Elecîrlo Appliance Dealer 42 King St. E. Phore 438 BIO W M A N V1LL E ý9eêo i iAK Beecham's Pilis -- - .23-.49 Dadd's Kidney Pilîs - -.49 Gin Pilîs --------- - .43-.69 Chase's Nerve Food .69-1.79 Chase's Ointment - .69-1.89 Alka Seltzer ------- .29-.57 Freezone for Coi-ns ---- .33 Mecca Ointment .29-.59-1.19 Johnston's Baby Pi-oduets Soap - ---- J Powder --.3 0- Cream .__~...55 Lotion - 60 Ou...............---------.60-A.10 Neo Chemical Food For Children and Adults 1.35- Stops Branchial Coughs we e. AT large botîle - 1.00 Baby Scales for Rent Phone O IGS RGSOEWe Fit 695 CWIGS RU.SOETrusses 1! mus ai m

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