Tff~IUnA1r. MAlIeN 1?th, 194S TII! CANAD!AN BTATESMAIi, EOWMAWVILL!. ONTAIUO PAGE M1~vuw SOCIAL Aul PERSONAL Mr. and Mns. G. F. Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompuon, Larry and, spent Sunday in Belle. ville with Prov. Cons. G. R. and Mns. Purdy and celebrated Gloria Purdy's second birthday anniver- sar?. MWs Lena Haddy, Toronto, was w«k-erid guest of her-aunt Mrs. H. W. Ponter. Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, spent the week-end with her mo- ther Mrs. N. 8. B. Jameè. Mns. W. W. Buckley and Peul haVe returned to Peterboro after &"iIing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -E.Dudley. Congratulations to Mr. Walter O. Souch, Carlisle Ave., who will elebrate' his 8th birthday on Fnlday, Mareh 18. Nqorman J. Scott, manager of Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, wat guest speaker Thutsday night at the Whitby Garden Club. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mountjoy, Heward, Sask., visited his aunts. Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss Annie Mountjoy en route home from St. Petersburg, Florida, where they have spent the winter. ST. ANDREW'S Presbyteriarn Church Corner cf Churcb and Temperance Streets 10O.m - Sunday School ia.m. - Church Service Minister: Mn. Peter Wotherspcon Organist: Miss Louise Osborne. STIIANGERS WELCOME Mr. Ralph Ames of the Gocd- year office staff bas been trans- ferred te their office in Quebec City. Ralph left Sunday evenîng and Mss. Ames and Jill will be ]eeving about May lst te takO ujp résidence there. Cbristening ceremonies observ- ed in St. John's Anglican Church, Sunday, included this formel ser- vice for the infant cblîdren cf Mr. and Mrs. Phil Finney, Maple Grove, Ms. and Mss. Ernie Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taite, Jr., cf Bowmanville. The annuel Midland flegiment "C" Company Old Beys' Reunion will be held et the Queen'g Hotel, Port Hope, Merch 25. Prepara- tiens are being made te eccommo- date et least 75 cf the World Wàr II veterans, who first joined up under Major Bigelow. Mr. and Mss. J. E. Wylie and son,_ Mr. and Mss. Don Ccx, Grange Drive, Cooksviîle; Miss Helen Ccx, Ms. Alan Grevelle, Toronto; Ms. Gerald Cox, Rich- mond Hill, recently visited their parents, Ms. and Mss. Kcnneth E. Ccx, Kingston Roed East. Ms. and Mss. J. L. Mctcalf, Ms. and Mss. W.- B Metcîlf, Ms. Nor- man Metcîlf, Ms. and Mss. J. H. Abernethy, were dinner guests Monday, March 14, with Ms. and Mss. Alvin Meteaif and spent the evening pleying cards, it being Greodma John Metcalf's 83rd birthdey. Members cf Lions-Rotary clubs are assured cf one cf the most en- tertaîning speekers cf the year et their inter-club meeting Fridey night et 6:30 et Trinity Sunday School. Lance Humble, chie! cf sales for Truck Division cf Gen- erel Motors, the speaker, is recog- nized as one cf the the best after dinner speakers In Canada. Rev. W. F. Bennistes, Minister cf Simpson Ave. United Church, Toronto, and a former pester o! St. Paul's United Chusch, Bow- manville, was guest speaker on March 9 et the annuel get-together banquet af the Oshawa D)istrict Sod4usters Club and Oshawa Ro- tary Club, when the farmers werc hasts at Columbus United Chusch. Ms. Bannister's subject was 'There is a Time Ie Laugh'. St. Paul's W. A. met Masch 8 in the Lecture Room with a gcod attendance.Gscup 2 was in charge cf the progrrni with Miss Gardin- IMnister: Rev. 5. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Hampton Director cf Music: Mr. R. G. Harle. ~EKED w Ontario er presiding. Two solos were en- joyed by Mns. Sadler, town, and one by Mrs. Jim Brown, Newcas- tle, aise a reading by Mrs. Leask. Letters cf appreciation for food parcels sent te Britain et Christ- mais were read by Mrs. Hull. Group 2 served refresbments. Foresters Lodge colleeted $8.40 for the Arena Fund at their card Party in the Balmoral flotel on 9Tuesday night when only 6 tables were filled with players. Their final party will be held Tuesday, March 29 when the sesies prizes will be given. Winners this week were Walter Cochrene and Mss. Henry. Next Tuesday, the Re- becces will hold theis final euchre eand "500" et the Balmoral Hotel. George Roberts, son of Ms. and Mss. Wm. Roberts, Bowmanville, was a member of the cast of "Poor Herbert's' Money"l presented by Carlton United Church Young Peoples' Union, Toronto. The play won first prize in the East Presby- tesy Drama F'estival and aise top honôurs in the Greater Toronto Dramea Festival for United Churches, held lest Friday even- ing In St. Columba United Church, Toronto. The Women's Hospital Auxil- iasy urgently request cll the wo- men of the town and susrounding country te attend the Hospitel Birtbdey Party on Thursdey, Masch 24th from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Nurses' Residence. It is im- possible fo~r the members of the Auxiliery to contact everyone SO will you kindly consider this no- tice as your personel invitation and corne. The Auxiliary needs your support. Mr. and Ms. J. Ross Davidson, Elmhurst and Chicago, ElI., «rith three weeks sunny Florida weethes behind them came up to Bow- mnanville te spend their lest week's belidays with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Colwell. The sun-burn they acquired deep- sec fishing looked rether eut of place in Bowmanville's blizzard. Ross is a nephew of Mr. and Mss. Stan Preston and Ms. and Mrs. Albert Gilders. The women of the different churches in Bowmenville took part in the progrem for the World Day of Prayer held in St. John's Anglican Church on Masch 4. There wes a large congregation present. Leadership and prayers by members of each church help- ed in the psogrem. Mrs. M. J. Un- derbili spoke briefly on the allo- cations fsom the offertory. Lieut, Fermer from the Selvation Army gave the devotionel address. tek- ing as the text. The Lord is my Keeper. Women from St. John's Churcb acted ag ushiers, distribu- ted programs and collected the effertory. Mss. J. A. Gunn presid- ed et the organ. The seventh of the series of Arene Fund euchres sponsored iby Muriel Dunn, Wednesdey night, netted the fund $33.40, with total te date $262.40. Lucky draw prize wes won by Ms. McGreth, Maple Grove, a levely tee kettle; Mss. Gec. Mutton, case of soft drinks; Margaret Goulah, 10 gels. ges; Chuck Wright, pr. of nylon hose; Dorothy Coates, $2,50 for grocer- les; Doris Polley, tickets te the theatre; Florence Knight, 50 cig- arettes; Madeline Slaght, $1.75 gloves; C. Anderson, box cf choc- oletes. These will be e Progressive Bridge Party et the Lions Centre, Merch 24, et 8:30 p.m., with nine lucky drew prizes instead cf high scores. A successful cerd perty wes held in the Oddfellow's Hall 0on March 15, under the auspices of Durham Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The attractive roorr decorations and tallies were ir keeplng with St. Pàtrick's. Wor- thy Matron Mrs. Jessie Mari graciously reeeived the guests. Bridge and Five Hirndred com- prised the evening's entertain- ment with prizes going to Mrs. Lester Highfield, Mrs. Chas. War- ren, Mrs. Irwin Bragg, Mrs. Wes, Werry, Mrs. Gus Bounsaîl, Mrs. Arley Northcutt and Mrs. W. De- Geer. Prizes were generously do- nated by members of the Chap- ter. A delicious lunch, appropriate to St. Patrick's climaxed a most enjoyable evening. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Reta Dudley, March 15. President Mrs. G.; C. Quigley opened the meeting with prayer. Theme of worship service 'Thy Kingdom Corne' was taken by Mrs. Geo. Chese, Mrs. H-. Galbraith gave scripture reading and Mrs. D. Armistead offered prayer. Mrs. Kenneth Werry accompanied by Mrs Otto Bragg sang "The Strang- eý- of Galilee". Study book por- treying the life of Dr. Stella Cheng was given by Mr%. R. Whit- mee, Mss. C. Lunney, Mrs. D. IWATCHi IREPAIRING for satisfaction reasonable prices Bring Tour Watcb To Um ALL WATCH REPAIES GUARANTEED For One Year MANNSPRINGS INCLUDED MARRIS JEWELLERY mubOWMANVILLE 43 King St. W. Phone 463 New House of Style Open for Business Another new business opened ln Bcwmanville, March 15, wben Huyck's House cf Style, invited public patronage in its elegantly appointed, new salon. Located et 67 King St. West, the new store le one cf a chain embrecing Whit- by, Oshawa and Bowmanville. Ex- pert halrdressing is the service offered te the publie. The proprietor, Arthur Huyck bas been 20 years in tbe hairdsess- ing business in Oshawa and ai- reedy bas a large clientele in Dur- hem County. The opening cf the Bowmanvil]e store coincides witb his 2Oth Anniversasy. Interior appointments are cf a soft grey tone with rcd leather uphoister- ing. an irnviting and restful atmos- phere. Ms. Huyck end his assistant manager Jerry Kean, will alter- note in giving personal attention te customers and Miss Helen Ro- gers, fermerly cf Hampton, a greduate hairdresser, will be the chief assistant. Baskets cf eut flowcrs adorned the showcases contais ing cesmeties as many people called for the formel epen- ing. More detail is given in the Huyck advertisement in this is- que. Board of Education (Ccntinued from Page. One) c f wire mets for the Publie Sehools and e 4-drawer filing cabinet for the Secsetary - Treasurer. The board decided te pay $4.00 towards the ccst cf tuning the pianos which wes done by an eutside ergeniza- tien secently and pessed a motion that in future they will net be responsible for tuning pianos if used by an eutside greup. Permission te use the auditor- ium was granted te R. Stocker, St. John's Guild and the Mesonie Lodge. Management Committee will look into mettes cf quplity cf papes towels used et the sehool and have power te act if they wish te make a change. To Order Bocks Secretar-y was inistructed te ordes bocks entitled "Schools and Teachers" from Department cf Educetion. He was also instructed te answer an enquisy from Hes- peler Board regerding Publie School salaries. Ms. MeGregor was appcinted representative te Associated High Sehool Trustees meeting. Property cemmittee outlined sepairs and charges they wish te make the ccming yeer. Board authorized them te spend the amount allotted in the budget for this purpose. This sebeme will follcw the regulas plan cf doing se much in each year in the wey cf deccrating, etc. Kindergarten Offers were made te twe ap- plicents for the position cf Kin- dergarteri teachers et the new Ontario St. School besed on the Boerd's salary schedule. The reg- istration et the present time for these new classes is 75 but this figure -vill likely be increased be- tween now and September. Interesting letters have been se- ceived from pupils who received gifts from school supplies sent thrcugh U.N.E.S.C.O. Bowman- ville Public Sehools doneted $240 te this cause. Te date $34.95 has been donated by Public Schools te the Junior Red Cross. Attendance Report Public School attendance report for February is as follows: enrol- ment 644, average attendanc 612.77, actuel attendance 12255.5e losses 634.5 with e percentage cf 95.08. Principal Thompson report- ed that the taps eutside cf the Public School need repairs, pia- no are badly in need cf tuning and the surface around the school yard et the present time is exceeding- ly muddy. Principa~l Thompson was ln- structed te supply the Secretary with information regerding which classes will go i0 which rooms et the new Ontario St. school i0 er- des that the contractes may set the height cf the cheIk rails and cheIk boards. Assistant principals wrill be appointed et the Centrai Public sehool and et the new school. Llterary Meetings Attendance at High School hes been very good, there being ex- ceptionally few absentees through illness. Two of the teachers, Miss Rice and Ms. Stacey have been absent recently because of sick- ness. High Schoôl Literary pro- grams are attracting a large num- àber of parents, with approximate- ]y 100 present at the meeting held Mas. 2. Next Literary progrem will be held on April 13. Permission was granted the building committee te authorize the contracto- to instal 40 feet of weepinig tule at the extesior base of the west foundation wall atj approximate eost of $50. Secre- tary was instructed te notify Wil- liam Mutton thet he cen have al] the trees eut down et the new school location providing he will dlean up the stumps and brush af- tes taking away the gecd wood. Instructions were also issued.that the secretasv notify the contrac- tor of the above and that the1 Board will expeet a reduction in contract pric-e as previously ag- reed with him. TYRONE Xfîsý Bess;e HiY7s and MisF ç" ,Hamilton, Cannington, wit-, Mr. and Mrs. AIlbert hiiHs. A birthday party w ~as held et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton in horor of hipr tt;r Mr. Luther Steinton. Those et- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stainton, Hampton, and Ms. enci Mrs. Don Stainton and family. Club 41 met et the home cf Mrs. W. Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moses, Bow- ArmiEtead and Mrs. J. A. Cox. _Mss. Armistead added a pessonal note te the chapter having met Dr Cheng when she w-as in To- ronto. Mrs. Harold Fergu.son clos- eý the mneeting with prayer. manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson. Miss Evelyn Beckett at Mr. G Porter's, Newcastle. Mr. Elmer Thompson, Mrs. L. Fawett and Murray, Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley, Ennis- killen, Mr. bill Webster, New- castle, visited Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett. Mrs. W. Rahm attended the funeral of Miss Eva Souch et Enniskillen. Carol Phillips entertairied a few school chumns et a birthday party on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W Rahm and Doreen with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, Bowmanville. Recreation Park committee held their anual ice carnival on March 9 with good ice and a fair crowd. Events included: Best skater, Pat Mason, Bowmanville; Best dressed couple, Mrs. Art Young- man and Mrs. George Afldread: Best dresserl singlIr man, Bnbbi- Coombes; Best dressed single lady, Gwen Davey: Best dressed child under twelve, Marilyn Scicer, Bowmanville: Best comic. Jimmie Coombes; Best original costume, Marilyn Spicer: Best skater mens' Gereld Shacl1eton; Best sir le skatcr, lady. Pat Meson. There was a demonstra- tion of figure skating by Bow- manvîlle young ladies with these prlzes winners; Marilyn Spicer. Pat Meson. Hockey game ended with Tyrone winning 13-14. Jack Elston, Bowm,-11\ille Radio Shop supplied the P.A. systemn and also refereed the hockey game. Two clowns who entertain. ed between acts were, E. A. Vir- tue and John Huis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. Tyrone, and children with Norma IAlex. We Deliver <Yellowlees, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Murray and Mrs. Fowler, Orono. Mrs. F. S. Byam, Mrs. W. Park and Douzlas with Mrs. J. Lilli- crappe, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. \-,. J. Macdonald and Bruce, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham, Bowmanville. Mr. anîd Mrs. Earl Atkinson and Mrs. Audrey Davis witb Mr. and Mss. W. F. Park. Tucketts Move Up Second Place In Ladies' Bowling Tilt Helen Dunn's "Tucketts" de- feated the Experts 5-2 and thus movcd loto second place in the Ladies' Bowling League, just two points behind the League leaders. Ruth Barclay was bcst for the winners with high triple cf the night 685. Black Cats teck oves third place wvhen they blanked Philip Morris 7-0. Doris Joli, Eileen Heasi and Florence Knight led the winn crs, the latters have high single with 267. Ada Tonkin was the pick of the losers. Players and Kools hooked up in a tight geme with Players coming out on top 4-3. Caral Martyn was best for the Players while Emma Shred wes the bcst for the Kools. In the Lemon Leegue, Merg. Elliott with 91 toek the honours. Joyce Major with 93 and Meta DeGeer with 102 w-esc runncrs-up. Up. Team Standing Kools ----------- __ ------- -- 33 Tucketts -------31 Black Cets 27 Philip Morris 26 Exwrts _ _ __ _ _ _ 19 Players -__________i Averages Bernice Budaz -_____198 Vi Ceaie ---- _______1931 Ada Tonkin _______191 Lillien Philllps 190 Sheila Wilson 190 Doris Joll- - - -- 184 ïMel McNulty - -181 Fnima Shred ---- 180 Helen Lockhart ______179 Ruth Barclay 177 Joyce Major 175 Enjoyable and successful social events the past week included the Goodyear Eucbse, the annuel Smoker cf the Goodyear Recrea- tien Club and St. Patrick's tee in Trinity United Church. Funds reised were for community and patriotie purposes. FOR N40RE IrIENDER-LIGHTER IWORE UNSIFOR" PASTRV USE PBE LL ý..rL0UR CI-cric F-lectric Phone 55-r-1 Orono FARM AND BOUSE WIRING and Aterations .. . ..Pole Lines a Specialty ..Free Estimýates ... Repairs rPersonal Service - Lowest Prices MA CLEAN YOUR TEETH iTO YOUTHFUL The special ipoid solvent makes teeth dazzling whitel Buy Macleans Petoxide TootiPoste lodoy r3 . Iflf R- egula Economcal Iarg Dfoxegen Crearn Drene Shampoo ar tubeA7 e tube '11V 30c-60e ,9E-6E-$. DRESIN Glilette Biades 25c-$1.00 Painiolive Shave Cream - 39c-54e Mead's3Pblumi and Pabena 25e - 50e R eminder SPECIAL VALUES FOR ALL THIS WEEK 1 THIS COUPON WORTH lOc on the purchase of I.D.A. "Thompson"" AT TUIE REGULAR PRICE ------------- 39Ç X'ou'Il liko the way this cream whips quickly into a beard-softening lather that stays moist during your sheve. 3 to 4 months shaving to the tube. Offer Expires March l9th A.B.S. & C. TABLETS, 1 00's, reg. 23c --------- ---- 17e A.S.A. TABLETS, 100's and 300's ----------------------------------- -- 19e -49e BEEF, MRON & WINE,% 16 oz., reg. 69c --- --------- - 53e - 2for $1.00 BROWNIE WRITING PADS, reg. 9c ------- ----- --------8c - 2for 15e CAMPHORATED OIL, I.D.A. Brand, 3 oz., reg. 30c 22e CASTOR OIL, 1.D.A. Brand, 4 oz., reg. 25ec - ------------ 17e CLEANING FLUID, 4 and 10 oz., reg. 18c, 39c --.------------ 14e - 29e COCOANUT O]IL SHAMPOO, - 4 and 8 oz., reg. 25c, 39ec -----------19e - 33e COLD CREANI, Evelyn Howard, 1 lb.. reg. 69ce - --------54c COMBINATION ATTACHMENT SETS -- -59e COTTON, Absorbent, 1 lb.-- ------------------ - 79e EPSOM.SALTS, I.D.A. Brand, 1 lb.. reg. 15e -------- --lic BOT IVATER BOTTLES, Good value. reg. $1.29 -99c HYDROGEN FEROXIDE, I.DA. Brand, 4 and 16 oz-. ge 9 - 23e IDOL-AGAR, L.D.A. Brand, 16 and 40 oz., reg. 69c, $1.29 53e - 93e MILK of MAGNESIA, I.DA. Brand, 16 and 32 oz., reg. 33e, 55e 22e - 39c MINERAL OIL, I.DA. Brand, 16 and 40 oz., reg. 45e, 89c ----- 37e - 73e OLIVE OIL, I.DA. Brand, 4 oz., reg. 39e ---- ---------29e POWDER PUFFS, Betty Lou ----8c - 2 for 15e TOOTH BRUTSHES,- Kleen-Or, Lustrol------ ------------_l3ec-2 for 25e WASH CLOTHS, Good quality -~ 9c - 3 for 25c WAX PAPER, I.DA. Brand, 1 ft. roll in box, reg 31c --- 27e THIS COUPON WORTH 10c on the purchase of New I.D.A. MOTH KILLER PRICE -------- 49c PEccs -firl1 1rvae FOR TIGIIT CHESTY COUGHS HANDTP~~ CONOMY SIZES '~ soc TUBES 75Ç 1.50 Donvt put a cold in your pock.t! Aiphamettes - ------$100to A5.0 Burdock Biood Bitters .--- -- $1.25 Chase's Nerve Food -.-- 69c-$1.79 AIka-Seltzer - -------29c-57e Bromo-Seltzer -- 25e-49c-95e Kkovah Saits------- 29c-49c-79c I ~ ~ ~ i Ui 4~!9 OL Grove's Brome-Quinine 35c-59e, Lantigen "B' for colds- $6.00 Mason's "«49" ------ __ 45c-75e BOX 18e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Druq Store Drugs Phone 792 TRJNITY UNITED CHURCH Servicés il a.m. and 7 p.m. SPECIAL MUSIC JUNIOR CHOIR at the Evening Service Next Week - Sunday, March 27th MARGARET STILWELL Contralto Sooilst on the Truil Sunday Heur will be wlth us for our evenlng heur of worship. ~"~rSCOTT'S EMULSION 'The High Energy Year-Round -~ Family Tonic- Rich in Vitamin A and Sunshine Vitamin D -'at ART'S USED CARS 1947-Buick Roadmaster Coach like new 1940-Chev. Coach, radio an-d heater clean car 198-Chev. haif-ton panel truck 1937-Chev. Coach 1937-Olds. 8 Sedan 1937-Dodge Sedan i 936-Plymouth Sedan 1935-Olds. Coach 1934-Chev. Master Sedan 1934-Chev. Standard Coach 1933-Pontiac 8 Sedan 1933-Chev. Panel Truck 1933-Plymouth Coupe 1932-Chev. Sedan 1931-Graham Coupe Open Evenings Until 10 o'clock CASH - TRADE-INS - EASY TERMS Phone 2148 Bowmanville AT THE REGULAR Kilîs flying moths, Offer Expires Children's Own Tabiets.--,.25e Hy-Pa-Clds --- 8-- 2.00 Mececa Olntment --29c-59c-9I.19 Mynex Tablets-- $3-$5 Naturc's Reniedy ------23c-45c-89e Olympene -.75c-$1.25 Pinkbam's Compound ----------- 1.29 Therniogene .-59c-$1.19 CASHMqERE Toilel Tissue Buy a new r.otex Sanitary Ben t t 750 sheet make the most of the confort Kutex gives you. [....--j roll Ask for ilby ro Kotex Sanltary Beits- 29e3 ol Kotex Sanltary Napkins M 3e Minit Curi 8150 32c Schlck Injecter Biades ---- -73e ýi 0 , à i§Ulu r riendly s n )f ,e n 00 TRVMAY. MAI= 17th, 1#40 TIM CAIÇADIAlIr STAI13MAN. BOWMANVIME. ONTAIUO ' PAGE srvm jàffl