PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. flOWMANV1i.ok SOLINA. P4rs. H.- E. Tink. Mrs. C. A. Bla.nchard, Mr. S. E. Werry, Mn. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. C. E. Shortridge. Mr.ý A. L. Blanchard and Mr. Jack Baker attended the funeral of the late Harold Williams, of Woodstock lait Thursday. De- ceased was born in Solina and received hîs public school educa- tion at Solina school. He was son Annis, Enniskillen, on the death Lend a hand 1 Do fot think thet of his wife. because yours is small, Th e many friends of the late Or because from its fingers no Douglas Lemon were shocked and riches may fal, saddened at his death, Monday. It was meant you should render The entire community expresses no0 succr at al. heart-felt sympathy ta his family. -J. Walcott of the, late Mr. and Mrs. S. J. williams. Quite a number fram this com- munity, toa, attendc? the funeral of the late Mrs. Hu-ah Annis, of Enniskilien, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Annis resided on the 7th concession, north of Solina, for many years and aur sincere sympathy goes out ta the bereaved famiiy. The yaupg people presented their drama, "Looks Like Ram" ait Greenwood last week and WE entertained at an oyster dinni This week they will present t dramna at Orono. r Mr. Jack Baker attended t 1funeral of his cousin, Harry Bra iton, ait Oshawa, on Monday. D ceased was born in this villa, son o! the late Mr. and M: Charles Branton, his mother t ing a si ster o! the laite Mr. Thomr Baker, and received his pub school education here. For years he worked in the Gener Motors at Oshawa and for t] past eight years has been farr ing ait Seagrave. Solina Sale Exchange is belz canried on with favaurable r sults and good attendance. The Men's Club will meet the Hall tonight, (Thurs.). Sorry to report that Mr. Walti Cryderman is confined to bed. Members of the Y.P.U. veý entertained by Trinity Y.P.1 Bowmanville, Monday evening. Mr. and Mns. Wes. YellowleE Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry ai Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink atten( ed the Young Liberals meetir at Mr. John Rickand's, Newcasti Homne and School club meti the school last Friday evenli with Mr. Harold Pascoe presi( ing. Rev. E. S. Linstead, Haml tan. was guest speaker and, in biographical sk ét ch af the Ii wvork of Walter White, deait %vi the subject of racial prejudice Piano solos by Fae Reynold Hampton, Isabel Cruikshank ar Patsy Davis and a vocal solo b Doi;gtas Cruikshank were mue cnjoyed. Mrs. A. J. Balson gav a readîng. Lunch was senved b the committee in change. Mr. an Mrs, Isaac Hardy and Mn. an Mrs. A. J. Balson. Mrs. Linstea and.Ilda and Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Reynolds were also welcon- guests on this occasion. Nex meeting will be held April 8t1, kindly note change. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ormistor Billy and Bobby, Columbus; Mr, W. A. Ormiston, Broaklin, ai Bruce Tink's. Mr. and Mis. S. E. Werry a ýSamn Dewell's, Hampton, an( attended the anniversary service there. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Pascoe a Clifford Naylor's, Columbus Roy and Burney Hooey, Burke ton. with Mr. B. G. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellow tees. Elmcroft Farm, Columbus at Mn, Jack Yellowlee?'. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis MIr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis Viarilyn and Peter, Osl>ewa, ai Ralph Davis'. Miss Evelyn Taylor. Peter- borough Civic Hospital, with he: parents, Mr. and Mns. E. R. Taylor. ere er. the ýge, Irs. ras lic 25 ral the ýng at ter ýre U., Lake Shore, Clarke Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Wîlbun Baskerville an the birtIl of a son, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Dean attend- the the wedding in Orano an Sat- unday o! Mn. Dean's niece, Miss Danna West ta Mn. Roy Forester of Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mn. and Mrs. Gdrdon Martin and Joyce, Mn. and Mrs. J. Hendry attcnded a shower at the home of Mn. and Mrs. R. E. Hendry, Bowmanvihle, in honour o! Mr. and Mns. Clarence Guy, (nec Marion Simpsan). Archie Hendry was home fnom Queen's University. Mm. and Mrs. A. Hendry were in Toronto. Mi-ses Blanche and Dama Tay- lor, Messrs. Stanley and Alvin Taylor, and Mrs. H. S. Taylor, Countice. with Mn. and Mns. Arthur Bedwin. SALE PRICE69%0 These powerful brand new4 Eureka Cleaners were origlnally built for big buildings and hotels. During this special sale, they are offered ta yau at this greatl3' reduced price REQUEUT-FRU ' TIAL IN YOUIR. HOME: 15R 'y Oniy A Few AviIb Iee Ted Woodyard's Appliance Stores 44 Kng Street W. Bowmanville and at Orono Phone 901 1ENFIELD Mms. A. W. Prescott and Rose Marie visited at the home of E. Prescatt and K. Hardy, Long Sault. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. E. Ormîston, Bowmanville, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe enter- tained the young folk ta a social evening, Saturday. Herbert Prescott is wearing a cast on one hand due ta a frac. tured bone. We are glad ta knaw that Judy Long who was a Blue Baby is re- covcning from bher aperation. Mrs. W. Bawr- - and Laura. Mrs. H. Smith aný Mrs. G. Bow- man attended a meeting o! the parsanage board held at the home of Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, Enniskillen. Spning is here and s0 is thc mud. ject out of a knapsack by only feeling it. We losed with Camp- fine and Taps. The Guide meeting wshl March 19. Almost everyone was busy working on Handicraft be- fore the meeting. We worked on Semaphore again. We played a new game "Bounce Baîl" in which it was necessary ta bounce a table-tennis ball once on the floor, and fnom there ta land it in a pail. Some were veny good at this but mast of us weren't that lucky! We played the Hav- ersack game which was liked so wvell last week. At Campfire we learncd a new sang "~Our Chalet". Bluebirds are still leading the contest, but Robins are only three points behind them. Keep up the good work! BLnSTC e. Service at St. John's Sunda> at vas in charge o! Rev. Dr. R. H. A at Haslam, Toronto. Dr. and Mn, d-Haslam with thein niece, Mn: p-John McKibbin, were dinner a guests with Miss Eva Parr. ife Special preachen at St. John's th next Sunday will be Rev. George EýNicholson o! St. Clement's church, s.1North Toronto. id As the result of the motor bvaccident same weeks ago, Rex. chJohn McKibbin is stilh confined veta bcd ini Toronto under the care a!vofspccialists. id Mr. and Mrs. David Fainthorne id Toronto, ,vith Mr. and Mrs, d Osmond Wright, k Jack Manloxv, Toronto Uni- ie -ersitywith Mr. and Mrs. Wallace h, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Fonder, Part Penny, with Mns. Charlotte nFarder. '. Miss Leona Devîtt, Trentan, kt with Mn. and Mrs. Cmeigbtor Devitt. t Mn. Wesley Bradbunn sawa id robin on Monday, the !irst day Co! Spring. and a flack af wilr geese were seen going nonth or at Tuesday. Congratulations ta Margaret (Peggy) Finlayson and Frec Stacey on their mamriage or March 21. W.A. af the United Church beld a social evening af local talent Son March 17. The concert opened 5with singing Irish sangs led by iMr. George Black. Mns. J. M. McKee nead "The Life a! St. -Patrick." IVrs. Lawrence Mal- rcolm sang twa lovely Irish sangs. Jean McLean, Trudie Finlayson and George Black also sang Irish sangs. Jaan Venning gave a mcci- tatian and Clama Marlow gave several sehections an lher accord- ian. A stunt by Daltan Dornehi and Ivan Thompson was much enjoyed. A anc-act play was given by 8 a! the W.A. ladies, entitlcd. "The Trials af a Dressmaken" which was w'ell given and very entertaining. A bountiful lunch swas senved. Mr. Coverly, Countice Circuit. took the services at the United Church on Sunday night. Rex'. R. B. Harrison attended and hopes ta take the service himsel! jnext Sunday evening. Mns. W. A. Van Camp retunned home fram visiting hiem daughter, Mrs. Fred Riding mn Pennsyl- vania. W.A. a! St. John's Chunch met at the home o! Mns. J. A. McAr- thur xith Mns. V. M. Archer, vice-president, pî-esding. Thenre were 14 members present. Mrs. W. Van Camp gave the Bible neading, followed by a devotianal papen by Mrs. V. Archer dealing particularty with the nineth verse a! the Bible reading "Who have called us out o! darkncss inta Light." Study Book was ably taken by Miss Eva Pann on the chapten "The Spirit o! China" written by Mrs. White. Letters were nead fram Mrs. McKibbin and Mrs. Harcourt. It was decided ta get in touch with the McKib- bins before makin*g further plans. fan a pat-luck suppen. Mrs. McLaugblin rcponted an acknaw- ledgement af aur bale for the Indian boys. Mrs. A. Rahm asked if the X.A. -ould quit twa quilts for bier, it was decided ta do this at $3 each. Meeting closed with lunch and a social baîf-houn. Girl Guide News TEATRE DOWMANVILILE FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MARCH 25 - 26 March 12 the Guides met with a perfect attendance. Doneen Cochrane is the first Guide to get her thnee successive Kim games. Congratulations! We studied sem- aphore and the Bluebirds came out on top. We had a knot game in %which the Robin Patrol ex- celled. We played the Knapsack game in which each guide in turn was asked to bring a certain oh- e * YO. * FOR §ROM FIREMAN ~ STOKERS CET 30% MORE HEAT JACK BROUGH PLUMBINEk AND HEATING Bowmanvllle 3 King St. W Phone 2384 Skinny men, womer gain 5, 10, 15 Ibs. Cet New Pep, Vim, Vrigor Wbat a Ithi!! ony 1m,01 u: ui' olw 011 up. ne;k no longer ran boi loe bi. glrlo. women . wio er 7rould <an betore. Dr w 01 Iboafe!.b,iîsloigbd Teyt hanx hieve ia îo-uldn ehbuîd, IaPPrt, e d cige,,on ho fouetgives u mr etre,o .unuinour,qnment lu, 1,hl elnlure u>ne- itntear getrng 10 rat p.hen, eganed thue 5.luil or 29)i lb,. you ceSfr oma eî Try ..mis 1,re l,ne T.bleafor new cher "nd adec" Yen day. A&tu aisa. Brighten up Your home quickly and economically with mwallpaper. A fine seleetion of new~ colourtul patterns created by master designers. lVhatever rooms you plan ta decorate we have a paper ta suit that room and also ta fit Your purse. Attractive Bargains in remnant lots. PREPARED WALLPAPER PASTE J. W. JEW.ELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 27 Kint St. W., Bowmanville BLACKSTOCK ]BLACK TEA DOMINO 'pkg 45c BRUNSIVCK-IN OIL SARDINE ST 'ne9 c FANCY-B.C. KETA SALMON 1/2's tin 23c bl.NMINEHAHIA OR SUNRISE.-STD. P EAS 3 Tin'n"-25c GARDEN PATCH-CUT CHOICE WAX BEANS 2002. 13C Td'MATJUICE M0z.i RED PITTED IIEAVY SYRUP CHOIÇE Cherries Ti 26 ( ST. LAWVRE«NCE InTomnato Sauce PORKAND BE AN S 2 30I On. 15c IRRESISTIBLE FLAVOURt FRESHLY GROUND RICHMELLO COFFEE IL.54, AYLMER-FANCY APPLESAUCE 2Z20029C FULL NUT FLAVOUR PEANUT BUTTER 11 r. 3 7c New Low Price HARVEST BRAND MqARBG AR 1N E Fresk Fruit and Vegetables California Seediess Navels Size 288's Sunkist Oranges - - doz. 33c Florida Valencia S-weet Size '216,5 Juice Oranges . . . doz. 41c Florida Delightful Flavor Full cf .)uL;ce Black Diamond Jm',. ~o Cr nGrecil New Cabbage -- Size 96's 4 f or 27c lb. 8c I Texas Spinach - * - 2 lbs. 27c Florida Crisp, Weil Trimmned Size 48's Green Celery - - - 2 for 31c Imported Red, Ripe & Firm Carton of 14 oz. Tomai oes - 1. . . carton 29c Local Grown No. 1 10-lb. bag 75-1b. bag Table Potaloes 21c $1.39 Fresh Green On Manch 16, the lady membcrs of the parsonage board, from En- field, Burketon and Enniskilhen, met at the home of Mrs. M. J. [yHabbs. It was decided ta ne-dec- orate the. living noomf and the 'S dining roomn at the parsanage. at an eanly date. Lunch was senved nby the hostess. Mrs. Jack Morton, Mn. and Mrs. 's Charles Cawle and family, Osh-1 ce awa, Mn. and Mns. Ernest Blake aand Donald, Bowmanville, Mrs. Harvey Blake, and Douglas, ýr Tweed, spent Sunday with 'Mn. . and Mrs. N. W. Pinch. d Mrs. Norval Wotten,. Soena, ce visited on Saturday with Mns. Mary Giffin. Mis. E. Strutt visited Mn. and sMrs. Z. Adams, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Canin and Lenore, xith Mn. and Mns. Fred Davies, Oshawa. Mn. Melville Gniffin and Doris, SBlackstock, Mn. and Mns. L. Grif- -fin and Jean, Purple Hill, Mn. and Mns. Wilfned Banks and Grace, Wes tan, Mn. and Mns. John Griffin, Muriel and Launa, Yel- averton. were Sunday visitons at -Mrs. Mary Giffin's. Mr. David Falaws, and Mn. Bill Smith, Whitby, visited Mn,. and Mrs. N. W. Pincb. Mn. and Mns. L. Stainton and j amily with nelatives at Pont Penny. Mn. Gardon Fleet, Toronto, with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. Fleet. t Mns. J. Smahes visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smales, Oshawa. Mns. F. Dorland visited hem sister, Miss Elsie Oke. Toronto, and attended the skating carni- val. Mn. Gardon Fleet and Mm. D. J. Woffcrs, Toronto, at L. Wearn's. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Pinch and Mns. Alpha Pinch wene Sunday callens at Mm. and Mns. N. W. Pinch's.r Miss Winnifned Cale, R.N., Miss Edna Gilbert, Toronto, with Mn. anmd Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson, with Mr. and Mns. Lamne Lamb. Mn. and Mrs. George Roache, Oshawa, spent Saturday with Mn. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mn. and Mrs. Rusell Ormiston visited Mm. Arthur Tamblyn, Cam- bray, and Mn. Le Roy Brown_ Lindsay. . Sympathx' af the cammunîty isi extended ta relatives and friendst an the suddien death o! Mrs. Hugh Annis. Mr. and Mns. Frei Toms and Jean, Mn. and Mrs. Sandy Moore. and Louise, Punple Hill, with Mrs. Minenva Trewin and Mn. and Mns.* Eanl Trewîn. Mn. and Mrs. David Gray and Canal, Newcastle, with Mn. and Mrs. James Adams. Miss Darothy Stainton with hem aunt, Miss Elva Onchard, Bow- m a nville. Miss Adele McComb, Mn. Allir Canîr, Toronta, Mn. and Mns. Bert Wannamaker and son, Seagrave, with Mn. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Tbey wha scatter with anc hand, gathen with two. not always in coin, but in kind. Nothing multiplies so much as kindness. -John Wray COLOR Dy TECHNICOLOR Movietone News ,~' il LOr4u S'AULT 1 On March 15 our Home and Sehool club met, with President Walter Van Eyk in the chair. Program opened with "O' Canada" tplayed by Grace Smith. Mr. Denby and Stewart Hooey Played two old-time dance pieces. Minutes were read by Mrs. Stan- ley Goble. Mrs. Bobby Hodgson gave a splendid reading. The lucky ticket for the towel draw of the Red Cross was won by Mrs. Bob Sims. Leslie Goble drew the ticket. The rest of fhe evening was spent with crokinole and cuchre. Prizes were given for the highest players. Mrs. Denby won the ladies' prize for euchre and Bob Sims won the prize for men. Miss Betty Burgess and Mtjss Doreen Halroyd won the prizes for -crokinoly. Miss Grace Smith and Stewart' Hooy are in chargé of aur next meeting on April 5. Collection taken by Paul Van Eyk was $4.40 . A bountiful lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van Eyk held a dance in their home, Sat- urday night. BURKETON Thiursday evening, the St. Patrick's social got off to a good start when Rev. and Mrs. R. Sey- mour showed slides of Inctia and Africa and the work that olîr missionaries are accomplishing there. The program was composed rnainly of songs by the public school children, a recitation by little Shirley Dean. instrumen ta Is by Gwen Dean, Marjorie Han- thorn and Verna Larmer. a read- ing by Alden Hubbard and Irish songs by John Archer and Shirley Harris and Verna Larmer. Be- fore lunch was served by the W. A-. Rev. Seymour announced that proceee7s amounted to approxim- ately $15. M"r- P-1 rj Mrs. Grant Carnachan visited Mr. Fred Carnachan, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kerr, Lotus, with Mrs. L. Haesman. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bryan, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. P. Davidson and faniily, Zion, Mr. and Mrs.1 B. Slinginland and Lynda. Bow manville, with Mr. and Mrs. B.1 -Iubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Jacklyn, Star CitY, with Mrs. H. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. N. Avc'ry and Gloria Jean, Toronto, Mr. and VIns. Ivan Cook and MlissiEffie Avery, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. G. Carter, Bow - nan\'i]le. Mn. and Mrs. R. Carter. Peterboro, with Mr. and Mr.J Carter. SYmnPathY goes out to Mr. H. -il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW'MANVIL.LE- (ihrl - ý MONTREAL - Thou.sano's of Canao'ian farniies wili be receiving checques for their 1943 and 1941 Campulsory Savings during this month. A good idea is te tart a special Savings Accoitnt with this mony at the BANK F MONTREAL I It seems ta me that xnoney once saved is wcll worth hangin. - .-~ on ta!1 Yeu cani use this B of M account for tra~ -or home furnishings - or for emergencies. Wh > a wondrful sense of security nlt ta have ta woh y labout doctor's or hospital bis, for examplel Sa if you or your hua.. tand are axmong the lucky cries receiving Compulsory Savings refunds this monthi . . why net visit your nearest Boaf M branch? You'll find the B of M staff fiendly and courteous - glad ta hep you tart your special Savings Accountl Over The Tee Cups . . Acrost A New Dress For The Bridge T ble, i u s . woen love te Cents? Yes, you t,'è pass an their fav-A a ak n o d auritereips. Rere faded dressaloak favoie olike new with tIhe mine - these de- "colour magie" lcosBrawnies. in a package of But I gt h ra ythilling Tintext For AI-fabia Tinter chooltie flavour vout Tints and Dys arc tlose mirrj niiv tIo hakc. îbem with BÂKER'S household dyes that transform UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE faded fabrics of ohl kinds into - thie <'locolaie that'sa ah pure colourful beauty. Just thinik!A i o gh -q u ality c lio c o ta te . a d o e o d r s s d y t t h - BROWNIES o!(lcscsdyd a hî 1/3 cup sifted fiur Spr ns nwest çliads . . . Navy* 12 tspn. Calumet Baking Powder Blue . . . and colours that com- 4 tspn. sait PeetNv aexe 13 cuo butter or other shortening pe c t N v a el(e 2 squares Bakens Unsweetened OldiRose - Ensign Red. Or yu Chocoiate can have 7- ovcrniglit - a brighit, 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, well beaten new-looking chair cver ta bring ~cup chopped walnut or pecan Spring riglît imta your home- tspn. vanîiaandstankîogs ddtai Fashion'a S:ft (pour once, measure, add baking favaurite shiadest Snmall wonder I rGw der and sait; sift again. M el h a ! m r a d m r a e ehortcning and chcolate ven bil- ero oeadmr oe ing -water. Add sugar graduaiiy to who kecp their homes and ward- ceggs , beating tharoughiv, then add robes Iookiglk e ihTn chocoiate mixture and blnd. Addki g ie n w th T - flour and mix weii, Rien add nuis tex! And for a coniple colour and vanilla. Bake in gresed pan. il x 8 x 2 inches, in mderate ven change, ther's Tintex Color Re- LJ130 deg. F.) 35 minutes. While stili mioyen. Ask for AiI-fabrie TIN- ivarm eut in rectangles. Remaove frm pan. cool on cake rack. Makes TE.X next time youre hopping 2 dozen brownîes. - it casts only 15e a package I L'ke The First Rreath of Spring. . . are theso ('oconut Crcam Cakes witli SWANS DOWN CAKE ]-LOUR giv'ing tlîem fluffiness, tenderness, and flner tcxture. Swans Down, you know, is sifted over and aven ag:iin untîl it's 27 times as :fla aa3 ordi- ary flour.' COCONVT CREAM CAKES 1 cup, sifted Swans Down cake 6 tbspns. hot milk Oiur 2 tspns. leman juice 1 fspn. Calumet Baking Powder ! C-P led aeliy .tspn. sait 1 can Baker's Southern-style i u C U su g a r o n u c ,,g s u n b at e nc u p c r e a m . W h ip p e d sift four once, mneasure, add baking powder and sait; sift t3hree trnes. Add sugar Io eggs and'beat tintîl very thick and light. Add fiaur ail et once, stirring quickiy but thoroughiy. .Add miik, mnu<îng quickiy until bster is smooth and wvell biended. Add ieînon juice and biend. Turn imb Iari'e cup-cake Pans which have been greasted lightiy on battoms oniy. Bake in maderate oven (35o deg. P.) abOut 2 minutes. Remove from ParF. Cool. Spread îceliy on tops of cakes. Foid ¼ cup coconut lOtn \wh dec cream. Spread whippe~d creamn mixture on top Of jeilyan so iewth remaîning coconut. Garnish each cake with a bit ci jeiiy. Makes 18. TRURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1040 VALUES EFFECTIVB THURS. FR1.. SAT. MARCH 24 -25 - 26 RICHMELLO LI'NN N'ALLEY-HALVES COLOURED PEACH ES 2S)oz. 22cO D ROYAL CITY-Cholee B.C. D PLùs 2, -7, HEESE HARVEST-CHOICEIL.À47 , FRUIT 2n oz. 40_____ 1 , tý ri ý. lh. 8c 11