BRING YOURL____________ MESSAG:EBEFORE _________________ 12,000 READE]RS COST 35c£PERtA CADO0NHAK BIRTHS COMING EVENTS Real Estate For Sale Articles For Sale Articles For Sale Auction Sales Articles For Sale ________ BàASýKERiVILLE-Mr-. and Mrs. Dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, PASTURE. 56 acres, good creek, 1934 Dodge coach, $400, good con- CORDWOOD-hard and soft, in Auction sale of 16 cois due lnr .Smlî,Nsltn Wib- akevll nnuIc he1Mac 2t. uh iso areYone mile east of Hamptonl. Phone dition. Phone 2035. 12-1* foot legts also cedar posts. freshen at time of sale, and il LOWER PRICES wihst akhepgbur birth of a son at Bowmanville; Band. Admission 50c. 12-1* 2738. 12-1*Phn269.1-fbodswirtlte'tepo-A Hospital on March 20th, 1949.! 'SCC.eriyletn dy o' Gardham Trewin. one- Mothr -and baby doing \"'cll. Dancing at Varcoe ,Friday gre o.wt 0 rnae _______________ ODOD u otlnts, haîf mile south of Blacksbock on DIU D A f' 12-1i night with Bud McAllister and Barown Stree wt, fo rodntg r.LAIS donlu aloe maple and becch; two cord to Scugog Highway. on Thursday. j her illness. records and Saturday night withBC.A. Sarett, Pone 4uieeingMs. sAIzES'6. Phoie 461. 12-1itload, $16 per cord. Phone 29s52. M4,rch 3lst, at 1:30 p.m. Terms 16~MO TSOHW r.SrhCak ihsb GAYjack ad Norma Gy are.Jac.FQwler ad orchesta.412-1 1-1 ____________16._Phone__40-tf cash TedsJackon. auctioe.r. 10 c Lnecg Rom Group on- thankail ber fiendscon inAAIJ1c1 aistîng o smart 3-pc.!chesteI end bours.switn 1ec1al12hank--to9ReA happy to announce the arriv-aI o! 1936 Ford coach. II Imileage, FORDSON tractor, 1937, i Aisitein floral or , c.cendtabfile.G .Qiyio I hi DI lttlesiser o Thrsda. lCompanions of the Forest xill FARM for sale-Durham Co.* 150 good tires. Phone 2808. 12-i condition, lusi recently and coni ut n,-rlvlur n al March 17ith ai Oshawa General hold a sale o! homemade cooking acres, 10-room bouse, large barn - _____________- pîetely ovcrhlauled. Apply E. Mill- I have been aubborized Io seIl table lemp, coffee table, magazine esadfrtefoes ri Hospital. 12-l* and afternoon tea. Friday, March 46x80. good well, suitable for fruit. 1942 Cbev. Coach. Phone 805. es'- son', Enniskilen. Phone .9263. by public auction for Roy Winter. rack. foot stool and 2 satin cush-adcrsenduigbrinss 2.ith, in S.O.E. hall. Proceeds for veea- s.bbco rmx' 121 .__ iiPetovl. nHgha \. 'is, Rutherford Value. HUMPAGE-To Mr-. and MIrs. Arena Fund. 1 2-112 !arming. h.- dro ai gate. 1mmd-eng.- 2. three miles e.ssi o! Oshaw a.' on 1-c 190 h ailo!telI v Hospital, on March 201h, 1949. a Pancake supper in Nei'sle R.R. 3, Port Hope. 12 ý 1* r a srw1hoeCake10.adsfntVntan Blinds mea- stock. imrplements and pigs. Sale on oui floor.fe tansnd prciio datiuhter-. Marilyn Jean, a sister United Cburch Sunday School dry _________Phoe Cl rke194.a s eadnstled. Fe et-aiIoclc.Tem ash. Elm-er 10-PC. Bedroom Group includes idfinsadnibor o ffrrevcly An.12-1*roo. Wenesay. arce3Ot aiDOUBErcame ous. hafFtn- F.I.MorrissF. FoMorisCohPhoe Wibur aucioner. 2-1lovcy desse chffioerlargsacsofk ndess.floers.mesage 6 p.m.. unider auspices of the W. ant occuipcd. separate entrance, REFE okiesoewil 8.8t ___bcd. modern waterfall styling.Ij vptvctne ote AýIC.,-r ndMs odn1. Admission 50c. 12-1 dtone fouidcation, cernent cellar or nra odSîjin Sale El ane t Bae stcel spîing.a soft cotton rnattres uigtersa ecvmn.i Wilcox nnounc the bith of loors. double garage, 2 cisteinsMesNranr. boryl'gond<'obodtts,'i MEN22pilloxvs. 2 dresscr lamps and bed hgoso erssc' n thir dxailugter.tDona Scileonfgi TrneHll ell, bus and train at door. s0oolA. C. Ashton, Phone 2829. 12 - ndb s' rkbos nl, Frms. Solon Fîricav, March 1ampRuhorVae nea. 1etri lghs, ch sov dreFs shocs complece stock o! 25th. ai 2 p.m. Cashi your surplus 10-pc. 9.5~blvdan.eseilytakn therDr.gitFeiguson.r Dr.Scia eenigSturgie Hll.1 Dr. Ai-d Vlu Bowmaiivilic Hospital. on Mar-clhFi-ida.Marcb 25th. at 8:15 p.n'.a. algodrp iprcc- i (0().i BLUE pram. play pen alid toddle îescd tl1 ipoua pies cc. Sale to consist of Durham Choose from 25 bedroom suites on inMsOieBro.M~.W 12h 14. l)-1ilP.ogressive crokinole and euchre.1 i11cari ll in good condition. Anplv ly lisSo\earKn7 n Hîtnsrngr n 1shnefor M\-rtle. Ont. 1141 ueS. oýmivlc ý-1 E N A E E T Tvrone C urch. Admission "25c__ -__ h .- o' fersoi-neDura m iia d H cold i the n Sites a d R d6r750 ENGAELGbEMENT-oomho c WASF-ING mpchine. Maytag c'cc- i200 BUSIIELS carrots. tender and cfes 1ouramadforîjKthe uie '6. and 15c.. trie 1imosi new, S135 Phono Ci h5P. iin u. Ue1 1 coti s sockers-: sow,,s: yoine pigs: cIvs 5-pc. Plaslic and Chrome Dinette gmsaea h uea Mi'. and Mrs. Richard Trimble. Bowmalivile. all modern 94o îve: ccIbeîwenn7 And 10 p.m vn For iniform-t'on phone I o" Jack Rutherford Value $49.50 evc.1- Mape Gove anoune te ~~- "Jumping Jewel."a 3-act cOm- iencshaî'dwood floors through- 9 14 4 2 1o co» m. on o l 50 Bpker'. Phone 2180 or Ealpb Davis. i Jnfinisbed Drop Leaf Tables,MrRoetHik an Ien edy will be , presented Friday, oui, large 7 ft. celiar. hot airr ALFALFA clovei- hav silage wilI u.Phn 46,J1.)rbm hn 41.Tr- ah 12-1 Special $¶8.95 gager-nent of ihoîr.voungest daugh- i hn248J.KGramPoe213TrisI t1r h oee.b oeiBi. April 8 by Triniby Young People. furnaco. oleetrie hlot \vpter bIlle dibv tion. Mv. J. Perem-n. i innsýk!lecu. 1-3;,Cetril e n h' oi Pn iv s oreMr. tanRobrt Harr.Admisslon ,5c Prie25c. Tickets 13-pc. sunlzen bath. fr"ýshly intiro ..2 she'.1-l---l- Tecn b\odacoerba îbltrd cs hieo clr aeadth ecsl e availabi ber h - L. Walapco Oshawa. The marriagealbe froin memes of the decoratod.lag loi wilb FLOOR Coveriog! Congoleurn, l'un- had insructions Io selI b\ public Ruthe~rford Value ff8900CosOhaa aitonAm b tkeplae uitlyth miîcleYoung PeoIe Union. 12-1 Occupancy end of Mil.WrteBo QUANTITY o! mixcd hay. 75% nec. Congolcui n ad Rexolcum auction on Spiurdu,. Anril 2-nd. Studio Couches, 100l'î spring- saaRdCrs, od a- of Aprîl. 12- 1 Plnbabnd-. 226. c/o S1abeFman Office. 12 -1 Tiînotb reasonable pr;ce. A1fc-i luxe in yard goods and rug- the !arm stock And impliem ontfi fiiled. Pil coioî's $44.50 't o u s !bstuk Plan____attend Free Demnonstra- 1 IAllin. pboî:32. 12-1* s;,:es: almo nlaid iniolecum vwith Charles Grills, Lot 5. Con. 8. East 3-pc. Bcd Outfits. metal bed. sofi h aiso aehr o DEATHS lion and movies o! the Allis- $590.75-LARGE lI , sbo'bri __ s- uik. F. F. Morrs Co. Whilbbv Txvp.. one milir north h'o! cotion mattres.- and steel spring. b fn Cbalmers Modci G tatrad oei ne !Bwivili&s" bel- RAN(4ETTE. us"erl 2 nîlonilis. Phonte 481) 8-tfi Columbun -,And 1 miles eossi As Ruther'ford Value $26.50finsadeghor oass- ANNIS-At bble r esicdence. En- ifarm cIIipirncnt at Palmer' Mobor ter residlentiai areais. Coilipev niake National, reasonable p -, M- ~ r. Grills is giving un fp"ming Di'op-side oI puli-out Couch witb dtengt0 b ie eas n LkJ ononSatrdy. aich 9.Sales *.how rooî'n on Wednesda\-, modein thriouglhouit. Dc~e.- 1 rlforl Phone 7.l2c T5NJ FAIi,\ERS- ri'al bheve v'ill be no res-er\,e. TerI !rfIl cretonne covered mat-iis thn Mr.ENeda 1949. iCraco Siomon. helovc-d wife April 6tIî, ai 8 pm 22efiin apy ii,JAMESWAY oil brooder, new la-t homes coituge ard grcen bouse caPsh. Sale Pt 1 p. m. Clifford rs.RheorVau $1,0 nd rsW.ufey!Osaa - g Ib pi f n iI n-Foida'vav Bcd with cotton filled n i.S oc n r.J of Hugh Aninis. in lier 5911er.1 g vc epadof fi u ar.r.Prfc1n vnywy f880. I owI1i 5, 011 10')ca li have wate:'Pelhick, auctioneer. 12-2 ,nabes ubifr au 1.5Cro !Nwat o okn Funca romtheMori ucral i'Te CaîîltbrvTalcs."DoI lime after.3y er. Fl 7acc ',oîe271. 12-1 in -ol-:1iwd"lg s'isaln Cbapei. Interment Bowmanvulicms b olr lnieon innwiicx rnnee h on iC. suî e sy:-lr. Orc6er now. Do TAucesgndwl d nd aresize ottN aluralWooden Crafebbcidrn Aso1te pc1r dsrbleibJ.A. Bqnk i- c'omoirl in. rîlal(,'l. ExýclusiveiCOOD. ele'lpiirpco wgon ou nceî . a piimp or plimp jack public aucI on1onS2tur'daN' Marcb n 4 oinmtrsRîer aypol b eti es Cemrer. irricdiin'l8b5îîied Mnd\ by fcli 1Y. I]. wford Value $15.50 lligadbakt rmN Anril .1iii nflbc High School audI e"n. Be'ýors, 6 Sine oSt. N.. hmi 61.1-icon'n îxe . helbrowskie, b flo'Ag kthe oco lor uhrfýod wsectioi BLACIAR Xoy lidCIl>Oniîoriirm. Auspices o! St. Johns', bx",Oint. 12-I , - of I~il kiiîds. lraile's, ga- suite, table and clîai'skitchen Vl n orsw icri Marci-,' Hosp1949. Wallbbc TornioGui1dAdmission 50c. 12-2* 11) f7 PoI eCoachb in n( gid on - raec I tîîacîc (no"head) fert la- cabinet, Scpeî'ior electrierangoe Nld ibethnou 21 shal lanhad. iibis70h var ' -COOKE REAL ESTATE dition. C. H. Lane,Ncovi. tor~s, manuro s readers dise and good condition: bedroom suite. RauhrlFr Vale $55ais beloved busband of Grace 1am- Ba ehaIl Meetina2: ever ' onci-, b 0- ' ia ra.16 2-1* d and spring looth barrois.threc beds, folding cot; w'ce omd hircvrdsy ,, ________ Mrs. Je'nins. eretIedio basehaîl is invited 10toi table: caxa'aoarea.164 acrem- c . hair; Commode Chairs,_______________ ilton. %îatbr n ,Jaek te anllnual meetiing o! bble Bo'.-104 crs okbo r""b .EY rmni ie1,ac il ao'boxvis, triu.tor p!o\.ga- ale 9Po soe:ar-har;with bav $4.50 ILS Ec rswth ls Mr.Siîi cr 1' Calubc II Polar Bea: Swim. eward.1Kind- Badmer .\T Cu i- 3piiinton Hall. Thurs- Sxrly Pbo-e 416. 12-1:3 : l?,r I eodr o\,fomfi okst ccrc rn C o h u u ' , T o r o n t o R s t i n g a h a v n n . M r b 2 1 . b 7 p m o î i o . f îlsr e ' n 9 x 0 r ' c a i e r . y u t c e n e e ! d i r b s f o r cI ; b ec d l a r r p n a r pe t s c io n o s b a w a . C o se Turner & For 1cr Ile. I o.Pasx~l emcefrieoe-Early poýsscFsion, Termis. PYOT ccan12.letr hd 06 owa lc n. jars. pans.dIhstrunk And man . , ours from over 200 patternsi_____ Toronto. ServicsnTueeda bcMarhpcl1949 rbb ne on fnir.c"v er.go I12-1 * iobbcr articles lio n uniecnsIo actutallNvin stock. ToilSrvcsLC For Rent--Idre '-t-y oo 22. Irteî'mnt Oshawxa Cencrete'ri. nd offchers1949iibe eler1- So11n. ia "1 ~a'oLlire-. Carl Tamblynphone 0-1 ~mention. 'Terms cash. Sale ai Congoieums - Feltois - Inlaid. 12-1's'r arîmniii.nî tc4nnsv6r 10. 12-1 P,qAOL'7Y Furntîrre CoI.41) King 1: 30 p. m. ]al wdbs expert Iaying service XV' To - mcmnmnSt. W.,kl'eîn:e, !Ili i . ie 271 3-pc' T. S. Moiîîîjoy, Cîrfford Pethick. No obligation for mauig 27. omavll.121 ____Att_ uii'Il(e -;erIfr) ilii i fa i. ndI n AnilvNonnii o il[iii.,coniplete'. S29.95; fou base 12-1 Sec th<-' new ulb' l, 14pal liospita:l, Toronto. on Tiie,-daN. 1-bUSE. l6 - 7 r'ooms in March or hiirn. xvnbe'r bwlý. Sc"'îic 10"follî. ilnioy.Eiacksiock. Phoneo r:licou' covering. 49e a q are -d. terrns, guararteed for the life NEonbn lorPlses Mar-ch 22nci. 1949. Isabel Ann Anruil. Write Box 223, StatIe a lyl throuqholit. Ternir. lin- per, v 1liI6r 1,1. 12-1* ciiionechaiS6.95, ail colors; your home.$10peda;acu Cenrs Fooper. wfc o! the late John 1Offic'e 11 mo iateposs--sîcrî. i .'3 rc. a11ovoî'o ii cslcrficllM 10prdy upys hn Albert Gendron. anîd dI moiher CorP. .r. 0 I 1"ON gabardine su *t anrdm s 14.1:6pc aFr iih~A R14 SO~L D For Service and Satisfaction 81.'2-S ol F.miio.Mrs. MW. Fox <ChrisilineVETEBAN \would like Io mont FVLN .C>clEnachng colt. size I1I, in gond h"catý,.-fSîu49 .6.1)11; r inî.i halihiuauthorized tb ell b y shop ai ;;incd inceu-il. ResIrgai tie sinal mmam. 110 I 25 acr~es gardon . Realte"Cire cx'ar , otidit;ii. Apply 38 Wciliiugton pl-1matlrcsý7cs. ý21.95: tri-lît - public atîtiton for Bl.rodN tc F. lÙîIa Fuuîemal Rcsiden 46e. land ilih suitable bouse with lcncCak A2621 12-1 St. lïll3..cnmplcti-. 8S1 2.95: aigetes b11 Ç.urr Sberbýlnuirtie St. Funeral se"x'ice iyr.PhonenOr w'rite V. R. FNLYOvicoscr-.niî"'rages !rom 8$59.00: 3-pc. aîîoxer -'->Owng 0 illbeltbSIhavebre Fnx'aftorriooui ai 2 o'cloek. , Myers. 295 French St., Oshwa.LINDLA AalULokslCa. vforccdicsetoilgiLTx2e& upmy businessur Co Osbwa.t 00 10Iialsîrmunler hone' nexx, P.od bealcu' and b Se1x19n.00: bodl cýisrld uiies. LOT 6 & 7. ON. ,rlrllr nicnent Bowmanvillo Ccmecteu'y. Phone 923-xv. K'2-i19locationxcriAxminstor carpets. T)ATLINGTON 1foiSimcoe Sa.eS.0O.hN.a15vhicb by Mr LEMON -At i XVork VvTanted - ~~.In one mile o! Viliacfrofn' e'r Osborne, phonie 24801 . r n'r \\1 orieîntal designs.!I One haf mile east of Courlice Tlpoe31 r itnx 0bcgsln u) Work Waned 1l-F than en mile trancie fron - cheille bd spradS, 6.5; and one mile northTlline31 MoiE~ MO arc-h 21. 1949l. Duls0 AREDMNxit1beesaîBowmén,î ville And por't HIne.)o ONE Mpsscy-_HPruis -3-ore (.Ii - ?h1e ,amnps. 075. Exerytbinfi foronOto!hebgretdirc"Ins.banger'dcxi ar Cviilemoui, 21ei19x9eDIs o m hlm. xorl iefmijb square Pcres witlî abonut 2011 '"a.iator n good eoiidit1oi.O i W.Olav Poi 7.6-f w ieuv ac U- Budget Terms -ecsmrsfrterpu'ng And Mrs. George Lemon,,aged 23 iyears' experleuice. Sepaî'aîe bouse 1for' residouce, îawxns indi "arc1lln. x%'ori horse. Appiy Donîald Dax ex ___:_-_ -e1- uin h 'asI aelvdi ~~~~~~~~- cas-ruc-lfo 1 oui n sd' equired.Wî g eBalance x'.'ell xvoodcd xxibi finle Tyu'omc. Phone27437. iirlaei'1te ol i{(i EvRpir owavl.Hpetepepeo FuncriCae. nemutHam-referrnce. Apoiy Harold E. Green, troule sicam an hove" dni. tTHIRTY sineets titii oofimîg, ; 35v ac 6~i.oc;Cistu omni ewi amnz r ton Ctem'y, Io Ir.Phliip Schwarz farm, imbd'r criofr2-A'iy 10 . . M. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson. 11- _______ Cocrtice, Ont. or phone 491xx'll. build bouse. Sacrifice sale Io c 0O intsn x sa$nis ' OFx'llhe.Yrcire sows, iHorse. 8 yrs. oîd; Black Mare, 4 REPAIRS toal i kesf rfriGarea vî sie a' Oshawa. î ~~~1-3* esrtato. Taxes less ihan thii'ty truck load o!fIcîmber. Phione r-i.ixvo dîm in April. Phono 2436. vrs. od rt',dmsi n -meca LUNNEY-AI Bowmiauville. on -doiiarF. 12-1STEIN___ I E-lîggon Electric 42 King Si. E Srrnday.March 201h. 1949. George W ntdTo B yRAYBESTOS Raybond IbraVe1,12-HosteinOLSTE6N UATTLde A..î Phoersonal6 Alheu' t Liiiey\. i h.onstony - car,--$3.200.00-Newcastle, noI' home. lining, Peu mafuro borîdod Io 10 , F r Saleli; Holstein Cow,5 yrs., dueSLN RTaelarefct'e I theroaI rmii.tHy Johnited , GOOD. used erib, prefemably central location. semi-himnigaloxv brake sbosnos. in vets. brai~ l Eý ose as i-liba'e lime o! sale: Holstein Coxv. 3 yrs.. FOR prompt, efficient. guarantee ek'sply$,0 2wes ricarrfier of MTrs. J.H.<Ce- CLE- "- t'n ii ' . i ciue April 20th: Holstein CIV. srv5-.dxc-ing amîd custom xvorki $,0o n' o-i n c efcry. Ciiîngwooi ntdav si'ondvoci also breakfast nook. type. 4 rooms. 2-piece bat1room, 5,i0c exebange. Bob Sorc: AlyFeL.Sîiî,Poie27.-s.duApllt:HoscrCo',rybeNa-'y beRpirIGgr DgSoe.2- onTu iPhone 2769. 12-1I'eceosed scnrooi. comemît cellar, Garage, 12-t! cýiM7., ho Rpi- Mai-'h 22nci 12- - fumnAIe running xvatem. elcIr'c-- - _____1 .5 y rs duinie of sale: HoceI Shop. iuîg SI. West. 9-tf BEFORE slling your live poultry ity. large lot, Five bundred cash FURNITURE-1le discounit Ou 1 CARTIER I aVndmcbarliyCaoibeCo\w, 4 vrs.. frcsîI 1 ek; Ho]- H PRINGLE-At Hamiltoni, on Mou- try U!,. Our prîces are higbcr. M. f lfrb eibeprhsr ury Sax'ingcs Ceques. Um-se- elon mtl rs. ~ oîtiiCo4,rq6,yms., bren Ec. huAes, Rum d hm'g ak oninreadeneoe itprcls. (la '. Mai-cb 21. 1949. Johnî Priîîgle, Fiait. R.R. 1, Beihany. phone 7 r ______ig hqus s uklii.SihBo. 1 olti m' r.,beiI ieRabn rk odn bc'oved buchancl o! Alice Rush- 13. reverse charges. 17.1 290 0Ntif!Bo aî wle xhat you sas-e Io gel something - th: Holsteini Coxi,, agcd,(Idue May serv-ice - rio rivets. Brakes are i ape 5;2 ape 110 brook Andciclarfalher o! John E. ODNYUGLDw'l eoeadaba!socl1Wcsc voun mecd, This di5zcoumît -l G o rau as loCs 's:HliîiCw,6ys.dî a otir SPoIaiy. Bob Stocker*sMi re et.T3,NvR Pingie, Nexi York Ci. amîd Mrs. stucco house, four r'oimsAnd un-fered ns' F. F. Mor'ris ICo. 12 - 1 ce:,e Srîrimîg \Vliiat, ceu'ified No. I. 1lsbiî; H-ostein Cosx,* 3 '-..1re-l Garage, Phone 804, Bowmanvillo.brC. o 1,HmtoOt pleased to pic-k up diead or crippl- - - lrlAu.Poo23. 1- o-;rosenCw r. rl;I1t bis 841ii ye,,r. Irîlorment in Ham- 1ZUijm uîas mupy ins iltoui on Wednesday. Marcb 23rd. prices. Telepiione colleet, Toronto 121AD3636, Cobourg 48J. 1-52 - THREE îprigbt pianos, immed- IN MEMORIAM it,1v. Will pa -highecsh rcs - -- wrteBox 25 ttsa DOWSONIn 10ioximg memomy Of Office, stating price and mnake. a cîcar liîn'bdi and father, Sexvamd12* T. Dowison, xxlîo passcd asvay I 2l Marc-h 2ti.i97_aî tr daim- NOTICE-Faî'mers. \Vc pay as rhbbor, Mmc. Weldoni Neal <Mabel) Iighî1 as $1()00 foi- Dead or Crip- îiîn ppsý .ed iway Acigust '28, 19318: pied Hocmes amîd Cois-s, acnî'ding Take tliîemîîin inîîe amms, deai' in size anîd conditioni. small ani- Lorri, niaIs euioxeci fi-ce. Highest pî'ices And cicr let tîîeni-mhbc paid tor old borses, Phono 4026 MosengesOf oxe iPeterborough, rex'erse charges. reixicen our lîeamls aîîd T licc. Nick Pecouîl. osîner, 5-tf Loi rr~i rernenbered anîd saly He ni"seý:rl lhY îf and niot lier. Ali'n Hel YVanLed and Pauîsy, Glen and Arnîold. 12-1* HOUSEKEEPER FOR modemn home. oi) bcmnacc; permanent MOOR -11 loing icinor ofposition: references. Write Post MORvE lei l oxin îeîîîhory !cdOffice 13ox 19. Or'oîo. Il-t! A;vay MamîhI 2911î. 1943: NIAN M'antcd fou' Rasil,,eigh«i bush- Theme is a inîk deatb canîîot uieSs. Sell b 1.500 familles. Good sos-or. Pofits for lînsilors. W'rite Ioda)'. Love and enîonbrance iast Rasîleigb Dcpt., ML-C-140-S, Mon- fore-en-. treal, Qcuc 9-5 .-Loviii- ,rcremnbcrec b' molli- ,-- 1_ ______ c"-. sister Evcl-nî and bihrlc--u- TINSMITH. sxitlî e-tperience in lai, Rouh. 12-I ia'iuig ont aîîd iîîstalliîîg xxarm _____ air furuaces. 10 takc charge o! MOOR -In]oý.iIg Ilcjj01' ofIe tiiîîOroom,. Permanîenb position, MOO'.(CRE iSteloviand iiUl I omry o! ' for the rig t man x'ith requircd J. Moore,.si-ho passcdl sa Mai-Ch qualifier lions. Married pirefcrred. ;1911i,194:3: Poster Keliy»s. Plumbing & Tin- Voi Ir 1,.. snîihiurg. Feneloni Falls, Ontario. Oftei sle'ît teass __12-1_____ But yoc'll alsvays lie îîm-tIlîLIS, 'A SPLENDID opportuuîibv o! bc- As-xîe orcY estlrough the Icommeuug uu-oxîn boss! Retaîl ar-s: 1oc01r-2250) gnaraîiîeed houschold You ar-e aixsays in our minds, 1 necessiîies includiuîg the full lino ssler. o! Insecticides. in a ierritor v o! No niatler wh ia) sie do. i, )tccî h l<icc. Part urne agents Ail th( lime î;ilbir our liearbs, .cosisdered. Hundreds o! suîccess- Tlîc is a tiîoîmght o! you; fui Fannilex agents siarted iith Nover Io' a moment are ycin xery a borrosx'ed $25 or $50. No risk - far aia)', il is xsorlh a trial. Travelling Absout. 'set uîcax yciu seem. equîpmeni essential hn rural dis- Buit d-cliem es'cî day. ' rucis. Business is good. Write - Lovingis reinbere. d bv ki' to.dav fou' debails anîd Froc cala- ro lhx bothermn!as-Lunieuc logcîc. Fainulex, 1600 Delimniîner. ziîd iuiei'w John. Hornby, Ont. Mm'îtreai. 10-6 lovLJ; Ii ing niernory o! No-ice ezi nimt other, Mrs. Chai-les W'anda'. Beacits Shop vihl be V rtuc wih paýssd asxay sucddenly closed W'cduesday, Marc'b 301h. Io ît lier hoecnîii Enuiskillen., 01, atteulo bbc Haimdressers' Cons-en- MaTrch 241n. 19li4: lion. We xî'îsh In bring to om cus- -Sad1) 'îNi;ssed by Rciby, EN-ci il tonicms the îîcsîesb techniques in and Rcn]pb 12-1* 1 hair styliîg and shaping. 12-I t 3 - -INEIW 1u cubue foot GI..'son clectin ___-jersey anîd Holstein Coxi'. 5m.. electricitY,. acres gond gardon efrigerator, $398; nexv \VWestinig- POWFER cleancd Ajax Oals anîd freslî: Holsteiin Coxx'. 3 yirs bre land, : xenty troc orchard, about bouse wasbers, $154.50; mîexv Parboff Bau'lev. L. J. Goodnman, INs.31;Hlii ul riti bal! cash requred. focîr-bîmer Westingîîoic lohmic T.-r'oro Mill. Phione 2305. 12-1 Coxi, 6sm. uir'cx-n:Io eî Inqîuiries and listing inxiied. i LEROY HAMILTON anges, $230; noxv Wlestimîghiotncc ALI"ALFA. Redi Ciover, Tinicbhlv. Cow, 5 yrs.. diue April l2iiî; Ho]- Broker Omono clectric refrigeuaors, $298 un. Permanient Pastureo Grassesl, etc îimi Coxi- 4 vrs.. dîme Apil 23mc1; Phone office or home Murmm'pi)s. Phono 811. 12-1* Stewart's Seed Stor'e, Phono *77-* Holstein Hemftr, 3 yrs., br-cl: Ho]- 12-L i V aeTaco;nwhy odr l t 51c Coxi, 4 yrs., bred Atgusi; VA Cse Tacto;__________er- Regisbercd Ayru.shhre Coýi'. 10 yrs., 110 etctrc rfrgeualo; uedBEAVER Sed ORis, also Swve bred Janiiary 27tb; Holstein Cow, $4.60f-5-room nsuî-brick bunlga- Ailis Chainîcns Roxv Crop cilti - Clover01 anîd Redi Cli'ei-by b -s. r; Iow. br hlt two ycar-s, iot air vator; mîcw steel xwagon,. Ioss tirs îsbi piySaly tylor. IMPLEMENTS beatimîg, 3-piecc bath. concrcle steel posis; po11Iiryý fonce. barb'Bnmkeion. 12-1* Ca seBndr6f.01at(gol' focndtion, mice, locationî in Box'- ivire. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. ' ______-- rc..H 6risMo'. ui Bathfl manîville elecirie ramgoiic. Sec Phone 497. M12-1 graded Beaveu'l Bat ittda.-1-GOVERNMENT I (good'); Cocksliutt -I1a,,RMlkc ___~~~~~~~~ and Beacomi Seed Oais. dlean andi(O 1 oksîmtFr lie uiI it ody.ImmditeP05d5h0i.SEVEN cei. fi. Gencral Eleetm'cgmunlni9 rc ico (ý,; ockshly nexi); Mrcyri rfigeao.ue oey .e-Pnure, cmnto 91 Pie 82.21)0 Sie id brck d-itgori. cfert om.n medoe ea'.c - 25 bus. Clam'e E.Allini Phone Hi Ctito bme Box-mmivll. ix' rom an snd eiimîtcodlionî: plrc-hased H'9- Bowmnanx-ilie 2847. 12-1 HDricem iîî vatîî' oad3-or v:Igooc gas. lîydro. fulliibasememît. Poss o Eetui.Bomnsnl. s'n -ri Tederii gonpi.d) Case Cocu essin aranedcenralloct;o- ior lca",imîg for R.C.A.F. !urnisbed I1ýTcdr(oo) aeCr qruautcs. Mrs. A. R. Bkephono o Sale bySouf'cix):Frî ani S3.200-Close ho Newcastil, u 92 12-1 Sealed Tender i Gang PIowi; Imioni Wliîe TrurcIis insrl-brick bnao,4mnCMLTEbd w f1 ~~~ 'n otaeboSet, SIrmghs: 2 Sets 4 andcl ec electric ie r.htad o\ateu'. iginc-!ud- a- RNO romcttgIy - iaroxs: Rouler, .3 Drmns; Fao- 3 ces hi;caber.unI an od I od qaltvMash]1spyn-hîaudwood floors, lbard and sofi uîng Miii- Sinîgle Plosi; Army 3pl a ces. 1knbue mdtit fiiicd maltrecs'.. Marshiall sprîngs xxatu'stable. lien hocîse ai-d Truck Bcd)-: one-Iionse Sliighi: apl rc.amd good-lookimîg steel bcdsieadi aig,:2I ce odgro lcrcBodrSoe(e) Itilbulai style. brosx'n eamneiled.g-g:2103arsgogaenEeri BocirSoeicxi $3.0001 - Bowmanvilîe'. 5-roome n ei olct Ocit 1o apples arnd Most Puiper; Siing Ropes: Gri(stoîc: complote $40.00. Mrs. C. A. Bart- 'ml rutLs's l nlne oao Mikr asxHmi framne boucse. pantry. dunmh xxaiter, 'loti, Phone 434, ex'enimîgs. 12-1IoaoMre;Mse'vHri 'lie -arrl hus, lvcio. loaivneeessarilv accepted. Scîbjeci to Separator (nexi'): Scuffler: Turirn xîiring. floor cox'eri'g loft, fumn- TRADE-INS, kitlien set, studio eserve bid. Tenders mocciecd un Drill: Hay Rack: Turnip Durnp: ace pipes loft, liard andc soft couclu. cbesterfield. xvaudrmïbc, tii Maý'.'lst. Wrile Mrs, W. L. Reid. Gras'el Box: Car Tractor; Chiieken wIater 'dxi' fruit set oui lasi ) car. Thor' wasber eniamel tub, uaîgetle. Bosîmanx-ille, ont. 1,_1 Wire: Wicios Saslie:; Foi:s,; auîdw - --- -a, 1 . iHocs, W'iffees. Nec-ky\okcs and sa bîrre ansal p o ri,cr 1e lcti ane i otc t rdios many other articles too mimerons acc aud ilplupec.garage, îos-en, automalie oveneoîîtuol. like Notcemention.or taxes $37 00. Possession April lst. îîcw; 2 burner electric rane. I andention. S - -closcd elements, auitomatic os-criand L±hers AN5 $2.0)-Boîma ie. ivscul-lîick icontî'oi: apartmeîît suzeel iaie ,- -_____-2 Sels Teamni Hamîîoss-; 3u'd Hou-se \x-iiîv uins 1 m Inim Il'9. cmb)'.Pon 1. lbe Estat"' o! EDITH VIC- Set; 4 Coilars. vuacr n,,wrofsrýTORIAhe12 *SCOBELL. ],ie o! tlle I IIAY si-lae pr "xv mi' . s >crxJ 0te I 12.1* 'l'sîîofBowxînîiille, inî lb"' Quanmity of Havý. -el:ar. Aptoxif Dcrhanmacreired-'I-- GRAIN land. i LEFT lîand drainer sink comrbin- on« o!Dm1a.Rciedli JAMES NIXON ation i'îciudiuîg swing spout laps suraîîcc Agent. deccased, xîiîo chee 150 buS. ît. 100 lins. Cats. Broker Bosî'nîavilie1 and soap dish and strainci- stopper; ai Bo sx'manvilie on or about bbnc!I TO1LTRY 12-1* a'so molern cicetrie efricerator' l6bh di -O! Marcb. 1949). ' 20 Hampsh r~ ____ - - oçr6 cubie feet, large freezer i The TmuFice Act R.S.O., 1937. FI'RNITL'RE Notice for Tenders with meat drawer and 2 vegetable Ch. 165. Sec. 51. nîbers t y ofAHouseol Fii-i 0 ii-, o Saeoinbsexcellent condition. Ap- cdaims agaiuîsi the abos' saoSum ae.TeoîMutly or Saevo37 J~ane St., momnings ou. after- are rerîuii'edci osemîd particu*;irs Cimerk s. Coo .B idn 6:.30 pro. onlv. 12-1 :and fruli proof iiîe'eof 10 the un- Elmer Wilbiur. Aucioncer.i - - - cersigned orm ou before bbc 251"- beae tenders i v xxtneýili OE î Oac f îî agoîî,sîit dax o! Aî)ri,194.9, after wh ,-I CARD OF THANKS bee'i-dhv b'thuidersignuîdrp skeiuis for sixteen inîch tires: une date bIll e fth!Ie Estate xxiiil to and ncciidiuig Marci ;îISt. 1949. garden iractor 112 horse poîxer be distibuited baving regard *,o jMr. W il1-liamn J. Rucha-i ds -_anmd for th,' Co-op Buildinîg oui Station, xx-tb equipmemît <csed bal! a dlaims tiat bave thon been mc-1 famiiy aînd the brothers and sisters Str'eet, Omro. o o rvlyO(ccîpierl seasomîl: cine wiagon xitb auto ceuved. othe lite Tona Prout Richards bv Mm. Robi. Glanvilie as a Feed si-eels: cime set O! Otaco drag DAE t Bosî,manî siht xm~ hi ic M i l. larroxîs xx'h steel draw bar. tar.,Iiled'2 Ist day co! March, 1j49 i îhanks to ibeir many friendsanaud Highe.t ou auîy tenîder mitni1e- Otaco govermnors. And a goo., LAWR~ENCE C. MASON, I 'eighbouis for ats of kindness, essaril)- acccpred Geneil Electrie battery radio. Barruster. dît, I floral triý)nbes and messages of H. Baiey.AIl the abox'e articles piied to .30 King Street W'est, y ah xene 0temdr S"Troas . seil. 1ontact Harvey- PartnerBxsvle, Ontario, j ng their recent sad bereaxement.- 01-o1-o. 12-I 93 Liberty St., Phono 2096. 12-1l 'Executor, 12-3 12-1*i March of Values AT YOUR Rexcili Drug Store Pmrobeet rour famili's health* ivith REXALL PURTIEST VITAMIN PRODUCTS Plenamins 5o's ------ $1.85 200's $5.75 Comîlauîs 6 c«ssential 5itamins h-I ris liven ani(] imon in hwo casy,-to-îake capsiles. Extract of Malt w;ith C'od Liver Oil 16-oz. 75e - 32-oz. $1.25 No Pep? No Appetibe? Tlred Easily? Pcrhaps You Need a SPRING TONI(' bo rettore your vitaIity, iighben vour sbepi. Rexall Iro, Lîi'er and Bone lMarro;v Tonte, 16-oz. $1.75 Ei;udiphos x;ith Lecithiri, 16-oz. IÇi.00 RexallFseef, Iron and IVine, 16-oz. $1.00 Arts 3 -way's il once bo help reliei'e bonchitis and coughs Rexali Bronchial Syrup, 6-oz. . soc soothes irritated membranes, reiieve-' congestion, stops the vouglt. Fascinating Fragrances ready to grace vour charm; *'My Night" or "Blue Hirinthe" Eau de C'ologne $ 1.50 Give your hair that gioft, siiky, glamorous finish - use Adrienne HI-Foam Shampoo. 8-oz. 8.5c Adrienne Deodorant ('îeam -45c Adrienne Hand Lotion. 65e Girls . . . 1'ou'Il like these new; rubber-tipped hobby pin% - easy to open, proteet your nail polih and teeth: Bab's Rubber-Tlpped ROBBY PINS 30 on card ----- ----- -- ----- 10lo SPE(IAL! Noxzema Medicated Cream Manufacturer'& Speciai 1O-oz. Jar ..-------- 1.00 Got Athiete's Foot? Get quiek, sure relief with amazine ne;v L.P.('. Athlete'q Foot Ointment, 1 i4 -oz. -$ 1.00 JURY (& LOVELL IOUR RE. ALL DRLG STORE PHONE 779 When We Test Your Eyes h is Donc Properiy BOWMANVILLE .1 'I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 24th. - 1949 PAMr r0tMTEEN i