i taVmi~ "Durhami County's ý~reat Family Journal" VO~UME 95 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIQi THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1949 6c PER COPYNUBR1 week, tic Rînk Cournmîtee aller- tume. on1%3 thre in on caci aide natcd every eveniiîg ta soime new xvcrc on the ice, tic others alI in foi-m o! amiusemuent aiîd dedica- tic sinu un . Simulatcd figbu.s tion foi- the uuagnmficeium, new- frcqucntly stirred tic fanus and structsure. Sa wiueuithe two ser- aI amie periad tic efemees, Dubci vice clubs xveme iilled. tue teuu- Halîman and Bill Baguicîl lost al age lockcyusts immsnedatel'y lai- contraI ard the ganme w-cnt on cicd tic mcnîo-comuuc escapade as xiii 20 men on eaci ide. tic Cianupionship of tic Liniment Few Injured League. Spilîs, thuilîs, rougbing, ganging ,Main St. MNiasma heiD!iiug. sqncaling, speaî-ing, w-ere 1, proved ta be justiltthat ac- sarne o! lic designahed penualties cording ta the Kinmg St. arouuua, buit il was mostîy pantamuuse and next day, whuen lie staîd bineuss- tic only injuiries reporbcd werc mcn wio slaged bic conflict, lump- a sore ii and a bilack eyc suffer- ed about exudiîug arnica, Zani cd liy Lions Hap Palmer and Dr. Buk, ether and otier iuealiîug la- Cea. Miller reapectix-cîx. tions along withu the old familiar Mcuitiouucd for feature playiuug alibis. To shorteu tise narrative, oui tic Rotary ide w'c chose Bank- il sianld be tlId at once Ibat ticeci, Geo. Moody- and Deputtv Reeve Lions limped off tiec ic i' tihu auFrank Jamieson. For tic Lions, eamned 6-3 victory. Tlîe Presi- Allia. fDon Williams, Jack Brougi, dents o! the two clubs captained Red Parket- and sanie otiers, tic leanus. Bruuser BrouighIled uhose uames w-ci-e 001 oîtaincd, ils dcie!ofLionus anud fanilerci-arricd the offenisive. But bic .' funieralied Ite Rotai-y W7ieel- iums ciontciexere tic Làrs. itva James boy s ini tic nets: Stu E Appropriate Prizes for Lions, anud lrotuier Joinnuîe WSymaluc o! tise play, a pro- for Rotary. bath champs in tic !eseianial -o in sugnificant col- aid dax-s. Stu handied 31 shais o)rg, callcd tic teanis ta tic mike, and Johnuuie 62. sa accat-ding ta aIt te clos;e o! thue slaighter, ta bIse score bhc honora wercex'ven. puesent tie caphains with approp- Tiat juist abotut tells tic bale. riate prizes. Captaisi Braugi won Tic only bing le!t is to gel bhec a cluster a! !rcsh-cuut mcd roses. ius.ames a! bie "perforniers' for in Captaiuu Rundie bawcd dcfeab anud bithe ectic melcc il was impossible accepted an "In e anan"ta idcuti!y. individuals sax-e those t wmcath. Tic vîice a! bic clownx above mcatioaed. Nondecscnipt c and the pnmcŽ xvcre quite rmn- ulifoinus ranged fronu acing han- f uniscecîsl i tise ProýPr:,letarO!the nez.- jo stniped pyjamas ta add5 Atkinsa Flowcm Shop. lu. xvas a conîfusion Iotahte reporters pres-C crowd-pleasmng,, perfomasance. cuit. The Statesanaui ad an cx- Speed and Tonnage Ira staff a! w-mtera inclsuding Miss- Tic Lions appeai-ed ta bc tic Reva Bates, and 'Peatitit' Wiua-N ya'uripcr teaumu and had tic edge colt. W'ien iuterviewed. tic cap- t on spccd. The Ro*ai-y icani rani,- tainms dcclmnied ta say wbcîber aV cd frai a fcw ii:git forwards ba repeat performance wou.ld bce a hefty but shaky dWence hitting stagcd isexu. season. irie purca.101 uta î,seu i tpe- wrilcr for use o! tic Couacil xvas brougit up. But il w-as dccided ta waut suntil more details cauld be !ound concerniag machines peiadically of!ered for sale luy thue Board o! Education. Alex MeGmegor w-as asked ta look inho tuis malter. Tic purchase o! a max-ie pro- jecton w-as also suggested but the board decided ta approaci bbc Board o! Education !iust ta sec if thuey' (an use lie machine xt-ici is now in use aItich Public and Higi Schools. Tic Recreational Dimector broacied bbc idea o! procnning thc auditorium in thc Tow-n Hall for use liy tic Communiity Cauncil. He felt tuaItbis hall conld lue put ta good usc by tic Coneiil oni many nigits during tic week. It %'as finalîx' dccidcd Ihuat a leiter w-ould lie sent ta thc Town Couin- cil asking tbeir guidance an thue na Item. Tic meeting closcd w'itb an ont- lune o! tie programme lincd-up by tic Recreational Director. BEEHIVE CLUB RAISE $102 Tic final 500 and cuchre pai-ties spoasared liv Beebi-e 'Service Club and held ha Balmoral Hoîcl was held Tuîesday nigit xviii 10 tables in attendance and a meceipt o! $14.30, mnaking a grand total for acnies o! $102.06. Winîuens for 500-Mm. Joe Lex-cît, Mrs. Stella ...osscx-: cuchsnc-MNrs. Edna Kerr, !4rs. Palmer: Scî-ics %inoems-500 -Mm. Walter Cochranue: eLucihr- Mrs. Palmser anud Xrs. 'Murmiel Duumu ticd. Mrs. Duunn xvinning the eul. We %-î5h la exleuîd armtianks 10 aIl wvho camne out ta nuake tuis ceries a success. Sooit tTrniyOrono Skating Club Won Great Acclaim For Carnival Presented~ at New Arena Durham Junior Farmers Win Excelent Record Great National Déstiny Ahead Warden's Seed Judging Cup, If Canadians Aplireciate Position Dr, Deadman Tells Women's Club 19th onseutiveTimeGuest speaker ait the Womnen's Canadian Club on March 21, Dr. St. Patrick's Dance On March 18 fifty-nine Junior prizes, and tne high boy in each William J. Deadman, Toronto!de- Outstanidjnr Af f air Farm Boys under 23 years of age, clas two bushels of registered livered one ofthe most inspiriflgAtB d i onCu Irom eight counities, namely grain. The winning team xxas not ptrieotof themyean aa Toru_____ Northumberland, Hastings, Onta- eligible for grain prizes as each aroith l Cnd-Tm- rio, Durham, Prince Fdxw.rd, Pet- had alil been awarded a sii row" whîch engaged the attention Proclaimed by .many as the erboro, Frontenac and Lennox and lar grain prîze. of the audience as Dr. Deadman finest dance they had attended in Addington took part in the Quinte Standing of first 10 boys and told wîth quiet oratory, his vis-5 as the St> Patrick's dance Seed Judgîng Coropetition at the Durham County Competîtors ion of the great destiny that lies hearsBwanileBdmno Kingston. Each county ,N-as en- w th their scores out o! a total of!ha fti fvue ad Club in the clubhouse, Friday titld t en~r tn b~ s v 1 the8~0arePoîntîng out that Canada is theI three ¶tigh scoring boy s compris- 1. Sam Turner 771 last great storehouse of natural nigrhwas anouttanding psces ing each team. 2. Keitb Crago ---- ----- 764 resources in the world, the speak-Eertigfmth lloihd The Wardens' Trophy for the 3. Glen Larmer - . 752 er declared that the time was lorhedse to thbol fl ed in er higli team was won by the Dur- 4. Merril VanCamp_--------- 51 upo us to lay out a scheme of in- oeha emdt ln npr hamn County boys for the l9th 5. Earl Brown ----48---- telligent immigration and enlarge fectly bt make the dance an ex- consecutive year with a score of 6. Hugh îmi 33 orntoa eeomn o h etoal laateeig 2,287, with Victoria Cournt sec- (Victoria County) general benefit of the world. Music supplied by Freddy Good- ond with 2.167, Ontario County 7. Alwyn English --- 731 T-wo Worlds man and bis Sevenaires Orchestra' from Peterboro was of a quality was third with 2.161 followed by (Victoria County) E. A. Summers He pointed out that thc wor]d just suitable 10 suit everyone's Hastings, Prince Edward, North- 8. Donald Taylor -7--- '4 ano deitlyive no umeraci Foteacad en . arl Hmitn ------- 0 Agricultural Representative o!f vsnwdfnteydvddit dancing tastes, The lunch suitablyC umeranFrntnc ndLn- 9.Haod amlon - 10 Durham County. who is recevîng xvo political .and economic ideol- peardby the ladies of the club t nox and Addingtoîi. 10. Harold Hammond 7 00 wl eiedtnrtlain noieCmpis n eo repwa ateul evd ni Durham Count.v îeam mrembers Other Durham County mem- w mrtd1ogatltin n g, aComhemunimandofDemoa-aateul ervc ut l were-Sam Turner, Keith Crago bers \vecie Gerald Jackson and a record unequalled in Canada. To cy, ad thcosuringatl o te ate present had their fi.a Mr. Summers goes the credit for .ascevcnineuo a- The decorations following the and Glen Larmner. E. A. Summers Ken Larmer. coaching Durham Couinty Junior îng every resource under freedom St. Patrick's day theme deserve ur aprod ofhe 90 or'dvs ntan- Prize Winners in the Farmers for seed judging compe- a.x ailable 10 aIl as a malter of special mention. Aýt anc end of the r Ing' mad o e r 1eordpstaod- Individual Classes litions at the annual Quinte Seed righî. Tracing the history of Can- hall beautiful Irish murals faced incietal mane h 9yeaof obd. asMrrl VnapDr Fair in whicb his teams have won ania back over the period o!f.the the happy couples as they fir-st yaun famer otak pr in te latsm. i Vnap- the Warden's Trophy for 19 con- cill asD.Deda etr~the hall. Then up abovec competition at the Quinte ovor Barlev 'Hiugl Imric-Victoria. secuitive y ears. Ed. takes tiiese shoe o aainb te were gay festoons of streamers this period andI two of the boys WietDen MCagVitr honors with characteristic modes-ol okmnipad rdutnin hieadrenfongbc who wee on wnning cams ae îa.ty and gives unstinting praise ta noiiaycnrbtos a and forth from the walls. To com- now Agricultural Reoresentatex-e . Afli ohari atns is boys for establishing a record comne ta be regarded as the leaders plete the picture appropriate Irish viz-Bruce Beer. Peel County Red Clovr-Earl MeFaden- that bas neyer been equallcd. Se amtong at eo the s-aleratosadte cot s manigwr bnga aou h and LeRoy Brown, Victoria Coun- Frontenac. details in another coîumni. poino!fcneothgrts eaing aîs ty. fis Weeds-Tied--Earl Brown and of modemr trading states. During the dance several lucky bo< rceve cah onldTa~lo-Diram Principal Thompson Now wth Newfoundland added winncrs favouring the crowd with Re-eectd C air an onfederation and a territory solo nunibers be:kire they re- Tw" Mor Sto e Br alt-ns 1Community Counicil we must begin at once to expand lunch intermission, a member of S our population o some 1 million the band led the crowd in the g - la 50 million or more and utilize Grand Waltz much ta everyones Tnieves Gel Small Amont of Cash At a recent meeting o! the new to the fuît att the latent resources en.ioyment. This and many other ri executive o! tbe Bowmanville at hand. With a ncw world align- specialty numbers all added up c Communiî Council, Principal ment made more definite by the ta a good nirt' entertainment. et During the ]pst few wx eks iobbeî es make a total of nine *A. M. Thonipson xvas re-eiected Atlantic- pact, the time bas arrived Those responsible for the dance l what almost looks like a major tl.ýî lhave occurred in tht' twnn Chairman for a second terni. The 10 begin actively and intelligently wIere on the following committce:a crime wva-e lbas developed in during the past fexv wecks. In qroup held their monthly meeting ta work out the manifest destiny Mr. and Mrs. Blain Elliott, Chair. ,c Bowmanville. The txvo labest cacb cae xry little monclias at the Lions Community Centre o! Canada on the world stage. man, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Witber- Y( episodes were break-ins and rab- been abtained. but a considerable with only one member, absent.1 Chita eorcspnM.nd r.Fe ole beries at the office a! the Sbep- amoint o! damage lias been done COfher oIceclected were Rev. ChDsra.Dmoraclsooow.andMs red ole, rCI pard & Gill Luniber Ca., King St., ta the cash registers anîd ta the S. R. Henderson as Vice-Chair- Accurate reporting o! the great and Mrs. Kcitb Slemon, Mr. and t and at Stexvart's Seed Store an part of!thec building wbere the iflan. Miss J. Tabacki. Secretary*. address made by Dr. Deadman Mrs. Robert Kent and Dr. and bi Division St early Tuesday morn- lhir'ves nmcde tIbrir cnîrance. and D. Alex MeGregor, treasuirer. would run ta several columns for Mrs. Wm. Rudell. ing. He advises aIl merchants ta Committee Chairmen are Aubrey whicli we bave not lime and space a__________ At, the lumbei' yard office the take ail the monex' ouI o! their J. Smit, Propery and Equip- ta extend in Ibis issue. Il is hoped w thieves broke in and obtained cash regisiers and leave theni ment; Arnold Lobb, Mcmbership; the above general summary lias Meaning £ofWorsh É,,ya fe\v cents in change but in open so anyone entering illcgally E. G. Witbcrspoon, Special Events; captured thie essentials o! a great zi i~v up ni Sdem ta abtain Ibis small amnount will not have ta damage the valu- Melvili!e S. Dale, Promotion and vision expressed by an unusually Topic icseG qey did scveral bundred dollarsj able machines ta sec xvhat is in Recreational Director Vince M. well-informed Canadi a ni. D r. Dinuse worth o! damage ta a valuable theni. He also warns that the Matbewson. Publicity. . eqrdman received a great ovation At Trinity C.G.I.T. t cash register and tabulating Ia- blieves arc usiiig matches ta find Afler the election a lengtlîy for the message hie brought ta the K____ cjine. Instead o! using tbc ordin- their way about and advises mer- business Io followccl. The Rcc- Womeii's Canadian Club o! Bow - Tru-Ki-Lo group of Trinity C. ar arymebodo!pubin abuito cant t ta~ h lecssrypre- ireatonal Director announced that manville. In sumrmation, the idea, G.l.T. met in the Beginners' rooiar ta open bbc register thec'y used cautions against a possible fire. Regional Conferences for Direct- conveycd was to begin ta act with on Mardi 16 with 10 mnembers i n ar sanie sort a! bcavy instrument Clues in each casp point ta ors wcre beîng beld eveîrv six wider vision, biere at home, ta lattendance. Bettyv Coxvle cotîduct- C. ta be rewarded witi a few pen- cihryuhwrsalfau e e o!ndtaeCompnty o nel. preserve, protect and make more ed tbe opc'ning services and pre- th nies. mcin xxlo sceenita bave a fairly bdrfifthite the ideal o! Christian acy.sided for bhe business periodl. IToin Tic second break-in, occurring ___________________oflocal__storecrc..tbbcabsence o! Sccretary Eileî J around 4:15 a.m., brought a little goad knowthedgp alcalsores.g Spicer lie minutes wcîre read b1I better results for bhc burglarso tevcersabdpolie areworkngPim d ut tokr lî asapointdi when biey were aile ta obtain $95 oPbc aesanrhenwud p-Ainser sceayp~ c.Bsns mostly in quarters and 50c cent preciate anyane xiti aîîy infor- scued dispocussi.! BinessFes-IT pieces. Fartunabcly, Mr-. and Mrs. mlo st aepolr n onst sa c tival ta be lieldi in May aîîd alsoi Stewart, living over thc store, the like ta contact theni at lic po- Saturday, Mar. 26 the Churuli Memberslîip Classes. heard tic commotion below-and lice station immediately. I ____ C.G.I.T. pins were presented ta bbc shouted down the sbairway for News received as we go ta pres -,Cîlîzens o! Durhami Countv are new memibers anîd aller insignia Be whoevem xvas down Ibere to gel is thal police are holding a man , i. îtcd ta a public meeting at the distribiitcd ta memiers ta cam- a out. The burgiar immcdiately beliex'ecdto be the cuiprit in bbth sîwaCleib n adypee their uîîiforms.to made a bee hune exil before any1 Sheppard aîîd Gill and Stewart'sOsaaCleitonSur.vPt - poitveidntfcaioî oud eSeed Store robbcries. An adult, evening at 8.30 p.m. whcn Right Miss Pritchard conductedl a 1fo posiiveidetifcatin culdbelHonourable Louis St. Laurent, short discuscsion anthbc rneaningTo made. Howcver, at both robier- 1 vho says bc used ta work on lake . Prime Minister o! Canlda, wvill lie worship and lîo\v ta prepare a Be les, he or they left tell-tale marks boats, bis voice xvas recognizcd te chef speaker. Farquhar service of xosîp This xvas fol- Sa which the police are tracking by Mr. Stewart and bis wind- so.,1 0 down.ireaer isa! te sane tye as he ,Oliver, Liberal Leader iiithie lowed hy an inspiringst-v Ii odn g aAtngCi!o brac o he m typoesapdhe ~Ontraio Legisiatuire will aiso be Would Be Truc" based on bbc bib- 1 Accodin toActig Ciefof oe o th manwhoescpedpresent. This mass meeting is lical quiotaluon "I xill lift up mine th( Police Bernard Kitney, tliese txvo froni Slcwart's early Tuesday. being beld under the auspices o! e:.es uînto bbc butls froni whencc ab the Central Ontario Liberalcmebm lp"c Association. Several gamies w-ere eîîjoycdo ]Rotry-L onsFrac s T urs.NigIf 3-au cant attend the meeting and meeting closed wîlh Frîend- tma th Pie ir ddes ,ilshpCircle and Taps. lar RoarLo4 Frc sT u s.N g te braadcast over CKDO will5Th~e girls and their leader then as Op n ii e tL a u e s n9o'clock. attendcd tbbc Mcmbersbip Class 0held in the vestîiv xhen Rex'. S. R. la Howling fans hanging from the the scales aI almost hlai a ton, Minstrel Show at aHedesocondussited the f o rafters, scrcamed "niaý-im and repîesentcd by playcrs Hîggon, A. M. Thompson Training School "SIatement o! Faith a! tbe United cl" liked il, as selected x ictirns o the Dale and DeGeer. The combined P blcCiurcb." A number of the girls Be local Ratarv and Lionîs Clubs at- roster included merchants, doc- Tbese Confemences are beneficial Open to P bi are planning ta become mnabers ari temptcd ta' stage a hockey gamre tons, preamliers, teachers, bankers for tlîcir exchange o! ideas anîd ____of lie chui-cb at tic Eastemrccep- "IV1- in the new Bowmanivlle Menior- and xlîat have y ou. But ta show n iew mcthods that cao bie adopted Boys and friends o! bbe Ontarioation service. n ial Arena, Tlîursday îîîghîh. Siiîcc liow ýbcrserk the spirit o! hockey by the xarious Councils. Training Seboot for Boys enthus- a hardice ad feld n th } n.t i ui ti , JL1'.c irsMA s a+- Ths anciýé-n niý:r f- Douglas Lemon, age 23, xvas fatally injurcd and dicd laler ln Bow,ýmanvillc Hospital, as the re- sunt o! a motar accident early Vlonday morning, March 21. A driver for Lyans Dairy, the young man was rcîumning from Ncw- castle after delivcring milk to customcrs, xvien the light truck left the higbxvay and -rasbed int atelephone pale. Douglas was crnshed in bic impact but lis aounger brother, also in tic truck, escapcd wibi 0013' slighl inîjuries. t is said that lie car swervcd of! the road when tie stecring gear broke. Younîg Lemon w-as a single man, acapable driver anîd popular with luis campany and customers. Surviving are lie young man's nother and father, Mm. and Mrs. Gea. Lemon, Second St., Bow- nanville. and six brother* and trce sisters. Charles o! Oshawa, Kennetb, William, John, Melville nd Wilbcmt. all o! Bowmanville, nd Mrs. Roy Bacon, and Jean nd Shirley Lemon. Coroner Dm. C. J. Austinî, w-ho invcstigatcd [e circunistances, states tiaI an uquest is unnecessamu. funior Bad'minton rournamnent To Be Held on Local Courts This xeau tic Central Ontarial 3adminton Association lias added icw feature to its regular oumnaments. This xvill take the unm o! a Junîior Badminton ournament ta be bcld ah the oxvmanx-ille Badminitoni club an ;atui-day, April 2nd starting at 0.30) ar. Open toa aiy bo 'y or girl uîider hc age o! 18 years on 3lsb Oct- uer, 1948, lie matcheý will in- ude boys' aîud girl s' singles, loiles and mixed evcnhs. En- ranIs are not compellcd ta lie- ng ta anv a!flice member clubs slong as they let the club iii their vo bovm- know o! their intention 0play' v lb is cxpected bliat a large list fentries xvill be received froni tubs iii Port Hope, Cobourg, ullex-ille. Oshawa, Peterborough id Lindsa v. Elimination coîîtcsbs ill take place ini tienuoi-ning id a!terîîoan and the semi-fin als id finuals will be pla3 cd la the S1 iasticallyý acclaimcd "i Black ST. PAUL'S C.G.I.T.Athecoefte a sup 1Face Rcxicw" wien it w-as pre- at topic c los o he aeseupat sented la tbe School auditorium SI. PanE's C.G.I.T. w-as lueld iniaî rpue illepeetdt 1 onMondy nght.Thisprouctin ie Lecturue Rooni an Mai-cu 16. lie individual xinuîers liy execu- an Muuda nigt. us poduciontives o! tic Central Ontaio Bad- w-as tic third an'nal minstrel Miss Creasser wuas iii charge o! miuîouu Association. Tic geuicral shoxv prcparcd iythue boys and tie Worsiip Serx-ice. Caîl ta staf.Tusyer fatmcdsagsWoship w-as read iy Msspublic anc condially invihcd ta unade immortal i3 the famaus Al Creasser. Collen Hutebison mcadcae ndxacîtsemch. Jolson. Itic seniptume. Miss Creasgr rcad Under the capable direction of' a short story. The remainder o! Recreation Group Mm. BaIl and Mm. Waterfield a! bic bbc evening was spentin l pla3 ing J To Hold Conf erence snpcî-xisary s taff, lie boys ne- games. sponded witb a presentation tiat For Ontario Directors was lively and tuneful. Mr. Bal led tic black face chorus as tîcy Elected President The Conference Comu-nittce o! sang numbers that w-ere made 1tic Ontario Recreation Associa- fanions an lin pan allcy twa de- -hu anucsta i ru cades ago. Mm. Waîer!ield pre- t. ba en uces tafulinhenigruîp seîuted a uumber o! comcd3- skitsDm.as. R. Lacck, BA.,in M. Ed.,i that kept tieceapacity audience on PDS.. ticno! lie.A.CoM.Ee o tic edges o! Ibeir seats tirougliautPh.D.catheon a fthe iCmsitv a!f bbc onc and onec bal! boum show. Saskateewat theasnihersityuo Appropriate stage settings wcre Sseacerwncaa Coeireman caustucted by !gr. Tbompson and sekri h nulCneec Mm. Braden. -Miss Blackmore, tic ta b' bcld in tie Twin Cities o! ,ýcho1 nrseandMrs.HarrsonKitchener and Waterloo on Apt-il rebool nulrse, and tmrs. Harion 8-9-10. Between tire and four croncat ied olnf tmes.nd Baob hundred pensons representing all arnd pmseeic ae rnd ino .'hphases o! neeation will gatier1 and ed he etireprodctin wii .for Ibis session. skill. Booklet pragrames were Dr. Laycock's acceptance ta desiguîed by Stcw Reynolds, and speak at tic Canference wili add Gemry Miller wibi black face and muci intemeat ta lie meeting as top bat distribuîed themn. lei n !tcia nwu hn anawer ta popular requcat lei n ftebs nw p the calmre cash w-Il present the on educatian un Western Canada.: show gainon Fiday Marh 25Dr. Laycack is a past president o! sbow agin o FndayMari 25. -tic Home and Sciool Association aI 7:30 p.m. Seals Will lic free and o! Canada; Ciainman of tic ini order ta assist aur manx- friends Dixvision on Education, NationalY inu town Mr-. J. J. Brown is arrang- Coninittee for Mental Hy-giene;i ing, a transportation serxvice with Chairman o! thue Saskatchew'ani cars leavuuug lie town baIl from Peumal Commission and a prafilie 7 p.m. tuntil 7::25. Transportation writer o! books. pamphlets andt afillth asowe.rvdd no aG. M. Goodfellow articles on edtucatian. child guid- i afii- hesho-.ance and chuld psy-chology-. He 1 -s- J Ovey fPresident of tic Muady- Gaod- also conti-ibutes frequently- ta p T\ls.J.Ovr lihas returrned i ellow- Printing Ca. Ltd. o! Osh- nationali programmeýs aven the froni a mots visit %viti hem aw-a. w-ho ia tic newly clected CBC on sirailan suijects and h ~ brother, Mm. F. S. Ballard at Ren- President o! the Ontario Rîding di rectcd lie *"School for Parents" V frew. 'Lîberal Association.1 broadcast. t tiori o! lie eiders and envv of thii yo0ungstcms as sic skaled gracefu1- ly and effortlessly along tlie ice and did spins and glides with evcry eye in bbc amena watching and applauding her witli awe. There wcre a fexv spilîs among the younger skaters but ticy got right up and went bravcly* on their way as thougli nothing bad happened. Necdlcss ta say, Miss Diane Hambiy addcd ta lie respect of thue crowd witli ber spinus, glides aind jumps as sic skated araund the ice as easy as you or 1 would walk along tie sidewalk. The whole performance was a great success. Tic reporter lie- hind tic scenes gives well merited credit ta tic ladies wio dressed and helped the younger children ta gel rcady for the showv. Diane Hambly bias contributed a great job o! training tic girls and directing tic show. We in Bawmanville look farward to having tic oppartunity o! again watching bic Orono Skating Club prcseîît licir excellent carnival in bbc local amena. It was a diffi- cuIt and fascinating display of fancy skating admirably doue. &R. v -aaa %aumauilla Fàçclààgu8I Featured by Humorous Address Afler a strenuaus gaine o! dent, Jack Brougi. President hockey and sportiîug the odd Brough stated that these joint black eyc, memiers o! the Bow- meetings wcre onc o! thie higli- *manvilie Rotary and Lions Clubs liglits o! Ibeir club's year, Ibor- sat down ta thîcir semi-annual aughly enjayed by every niember joint meetinug, F'riday cvening. a! lus club. He lien in'tmoduccd sFor this occasion an exception- Lion Ted Chiant, Chaimman af the sally fine programme had been Inter-Club cammitîe xvlo look- aranged by tic Lions Club while cd afler bhc rest o! tie pro. tic Rotamians lookcd after lie gramme. 1catcming details. Visitors allihe club included B. Main speaker for lie evening Bagnell and Russ Hailman, ref- w-as Lance Rumble, Sales Mana- erees aI bie hockey ganie and gem for the General Motors lyîek Charlie Hoar, Viîuce Matiewson, division, who enhertaincd ah Dir. R. G. Cowie and W. E .C. present for almost an hour with Workman. Rotary birthday flow- his tî'pical Will Rogers humour crs weîît to Dave Higgon and delivered la a Bob Burns style. Len Elîjott. One and all wbo weme present __________ at bbc meeting acclaimed Mm. Rumble as anc o! tic mast humor- O ans and enterlaining speakecrs 0110o Trims Acton tiey had ever icard. In Ruaaed Game Everetî V. Hoar in introducîng - lie speaker stated liaI be was In Eastern Play-offs bora i0 tic litîle village o! Hilîs -____ dale and afler attcnding school Chaposo atr nai xvarked for lus fallier on bis fan Ibhis hampi tros !Esno JnrîoD and flour milI. Lance womked teîam met the Acton Atoms, bard aI this job uîotil lie xvas Champions o! Central Ontario, in cvcntually givcîî charge o! the Bowmanville, Moiiday nigit, in lead teani, couîsidercd. ta be quile tic first of a thîîee:.game sortes an bonour. At the beginiung o!flthe ta determine which tearri will go IFinal World War hi' joincd up as on ta couitest for tue Champion- Iprivabe aîîd scrved overseas as siip o! Ontario iii tic OHA play- an ambulance driver. dowîus in tuis settion Ibis year. It On bis rebuîruîta Canada, Lance xvas aga ae Rumble first weîit into tic batik aga ae business aîîd afler sevemal years ý h conetwstefrtr exîerience there, sbartcd juta tic -hocey on a regular Icague sched- truck ai-d car -buisiness, wvo king uIc ta be pla3cd ail the ice iii tbc !-varions companies uînlil hie nexv Bowmaîiville Mernorial rcacîcd Gcîîeral Motors. Withi Amoîa, since it was officiallx- openu- tuis company he started aItiche cd txvo weeks ageo. More bian 1,000j bottonu as salesman aîîd work- f anîs hîned tiheseats as the game cd up ta bis present position as gai uudrway aîîd cbeered lustily top truck saiesman for North as thie two teanis fouglil it out Anicrica. on thLe ice sur-face filmed %with During lie Second Great xvaî xatcr wiich was occas ioîucd by lic was scconched ta the Amerîcan tic mid speil, tic fîrst day o! Army wbcmc hue beld tic position Spring, Mar. 21. o! adx'isor ho tic Gencral building Orono Superb thue Alaska Highxv-ay. Mi-. Rumule Tieîc is not space iin Ibis column la married and bas onue sari whio t<î tell thc pay-iy-play sloi-y of is at prescit cmployed by Gcneral tuis great gaine. To be brie!, it Motors. mati be ýaid liat ail lirough the In concluding bis introductionu 3 periods, Itue two teanus liatbled Ex-. Hoar stated thuat Laiicc ulmost on even ternis. Oroîio bad Rjimble was ii idce crmand ali tue coolest methiud o! altack xith oxcm lie Northu Anîerîcaîî cOn- supe mi combuuuatîuui plai3 s al] tic tinent as an aflen-dinnîer suealk- w-uy. Actoiu %-as iîut ièu shuart un ci- Mr. Rumbie tlifn startcriniii Iis departnient but lacked tic anud kept his audience in.lut. o!fîfinal pîunîchinl passing up to the laughter for the botter- paýrt o! gfl."' 1 siaI resuilu.aînd coîuplelely an boum witihuhis stonies o! bap- d.'c'cî-ved was tic Oronu -xii, 4-2. peîîncs in bis home tawn aîî ad van- l'o be brief, tic fursu. p-riod was ans incidenuts i' lias run ini pretty oven anud endort 1-1 with during luis wide and vamîed Au-ton îicked for anc lotiue penalty. career. Ticeae-cond spasîuu, in plenî.y o! Alex McGregoî- ini îuoviiig thue s1usii, resulted iin 2 goals for xote o! tianks stptcd tlîat an,'.-- I rono, none foi- Acton. Each teani thing ho said %vould lbc an att- hîad oîue penualty anîd orie Oroîîo climax ta the xv eîucntrainîng playeî- w-as hurt and carrîed of£ remarks by the speaker andr lie the ice. woulrh ouly ask thue haumniar tSi Free Wheeling Cauux-c a xery ieamty vote of atcfnlfane hrefgt tiaîuks ta Mn. Rumble fmom te tic e fonl fandActn ot four members o! bath clubs. rk ou an Acn.gtfr Second attraction on tic pro- penalties ta Orarsas fîve. At anc gramme %vas two exuelently spo Orono luad two men in tic ncndercd oos bv Donald Bail, Sin Bm and Auton couldo't score, a new unember o! tue staff o! the .ýuch was the Omono defence. Ontario Tr-aininug School for bava.. Nanie sof hue officiaI referee.s StuIll ia tic muisical cepartmeiut 'xvcmc nat learnecl, uot ueerled, for the siuug sang was led îoy Dr. ticy- were entircly fair thuough- Keti Slemouî wio called uipou olut. Rev. Sami Henhersouu aîd Alex Chie! coniplaint beard %was tic McGregor toa ai-ist im. Aena's mniagceuuets !aiuîre to A special îUîmier was sung for gel a rcml hsefty cre\ oui lie ice, lie Irishi mernuers present witi b-t'.-eeu periocis, anîd get tic sur- tic solo parts bcîng lakeus lu face cleared. Don't Jet this happeri Imsmen J. J. Brown, Len Elliott next season. No record us guven and Dr. Jini Devuit. bere of tic scarers. Sa far as Ross Stnîke on blcai! o! bath tic Orano tearn \was concerrncd clubs moved a hicartyvoteofa!tiey xvcre Al-Stars. every ane of thanks ta MuvIs. Aubrey Smith and them. Omono banged in two goals .Miss Florence Werry and ta thir un the 2uud. ýsplit the la.,t !îanie 1-1, groupa for onîe o! tise best dinners and will go on ta %vin tic serra- ever put ou iun Trnuity Church inuals or we are poor prophets. Sundéi- Scinol rooni. He said Ihat Liuieup: ACTON: Rusk, G.; lue had parlakeus of a large nuni- Zajoie and i-i. 'lownsend, De!.; ber a! meais un tie S.S. mooni Lornie Arbi-, RI), i. Mowatt, LD; but ta Ibis date tus was liv fan J. Rou.uuuî-llJ, coutre. Suis, Bob the besl. As \w cIel as a ve-m s-nmp- McEuicry, Fred Kcuitrc-r, Stan Fay, muous meal thie ladies bad the Keiti F',Bull Vaug'hianu. larry -oom tastefulîs decoratvd un a St. Law.-on, Grahani GuilsI and Ken Patruck's day- settiog wuth appro- Hiuîchusouu thue spame goalie. Tic piate table decorations. teani maniager, Dr. G. Sir, lue- At bbc !irst of tcxe îilevsActon \wull cap lthe'cup. RotarY President, Howard Rua- Orono fans anîd tueir nianager île occupied tic chair anud tien1 have a differenî ol"tlook, ln aur turned it over ta lie Lions Presi- opinion OROINQ £LAS IT. 1 t t t 1 a 9 e s ti r4 p p R ci tt Friday nigit la the Bowman- ville Memorial. Arena tlie people o! Orono and district came out ta put on a fancy skating camnival ta mark tic opcning of a new birîli o! hockey and skating in Ibis comuniby. Il was a gesture o! fmiendsiip which was sccondcd by lie many people who came out to sec the great demonstration o! skating and musical amtistry sa ably dcmonstmaîed b3- bbc skatcrs fram this park-site village. -"The Carnival of Nations" The Oirono Skating Club, under thIe skîlful direction o! Diane amygave a very colorful Margret tiilelland tume-perfect pragram o! Margart Stiiw'ellrî blinon skates. Wlîosc solo w'ark aI Grace Dane Found, Orono, was Mas- Churcb on bbc Hill, Toronto, on ber a! Ceremonies foir bbc evening the Tmull Fiîneral Home Sunda3- and tbc muîsic was under bbc cap- h-our, xvitb tic Toronto Symphony aile direction o! Mrs. Hambly. and tIhe Mendelssohn Choir, lias Il would take too much lime made hem in the realni o! sacrcd and space ta repart each individ- miusic ane o! Canada's besî known ual acI but xxe thiiik tha-t the soloists. Sue will assist in the -Fearsome Foursome" act was .vorsbip service aI Trînity Unîited ane o! lie top luis o! the eveniîîg Church, Bowmanville, Ibis Sun- as Iheir clever, crazy aîîtics and lay eveiiing, March 27, aI 7 p.m. costumes le!t the onlookers liter- alîx' rolling in tic aisles. Tic baix o! lie show, four year D oug as L rnonold Mary Found. beld tle admira- Killed in Crashi - John Not Injured 1flnf2igfLinn-ç È1i<