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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1949, p. 12

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PAGE ?WU4YE THE CANADIAN 8TA~L!ESMAK. EOWELAIIVILLU. ONTAMO Basebali Club Elects 0f ficers for Season AI Osborne President An open meeting was held on March 24 to elect officers and make arrangements for entering an interniediate basebahl teain in the Lakeshore Basebaîl League this season. The executive electeti are as foilows: President, A. H. Osborne; Vice-Pres., M. J. Wight:* Sec.- Treas., R. Kent; Bus. Mgr., J., Crombie; Directors: Mr. Stuant1 Candler, Dr. K. W. Shemon, D)r. H. B. Rundle, Mr. Fred Cole, Mr: J. J. Brown, Mr. N. E. Osborne. There was an unusually large gathering at the meeting and con- siderable enthusiasm, which tends to make us look fonward to bigger and better things for the coming basebaîl season. Severai new naines have been added to the executive and manager AI. Os- borne is on the look-out for new talent on the field. The date o! the first practice wlll be announceti later andi every- body with basebaîl ability will be welcome to try for a place on the team. ANGLERS TAKE NOTICE Word bas been receiveti by Fisb and Gaine Ovenseer J. T. Deyelh that is o! cansîderabie intenest ta local fishermen. It ativises that there will be no Seine License issued in the caunties o! North- umibenlanti, Durhamn, Peterbor- ough and Victoria, for the taking of Smelt for persanal use. It will therefore be iliegal for anyone ta take these fish. This regulation applies ta Durhamn County but bas no application to the waters of Lake Ontario. The teacbing staff o! day scbools under provincial contrai in Canada consist o! about 75,000 teachers. Oniy slightiy more than one-fiftb o! thein are men. Ken Luxton's Team Gets the Bye li BowlingPlay-offs The finst round o! the playoffs in the bowling league is complet- ed andi Ken Luxton's teain took Westlake's two out of tbree games a nd nolieti the most numben of pins to bave a bye into the finals. Lou Wiseman was the man ne- sponsible for this, baving 781 for 1 thnee games. Captaîn Ken xvas next with 742 wbile Bihl Mc Feetens bad a nice 722. Jin Cal- Ian with 736 and Art Spicer with 726 were best for the losers. Frank Williams' teain took Cancilla's teain in two straigh*t gaines wit~h Art Bell leading the way with 744. Dr. Rundle's team made it two straigbt over Ted Bagneli's team witb Bon Richards being the best man with 693. Wiliams will meet Rundie in the best two out of three andi the winner wilh take on Luxton's teamn for the playof! prize. Westlake will now play Piper1t for the Carter Famiiy Trophy 1I and then we will start the Major League tournament.1 ENFIELD On Friday afternoon March 18, the Jr. Red Cross met with al numbers on the program being related to St. Patrick and his work. President Lorna Coch- rane opened the meeting and we sang "Galw.ay Bay" Doreen Ly- cett reaci the minutes and gave the Roll Cail. Kathleen and Eve- lyn were in charge of this pro- gram: Readings by Lorna, Marion, Murray, Bernice and Mr*s. Pres- cott; Recitation-Keith; S6g-1 Ronald Hub*bard; Piano Solo- Rose Marie. We closed with the singing of "The Galway Piper". We had a St. Patrick's Post Office and played gaines. Collec- tion w- 7ce. On March 25th we had ourj " Thorough Spot Removat " Dirt Gently, Thoroughly Removed 0 Colors Revived 0 No Dry Cleaning Odom' Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning O SHA WA Phone Zenith 13000 Mision Band - program wMt Katihleenii n thiechair; leading ln the eaU to worship, the slngin-g of the Bible Sobg, repeating of Mlsaon Band Ain, Watchword, Purpose and memory verse. We read ini unison a chapter from our new Gideon Bibles. Glen Coch- rane took up collection of 80c. Temperance, Peace and Mission- ary readings were given by Marion, Kathleen, Murray andi Mrs. Prescott. We sang "For the Beauty of the Earth" andi closed -with the Mission Band Prayer. ENNISKILLEN SPORT NW YOUR ETES and Vision1 Rewritten -from previous copyrights o! C. H. TUCK Optometrist Disney Bjdg. No. 48 Giare in many cases is a de!ect inCoe pyht n gted)a itafct Iargely devoted to the study of life from stantipoinits such as psychology, psychiatry and al the phenominal points of man's life. W.M.S. Easter Thanlcoffering service wîll be held Sunday even-, April 10. Special speaker will be Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Orono. Music will be provided by Enniskillen choir. An invita- tion is extendeti to all to enjoy this service. Bush Bowling Leatgue Race Close With Foundry in the Lead The race for play-off spots tightened alter the action on Fni- day night. The Foundry stilI are on top and they edged Walt Pol- ley's team 4-3. Bull Polley took high triple o! the night to lead the Foundry win. Jack Elston and Lloyd Ells were best for Polley's team. Bob Gallagher led bis team to a 5-2 win over Taylor and thus Gallagher held on to second place. Taylor and Preston were best for the losers. Courtice team continued their drive for a play-off spot by de- feating Deeley 5-2. Jack Gay and Cec Mills were best for Cour- tice. Leo Bird was the best for Deeley's team and his score won the first game for Deeley. B.T.S. te&.m handed Enniskiilen teain a 5-2 setback with Jin Thompson and Doug Jackman leading the way. Ted McLaughlin was the best of the Enniskîllen team. High single of the nigbt went to Jin Thompson with a 301. Higb ti3iple went to Bill Polley with 724. Jack Elston 714, and Bob Gallagher. 702 were runnersup. The Lemon League honors went out of town to an Enniskillen merchant, John Slemon with 118. More Lane Lingo Jin Thompson got his 50c score at, Matt Harrison's expense... Red Munday is a triple threat for a low triple. . . Vestzel's scores haven't been any good since he quit pretzels. . . Wait Polley's teamn got a dose of G.B. and S.B. on Friday night. .. The Foundry- Polley gaines on Frîday night were featured by an .outstanding per- formance by Hank' Janzen-two balis down the gutter on a strike. ..George Perfect should save bis 300 gaines for the league. More nex't week guys. Team Standings Foundry ----------53 Gallagher 47 Polley __ ----- ---- - --- 44 Enniskillen -------------- ---- 41 Courtice - ----------- 39 Deeley ---------------------------- 36 Taylor------ ------------9 Talo -----A ver ages 1 Jack Gay------------------- 238. Bob Gallagher- 226 Bill Polley -----219 Jack Elston 214 Walt Poiley ------- 2141 Ted McLaughlin - -- 212 Lawrence Wearn 205 Doug Taylor -----204 Cole Woolner -----204 Nom Cowle ----201 George Brown 201 Frank Smith--------------- 200 Black Cats Move Up in Bowling Lqe- Nearing Season's End 3 Doris Poiley's Black Cats moved up into second place as they white washed Exponts 7-0. Joyce Major was the big gun for the CatÈ witli high triple of 671. Lil Hooper was 1the pick of the losers. Although the Kools came otti on the short end o! a 4 to 3 score they still held on to fîrst place. Vi Coole, Mel McNulty and Helen Lockhart were best for the Kools. Ina King paceti Tucketts to victory in the close contest. Helen Pîpen's Players climbeti out of the ceilar by defeating the Philip Morris team 5-2. Helen Piper and Ada Luxton led the winners. Ada Tonkin was the pick of the Pbilip Morris team. High single of the night went to Helen Lockbart with a neat 276. Joyce Major look bigb triple with ber aforementioned 671. In the Lernon League Bernice "Lefty" Buday tunned in a spark- ling performance when she rolled a brilliant 90. Bernice bowever was flot to have the lemons. No Sir! Dore Mutton came up with ae'- ually bnilliant 78. Nice going girls! Team Standings Kools------------------ 43 Black Cats --- _ 39 Tucketts -------37 Philip Morris 28 Players ---------- - --- 21 Exports ----------------------- 21 Averages Vi Coole -- ----------- 205 Ada Tonkin 192 Bemnice Buday--------------- --- 191 Sheila Wilson----------------- -186 Doris Joli ----------- --- 185 Lii Pbillips ---------------------- 185 Joyce Major--------------------- 182 Mel McNulty ------------------- 182 Emma Shv'ed - ------------- 179 Helen Lockhart ---------------- 178 Ruth Barclay ------------------ 178 Helen Dunn -------------- 175 Deer Shot at Lake Game Warden Alert Patroliing along the west beach last week, Deputy Game Warden Ken Hooper, accompanied by Clarie King, carne upon the car- cass of a doe that had been shot saine days before. It was one of a pair of deer that had been seen in that vicinity most of the win'ter. Apparently bit by a bullet from a 22 rifle the doe escaped the un- known hunter and later died near the beach. Acting under the authority o! County Game Warden Dyeil, the local deputies are empowered to take drastic action to enforce the game lavs, hereabouts. frorn now on. According to Deputy Hooper, an attempt bas been made to pro- tect the pheasants released bere hast faîl. While many have been shot, a small flock is stiil being fed at a secluded spot while a keen watcb is rnaintained for stray hunter,s unlawfully carrying fire- arms. attendance. the Dr. R. A. Patterson Troph~v. Miss Betty Sniales, nurse in training, Oshawa Hospital, visited ber parents Mn. andi Mrs. J. çSmales. Mr. anti Mrs Frank McGill and tDonald, Toronto, spent the week- tenti with bis mother, Mrs. John MeGili. Mn. Allan Stainton witb Mr. and LMrs. W. H. Moore. Miss Gertrude Grieve, London, Mr. Floyd Pethick, returning froin Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mn. and Mrs. William Bragg, Providence, visiteti Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. T.M. Siemoni on neceiving word of the sudden death o! ber brother Mr. Ed. Saunders, Winnipeg, Man. Mr. anti Mrs. Airthur Leati- beater, Sr., Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeaten, Jr. Mn. Will Moore, wlth Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Goodman, Oshawa. Many folks in oun community have bad coltis anti the flu. Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Wright and Robbie, Bowmanville, Mrs. Frank Spny, Glen anti Haroldi, Rochester, visiteti Mn. andi Mns. Edgar Wright. Mn. and Mns. Harold Milîs and famihy visited Mn. and Mrs. Ed. iJennings at Acton. The Service Club Ladies spent a social evening with Mns. A. Leatibeater. Next meeting at Mns. Haroldi Ashton's. Mn. and Mrs. Aimer Henning. Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mns. Lonne Lamb. We weicome Mn. and Mns. Russell Aungen to oun community, who, are moving this week to their new home, fonmenly owned and occupieti by Dr. C. Austin. Miss Mary Bowman, Enfieid. witb Miss Donothy Stainton. Mn. anti Mns. Francis Wemny and Ted were week-end visitons wîth Mr. and Mns. N. S. Van Camp, Listowei. Mns. Glenny ne- netunneti with thein. Mrs. Werry anti Mrs. Ghenny are veny busy, making a qult. Sym*pathy o! this community is extended to the parents brotb- ens anti sistens on the deatb o! their son and brother, Douglas Lemon. We miss bis cheeny smlle very much. We are sonny to report Mn. Hugh Annis is very sick and we wish hixn a sneedy recovery. Mn. J. A. Werny is spending r few days in bed with bus heant trouble again. We must wann our venenabie cutizen to be careful of himself as these aid heants wiih miss a beat as we grow aid. Mr. anti Mns. Roy Trewin and Donna Marie, Pont Credit. witb bis mothen, Mrs. M. Trewin and brother, Mn. Eari Tnewin and Mns. Trewin. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Wayne, Mn. anti Mrs. George Lee, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fenguson. Mn. and Mrs. M. McDonald and Geraiti, Bowmýanviile, at Mn. J. Adamis'. We regret very much to have Mn. and Mns. Authur Wearn beave our community to reside in Claire- mont. Bath wene active in the work o! our cburch. We wish themi every success in their new home. Before ieaving, the choir presenteti Mrs. Wearn, who hati been organist for aven three years. with a leathen bound copy o! the flymnary. Mn. Weann, a fine tenor soioist, who hati sung many turnes for us, was presented witb a copy of the Choir Anthein Book wbicb Is used at present by the choir. The address expressiing aur appreciation, was reati by Mrs. H. McGill and the pnesenta., tion was matie by Mrs. M. J. Stainton. Bible Society Sunday was ne- mem-bered on Suntiay when the rninister spoke fittîngiy on the tapic "Wbat can we !ind in the Bible?" He based bis rernanks, on "The Book of Life" anti explained how the Bible was not exclu- sively a book on spiritual hife but a book wbose knowledge anti wisdoni direct us aîl in every detail o! man's existance. A book of bistony - o! mankinti, national history, famly history, a book We' ve Yards and Yards of Beautiful Spring and Summer Fashions!1 34w4t Q &tTea VIGOROUS & WINEY PRICES IN EFFECT I b. m qw UNTIL APRIL 2nd BSONAR - 5-4<N RICH-FULL BODIED REDC-RLE lb.sC< REEN PEAS 3 8 OCLOK 47eIONA 8 'COC olb ~ TO MATOES 2 ANN PAGE FAMOUS OGILVIE MURK BREAD FLOUR -- White or Brown KETA-FANCY 24 oz loaif loic SALnViON - CHEESIE lb.45 LIEaGeEF T28-oz fin15 CHEESE ib. 39g IONA ORANGE &GAERI JELY BAN lb. < MARMALADE 24-oz jar 25C ANNL P AGS 2à9 VUKON CLUB (New Low Price) (Contents Oniy> RMOT *I DUNS of kg 230 GINGER ALE 2 3-zbt O 20-oz fins 23c 28-oz Jrs 29C 5-lb pkg 32C 1-2s tin 22C to a numben o! relatives and New Sparkle! wiIh C.IL. PAINTS and VARNISHES rTIý SPRING! lime to give your home a fresh new coat of paint bot Inside and out. We have the top quallty C.LL. paints and varnishes to Insure perfect resuits quickly and reasonably. Drop Into our store to-day and see the beautiful array of colours you can use on your house. HIGGOE ELECTRIC Tour General Bleetio Appliance Dealer Phone 438 flowmnanvile 42 King St. E. j WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP 3 cakes 290 NAVY TISSUE 2 rails 154 JORDAN'S GRAPE JUICE bi.z.l CUTS GREASE-BABO CLEANER --Ctn. 134 CEREAL VITA IB CEREAL k-Og'29e CLOVER BRAND NO. i HRONEY tin75 BULK ROLLED OATS 3 ibit. 19e CLARK'S ASSORTED SGUPS . 2 tins 15e KRAFT DINNER « 2 pkgs. 29< A.J. PANCAKE FLOUE «' 'pk. 190 BULK BABY LIMA BEAb. 2- INSIST ON THE RIST - BUY RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF STEAKS OR RQASTrS PORTEIHOUSE, SIRLOIN or WING -lb. 69c BONELESS ROUND M - - l. 65c CHOICE PRESM KILLED MILK FED GRADE A ]BEEF DRISET '«lb.25e FIYING CHICKENS lb. 49e WELL TRIMMED 3 te 31/ lb. average. SHORT RB I AST lb. 5me RESHm BLADE BONE OUT M.~ Ol. . lib BLUIROAST * Me OI)FIETS 32<F SHORT CUTlb5e SILVERBRIGHTlb35 PERINE RIB IROAST lb 5 SALMON STEAIKS l. 5 SMOKED, SLICED f.64 1 NO. 1 LARGE BREAKFAST BACON l. < SNELTS * *ol.280 SLICED LARG POIXLIVEaR lb-35e SEOKE» FILLETSlb * 370< NEW LOW PRIfCES ON CHOCOLATE BARS, GUM, SOFT DRINKS A & P FRUITS end VEGETABLES FIRST IN TWO YEARS-' "RED SPA1VISH" IESH CUDAN PINEAPPLES FULLY MATIJRED, No. 1 Large 24's ea 29C On Sale Friday and Saturday flItES FLORIDA VLNI U8MAIUuIB est for Juice, No. 1 176's do:.49 CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES Best for licinq or sating 5 CELET STLK.S Pascal a>for CUMYSTAM Tender No. 12i M TONATOESFRESH OUBAN No. 1 25 H OT HOUSE SWEET 9 GIDBRSExtra large No. 1 APRIL ISSUE 0F WOMAN'S DAY MAGAZINE NOW ON SALE. Efrienda when an enjoyable time was spent. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edgar en- ioyed the Women's Institute party held ait Hampton. Miss Ella Down wes guest of Miss Helen Jackson, Brooklir. Stan and Mrs. Coverley and sons were guests at the Wes. Cameron home, Zion. The miany friends of Kelth Crago extend congratulations on his being one of the Durham County team whose score was 2,287, this being the 19th con- secutive year of Durham winnin-g at the Quinte seed judging com- petition at Kingston. Keith took second place with a score of 764. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright, Osh- awa, were Saturday guests with their daughter, Mrs. Oke and Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mechin and daughter were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Balson. Sympathy from their many friends in this district is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Hugh Annis. Mr. and Mrs. Worm Griffin were visitors at Mr. Hall's, Orono. A shower for Miss Velma Crago was held at the home of her parents with a goodly number in PAM TWILYZ THE CANADUN STAITMMS, BOWVAIfVfLtlr, (MTAMO THURSAy, t Ktt* Yack Green Top Md« In Showmanship Kemptfile School During the closing that marked the 20UL . azmi student demonstration at Xm~b ville Agricultural. Sehool, 4 week, two Durham CountY dents added to the many honocui that have corne to this COUn*~ during the past few yemr. T7»e occasion was the KAS Royal, #s which the students compete honors in several departrn eta the practical work carried du;ring the college term. Named as Grand ChamPl4u Royal Showman was J~c Gree% Nestieton, son of Miýan* X~ Norman Green. Jaq garner 185 points to top al' onteta* He took a total of 8 firsts in the 16 entries of the various classes QU the agenda to capture the prli#e trophy. Competing in landsceping de- sign for the best farin horn* Wesley Hilîs, Enniskillen, son Mr. and Mrs. Albert His, woýn first place which carried with il EBENEZER Ebenezer C.G.I.T. met at the home o! Mrs. Carl Down on March 26 with eigbt in atten- dance. Devotional was in chare of Irma Wade a fte r which Jean Down Muriel Tink and Miss Arnold gave a sum- mary of their trip to the C.G.I.T. convention in Toronto. Two enjoyable parties were heid at the homes o! Bob Barker and Joe McKenzie wben a goodly suin xas realized for Mr. Kenr who feul causing severe injuny to bis back. Mrs. Clarence Penfound andi Misses Donothy Hockin andi Mar- garet McGregon o! the Courtice C.G.I.T. had a pleasant trip ti Toronto to enjoy the C.G.I.T. con- vention. Their many frientis here wisb Bon Voyage and a safe return to Mrs. G. Baldwin, Mrs. Nellie Piedson and Miss Effie Baldwin, who have left on a trip to Eng- landi. Master Michael Tooley enter- tained a number of bis littie fnientis to help celebrate bis 8tb birthday. Gaines and contesta were enjoyeti with deligbtful re- freshmélfs served and many tokens receiveti. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Anchie Muir on the arrival o! their litle daughter at Os'hawa Hospitai on March 24. Miss Wiimna Down was hostess at tbe Adelaide House, Oshawa, ORANGE PEKOE% 1

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