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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1949, p. 15

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* ~ ?KUEDAYMRCH 3 lit, 1949 IThe Newcastle Independeut Mia. Margaret Ash Editor's Note-We are pleased to announce that Miss Margaretý Asti o! the Post Office staff has been appointed editor of The Newcastle Independent Page. Ftom the budgets of interesting npews she has sent in tast week and thls week she tackles her editor- ial duties like an expcrienced re- porter. As her time is limited in reportmng, owing ta ber P.O. dut- ies, she would particulariy ap- ptcit the cooperation o! socie- teiftey would be good enough to aend in reports o! their meet- lIàgs promptly. It would also greatly aajist her if others having persoala.F other news items, Wbicl;à& ghtnot know about, "FIRE E l Radio Service ? Sureiy you must know that no business can give you somethlng for nothing. Our service hs not free but we do offer you something you ueed - professionat Radio Service at an honest price. We have the knowledge, equipmcnt and tntcgrity to put your radio In perfect condition. If your radio is not work- Ing at its best-lf reception Is nolsy and poor, ivon't you Phone us now. We know that you w~ill be more than satlsfied with the resuits. 30 DAYS GUARANTEE MY LES' Radio Service (At TED WOODYARD'S ILPPLIANCE STORE) 44 King St. W., Bowmanvilie 9 Phone 901 Orono 79-4 1wouid please advise her by senÉ ing in these items of news. Mr. H. T. Manes visited Mr Jennie Robinson, Millbrook. Misses Olive Ubdegrove, Veim Aildread and Margaret Ash wer in Toronto hast Wednesday and i the evening attended the Junia hockey gamnein Milton. Mrs. Wrnt Pinnegar is lookin forward eageriy ta the day he niece Miss Jean Williams can se cure passage from England t make her home here in Newcastlh Miss Williams hapes ta be her early in the spring. The Welcome Home mat is ou ta Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmii who returned home Saturday afte spending a delightful four monthi holiday with friends and relative in their native land o! Switzer land. Mr. Frank Hanrahan, Brook lyn, N.Y., spent the weekend a. guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wadi and Douglas It is nice to sec Bryce Warc out around town again. Bryci seems none the *worse since hi: eventful weekcnd at Gananoqui when rie cntered Kingston Gencra Hospital as a patient. Miss Barbara Bonathan, nurse. in-training, Victoria Hospital London, was home with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan Miss Lucie Brault, Toronto spent the weckend with Mrs. Wm Kennefick and Edgar. Miss Helen Alkcnbrack, Tren. ton, spent the weekend with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alken. brack. Mr. ;rom Wallace, Toronto, waE weekend guest of the Howard Toms'. Master David Hockin, Ajax, is spcnding a few weeks with his grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Hockin. The sympathy o! ail is extendcd Mrs. Bradford Kay an the death o! hec husband, March 26. For many vears Mr. and Mrs. Kay have been considercd anc of New- castle's most popula.r summer re- PREACHINC MISSION SUNDAY, APRIL IOTH, 1949 TO FRIDAY, APHIL 15TH, 1949 p AT Trinity United Chur'ch BOWMANVILLE Sunday at 8:30 p.m. Week Nights at 8 p.m. CANON QUENTIN WARNER Missioner SPONSORED BY:- Courtice United Church Circuit, Enniskillen United Chureti Circuit, Hampton United Church Circuit, Tyrone United Church Circuit, Saivation Army, Bowmanvlhe; St. John's Anglican hurch, Bowvmanvihte; Trlnlty United Church, Bow- manvîlte; St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanviile. POWER C RD E N EQUIPNENT FOR SPRINC See SAM'S GARDENER- the most outstanding Garden Tractor offered to the Publie anywhere. The engines are mechanlcaiiy governed and can be set to any speed. There are no gadgets ta get out of order and confuse the operator. A chitd can operate lt, in fact the whoie famiiy. SAM'S GARDENER, complete wlth piowa and harrowu * are only - $220.00 Save tîme and labour cuttint your gras@ this summer with a new MOTO-MASTER Power Mower made to give years o! trouble-free service Compleie - $ 159.50 Maxwell Hand Mowers - - from $12 fo $25 ne ready for garden weather - Get your equlpment now from De R. ALLDREAD 134 RING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE 1 d- 5. 1948 ... DEAD ae 740 en nr 1949 ? ig er to re at id r [S' s r-b Mr.A S osoni o ter, Mrts.R. G. Wrg, Toongto.M M.dMrs. H. S. itton ancho Nei n ateraind D. nd Mrs. W iH. MacDndinToronto,.nt Rangrtlaediostto the .G I.T grl at a par in her Uni Chrh SudayScehomeofi. Auver etertaininR.G.eveighwasTopno r. W.W.datrson.S.Nil Brit-c tnei anrainisJos. aTo rQund Hut acthooughyorentoyneen ing h body erved a dteigtful lunhrsf hot d oscokie and chocogilat a r n heUnte MhrsE.C.HoSnar o SunA.e C.G.rti.T. me Tesdg a eeni witate new toedrship peocodce byv Wr. J. Nesbtt. Aft e a shrt trn and Frcs Edde. Maund out Toroo chlye njotab visi hi lunch ors.hor don sh con Mosn- Mr. ad Mrs.RaJ. MisCuLlc hiave leTot updres.denced wish Them he rBestnthir ewt Mrs. E L ois onCluydTroto spentMonhawith her Daroenwt, DrI.. dms. L.dA Wegerber. M Mrs. . uîgEddieM. V Pat to. Toronto, visdintd Mr. ands Mrs. Wmr.QGgrince hisnMrn- [nLnda. ewihhl Mr. and Mrs. Rni. eCAlrea wind Bt, Mrs.hAbet iGiay arndw MisitdMW. LHocluki, To-to spnt o aywt e )rns Or nd Mrh 21SheA Ggertyr hmrs. JHer gr and mhr, Mrs.Pa tercyB Tront,hei thedpartyatd ers hom. Shila receidr. basve gifts ad a ood etimeoma spadby ail. omrs. C ec eruon M. Mass Shrl.ey aPheon ahid i, Mkindlbeaited heran noter Mrs.M.ChalGertyak Mr.JkNsbittr. m HcisvisTog rster r..etnAstn Oprng Must be1he il a rn neebcane her t snd of hehay y ugen the uine being -idusiol noums.tak±ng onthat har loo riat game Wednesday when Oro-' io won 6 to 4. Smnce that excep- mnally ftattering buitd-up in hast jeek's Statesman, we leel sure rwcastle people would be happy )know that four of aur local oys play on the Orono Junior ockey team. The boys are John- yGibson. Spence Creamer, >b Stephenson and 'Ricky' Rich- rdson The whole team is play- ig excellent hockey this year d deserves the support of ait ho can spare time ta attend their Mes. Canadians consumed 85 pounds sugar Per capita [n the first, mnnontl., of 1948. as much as ring the wnh of 1947. WANTED FOR EXPORT Registered and Grade HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS PHONE 2403 -The Toronto Telegrain yIYoung Liberals Hold Meeting at Newcastle Candidate Speaks ýe ýr The Statesman has learned that, the annual meeting of the Durham LCounty Young Liberats Club was hheld at the home of John Rickard, -Newcastle, March 15. George Shuett, President, Central Ontariô SRegion, addressed the gathering on prganization work for the ecoming election. He was followed by John M. James, recently nom- înated as the party candidate for Durham County who made a rousing address in which he out- hined the work done for months tpas t in preparation for the cam- paign. Decision was taken to issue separate membership cards tai designate the junior organizatian. Election of offIcers took place prior ta the luncheon presided over by Mrs. Rickard. The next meeting will be calhed by the President as a directors' gather- ing to, forward the plans pro- jected. The following afficers wcre elected: President; Carol Nichais, Port Hope; Vice-Pres., Wesley Werry, Sauina; Secy-Treas., Frank iHoar, Newcastle. For the direct-c orate of 20 members, ten weret elccted, with the remainder to be chosen at a later date. Thase1 elected were: Doug Waiton andj Mrg. Morley Sallaws, Newcastle: j Roy Abernethy and Howardb Brooking, Bawmanville; Bruce C Hogarth, Hampton; D o uglia s Wight, Providence; M ur r ayv Payne, Clarke Tawnship; Donald t Hamm, Orono; Howard Malcolm, ti Janetvitle and Alan Beer, Beth-2 any. a The President and Secy-Treas. a were named vating dehegates to the General Liberal Organization. n Delegate ta the '. ext Young b Liberal Convention in Toronto are President Nichais and Douglas a Courtice, with atternates John f Rickard and Douglas Wight.. C I DEAD STOCK - 1 OBITUARY MRS. A. C. RYCKMAN Another link in the chain o! a large family has been broken, in the deatb of Mrs. Albert C. Ryck- man o! Cobaconk. Mrs. Ryckman had been confined to ber home for a%ýr six years with a heart condition. She was born at Vic- toria Road 73 years ago, daughtcr o! the late Edward and Eliza Lytie. She was well loved and highiy respected, bad a most pleasing personality and was always cheerful and bright. Her hobby was ail painting and taming o! wild birds. She had a pair o! canaries and a robin that would eat out of her band. Early in life she joined the Anglican Cburch, and gave !reely of ber services. The minister o! the United Cburch took the service at the bouse, and the Anglican minister conducted. the service at the grave. Left ta mourn the loýs o! a loving wife and mother, is ber aged busband, 81 years, two sons, Inspector Norman Ryckman *of Lindsay and bis son John of McMastér University,- Hamilton, and daughter Joan, Toronto, Garnet Ryckman and their three chiidren of Long Branch; aiso three brothers, Joseph and Fred a! Victoria Road, Albert in the U.S.A., and five sisters, Mrs. W. A. Stinsan (Jennie), Janetville, Mrs. J. S. Black (Lottie), Peter- bora, Mrs. J. S. Lowes (Laura), Omemee, Mrs. Seward T. Dowsan, Bowmanvitle and Miss Mabel Lytie with ber brother Fred on the homestead. One brother and two sistes died in infancy, Robert, 27 years predeceased ber 57 years igo, Edward an March 6. 1948, and Mrs. Fry (Sarah) on Marcb 21, 1948. She wihl be greatlyi: rnissed, flot oanly 'by ber famiiy, j but by a hast o! friends as well.' Pail bearers were chosen from j among their near neighbours.1 Interment was in Cobocunkt Cemetery. FREE SERVICE 1' 30 c R.R. 5 BOnWANVILLE TEE CA!iADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMA !LT.U! t~WI'ADT(~ Entertainment Night At Legion House A Grand Affair (Art IHooper) Thursday night the regular meeting a! the local Legion was beld. A short session o! business was conducted by President Wm.! Mitchell and then turned over', to, Entertainment Chairman Joe O'Neill.i Joe iined up one o! the best' entertainment night ever heid at Legion bouse. Padre de Pencier Wright went ino a new uine of, business in bis address as guest speaker. His topic was -Clothes" and why' do we dress like we do, why don't we dress like we feel? This was a tbe Padre ieft with us, so if you see somebody wearing a cam'lhha ir coat in the middle o! summer around town, blame it on the, Padre. Ris taik vas greatiy ap- preciated by the comrades and it is hoped that we will bave more 'speakers at eacn meeting. After the Padre's speech the meeting was turned over ta Master a! Ceremony Robbie Mc- Kay fram Oshawa, with bis group who kcept everyone laugbing and realhy entertained. The group consisted o! a singer,. Marion Woodward, who sang theI blues and made everyane sit up and take notice. The dancer' Shirley Smith, was autstanding in ber tap dancing and acrobatics. E'reddie Bryant was very good impersonating a lady dancer,[ (grass skirt and ahi). We thought' lie mast outstanding performers were Barry and Howard, two boys .vho imitated Spike 'Jones and is City Slickers. These boys are about 16 or 17 and are out- ;tanding with their unique act. The pianist was Mrs. Kenny who lept everyone singing and she was kept busy most o! the nigbt at the keyboard. Well Comrades, that wvas about al1. Everyone had a swell time nd it is haped that we wiIl have more nights ta get together for good fellowship. Your executive is trying bard ta make your Legion the ibest Legion. Sa come ut and support your !ellow comn- rades. Jack Emmerson, aur treas- rer; is alwvays gtad ta see yau. Next meeting night ail] try ta ring a new member. We need aur support if we want ta, con- nue the good Legion work. Ail ?-service personnel are wcl- ,ore. Because of British and Swedish ob jectians over the great cast entailed, United Nations have pi- gcon-hoted the prapasal for uni- versai driving on the right-hand side of the raad. s See Yeur Local Dealer Today ! Dea th Does No t Ho liday In On tarilo Ambassador Male Sovlet-British Trade Choir Gives Inspiring The Chairman of the British Program at Trinity. Board of Trade, in a speech on British-Soviet trade relations, de- ciared that during the iast 12 An inspiring pragram of sacred months the Soviet- Union had music was presented in Trinity bought at least $177 million worth United Church, Saturday evening o od rmteseln ra by the Amnbassador Maie Singers ofexe omtestrig ra of Toronto. Tiis choir is >inter- eeeding by $32 million Russian denoinatona andconssts exports into sterling countries. deminatonlanddcosists ao!fThus, contrary ta general opin- memersanddiectrs ! vrjus ion, t was the Soviet Union which church chairs under the able di-" had an adverse trade balance rection of Cyrîl Redford, organist wt h trigae.TeUie o! ooks Curc, Trono.The Jingdom was reluctant ta pro- primary objective of the group is idfuhesplesneste not entertainment in the usual Svie thUnisnpagresd ta ssea sense of the word, but a program Sourter'Unityredt s o! worship through the singing of! te qa tita Great Britain. bymns and anthems. Rev. S. R. Henderson introduced Director Redford and Mr. Johns,1 the latter acting as master a! ceremonies thraughout, the evcn- ing. Choir selections included such anthems as "Gloria in Excelsis," "Bless the Lord O MY Soul," "Scek Ye the Lord" and "Holy art Thou;" and several weit-known hymns as, "Tell Me the Story 0f Jesus" and "Near the Cross." Interspersed among the choir numbers were a duet "Pause at Ris Feet for a Moment of Prayer" 4 by Cyril Redford and Duncan Neill; a solo by Bill Rae "God Leads His Dear Children Along." The gospel hymn "I arn Listening" was rendered with beautiful sim- plicity and harmony by the quar- tette G. Redford, W. Rae, D. Neill and J. Ritchie. Final solo num- ber was "Buried in the Deep, Deep Sea" by Norman Wortman. The choir president, Mr. Ernest George, spoke on bebaif af the group expressing their delight in ~j q being able to bring their message Diamond areast o! praise to such an appreciativeJ audience. A gieaming, fia-.%, The closing choral sehection was diamond. Truiy an impressive setting o! "The sentiment as the Wondrous Cross," folowing which Give her a diamon Rev. Henderson pranounced the ment bond ...ori beneicton.casion as a priceli The Church Street group af the yu oe Women's Association is ta be con- Yu oe gratulated in bringing such a finei BUY NOW AN][ musical pragram ta Bowmanviile. UU1 It is not often that ne finds such LXR a group o! sidrers withing ta give of their time and talent withautiH O E S J charge. The oniyremuneration H O E ' received by' thechi was ta caver &GF their transportation charges. &GF The ladies of the W.A. enter- ~ King St. W. tained the members of the choir ta a social haîf hour in the school1 room when a delightful lunch \v'as served. 1949 ADMIRAL Electric Refigerators I IMMEDIATE'DELIVERY (QUANTITY LIMITED) LOOK< AT 'ýHE FEATURES:. * 7 eu. f t. storage space. " Storage bîn. " Porcelain enameiied Interlor. " Beautifuliy deslgned exterlor. " 64 Ice cube capaclty. "Tall botti. atorage. " Glass covered crisper. * Adjustabte ieveliing feet. " Campleteiy made ln London, Ont. " 5-Year Guarantee. We were fOrtunate ln reeelving a suppli, of new 1949 Admirai Refrigerators at this time, when steel s'îortages are holding up many manufacturers, and deiivery of ail brands appears uncertain for summer urne. Oniy the best materiais are used ln Admirai construction and before shlpment every refrigerator has passed rigid inspectorm' tests indicatlng per. fect performance under actuai operating condition%. Cash Price $374.00 (Terms il desired) The Radio Shop 38 King St. E. Bowmnanville Phone 573 MEDIEVAL PRAYER Arise early, Dress thyseif quickly, M'orship God gladiy, Go thy ways gaily, Do thy work wiseiy, Answer men demurely, Treat thy kmn courteously, Rule thy tongue carefully, Con thy book soberly, Sing thy bit joyously, Dance thy round jocundly, Go to thy supper warily, And to thy bed merrily, Kneel then devoutly, And sleep surely. From an Oid Manuscript IVe wili pick up ait dead or cripplcd farm animais FREE 'OF CHARGE - Iighest Prices Faid For Old Horses - PHONE: PETERBORO 4026 COLLECT Nick Peconi, Owner Cr-cnc Illectric Phone 55-r-i Orono FARM AND HOUSE WIRING Repairs andi Aiterations ... ... Paie Lines a Specialty ... Free Estimates . .. WALTER FRANK TOMATO GROWERS! FOR DEST RESULTS USE "Mî&-mC l UJL V9 LIQUID FERTILEIZER PA(MrnrTrm Aýý 61 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMdANVMLIC. ONTARTO From an Old Manuscrip,, f ?k

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