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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1949, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN TW~ t!!ANAIIlArêz nTtq'I ismAfl. BowmAN'vn.Lz, oNTARio 'rIUJBRflA'Y. .%tAUf~It BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,,0,00 READERS PAY CASH1AN SAVE7-MINIMWtU COST 35c PER AD' __IONPAGE IGHT __ __________nt Real .EsaeFo Sale Articles For Sale Articles For Sale NPAEEIH - - SINGLE, unfurnished room in PASTURE farm for sale, Lot 141. MN06.bys or bo1 COMI G EV NTS BowmanvillePhone 2588. 13-1* Concessionl6. Apply'H. B. Foster, TH CA ADIN S ATE MA SAL bat,18 t.Phoe90p3- te ~stock f ArilsFrSl _______- - - HOUPouegent5.needed, n or - -S____- 134 QUANTITY of good loose hay. sizes and styles at pcipular prie No. 9 Card Party posoned. near Bowmanville. Write Box 227, ON-cegW adnln.orPoe20.1.*Loest, s owave RpiKigS Notice of date later. 13-1 Statesman Office., 13-1 buildingi, ots in Solina. good loca- ft _ LADIES' dark blue tailored sitB mnvle '.Suite-h1 ______ - -- ___-~- -tion, soutù frontage. Phone 2185.I __ - size 16. Phione 465. 3f 200 BUSHELS carrots, .Iy Dicotnud oaie1u Dance at Tvrone Hall. Saturdav.'HOUSE, five or six rooms. Write 13-2* ______if* * crisp, 50c bus. Use own containr, oth ilsaig" suteh April 2nd. Ruth Wilson Variety! P.O. Box 425, Bownanville or NEL uî -o os n'4DitoDGEBledan.r, ineoodcon-cali between 7 and 10 pm Band. ,dmission 50c. 13l""!*Phone 2803. 13-4* Bowrnanviîîe, al modemn conven- 13-1o. lkeSorPhnb2u. ns. APohone in68, .. ee- enreald ylat TH R EE or four room ed apeirt- ences, hardw ood f loors through- i *I _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ 1 -1 b s Phone 4 8 . K r h m o nf ri e , A e i at Reserve April lth for Oshawa ent or half ouse, one child. out, large 7 t. cellar. hot air Av rt ii Q a ERCURY 1/2-ton pick-up truck, Please Phonie 2702. 13-1 furnace, electric hot water heater, 1 1947,sin llencon1it3onRoyal. Blue combinati û See it jileu St. Paul's Church. Admission 35c. -3-pc. sunken bath, freshly interior 23 O ngododiio n.tJ.1J.Flett, ORCovoerigaCngolemrn u idw.ArlSeil$3. 1-3-1* COTTAGE or small house in decorated, large lot with hedge.-- Deluxe in yard goods andruRAEN Sr begar. - 'Ohaw - owmnvile reauntl, ccu~nc en 0fMax. AplyEFFECTIVE JANUAýRY 23, 19481 CAR radio, custom bîîilt Philco,S- Osaw Bwanilearauni, ccpne ndofMy.Apl sizes; also inlaid linoleum wt sn cmîain rdo a1~ Compan ions of the Forest w il] mid JLine. Caîl Oshawa 4574R, 1 E. Tice, 10 Veterans Ave., Phone 6-tube, bargain. Can be .seen at 1 i vsbc.F .Mri hold a eichre and grocery draw ýi reverse charges. 13-l1 2910. 13-1 ______________ Roy Nead's, Phone 580. 13-1* 1Poe40 April 7th in .0.E. Hall at 8:30. '29__DURANT,. cadvsnbain F. F.Morris DUL rm oshalf ten- I'9DRN edn ngo ON Ebinatonarado, tablamodel 13-2 For Rent DntOcUBled, f ame bous ae, BIRTHS - DEATHS- ENGAGEMENTS - MARRIAGES 'dition. Phone 4702W1 Oshawa. tie;ontoharosnw Plni tedFreDmnta tone fotundation, cernent cellar CARDS 0F THANKS $ 1.00 Per Insertion 13-1 wagon on chaner,$990: aenat-Wrne tion and mo%-ies 0of the Allis- acres. good barn and bouse. water floors. double garagËe, 2 cistemns, FOUR-bi*ner gas stove, good wheb rubb;waer an totamnelbtey rdis2S; Chaalerm Moel G rclo an ontap-Panedshaa 136W.Pelonbs Odstainat oo37scoo.IN EMORAMS-bu.00plun10 arneior erss pr iserton ondtio. G vtcerentmixrs.AplAHa firm eq lipnent at Palmer Motor -- --near, electrie lights, easyt0stove Bok omnire, 5 3-1owan .vetaione.5. Mupy, hn Saleles w rom n WdnedayoCOTAGEforrennfo sesonhetTalAGodE.foirrprie 2,00.oNOICE - OMIG EENT - RTILES OR ALE Blok, owmnvile.iapriPatne.S1-1 11..-13.1 April 6th. at 8 p.m. 12-2 East Beach; imniediate possessionPossinaaneDvdury LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - FOR RENT - WANTED - ETC. LADIES' C.C.M. bicycle, in 9od ODERN Bedroorn Suite-ge- E aetatr e ae3 * United Chfrch Young man Offixe.313tae- M- _______ rt Cs at:2cawrd(i. ) eor nerin condition. Phone Bethrany lîril. uine walnut with largecea Trinîty ifIl deshrede: 2ria eoBoxm2n.135). Must bMyrtd efOnt.nsertion1.3-3 round mirrors, bed, dresser n frowpo;e Cs4'oe- People \vll present a thr-ee-act -----._ $12.000-High class farm, 4 miles If Charged: 3e a wvord (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for 1__-1 chiffonier, or bed, chiffonier adwyds;nwCs iku ae; mv sterv <-omedv ':,Jtmring Jewels"' FOUR-rooned bouse, cernent cet- north-east of Bowrnanville, 100 bxnmeso TWO high-backed, winged, fire- 1vanity, only $129.00, other Arjnwhyjadr e zelw th Txv HllonFrda een ac. hdro. Possession April lSth. acres, 75 cultivated, 25 orcad ele-iete otî fie side chairs, $40 for pair. Phone Shower Values at Morris Co. fo pedr e ae and 2.5e. 1.Admsson3-e om Alî. 3 *apple xarehouse, modern solid j(Additional Insertions at Same Rates) 27.1- 60.1- amrui e lcrc~fi- ang .5Arc. h dmsso B3e Wit Bx 32 Sttema Ofic,3 loin ilek godbar ad ____ ___ 'ratr;Bett, DLaaanddR brick residence, 5 rooms, built-in 1 CORDWOOD-bard and soft, in! MR.FRETukradCrM ae rsuesses Auxiliarx~ t the Caiiad garage, diided cernen cellar. -~fcot lengtbs; also cedar posts. Owner buy whoiesale motoroi.selfcept;babvrend Laclicj \Ajork \Vanted suncroom, 3-piece bath, attached ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN Poe27. 0t1rastrs ubs atris' oe fne wft*aaii ian Lecgion is holding an afler- launry, oit furnace, hardwood NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money -_________ - spark plugs, spark plug pums'etiir. W H.ronCa: noon Tea, sale of horne-cooking MARRIED MAN with three srnalQATRok8pe dng-:fnb'itc YurCi and coîintrv store, on Saturdav. childrecn woulc, like farm job. 23 f loors. Iorder with order to get abu ýrate. romQuARteR.ak pie90ce dininS. vfaents, etc.kYour te e- elePhPl47 April P 2 p.m., in Legion H-lI years' expecience. Separate house______ Bowmanville, Pbone 475. owagven rnkCre27h17.WOS'EeticC.mikr Qic,,n St. 1.3-2 and hydro required. Will give 28,000-near Orono, ideal dairy________________B rnvlî27.131$0;gids.rlestotm- reference. Apply Harold E. Green, faim, 105 acres, steel roofed barns. iFRAME barn, 31' x22'. Apply 'LCRLX EL CT OL1 6 months od, ert e fa m fe es, 1 ci. t. Baskct social and dance. New- c,'o Mc. Phîllip Schwarz farm, fîîlly equipped, good water, brick CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Leonard Stairnton, Enniskillen, guaranteed in perfect coinditin aaîy 450;GnrlRfi. tonvîllo Comnnntv Hsll. Fridav COLirti(-e, Ont. or phone 491w11. residàenre. First time offered. Phone 2018. 1- free trial to responsible pers. eao.62c.f.$5.0 efc Apîc' Am;n fl~Lde Oshawa. 1 1-3:1 InqLiries and liutings invited. Wehv ucae itrQ viith baskeL; free. Cood mîlsic. Noi' LEROY HAMILTON MRA roe tv o ol the î'evoîutîonary super sucinFeuyBselTdmdcs - Sle PtsFo S le300 chick capacity. will seli rea- . spreaders,494 Club. 1.1,- 1 e Phone office or borne A cinsnby hn 7 13-1 TO--$7;lm n etlzrsraes and Others 13- --_-_ - - stoves-Findlay Oval co rson fciaoiatcmns 1SINGLE iron bed. mattress and vtove warming oven and resr( rco t utvt:s ubr mr.sshthas featlîre.lhnlthmmleinET TitOeii rabsteel Ahei e15 nis bsfaue eghmvn'ýIn the Estrate of EDITH VIC- $1.300 -coomed stiieco house, 2-l east of Courtice, is giving up Wcllington St., Frida.v or Monday j$0t hn 20 13-1 virh oensuab;le foricotae 30;sitlzr as rnlr pictucc s ith cathedral organ and TORIA SCOBELL. ]ate of the piece bath. lîydro. large lot. Pos- farming ancd will seli by public betweun 9:30 arn. and 2 p.m. -1.0.Poe 20.hg oe. utbl ort choir distcibuted hv J. A. Rank. Towvn of Boxvmanville. in th- Session îmrnediately. iauctioil on Saturday. April 91h,' 13 _1* GEINERAL ellectrie washing mach-~ kitchen cabinîet, white; good dn rn.PoeCr od lre Comme icing at 8:15 p.m.. Mondav. Count 'v of Durham, Retired In- at 1 p.m. Sharp, ah bhis farm Stock r me, in good condition. $50. Phone, îng-roorn table. Phone 2191.M 152.32* April 4th. ini the High Sehool aud- urance Agent. doceased, who d;e. $2v )in-owmaoîviîe, insul-brick and implements inc1udine three Chicks For Sale 1731. 1.11 H. Wight. ____ .131 BR LE FunteCo4Kig itri n.Aspc S i . ,joi ns;i Bowrnanvilie on or about t'm' blig,6 oms ydro, water,: horses, 40 head o aiÏcatte _______ Guild. Admission .50c. 1,-Iël16th rdý. of Macch. 1949. new croof. sexver to the cellar. Ap- .30 bogs. 1941 G.M.C. truck and YOU canl Stijl order Gainfortb '13 COPIES of Choir Genis No. 2.1 SPING-Ceanrs inadowsh-BelStW.Osa.Poe27-pc The Tcuztce Act R.S.O., 1937, proximately one acre land. many other items. For further- Chicks. Phone Barron's, Hamp- 'in good condition. Mrs. ArthurCre wees idwSae,*bdomsie,$901 te e The Fouch Concet in theDe- Ch.165. Sec 51. paticulars see bills. Te'rms cash. ton 2420) foi prices, information. Read. Phone 28.56. 1.- Furniture Polisb. Floor Covering.otis opee 2.5 etbs partment of Education Concert iCreditors and others having $ 3.20)-C]O~e to Newcastle, new Jac2Reid aucfoneeda13- Bared Roks. ew Hanpshres, MirosVertian Boind ndfoooovrngr9easqaed; Sfcies. under management of the daims against the above Estate: irïul-brick bungalow, 4 rooms, Lehrs"'2tSse.Crs egr D GEnsedn.piled tPonei. any thuertnics. fo rhmihrmshar.$.9,al1oos Lige lau itoriumeldneth- and feuiroof th eceof f0theuiisbot and cold water, electrie heater, I 1have been favoured wth il'- Ereds. C-ood supply available in S 84 311- uts 1 0)8p aua iih Hil coladtru, jn.-adfl rofteeft h t 13 acres, 30 apple trees and chieken ý structions froni Harold Ransberry, May. ,13-41g__ - - __ _________- 'brafat-ute,-60; pin- riav. April 13. Guest artists wili dersigned ou or before the 25th bouse. 'Con. 8, Clarke Twp.. one Con- - IDEAL lawnv mower sharpening, FARM wagons on rubber-Specili~î~mtrse,$45 r-ih on last week's Pop Concert) and ! date the assets of the Estate will $4.2(00-5 roorn insul-brick bun-i Highwa 'y, to seil by public-auction______ Ave., OshawAa, Phone 3030M. rims, 4 wagon wheels eut down flic Commodore Male Quartette. i be distributed having cegaro. o galow, 3 piece bath. concrete 131 n S60x1, omlotaasebl, .veouibe 1e6erielasits1 13-1 I daims that bave then been re- foundat'on. fulîl basement. electrie Sharp. m-tkhed tepm of Per-cheron goods) maiied postpaid in plain '- -- 'al] tires, tubes, rîms, work, gua-2 9<0 6Amntrcres cei ved. rangetie. bimilt in (upboards, bard - horses; 45 head of cattle; 35 pigs: sa]ed envelope xith pî'ice list. SMALL tractor. nexx' rubber tires, anteed. 272.50. G. F. Jamnieso re r~ieoina ein The Anutal Dinner Meeting of DATED at Boxvianville, 01n- wood floors, nice location in Bow- 15.000 ft. of îumber: fence posts Six sa n.ple.3 2.5c: 24 samples $1.00 lights, iii good condition. Clarence Tire Shop. Phone 467. 11295;ceil c p~ ~$.5 tl',e Eowmanville Chamber of tar'o. the 2lst day of March, Th49 manville. and méiny o;,her items, Foc fur-Milrd'DetT-. Nov-Rub- irn al ot Commerce wiil be held aithte 'LAWRENCE C. MASON, ther partieulaî's see bis. Te:'msbeCoBx1,HminOt Winds Snack Bar. 13 1 1930 DODGE c'oach, gear shittbelms 67.E~n o' Baplmocal Hotel on Tuesday. April i Barrister, etc.. S2.800 - BowmanvilIe, 5-coomed cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 13-3 9- r-- - newIý' î'emodieled, new ciutch. ner h oea rde'~QKn 5h1. 1949, at 6:30 p.m. Mc. Harold :30 King Street West, frame bouse, pantr-y, nice ýwarm198WFA ISCpcr tn generalor. good running conditin__________ V. Lush. President and General Bowmanvilie, Ontario, bouise. bydro. beavy wiring, fioor Livestock and imolefrients. the MONUMENTS dard tractoî, starter. ligb-,ts. ne.W~ also 50 New Hampshire pulles Manager of Metal Stampings Ltd., Executor. 12-3 covering and furnace pipes left, property of Smith Bras.. Lots 10 condiloni, 30 beit H.P. W. Davis. nine mnontbs aId, i'eason for se- Toono. and immediate Past Pres- - ard and i-aft water., new fruit and Il. on.2. artSrincer, M TIc Rtt' Granite ompan ficont of Canadian Exporters As- 'Notice t rdtr set out last year. strawberries and highwavy between Buî'keton and Phone 501 - PO. Box 622 ýOUTBOARD motor 3.3 H.P. i-iMpeGaenhn OÂo igSoe Uoi even ig cee tic pekeerlyanothf raspberrics. haîf acre of land Blackstock, on Thursday, April Por Hope, Ontario. good condition. Write Box 230, 209.1 fli evnin. Scur lckes erlyandOth rsploughed, garage. Possession im- l14th. The sale includes a tbresh- 1 __ from anx' member of the executive. __ --______ Imeiae-. ig m "une, threshint tractor, SaemnOfc, Jrav1i RD-ISiebx 0pu 13-1 ITH ETAE FMA L JAMES NIXON farm tractor. tractor binder, et-Awood AL guaranteed, with white po.rcelaniDG.Wtn.Necte Wa td oBu LIAET OUH Dcasdm.nent. Sale at 12 o'clock. Te nis I have been authorized to seil by htlie and chiFels: two fireside enamel top, $79.50; rangette, silgbt isn&Bon etnii j _______-l cash. C. P. Devitt, clerk, Chas public auction for chîair~s: antique table. Appi.v 13 ]y ured, $39.50: Locomotive washrT . lmn Enkle BEFORE seiling your live pouitry ALL persons having dlaims Lanib. auctianeer. 13-2* Salii ve 69.50; breakfast suite, na7tuî'] .L jaTrn trv u_%. Our pî'ices are igher M against the estate of Mabel Eliz- COOKE REAL ESTATE CaliloAe.lkWinter.0;matl a Fiait,. R. 1. Bethany. phone 7 ýabeth Couch, late of the Town RETUAT- odloain The undei'signed auctioneer bas Ry i'1 196PLYMOUTH sedan, in v-- like00ntP, 29,50; mane ais .AMBco.Hnpo 13. reverse charges. 7t of Bowmanville in the Couinty of including owner's attractive 8P- ihad instructions ta selI by public AT PRLSTONVALE, onl go odtn etradd-bwavle .T awlBaktc 'Durham, Wido,ý whwo died on or artment. Factocy district, unusual auction aon Saturday, Apm'il 2ndl, No. 2 Hihlway, 3 miles east frosters. five practically new tires. THIREE ton1<0 acr~es witb 5 to 8- about tlle 240h (da.) of Februacy, appoctunity.- Splendid income. the facm stock and implemeîîts o f Oshawva, on \Vill take tradte. Peter Kowal. Inpieothgrwbo u C.BTyrOoo roomed bouse, near school, rom- 1949, are requiced to send to the Brick buildilig, Batbî'oom.I includin g W. C. Allis-Chalrnprs n Phone 2981. 13-1* farming, wvild life stili produce muting distance of Oshawa. Write undecsigiîed at Bowmanville, On- 'tî'actor, sîîznîîy used, of Char~les SaIurdy.2 Lf l d -__---- _I the greater portion of Canadia 1 .JWpi .J er n Box 229, Statesman Office, Bmvx- tario, tull pacticulars of the same $9,000-1%miies froni No. 2 High- Grills,'Lot 5, Con. 8. East Wbitby j 94 FOR autborized Electrolux ser- Su h ttsa fie manvlle.13-1on or befome the ath dyoMy , ,va,9 ces . ylam aua wp., an- mile narhofO olu iTefloig-vice and products, Phone Oshawa - _______ 1949, afler which date the assets drainage. Eight room bouse, frame bus-ndi14Tmile eat. s Mm. HRSE 423 W., Electrolux (aaa Ltd. Wlanted of the deceased will be distcibuted xith insul-brick, good cellar. Grills is givmng up farming there ____having regard oril.v to'tbe daims Bank barn 33' x 120', water pipe -mIb orsev.Tîrs cash. Black Hioise, Il Yrs., 1400 lbs. EV w-he riewt WELL dug and tiled in Bowmpan- fxbc h xctixsalte nsal, xopgpncretSale at 1 Clifford Petbick, Bay Pony, 10 yrs.; Brown Pony, tual.wees odtrs vil.Witiol2, ttsa have niotice. trougbs. lien bouse. bydro. 3/4 auctioneer; Theron aged. -tukal.welgo ie Office 13-i* DATED this 31sf day of Mat-eh, mile from sclîool. Teirns $2000 to: cleirk.' 13-1 CATTLE tbs ih pafr. Poe_ 1949. $22.500 dowii, balance at 41, ficst Clarke 2614. 31 'Black o__5bred; Hu e ood DEAD hon-es and caie foc free , APHA I. HODGINS, time advertised. Possession30 Bala:Host Cow, yrs., ue tin g pik p.PhneTcotoAD366 AM UIDIGS. ae:HostinCo,6,rsWiHIig TE and îred enamelled buffet. -bargep. PG o ne Tor oîng t A 3 -tfB arrister, Solicitor, & c., days. E E Y N E C O E l r f the U ILeD I CoN S ~ o o d n tH îs e n i e ,c n i io : ' b t " c r orCli 8.W'e pay phone Executrix. 13-3 Contact t Under instructions from "the du0im f sale: Holstein Heifer, !sweeper. like new. Apply 76 On- c h res GidrYun Ld.13tfEVLN . OOE lek fth Uitd out;s ou _t renewed, caîf at side; Roan tario St. S.-3.1 LotRea1toir Newcastle Northumberland and Durham, 1Cw j,,flt rd;Hisen1 JH-DEE r3tr-oelA, * Help Wanted Lost____4____ __________ Hi Holstein go odto.T .Wlofeigm fei i r ee? Phone Clar~ke A2621 13-1 wvill seli by public auction, on Lots Heifer, rising 2 yrs., not bred; Red JO. . ' "Sririnrr RFelig heEfec BLUF bîidgie, band No. 26716. 27 - 28, Caon. 8, Township ofHaldi- I Heifer, rising 2 yrs., not bred, 2 i odcniin .W isn HELP tor prîîning tees. Appti'V Little ho', *s pet. Phone 2366. 13-1* Livestock For Sale mand, better known as the Car- Roan Heifers. 1I i2,ym's.; Black Heif-- Newca-tlc, Phone Clarke 2531. G. A. W a ton. Newxcastle. 13-1 I stairs Farm, 2 miles west of Fen- - Ixr.; Hoîstein Heifer. 1 yr.; 2 AEUN To niaintaîn normal viniadiioa ti 'i fer - L TTusa afternoon, small, OUwell bced, Yorksbire sows,1 dIa, on Thursday, Apî'il 7th, miot bred 2nCalves Barrymor searofev EXPERIENCED girl for- bouse- black. female Cocker Spaniel, trou.n pi.Phn 43.1i 2,at Roan31' 'Heifr 10'ers, obrd2Cavs rug, in nie condition. 9'x12'. a dqaespl fvtmn snesay n '1 xcork, morern borne. Phomne s"-arts neivous. Rewai'd. 69 Cde n prl.Pbne246.2-1 niBarn 68'x' an 0Tx6mntsh2HceodCavs;2rApply Mrs. Russell Mountio. foideaysure a eraiv eetc h Bow.în uI. 1-2sion St. W., Phone - Bowmanville ings are in good condition and afi 38;Bn68x4'.Teebid HosinCavs4ots8Ca lBackstock amnsrto CfcfOa. 47.ves, 3 months;; 6 Young Calves. - _____ , - exaîl Drug Store. W'OMAN to do bousewoi- ri ue _____1- GANDER foi' sale, or tmade for 'have steel roofs. Terrns cash. PG CORDWOOD. eut in foot lengtbs. ound ls ld miMurray C._Nble, mapleeer___G da xek.M~s . efrv, ose loCYdemre, five years C.Nblactoee.iloa and beecb; twa cords to ihoc78 F u d1od. Phone 2723. 13-1* 1 Sow, jîîst bred; 1 Sow, due Aprîl od$1pecr.Phn29. W'MA îdl aed oi igt A bteî.onTeneiiceStGNEA prps tai iin -SLIASAE XHAG ilth; 1 Sow, duc April 8th; i Sow r 1$1 pr crd.Pbne 952 <. rnicsi GEEA ups em iig ih10 pigs: 1 Sow, due March pîg±nc rprH n hoîîsekeepmng. good home, no Appears to be in good condition, four and five. xiii seil sepacately. 1 Fridav. Apî'il ]st-Sale at 2 26th; 1 Sow, due tume of TW 10bImahnsodpics RihadH'ut om lieavy vork. Applv ait the News 0-n- -,ay 1--e anieb1- de- UW. S. Moffatt4On, Phe1,- 11'1.m 'oBae1Fns-eg 6-'. sl;-l is,45ls! Yrkhie of furnture1mahinepootable; ceîsef Wn n enznitBfl i ed owaiile Hspta.ail. piwelIgh fr'qic sl- lod o rue. F aix 6 n)dFree cata- !Higgon Eectrie 42 King St oi E tb .R B xmanile j broken and quiet. This sale wiîî 0Mrs An'iie s pta l. o v i e tc.,hon edl rigbt1 0. f o quick ale. CodLioerOhy -lac-tic.0 to-de. ay fr ls aud60 Deloriuîiier ' hone 4:38 E.jC ' also include a large number of Ms .Ans cibio iie hn lre12.Go .Wl 2tfPhone Orono 56r6. *. 3-* hPurtesghRur . Honeyoldd - jr. Rton.W13- Montrel. 10-6,-- -131 miîkens and springers, vaccinated Miber daugtr vi . uold Gibsn. Ments ClurHairofruaht FOR promnpt. efficient, giuaranteed ALFALFA No. I. $33-50) bus.: Red beifers, stocker cattle. young cal- 'Ms ayBoe eundPurttEtrtofMlLuteBcsNln Agents \Vanted -1 servce, d1n adeso$wck lve oI226.50) bus.: Tiniothy ves: feeder hogs: lumber; fence to Cornwall on Stinday. FRSON tractai'. 1937, in AI viith Cod Lîver O11 7be-91.25 rqIm 14 trY the Nepî-Wav Shoe Repaîî' No. 1.$9.85 lins.: also Sweet Ipo.Sts: grain and dozeîîs of athcî' Elsie. Earle and Mai-ie Bottreli condition. just rerentiv adcm .\GET reuicd tarepesemt th Sbp, KîîgSt. est9-tfI Clovýe,-s. Mixtures amnd Permanent items. Remembeî' the date. April spent Sunday xiith their iîter peevo'raîe.ApvE îI AdnsFriueCo iie,2lPasture Mixture. Geo. G. Wickett, 7th. at the Sales Barn. Orano. the' Mrs. Carl FcrguSon, Eniniskîlensannkilen.Pon263 A d n -i u iî î o. L m î e , 2 1 B R A K E d r u n i a th in g . b r a k e c'r e - P a tnHp e h o n 2 2 . 1 -I p l a e wP hea ilear m e r m e t. 13W'onv ou-et. r ot. for the ies Raybond brake bonding 1- lc w eeIi am r e t Ara MUst havesric- no rivets Brakes are loratnac ijb ral!I aaa9 e eto JU R Y ~ LVL bar Yunattndnc wîj.e ieal uCnd 2 e eto er-i BRIGHTEN up for Spm-îng! Can- YU EA .Nod -nicgfin;ns wit becble. d csp at1.BbSîc s The historie Nie will d ar 1ulans regarding this large sale goes ta persons wi-îoeamn less than j sured and nstald. reesi hnWTstBeIt.DocPorl Garatlguasupîcge. Phone 804, Bowmanville. niFsked for irrigation and electric rontact Jack Reid, auctianeer, S.25.000 a vyear: 8,5 per cent ta those mates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone PHONE 779 Io. atalgue suplie. 131il-tf nower. Orono. Terms cash. 13-1i Iearninz.less than $3,000. I1480. 8-tf '-. -r - -~' TE£ CAIqADIAlq STÀKIZ

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