TEURSDAY, MARCH Most, 1940 TECANADIAN STATESMAN. flONMAM'VIL.T. ONT~9ARIO ,0rf'.42O1pirruA Looking over some back nui PONTYPOOLbers of The Statesman, we not where Mrs. John Eddyvei Thisare wasshoked y aRichmond Hill, offers an Atlas tragic accident Saturday, MarchthUnedCuis oayr 26. At- approximately il1.30 p.m pnsible group in our Coun.ty, three farmers decided toave that it (the Atlas) may be ava the village ta return to their re- abie to any wishing to peruse spective homes. Doug L.ogan was On~ behalf of the citizens he driving his Ford tractor, on we thank the lady for her ge which Jim Boggs was also riding erous and thoughtful offer. Walter Bradley was seated an the Some years ago, Mr. and M fror* 0of a trailer load of metal Dick McNeil, Enniskillen, aliow roofing. The trailer was being the writer to study theirs.N pulled by the Ford tractor. A found it very interesting. It moi couple of hundred yards east of tells the story of who were1 Harry Carter's farm Mr. Bradley aur various farins many yea fell between the tractor and the aga, giving accurately the l trailer.- The trailer load of steel concession, naine of owner,i crushed him so badly that he died formation you can only acqui within ten minutes. Cliff Fallis by tedious study of the records rushed the badly injured man, in the local registry office. 0f coun his (Mr. Fallils) car, ta Dr. Mc. one advantage of the registryc -j 's office in Pontpool, but no- fice is that, you can find out wl ' rgould be done ta save bim. the subsequent property owfl .JkOfficer Pollard of the Ontario were, also, when tbey paid t Provincial Police is busily irives- mortgage off. tigating thse circumstances sur. If the Women's Institute hasi raunding the accident. We know suitabie accomodation, bow a'b the people of the entire commun- a public library, where one cou ity jain witb the writer in offering browse through this absorbi condolences ta the late Mr. Brad- book? ley's widow and children. When in Philadephia we we e. _______ ___________ Suifs of the Season! Color and Fabric Favorites! To dress you ln true style Io. the Big Parade and for important occasions thereafter . . . our new group of fashion-wise suits in tune with the "siim note" of Easter, 1949. In a deiigbtful selection of newly popular beiges . . . clear reds . . . heavenly blues. Pure wools, gabardines, tweeds and more! Corne make you.r choice today. Budget-right prices. VIffiT OUR Millinery Deparfmenf Complete Your ardrobe wlth a styllsh new Sprlnir Hat. The latest style,% and colours fram whlch to ehoose and al it budget prices. I.- Dress-Ups for Easter.. Lead the Fashion Parade this Easfer Sunday . . . in one of aur budget-wise, sa- rightly fasbioned dresses. Wbetber your choice is a graciously defailcd ane-piecer or a pertiy boiera-d ensemble . .. ln silk, shant- ing or woal . .. yau dan be sure your fashion hoice is rigbf! Came in cariy. We've a gala array of colours. Ail sizes. Men's Spring Suifs and Goals See our wide selection of Men's and Boys' Suits and Coats in the latest Sprlng styles. Visit aur Men's Department for your complete Easter wardrobe. Gouch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 .49 King St. W. . BOWMANVELLE »Mince i lb. frmnfurters and mix in 4 c. chopped 7 drained pickles or picke relish. Souti 4~ r. cbopp.d / celery andi i mlieed asiali onion in 2 tbe. hot fat. Add to frankfurter mixtuIre and comebine: vsefon witb soit andi pepper. Let stand whie you mae MAflIC' BISCUIT DOIJGII: Mix and sift together once, then sift int bowl, 3 c. oncepifted pastry fiour (or 2'i c. once-sifted hard-wheat ftour1. 4 tsp. Magic Hsking Powder, 4j tinp. rait. ' t tp. dry muatard. Cut in flnely 6 tbu. sho,.. tening. Make a weli in centre, pour in i r. milk andi mix lightlv with a fork. Uine greaxeti loaf pan î4'j xz 5j incheu> with two-thirds of dough. Fil with mest mixture andi top witb remnaining dough, aesint otites, clash to allow escape or ateam. Bake in a hot oven, 450. aibout ai) minutes.. -Serve with tomnAto sauce. Yield-4 or.5 servings. s';" t E um- shown the Penn Treaty Park, a tice plot cf graund of about 3 acres, ean, with some sycamore and elm A Rare Treat for Crippi 9 of trees on it, plus a cairn containing --_______ res- the information that iA was on s0 this spot in 1682 that William Penn ,ail- and the Indians signed a treaty, it. transferring the state of Pennsyl- ere, vania ta Penn from the Indians. :en- This lititie park is off the beaten track, down in the wharf district. drs. It was at the Sears and Roebuck ,ved Store we saw aur first demon- We stratian of television. To make tiy things extra nice for us, the street on car and bus drivers had been on ?ars sirike for the five days previaus lot, ta our arrivai, then, ta top it al in- off, the taxi cab fellows went out ire an a wid cat strike the night gat before aur arrivai. The city is se, sprawied over 285 square miles, of- bas twoarad ane balf million rho population. Has a street fourteen îers miles long without a bend or turn the of any sort. It's Art Museum cost twenty-five million d.olars ta nt build. It bas a park known as Out Fairmount Park, containing 5,959 uld acres. General Grant's cabin and ing Wm. Penn'3 home are both in this same park. ere It was thrilling ta stand on tbe spot in Eifretb's Alley, where Ben- jîamln Franklin stood while flying " bis kite during the thunderstorm that made him conscious of the power of eiectricity. This Alley la reminiscent of many such the writer bas seen in English cities and tbroughout the continent of Europe. It is about 18 feet wide from wali ta wall, perhaps 250 yards lon~g. We gazed an the grave of this truly great man in Christ Church Ccmctery. Christ Church was whcre George Washington AIl political parties were repre- done by Service Clubs and thei worshipped. sented wheni the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children ir Independance Hall contains s0 Campaige was officially opened aileviating the crippling condi many priceless reiics, sucb as the ln Ottawa with the Prime Mini- tions amongst affiicted young- chair, ink well, pens, etc., used ster, Louis St. Laurent buying sters. Autographing the seals foi by the first President, George the first sheet from "Timmy", 'Timmy" are left ta right Prim( Washington. The Liberty Bell, eleven year old crippled boy who Minister St. Laurent; Gardor whicb was rung ta ]et the people is represented on the Easter Graydon, Progressive Conserva know they wcre freed from the Seals as being typical of the work tive Party Whip; Solon Loy British King's yoke. This bell bas a crack from top ta, bottom, some- MA anc tried ta fix it by drilling boles A LE GROVE KIRBY on eifber side of the crack and t________ fasfening boîts in it. But the tone (neddfrls ek hr a ena pdmco is hopelcssiy spaiicd. When the (ntnefolatwe) Trebsenanpdmic bell was placed where it is noiw, On Saturday evening about 17 flu in the neighborhood but every. the beam if was ariginally fasten- relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Roy one is improving again. ed ta was braught aiong too. It Topping, (nee Doris Stevens), W.A. heid a quiltieg at thE needed a beam ta bold it up be- motored to Islington t0 visit them Sunday School on Wednesday cause if weighs 2,080 pounds, is jn their nrxv home, when aIl spent afternoon when twa quilts werE 7 feet, 6 inches bigh, 12 feet in a very enjoyable evening. finished. circumference, three inches tbick. Glad to report Mr. Richard Remember the monthly meet- Was made in England, 1752, by Trimble doin, as well as can be ing of W.M.S. April 6. Pass & Sfowc Company. expected affer his operation in We are sorry ta lose Mr. and We visited the chamber wbere Bowmanville hospital. He expects Mrs. Harry Berry from aur com- the Declarafion of Independce ta return home this week. munity. We expect they wiii bE was signed JuIy 4, 1776. Was in- A number in our community moving this week. vifed ta and did sign the visifors Mrav rhur eldan l, igtR. Mrs. Chas. Harris had a quîlt- i register. Met a lovely dark hair- MrAthrBlKnsoRd cd, dark cyed Texan girl bere, East, sang a couple of solos at the mng iast week. wbo urgcd us ta be sure and visit church service on Sunday f0 the Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Pattersor, Texas befare refurning borne. delight of ail who beard hlm. He Forest Hill, visited bis sister, Mrs. Independence Hall was reaîîy mwîli be welcomed back ta the Wm. Wannan. Mrs. Wm. Patter- the first Capital of tbe United Grove anytime. son returned with thcm affer States. Under the building, dur- Mrs. J. D. Stevens is spending spending a month with ber sor, ing the rebellion, Yankee soldiers t his week with her granddaugbter Mrs. Perkin has been visif- were hcid captive by the British. Mrs. Roy Topping at Islington. ing her daughfer Mrs. Cooke. But, it was in 1774 that the first Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, Mr. Robt. Allie is instailin Continental Congress was beid in pt weck-endl at home. the hydro this week. Carpenter Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. DeMili and In the city too, wc visited tbe Blle. Oshawa, and Mrs. Geo. home of Betsy Ross, who made the Glanville visited Mr. and Mrs, first Amerîcan flag. Her kitchen, -# Fred Graham. wifh itfs brass ladies, iran pots,___________ etc., is stili the way she left it,- including cbinaware, cupboard,NET TO chairs, fireplace, etc. Here again NE T E O we werc invited ta sign the visit -____ ors', regîster. Congratulations ta Mr. and But, the biggest kick we got Mrs. John Proutt who celcbrated out of "Pbiliy" was secing a negro, their 52nd wedding anniversary or, as they cal tbcm bere, "egg- ...J March 30. plant," fasten a cabie ta the end Mrs. Florence Tripp with ber of the pale on a garbage wagon, sister Mrrs. Stone le Peterboro. then wafcni the# tcam go up a * Rev. R. B . Harrison was able wooden ramp witb a fifty degree ieLetaaethsrvcsSna.H siape. It was tbe first time Eas eyes are better and be smc had ever seen a team trot lup Ta-day 'pou might just as improved in health. bill, bitcbed ta a laaded wagon, elhaeilheomrt Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Middleton, withouf the traces once tightening. velbeaithcofrs Tbe power handling thecbe that a modern electrical Islington, visited her parents Mr. suppicdfhrughan eectie on- hom cangîv ~o Wecan and Mrs. H. Vine. suplie thoug anelctrc cn- omecai gve ou.We au Farmers bave tapped tbeir frai box similar ta those on the telll rau the best way to mapIq trees and are making wbat aIder Toronto street cars. Inside obtain the maximum of ser- syrup they can. a glass enclosure sits anather "egg-i vice from yaur electrical Congratulations ta Mr. George plant" wbo bandies the con- %viring installations. Besides Nesbitt who ceiebrated bis 91st frai box. At the top of thel this ive can assure Yau of birthday. ramp is a wooden whbar f. the best ini workmanship Don't forget W.I. meeting a- wbere the trucks and teams and miaterials when w.e look Mrs. Siîe's, Caesarea. dump their laads overside into1 fe orjb Caiu o M.Lui Hsnvstdhs barges. which, when ful. are tow'- afeyorjb Ca!ut- MrLuieHsn ste hi cd down strcam and emptied into day for free estimates. sister Mrs. Melville Henry, Osh- the broad Delaware River. Each Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoskin and vehicie pulls onfa elecfrically Higgon Elettric M-s. Grayson, Blackstock, Mr. opcrated, aufamatic scales when and Mrs. Melville Henry and full, then again wben empty. A Your Gencrai Electric family, Oshawa, visited Mr. and chap ,its in the office, writes ApineDae Mrs. R. M. Hoskin. down fhc w-eight registered. then , Aîlac elrMrs. R.W. Marlow vxisited wbo, noof aving race tracks Of home whill you are away, Miss Helene Barrowciaugh, their own, ship aver the state'lune Lake Part, with her parents Mr. fa have a little flutter on the gee- even though yau earefully and Mrs. Edgar Barrawclougb. gees. Severai fromn the communify Guess you folks bave affen seen lock the doors and windows. atne h îea al nOh upitures rgefrWbintn rstaning There is only oefao!- iawa on Saturday nigbt fa hear thp Dnelarg e r.wbofcrossdi ncPremier St. Laurent. I te DlaareRier.Wc rosedif proaf burglary protection - Severai meetings bave Ibeen in fhe Austin, aver a bridge, Feb. held to discuss roofing the church. 15, 1949, but dan*f suppose bistor- a Residence Burglary policy Mr. Harrv Austin whiie driv- lans will put if in the hisfary books in g through Wesleyvilic lasf of the future.1 that really covers your risk. weck saw four deer. Thee ast meeting of the Farm DANISH DAIRYINCG Forum was held at Mr. Carrol Nichoils'. A vecv nice supper was Denmark's pragram for agri- Su r R a e sreiat wchM.Egr cutualdeelpmntenvisage s tuariR. Ja es s fthowd ich Mrc. ee indusre supasingof1948 and 1' NSURANCE - REAL ESTATE films. indutrysurassig 148 ad iMr. Bruce Dinner is spending a pre-war volume. Cheese is the' Phone: Office 681. Res. 493 fcw.& days frapping muskrat af only product in whicb no increase Pickering. pounds ta be produced in 19.52:jKn tet omnll The crokinole party which was is expcctcd, with 112 million ta be beld at fhe church Friday aga lest the 123 million manu-ý evening was postponed an account factured in 1948. of muddy roads. . __-- 1 Pled Children, ir Social Credif Leader and M. J. n Coidwell, C.C.F. Leader. Eigbty- Ji- fîve million dollars worth of g-Easter Seais will go on sale ta >r raise $225,000.000 ta aid crippied ne chiidren. Tbe local campaign is on again being conducfed by the a- Bowmanvillc Rotary Club. W, y- he y -d be n , r- ,n. 1g id id ?d 'Y ýr 0. le is b1 BROWN'S Three members of Brown's Busy Bees attended the Bowman- ville Hospital Birthday Party in the Nurses' Residence, namely, Mrs. Geo. Honey, Mrs. H. Riech- rath and Mrs. J. Hiles. A loveiy time was had by ail. People stili believe in trying ta climb Avery's lawn, as a result a car did land up ofl their lawn on Thursday. Brown s Busy Bees met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Honey, with ten members present. After the business oeriod Mrs. Honey serv- ed a tasty lunch, which included a birthday cake for two of the members. Next meeting at Mrs. T. Wilson's March 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Bottreli, and Bobby, Maple Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Avery. Several from here attended the Sportsman's Show. in Toronto. Mr. W. Farrow, Mr. G. Honcy, Mr. B. Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and family have reaily been supporting the Orono Junior hockey team. If they don't travel. with the boys tbey are on the phone in the morning to see who wvon. Let's hope these people keep up the good work. "A Message to Garcia," trans- lated into many languages, and the Cuban War story of a faith- ful courier who carried President McKinley's message tbrough en- emy heid territory to Generalý Garcia, was hastily written byý Elbert Hubbard 50 years aga as a last-minute filler for bis moetb- ly magazine, the "Philistine." Y '~1~~,. U.S. HOG PRICES Under provisions of the Agri- cultural Acf af 1948, price support for bags were mandat ory af 90 per cent of parity until December, 1949. If is now announccd that prices will be supporfed at 90 per cent of parity until Marcb, 1950, le arder ta assure a mare stable pig meat supply until the end of the 1949-50 marketing season. U.S. TOBACCO EXPORTI The last tobacco export pro- gram, involving $10 million of Federal funds terminated on Jûne 30, 1948. Under this pro- gram exports ta France and Germany were encouraged. Ite United Stafes Departinent of Agriculture has announced tha no export subsidy poogram is planned for tobacco in the im- mediate future-at lcast for the 1949 and 1950 fiscal years. -trq iout'FE ON TOUR FARM ¶'ou have a new experience in farming waltng for you with rear-engine tractor power. Without obligation,) w'Il be glad to let you try aut the Allis-Chalmers Model G on yaur awn farm. Sinply get in touch with us, and the Allis-Chalmers Mobile Demonstrator wiIl visit your farm5 Get on the front seat of this rear-engine tractor your.- self. Try straight-ahead visian-sce how much easier it is. You aperate the tractor; put it ta the test i'n your own fields. You'Il hardly helieve your cyes when yaui sec wbat a man.sized small tractar dan doa. Weight of engine in the rear addcs a surprising amount of traction and extra drawbar power. Just phone or paste the coupon (below) on a post card and mail ta us, ALLIS-CHALMERS MODIL G IOLLIS-CHIMERS~* FREE DEMONSTRATION and MO VIES 0F THE ALLIS CHALMERS MODEL G TRACTOR AND FARM EÛUIPMENT IN OUR SHOWROOM WEDNESDAYI APRIL 6TH, 1949 AT 8 P.M. - DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SHOW - Palmer Motor Sales 20 Klng St VOUR CITIES SERVICE OIL DEALER t. E. - Bowman ville - 1 Phone 487 ji Ted Woodvard's Appliance Stores 44 King 'Street W. Bowmanville and at Orono Phone 901 '1 LE SSOW e T E *O ,,- eURNi IJIr,. VIN 1 linIv gr -1 & Fmki.j 1