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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1949, p. 8

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Pr4 ru 'r ?N! -----A-NA- -A- ---T-AT- - M -A-. -EO-WMAN-V--!L-L-. O T M rU-D YM R~ 1t - PLEASE WRIT OR PHONE SCHWARZ BROS. R.R. 3, Bowmanvllle WOODBURY SPECIAL SOAF SALE 4 Cakes - 30e Long Bar Castile Soap 19e Jergen's Carbollc Soap ---- -- -- - 3 for 27c iergen's PumIs Soap - --- ---------9c ea. SPECIAL VALUIES lO-oz. sîze Noxzema ---$1.00 93e sîze Noxzema -----69e 1-lb. Absorbent Cotton- 79e Blondex Shampoo.------23c 2%-lb. Lactogen $. 1.59 1.EN I RT IHSO I*ROI H Toni Home Permanent $2.50 Toni Refil ..5ý. 1.25 Toni Sbanipoo 33c-55c-95c Hudnut's Home Permanent -------------S$3.25 Hudnut's Refil - --$1.75 Hudnut's Egt Creme Sham poo ---------- ------ 51.25 Hollywood Home Permanent $---. 2.50 Rayvc Home Permanent --- $-- 2.50 MOTH PREVENTION Aerosol Bomb ------ S1.98 Fly-Tox Bomb -- S1.69 Larvex --------83c-$1.29-$1.98 D.T. Moth Kîller - -49e CHOCOLATE BARS N OW - ---------- FOR THAT RUa 1H... s POP, GUM. LIFESAVERS- __ Phone 2895 7c NOW 5e Tissue ------- 3 for 32c Kleenex l-- 8c - 2 for 35e Modess . .-- -------35c-$1.29 Kotex.---- - ----.-. -33c-SI.2.1 Tampax 25c-39e-S1.29 Faceile Tissues-- 20c-35c Ayert's Aiphamettes $1.00 - $1.85 - $3.50 - $15.00 Neo-Chemical Food Caps. $1.45 - $2.65 - $5.95 Vita Vlm Multiple Caps. $1.90 - $3.25 'IL~4~ Il k IN MEMORIA2M sembly rose and sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" with three'N cher ada tiger. e on-Stop, adear father, William Barrett, Deep Appreclation Ad who passed away March 30, 1948: Inrsndgwihep feeling You're flot forgotten, father, at the honour accorded hlm, Mr. ia g Nor ever shall you be, Brown said how greatly he apprec- Aclni p if-nn mror as ite heoivleeoi'lv«Q n Presented Non-Decision Debate by Maple Grove W-1. at Memorial Arena they can argue it is right to use any and every means to end social injustices which niake ail decent men angry. That is why Marx and Lenin condemned religion and morality as "opiates of the masses." That is why today such intense pro- BIRTHS DEATHS BEL-Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HUGHES-At her residence, 72 ]Bell (Inee Louise Foley) are happy Brown Street, on Wed., March to announce the arrivai of their 30th, 1949, Lillie Jane Richards daughter, Karen Marie, at Oshawa Hughes, widow of Thomas Hughes, Generail Hospital, on Friday, March . aged 71 years. Resting at theý 25th, 1949. 13-1* Morris Funeral Chapel. Service, in the Chapel on Friday, April CARTY-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carty lst, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- <nee Daphne Avis) announce the manville Cemetery. Members of birth of their son, Kenneth Beehive Rebekah Lodge, No. 125. Arthur, March 28th, 1949, in To- are requested to meet at the ronto East General Hospital. Chapel, Thursday evening at 7 Mother and baby bcoth well. p.m. for Lodge service. 13-11 13-1' HUGHES-In Burketon, Thurs-, HOAR-To Mr. and Mrs. Aldin day, March 24th, 1949, William Hoar at Bowmnanville Hospital, o Albert Hughes, beloved husband March 19tlh, 1949, a daughter, of Lois Dean and dear father of Katherine Ethel. 13-1 Rilda and Rena, and grandfather ________of Albert and Lois Stevenson and MUIR-Archie and Elnora Muir littie Jimmie, aged 73 years. The. (Toots Blakely), Courtice, are de- funeral from Northcutt & Smith lighted to announce the birth of Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, their daugbter, Melody Ann, on Sa turday, March 26th, to his late. March 24th, 1949, at Oshawa Gen-1 residence, Burketon. Service in eral Hospital. 13-1* Burketon Ulnited Church, Mon-: _______day, March 28. Interment Hamp- ORMISTON-Mr. and Mrs. Walter ton Cemetery. 13-1, Ormisiton, 48 Carlisle Ave., are happy to announce the birth of INGRAHAM-Clare William-In their daughter, Sharon Ella, at New York City on Friday, March Bowmanville Hospital, on March 25th, 1949, Clare William Ingra-: 24th, 1949. 1,1-1 ham, beloved son of William and ________the late Josephine Ingraham and; STEPHEN-Mr. and Mrs. George: nephew of the late Major Clare, Stephen (neé Kay Armstrong) are Williams, killed in the first Worldi happy to announce the arrivai of War arnd Emeline Williams, aged ý their daughter, Wendy Gail on 42 years. Interment Bowmanville! March 19th, 1949, at Bowmanville Cemetery, Friday, April lst, on Hospital. Mother and daughter arrivai of C.N.R. train at 10:29 doing nicely. 13-1 a.m. 13 -1 WILLIAMS-Mr. and Mrs. Don SANDERS-After a short illness; Williams -are happy to announce at St. Boniface Hospital, Winni-1 the birth of their daughter, Nancy peg, on March 24th, 1949, Edward Marie Elizabeth, at Bowmanville Otto Sanders, beloved husband of Hospital. on Saturday, March Agnes .(Nena) Smith and dear 26th. 1949. 13-1* brother of Charles and Howard, _______________________ jWinnipeg; Ella (Mrs. William ENG GEM NTS Creighon), Calgary, and Mayi ENGAGE ENTS Mrs. T. M. Sýemon), Enniskillen. Interment St. James Cemeter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogerson, Winnipeg. 13- Newcastle, announce the engage- men of their daughter, Ida May, TAYLOR-At the home of her to Paul Yurkowski, son of Mr., daughter, Mrs. Clifford Johnson, and Mrs. Yurkowskî, of Peterson, 25Bat vnuOhwo Saskatchewan. The marriage will Friday, March 25th, 1949, Harriet taie paceAprl lth. 13-' :Taylor, widow of William Henry Mr. nd Ms. EnestV. GayTaylor, in her 75th year. Funeral Mr. nd rs.Ernet V Gry,!fromn the Morris Funeral Chapel, Janetville, wish to announce the Bowmanville, on Monday, March engagement of their daughter, 28th. Interment Bowmanville Phyllis Patricia, to Cecil Arnott Cr'tr,1- Neals, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Cmtr.1- ence H. Neals of Bethany. The' wedding will take place on Sat- THOMPSON-At Toronto, March urday, April 16th, 194?, at 2 p.m., 122nd, 1949, Elizabeth Thompson, 1 in the United Church parsonage. in her 87th year, wif e of the late Blackstock. 13-1* Samuel H. Thompson, formerly! _________________ of 278 Annette St., Toronto, anmd Three ways to CARE! Send $10 Darlington Township, and dear CARE food and textile packages mother of Russell Thompson. In- to relatives or friends overseas. terment Prospect Cemetery. Order a package for a needy stranger-CARE will choose a worthy recipient. Or send a con- The five-year census (conduct- tribution in any amount, fromn ed in the prairie provinces only) dimes to dollars, let CARE pool shows that from 1941 to 1946 Sas- it in a general relief fund. katchewan lost 63,200 of its popu- (Canadian) CARE, Ottawa, is a lation, Alberta gained 7,100 and non-profit agency. Manitoba lost 2,800. WANTED. COWS Close or Backward Young or Old of Ail Breeds WE BUY.- TRADE OR SELL This year, the Canadien Red Cross Society is busier thon ever, serving the nation. It is building a botter and heaithier Canada enî which we may live. In country, hamiet and city, its wortc of mercy touches the lives of ail of us. In ocean port or prairie town, Red Cross organizations are alert te the ne.ds of the stricken. That need may airise around the corner or across the seu. But wherever it arises, the Red Cross Is maintaiirÇpeace talk sit interna- level while smapping up Malaysi, Siam simd Burma. Communismn is convincod of tbe imevitability of its own triumph on a world front in the mear fu- ture. Their matomialîstie concep- tion of history tells its devotoos that the 'dictsitomship of the pro- letariat" is at band. Communism does mot therefore want wam, hecause it has mothimg to gain by war. Defesit in hattle might hold up an ideoligical vie- tory towsird which Commumists feel they are hesidimg, simd hosiding fast. Communism. however, does mot fesir war. For war wili nover beat Coînmumîsm. No convimced Communist would beliove that Communism xvas iess rig'ht if Rus- sia fought simd lost a war. Communism can onl:y justif.y itself if there is no sibsolute moral lsiw. Without abselute moral law. CARE goes wher. hunger isi1 $10 to nom-profit CARE &ends more food orcloth. Ing to Europe than you eau send lu any cther way. Start caring NOWI ( ~ I 193 Sparka St. Ottawa, Ont. un l n ila Ià UM Fight disoase with CARE! Tuberculosis is spreading among the undernourished people over- seas. You can send CARE food packages to relatives, friends, or suffering strangers in 12 European countries and Japan. $10 covers ail costs. Order through (Cana- dian> CARE, Ottawa. Local Mail Service Mail Closes Going East 10:30 Dr. Going local Rural Routes 11:00 &.mn. Going Port Hope only 1:30 p.m. Going East and West 6:30 p.m. Going West 10:00 Mail Arrives From East and West 8:30 a.m. From West 12 na;6i' From West 3:15 p.i Fromn East 8:00 p7J, Cut this schedule out and paste up in a handy place for reference. LU MBER Spotangles.... AS_____as___i ana.aganda aeffortseu are boing mUade to k We shaîl remember thee. 1 Bowmanville communîty. Ho __________t ae eig ad t -Sady msse bythefamily.-'spoke of the d'ays when ho arrived Firsit to take advantage of th-e 47 per cent of the pupils with noI confuse churchmen into believing -Sdl mssd y he 13-1' with his wfe and the advantages excellent facilities in Bowman- higher education than the 8th th at Christianity anmd Communism experienced in the social and ville's new Memorial Arena, the grade. are the same thing. Lenin said. BRADBURN-In loving memory : educational sphere to their family Maple Grove Women's Institute So far as expense was concerned "the class-struggle can only suc- of our dear mother, Mary Edith cîrcle. Ho traced the many arranged a debate anmd dance and the allegation that Consoli- coed vvhen tho myth of God is Bradhurn, who passed away April changes that have occurred since which attracted a large crowd, dated Schools would cost more, removod fromn the mind of man." ist, 1940: the "horse-and-buggy days" and Tuesday night, March 29. Up- ho said the matter was in the, The danger is the domocracies We know that she is happy gave a stirring account of the wards of 100 people were accom- hands of the public who spent will denounce and do nothing to mn our Saviour's home above, vast changes in the field of trans- modated in the heated, foyer- over 600 millions annually on train its own force of ideological Growing fairer as she lingers j taio and communications dur- lounge which will easily hold an booze, tobacco and cosmetics and fighters. Editorially The Christ- mn the sunshine of his love. ing the past 44 3'Oars. audience of 300 or more. Well only 118 millions on national edu- ian Science Monitor dec]ared, -Lovingly romembored by her Conèluding with an express ion lighted, floored with hardwood. cation. His summation was for "Americans must match the tech- family anmd sister-in-law. 13-1' of deeply felt and most sincere provided with a luncheonette, the "a better human product" and nological revolution they are ai- _______thanks for "thîs hîghlight of my room proved ideal in the matter only through enlarged and en- ready fostering, withanieo- GARTON-mn ]oving memory of whole lii e," Mr. Brown said that, of acousties and for the dance simd lightened education could xvo cal revolution they have flot yel. a darhusan ad fthrTure Ithe friendships and fellowship S0 i luncheon which followed the keen reach that goal. thought out." A. Garton who passed away Mar. spontaneously exterided to the debato. Music was provided by a Jim Reynolds -_________ 3th, 1947: family as a whole, while citizens handy puhlic-address system. ncclsoJm enos They say time heals ail sorrow of Bowmanville, left no other Ihe Proposiiont vrweme ithteyotrysprn sH r And helps us to forget, desire than to continue to live here TePooiinfl vrhle ihteoaoyS rn sH r But time so far has only proved permanently and to continue to The Pubiicity Group of the mn- displayed but got right down to How much we miss you yet. serve in any way possible in the stituto defined the proposition to brass tacks hy asking "where is So Are the Birds -Lovngl reembredby is earsof etiemet. grat e debated, nameiy, "Resolveci the money coming from9" With wLifenmdfmly . 31 buebre ýýi rst of applausentfoAloweti that Consolidated Schools would no hope of people yiolding to the Promptly on calendar time. Old i happy assurance. sretecmuiybte oa lat pn eso esls Man Winter received a knockout1 t Officiai than the present system." Speak- personal spending, the fact ro-bo.erc 1t gni a Ofcal rlbuue ing in the affirmative were Wal- mained that capital costs of Con- lwMac21tAgel ri CARDS 0F THANKS i Among the telegrams and con- ter Reynolds and Garnet Rickard. salidated Schools had to come out came on to wash away mnost of It is hard to express feelings in gratulatory messages read by the Opposing them were Russell Os- of the taxpayer. Furthermore a the snow and for the past 10 days butm o an t siyThnk chairman, one in particular must borne and Jim Reynolds. Ail mon bu s- transporta tion of two direc- the noon-tîrne temneratlure ha print bu o atthoyThnsb quotod as the summation of ail with considerable experience as tions or more would have to be hovered around 60 degrees. With, here to so many who remembereu others. t came from no less an I1rses hi iw eeepe-jstupa nana oto rmtesufoe to a shallow depth m antoalwoddsmuhauthority than W. H. Kyle, Gen-1 sed to accord with the purpose of $4,500 t 1,0 e er l uigtemletwne for me when m was sick. Thanks i oral Manager, Canadian National assombîing facts samd information. from het 50, dring tdshe vemildostwne nmem-, again. Railways. the taxebih.horrarodsohaveebecome muddy Mrs. Stanley HodgsonHo irdChimnfrteengE. Ho supported his colleague in pot-holed and hazardous. Seeds 13-1' "Will you pleaso express to Mr.A. Summors, Agricultural Repre- declaring that the smiall rural 'amd implements are ail ready for 1____ Brown the regrets of mysoîf and sentative, explained that no.judg- schools had produced the greatost qmick plantings. Mr Rchr Timi, apemy fellow officers that hoe has os vere namod so no inners mon and women of the nation and Fl wheat appears fair on high Gi-ove, wishes to thank his friends reached the ago of rotirement and would ho declaredsaeith were capable of continuing to, do spots but the thimg that troubles and neighbours who so kimdly re- s utbcm ftehnue mso h uinewowr o So far as heaith standards simd farmers is that creeks have been memberod him with flowvors, fruit! group of the Canadian National pormitted to state individual recreation were concorned, hoe frequentiy open simd surface wator candies simd cards; also thanks to aiy loVtrn.M.Bon iw ttecoeo h eae said the smsill schools could be bas run off into the lake without the Superintendent and nurses of has closod bis active ralway It was quito an acceptable ar- brought up to date in this respect1 a chance of penetrating the soul. Bowmanville Hosnitpl while ho career with a magnificent record rangement for even compctent at less permanent cost than the Rains will be needed to carry was patentat te bspitl. of service. Not once sinco ho be- adjudicators would have 'boom outlay and upkeep for Consoli-th crp onetyaesw. 13-1' came idemtified with the Company stumped to choose the \vinners. dateci ichools. He sumrned up by Still hanging fire are some of the in 1905 bas this record boom IWalter Reynolds statimg that the arguments on thée comtracts lor commercial crop The family of the late Douglas marred by a mark against him. Leadigof WleIeyod ffiraiesd r meinteceg. Lemon wish to express their In Mr.- Brown wo have an out- d ding off, Wealter of ynsoldsnatureatiosoieicereiore ian Pie areage jerfl hnsadapeito standing example of the say Idfmtemaing fC oi aueo loiiainta on Howover quite a largo number heartfalt thnksaand appociation i dated Schools as opposed to the to earth practicsility. of visitors have made their amnual to kind friemds and noighhours ta odriwya aO isoîated small rural schools still Conclusionj appearance. Almost without ex- for acts of kindness, floral tributes the finest type of citizen. We of 1 anmd messages of sympathy ex-'tho Central Region join with you in existence. Dealing with the mo- Discarding formai rules of de-j ception they are busy building tenedtothe drig tei s din wishi ng hlm every success an der d evolopmen ts of transporta- bate which permit only the lead- homes, quite obiivious of short- tede t temduig her adtinan hghr tadad o eu-er acateionebttlaal hmdgs nhighol. botrh bereavemont in the loss of a dearj many years to enjoy a well-esimned .tnad feu r hnea euti i h gssm otos bu h so idbrte.13-1* leisure after bis long simd faithful cation he lavoured the Consol i- speakers were givon opportunity 'marshes simd alomg the creeks anmd ________service."- ae ylo n to mi to poiish up points simd polish off ox'en busy about town, these Othr Seakrsgrounds; (1) That larger rural. opponoents. Discussion among the workers, ail wearing new suits, Iwish to express my gratitude Ote Sekesschool units would facilitato a audience brought to a close one la re goimg right along giving prac- and pleasuro to the citizons of Others who spoke briofly in- largor competitivo atmospbere in of the finost Forums over arang- tical lossons to perplexed simd Bowmanviile sind district for the cluded C. E. Stephenson, M.P.,j both acac1eric simd athletic od in this district. As a thougbt- querulouý.s humans. Just pause to banquet simd testimonial to mY Durham County; Mayor L. C.j spheres; (2) That health and roc- stimulator, the occasion mot ail look at those feathered friends husbamd on bis suporamnua tion Mason, Bowmamille; Chas. Robin- reation, skills and leadership, had the roquiremonts of the alert simd take iiew bopo in the new sea- anmd the beautîful gift of American son, C.P.R. Agont; Wslton Pascoe, far greator scope than in the Maple Grove Women's Institute. son. Beauty roses sent to me on thîs A. M. Hardy, Jack Baker. Geo. W. Small, rural schools of today. occasion. To ho thus jointly as- James simd Mr. Brown's two sonis Russell Osborne sociated in kimd felicitations, may Don anmd Ernie. Officiais simd as- I say a sincoro Thsink You. sociates of the C.N.R. wîho aiso) Leading tho opposition, Russell Some Hot Facts Mrs. E. Hermie Brown. offered personal tribute to Mr. Osborne demiod that competition1 On the "Cold W117 13-1 Brown included E. H. Locke, Supt. would bo onhanced, in fact manyOA va Belleville; H.G. Willis, Agent, Port smaller children would deveiop -ofi oudr U L T Hope; W. J. Austin, Chief Clerk a defeatist attitude whem ming- Today those whofu oudr U L T Retresfro C..R. sim C.H. ageman reire, bthling with largor groups. Ho de- stand the worid aim samd strategy ______of Port Hope; W. A. Goudy, Agent, clared that most of the gresit of Commumism should read the (Cotiue fom ag Oe) Pickering, who presented the gift namnes in Canada were borne by writimgs of Marx, Lenin simd Sta- Mr. Brown is also a member of gahr;F .Sak prtr out fromn the small rural schools. of the human race was the way imnN from herderF.oG. SaropadTeo- mHn itrd aoe ruralo hagool wi. Himerf h tringst tores- Florence Nightingale Lodge, 10. Pickering, simd Percy Haro, Agent, opcuedasMh rrlsh ost vhicHthorhav ieng stated ai- 0.F.. Bowmanville. So in civie Newcastle. marm as a matrimonial p-~etjms xitywsth proposed t This year we have a choice service, club simd fraternal work,VaudSvei frequently cboosing to romani do in "Mein Kampf," thon pro- Hermie Brown, aside from bis the community as a farm wife samdceedtdoi- iemlinsf varieties of Grain and Clov daily work anmd contacts, bas won A vslued souvenir of the Oc- influence its cultural life. Hoe'people refused to bolieve At could i ori a place of high citizenship in this casion wsis the white samd gold' de plor ed the tren d to higher edu- I fappen. i your inspection. You will whole community. guest book inscribed to Mr. Brown cation which took youth off the Commumism is an ideooogy. 1t Family Cîrcle which contains the namos of 187 farms anmd thus woakemed the very goos far -boyond polities, social We were fortunate In securini Extndig ongatuatonstowell-wishers who subscribed to, foundations of national prosperity. systems and ecomomics. t ibids rs.Bron imdcogtheatioyncirle sid assisted in the fine tribute to Ho was for the dignity of bard to change simd control the charac- recent Kingston Seed Fair; ab whichBronad the chilren who an homoured friemd. Mr. Brown work simd the individîial îmitiý:tiVC 'tor of men's hearts, minds, simd were inleducte i Bo wvi] was slso givon a Life Membership it imspimed. The smail schools had1 morals as well as to give them Oats at the Orono Seed Show. seehols cM. tutt id thwa te card to Bowmamvilio's Wood Son- proved the realism of that thosis. botter homes, food simd sanitation. schols.Mr. tut sai tht thy ste. It was silso disclosod that antRkrdCmui sawolielo too, were imcluded in the senti- Mr. Brown was givonï a clusterGantRcrdC muimsawodido- monts exprossod to Mr. Brown on 1 f 65 roses by bis fsimily on the Garnet Riekard, in robuttal, In 'gy. Bocause Stalin thinks ail the PHONE CLARKE 33-12 this occasion. Mrs. Brown, the occasion of bis 6,5th birthday, a burst of oratory, scoffed sit many time o i!lsrtg oi former Anna Laursi Hall of Gan- iviarcn î9th. of .tboesileged points made by bi:s able to out-wit those statesmenA.W G1 sinoque, sent haippy assurance that Thus \vas rounded out the circle neighbour. Ho doclared that the fighting for more national inter-A.W G sho simdlhem honoured husbandI of regard as Mm. Brown enters facilities for widom education in 'ests. Ho will kecp bis own peopleNEWC would continue to live in Bow -I upon a long period of well eamned Consol idated Schoois weme abso- short of food if w'heat can ho used EWC manville. Sons Donald of Arn- lisue uhi h oeepes lutelymoecessary in this orsi of un- as a lover to split the democracies prior, simd Ermest of Toronto, were ed by The Statesman in behaîf of1 cetainty and 'confusion. In or- samd further the cause of world guosts at the banquet together the entire district. dem to preserve freedom simd de- revolution. While waving Berlin ___________________ with Major Wallace Braden, D.S. ___________ mocracy, the first essential wsis a i the air, like a cônjurem, to at- O O., husbsind of dsiughter Hilda. well iformed individual. Quoting tract attention, hoe pockcts ChinaSAV LI At the conclusion of the siddress Cows in the Channel Islands the census hoe pointod out that the witb bis other hamd slmost before S V 5.0O simd presentation the entiro as- weam mackintosh coats in wintem systein of small rural schools left the free nations kmow what bas 1 happened.HeDon t laole nownuut I think IEED GRAIN SEEDS eselection of the hest proven I ivers. This seed is bore for find the prices rlght. ng the First Prize Oats, at the lso the First and Second Prize These Oats are here on display. W E DELIVER L ENNqE Y A S TLE THE LIST PRICE )UCTORY OFFER!1 if's BIG - 17 cu. ft. of refrigeroted space, including o spocious stoinless steel evoporofor for storing 30 Ibs. of frozen foods and ice cubzes. Ruggedly buit, of lde- time steel - fnished 'n gleommgq white DuLux inside ond out. Po,v.ered b>' o quiet, trouble-free Kelvinotor compressor. Heovi dut>' chrome-ploted hardware. Deferred Paymnent terms mo>' be arranged. F. F. Mois Co. - BAB3Y SCALES FOR RENT- PhoneoWe Fi 695 LCUWLING'S DRUG STORE Trusses readly: on the highway, in rural Outpost Hospitals, in voterons' hospitals or city homes, if tends and teaches our citizens. The arms of the Red Cross reach out ta triumph over suffering everywhere. To ensure its success, the Red Cross needs y our help ta help others, Remember this when you moite your contribution ta the. Society's 1949 fund campaagn this March. re--, H 's thé ýBIG 'NEW 17 CUM FTz THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVfLlLLP. ONTARTO TRURSDAT, MARCR sist, 1940 PAGE MGHT à w'ogot a stowaway!'

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