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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1949, p. 9

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!'RUESDAY APRYL 144i~, 1949 TEE CA~ADIA11 STA'IZSMAK. DOWMA1~V!LLE. ONTARTO ~AIIV Wf ________________________________________________________________________________________________ -'-'a SOCIAL AID PEIRSONRAL-I i Phone 66 3j Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stutt plan to spend the Easter holidays in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Ward Hoffman and two children, Toronto, are visiting her father, Mr. Geo. W. James. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Moyse. Toronto, were week-end guests af Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bellman. Mr. Bud Nichaîls, Englehart, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nich- olls. *Dr. and Mrs. McGregar, (for- merly Thora Davison), Ann Ar- bor, Mchiga», visited friends in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter De Geer left by motar to-day ta spend Easter week-end with friends in Pittsburg, Penn. Miss Darothy May, Windsor. recently returned from Shanghai, China, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Margaret Silver. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C Southey. Mns. A. D. Wheeler and Mr. Jack Kent enjoyed an extended week- end in New York City. Misses Margaret Allin, Mary Jewell and Geraldine Gracie leave to-day ta spend Easter holi- days in New York City. Mrs. Gea. James left by air- plane yesterday ta spend Easter holidays with relatives in New York City and Ocean Grave, N.J. Mrs. C. A. Jarrett and son Michael, Balmoral Hotel, left .by plane Monday, for New York City I THE SALVATION ARMY Good Friday Medltation at Il a.m. SPECIAL SERVICES Easter Sunday at 11 arn. and 7 p.m. ouest Soloist: Mrs. D. Bufted of Baltimore, Maryland Lieut. M. Fariner Lieut. G. McKenzie g ta spend Easter week with rela- tives. The Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will meet in the Lions Commun- ity Centre an Tuesday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m. Mothers please note change of date. Mr. W. Len Elliott is Ieaving by airpiane ta-day ta visit his daughter and san-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer at New Westminster, B.C. According ta Counties' Health Unit report for week ending April 9, Bowmanville has a dlean bill af health as far as communicable diseases are cancerned. Mr. Wreford Souch who has been an a business trip ta Mont- real spent Sunday here with Mrs. F. F. Marris on his return trip ta Winnipeg, Man. He travelled by plane bath ways. Oliver Roberts, ready ta start as Weed Inspectar, injured his hand Manday but is stili an the job. Helping a sick friend he was gardening and landscaping when he received his wound. Prompt treatment prevented infection. District farmers came ta the Balmoral Hotel, April 13, ta sign acreage contracta for commercial canning groups. They already knew the price was lower and had ta face restrictedi acreage. A representative from Campbell's Saup Ca. was the party deait with, just about four months later than usual. Ed. Summers planted early po- ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Good Friday 10 a.m.-Litany and Address Easter Day 8 a.m.-Holy Communion il a.m.-HoIy Communion Subject: "The Living Christ" 2:30 p.m- In Church 7 p.m.-Evensong ""Sin and Death Spectal Music for the Day tatoes in bis Liberty St. garden, Tuesday, Aprîl 12. He iviii risk irost ta get the tubers started while moisture is in the ground. A gang ai youngsters, parked a]ong the hedge, watched Ed plod the raws, in tight, oversize aven- ails. They were learning good! fanming. Charlie Burgess, boss af the street maintenance, had a gang ai 'three cleaning up King St. Wednesday. Astonished tounists in cafes and a provincial police inspectar carrying a gun. came ta, attention when Chanlie went in and said "Move that car, it's in the way." They moved. Prior ta her departure for Eng- land on April 22; Mrs. H. Jones, who bas been visiting her sesters, Mrs. John Darch and Mrs. R. Clayton, Liberty St.., was enter- tained at a tea and gnocery shower on Friday aftennoon, Apnil 1, at the home of Mrs. John Darch Jr. There were twenty-two neigh- bouns andl friends present ta wish hen "bon voyage". The remains af George W. Hughes who died suddenly in To- ronto on April 5 were buried in Bowmanville Cemetery Friday afternoan. Deceased was a son af the late Mn. and Mrs. Richard Hughes who lived on Queen St., Bowmanville for many yeans. It will be recalied that Mr. Hughes Sr., was an employee of the D.O.- &P. Ca. and was a member ai their famous band. Many farmers are busy sowing spring crops this week. According ta oldtime gardeners it is time ta get gardens pianted. They point out that snaw melted away mast ai the winter and little maisture penetrated the graund this spring. Early plantings will get a start, then we can hopefuliy pray for spring rains. Out west, dust starms are raging and things don't look tao goad for the 1949 craps. A welcome caller with aid school pais Gea. James and Art Baker on Saturday was Norman Moyse, Toronto. In High School days "Sully" Mayse was a popu- Ian student with high academnic facuities. He spanned the years with long service in the Railway Postal Department. Now super- annuated he lives comfortably and cheerfully in bis Toronto home, visits with bis married son, takes a keen and active interest in lawn bowling. We'd like ta see him oftener. Apnil meeting af he C.W.S. ai St. Joseph's R.C. Church was held Tuesday evening, April 12, in Mrs. Morrill's home, Centre St. Regular business cancluded, the election af officers for 1949-50 was held as fallows: Past Presi- dent-Mrs. Les. Goulah, President -Mns. Gea. Yaung; lst Vice- Mrs. Elmer Ott; 2nd Vice-Mrs. Lea Leddy; Sec'y - Mrs. B. Kit- ney; Treas. - Mrs. J. Brown; Councillrs- Mrs. J. Cooper, Mrs. Masterson, Mrs. Cuddahee, Mrs. Trudeau. The Screech Owl by Duncan Phillips The two events that taok place in school last week were two movies, bath quite different ta what we have previausly seen. The first was a review of the op- ening session af Parliament which taok place same weeks aga. Four Liberal members wha, had won bye-elections were sworni in as well as Progressive Conservative leader, George Drew. Another matter xvhich was discussed ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterian Churcix Corner of Chureh and Temperance Streets 10Oa.m- Sunday School Il a.m. - Church Service Minlster: Mr. Peter Wotherspoon Organist: Miss Louise Osborne. STRANGERS WELCOME, BE PREPARED AND Avoid Ihe Rush! Have your Iawn mowen harpened, ready to cut the lawn wîth precision sharp- ened blades. IVE PICK UP AND DELI VER ~Glve Us a Cal G. F. JAMIESON TIRE DENOT Cor. King and. Silver Sts. Bowmanvlle- Phone :j7 Observe 45th Wedding Aniniversary MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR KILPATRICK Sunrounded by members of eph Kilpatrick, Bowmanviile; Mn. thein family and shawered with and Mrs. Alfred Colby (Garland) the congratulations of a hast o! and Mn. and Mrs. William Long- friends, Mn. and Mns. Arthur Kil- bottom (Sylvia) bath af Oshawa. patnick wene hononed with a To the "aId sweats"' who nead luncheon and gif ta on the accas- on ta leann who this Mr. Kilpat- ion of thein 45th wedding anni- ick really is, we confess he is no versary, Satunday, Apnil 2. The othen than Sgt. Major Art (Kil) panty was held in the Legian Hall, Kilpatrick, DCM, Croix de Guerre Queen St., where Mr. Kilpatrick vetenan of World War 1, member presides as house manager in be- af the Veteran's Guard (R) Wonid haif af the Legian executive, and war 2, who is still seen on most Mrs. Kilpatrick presides on social formai parades as Druni Major occasions. and laden with more service mcd- Present ta celebrate the occa- aIs than anyone in this part of sion were three sons with their Ontario. The Statesman extends wives; twa daughters with their general community congratula- husbands, 19 grandchildren and tions ta the honored couple an 4 grcat-grandchildren. Combined their 45th Anniversary. they made up a family circle of 35, ail in good health, but none was mare iively and aient than the honored couple with their background of sturdy British an- cestry. They wene married in London and all the chiidren werc born in Aidershot. t Foliowing the toast list andth neading of many messages of 'many happy returns" the giits presented were a zircon neckiacc and earnings ta Mrs. Kilpatnici and a solid gold signet ring ta Mr. Kilpatrick. They neturned thank- fui words of appreciation while ___ being showered with the affect- ion ste attentions af their grand- children. It was a grand party. Members of their aduit famih ___________ at the gathering were Mn. and _______________ Mrs. William Kilpatrick; Mr, and Mns. Arthur Kiipatrick; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kilpatnick; MTs. Jas- was that ai Newioundland as a tenth province. It was through the Community Coun- cil that the school was able ta obtain this film. Perhaps some oi the students will be inspired ta some day take part in the debates they saw put on in the House af Commons. The other film was even more unusual in that it was written in French. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo is not unfamilian ta anyone but having it in French does not clanify it any. It wasn't as bad as that bowevcr. Ail the upper sehool studenta bave read it in French and many others have read it in English. Before it began, pamphlets wene distributed' which explained the setting and gave a bnief outline ai the story. The pic- ture was projected in three reels which gave one a chance ta read the pamphlet and keep up ta date. At the end of the second reci. there was a five minute break which might be classed as a sev- enth inning stretch. Second forin treated the whole school ta a slight snack since they had a little too much food at their party the night before. Well, today Is the last day of sehool until a week from Monday. To-night the Literary Society is sponsoring the "Easter Prom" at the High Sehool Auditorium which, by ail reports, will be quite the thing. Oh yes! No doubt you expect ta sec a lot ai cheery faces aiter to-day, likely you will, but don't be surprised if there are also manv fifth formers wearing a sombre look. Their Easter Litera- ture papers have just been ne- turncd. 1There are people who want a go on living in the same aid way.1 Canada's first commercial tele- graph uine was set up in 1847, link- ing Toronto, Hamilton, St. Cath- ei-eNaar al adBfao Remarkable Growth O0f Telelphone System 1,500,000 Phones Somewhere in Ontario and Quebec today (April 14) the 1,500,000 Bell telephone was ad- ded ta the growing system with- ih the two provinces. The 1,500,OOOth telephone niay be ane af the three scheduied ta be installed in Bawmanville ta- day, accanding ta A. A. Gillespie, local managei. Reviewing the growth of the Bell facilities in the post-war period, half a million telephones have gane into service sînce the beginning af 1945, which is equal ta the increase for the 21-year periad from 1923 ta 1944. The mil- lion and a quarter mark was reached in August, 1947, and in- stallation has proceeded at a record pace ever since. Each month 12,000 new telephones are being installed to meet the con- tinuing high demand. In the finst three months af this year the sys- tem bas added 37,000 telephones. The backlog of applications for service remains high with 82,000 waiting in Ontario and Quebec. Here in Bowmanville thene are 119 orders .to be filled, Mn. Gil- lespie said. Meantime, the cam- pany's vast construction prognam continues apace ta funther ex- pand and improve the servce. Bachelor's tip. If you don't like darning socks, wax the wean spots every third washing. BRYANT KOTOR SALES DON BRYANT, Proprietor FERGUSON TRACTORS Complete Line of Implements Now on Dlspiay:- MOLDBOARD PLOWS ROIV-CROP CULTIVATORS SPIKE TOOTH HARROWS TANDEM DISC HARROWS SOIL SCOOPS FIELD CULTIVATORS TILLERS SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS HEAVY DUTY MOWERS CORDW'OOD SAWS - PHONE WHITBY 2250 Conapetilve Pricesand Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for ThursdaY, Friday, Saturdap W. roierve the rlght te imit quanUteg iEasfer Cards 5c- 10c-J15c -25c BABY Enfler Novelties-- S ET S Chocolate Rabblts, Roosters i5c -10c -20c &up Neilson's Chocolales Easter Boxed Per lb. - 85c PABLUM or PABENA ---_-- EYE CUPS Sturdy glass 8c - 2 for 15c MEDICINE GLASSES 8c - 2 for 15e RUBBER GLOVES Seconds Pair - 19e I.D.A. Brand Specials COLD CREAM "Evelyn Howard" 1-lb. reg. 69c --- ------ -- ---- - 54e SHAVE CREAM, Ever-Ready reg. 33ec -- ---- - - ---- - 23c FLAXSEED, Whoie, 1-lb.. reg. 19c -13e ANTISEPTIC Kicen-Or, 4 and 16-oz., reg. 25c, 79c 19 - 54o SHAVE LOTION, Lavender 4-oz., reg. 43c - ------ 33e SYRUP FIGS reg. 25e --18c WILD STRAWBERRY Compound 3-oz.. reg. 25e -----18e WITCH HAZEL 4-oz., reg. 25ec -------I e VITAMIN BI TABLETS re. 7, 9 S-- 2E- 9 Suggested Gifi Lisi Here are a few of the many lovcly gifts your I.DA. Druggist suggests for kevlon Lastron Enamel-------------- ---- ----- ---- 75c Revion Lip-Fashion--------~ $1.50 TAYLOR: Liiac, Carnation, Rose or Blue Spruce Soap B o x es of 3 - -------- ---- ------------------ Velvetta Bath Saits ---------- ------------- -- - - . 69c oaya Perfumes ----- -------- ----- 75c-$2.25-$4.50 up TUDNUT GEMEY: Cologne -------------- ---------------- -- 1.75 Dusting Potder -------------------------------------- - 31.75 Perfume ----- ------- ----1.75 - $3.75 Hudnut Home Permanent Wave----$ 3.25 YARDLEY: Cologne, Fragrance or April Violets $1.50 Cologne, Lotus ..--- --- ----- 1.50 - $2.50 Bond Street Tollet Water $1.75 -$3.00 Lavender Perfume--------- $1.25-$1.95-$3.00 Soap, Lavender or April Violets ---1.50 EVENING IN PARIS: Bath Powder ------.---- ----- . 1.75 Cologne ---------- ------- - - 85c - $1.60 PerfUpe ------ 75e-$1.65-$2.75-$3.75 Soap, box ------ ---- ------------ 3 1.50 Toilet IVater 85c - $1.60 25e - KLEENEX 18e - 2 for FILMS ANSCO or KODAK 32e - 37e - 48c - etc. CAMERAS Ansco Shur-Shot--------5.90 Slx-20 Target Brownie --- 86.12 Baby Brownie ---------- 3.47 Kodak Vigilants $. 20.44 Up Brownie Reflex $11.76 Kodak Ijuaflex $___ 14.56 A REAL SPRING TONIC IDAPHOS 16-oz. bottîe $1 .00 OINTMENTS 50eO Zinc. Boracie, Sulphur, etc. 2-oz. jan 35c reg. 25e- 10e EPSOM SALTS I.D.A. Brand 1-lb. - reg. 15e lic BEEF, IRON & WINE I.DA. Brand reg. 59e 153c, 2 for $1.00 FOt EASTER GIFTS Page & Shaw Me(D l dfl Chocolate Novelties, \ODSRE 85e1 ON E OUNO PACA Decorated Easter Egg, ~ ~ . 12 Ali ('Iocoîate ---3- 1.001~ - ~ *-~ Don't put a coUd in ~ your pockot ...use Drugs Phone 792 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store DRUG STýORESt] 1 rHUPMAT AMIL 14th, 1949 THE CANADIAN STATTM&M, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PACM W»M. Il 1 F4nycn+ýmý

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