THURsDAY APRiL l4th, 1949 R AAlA TTMN OIM7T? fW'UÉAfV"Wtv, SOLINA Superintendent Wes. Yellow- lees presîded for the Missionary programn at Sunday School when Jean Montgomery glave the story of "The Church of the Lighted Lamps" and Jean and Elma Cry- derman sang "The Old Rugged Cross". Womnen's IntiI:ute met Nonday 50 MUCH MORE for so uifle more! Maxwell House is superb coffee, yet it costs only a fraction of a cent more per cup than the ýj¶vest.pricedcoffees gold! for its election off officers for which Mrs. Isaac Hardy presided. Officers are: President-Mrs. Roy Langmaid; lst vice-Mrs. A. J. Balson; 2nd vice-Mrs. Gordon Leask; secretary-treasurer-Mrs. Ralph Davis; assistant-Mrs. J. C. Smales; group leaders-l. Mrs. Bruce Tink and Mrs. Percy Dew- el!: 2. Mrs. Wes. Yel]owlees and Mrs. Clarence Vice; 3. Mrs. Tom Baker and Mrs. H. Baîl; 4. Mrs. W. Parrinder and Mrs. Wes. Wer- ry; district director-Mrs. Isaac Hardy; local directors-Mrs. G. Leask, Mrs. C. D. Pascoe, Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees. A representative from the Depart- ment will speak on ~Canning On- tario Fruits" at, Solina on April 29, to which meeting Zion and Hampton institutes are invited. Program was under direction off Mrs. E R. Taylar's group. A very enjoyable feature of the program was the Kitchen Orchestra- DEAD STOCK - FREE SERVICE We will pick Up ail dead or crippled farm animais FRE 0F CHARGE I lighcest Prié,es Paid For OId Horses - PHONE: PETERBORO 4026 COLLECT Nick -Peconi, Owner TrHINS WITH WATER. One gallon cf SPEED- .1i. DRIES IN 1 HOUR SPEED-EASY dries ini L.1JY, mïxed i four. flen, - /J/ with water 'J you can !U makes up tO J replace cur- 11/2 gallons- tains and of paint. furniture. ifl COAT COVERS... EASY TO WASH.. ne coat 1 After about 2 is usually weeks, you ý enough aven 'wallpapercnws wallboard SPEED-EASY plaster, with mild cancrete - saap and ...... or brick. atr - --.---- - - - - - - - - HELP THE CBIPPLED CHILDREN -BUY EASTER SEALS- Higgon Electricý YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER 42 King St. E. Bowman ville Phone 438 Keep up The Springwork wilh CASE FARM EQUIPMENT We have some New available now GIVE 'OVR ('ROP A GOOD START IVITII Swifi' s Gro - o Ferlilizer and Used Tractors f or delivery. 100 LBS.NMET WT. , A PRODUCT OF SWIFT SPLANT F000 2-126 t>io< If it's for the farrn -try us. If we haven't got it - we will try and get it. - See Us About a Garden Tracior - HELP CRIPPLED (HILDREN - 01-Y EASTER SEALS W. He -BDROWN DEALER FOR Case Fanan Machlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Mllkcers and Separators Beatty Bras. Stable Equlpment 91 King St. W. Phonse 111:MBER OF 0.R.F E.D.A. S497 HAMPTON Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bnwma nville, with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams. Mrs. Frank Rogers, daughter Y vanne aind son Grant, and Mrs. G. McMullen visited Mr. and Mrs. -Murray Malcolm, Nestleton. Miss Eva Williams visited ber bhrother at Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy visi- -ted Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rankine, Hlayd on.Tono Mrs. J. R. Reynolds visited rel- atives inTont on Frjday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbum Blackburn, Haydon. Miss Linda Gilchnist, Toronto, is a guest off her aunt 'Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and cousins David and John. Mnr. and Mns. Bill Warren, Osh- awa, Ralph Simpson, Bowman- 1vle tMrs. C. Colwilt's. M.and Mrs. Anson Phair. Courtice, at Russell Luke's. Hampton friends gathered at the town hall on Saturday even- ing for a social aven ing and pres- en tation to a racent bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Oshawa, (nee Marion Kersey,) I who were the recipients off a love- 1y occasional chair and end table. Appreciation off the gifts was ex- pressed and the evening was spcnt in cards and games, after \vhich mc'mbers off the service club served refreshments. Communion wvas observed at 0-- 'n'~ eveningl church ser- vice in charge off aur pastor. A Uzood Friday service will be held on Friday avaning in the Sunday Schaol roomn in charge offj our pastor. Mrs. W. Cunningham, Cameron. " Thorough Spot Removal " Diii Gently, Thoroughly Removed 0 Calors Revived a No Dry CI.aning Odor Oshawa Laundry & ry Cleaning OSHAWA Phone Zenith 13000 1 Hampton Home and School met April 5 in the school room with President Mrs. J. R. Reynolds in the.chair. Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Far- row and Mrs. Pingle were ap- pointed nominating committee for new officers for 1949. It was de- cidied to buy pins to be given the entrance class pupils who pass their entrance. Collection was taken by Beverley Smales, $2.12. A quartette, Mrs. James Smales, Mrs. Howard Milîson, Messrs. Gerald and Harold Balson sang "Old Uncle Ned" and received great applause. Mrs. Jones, Osh- awa, gave a wonderful talk on '*Why have a Home and School?' xvhich contained some real gond advice. Quartette sang again "Aura Lee" wîth Miss Mary Nid- dery accompanist. Miss Niddery also gave a humorous monologue and conducted community sing- ing. A dainty lunch was served. Mr. Clarence Yeo moved a vote of thanks to aIl who helped on the program. Apnil meeting off Hampton Wo- mens' Institute was hetd in the Sunday School Room with Presi- dent Mrs. H. Cote in the chair. The fatlowing motions were carried: (1) Bills be paid, includ- ing 1/3 off parsonage drapes bill. (2) $10 be given to Red Cross. (3) $10 ta Crippled Children. (4) Rent for basement and fee ta caretaker be paid. (5) Accept in- .,itation off Satina Institute ta visit ,hem April 29. Word has been received that the district speaker, Mrs. Hayes, would be in Hampton on May 4 as planned. Treasurer, Mrs. A. Barron, ra- -3arted $268.46 on hand. Mrs. Bal- son meported 54 cards sent last yaar. Mrs. M. Mnuntjoy reported for West group, Mrs. J. R. Rey- nolds for Centre graup; Mrs. J. R KCnox for East group; Mrs. J. Chapman for North grnup. Mrs. J. R. Reynolds reported for Blue Cross, also publicity. District An- nual witl be at Newtonvitle, June 9. Mrs. S. G. Niddery tank charge off election off these officers: Presi- dent-Mrs. H. Cole; First Vice -Mrs. J. R. Knox: Second Vice- Mrs. F. Haney: Secretary-Mrs. H. Salter: Assistant Secy.-Mrs. J. R. Reynolds: Treasurer-Mrs. A. Barron; District Dimector- Mns, W. Doidge; Press Secy.- Mrs. J. R. Reynolds: Auditors- Mrs. J. Balson and Mrs. W. Chap- m an. Mrs. Cale thanked everynne for their co-operation and hnped for another successfut year. Programn was in charge off the East group with Mrs. H. Rundie presîding. Hightight was a veny comprehansiva talk on Newfound- land by Mrs. H. Goad who traced the histomy off Newfoundland from its discovery by John Cabot Siafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose fromn the Wide selection of imported and domnestic Granites and Marbles in stock. Announcing the Opening OF Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King Street Werv p 1~ I J roperties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised. MEMBERS 0F THE CANADLAN AND ONTARIO REAL ESTÂ4TE BOARDS IShehyn OFFICE - 326 D. Maclachian RESIDENCE - 2017 Ed. Summers Bas Cultures For Legume Seed Inoculation "Pans and Pandemonium"-com- posed of Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, conductor, (her baton more atten used as a dishmoe), Mrs. Ever- ett Cryderman, pianist and with Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees, Mrs. H. Harris, Mrs. C. Vice, Mrs. F. Westlake Jr., Mrs. Russell Glbert and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery per- forming in versatile fashion an well known culinary utensils. Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees conducted a -Home Safety Quiz". Home & School Club wilt meét Friday night and Mens' Club on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hepburn, Joan ond Mary, Mr. William Hep- burn, Miss Luella Hepburn, Ked- ron, at Clarence Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees John, Kedron, at Ralph Davis'. and Harold at Murton Walter's, Ma xwell's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and John, Kedron, at Ralph Davis'. ZION c f s i fi a: visited ber sister, Mrs. Harland Truil. Dr. Wallace R. Horn, Montreal. visited bis parents during the week end an his return fram a business trip ta Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjay were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Cadmus, Saturday evening. Mrs. Horace Hockley and son Jack. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Osh- awa, at S. Kersey's. Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bennett and Heather. Oshawa, Mrs. Alan Wilbur and Sharon, Taunton, at Elmer Wil- bur's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Sol- ina, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spicer, To- ronto, at Sam Dewell's. Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and family, Solina, at Percy Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson, Glenn and Douglas off Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests af Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Billett at- tended the graduation exercises and dance of the school off optom- etery in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson were tea guests on Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrînder, ie Young People's Union met on o1 Tuesday night with Hans Geiss- te berger in chapge. Missionary pro- gram was in charge off Doreen- Trevail. Mary Geissberger gave a reading. Rev. Linstead led a discussion on the Bible. Edith Geissberger gave an account of the motor trip she took with Marguerite and Doreen Trevail and Lois Glaspel to Montreal and across the border. W.A. meeting was held at the home off Mrs. Alex McMaster with 22 ladies present. Program was: vocal duet, Mrs. Chas. Nay]or and Mlrs. Alex McMaster; piano duet, Marie Killen and Grace Stainton: Talk on the origin off Faster by Mrs. Chas. Naylor; vocal quar- tette by Janet Naylor, Mae Dun- bar, Janeen Cameron, Diane Thompson; reading by Mrs. J. W. McMaster, The groLIp, Mrs. Nay- lor, Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mrs. A. McMaster served a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Terry, Toron- to, at Mrs, F. B. Glaspel's, Gerry Glaspel's and Alex McMaster's. Mr. Jack Stainton has accepted a position at the Mountain Sana- tarium Farm, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and sons, Tyrone. at Douglas Flett's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery and Donna Marie, Tilbury, at Tracy Glaspel's. Mr3. Wes Cameron visited Mrs Wm. Michael, Toronto, on Sun- - day-. Miss Rae Venner, Toronto, at Arnold Venner's. Mr. R. C. Stainton, Miss Shirley Stephen at Ted Stephen's, Peter- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Venner at George Chant's, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmid and Mary, Newcastle, at Hans: Geissbergcr's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart, Mrs.' Hans Geissberger at Mr. N. Pot- ter's, Toron to. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel had a W.A. quilting last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Krantz and family, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Copp, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mit-r chell and famlly, Toronto, at Rus- sell Perkirs. Mr. Jim Randal at Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glasp-- and famnily attended Reed's Flou - er Display at Oshawa on Sunda-.: Mrs. F. B, Glaspel at Ray Scott in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Sonle., Toronto, at Fred Cameron's. right up to the present day. Par-. ticulars were included as to granfs of taxes receivable and ev eryone feit better acquainted with -our riewest province at the close off i this fine address. Roll Cail was answered by -How to be a good citizen". Mr3. i Sykes gave the motto as "Smiles! are as catching as the measlesi and a lot more pleasant." Mrs. Knox conducted a discuF- sion period on "First Aid" %whic-; brought out many helpful hin,ý on what to do .when accidents: happen. This brought an excellent program to a close, after which he East grnup served a delicious unch. Nlext meeting May 4. Skinny men, womner gain 5y,10, 15 Ibs. Go etw Pp, Vmm, Vigor Vhat a thriijI ony limbe 011 oui; ugly boilow8 Ii UL :t nidolonger ocrawny. bod y loesbai'- i.rsd ickly "buan-Pois" look. Tboueande of KIts wmen. men. who oever eould sain peione are "ow roud Of sbaj'ely. heflthy -inokins bodiep. Th.7 tiak th* special vigor-buIiidng. iiuh-biidinc toile. OstOex. aliesl, stimuilant,. invigo0rator, lon. vitarnin i., calcium. ennieh blond. inprove appetits and digestion mn food gives you more erengli, and mniîhtoent. pu femb n bar@ bon., >)Oo't l« et eting iiift. Stop wisn yoti've galo.d te. ,, 1 5 16or 2(1 Ih.. i-o',neeri fnr ' rma euli,,. 'ne,. ilUei.,New "e. 't , , ne . s 1(,,<. ,ry tam-onu (lt-el I0L. ' 1a ý Q s i-s V.gQ.r "4 &""Spose.tasVe667.y ahu ua& Legurninous draps, such as al- falfa, red claver, sweet claver, al- sike, soybeans, etc., have long been knawn, under certain con- ditions, to leave the land an which they were grown in a richer con- dition than it was in before the drap. The necessary conditions are, in addition to, the soit being in gond tilth, and welt drained. that there should be in the soit certain species off bactenia known as Legume Bacteria. These le- gume bacteria penetrates the youlng roots of the legumes where they produce little swellings or nodules, singly or in bunches. On clovers these nodules are v'ery smnall but numerous, m-hile on peas and beans they are compar- atively large and few in number. The bacteria in these nodules fix the free nitrogen off the atmos- phere so that the plant can use it as fond. Withnut the aid off the bacteria the plants cannot do this and no plant other than the le- gumes dan do it even when the bacteria is present in the soit. On nId sails, or where dloyers or other legumes are successfully grown in crop rotation, the bac- teria are usually present. In new~ souls, hnwever, or when legume crops, as alfalfa. or soybeans are grown in nId soil, the appropriate bacteria are apt not to be present and in such cases some methnd off inoculation should be adopted to supply the bacteria. Numerous experiments and protonged ex- perience have shnwn that the best way to do this is to inoculate the seed with the necessary bacteria. For such seed inoculation, anti- ficially grown cultures off the bac- teria. originally secured from the nodules on the ronts off the same species off plant which is ta be sowý%n, arc- applied to the seed shortly' beffone it is sown. By this method the bacteria are carried intn the soil with the seed, and in ample numbers to practicalty in- sure infection off mots. with con- sequent increased growth of the crop. Alfalfa and clover seed are very expensive and as an extra insurance it wiil quite possibly King The amount of maney spent byj as much as the federal govern- private industry in Canada onI ment's estimate for its entire bud- increased matenial costs, new ma-. get for 1948-49. chinery and new plants last yearI As the home gaes, sa goes the was about $2,156,000,00-almost nation. MORE PROFIT FOR FARMERS Viking Hammermilis--------- Gem Grinder ---------- WITH 3 H.P. 60-CYCLE MOTOR Litz Bail Bearing Hopper Grini No. 60 -6'"------------------ No. 80 - 10'«------~--- ------- pay you ta use culture this year. For your accommodation your Agricultural Representative, E. A. Summers has a supply of cul- tures at the Department of Agri- cultures Office, Bowmanville. A culture will treat one bushel of seed, but if you have less than a bushel the entire culture may be used without harm. Cultures for alfalfa, red clover and sweet dlo- ver are twenty-five while soy- beans cultures are two for twenty- five. If it is flot convenient for you to cail at the Department Of- fice, cultures will be sent by mail. YOUR EYES and Vision, - Elewritten1 from previous cprghts of *$195.00 --$58.00 - ----$246.00 -- $50.00 --$72.00 mnes: -$137.50 -$127.50 --$12.95 RIC IRES SSERVICE ýO, ONTARIO Tenders For Insurance TENDERS FOR INSURANCE on th, foIIo-,,ig wuIl, be ac- cepted bv the TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE - addressed to the undersigned up to 9:00 a.m. of May 3, 1949: -1 Township IVarehouse, Orono Windstoî-m. Hail, Lightning. Ex 'plorion, Riot. Inîpact ,by Aincraft ni Vchicles, and Smckl-e Damage. Building - Frame. Metal Clad Roof - First Class Roofing AIl contents in aboya described buiîding usual ta the requirements off a Township Roads Department. 1947 Diesel Oliv'er Cletrae Tractor anmd Oi'erhiead Shovel 10 Tons .. .. .-- Coverage $12,000.00 Public Liability and Praperty Damage Fire and Transportation and Thafft 5 Tons- 1936 Dominion Chanmpion Maintainer ge b7 lbu .n ---- ---- -- ---- ----- -- tuv era g Public Liability and Praparty Damage Fire and Transportation and Theft 1947 Diesel Austin Western Road Grader and Snlow PIovv 10 Tons------- - Covemage $13,500.00 Public Liab]iiy and Property Darnage Fire and Transportation ai-d Theft (Cost-------- 1948 G.M.C. % -Tonl Truck ---- ----$1,436.00 Public Liabitity and Praperty Damage Collision, Fire and Transportation and Thcfft 176 Miles of Township Roads Public Liability and Properly Damnage Coverage: Pnopei'v Damagea ------------- Public Liability ----------- Public Liabilitv - --- ---- S20,000.00 Onme Person $30,000.00 One or More Persons Submissions should be individually and colleetively on all policies. For further detaîls Insurance Agents may contact the Road Supt. (R. DICKINSON) or the Township Clark. Ail applications mnust be marked Tendci' and submitted under seal. H. E. INILLSON, Clerk, Township off Clarke, Omono, Ontario. Street West 0 Large Number of Used Cars Now On Display 0 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY EYENINC Corne In and Look Around GOOD TRADE-IN ALLOWARCES Terms Can Be Arranged For Your Budget t) u 'o il J ART'S CAR MARKET Moved to Town NOW LO0CATED A T (Nexi Io Wilkin's Service Station) DO WMAN VILLE George' in t, ca Io bE bê fi ne th bL L oci 1 CK UKY CLEANING & R K UV*y UARANTEEO C. H.TUCK- Optomnetrist Disney Bldg. (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa, Phane 1516 Some off the objectionable things bout glare are its effects and ijuries ta the eye, disturbances Io the nervous system and by -ausing discomfort and fatigue, IosF off time to the worker and may be injurinus ta the health. It may be the cause off injuny through its bad affect on vision, these bad cf- fcts may be so bad that perma- ent injuries result. It is not the permanent injuries .iat affect the people off tnday ut. it is ihe perpatual inconven- snce. The simple indirect action f light ta the eye at an unaxpec- ;d time. (Copy righ ted) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 54,000-buys 5-room bunga- low with built-on garage. water in kitchen, hydro; han hause, *4-acre land, 2 miles west cf Bowmanville. Im- mediate possession. S2,800-6-room frame house in Bowmanvilla, hydro. gond furnace, garage, han housa; ,-acre land. Possession May lst. Listings lVanted No Sale - No Charge -Noble Meicaif Real Estate Broker 103 Ritson Rd. Oshawa PHONE 5329M wmý ý ý -- ---- - m - - - -- -à-maz 1 1- White Washing Machi (MADE BY MAXWELL) mmuma 1PAMP vTrirr.r.w Model B ------------------ Model C -------- Gem Electric Fencer ------.. ORONO ELECT WIRING - REPAIRS - FIXTI RADIO AND APPLIANCES SALES AND PHONE 55Rl ORON Coverage $3,000.00 9-nuau m THE CANADUN STATESM". BOWIL&NVMIýr. ONTARIÔ