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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1949, p. 7

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1'UW 'AMAVTAP.?@9A ISA U MANVILLE- ONTARI j PORT NEWS Doris Joli Black Cats Champs in Ladies' Bowling League The play-offs in the Ladies' Bowling League got under way last Tuesday night. In the semi- finals, Kools defeated Tucketts 2 straight games with Mel Mc- Nulty leading the way. Helen Dunn rolied well for the losers. In the other hait of the semi- finals the Black Cats had their ý ands full but they finally edged %~ilip Morris 2 games to 1. Doris boII led the Cats, while Ada Ton- kin was the pick of the Philip Morris team. On the following evenir.g, the Kools and the Black Cats met in the finals to decide the Champions for the Second Schedule. The Black Cats were the defending Champs. already having wvon the first schedule. In the first two games, the teams split the spoils, a game apiece. In the final game it was Dori3 Jo11 ail the way when she came up with a neat 280 to eliminate the Kools and retain the Championship for the Elack Cats. Both teams rolled well with Vi Coole bcing the best for the lasers. Don't forget the banquet, girls, on April 19 at carter Famîily Store at 7 p.m. One More Week In Bush League FoundryLeading With one week left to play in the Bush Bowling League, ail the play-ott spots are settled except for fourth and last play-off spot. Atter the action on Friday night Courtice and Enniskillen are stili tied for fourth place. Foundry lengthened their lead by taking 7 easy points from a very short handed Taylor team. For the second week in a row, Dave Preston has showed fine spartsmanship by turning up for bis team when ail his mates have deserted him. Dave rolled well but anyone who bawls can tel you that you need your team mates there ta help yau, se came on, fellas, turn out despite the standings. Collie Woolner andi Frank Smith were the best fr the Foundry. Gallaiher heiti on ta second place by defeating Courtice 5-2. Bob Gallagher took personal charge of things by turning in high single ot 315 and high triple of 782. Jack Gay and Siti Nichais weee the pick of the Courtice tea m. Palley handeti Enniskiilen a 52setback with Walt Poliey anti Jack Elston leading the winners. Lawrence Wearn and Haroldi Milîs were best for the boys from lhe hill-top. BT.S. team tiefeated Deeley 5-2 to hang on to a slim hope for a play-off spot. John Grahamn led the B.T.S. boys. Langley was best for the lasers. In the Lemon League there were lots of Lemanns. Efeeb. "Straight Bail" Smith took the honones with 89. Ace Richards, 95, Jack Smith, 106, Jack Gay. 111 were just a few of the others. Team Standings rouutuiy ---- - ------------------ Gallagher -- --------- Pollcy ----------------- ----- Enniskiiien ---------------- Courtice B.T.S --------------- --- Deeley--------------------- Taylor ----------------------- ---- Averages Jack G ay --- --------- --- Bob Gallagher -------------- Bill Poliey ----- -- ----- W alt Polley ---------------- Jack Eiston -------------------- Ted McLaughlin----------- Collic W oolner ------------ Lawrence Wearn ---------- Doug Taylor -------------- Noem Cowle ------------------ Frank Smith ----------------- D uti Deeley ---------------- George Perfect ------------- pressure is requiredti teimpressMoeta heahnrdtn design in silver. 67 L - ... .... 5 WILL HE REPEAT?-Here is South Africa's fabulous Bobbv, Locke 4holding the Seagram Gold Cup he won with the Canadian Open 4? 39 Golf Championship at Toronto in 1947. It xiii be like old times 38 again corne June, Mwith the championships once again in Toronto 21 and Locke a definite entry to try to lift the Cup a second tirnie. ýB11Ede Gvs ible that he has workcc imsef ý7Merited Orchids By harder than he ý1houlId by going ,Peterboro Paper otof nesor ntoaote ýi. 3 wili be axx-fuLl- glat Ito sec this 16-His many fi enck in h1is honeie iki able kidi on his feet again î-eal W town regretted to Iearn that Bill soon anti w-e v:ill positix-c-lv jumlp 1Etiger, son of Mr. and Mes. W. A. w-ith joy tlle next Urne we sec i Etiger, Wellington St., has been hinm in a baill -uit tossing bis high Sseriously lIi in the Civie H-ospital, hardi one andi bis gond nurnbcr 5Petrboro, foi' several xveeks, but two pitch.' ý5will biz gland ta know lie is now rnaking satisfactory progress.In comments on BuIls illness the Pt Cartwright Council serboro Review makes the follow- D yirtS vn aing complirnentary reference to Daylgt1 cvn bis fine personal qualities and hîs !Effective April 24 sporting ability: '*Billy Etiger w-ill in ail proba- Crwih oni e pi biiity be lost to flhc basebaîllclub Cawih t Council m peet apri for the corning season. The smnart Reeve W. G. Bowies presiding. young righthander, who has im- Bilwsrcve onCu- proved con--ideraýbly in the last Bl a eevt rr on twa years, is x'eey iii at time of tics' Clerk, re hospital account of wriin ani s cnfnet t CiicAnthony Autere anti Clerk was Hosita wth "o vsiors, instructeti toa avise Counties' Hosptalwitha "o viitosisgn Clerk that Autere is ot a resitient on the done. Latest reports showofCrwihn aidget him mprvingsloly bt ter BIl feom L. Lansing for repaies is litie hope that he will play to Arena xvas referet t Athletie bail this season. Association. Thtis is a great blow ta Bill anti As no tenders wvere î-eceîved just as big a blow ta the bail tearn for bridge timber, Roati Supt. who suireiy neeti a pitcher of Bill's was instructet t procue materiai calibre. A neex-ous inexpericoceti for bridge bctxxeci Con. 7 anti 8, kiti when ho starter] with ait-n Put up sigos on part of road a few y-eaesq ago he was gainiog bctw-ecn Con. 8 anti 9 as clnsc-d. poise anti teveloping natural tai- Councillors Black anti Sw-cet ents anti great things were ex- w-cre appainteti committec, re pecteti of him. this year. The lad's \idening moati between Lots 23 health is the important thing anti 24, Con. 5. though at the marnent, anti even Cleek was insteuctet Io4 notify if he is forcedti t the sitielines for the Ageicultural Socicty that the this campaign he will be ont there agricultnral groundisin Black- again the follow-ing semester. stock shall be available ta the It otten happens that an extenti- Agricultural Society of Cart- ed rest atits ta the effectiveness of wright any day or tiavs they wisb an athlete anti this may be the same for agricuitural pueposes. case w-ith Bill. Mayhap that or- Continuation Sehool Boarti neî-y appeodix that starter] ail the again appeareti before the Couincil trouble bas been keeping bis re changing the prescot Continua- weigbt down anti 00w le may add tion Shool arca ta a High Sehool a tew pountis to bis fas't bal- area. After some discussion a un- wbich wasn't slow before, we animons resolution was passeti by might atit. the Council eequesting the Coun- Bill 'v nex'er spares hirnself in a ties' Council to dissolve the pees- contest, be it basebali ne basket- ent Continuation Sehoni area à% mono V Li imw iftil ÀîlI« ALNIWUi ALL m- Earn MORE M( Year Fromi Any Crop Yes, no matter w-hat you are '"NA -Cl('RS" LIQUID FERTILIZER n-ore profits. "NA -CHUR'," is ideai fi planting anti side diressing. It cao bE watee in your transplanter or any ofhei- lonhiing w ateeîog boses. It ig so coocei wiI make 50 gallons of fertilizer wben ""NA - CHURS" Has Many CNo CIogging of Valves More or Machines,. No B *Ea'iy to lse. No 1% Can 1 *Even Distribution.1 CKUWERS )NEY This You Grow growing this year, wiit help you make [or s-eed beds, trans- eatiteti tirectly to wateî-ing equipment otrateti that 1 quart mixet with water. Advantages For Y'our Money. urning. Vaste. Be Used in Dry Weather. In a recent test by Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, ýve find the-se resuits obtained from iiquid fertilizer:- 1. TOMlýATOES-iinerease in Yield of approximately 10%. 2. SIVEET POTATOES-32.1% increase in yield. 3. LIMA BEANS-adv-anced date of maturity 2 to 3 weeks. 4. SNAP BEANS-30% inerease in yieid on f irst picking. 5. SWEET CORN-5% increase in 3ield. 6. CELERY-5o% increase in rieid. See Your Local Dealer To-day or Write for Information! ""NA-CHURS" Plant Food Cou LONDON[Canada] Limited CANADA - 1 IIMCC- Sportangles.. h 'V I.- . .1 comprising School Section No. 2 tion of a High School area com- prising aIl of the Township of Cartwright. On resolution, C ar t w righ t Township will go on Daylight Saving Time, Sunday, April 24. 2 a.m. These Accounts were passed: Earl Ken, 3 ', cords wood __ $56.00 Wmn. Van Camp, ticket agent, Arena ___ 5.00 D. Beer, premniumn Treas. Bonds ____28.00 W. Pearce, caretaker ot Arena ----------------- 300.H0 R. Saddler, garbage dump, 1948---------------- 20.00 Cjfuncil adjourned tai meet May 2, at 8 p.m. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ery, Solina, Mr. Harry Ferguson. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and Betty, Mrs. M. Johnson, Miss Dorothy Ferguson. Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson's. Mr. andi Mrs. Leonard Bradley visited Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence IBradley, Ashburn. Mr. ànd Mrs. Barkey. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. McNairs, Altona, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. McNairs. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Pethick rnd Gail, Toronfo, with Mr. andi Mlrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Page anti farnii ' witnh ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lconard Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. G. McLean, Ux- bridge, xvere w-eek-end visitors w-ith Mr. andi Mrs. Alvin Boyd. .Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Lois and Charles, xvith Mr. anti Mrs. 1. G. Traveli, Oshawa. Me. andi Mrs. W. Rahm and Doreen, Tvrone, Mrs. H. Rahm. Burkcton. w-ere Siînday caliers at Mrs. Mary Gritfin's. Mr. and _Mes. Jim Simpson, Douglas andi Joan. visited Me. andi Mrs. John Oke. Me. anti Mes. Jack Maguire. P.owmian-ill,,\ith Mrs. John MeGili. Mes. Maer- Griffin is irnproving frorn an attack of the flu. Mr. and Mes. John Liptay, Hay- don, Mrs. A. Prescott, Ruth and Rose Marie, Enfielti with Mr. and Mes. R, Aunger. Mr. Lorne Geiffin and Jean. Pueple Hill, with his mother, Mes. Mary Griffin. Me. and. Mes. L. Stainton and family wi th Mr. and Mes. H. Stainton, Tyrone. Me. and Mes. Douglas Rackham, Lernv and Lynda, Hampton, with Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Ashton. Miss Velma Collacutt, Tyrone, with Mr, and Mrs. Russell Grittin. Mes. Wilfeed Santierson, Col- urmbus. with hier sister, Mes. Edgar Wright. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werey andi famiiy, Mr. and Mes. E. A. Werey, and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGilI andi family, Mr. and Mes. J. A. Weery. Enniskiiien, were Satueda-- cvcning dinner guests at the home of Me. anti Mrs. John Boreowdale, Oshawa, celebrating Brian's biethday. Miss Donaida Griffin, Bowman- ville, home ,%ith lier parents. Mr. A. Wearn, Ciarernont, and Me. Eaele Parrott, Chalk Lake, at Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn's. Me. George Reidi is visiting frientis at Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. James Smaies anti Daviti, Hampton, with Me. and Mrs. James Srnales. Me. anti Mes. A. Leadbeater and Georgie, with relatives in Toronto. Mes, Bueamont andi Jimmie returnedti f Toronto with thecm. Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono. anti Mr. and Mî-s. R. J. Ormiston with Me. andi Mes. Lloyd Ashton, Hay- don. Master Joe McGili was aSn day visitor w-ith Master Clarence Stainton. Mrs. Minerva Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and, baby Doreon, w-ith Mr. and Mes. Heeb. Taylor, B]ackstock. Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Ferguson and farnil 'N with bis parents, Mr. and Mes. Fred Ferguson. Me. Hugli Annis is improving. Mrs. Kcith Feeguson. has been on the sick list xith the fin. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Simnpson. Av ed treasurer of Enniskillen Unit- ed Church and Mr. Lloyd Ashton. n assistant treasurer. Ushers in 1charge for April are Mr. F: Beck- ett and Mr. H. Milîs. Sacrament w-as observed in our II LP church on Sunday with the largest number of communicants in sev- eral years. We hope as many as possible iwill attend the Easter Mission...... CRIPP E services in Trinity United Church Bowrnanville, this week. Wednes- day evening service will be in charge of Rev. R. M. Seymour, Enniskillen, who will be assisteci by Captain Farmdr of SalvationCR Army. Enniskillen choir and oth- ers from this circuit will have WEDDING STACEY-FINLAYSON Bethany United Church par- sonage w-as the scene of a pretty wedding March 21, when Margar- et (Peggy>, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Finiayson, Black- stock, w-as united in marriage ta Mr-. Fred Stacey, younger son of Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Stacey, Janetx-ille. The cercmony was I peeformeti by Rev. W. A. Cran- dali, Bethany. The bride looked charrning in a suit of powtier bine w'ool and a corsage of red roses centued with a white gartienia. Her brides- maiti was Miss Joyce Loganw-ho w-as attireti in ài French bine suit with pink accessories anti a cor- sage of pink roses and whbite gartienias. The groom was attend-, ed by Mr. John Wright of Janet- ville. Aftee the ceeemony, the bridai party enjoyeti a dinner at the Enipeess Hotel, Peterboro. Later the happy couple lef t on a motor trip ta Ottawa and Mon- treal. On their return they xviii re- side on the groom's farrn near Yeiverton. eER A &P STORE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY, APRIL 15th ANN PAGE ]MOT +: OGILVIE CHOCOLAI CAKE:1 FOR DISHES AND Wi VEL- IVORY FANCV BLENDED JUICE YKNCLUB (Conte SUPERB FLAVOUR A&]p BOKAR COFFEE lb. 54 ANN PAGE MILK BREAD White or Brown 24-oz loaf Ilc A & P SUPER RICHI MEATS FOR YOUR EASTER TABLE BONELESS, SLICED lb. 79c MILK FED GRADE "A" SMOKthHANSb - ~75e ]FRYING CHRICKENS lb. 49e SMOKED SHANKLESS, PICNIC STYLE PGRK SHOULDERS ~' l. 9 S.P. COTTAGE ROLLS -l 63c WHOLE OR HALF EITHER END SNOKED HANS lb. 53e PORK LOINS lb. 55e SMOKED SLICED FRESH SHANKLESS BREAKFAST BACON lb. 59e PORK SHOULDERS* lb. 45e PORK BUTTS * b55e S MOKED BACON SQUARES --lb.- 35c - Red or Blue Brand Beef - Steaks or Roasis SEA FOOD FEA TURES COD STEAKS FRESH lb. 25e HADnK FILLETS b. 39g Fun H immnrK Whole tb. 22e SOEFI! I_-pT!S FRESH lb. 5 PRICES IN EFFEOT UNTIL SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1949 The CRIPPLED CHILDREN of your communitcan' become useful citizens with your Fmelp ... by funds raised through the sale cf EASTER SEALS. Clinical: care, home teaching, camping and training at tlis< critical period in their lives is supplied through your' local service club and the ONTARIO Society forj Crippled Children . . Buy and use EASTER SEALS.i HELP THEM TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESSI, This Space E A A R Donated by GE REDAL FILTER QUEEN Don't buy a Vacuum until you have seen The World's Finest. FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION- WRITE OR PHONE Your Authorized Representative WILLIAM S. COLUILLE - ALSO USED VACUUMS AVAILABLE - Vhcone Bowmanvllle 2393 160 King St. West " CANADA UNIMITED'a If was 1909. Lurching and bumping aoer the rough ground af Baddeck, N.S. the Slver Dort rose info the air, piloted by J. A. McCurdy. If was the fIrst aeroplane flighf in rJ Canada-and f made hstory. Hosory waa writfen in the air again in 1919. Alcock and Brown fiew from St. John's, Newfoundland, f0 Ireland, and broughf Canada ta the doorsfep of the -~old world. Then came the intrepid bush- ______pilota, opening new pafhways fhrough Sgreaf wild spaces f0 new discoverjes. In 1924, Canad', Air Force was borai. Through fhe years il worked quiefly, efficiently. Thon came the war, and Canada's men of the air emblazoned their nomes forever in the annals of thei world's great. Now celebrating ifs Silver Jubilee, the Royal Canadian Air Forte is carrying cout a work of peace. Lives are heing saved "~ by mercy flights ... the unchaa-fed North X~ s being photographed . . . scientfic knowledge of cronaufica le broadened. By cpening up many new horizons in this country, the men cf the R.C.A.F. ,..are proving there's room ta grow li Canada Unlimifedi Just how much maoin is fold in "Canada Unimfted", Ç~ aon ilutrt.d 144 page bock publish.d by the O 'K.f. Foundafion. You nay obtamn your copy by sending 25c in cash (no stomps or choques~, pl.oa.> ta "Canada Uaimited', Dept. N3-6, O'K.. f. Houa., Torontoc, Ont ario. PI.a. Prim your naom. and ddrss cl.arly. Ail maies .ecoiv.d wili b. donot.d Io the Caaadiom Citzonship CouncdL BREWING COMPANY LIMITED 0A cunci of service, welfore, church, labour, fmternal and sOa et-ganîzaulons whs almil a f.acqualnf new canadiana witla the oppofuniea offered by democratic ciuz.nshlp in Canada. P3-220t N MAPLE LEAF ~'MATCHES 3 box pkg lGc IONA TOMATOES 2' 28-oz tins 29C FANCY COHOE t SALMON - - - 1/a's tin 35c GOLD REEF SLICED NINEAPPLE - 20-oz in 30c CAKE & PASTRV FLOUR DU S pgf~C MONJARCHR 7-1b.4g fà MAPLE LEAF .cTEAR!BISK Ib.41<e [Elrll 15oz tn 12 RED RIVER CEREAL 2pib.29 balX - pkg29CEA STERb.n VOOLLENS JELLY lb.N SER CREAMED mIge pkg 36C giant pg 73 SCOlb a FINE CANADIAN Ige bar JaC d2med cakes23 c OLD CH3EESE lb. 459 HEINZ R. ETCHUP «13.24 SWEETENED 20-oz in McLARENS STUFFED ents only)14 OLIVESQUEEN 6 .oz.3< AYLMER CHOICE la ALE 2 z 6 11,fNRI 1inz A4 & P EASTER FRUITS & VEGETABLES C ABDAGE GEORGIA FRESH GREEN NO. I lb 5c ORANGES CALIFORNIA NAVEL 344's dOZ24c GRAPEFRUIT FIORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS 4 o27 LEMON-S IMPORTED HAND SELECTED 300', ea 3 CARROTS BRADFORD WASHED TENDER NO. 1 31b17C T OMATOES ~CUAN HAND SELECTED 1-zmnpg25 SHALLOTS LQUISIANNA NEW CROP 2Zfor 29C ONIONS YELLOW COOKING LARGE NO. 1 3 b14C NOW AVAILABLE: FRESH RADISHES, LEAF LETTUCE, -Crcnc Ilectric Phone 55-r-i Orono FARMq AND HOUSE WIRJNG Repairs and Alterations.. ..Pole Lines a Specialty ... Free Estimates ... ~ûOD5 1 TRIMMAT APRIL 14th, 1949 -TH CAWAMAlq qTATr-cZJAIV -1!tnmnjr,&w"tmiv mwvrAeTo% jý;:. ::.: : 1.ý :.:: ý *..:: ': :1. ýw CANADA

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