THfuPiDAY, APRIL 28th, 1049 VR CANADIA!N STAMEMAN'. NOWMAM-ILLE, ONTARIO> PAGE T1~REE ~1 fe ihEaster lle n ht Pre hyt ria As ocitio hydrangas and was a fiting set- tmng for the Easter worshp ser vice led by the members from Hgold InspiringSpriug Meeting Westmount Church. Mrs. Charles Love chose St. John, chapter 20, The prig metig o theWo-be ot id f toextnd he orkfor the seripture lesson. In the1 The prig metig o theWo-be ot id f toextnd he orkmeditation. Mrs. Naish pointed out Man's Association of the Oshawa of the Church," he said. that ]ove drew Mary to the tomb1 in Sime reet Unied Curcl3h, Mrs. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- to finish the embalming. She had1 in Smco Stret nite Chrch ville, brought greetings from the worried about roiling back the1 Oshawa.I Preshyterial W.M.S. She pointed stone but found it hard to believe1 Representatives of 20 United out that the W.A. and the W.M.S. that cherished vision. "It is easy Churches in the Presbytery gath- are two sister societies united jy for us to believe that God 1ii ered in the morning for the meet- one cammon objective ta extend work, bu. hard to believe that inig, which opened with the pres- Christ's work. "*There are so God is woiking," she said. Ident, Mrs. A. A. Crowle, pre- many branches and departments Very satisfactory reports were iding. and so much scope that there is given by the various secretaries Foilowing a hymn and prayer no need of over-lapping," she regarding the money raisedi, the by the presîdent, an address of said. '*The W.A. is the **home large membership and the help welcome was given by the Rev. front" to build up the home available through the literary, J. .K. Moffat, who pointed out the church on a foundation so deep parsonage and citizen committees. opportuuiities opened up by the that the superstructure wiil not Inter2st was sa great in the temn- 1ger organization. "We are be affected by the world and is perance project of the citizenship NAuhing back horizons, avercom- so high that our vision will be committee that another temper- ignorance, fear, intemperance broadened and lengthened," she ance essay contest will be plan- and hatred which are spoiling the continued.1 ned. life of the Church. These must The altar was beautifully bank- Mrs. J. McKenzie, Courtice, of the reso iutions committee, broughti in a discussion on United Church1 visitors ta hospitai.1 Foliowing the serving of lunch, the members divided into com-t mittees for discussion. vThe afternoon session beganr <~? ~promptly at 2 o'clock, with ae yï ~hymn and prayer and a warshipa service led by Albert Street W.A. on "Resurrection." Foiiowing a reading "Theg Crown or the Cross," by Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Clayton Lee reade Delicious. ..made with MAGIC from St. Mark, chapter 14, thep story Qf the Alabaster Box. "Theg Mix and sift into bowl, 2 c. once sifted beauty of sacrifice noted by Jesusv pastry flour (or 1 , c. once-sifted hard- although others saw only the S wheat foeur). 4 tsp. Magic Baking Powder, waste. shows Christ's valuation tsp. saIt. Cut in finely 3 tha. shortening. Make o ur actions. Have we done a ei n etrpour in 2 .milk and mix s 'Qir. alhly ih aeftrk ol j t ouh to a 14 iHrir5J what we could? Like the wid-V thick rectangle, 8IÀ2 wide. Mix 1 lb. minced ox vmie.beh nt how much hlV lean beef with 1 tsp. Sait, ý tsp. pepper, iw g1 uthw uhwehl finely-chopped samati onion. Spread mneat back." she said. i mixture over biscuit dough to within ý'2' of Mrs. J. Whitshire closed with edges; beginning at one end, roll up like a jelly à prayer and Mrs. J. L. Pegg sangb roll. Place in greased loaf pan (4!2 x 8V21. Hosanra," by Granier, accom-f Bake in moderately hot oven, 3750 about 1 panied by Mrs. G. R. Booth, who i hour. Serve with heated chili sauce or brown I ' was organist for the day. gravy. Yieid4o evna Reports were brought in by teC _7 leaders of the cmmittees the had met at noon and the offeringt was dedicated by Mrs. Crowle. n xvas given by Mrs. F. Yeoman, ofb the Dominion Board of the W.A., TO BEAUTIFY who oo as hier subject, "Grow- c ing Up." ITIS A SY .O,, LD FOORSMrs. Yeoman, in welcQming the ' members of the Presbytery, said O how pleased she was to see s0 mnany present. r Yeyou con do a profesional re.flnishing lob She urged them not to be dis- s wlth ou? comploteosy.tO-us. Clarke Rentai couraged if things did not work a out as quickly as they would like. bi 11quipmnt. Sa',' time and mon.y and 949e youf "Sometimes it was better to grow ai flo0r1 n.w beouty and lustre-w. furnish ofl slowly." she said. She stated thatw equlpment, mmoteriols ond comploe t cio she feit that in a few years Osh- tI awa Presbytery would be one of fI the largest in the Dominion Coun- i OUR RENAL LANcilhe pointed out the many ways b( in which the member of the Pres- Pi UNCUDS V!RTHNGbytery cou id help in furtherig b YOU NEID the work of the Church; by seeing that the parsonage was kept in le good repair and made as com- \V M. LEGGETTE fortable as possible for the min- w. ister, by taking charge of the girls' h' PHONE 3744-W-i OSHAWA and children's work, by accept- in __________________________________________________ ing office when it xvas offered ta h( them and by showing at ail times fh a' fnietiatîy spirit by speaking ta strangers in the church and in-j viting them to the meetings. Mrs. E. S. Dafoe extended an invitation ta the Presbytery ta attend the Fali meeting to be held in Northminster Church. Mrs. W. C. Ives, Whitby, on behaîf oi ail present, expressed thanks ta those who had taken' part and cantributed in any way j ta making the meeting such a; success. The meeting closed with the Theme Sang and the Mizpah1 ediction, WEDDING WALLACE-TRIMBLE ben- A pretty wedding took place Saturday, April 16, in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, when Phyllis Doreen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trimble of Maple Grave, was un- ited in marriage with Robert Earle, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Wallace of Oshawa. The ceremony was perfarmei by the rector, Rev. J. dePencier Wright, with Mr. W. E. C. Work- man presidîng at the argan. Bask- ets af white snapdragons decor- ated the chancel. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride ware a larkspur gabardine dressmaker suit with grey accessaries. Her bannet-shap- ed hat was grey, faced with blush pink and the top trimmed with grey ribbon 'bows. She carried a white prayer book with satin streamers and narcissi. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. Ailan Clarke, Bowmanville, who wore a deep rose wool suit with navy blue accessories and a corsage af carnations and -baby i ris. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. George Nugent. a boyhood friend, and Mr. John Stead, bro- ther-in-iaw, assisted as an usher. A reception was held aiter the ceremany at the bride's home for the imme-diate families and a riumber of close yaung friends of the bride and bridegroom. The bride's mother received her guests wearing a turquoise gawn with cinnamon brown straw hat trim- med with a high mixed flower 3iaunt, brown shoes and corgage of creamn and yellow narcissi. The bridegroom's mother also received, wearing a grey silk jer- sey dress with back-draped skirt and small grey hat with high rib- bon bow and a corsage of purple and deep rase sweet peas. The A'edding cake surrounded with tulle and iern centred the table fianýked by silver candelabra with uink candies, all on a Venetian eut-work cloth with deep lace border. The 'buffet, banked with piiak carnations, was also lighted by taîl pink tapers! The bride and bridegroom later left on a mator trip. The bride was wearing a powder blue dress with a shartie coat and a small halo hat of fiowers. On retucn- ing the young couple will be at home ta their friends at 295 Ar- ýhur St., Oshawa. ANNOUNCE BUDGET us * o- o q s s COMMENCINC rdA y PLAN IST PRESENTING THE FOLLGWING ADVANTAGES TO THE CONSUMER 1. Assures You of BLUE COAL in Any Size You Desire. 2. The Feeling of Security in Knowing Il is There When Needed. 3. A Clean Delivery in the Good Wealher Cives You the Service You Want. 4. Permils You Io Purchase ai Summer Prices. NEW PRICES ON . ANTHRACITE EFFECTIVE APRIL 12TH ST'OVYE )S 215Oaion CHESTNUTJ P E A $1 - 9.50Oaton DUCKWHEAT--15.75 a ton E1I C E . . . - $14.75 a ton THRE SHREPPARD AND GILL LUNDER CO. LINITED PHONE 715 DOMWAN VILLE 96 RING ST. E. p.. M if DRO HOME ECONOMiST 11!2 lbs. round steak 1 tsp. chopqped pansley ý12 tsp. sait 12 tbsp. chopped onian 1 ý cups bread crumbs 1 tsp. summer savory or jthymne '/ tsp. pepper 1 ',2 tbsp. meited butter Trim bone and extra fat from m eat, wipe with damp cioth andi place on board. To make more tender, pound with wooden pa- tate masher an edge ai heavy, i plate. Mix crumbs, anion anci seasonings, add melted butter andi spread oven meat. Roll up and tie in shape. Place in roasting pan and pour 2 tablespoons drip- ping meited in a cup ai boiiing waten around meat. Caver ti ghtiy. Cook in moderate aven oi 350 degrees 1"2ý to 2 hours. Un- cover the last hall haur ai cook- ing. Serve with bnown gravy. jVEAL -OAF 2 lbs. veai 6SFie SORE FEET THIS WAY Rub ln Minard's Liniment generousl, and feel the relief steal over the achinq muscles and joints. For ail muscle and 'Oint ain, aches and stiff nesa, sprained, ankies, twisted limbe-Minard'a hai' been famous for over 60 years. Good for dandruif and skin disorders, too; Get a bottie today; keep it handy; I i I Salt 1/ cup milk 1 tbsp. chopped cress Il cup dry bread crumbs 11 lb. fat Sait park pepper 1 e gg 1 tbsp. lemon juice 2 tbsp. tomata catsup 1 onion Select lean veal, remave skin. and chop fine aiang with Sait park.- Add cnumbs, lem- on juice, tamato catsup, season- iîngs, and minced anian which has been browned in a littie fat. Beat egg and add ta first mixture with miik. Mix weli and pack in muf- fin tins and bake in slow electric aven ai 350 degrees for about 1 houn. BROILED STEAK Wipe meat with damp ciQth and trim off extra fat; place meat in heated broiler which has been rubbed avec with fat, broul under pre-heated broiling elen"ent ai electrie range. Seasan vwhen part- îy coaked. Ailow ten minutes on each side for l-inch-thick, welî- done steak. TUE QUESTION BOX Mrs. R. S. asks for mayonnaise recipe using minerai ail: NEW MAYONNAISE 1 egg 2 tbsps. sugar l!,2 tsps. saît 2 tsps. dry mustard latsp. 1,aprika ' cup malt vinegar 2/3 eup minerai oul 3 tbsps. carnstarch 1 cup milk Place egg, sugar, seasanings, vinegar and oil in mixing bowl. but do flot stir. Make a paste ai the carnstareh and ý2 eup milk and stir in remaining milk. Cook the starch mixture over low heat until thick, then add to the in- gredients in the mixing bowl. Beat -all together briskiy with a Doven beater. Cool before serv- ing as it wili thicken mare. Hello Homemakers! Anyone who works with food acquires trick-of-the-trade which is the result of a constant effort ta sim- plify cooking and save time. We are on the perpetual look-out for newv ideas. The other day we watched a demonstration by the 3Home Economist of a meat pack- ing company and ]eanned many ways ta save waste and to pre- pane different, pieces of meat. Here are some af the secrets which wili appeal ta you: 1. To avoid left-over roast beef. ask the butcher ta saw the long nib bone of roast at two inch intervals, Cut aff short ribs, and freeze and use later for braised pot roast. 2. The raasts of beef (sinlain, ilb, rump) should be cooked in a modenate oven of 350 degnees allowing 35 minutes per pound. No searing, no water, no co\'er are neces- sary. Sprinkle with sait when partially cooked. 3. Buy a shank haîf ai ham far economy. Stand it on eut sur- face and split it lengthwîse, allowing the knife to follox the bone closely. The thick, -boneless '"eushion" is excel- lent for slicing and braising. The bone in piece can be simmered and used in salads, sandwiches, casseroles and soups. 4. Experts suggest baking chops and steaks in preference to frying unless yau have a good heavy skillet. 5. Broiling with the door pantly open is the best way to cook steak. To prevent the meat juices from drying on the bottom of the pan whcn a small quantity is broiled use a smali flat pan. Place smal- 1er pans on regulan range broiler pan. 6. To make flank steak fillets. place a strip of inch-thick sait park lengthwise dowr. the middle of meat. Roll the meat around saIt park and place skewers at 1L2 inch intervals. Slice raIl between skewers. Cook filets like Swiss Steak and serve with tomato sauce. 7. To open canned meat, cut aut bath ends of can below the rim. Push contents out whole by pressing thumbs against one end. This method applies ta loaves, not meat with sauce. Chili the meat before you slice it to eut attractive servings. Use coakie cutter for a special occasion when yau serve a cold rocat plat- ter. Theni mince the trim- mings far sandwich filling 8. When you need a large quan- tity of bacon bake it. Slightly overlap slices of bacon on rack of a shallow pan and 'bake tweive ta fiteen min- utes on top shei f aihot aven at 425 degrees. No turning is necessary. 9. To save fifty percent baking time, shape meat boai mix- ture into individual serv- ings. Use the same favorite recipe . .. it is anly the size ai the loaf that changes nat the flavour. 10. Before freezing ground mneat to be stored, shape it into in- dividual patties and stack them with heavy wax paper in between the layers. Then raIl in laminated paper anc. put in freezing unit. 11. Use two farks, instead ai ane. to turn the meat while it is cooking. Lift meat with ane fork and guide or turn with the other. This method avoids excessive spattering ai fat. 12. To flour small pieces ai meat. put the flour, seasonings and meat into a papen bag, fold the top ai the bag and shake it for a minute or so until pieces are covered with flour. MOCK DUCK KING CQTTON'S FINESTI ALL AMERICAN COTIONS IN SUCH VARIETY THAT YOU WILL WANT TWO OR THREE. One or . two piece styles. . button fronts . . self belts . . lace trimns . . round collars and V necklines . . pencil line and full skirts *Ail Sanforized or Pre-shrunk. Chambrays that launder like a fine Iawn handkerchief * in wide or narrow stripes.. plain or woven. Cool crisp Ginghams and fine Stone Cutter fabrics. As sketched- Chambrays In Pastels and the ever popular dark tones. Sizet 1.3-20, le-4 glassware from the staff ai thc engineering department ai Gen- cral Motors. WWÜDING YURKOWSKY - ROGERSON The United Church Parsonage. Newcastle. was the setting for a pretty aiternoon wedding on* April 14th when Ida May, daugh- ter ai Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rager- son. Newvcastle, became the bride ai Patil Yurkowsky. son ai Mn1. and Mrs. P. Yurkowvsky, Petersan. Sask. Rev. W. W. Patterson per- formed the ceremony. The bride, given in marrialge by her father. chose a rayai bliîî wool gabardine ensemblew white cyelet blotue with shouider length v cil. 1-1r corsage was ai blue andi white gradenias. Mrs. C. F. B1oýcrsr was hen s!ster-in-law\'s only at- tendant. She wore a greyý pin- strne '.uit \v:th pink silk 're blouse, black Pud pinlç beret, and a corý'Q,-. cï Pini: and bRby - 'uci gr?>cna~Mr. C. F. Rir.c brother ai Une bride acted as best m an. At the reception held at the" br:dcY, n.'"c, Baldwin St., reccived by the bridai couplej assistcd by the bride's motie,. Mr. and Mrs. Yurkowsky wiii re- side in Ncwcastle. SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES 1 11 i Don't neglect your watchl Oor't bang it around . . DCn't v".,ar it when washing .. . Don't open it UP -. . Wind it re g..iriy ... * Repcirr ts broken crystal et once . .. Hove it cleaned and ouled regu!arlyl Dring your wctch in for a chieckup without oblige- f icn todlayl MARR'S Jewellery m m Anne Allan invites you ta write ta her c/o The Canadian States- man. Send in youn suggestions on homemnakng prabiems and wateh this coIumn for replies. Bowmanville Bride At Pre-nuptial Parties Miss Phyllis Doreen Tnimble, ai Bawmanvilie, whose marriage to Mr. Robent Earle Wallaee, ai Oshawa, took place on April 16, was the guest ai honour at a mis- cellaneous showec when 70 rel- ativres and friends gathered in the Sunday sehool roam aif Mapie Grave Chunch. The girls ai the Engineering Department af the Generai Ma- tors, Oshawa, entertained for Miss Trimbie at the home ai Mrs. Harold Bnamieýy, Giersan Ave- nue, Oshawa, when she was pre- sented with a trilight lamp. Miss Tnimble was also the ceci- PAGE THM