PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN PA'PVquA1.7 ffRnU7,ANU.TV V E%?V'An The Newcastle KIdepeudent Mia. Margaret Auh Prof. E. G. R. Ardagh, Toronto, Mr. Tom Wallace, Toronto, wa! was in town on Monday. weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Lena Law, Toronto, spent Howard Toms and family. a few days with Mrs. Frank Gib- Mr. and Mrs& John McCulIough son. Oftawa, were Sunday guests oC Miss Agnes McNab spent ber Mr. and Mrs. I. J. McCnlllough. Easter vacation with her parents Mr. Lot tus Bellaxny spent thE in Cobourg.. Easter weekend with his soI Mr. Herb Cooke, Portland, Ont., Everett Bellamy, in Montreal. is spending a few days with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cowan, Ot- W. H. Cooke. tawa. visited his mother, Mrs. F Mr. red owa, MalowOk-W. Cowan and Miss Odie Warrer, lahoma, is visiting his mother, MeareCorh 15 ver iithe i Mrs. F. W. Cowan. eaCÀh svril.S s now convalescing at the home of Miss Honey Jean O'Neill, Port Mrs. Minnie Stutt, Orono. Hope, spent Sunday with ber Mrs. Harold Carr, Port Credil, cousin, Neil Britton. spent Easter week with her Little Anne Skinner, Oshawa, mother, Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Mr. spent Easter holidays with Mr. Harold Carr spent the weekend and Mrs. Fred Lake. here. Mrs. C. C. Grubbe. Weston, Mrs. Ted Belsey, Mrs. Herbie spent Easter week with her sis- Gibson and Mrs, Fred Adair spent ter, MrF. P. LeGresley. an enjoyab]e afternoon with Mrs. Mrs. Dora Brooks spent the Tommy Woodlock, Hampton, last weekend as guest of Mr. and Mrs. week. S. W. Brooks, Providence. Misses Connie Enwright and I M WANTED FOR EXPORT Registered and Grade HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS I WALTER FRANK PHONE 2403 R.R. 5 BOW MANVILLE WITH THE NEW 1949 }Iotpoini s tiple-actioni Activatoi s extra-fast but extra-genie . Eet, <2W;:)garme.nt s uaier flexcd, uater-rubbed ~ for thorough cuibirned washing. .Rustproof Tub - Capacfty 8 pounds * Loveil Wringer wit Feather-toucb release * mechanism lubricated fot life. ffrtpmntModel Illustrated $174.50 Termns Available THE «à?-#rTU GIVES YOU * TWO WASHERS IN ONE Fits in your l-otpoint Washer for al te smali 'n-betweeru' washes. A II great tine and maney saver. only $1650 Corne in for a dernonstrat ion The Radlio Shop s. h, e n, Jean Toms have returned mter Mrs. Saunderb Finley, Thornhilî, spending Easter holidmys in Mr. and Mrs. Art Gray, Oshawa, Strathroy with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mrs. E. Ma.jerrison and Mrs. N. McCandless. Pingle, Bowmanville, were in We are very glad to hear that town orn Saturday to attend the Mrs. Harold Hockin la now con- Weterllo.h lt rs .A valescing at hogie. The children, Wteel Tommy and ShFrley, are still with Congratulations Oare in for Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allen, North Street, who markedthir ENOCH A. HOLMES 30th wedding anniversry on Ascaedwt h akn April 23, St. George's Day. Il- :__d__ t t- bakin We are very sorrv to report that Dr.A inie Higbee is jîl in Toronto Western Hospital. Her many Newcastle friends join with us in wishing ber a hasty recov- ery. s'Mr. and Mrs. William Laytci Sspent Sunday witb their daughtei Mrs. Russel Yeo, Oshawa. 01 Saturday tbey were dinner guest t, f Mr. and Mrs. Leland Payn, rand family, Newtonville. d In spite of real chilly and dani weatber, whicb by no mean edampened their entbusiasm, girl iabout town turned out by thi 3.wbolesale for the first bail prac tise of the year at the park or ;t Monday night. It is nice tà see Mrs. Arch:t dGlenney ouI and around agair since being confined to the bous( these last few days. We ai( sorry to hear that Mr. Glenneý must go 10 Toronto for treatments However we trust that in domn so he will find much more con- fort than he is at the preseri time. For the Jasco's hockey tean April 21 was "Treat's 0 " nigb', They were guests of iMr. J. A. Smith at the banquet in Orono in bonour of the Junior "D" Champions. Several other ardent Orono supporters took in Ibis last triumpbant event of the season of Ibis team. We see our local hockey players sporting tbeir new blue and wine windbreakers which were pre- sented 10 tbem April 2lst at the banquet in Orono. They are really sometbing! The boys rai be migbty proud of these jackets as thcy wilI always carry fond memories for the champs of 1949. No;v Ibat the Easter varation is over the srhool cbildren may now be seen gathered in front of any store boasting soft drinks or ire rream. The onlv differ. enre now is that in addition tc the usual din you ran hear the occasional bang of a fire chacher. We'd say some of the fellows were rusbing the season! On Tuesciay, Joey Smith enter. tained a number of litIle friends 10 belo him relebrate bis sixth birthday. The littie, folk and Ibeir mothers gatbered at Joey's home in the afternoon to have a great lime playing games and seeing ail the lovely presents he received. Mrs. Smith and Jac- queline se-ved a lovely lunrh and evPryone went home tired but very happy. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mrs. Frank Lw Mr. and Mrs. Dave Law, Miss Margaret Wright, Mr. Roy Wright and Mr. RobI. Wright. ail of To- ronto, Mrs. Talbot Finley' and AMAZING FÂCT! Maxwell (House contains choice Latîn-American coffees. - the best obtainable. Yet it costs only a fraction of a cent more per cup than the Iowest-priced coffees sold 1 VARIETY NITE Presented hy the Bowmanville Community Council Saturday, April 3Oth 8:15 p.m. Bu H. Se AUDITORIUM LADIES - - 25c business over 43 years, Enoch A. Holmes, 64, of 1866 Bloor W:., To- ronto, died suddenly April 25 at St. Joseph's 'Hospital. A native of Newcastle, where he was educated, Mr. Holmes joineci the Standard Bank as a young man. He served in various branches and as manager at Windsor, Ont. Following the mer- ger witb the Canadian Bank of Commerce, he was appointed West Toronto branch manager. He retired four years ago. Mr. Holmes was a member of the Toronto Skating Club, Wes- ton Golf Club and Bloor SI. United Cburcb. He is survived by his widow, the former Helen Elizabeth Grant, bis brother. W. Holmes, Newcastle, sisters Mrs. H. Row- land, Orono, and Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa. nt 1 Mrs. N. W. Stevens bas return- ln d Iro m boliday s %itb relatives itin SI. Catherines. A. Congratulations to Mr. and o0 Mrs. Truman Henderson (nee )-Olive Browýn) on the birtb of a nt baby boy in Port Hope Hospital. st Mr. Carnet Ellis died Monday m night of a heart ailment. We ex- tend sympatby 10 bis family. rs Mr. Bud Jones bas finisbed bis ie year in Queen's and is assisting - Mvr. Jordan of the United Coun- ie tics for tbe summer. re Mr. Keith Burle 'y spent the [n week-end witb Bud Jones in ts Kingston, both returning home id Sunday evening. Mis Adelaide Harrison re- ýturned b Hamilton on Tucsday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Caskey, Nor- y wod, calld at the parsonage on ItFridav. Mrs, L. Campbell, Renfrew, was guest of Rcv. and Mrs. H. A. r. Miss Mary Burley was gucst olf eMiss Gwen Jones on Sunday. Mrs. Tone Langstaff visited Mrs. Jennie Hoskin, Kendal, on SSunday. Mrs. Pete Laing is visiting ber hbrother Mr. Wilbert Hancock and d Mrs. Hancock. S Mr. Bob Vanatto called on Mrs. eTone and Mrs. Mabel Langstaff. 1 Rev. H, A. Bunt was a delegate eto the Ontario Tenmperance Fed- eration convention in Toronto. Women's Institute Women*s Institute met af the home of Mrs. W. Hanrock xvith an attendanre of 24 ladies. Com- mitIce was appointed to inter- view the Council regarding clear- ing up back street adjoining the school. A motion was passed b lin- crease the salary of the secretary- Ireasurer tb $15. Hon. Pres., Mrs. Holman la- stalled these offirers: Hon. Pres. -Mrs. Holman; Past Pres.- Mrs G. Kimball, Pres.-Mrs. S. John- ston; lst Vice.-Mrs. H. Wadc: 2nd Vice.-Mrs. C. Brown; Sery - Treas.-Mrs. F. Henderson; Dis trict Director-Mrs. J. Pearc Brancb Directors-Mrs. C. Mor ris. Mrs. W. Farrow. Mrs. F. Gil- mer, Miss J. Tbompson; Sunsbinc' Commitee-Mrs. W. Hancock. Mrs. B. Samis, Miss B. Thompson, Mrs. M. Se mis, Mrs. G. Hender- onMr.Ferguson; Conveners- Hitrca Research - Ms. P. Brown: Agriculture and Cana- dian Jndustries-Mrs. Rowe; So- cial Welfare-Mrs, Milligan: Home Economics-Mrs. W. Far- row; Citizensip-Miss J. Thomp- son; Press Secty.-Mrs. G. MrCul- lougb: Pianisî-Mrs. F. Gilmer; Auditors-Mrs. A. Redknap, Miss J. Tbompson. Expressions of appreriation for he work of the retiring president .nd the secretary-treasurer wcre made by Mrs. Holman and Mrs. Gilmer. Reports mere given by aIl but one of tbe Conveners. Mas. Millîgan presented the following program: an amusing reading by Mrs. McCullough on sick-room cltiquette; an enjoyable vocal solo "Somebodv" bv Mrs. C. M. Jones; Roll Cal-the paying of dues. Lunch was served by Mrs. Han- rock and her group. Appreciation to the bostess was expressed by Mrs. Gîlmer. KENDÂL Miss Annie Gordon visited ber niece, Mrs. Earl Burley. Miss Juanita Mercer, Peterboro, was home Easter weekend. Miss Joyce Low and Mrs. D. Low spent the past week in To- ronto, Mrs. D. Low being under the doctor's attention. We hope she is better again. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reynolds were in Toronto Sunday and Master Peter, who spent bis Easter holi- days there. returned home with ithem. We were pleased to see Mr. Kenny, now teaching in Ganan- oque, in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Therteli and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark spent Gooa Friday at their sumn- mer homes bere, but due 10 the bad weather they returned to Toronto, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Garbutt spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swarbrick and Mrs. Jack Swarbrick and children returned to Toronito with tbemn. Miss Georgina Darlington has returned to St. Marys after spending Easter bolidays witb Mrs. A. G. Darlington and Bill. Mr. Bob Vannatto was witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Miss June Gordon xvas guest of Miss Margaret Jackson. Mr. and l\'lrs. Geo. Merrer were in Toronto Sunday 10 sec her brother. Mr. Chas. Elsey, who isý in tbe Gerieral Hospital.' Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gep ch. grandchildren in Oshawa. Miss Grace Mercer visited ber sister, Mrs. Vance Allen, who had an infection in ber band. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Martinell and family. Peterboro, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mar- tineîl. We wish to extend sy-mpatIby 10 Mr. ThoF I-ilditch wbo rereiv- cd word tnat his brother. Robt. ll1ilditch passed away in the Military Hospital at Vancouver. Mrs. Thos. Hilclitcb is spending a feu, day.s with ber daugbter, Mrs. Betty Hughes-Korcn, at the Poyail York Hotel, Toronto. Mrs.ý Hugbec:-Koien was recently ap- voipted executive-director of the MVontre:jl Fashion Industries, at Montreal Work is progressing on leveli- ng and fixing a softbaîl diamord n the Memnorial Park. We hope the rumor that we xvili have a girls' softball team Ibhis season is correct. The boys' hardball teamn arel orgarlized wîth Roy' Sleep. mana- ger: John Thompcon as captain, and Bill Darlington, ass't. captain,; ad Milt Robinson, sec'y .-treas ' On Friday evening they he]d a basket sociiri and dance in Ken-i da] Orange Hall. A large crowd i f baseb! -11 enthusiasts turined ouIt ,o enjoy the dance and bidd'ig on1 te b-skets, was quite Ilively. Dn me nD ,e se g Diplomnacy is letting someone Make ceruns ai else ave our ay. pleasant, disposition is pricelesa. About $60 ws realzed. Mrs. Wilur Henry, er son, Wilbur and daughter, Mary Mrs. H. Numa),> Newmarket, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gass. The yourg folks renewed old acquaintarces at the basebal dar e e WESLEY VILLE e Sunday School was held at r10:30 with an attendance of 39. iLss Margaret Binsted taught the Junior Girls in the absence of Mrs. Arnold Austin. Church followed with Dr. Oke preaching a fine sermon. Young People's Union met Wednesday evening. Mr. Allan Holdaway took the topic witli Miss Helen Binsted reading the Scripture. A crokinole party was held in the Church basement with 10 ttables occupied. Ladies' higb 1prize went to Miss June Inch while the low \ent to Miss Laura Binsted. Men's high prize went to Mr. Earl inch wile the low went to Master Grucie Dinner. A tal- ent table of cooking and. candy met with success and with the silver collection proceeds were over $18.00. We are sorry to report Miss Donna Oughtred is ill. Miss Helene Barrowclough and Mrs. Reg. Bee spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. Victor Thorndyke spent Sundav xith his daughter, Mrs. Grenville Flett at Fenelon Falls. .Mr. Simion Barrowclough spent Sunday with Mrs. S. Milîs, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne and Ruth and Miss Eileen Allin, New- castle, spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Tufford ýnave moved into their new home, the former Schwarz farm. Miss H eIe n e Barrowclough spent Stinday witb Mr. and Mrs. Archre Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke and family and Mr. Sidney L khtPort Hope, spent Sun- ciay with Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne.I Mr, and Mrs. Allan Martyn and Mr. ind MVrs. Arthur Martyri and amlErighton, spent Sunday w.ith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rowclough. Rural paper philosophy: "When the wvife in.-sts on xearing the pants. Foi-ne other babe stands a pretty good chance of wearing a fur coat." Comments the St. Maurice Val- ley Chronicle (Que.): ". ' . we should have a portrait gallery of Canadiars wno. knowingly and cynically, for their own personal or political' ends, sîde with law- b--eakers in bringing anarchy a step doser in this Dominion. recerring to even M.P.'s who stand uo' and sicie witb them in the House of Commons. A TONI 'IOME PERMANENT Kit with plastie curlers $2.50 Toni Refil Kit.......--- ý$1.25 Toni Shampoo --. 35c-55c-95c WOODBURY le SALE 4 Cakes Woodbury Seap Lactogen 69c-$1.59 10-oz. Noxzema_--- s$.00 9ôe size Noxzema ----69c 100 A.S.A. Tabs. -- 19 1-lb. Absorbent Cotton - 79e Blondex Shampoo ----23e IBRYLCREE TUBE ~ Aerosol Bomb . l6-l9 Larvex Spray --- - $l2 Dee Iree Moth Killer - 49c Dichioricide ------ 53c M%,ELTOM*AY Reducing Plan $2.99 - $4.95 - $9.95 IHEGU LARGESTSLIGTO 29E N RE47RIA BABY SCALES FOR RENT PHONE' Tffl WE FIT 695 UUlLIG'S UUU TUUI1LRussEs TYPICAL MOTHER a ma .mFOR A LC~AL CUT THE T.D.S. WÀY TELEGRAPH DELIVERY SERVICE ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD AVOID DISAPPQINTMENT BY ORDERING EARLY CORSAGES POTTED PLANTS M-CENTS - - 50c Amateur and Professional Talent - Movies Round and Square Dancing - Novelîy Dances NOTHERS DAY SUNDAY, MAY 8TH - SOMETHENG DOING E'VERY MINUTE - Sfay Laie FOR A REAL NIGIIT 0F FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT L PROCEEDS FOR SUMMER PLAYGROUNDTI to be Operated by Bowmanvifle Communîty Council ATKINRSO Phone 474 For Dellvery 33 King St. West 3owznanville Prizes Corne Early q --i- -LzlummÀ%Y' APRM ZM' 1949 wr-'rg 31UMACH m m Tfftms1r)Àv- Àlpiellr. omi& fa'dik e NEWTONVILLE TYPICAL CIFT 0 a m A FLOWERS BY WIRE CUT FLOWERS ATKINS