- i -~.......-. -~, ~ - PAGE FOURTEEN TH---A-ADIAl-,TATE.7 N. l y ANVTT. w l , £WTl Senior and Junior Darlington Leagues Football Schedules We are indebted fa Jack Rey- nolds for the prompt posting with the press the following league scheclules to be pla.-l'dLhii eaFon by bath the Senior and Junior entrants in the- Darlington Foot- ball League. Thereli be plenty of action this year between the opening on May 14 and the close of the season Aug. 18. Then the playoffs will follow. The Junior Football League is coming aiong and will be Nvatch- ed with great intcrest. Ail Zion Jr. games will be played an Zion grounds. The Statesman has thc decks ail cleared for the prompt reports of a]] games prornised hY the Secretaries of each tcam. Clip this entire schedule foc future use. Senior Sehedule During May ail games will be called for 7 p.m. and thereaffer 7:3o p.m. D.S.T. Ahl Zion home games played at Solina. May- 14-Bowmanville at Orono Courtice at Maple Grave 16-Enniskillen at Tyrone Zion at Sauina 18-Bowmanville at Hampton Orono at TYrone 21-Maple Grave at Enniskillen Solina at Courtice 23-Hampton at Tyrone MIvaple Grove at Orono 24-Solina at Enniskillen 25-Courtice at Zion '28-Hampton at Maple Grave Enniskillen at Zion 30-Orono at Solina Couctice at Bowmanville duine- 1-Solina at Hampton Orono at Zion 4-Enniskillen at Courtice Bowmanx-ille at Tyrone 6-Zion at Hampton Courtice at Ocono 8-Tyrone at Sauina Hampton at Courtice I WAR, SURPLUS STORE 24 DIVISION STREET BOW.MAN VILLE ALCOLOURS* GUARANTEED INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR $3.25 per nallon Army Boots Reconditioned New Soles and Heefr: Special $3.9F Blankets Army Special $3.95 A. IU. .Army Shirts Special $1.49 Work Pani s $2.85 Army Mattress Special $3.95 ARMY Fatigue Pants Special $2.50 M. LEGGETTEgiJ>5ýÀ PHONE 3744-W-i OSHAWA rd n eu o ------- ----------- j e - D P - *, J Affer cruising through the -in- Tom Barber b ' John M. James. fer hockey schedule without lasing The Trull trophv was presented a game, the Courtice feam, Cham- by Earl Truil to James McGregor pions of the Darlington-Clarke who had been selected as the League, held a dance at Varcoe's league's most valuable player fa Pavilion on Wednesday, May 4th, bis team. A radio draw ended wben couples from the surround- with C. Carswell, Maple Grave, ing district paid tribute ta the being declared winner of a man-j winners. The beautiful T. Eaton tel radio. Music was supplied by Trophy was presented ta Capt. Harold Godfrey's orchestra of 11-Bow'ville at Maple Grave Orono at Enniskillen 13-Maple Grave at Tyran. Zion at Bowmanville 15-HaMpton at Enniskillen Tycone at Courtice 18-Maple Grave at Zion Bowmanville at Salina 20-Sauina at Maple Grave Enniskillen at Bow'ville 22-Zion at Tyrone Hampton at Orono 25-Maple Grave at Sauina Tyrone at Zion 27-Bowmanville at Enniskillen Ocono at Hampton 29-Solina at Bawmanville Zian at Maple Grave July- l-Enniskillen at Hampton 2-Courtice at Tyrone 4-Tyrone at Maple Grave Bowmanville at Zion 6-Enniskillen at Orono Sauina at Tyrone 9-Maple Grave at Bow'ville Courtice at Hampton li-Hampton at Zion Orono at Couctice 13-Hampton at Solina Zion at Orono 16-Tyrone at Bowmanville Courtice at Enniskillen 18-Sauina at Orono Bow'ville at Couctice 20-Zion at Ennliskillen Maple Grove at Hampton 23-Zion at Couctîce Enniskillen at Sauina 25-Tyrone at Hampton Orono at Maple Grave 27-Courtice at Sauina Enniskillen at Maple Grave 30-Tvrone at Orono Hampton at Bowmanville August- 1-Sauina at Zion Maple Grave at Couirtice 3-Tyrone at Eniniskillen Orono at Bowmanville Junior Schedule May- 19-Sauina at Courtice Orono at Tyrone 24-Zion at Enniskillcn 26-Courtice at Zion Orono at Enniskillen 30-Orono at Solina J une- -7 2-Enniskillen at Tyrone Solina at Zion 4-Soliria at T vcone 9-Couctice at Ennizkillen Zion at Orono 16-Sauina at Enniskillen Orono at Couctice 23-Tvrone at Zion 30-Zion at Sauina Tyrone at Courtice July- 7--Enniskillen at Orono Courtice at T-rone 14-Court ice at Sauina Tycrone at Goroti 21-Enniskillen at Zion Solina at Oconio 28-Zion at Courtice Tyrone at Enniskillen Augus t- 4-Tyrone at Solina Enniskillen at Courtice li-Orono at Zion Ennîskillen at Solina 18-Courtice at Orono -Zion at Tvcone o~4 ~LoveLUfo DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS "Loelyfora Lifetime" At vour jewelher's ... or on a ladys finger ... remember, Blue River Diamnond and Wedding Rings are Proudlv Presented - always. iluc River diamond rings are sold by hdwr jerellers acrou Canada - Irotii ;23-00 10 ;5,000-00, Town Football Club Again Enters Teamn In Local League Bowmanville Football Club held a re-arganization meeting Satur- day, May 7th, with a large attend- ance of would-be plavers and enthusiastic aid-timers. Nýew play- ers were questianed and studied as fa experience and ability, and line-ups arranged. The local club bas signed same six or more players, some just out fcom the aid country, and bave played on well-known teams there, which should strengthen the local team. Officers elected are as follows: Han. Presidents-Dc. J. C. Devitt, Gea. W. James. F. R. Kersiake, Dr. C. W. Slemon, A. L. Baker, F. C. Vanstone and Dr. E. W. Sis- son; President-Mc. Joc' Larmour- Vice-President-Benny King; Sec.- Treas-Gea. W. Graham, Jr.; Exe- cutive-Messrs. J. Coyle, Dick Pat- terson, Gea. W. Grabam, Sr.,' Gea. Perfect, Roland Bates, Sr., ad Sid Mucrdock. Acnold Lobb was the unanimous choice as captain af the team for this season. SHAW'S Shaw's Home and Sehool Club met Fridav ex-ening, May 6, with the usual good attendance. It xvas oecided ta bave a picnir. date andi place to ho dccided Jater. Moncy w-as voted ta outfit the newly- formed lea gue baîl team. Chair- man o! program cammittee was Orville Osborne. A quartette from Ebenezer, Mura 'v Osborne, Bill Rund;e, Elmer Down, and Geor-ge Osborne, gavp twa well -reîidered numbers, 've been Working on toc Railroad' and "Wav ,-down yonder in the Cornfield." m-hich w-ere very much enjoyed. Shaw's Orchestra xvas composed of Mca. Otto Bragg, Lewis Wood, Everett W'ood, vihxiolins, and Reg. Bi-oc], %jitha guitar. iss Ruth Bragg was piani. t. Thev donned their Eastec bonnets and played 'Thec Easter Parade" and -Smile A\u hile". Reg. Brock play- cd on bis guitar and sang, "Imn sending you a big 'bouquet ai cases." The orchestra cantinued u-îth Cih-gdou n the ri-vir on a Suindi- aftern-iooiu' and "Red- in.Thcec' numbers were good. Don Wiliams, Bou-manville, fav-- ouced with much appreciatd a las-The Sunshine Of yourF smile- and "Spirit Divine". Levis Woo and Orv-illeo borne presented a short skit. 'Wonder Bov" foc bu- mor'ius entertamnment. 'The quar- Oshawa. Manager Pere Walter! expressed bis appreciation of the large crowd which bad made it passible for the team ta almost break even on expenses and had also enabled the management fa purchase windbreakers for the players. The players include: front raw, framn lef t ta rigt- Mike Nemiz, Tom Barber, Jim tette then sang, "The Bull-dog on the Bank" and "Steal Away" Ken Werry introduced the speaker, Mr. Earl Fairmaýn, head master at the Boy's Training School. Mr. Fairman held the un- divided attentian of bis audience as he told af the aims of the Boy's Training Schol. He gave reasons why boys were sent ta the scbool. His opinion was thýat parents were chiefly ta blame. On the wbale the scbool does it's best by the boys and sends tbem out better citizens. Hie gave each one of us a very cordial invitation ta visit the scbool on May 18 Open House Day. Otto Bragg thanked the speak- er and those wbo assisted in mak- ing the evening a success. Recreation peciod \vas conduct- ed by Miss Ruth Brock and Sam Turner ducing which soda bis- cuits and pie were eaten with much speed and laughter. Lunch was served and a social bal! hour enîoî cd. KENDAL Miss Annie Thampson was home with MVrs. C. Thompson and Ar- thur. Mrs. Jessie Tremaine is visiting hec sister Mrs. Milton Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ellia tt and son. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. Mr-. Leslie Stevens and fciend with bis brother Mr. A. Stevens. Mc. and Mrs. Vance Allen ana familN- xith ber parents Mr, and Mcs. Win. Mercer. Mc. and Mr-. A. Grant. Ux- bridge, and Miss Violet Meccer attended the Masonie banquet in Ocono Thursdayý when * visiting dcuggists Àere guests of honour. John Thompson and Wm. Dar- lington ceicbrated the latter's birthday by taking in the opening bail gtame ini Toronto when. the Maple Leafs won. Mc. and Mrs. Barney' Waters and Miss JuanitR Mercer. Peter- Did YOU receive ci n y "lextras" on 1 a s t year's c ream Mare than $52,000 in patronage earnings were paid during March by Unit- ed Co-aperatives of Ontark. for cream moarketed f rom October 1, 1947, ta Sep- tember 30, 1948. You're paid full mark- et price as your cream is re- ceived, plus a dividend when t's earned. Cons are loaneci free for shipping. Write Toronto Creamery B ranch UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO 28 Duko StreetTont McGcegor, Percy Walter; centre1 cox-Percy Dalley, Dick Nemiz,: Bob Johnston, Bill Nemiz, Bob1 Muir, Rusty McKay, George us- borne; rear row-Ken Stocker, Lorne Penfound, Horace Vetzal, Carl Adams, Murray Osborne_ Glen Pickell. -Photo by John. M. James boro, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mercer. Mrs. Low Sr., has returried home alter several weeks in To- ronta under medical care. We are pleased that she is feeling much better. W.A. social musical evening planned for this week has been post-poned. Mrs. Darlington and Bill with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover at New- tonville. We were very sorry ta learn of the sudden illness of Mr. Thos. Hilditch. After receiving medical attention here he was taken by ambulance ta the Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto. We ail join in wishing him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Hilditch returned home Sun- da av from spending a few days with him in the cily. Sundav tvas Blossom Sunday in the Nýiagara district and a bus load of sight-seecs from this and values Effective Thîursday, Frlday, Saturday May' 12 -13 -14 MINZ-NIEATS-FRUITSVEGETA INFANT FOODS 3 1BBV'S TOMATO CATCHUPI IF INZ-ON'EN BAKED BEANSWITH PORK SLICED PEACHES SIIIRRIFF'S FRUIT PUDDING CRlOSE & BIACKWELLI-ORA.NGE MARMALADE KAFT-SALAI) DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP ORANGE PEKOF SALADA TEA WAUPOOS-SEIVE 5'1% CHOICE PEAS 2i selec'tion was rendered by the choir. Tuesday evening the represent. atives of the hard bahl teams met in Port Hope and, with five teexns wishing to compete, drew Up a sehedule for the season. Tho"e entering the league are, Kendal, Garden Hill, Cameron anid two sons, Mosfs and Samuel. A fitting team~ f rom Part Hope. adjoining villages spent an enjoy- able day viewrng the masses of bloom and the sights of Niagara. Mother's Day Service held in Kendal Church, Sunday, was well attended and capably taken by Mrs. Bunt. Miss Annie Thompson read the story of two Biblical mo- thers and their influence on their WANTED PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE SCHWARZ ERGS. X.R. 3, Bowmanville a cows Phone 2895 THURSDAY - FRIDAY M AY 12- 13 SATURDAY - MAY 14 LEO C-ORCEY TH BOWERY BOYS "'ýANGEL'S ALLEY" SECOND FEATURE JIMMY WAKELY ýCOWDOY CV1IEV MON. - TUES. - WED. - MAY 16 - 17 -18 r' <7queulW W W-' - Meals of Delkous Ouaity are Assured bthei, Outstandrml Food Values Iei,,g Featured This Week At Youu ý Dominion Stores- kBLES SIJNBEAM-STD. 25, GREEN PEAS 3 25C QUINTE-STD). o23c TOM ATI0ES Ti15 CROWN BRAND OR BEE HIVE 18<CORN SYRUP - 27c IRRISISTIBLE FLAVOUR-FRESHLY GROUTND T27c RICHMELLO COFFEE lb. 56< ENGISH BREAKFAST STYLE BLACK Tt.-35c DOMINO TEA 451 DOMINION-FULI, NUT FLAVOUR 39c PEANUT BUTTER 'a'37c RICHMELLO-COLOUJRED S25c OLD CHEESE l.46c PARK HILL OR PRIDE 0F NIAGARA-S.STD5. 60c. 6 TOMATO JUICE 4 2003. 25C READY TO SERVE 23c KRAFT DINNER "ýý0-16c SPECIAL Purchase Two Boffes While If Lasîs! HEINZ Heinz Tomato Caisup 20-oz. fin OFFER Receive F R E E Heinz Tomalo Juice Fruits and Vegetables Local Growni - New Cro' Arriving Fresh Daily Asparagus Ca lifornia Sunkist Seediess 8Ize 288's Navel Oranges - - doz. 45c Sweet and Full of Juice Ige. Size 216's Florida Oranges - - doz. 49c Firm, Crisp (alifornia Iceberg Lettuce Size 60'8 m 2 for 31c Size 4g's -2 for 25c B.C. Fancy Quallty, Eatlng or Cooklng Newton Apples - - 3 lhs. 31c Juley California Lemons -- doz. 47c Ontario Grown, Fresh Green Onions - 3 bunches 10c - MIM 'o.t 'ei EGGS WANTPZD W. pay 1hlghest marke' prire fms eaca Shlipplng tags avaAlabe at C,; - - ' ,, may.a,,,r f,,.~ r tduâmR8 ieg. grd&4AflIation 0<-28. SPORT NEWS Courtice Hockey Team Presented with Trofhy Close or Backward Young or Old of Ail Breeds WE BUY - TRADE OR SELL Fresh, Tender and Crisp Florida Celery - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLF. ONTARIO TffLMSDAY. MAT 19.4% iùàà 1 2 eam-U ý Large Size 300's Toronto