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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 May 1949, p. 8

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PAGE NUT T~ CANAIAN SAT!SMAf.%#471MVà. dlMaWAM tri>outed a vocal solo, Handeils 'ýCome Unto Him" from th. Messiah, which was eppreciated. The service was largely attended which was encouraging. Thumb prints in colories. Ink, in support of the signature, are said ta be proving a deterrent to Miss June Van Dusen, Toronto, visited her father Mr. W. Van Du- oen. Mrs. A. W. Carveth, Victoria, BC., is visiting her son, Mr. Cecil Carveth. Miss M. E. Warren, Buffalo, N.Y., visited her sister, Miss Odie Warren. Mrs. H. Dennis visited her son EIiner Pollard and his family in Courtice. Miss Agnes NMcNab was wit.h her parents in Cobourg over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Rav Foster. To- ronto, visited bis mother, Mrs. J. G. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Tomns, To- ronto, vîsiied Messrs. Art and Normnan Toins. Mrs. Alec dair spent the week- end cr c:uîhte, Mrs. AI BroiwN 1:; kiw Mrs. H ir v Mdoiltton and Lyn, Osha~; i. Lie usts Xednesciay of Mrs. L.o.< Po,.ard. Cor.--.:Àt:o,ýns to Mr. and birs.WmL.i\toii on their Golden Mr. andi Ms. Vnce Sutton, Toron-o. were week-end guests of Miss B. M\aclntosh. Mr. ar 'd Mrs. Howard Nelles, Belleville. viSited her parents, Mr. end Mrs. W. D. Thickson. Miss Dorothy Trenwith, Toron-i ta, spent the week-end with her aunt Miss Louise Tenwith . 1 Miss Olive Ubdegrove spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bomley in Hamilton. Mayor and Mrs. Tacey Manes, Leaside. were Sunday guests of Mr. Tracey Manes and family. Mrs. Arthur Horracks, Syra- cuse, N.Y., visited hem uncle, Mmî. Percy Brown and Mrs. Brown. Mm. and Mrs. Harry Dennis and Ronnie Pollard visited in Lindsay witb Mm. and Mrs. James Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Barrett, Erie, Penn., spent a iew days with bis sister, Mm:. Wm. Layton and Mr. Layton. Mr. and Mms. Allen Dixon, Ham- ilton, weme hasts ta Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aiken, Keith and Camilla on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mm. and Mns. Ahi. Gray on the birtb af their son in Bowmanviihe Hospi- tel, May 10. Mm. and Mms. Harmy Weiss, To- onta and Mm. Colin Deniels, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Megit. Watch the posts and bilîboards for the exhibition softbalh game between Bowmanville and New- castle Girls' teams. Mms. Morley Sallows, Danny, ITeddy and Randy. spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Ed. Sallows WATER- Water is one of the main things of if e. Why get it the hard way? Let us put in a Water Pressure System. We have the best known makes with reliable companies behind them such as BEATTY BROS. DELA VAL COULDS WE KNOW HOW TO INSTALL THEM WE WILL INSTALL THEM We wilI give prompt service on ail Instalationg and repairs. Asic sur numerous aatlsfled customers W. H. BROWN Amm-i-dent Helps prevent tooth decay 75c tin> RevIon TOUCH 0F GENIUS Matched Set ------- $2.00 Nail Enamel 50c Fastslon Plate-- $1.25 Gillefle Rocket One-Piece Razor with 10 Blue Blades $1.29 M'CEAN Prevent Moth Destruction Aerosoi Bombs $1.69-$1.98 Larvex Spray 83c-1.29-1.98 Moth Killer........---lb. 49c Diehloricîde 53e Bloekettes - . Oc-25e FIy-Tox 25c-45e-75c Sprayers - -- -------- 39e Low Prices Lactogen. 6csl5 93e Noxzema ....69e1 1O-oz. Noxzema $1.00 1 100 A.S.A. Tablets --- 19e Blondex Shampoo -.---- 23e FREE MENS COME ith Ige. size Brylcreemn BOTH FOR 49e Toni HOME PERMANENT DeLuxe Kit - -------- 2.50 R ef il -- - - ------------- 1.25 Crearn Shamnpoo 33c-55c-95e Melloway Dietary Reducing Plan Guaranteed to help you Jose excess fat. $2.95 - $4.95 BRYLCREE Î'LAèCDY25<*49<ý The Newcastle Independeni Min Magaret Ash ork, tnying to locate a biack- ailer and thief who turns up inr he persan ai }?amry Ryan. The omplications that set in caused bîlanious night. Especiailv womth nentioning was the mastenful aY the actons conquemed theiri ificuit Irish brogue. Tbe most parkling performance was given ýYMiss Catherine Tueker. Cath- rine fiitted thraugh hem part in he typical Irish lilting mnanner. ler excellent performance added est ta the likewise mealistic per- ormances. The play xvas under the direc- ion ai Rev. W. W. Petterson witb he assistance of Miss Evelyn Olin. Characters and Actors Mrs. Della Oberon, Joan Bel- ey; Marguerite Oberon, Clair Ah- -s; Mynon Oberon, Eanle Brown: mrs. Maggie Shannon, Agnes cNab: Moily Shannon, Cather- e Tucken; Tam McFadden, lenn Allin; Dalones Dawn, a rma donne. Jane Beckett; IHemnrvI yen, Lloyd Mar"; ~Annie . 1 and friendls in Coldwater. Mr. and Mmi. Albert Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Gord Gray speni Satumday in Toronto. The men took in the double-header at Sun- nyside. Mm. and Mrs. Archie Riddell and Bill, Sharbot Lake, Mr. Harold Deline and Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Friedlander and family, Toronto, were weekend guests ai Mrs. L. Deline and Mm. and Mms. W. Stomks and Candy. Mm. and Mrs. Allen Howard spent the weekend with bis ma- ther Mms. Scott Howard. Mrs. Howard bas just meturned home aiter spending the wintem in Whitby with ber daughtem, Mrs. Donald Gibson. We are very glad ta welcome Dm. J. A. Butler and Miss Coa Butler back home aiter spending the wintem in Phoenix, Amizona. Sa f ar not many people have seen the doctor, but just ta know he is home again is good enaugh for us. Monday aiternoon the wail oi the fire simen was beard calling the people ta a car which was burning an the iront street. After the fire bad been subdued by hand extinguishers the extent ai damage was iaund nat ta be toc great. It xvas such a lovely weekend that the cattagens were down et the lake in full force. Mm. and Mrs. Bull and family, Mrs. E. Dun- can and Buster, Mrs. J. E. Fidlem, Mrs. M. J. Hamilton, the Eînbecks. Mms. Fred Cauch Jr. visited hem sister Mrs. Bob Robertson, To- monta. At tbe service in the United Chumch on Mother's Day, thmee iittle babes were cbristened- Glenda Lynne, daugbtem ai Mm. and Nims. Frank McMullen; Marie, daughter af Mm. and Mrs. Alfred Graham, and Wayne, son af Mm. and Mrs. Mamlow Hancock. Mr. and Mms. Doug. Wright, Trenton weme home in Newcastle for the week-end. Mr. Jamie Wright, Part Pemry, was witb Mn. Gea. Wright on the week-end. We hear Jamie bas stamted con- struction on a new bouse in Port Penny and we understand that the cement is now is. The aId swimmin' hale is get- ting plenty ai use these days. Lest week, during that warm and vemy sticky weathem, not too many kids went straight home fmom scbool. The iirst stop on their agenda was a cool, refreshing dip in yon Swimmin' Halé. We see that the aId Spencer homestead is down and Mm. and Mxs. Art Tuson, Oshawa, are making cement blocks in prepara- tian ta buihding on the west of the Spencer pmoperty. Reg. Lovekin, Toronto, iniorms us he attended a Boy Scout bazear et Cbmist's Anglican Church, Toronto, beld under the direction ai E. A. Wrigley, a Dur- ham boy by adoption. Reg. hopes r' to have Mm. Wigley came ta this district during the summer at a boys' gatbeming. Sevesral iram bere attended th, big celebra-tion beld in Newton- ville Hall an Satumday ta honoun MVr. and Mrs. Wmn. Layton wbo celebrated theim SOth wedding an- rsiversamy. They bave 5 children, 13 gmand-cb-ildmen and one great- grandchild. The surprised and hsappy couple were the recipients ofa beautiful silver tee service onj areflector and a pumse of maney. Y.P.U. Scores Big Success In Fheir Comedy Play On Friday, May 6, In New- castle Community Hall, a large i audience was treated ta a deligbt- ful camedy play entitied "Laugh-j ing Imish Eyes" by the Y.P.U. af the United Cbumcb. The Young People spent a lot of time on this play and Friday evening, they put on a splendid performance. Each part was apably iooked aiter and the act- ing and dialogue brought forth rnmemous giggles and chuckles from the appreciative audience. Befome the play and between acts I and 1.1, Miss; Joyce Martin Rooney, Hazel Mae Fisher; Danny jMcGuire, Newton Selby; The entire action of the play took place in the living room of Mrs. Oberon's country home near a large city. NEWCASTLE UJNITED CHURCH W.M.S. met May 5, with Presi. dent Mrs. W. W. Patterson in charge who opened with a Scrip- tural quotation, "O Magnify the Lord With Me," and prayer. Re- ports were given and Literature Secretary announced that nine books had been read by aur mnem- bers. Supply Secretary presented aur allocation for supply work and plans were made how best to meet the requests. Mrs. Cole has had an enthusiastic group in regard to SUPPly work and for some years they have been leaders in the amount of money raised for that purpose. To date, there is every indication that the same group is taking the lead again this year. Mrs. MeIlow took charge and before calling on those members oi her group who were taking part in the program, she couldn't re- sist giving some very interestin.g comments on the Temperance Convention which she and Mrs. N. ikard had attended in Whit- bY. Aiter her opening remarks Mrs. Oco. Allun read the Scrip- ture and Mrs. Geo. Honey led in prayer. Miss Ferguson capably gave in a condensed form the chapter "Literatuire for the New Literate" from our Study Book. The Mission Band came in as guests of the W.M.S. and pre- sented a short program consist- ing of repeating the Mission Band purposes. A hymn was sung: two piano solos by Sheila Goqher- ty: vocal duet by Camnilla Aiken and Velma Har ris; a recitation bY John Patterson and closing i with the Mizpah Benediction. THE TOT TOGGERY 37 KING ST. F. 1BOWMAN VILLE <Opposite Garton's Bus Station) WILL BE OPEN Every Aflernoon (Excepi Wednesday) From 1:30 p.m. Io 5:30 p.m. LARGE REDUCTIONS In Ail Children's Wear YoU! For the support we received customers in Newtonville and f rom We will be around selling Fresh Meats Every Friclay. FRESH KILLED DEIEF and PORK Carefully Matured ln Coolers. Smoked Bacon, Hams and Picnic Hams Fresh Sausage - Ready-Made Hamburger We will be Calling in Newcastle on Friday, l3th. DARLINCTON ABATTOIR R. SELBACK, Owner PHONE 2836 DEAD STOCK - FREE SERVICE W'e wai pick up al dead or crippled farm animais FREE 0F CHARGE - Hlghest Prices Paid For OId Horses - PHONE: PETERBORO 4026 COLLECT Nfick Peconi, Owner manville, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar MeQuade. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmny McMullen, Pontypool, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Larmer Hyland. Mr. Charles Gibson has return- ed home after spending the winter with his son in Toronto. There was a meeting held Mon- day at the church about decorat- ing the church. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna are spending a f ew days at Oshsawa. Mr. Gardon Hanna and Miss Eleanor Pankhurst, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian. Mr. Lloyd Henry spent Sun- day with his sister, Mrs. Lamne McKee. Miss Velma Grahami is work- ing at Mr. Graham's, Enniskillen. Mr. Ronald Williams and friend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivien and Marilyn attended the surprise party for his uncle, Mr. Chant at Blackstock. Miss Joanne Young spent Sun- day with Miss Faye Ferguson. Mr. Danald Larmer and Miss Joyce Larmer, Toronto, with their parents. Mm. and Mrs. Talbert Finnely, Thornhili, Mr. Bert. Finnely and friend, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and Gale, Thorn- bill, Hr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson, Bruce and Mr. James Lawson, Yelverton, with Mr. and Mis. Marwood McKee and Mrs. Thom- pson. Miss Zetta McKee and friend, and Miss Muriel McKee spent Sunday at home. TYRONE Mother's Day Service Sunday morning was welI attended, with Re%% A. E. Cresswell giving a splendid message on mother. The choir provided suitable Music. The following chi]dren were pre- sented for baptism: Charlotte Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis; Katherine Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Hoar; Irwin Allen, son oi Mm. and Mrs. Arthur Hanmilton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hicks, Harriston, and Mrs. Selena Stephens, Gorrie. They also visited their nephew, Mr. Arthur Stephens in Listowel Hospital. Glad ta see Mrs. Mina Hugh- son has returned home having spent the winter with Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold, Gormley. Mr. Robert McCullough. and The play, "She's My flaisy"'l by members ai the Ladies' Service Club, given on Friday night, was, well attended and wes intenest- ing and enjoyaible. Music was pro-: vided bNI Alec Stackamuk, Frank lin TruhI, Eaml Luke and Mary Nid-* dermx. Mother's Day w-as observed in the Sunday Scbooi, Sunday aftem- noon. Special printed progmam was followed. Mrs. E. S. Lin- stead presented th~e stnmv ai the! ile ai David Livingstone, mis- j ionery ta Africa, in an interest- * ing and capable mannen. Sunday evening service was of îniterest and wag in charge of Rev. E. S. Linstead, who gave a bnief message in keeping witb the themne ai the day and baptized the io]]owing chihdren: Donald Michael and David Grant, sons oi Mr. and Mrs. Tam Rogers: I C~:Ef, ~,son ai Mr. and Mx&. Tom We.atlake,- Virgîn.ia1 Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson; Harry Michael, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smitb, Shemilyn, deugbter oi Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Chant; Vern Glad- stone, son oi Mr. and Mms. Ted Chant. and Linda Carol, daugh- ter ai Mr. and Mrs. Normanj Broome. Mns. Gordyn Brent, a 1 - -- - - 1 the formel '& sister, Miss Maggie McCullough, Pontypool. Mr. John Hinds has retumned to his home having spent the wintem in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spragg and children, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Mr. and Mis. Hor- ace Hall arnd Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Hall spent Mother's Day with Mrs. W. T. Womden. Tyrone Jr. Y.P, are presenting their play at Greenbank Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Brown and, Jack, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner. Miss Helen Miller, Toronto Genemal Hospital, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Glaspeil and children with Mms. F. B. Glaspeli, Zion. Mm. and Mrs. A. Mlarshal, Charles and Jimmie, and Mrs. E. Larkin, Mimico, with Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lewis, Wel- came, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rey- nolds, Port Hope. with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeil. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Tremlin, Mr. Bruce Tmemlin, Roseneath, with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart. Mr. and Mms. Albert Wood and children, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron. Mr. and Mms. Murray Tabb with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdock, Maple Grave. Mm. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Cliii and Grenville, with Mrs. J. Lilli- crapp, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larmar and baby. Toronta, with Mr. and lWrs. G. R. Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Martyni and Ronald, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Russel Luke, Hampton with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott. Mrs. G. Rosevear and Esther Ann witb Mr. and MrUs. I. Mr. Larmar and Mm. and Mrs. Mel- ville Bail, Millbrook. Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan. Bèwmanville, Mrs. Laura Vir- tue with Mr. and Mrs. E. A . Vir- tue. Miss Lillian McRoberts, Toron- ta, witb Mr. and Mrs. Howamd McRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson. with Mr. and Ms George Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Annis, Brian, Elaine, and Charlotte, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Little and Mr. Walton Annis. Dunharton. Mr. and Mrs. George White and Jean, Boinanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Hoar. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore and child- men, enjoyed a miotor trip on Sun- day and calhed on Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Down, Lakefield. Master Allin Cale with bis cousin, Bert Wemry, Enniskillen. Sorry ta hear that Mrs. Laura Virtue feil on the street Saturday evening and was badly bmuised. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bloye, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bloye, Little' Britain. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shipman, Cour- tice. with Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell. Miss Evelyn Beckett with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley,1 Myrtle. Misses Jean Coyle and Jean, Kitson, Bowmanvihle, with Do-1 meen Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith. Gloria, and Bob, Bowmanville, Mr-. and! Mrs. Hilhiard McClure and Janie, Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Ms. Hugh Murphy, Long: Saut, leit Friday morning for New York irom Malton airport ta attend the' funeral ai hem sister-in-law Mrs. Jack Acheson. Mrs. R. Gibbs and family visited hem mother et her sister's, Mrs. Fred Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. Tediard Kidd and Rod- ney, Goodwood, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Smith. Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Canniiton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert His. Mrs. W. Wright, Newtonville, with Mr and Mrs. Russell Wright. Mr. Gardon HuIls and boys, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs.ý Albert Hilîs. A numnber fmom here chartered' Taylor's bus and enjoyed a trip to Niagara on Blossomn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ciap visited his parents and th er rea tives at Belleville.-I W.M.S.7met et he-home ai r._ MOTORS Hiarden's Garage .JOHNSON OUTBOARD 'SALES & SERVICE 'et ready for the Holiday Season - Corne ln and se* the New Models. NOW ON DISPLAY Immediate Delivery on 2 and 5 h.p. Maite shobby woodwork end discolored kitchen ~RTI *~and bathroomn walls MARIIsparkle 11ke newl 01ve SENOUR Ild or dicarded furnhture new usefulness, new beauty 1 Its eaisy with Martin-Senaur Multi-Use Ena meil 1Il assures a rlch, lasting, lsigh-gloss, lustre. Aise the perfeC. finish for suds outdaor articles as bicycles. ,. window boxes, gardon tools. e .~& ~your painting needs, and for O /T ' (, 6tr t4'$ V (/problems. P10He E sU HOME ce E VER YTHIN G YOU NEED TO Iwe ue LuIInYORHM King Street West Phone 497 r- ,, I "THE I E SUNBONNET A4n Operi i Starring AND JOHN HOW, DIRFeTED BY - Cast - SUNBONNET SUE......................... Miss Loulse Peorce BOB COLEMAN............................ Mr. John Howord MRS. COLEMAN............................ Mrs. H. Morri.on BARBARA COLEMAN....................... Miss Joyce Coppin JERRY JACKSON................................ Mr. R. Bent MRS. MEADOWS.............................. Mrs. H. Stacey MR. MEADOWS................................ Mr. P. Bent MIRANDA MEADOWS.......................... Mrs. G, Parker MRS. SCROGGS.............................. Mrs. E. Holland MR. SCROGGS.............................. Mr. E. Holland EVALINA SCROGGS.......................... Miss A. Sorgeont SADIE SIMPKINS............................. Miss D. McGee LUELLA LUMPTON............................. Miss D. Lloyd EZRA McSPAViN............................. Mr. M. Jenkins REUBEN McSPAVIN.......................... Mr. R. Wiltshire and a Chorus of 20 Voice8 Planist-MRS. H. LEIMN PRESENTED IN THE Bowmanville High School Auditorium U'nder the auspices of MAPLE GROVE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE THURSDAY, MAY l9th AT 8 P.M. The stage settlng Io a beautiful gardien and là being designed by A.. W. Rundie, landscape gardener. Lighting by Mr. R. Wkks. A DM IS SIO0N 60 CENT& ,etta VARO ANNOUNCEMENT Marion McGee, A.T.OSM. TEACHER 0F PIANO AND THEORY Will Open a Class in September îl' FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING DATE AND RATES Please Phone 875 DEALER FOR Came Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milicers and Separatoru Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment 91 Ring St. W. Phone4 MEMBER 0F O.R.F.E.D.A. 497 H.Ip reII.v, DULLNESS a SICK HEADACHE jACIO INDIGESTION e CONSTIPATIONI THANK IAMPTON 69 CO WLING 'S DRUG STORErRE FIT w &IZJX Lamb lvu ~J JOHNSON OUTDOARD CADMUS Cadmus Church was ,vell at- tended Sunday, for Mother's Day. Mr. Young, Oshawa. took the services, ana will take the ser- vice next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson. To- ronto, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson, also Mrs. Fallis and Miss Birdie Fallis, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gay andj family, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Frank Burns and familv, Bnw- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMtLm. ONTAMO King Street West Phone 497 . OFMUPPMOM à 10 qkàpàqm a- .-.- w

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