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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1949, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TNE CANADIAN STATEMAN. BOWMA&NVILLE, ONTAI IO WUA,3I2d19 IThe- Orono News Mrs. R. E. Lob an Miss Adele Morten and Mr. Dick Morten, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. A,. Morten. Mrs. C. Reesor, Markham, vii ted her sister Mrs. M. Sherwin. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stewart, Moose Jaw, Sask., are visiting bis bro- ther Mr. R. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Horne, Whitby, visited her mother Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Hughson, To- ronto, visited relatives in Orona. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. S ta int on. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodo and Daxia, Rocbester, visited tives here. Mrs. F. Werry, Tyrone, vi ber sister Mrs. C. Awvde. Mr. Charlie Wood, Kitch( spent the iveckend at bis bon We are pleased to report Mr. Milford Sherwîn is imp ing fo]lowing an operation in awa Hospital. Mrs. C. L. Powvers left by rr for Kenora ta visit Mr. and J. L. Po\7-crs. Mrs. W. G. McCullocb hast week with relatives in THEATRE -DOWMA14VIL]Ur WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - JUNE 1 - SATURDAY MATINEE Igi ass rela- -isited ener, ,me. Stha t ýprov- Osh- nator Mrs. spent Coi- vi cI r a FREE BABY ESFR EE LUCKY NUMBER DRAW FRIDAY - SATURDAY - JUNE 3 - 4 MON. -TUES. WED. -JUNE 6 -7 - 8 orn ROOF -Contrjactor Shown with Proprietor Roy Nichols ..*. .'.5' ~ f E) Befare the front entrance of tbe Oshawa, with Mr. Nichais, propri- neighbors and friends in Courtice, Roy W. Nichais car sales and ser- etar of the new -building and bus- their cooDemative business rela- ice building, Bowmanville's new- mness. The Gay Co. were the con- tionship wVas expressed at the for- ýst and most modemn business es- tractors and Harry Gay left no mal apening of the new building lbhlishmcnt, are shawn, left, Har- stane unturned ta effect one of on Friday evening, May 27, 1949, cy Gay of Courtice, genemal man- :,he 'best construction jobs ever in the pose whicb shows Mr. Gay iger. GaY Constuction C.Ld.een in tbis district. Lifelang taking delivery of a new Pontiac Rex-. A. E. Eustace is attending John Tamblyn Record H Y O conference in Picton this we ek. H,. - 1 Mrs. W. J. Lycett visited Mr. Sale of Hoisteins and Mrs. Perey Farrow, Shilob ____ Miss Olive Rankine bas pro- Mr~. and Mrs. Harold Hancock John Tamblyn of Orono bas sold ltrdtepsto fslitat and famihy, Belleville, visited Mr. Holstein cattle of total value of Fairlawn United Cburcb, Toron- and Mrs. Edgemton Hancock. $600,000 in the last eight vears. He ta, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown and is salesman for breeders of the On Monday afternoon Miss An- family, Lindsay, witb Mr. and Black and White cattle in the derson anci the schooî pupils en- Mrs. J. D. Brown, Leroy attended caunties af Peterboro, Durbam, tertained the mothers and young- the Jr. Farmers' meeting in the Northumberland and Hastings. er childmen at an Empire Day pro- tawn hall. "I dispoed of al of them gram. The meeting opened with ss Maroi carnwo tbrough one buy er, C. S. Erb and "The Maple Leaf Fomever". Tbe teaching in the Cobourg publie Ca. ai Pennsî lx ania, Mm. Tamb- Story of Confedemation w,%as given _______________________ by Cameron Olesen; Recitation, school wvas home for the weekend. -TheLittle___________EddyFor- tdMr. and Mrs. HrR. . odand si- gett; Sang by the Seniors- Allie. adrs R H*Wodan'Thanksgiving Hymn of Freedam" Allie.Stary of the Union Jack by Katie Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Olesen; A solo "The Little Fiddle" Milford Davis, Lakefield, on their by Gamth Olesen; Recitatian "The marriage. Mrs. Davis was form- Union Jack' by Mary Liptay; erly Miss Elizabeth Bumgess, Or- ~., Flutes and Rythm Band by the ana. scbaol: piano solo "Allegro in F" Mr. and Mrs. Walter Couch visi-. and -Vesper Hy-mn" by the sehool; ted friends in Toronto. piano solo "Stamlight Waltz" 'by Rev.A. E Eusace ondutedMary Liptay; Flute Band by Ca- Rex' A.E. ustce cnduted~ 4meron and Katie Olesen and John anniversary semxvices at Eldad on -ity Sn y h e Sunday. .adMm ity agb h e Mr. . Eliot, Kngsanwasniors 'Land. of aur Birtb". Pro- Mr.'J EllottKingtonwag am closed with Gad Save the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dun- King and lunch was served. Num- Mmn. SmKae mgtn n ber present 40. Mr.ndam at bisBhomehonre. tMr. and Mrs. Chas. Rankine Sundy athis ome ere.were hasts at a C.C.. poitical Miss Shirley Porter and Miss meeting held at their home on Lauren Bedgely, Oshawa, visited Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Miss Shirley GarrardTrno A well filicd bouse greeted the home. playei's fmomi Albert St. Cbumcb, Mm. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and Oshawa, when they pesented aiyTonttMrHey tbeir Operetta -Sun Bonnet Sue" fAmsh ,T omnt, t m.He in the town hall on Fiday night. John Tamblyn Mrs. Alice Thorupson, New- They delighter' the audience from ate r ndMs alTop beginning ta end as was shown by lyn said. "In my long dealings son an-d family, Boxvmanville, at the applause they received. Miss w;ith them. I bave bad very f ew Mr. Roland Thompson's. Louise Pearce in the titie raie disagmeements with them, and Mm-. and Mms. Leonard Stainton was charming and in ber singing those exceptions were only aad miyEnskletMr cspecial good as were many of minar nature. I bave found them acdfailPo nnskllnatMm the others in their solo and char- vemy faim in business. Jc ot' us work. ProceeMs %were $112.50 Mm. H. K. Alwine, wbo is 8i Mm. Reid Diekie, Mm. Elwyn and the W.A. of Park St. Churcb vears aid, is up bere now. He tlid Dickîe, Nestîcton, Mr. and Mms. are grateful ta the cast for making m ehewudtk1,0badhi Frank Black ai-d family, Oshawa, this possible. summer. The price is generally at Mr. Dan Black's. Large crowcls attended the Sun- about $75 a head less than last Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry an-d day Sehool annix'crsamy services fahl. On the \vhole, demand is still family, Winnie Trimm, To- at Park St. Church an Sunday. fairly good. During the last part onta, at Mr. Frank Denhy's. The alter' xas boaîîtîfully decora- of April I sold 81 head in four Mrs. Donald Mauintjoy, Jan and ted xith iacs and fern. Rex'. A. days.' Lvnda bave mtumned ta Turontoý E. ELIStace l'ad charge of the momo--"I bave alxxay~s tied ta put afler visiting Mm. ai-d Mms. Fmank ing service assisted bY Mms. A. A. through deals that were in the Denby. IDrumnmond, Siîpî. of the Sunday interest of the breeders for whom Mrs. Frank Smith, Enniskillen, School. Th.ý choir w-as assisted by I have been daîng business andl1M.W .Vru, rnM.Rs IMm. Donald Williams, Boxvman- tbink they hax'e confidence ini me ." MmeW Vitue, ron, tMm..Rus- ville, who was heard in a well First calx'es of artificial in sTeins rendered solo "Spirit Divine". semmnation have been gix'ing good M. .E.CWomaattea-satisfaction ini thsdistrcsttd Mr. an-d Mrs. Cecil Slemon at gan and Mrs. M. H. Staples at Mr. Tambly n. 1 think t s going ta -Mr. Lorenizo Mountoy's, Nestle- the piano pla ' ed "The Lost Chord" turn out ta be a big asset ta farm- toi-. In the evciiing Rex'. Mr. Linstead ers who needed it most." Mm. and Mrs. John O*Neil ai-d Hampton, hi'otght a fine message. Lucky",, Miss Joan Frecker. To- The chair of young people sang POLISH LIVESTOCK î'unta, Mr. and Mms. J. A. Wermv, txvo numhcrs. ThcY were assisted . Enniskillen, Mrs. B. Olde, St. bl'v MVr. Glen Allmn, Newcastle, who Polish livestock goals for 1949 Thomas, at Mm. Lloyd Asbton's. sang -The Holy Citv" in fine cati for large increases Mr.~ and Mms. Alymer Beech at voice. He was accompanied by stock numbers. although flot ta Mr." Harvey Harris', Enniskillen. Mrs. Wokman at the organ and the level of 1938. The cattle goal Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Mrs. Drumnmond at the piano. is 6.3 million bead, that for hogs family at Mm. Edgar Wrbght's, En- - is 5.9 million and for sheep 1.6 niskillen.' million. These figures represent Mm. Frank Denby with bis sis- increases ax'er 1948 of 600 thou- toi. Mrs. Cox. Toronto. sand, 1.3 million and 200 thousand Mr. ai-d Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, h ead respectx'ely. Ronald ai-d Ra.v accompanied Mr. and Mrs Rusell Ormistan ta Mm. Boys are mome emotional than R.S. Caldwell's, Port Hope, on girms n childbood, according ta Sunday. psychiatm sts. Congratulatians ta Mr. and Mrs. ROD 3 GES NORANO OPENINO :1 GOES ON HEAVIEfl COAl BY MODERN SPRAY METE YOU PAY FOR THE MATERIAL THA NOT FOR WASTED TIME GOES ON FASTER Guaranteed Work by Bonded Rodf ers FREE ESTIMATES ON ALIL TYPES 0F ROOFING BEA VIS BDROS. Cou Ltd. 12 LEWIS ST., TORONTO -XIadstone 0735 Reverse Charges Oxf ord 4494 car fram Genemai Motors agent ,Mr. NichaIs. This pictume, taken separately, was ne f th e i gh - lights af the notable occasion for it expresses tbe loyalty and friend- MANY PARENTS SAVE FAMILY Clifford Petick on the arrivai of FO a daughter. ALLOWANCES FORTUH'TU CHILDREM Tbe boly rite of 'baptism was ad- Monthly Cheques Wil! Pay For Education or nnstered at St. Olive's AnglicanOt e Fu re E e ss 1 ' - -8,-en A ic n e - ' uIP -i- ter of Mm. and Mrs. Fmank West- ax'er, was baptised. Rev. Sextus K. Stiles officiated. Mm. and Mrs. S. Liptay, Dixie, at Mm. John Liptayý's. Mr. K. A. Smith and Sally, Kingston, Mm. Hugh Mechin, Osh- awva, Mm. and Mrs. Fred Ross, Miss Mabel Silis, Tomonto, Mm. and Mrs. Jim Hayman, Bowmanville, at M. Don Cameron's. Ms. Don Camemon at M. C. W. Downey's, Sbaw's. DANISH APPLES Te exceptionaly good 1948 apple crop in Denmark. together with favoumable marketing con- ditions, led ta an ali-time record in exorts this year. It is expected that 1.4 miillion bushels wil be exprted, compamed with 300 thousand in the previaus year. As a parent, you mnay be interested ln the constructive way tbousands of Canadian parents are using their Family AI. lowance paymnents. They do flot feel the need for using thîs maney for the immediate requirements of their cbihdren. Instead, tbey regard these cheques as instalments toward buying their cbihdren the golden key to to-morrow's apportunties-education. Sa, every month. these parents deposit aIl or part of their Famîly Alîowances in special savings accounts at the Bank of Montreal. They know that if these cheques go into a child's oxvn bank accoatnt from the first, he wilh have aven $1,000 ta bis credit at the age of 16-a fine financiai backîog for a college education. Besides. when he is aid enough, you can encourage yaur youngster ta add to this fund by regularly saving something himself-aut of pocket-money or earnings from bis newspaper route. The savings habit will benefit him al bis ife. And, in the event of emergency or opportunity, this money makes a vahuable extra reserve. G. E. Moody, local B of M manager, invites you ta open an "education" account at bis branch. Drap in when your next Family Ahlowance cheque arrives. "v 0F THE WEST BEACH STORE AND DANCE PAVILION SATURDAY, JUNE 4th, 1949 SPECIAL 'TEEN ÂGE DANCE friday, June 3rd with Free Music - Corne and Try Our Neiv Dance Floor - CHARLME SEVERS, Owner and Operator mmÈffý NE WTON VILLE Mr. Neil Andergon and Ronald Hatherly visited relatives and friends in Belleville, Brockville, and Smithis Falls, and attended Convocation exercises at Queen's University on Saturday. Mrs. SKi Stacey and Jariice are spending a week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ashby and son, Mr. Doug Gibbs, Oshawa, visi. ted Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs. Rev. Laurence and Mrs. Smiîth, West Meath, called on several as they passed through the village Monday. We are glad to report Mrs. Srnith's health much im- proved. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gordon on their marriage. The local girls won over New- castle in a game here Monday evening. It was a good game, flot because we happened to be vic- toriaus, but good ball was played. We believe fans stili like a good game without wrangling. Mrs. Phoebe Holdaway visited Mrs. Tone and Mrs. A. Langstaff. Mrs. Nora Trigg and family vis- ited her niece Mrs. Willis Farrow. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt are attending Conference at Picton. Mr. L. D. Bell and Misses Hilda Bell and Gwynne Thornpson, Kendal, at George Stapleton*s. Mrs. David Shaw, Newcastle, and Mrs. Manson Patton, No. 9, with Mrs. George Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Nicholîs and Wilma, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Joan and Mary, Maple Grove, Mrs. Sam Buttery, Kenneth and Marion, Bowmanvilîe, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welsh and family, Harmony, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster and Dor- ella, visited Mrs. John Lancaster. Miss Kathleen Riches, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Midget baseball was introduced sta Bowmanville fans Monday ev- pening when the Orono team met tthe local nine on the Memorial Park grounds. Bowmanville won the verdict by a score of 17-3 in eight innings. Lacking expenience, both tearna put up a spirited game which was featured by 21 walks ta first base, til ta Bowmanville, 10 t'0O 0 Base hits were few and scatt with the locals getting 5, incl ing homers by Dadson and Stain- ton ,to 4 for Orono. Fîve pitchers alternated on the mound. Ferguson, Lane and Bates xvorked for Bowmanville and Carleton and R. West for Orono. Ferguson fanned 5, Lane 1, Bates 4, whihe Carleton set down 1 and West 4. Orono bad 6 stohen bases and the locals 4. Lef t on bases, Orono 12, Bowmanville 6. RH E Orono: 011, 010, 00, 3 4 3 Locals: 012, 233, 33 17 5 Orono: R. West 2b., H. Boyd 3b~; G. West ss, M. Lunn if; C. Arm- strong lb; Carleton p; Copping c, Jones rf; B. Hall cf. Bowmanville: M. Brooks 2h: S. Piper ss; R. White If; T. Dadson lb; E. Brooks c; J. Stainton cf; R. Jeffery rf; L. Dewell 3b; C. Ferguson p; alternates, Bates, Lane and Stephens. birthday Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Welsh, Harmno»y on Sunday and presented her witli Ida watch. d Congratulations to Mr. and Mm. e, Harry Worrall who were rnarrieL SMay 27 at Cobourg. .Locals Beat Orono m : 1 1

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