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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1949, p. 7

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?HURSDAY, JUNZ 2nd, 1949 TITE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN gSOCIAL AUD PERSONAL Mr. George Laidler, Hamiltoý vialted his sister, Mns. W. J. Her der&on. Mr. Carl La Prairie, Toroni, apent the weekend with Mr. an Mrg. W. Clarke. ,Mr. Hilda Bragg, Beavertu apent Sunday with Mr. and Mr P. E. Greenfield. Mr. W. B. Ferguson, Hespele spent the weekend with Mr. an Mrs. E. S. Fergusen. Mrs. John B. Brewn, Maria and Lenny, Miss., are visiting hi mother Mrs. Russell Hebbs. Miss Lurana Sleep, Toront, apent the weekend with ber pai enta, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and Mii Dorothy Stanley, Beaverten, vis ted Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allun. Mrs. Douglas Bryant was weel end guest cf ber parents, Mr. an Mrs. William Withers, Kingstci Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hear, Tic ronto, spent the weekend .with h parents Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoa. Mr. Don Ferguson, Hamiltei spent the weekend with his pai enta, Dr and Mrs. Harold Fergu on. A.C. Kirk Everett, Clînton Ai Station, spent the weekend wil his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jolh Everett. Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Austir Diane, Charlotte and Patricia, me tored te Niagara Falls over th weekend. Miss Audrey Venton, Wester Hospital, Toronto, spent the weel end with ber parents Mr. and Mr! S. Venton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur HoopE and son Ronald, spent the weel end in Napanee visiting Mr. an, Mns. Ed. Heoper. Miss Margaret Rutherford, Pei erbore, spent the weekend wil ber aunts, Mrs. C. M. Carruther and Mrs. C. J. Smales. Miss Dorothy Evans, Torent General Hospital, is home on three weeks' vacaten with ber par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Miss Frances Rowe, Post Offi< Staff, was a weekend guest wit: ber sister, Mrs. J. M. Morriso and ber nephew Davie, in Hamil ton. Miss Ulva. Green, assistant i Cawker's Grccery, is at boeren cevering frcm a tonsillectom: performed in Bowmanville Hespi tai. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MeNulty ar ii Mbntreal visiting Mrs. Me Nulty's son, Mr. Frankie Swir burne, a patient at the Homeo pathic Hospital. Tbe eld herse-treugh fountaii opposite the Town Hall Park wa removed last week and replace( by a modemn standard fountait ising from a concrete base. Congratulations to Mrs. Janne Lumb who will celebrate her gle birthday anniversary on June4 at the home of ber daughter, Mrs W. J. Leask, 118 Elgin Street. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White Bournemouth, England, wbe arg on a tour through Canada te th( Pacific Coast,' visited Mr. ani Mrs. Wm. G. James last week. Mr. James Stutt, son cf Mr. anc Mme. Ross Stutt, passed bis firs, year with two supplemental ex. aninatiens in the course leadini te the Degree cf Bachelor cf Phar. rnacy. Murray McRae, BSA, assistani with Agricultural Representativf Ed Summers, iast summer, wa. mrarried recently te Miss Doroth> Knap, Gaît, one of the few wo. men graduates with the BSA de- gree. They will pursue scientific farming. Mr. Gien Brooks, son cf Mr and Mrs. Les Brooks, passed hi, first year with second clasa bon. ours and one supplemental exam. inatien in tbe course leading te the Degree of Bachelor cf Science in Pharmacy. Mrs. D. H. Rice, Oshawa, will be guest speaker at the final meet- ing cf the Mothers' Auxiliary of the Girl Guides and Brownies at the Liens Commm.mity Centre, June 8 at 8 p.m. Plana are being completed for camp and those in- teested are especially invited. Salvation Army Red Shield Campaign bas se far cnly realized $938 with an objective cf $2,600 wa.s in medical pr actice. He bas been invited te take a post with the Saskatchewan Gevernmesst's new medical bealth establishment. Dr. and Mms. C. W. Slemon are sailing from Montreal on June 3rd for England. They are taking a tour tbrough Europe and ex- pect to spend some time in France. Italy, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland. They plan to return home either the end cf July or early in August. Mr. and Mrs. Fransk Virtue. Bulington, are ac- companying the Siemeons. Mr. C. B. Kent, Postmaster, re- cently became thse Droud posses- )n, sor of the beautitully engraved n- 50-year jewell in recognition of Leing a mernber of Jerusalemn Lodge AF., A.M. No. 31, for haif a ted century. Mr. Kent was Worship- adful Master of the Lodge in 1910-11 and took out a Life Memnbership in n, 1937. Another member who re- rs. ceived his masonic 50-year jewel was Mr. T. E. B. Heury of Lucerne, r, California. id George Ingham, 18-year old son of Mr. Bruce Ingham, Millbrook, an formerly of the B.H.S. staff, was erwinner of the 1949 Grey and Bruce erTrust and Savings Company piano tscholarship, which was for Pet- Osccholarship, which was for Pet- kr- erboro and district, also ncludes a series of radio programs in the Iss fal ver CHEX. In the program s- broadcast May 23, George includ- ed among éthers, works by bis f a- k- î'ourite composer, Schumann, and Id one of his own compositions "Ro- ýn. mance in D Miner. lis r. Sons of Temperance r- Order Disbands 'After 100 Years h A. L. Pascoe attended the lOth in Anniversary of the Order of the Sons of Temperance of the Pro- vince cf Ontario in Jesse Ketchum n, Hall in Toronto Friday. This has 0- been a useful and influential or- ie ganization throughout the past century, but as Divisions ceased ýn te meet and its membership Cdwindled te a few members it s . was theught unwise te continue as an organization any longer and er se by a vote Friday of the remain- k- ing members it ceases te exist as d an orginization. Solina Division, No. 40, was or- t- ganized seventy years ago by h Henry O'Hara and members of rs Bowmanville Division. A. L. Pas- cee has been a paid up member te for 68 years, was Grand Worthy a Associate in 1904 and Grand Wor- r- thy Patriarch, the head cf the Order in 1910 and Grand Chaplain ce later. This Division wielded a h great influence for many years, n built a hall and hundreds joined î- i oraizto and kept their Mrs. Richard Pascoe cf Hamp- n ton now in her 92nd year is e- the only living charter member cf ýy Solina Division and was Grand SPatron cf the Grand Division for some years. > Anonymous Citizen In Opens Bank Account ýFor Eleanor Crowe ýn Readers will be interested te learn that the story which re- tcently apoeared in The States- ma rn about the faithful. service cf 6 Miss Eleanor Crowe in taking scare cf ber Bowmanville custom- ers as a local representative cf , the Toronto Star, bas been pub- ,e lished in several other papers. ýe The story told bow this littie di schoolgitl1 missed ber supply cf papers one evening, then made di calîs te tell each cf ber custom- st ers about the delay and waited -alone till late at night te get her g copies which were rusbed from Toronto when she again made the rounds te deliver them. It was It a fine service greatly appreciat- le ed by ber friends aleng her paper Lsroute. y But the highlight of the whole -stcry came te our notice tbe past week. A local residen't was se Simpuessed with this act of unsel!- ish devotion te a task that be sent along a sum cf rmeney te open an acceunt in the Bank cf Commerce in the name of Miss Crowe.. It -was a splendid gesture wbich will -probably be followed like dona- etiens from her customers and o ther generous minded citizens who wish te assist Eleaner in Irealizing her ambitions cf be- ceming a nurse. McGregor's Store Celebrates 16 Years With I.D.A. Group 1 This week the Independent. day Schocl and acting Clerk cf Session Of St. Paul's United Church. The Canadian Statesman along with the citizens of Bowmanville congratulate Mr. McGregor and the Independent Druggists Alli- ance on the excellence cf their service te this cemmunitv. In the mental collisions ot mer- taIs and the strain of intellectual wrestlings, moral tension is test- ed, and, if it yields not, grows strenger.-Mary Baker Eddy. Great ideas cerne when the world needs themn. They eurround the world's ignorance and nress WEEI('OF OUTSTANDING DRUG VALUES! *"' BORACIC ACID17 I.D.A. Brand, 1 pound carton, Reg. 25c .................................. 7 CALAMINE LOTION 1*7 I.D.A, 4 Er 8 oz, Regular 25c, 45c .........................10, 7 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE go 23 I.D.A. Brand, 4 & 16 oz., Regular l5c, 39c .............. 2 OINTMENTS 18 Boracic, Sulphur & Zinc, 2 oz. jars, Reg. 25c................... 1V SODA BICARBONATE 1* 8 I.D.A. Brand, 8 & 16 oz. containers...................1 0 1 8 WHITE EMBROCATION 220, 390 I.D.A. Brand, 4 ri 8 oz.,Regular 29c, 49c ............. FLUJO I.DA. Brand 4- 10 oz. Reg. 18c, 39c 14ë 27é OLIVE OIL -:ID.A. Brand-Fine t 4 oz., Reg. 35C 27*t The Weed-No-More Special! Handy aprayer and enough 2,4-D weed-kiiler te do 1250 sq.. of lawn. Regulair $1.84 lzlyM1e9e6 '1 MONDAY f. SATURDAY MAY 3Ofh' fo JUNE 4i+h Ta celebrate 16 years of growth and expanding service to the people cf Ontario, the more than 380 l.D.A. Drug Stores offer outstanding bargains during this week-long 16th Birthday Sale. You con save real money on a great many drug store products that have a place in just about every home. Check over this ad fbr these specials ançi other timely reminders . . . and shop during L.D.A's Birthday Week Sale, Monday ta Saturday, May 3Oth to June 4th, CLONDEX Grade-I.D.ABrand B L N D X 1 40 oz , R eg .4 c 89 c SHAMPOG K 37%b 730 For Blondes 23é TOGTH BRUSHES Nylon Bristie 13é. 2 for 23é WILDROGT CREAM.OIL Hair Dressing 39# 590 990. for extra sovings. KOTEX 12's 33é 2 for 65sé 48's S1.23 SOAP BOXES Handy te Take on Holida,» l3é~. 2for 25é' '.,ualiiy- KLEENEX Cleansing Tissues 18é~. 2 for 35ét Cocoanuf 011 L IARO 8, o z.,Re.25, 9 SUN GLASSES Solarex .........59C fa $1.39 Willsonite Glasses 439c, 59c, 79c Granitly....... $,00, $1.95, etc. Polaroid................ $2.50 Polaroid Sportglas........ $1.95 PROTEX-SUN Crookes lens witl' side shie!d Palm Beach Style SPECIAL 190 KLEEN-OR ANTISEPTIC A gargle & mouth wash , 4, 16 oz., Reg. 25c, 79c181571 THEATRICAL COLD CREAM Evelyn Howard, -pound jar, Reg. 69c 5.....4r11 PENETRATING; LINIMENT 330 For muscular aches and nains, 4 oz., Reg. 45c CORN REMOVER Effective and Painess, 4 oz., Reg. 25c .......70 MERCOLIZED WAX CREAM 87 For Skin Blemisl'es.. . . .. . . . . . . 8 7 TINCTURE 0F IODINE I.D.A. Brand, 1 oz. botte, Reg. 20c ..... 3" AROMATIC CASCARA 2* 7 i O A. Brand, 3 & 6 o., Reg,,ar 25c, 45 ...........2 0 7 CASCARA TABLETS27 i DA. Brand, 5 grain, 10s, Reg .39 ......................._. 2 7 IDASAL TABLETS59 For relief of pain, 5 grain, 3os Reg 89c ........................59 SENNA LEAVES 9 80 I.D A. Brand, 1 & 4 oz. cortons, Reg> loc, 25c ........... 1 8 WILD STRAWBERRy COMPO UN D 1 ID A. grand, 3 o., Reg. 25c .. ................................... . %AftAUAs ORIGINAL AL.-FAIRIC DYEI j SAP~E for Chiîdrensa Fine Hair- -4ýw-0 - I DA rS hort... 14»1.. , r- r iftex paIOV'N IN YHOUSANDS Of CANADIAN HOMIES Large Pkg. 'RLr-bhr H.n air, Loarw, J.yen, or Bleactsed Hair! 5CAPSULES $1.50 tested mOIfl - ,and a nw Cashmnere Toilet Tissue .---... ..3 relis 32e "it" Wh'ite Sl'oe Cleanier.........15Sc, 25C Math-Ded Motl' Killer Spray....... 49c, 89c Beacen Mouse Killer, safe, sure........ 25c Tat Ant Traps........... 35c, 3 for $1.00 Squibb Dental Cream................. 49c Fasteeth Plate Powder....... 33c, 55c, 89c Schick Injecter Razir sets....... 66c, $1 .49 Gillette "Racket" Razor set......... $1 .29 Mennen Skin Bracer.................. 59C Murine for the eyes............. 55c, 95c Dettel Antiseptic.............. 59c, $1 .95 Zambuk Ointment.................... 47C EVER READY J iSHAVE . Reg. 33C J 23e# 2 for 45*1 EXPORT Cigarettes 20's 35é This is l.D.A./s lSth Blrthd1oy Celebration - but you get the gift - thot ts, if you, too, are now 16. Every i 6-yeor-old boy or girl con ?selp us celebrote by o gift f romn your local ID.A. druggist. Just fi11 eut and mail the coupon below. In a few days you'Il be notified that your gift is ut your I.D.A. druggist's for you te pick up f idyqfor you is a gener- / ýe1 ous boitle of RICHARD HUDNUT'S EGG CREME SHAMPOO Tise populor liquid crme sl'ampoo enriched with real egg. lt's non-dry- ing - leaves your l'air lustrous, shining. For ail types cf haîr. Limited to first 6,000 requests received. ~ / r - Your birthdary qif t , è I rom I.D.A. is ar ful ( size bottie of C-3 WILDROOT CREAM-OIL r The l'air dressing that peps up your looks. Grooms th'el'air - relieves dryness - removes loose dandruf f NOTE: Offl 4,000 avoulable-to be sent to "F rst comrne s INSTRUCTIONS: If You are now 16 years aid, yau are eligibie for jI.D.A.'s FREE Birthday Gift. Fi out ali the required information on the coupon below and mail if ta i.DA. Head Office. Be sure ta put in yaur birtisdoy dote and chseck wisether yours is the boy's or giri's gift. You wiii get a post card shortly teliing yeu thot yeur gift is et your I.DA. druggist's for you ta pick up. Send the coupon NOW. offer gaad oniy if coupon maiied by June 4th, 1949. Oniy ane gift ta a persan. MAIL THIS COUPON TO SI.D.A. Head Office, 1 5 OntOriO Street, TorOnto, Ontario My uixteenth birthday was on ...........................andl 1 would like your I 6th Brthday Gif t for U GIRL E] BOY My I.D.A. Drug' Store is ........................................ Address ................................................. My own name is................................................... AddreSs .................................................. Speciail Otter... H-udnut Taperette $1.25 LIMITED TIME Olive'on Hair Dressing ...40c, 55c, $1.00 T Toni Home Permanents R<ichardi '-uanut ....$1.50, $2.50 Refui........ $.25 HOME PERMANENT Fitch Dandruff Remnover P u r m Shampoo Pu Eg9 rm .... 39c, 69c, 98C Shampoo FREE HuntCre, 1là, ..'61< You get ti-is wonderful salon-safe, salon.smare home cold wave and a bottle ot gentle ego creme shampea for the prîce et the permanent wave. 12's 35é 2 for 69é 48's S1.29 Modess Belts 290, 50ç thi o n ture An I.D.A.BAND effscent" scxfe t cnd mînld ci t 16 co e Re ycg t us, ALEX "oftWkite '34Ily iistsug 41 I.D.A. BR.AND Soft and Strong 650 sheets te roll ROLLs 25, McGREGOR Your Local .D.A. 1D-u-à L- - D -U--S w.q mwaivawm Phono 792 k.. i i j f I t E 't' r ,~' I n i If jr' Toilet Tissue PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY SPECIAILS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 1BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO .- THMSDAY, JIM 2nd, 1049 PAGZ s i-j CLEANINC

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