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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1949, p. 9

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T!!! CANAnIAN ITATEUMMt Re~I MA mzrn #~~Yq'A UV% -- -. ---an fl. cen..t, PAI3E EI!~U Mns. Robert Thompson la visit img friends li Branttordi Dr. C. Corrigan, Toi-ento, spe thle weekend with Dr. J. C. Deviti Mns. W. C. Jexikins la visitinj friends at Arthur and Mount foi est. Mr. and Mns.. Ken Cox are vis ltlng Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Wylie Toi-ento. Miss Marie Moise spent thi weekend with Mr. and Mis. T. C Moise, Toi-enta. ~. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston ani ~Iholidaylng at William'& Paint Lake Scugeg. Mns. Lloyd Ayre, Richmonc Hill, is vislting ber parents, Mr 4nd Mn.. Arley Nothcutt. Misa Pearl Bneslin la visitinà Miss Lai-ny Brownley at St. Ca. thermnes and Lake Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Linden T'oronto, were in town Saturday renewing old acquaintances. Mr. Kelvin Symons and fiend, Toi-onta, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Muriel Symans. Miss Jacqueline Heyland là spending the summer on the stafl at Wood Eden Camp, Komoka, Muskoka. Mn. Loftus Papineau, Toronto, spent the weekend with bis pan- cnts,.Mr. and Mns. Clitton Pop- ineau. Miss Jean Living and Mr. Mi- chael Bocian, Toronto, wcre week- end guests with Mr. and Mns. J. Living. Statesmnan mailing list.s have been corrccted ta, June 9th. Plense check your ycllow label and ad- vise if there is any en-or. Gloria and Bobby Smithl, El- gin Street, attended a biithday party in banour of Jimmy Wood- ward at Oshawa on Satui-day. Mn.. H. J. Jennings, Ste Agathe des Monts, Que., writes: The Canadian Statesmnan i. still tbe best home town paper I have ever rend, se keep it up. Ms-s. Jessie Young, of the nurs- ing staff of Healtbwin Hospital, South Bend, Indiana, i. visiting hem sister, Mi-.. Nellie Palmer, 57 Centre St. Mr. Joe Levitt, Liberty Place, Mr. WilI Levitt, Toronto, #nd Mr. Luke Btittery, tawn, went on a flshing trip at Notb Boy and caught about 30 pickcrei. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Toronto, Jet t Tuesday on a two months' matai-ttip in eostern Ca- nada te take more bistorical films. They plan ta attend the 200th anniversary of Halifax city. Miss Audrey Venton, Western Hospital, Toi-ento, and Miss Shir- ley Stewart, Alliston, spent Sun- day with Mn. and Mrs. S. Venton. .4juSteartstayed until Monday Messrs. W. R. Strike, K.C., G. E. Chose and Milton Elliott spent tbe weekend at Bigwin Inn, Lake et Boys, attending a Hydre Con- vention. 4 Ulster United Football Team, Toronto, will play an exhibition game against a Durhami County Al-star tcam i Bowrnanviîle, as a Rotai-y Fain attraction June 29. Look for pictures and details nert, weck. Mr. Ben Cmaig, 27 Cloewoad Place, Fenbarn, Newcastie-on- Tyne, England, la wlth the New- castle United Football tean now touring Canada, playing fullback with the tcam, la viiiting with Mr. and Mmi. Ben King, Bawman- ville. Congratulation. to Mr. Carl Boe, son et Mr. and Mrs. Onville Boe, Seagmave, an obtoining 3rd clsm benouns i the 3rd year ex- ami et hi. course, Latin and French, at the University of Tan- onto. Mr. W. J. Berrny, proprietor ot Berry's Bcootare, bau pîanned ÏST. ANDREWS Presbyterian Chaurch Corner of Churefi and TomPerance Streets 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Church Service Miniter: Ma sLouis. Osborne. STRANGERS WELC011R h i& annual holiday to, take a cii-clq tour cf the western states, includ. it mg California. He bas trans. tportation datlng froin June 15 t on several weeks ot ight-seeing Mr. and Mmi. J. H.- Swindell are ini Menti-cal meeting S.S I. Empreàg et Canada" ai-iivinjî with thei- aiter and brother-mn Iaw, Mr. and Mi-.. E. Chadwick. Renshaw, spending a mionth's visil e with themn frein Manchester, Eng. land. The past live-<loy. this districi e sweltered under the mest severe heat wave that any June bas dish- cd up for many years. And spring Iis still with us tili June 21. Bow- manville beach bad 1700 visitors Sunday. A brief i-ain Tuesday evening became a cool interlude te b. followed by humidity and rampant mosquitos. Becore 7 arn. each day, Chai-lie Burgess, street maintenance ex- pert, bas Bowmanviile's King St. mwept clean as a porion. By 9 a.m., merchants sweep walks cluttered with paper and debrîs ente the cleaned road surface in Itime for teunists ta exclaim ab.out tbe unkept mess. There aught to be . . At the Graduation Ceremonies beld at Convocation Hall, Uni- veraîty of Toranto, last week the following fi-rn this district were awarded Bachelar of Arts de- grees: Miss Edith Wbite, Miss Cardula Stenger, Mis Anna Sta- pies, Miss Wlnona Clarke, Miss Betty Goslett, Miss Mariai-y Mac- Claren, Mi-. Donald Quick, Mr. Al- an Ferguson. Congratulations te Mr. Alan Stnike, son of Mr-. and Mn.. Ras. Stnike and te Mn. Dick Bowles, son af Mn. and Mn.. Wilfrid Bowlcs, Nestleton, wha passed thein 3rd year exnrn, in Honour History at the University o! Tar- ante with 2nd cdam. bonaurs. Miss Louise Hircock, daugbter et Mr. and Mn,. Thomas Hircock, was one of the 19 nurses wbo gi-a- duated Friday night from the School of Nurses af the Osbawa General Hospital. Mn. and Mns. Hircock attended the ceremony and the receptian held aftcr on the lawn of the nurses' residence. Frank Petbick, tonsonial artist and longest establishcd business- man in Bawnionville, reccived a card last week fnom Di-. G. W. Mil- ler, Geneva, Switzerland, former medical officer Durham Healtb Unit, nov, an executive with the World Health Organization. Dr. Miller wrate: "Happy ta caîl on your friend.a in London, England, Mn. Petblck. Tbey met me at the airfield and were kind hasts dti-- ing *my tay."1 Surprise Shower For lune Bride-to-be A combination crystal ai-d china sbower was beid at the home o! Dr. J. C. Devitt on June 8th for Miss Loryne White who is ta be in married in June. Twcnty girls were received by the hostesses, Mrs. Bill Rudeil, Misses Mariai-y1 Rundle and Margaret Stacey. The giftà wex-e pnesented in an attnac- tivcly decorated basket. The sbowen was a complete sur-- prise ta the prctty bride-to-be, but she was nat t4-i0 vercame ta ex- press ber appreciation. After garnes and contests were enioyed, refersbments were ses- ed. BURKETON Mr&. B. Hubbard wos hastes, ta the W.A. on June 9. W.A. w& lnvîted te meet Enniskillen W.A on June 28 at Mrs. A. Sbarpe's The community cangi-atulateý Mr. and Mn,. Muni-ny Harmis anc Mr. and Mns. John Archer (ne( Donothy Wottan) an their mon, M.adMrs. Art Tom okins anc Gordon, Toronto, Mrs. J. Rogers Hampton, with Mn. and Mms. A. J1 Tompkins. Mn. lH. Rabm is vlsiting hei daughter in Tomante. Mn, Ai-t Prentice, Mr&. M. Hew- ett, Part Penny, with Mrs. E Caugbill. -, Mm.. Ken Jay (ne. Hazel AI- dred), Wbitby, Mn,. Haroaid Sund- den (ne. Atuth Aldned) and Bon- nie ,Oshawa, wlth fnienda li the village. Sormy liat Mr. C. Avery injunec hài foat. On June 7, Mn. Cai-veth mbaowed films in thé chumch. Atten films for lie childi-en pictures concern- ng the Warble *ly and the gmowth of oranges wené shown. « Mr. andi Mn. R. Davey were in Peterboro. Our ichool childi-en took part in the Muoic Pettival At Enniskil- on Friday evenlng, and sae the saie time a dlmpiay et thein mnan- iai training work wau open fon inpection. Prlzes wene won by aLs Stephenson for a piano in- trumental and by Maiin Haines and Shirley Dean fan vocals. Con- gratulations girls! i p st ar gr I h 1 TIINITY UNITED CHIJRCH MMaiter: Ofreetor of Music: e. .1. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Mr. A. G. Harle. s as CARDS 0F THANXS SOCIAL Aul PEISONAL pheus «3 IN MEMORIAM BATTAMS - FREE - In loving fond remembrance of our darling son, Harold Battams, and fatber, James Free, who were kîlled June 9th, 1941, at Seeley's Boy: Time heals ail wounds, But memories linger on forever. -Ever remembered by Mother, Father. brothers, daughter, son- in-law and grandchildren. 24-1* JACKMAN-In loving memary of aur dear mother. Mary Trimble Jackman, who passed awoy June l3th, 1946; alsa oui- dear father, Sidney James Jackman, who pass- ed away April l6th, 1946: Remembered with love and re- spect; and with gratitude ta aur kind Gad who shored their love with us ail, through s0 many happy years. -Sadly missed by the family. 24-1 * McKNIGHT-In laving memo of David John McKnight, wi passed away June 16th, 1947: And while he lies in peaceful sleep, Hi. mcmomy I shaîl always kce -Aîways remcmbcrcd by Murra- 24- McKNIGHT-In ioving memai o! o dear busband. David M Knight, ,wbo passcd away Ju: lflth, 1947: Day. of sadncss stilI corne o'cr n Tears in silence oftcn flow For memory kecps hlm ever nec me Thougb he died two years ag, --Sadly missed by bis wif e, FlI ence. 24-. .ry rho ep. y.r )ry ýnen ne ýan o. a j*r- r McKNIGHT-In loving memar: o! a dear fathe- who passed awaý June l6th, 1947: You are not forgotten, -dean father, Non ever will yau be. As long as life and mcmory lastl, T will x-cnlcmbei- thec. -Ever remcmbercd by dnugbtcý Eilcen and famiîy. 24-11 MeKNIGHT-In loving nemor) a!f my father, David McKnighl who passed away June l6th, 1947 Two years bave passed dean father Since you xvere callcd away, How wcll do we remember That sad and dreary day You suffercd mtîch, you mur- rnured nat We watchcd you day by dayr Wc cricd and praycd that youn dear life Would flot be taken away. -Daugbter June and family.2- TYRONE ýy ly Mr. and Mrs. Lai-ne Patter wlsh ta express their sincere thanks ta th Poice Departinent and the citizens of Bewmanville for help- ing ta find their little daughter, Loin, lest Wednesday evening. 24-1e Mr. M. J. Pereman wisbes ta express sinceme tbanks ta the Supenîntendent, nurses and staff of Bawmanville,,Hospital, Dr. H. B. Rundle, and to bis many tri- ends wbo 50 kindly remnembemed him with flowers, cards and many acts of kindness while a patient at the bospital and since return-. ing borne. 24-l* Mrs. Fred Toms would like te thank al ber neighbours and fi- ends wbo were se kind te hem during ber ilImes. at borne and ber stay at Oshawa Generai Hos- pital by sending flowemm, lovely cards of comfort and cheer and the loveiy baskets of fruit from Shirley Women's Institute and Bethel Sunday Scbaol. These wei-e all deeply appreciated. ai s tF al in of Gi 1Rev. and Mns. Rogers1 (Cantinuced fi-rn Page One) side et the Boy of Quinte Conter- ence. While stationed at Napance, father wos made President of the Boy o! Quinte Conference. Father and mother bath have been leaders in the life of every cammunlty in wbich tbey lved. « Ennly eognizlng the importance of wurk amnong the teen-âge boy es Mr. and Mrs. M. Linton, Mr. and girls. tbey organized and too' iand Mrs. A. Linton and Ronnie, charge of C.S.E.T. and C.G.1.] ee Coldsprings, with Mr. and Mrs. work in Grace Church, Napane "- G. Rasevear. in the early days of that move id Mi-. L. Hooper accompanied ment. Thèy continued this wor ber brother, Mr. F. L. B3yam to on every charge up to the tim Ottawa where hie lu attending the of their retirement. *Post Masters' Convention. Mrs. In the pulpît, father provei crHooper is visiting with Mr. and himself ta be a brilliant preachei rMrs umns. and out of it, bis keen analytica Cummings.nind frequently was in demoni Mr. and MVrs. David Park and for various community aètivitiex Ecbildren, Bowmanville, accom- Even ince bis retirement, lie ha panied Mr. and Mrs. W. Park and continued bi@ preaching in prac 1chiidren to visit Mr-. an~d Mr.. ~ tically ail parts of Ontario. At th4 -Murney and Mr. and Mrs. H. gaine time hie has mairitamned hi, -Steel, Peterboro. interest in the affair. of the towi ýe Mr. and *Mi-.. Clarence Vice, of j3owmanville. -Murray and Donna, Bradley 's, And moth@r -descended fron dMr. Jack Moore, Mr. and Mns. Eric United Empire Loyaliat stock, sh( Moore, St. Catharines, Mi-.. David has pi-aven bermeif to be a loya Barker, Toronto, with Mr. and wfaoylmte nialya. Mrs. S. JewelL, friend. The way in which shE Mr. and Mi-.. A. Hamilton and has taken her place by father'5 boys at Grimsby and 'Niagara nide on every charge and through h Falls. evèry experlence ha@ truly beer Mr. R. Awde, Miss Mable Awde, aututandîng. She b.d the talent nMi-.. T. McMillan, Mns. T. Brad- for converting a dreary parfonogE .shaw, Toronto, visited Mr. and into a beauti fi home. She mode Mrs. Russell Wright. many fniends wherever she went, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott, Mr@. and was alwaym active In the work eW. J. Macdonald, Mr. W. Stewart of varlous women's organizations. attended the Decoration Day ser- Here in Bôwmanville she has beeri rvicés at Centreton on Sunday and President of Trinity Church Wom- Yvisited Mr. and Mns. Russell Ste-~ enm Mismqionary Society, President -wart and Mr. B. Stewart. of the Women's Canadian Club, S Mrs. H. Findlay. Dean and and now in bier 4th year as Presi- Bruce, Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. dent of the Oshawa Prebyterial. Chas. Richards, Mr. J. Richards, Wheh the time for retirement Oshawa, Mrs. John Westlake and approached, father and mother Bill, Bowmanville, Mr-. and Mrs. built this littie home for them- A. Richards 'visited.-Mr. and Mi-. qelvés and settled down ta spend C. Bigeiow and Mrs. T. Richards. their later day. in peace and Mrs. Laura Virtue, Mr. Milton comfort in this beautiful town of Vu-tue, Mi-. Will Hambly have towmanville. Altbough no long- returned home fi-r a maotai-tr~ip er- a pastai- and a pastor's wife. visiting friends in the West and they stili are active and efficient U.S. in the church and community, as Mrs. J. Fowler. Oroao, is visit- they aiways have been. In look- ing her sister. Mrs. J. Alldi-ead. ing over the vears mother and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott father migbt -well say. as Ulysses. and Rosi, Dixie. Miss Vera Carr, the ancient Greek warrior and Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. sage, is supposed ta have said: Vu-tue. "A Il times 1 have enjoyed greatly. Mi-.. A. Abbott, Oshawa. visited and have suffered greativ. bath her sister, Mi-.. K. Hardy and wîth those that loved me, and i Mrs. E. Prescatt. alone." Congratulations te Mr-. and Mrm. Tasts were proposed and at H. R. Burgess on the birth of a lait a happy day was ended wbjcb ýson. ilevraanb eetd Dr. Howard Rundle, Brighton,wilnyraanbmeotd Mr. Norman Rundie, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry. A]tbough flot always success- Mr. and Mre. N. J. Woodle ' v Mr. fui. dreams are devices for allay- and Mrs. C. W. Woodley attended irlg disturhar.cel: which wouid in- the Masonic service at Newcastle terfere wîth sleep. a ee ýk ie id ýs as is ,n il PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY M4cGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 I. GET AHEAD BRYLCREEM Canad', Iargest-selllng hair dressilng gives hair a smort well- groemed look, a natural pleamling lustre. HANDY TUBES ... 29e 49~ (4- You value your charmn ... and Mode,. helpi you guard it - luxurloualy. Soft, comlortable. ox of 12 Boxof 48 35< $1,29 MAOdeslBONS 29 Alex. We Deliver Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott anc Dayne wlth relatives at Welland Mr. and Mns. Frank Hatherley Beverley and Glen, Lakeview Mr. and Mrs. R. Owen, Long Branch, with Mr. and Mn.. R Hatherley. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vu-tue anc John attended the weddlng of bei nepbew, George Show and Misi Domotby Glover at the Englst. Cburch, Oshawa, Saturday even- îng. Misses Caooe and Donna Yel. lowlees witb their aunt, Mn., Mary Cann, Bowmanville. Tbirty-two childi-en attended Mission Band Sunday morning. Mi-.. F. Wright gave the chapter "Tommy Two Wbeels." Readings were given by Gloria Brent and Arlene Rosevear. The childi-en then enjoycd garnes in the shed. Mi-. and Mms. G. Rosevear with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cornisb, Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mms. W. J. Robson, Vemnonville, Miss Helen Miller, Toronto General Hospital, with Mr. and Mn.. W. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and Tcddy witb Mi-. and M. Loi-ne McCoy. Bmooklin. Mr. and Mn,. John McMahon, Tarante, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoar. Mi-. and Mn.. George Alidread, Mrs. Jas. Alldread and Mn.. J. Fowler visited Mrs. W. Robinson, Pontypool. Mrs. V. Millson, Toronto, witb Mi-. and Mi-.. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore ond family and Mn,. V. Milison visited Mr. and Mn,. Alan Moffatt at their cottage. Scugog Island. Mi-. and Mi-.. Otto Virtue witb Mr-. and Mrs. H. Fi-oser, Orona. SA number of aur ladies attend- ed the W.I. convention in New- tonville. Mn. and Mrs. G. 'Rasevear and Larry attcndcd Miilbrook Fair and brought home several pi-izes on their cattle. Congratulations ta Mr-. and Mi-s. Lloyd Alldread (nee Evelyn Bec- kett) who were married June 8 at Tyrone parsonage by Rev. Cresswell. Congratulations ta Mr-. and Mrs. William Jewell (nee Dai-otbv Wright) who wvere mnrricd June 11 in the Tyrane United Church. Glad ta sec Mn. and Mi-.. Tbos. 5iked and Miss Aleen Aked, To- ronto , ai-e sîendin g the summer at their home here "Quaint Acres." Carole Pbillips broke a banc in xci- ai-m wbile playing on a slde in the pai-k Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- man and childi-en attcndcd the vedding of bis brother Fred and Miîss Kay Olcon at Pontypool on ;aturiday. Mr. and Mr,. A. 'Yaungman and childi-en with ber parents, Mr. and Mi-,. N. Leach. The Annual Field Day nt Ty- 'anc Recreation Park oný June il was a splendid success. In the ftcmnoon n Junior football game was pinycd, Solina lost ta Tyrone -0. Races were i-un- by tbe 7hildi-en. Maple Grave dèeatcd Salem girls at basebaîl. In the ývning Maple Gi-ove defeatcd Bowmanville at football 1-0. Many 1anks te The Radio Shop, Bow- -anville, foç the loud speaker vstcm, providing splendid music «or the aftcrnoan. Supoci- was ibly servcd by W.T. In the even- ng a dance and dram, was held n the cai-munitY hall. Wînner ýfradia was H. Powless. Oshawa, -id the triligbt lamp was wan by cao. Furman, Toronto. Others - IDC.45c-60c-75e up M and GUp MOTJTH WASH I.DA. Brand - ---- 17c - 43e Astringent - 4-oz. 16-oz., Reg. 23c, 69c BABY CREAM I.D.A. Br-and ---------------- 33C 3 ounce jar, - Reg. 50e I.D.A.Brand LAVENDER Shave Lotion Rteg. 3 3c, RUIBBER GLOVES SECONDS Pain ------ 19c, Sunday, June 191h àu FATHER'S DAY For Bathing Fui Beach Bails Assorted Colours Genuine Leathen BILLFOLD zipper bal! way round $1.00 English Morocco BILLFOLD zipper ail woy round Henry Perkins BILLFOLDS $2.50 - $3.50 up Alibight FLASHLIGHT9 with batteries $1,39 Carburetor PIPE Black Cat --------0'. 35c - 40's 70e . ,g SOFTER 2.0CIGARS SI AGE White Owl, Punch Panetelas, - SRNE Others Bachelor Pandoras, etc. jHTR A PAROWAX Sealfi Preserves-------------- lb. 17c; JAR RINGS Red ftubber- Box of 12 ---- c NURSING BOTTLES -,Comi y" Sc, 6 for 25c rnotissus 6 a/41,1 18< NURSERS --pyrex"' 25c, 6 for $1.45 MAN'S SIZE l2"x12" 29c GILLETTE Deluxe 'Razor Sets $1.29 ..$3.79 -$5.00 Rlils Razor .---------- $12.50 ELECTRIC SHAVERS: Packard "Good Môrning" Kit 325.50) Remington Triple -------------- 19.95 Remington Foursome ----------23.95 Rollit Bail Point Pen -------- $1.69 Roil Master Cigarette Maker 89e Ronson Lighters -S 6.50 up RUBBERSET Shaving Brushes ipectal Nylon Brush $3.98 Others - --- -50c-75e1.0082.00 Up Export Cigarettes --- 2O's 35e Players, Sweet Caporals, State Express, Winchester, etc. NEW DISCOVERY Fastest relief for the distrcsi of rheumatism and aribrtis, I MD RI1N $3.00 - $5.50 - $10.010 &QE»LIEIIE SBYRUBBING IN quck relief. 19-46 Grea uetense fast-dryîna, odor. Rq AR 29c SPE(IAL OFFER Richard itudnut Home PERMANENT Plus Egg Creme Slîampoo FRÉE BOTH FOR - $3.25 KLEENEX. Drugs Resuits cf Navy Leagu. Tag Day Slightly Lower Resuits of Navy Leogue Tag Day heid on May 21 in Bowrnon- ville and surrounding communi- ties witb comparative figures for 1948 are as follows: 1948 1949 Bowmanville - $103.15 $ 91.26 Enniskillen - 3.57 1.82 Hampton___ 8.92 11.55 Newcastle 9.19 17.79 Omono _ _ 9.71 9.25 '$134.54 $131.67 Special commendation goes ta Mr-. R. Farrow and the taggers in Hampton, and ta Mrs. Nesbitt and the Newcastle taggers foi- the fine resuits of the Tag Day in their respective centres. The totals fi-rn these two places were the highest ever received, even during the wai- years. Bowmanvilie taggems were sup- plied by the Girl Guides under Commissioner Mrs. A. J. Frank for the marning and by the Ontar- io Training School for Bays under Sucperintendent of Schools W. J.i Eastaugh and Mi-. J. J. Brown1 for the afternoon. Bath the Girl1 Guides and Training School Boys did an excellent job. Ladies in charge of the Tagging Centrei were Mrs. William Tennant, Missi Isabelle DJavis and Mrs. Robertt Dàvies.-j Organization of the other Tagî Days were under the following-j Eniskillen. M. J. Hobbs and Orono, L. G. McGinnis. Overaîl direction for al arganization was under Dr. Wm. Tennant, Chairman of the Bowmanvilllc Navy League Committce. The Chairman and members of the Committee wish ta express their thanks toalal who1 assisted in making the Tag Days1 a success. 9 mecIo X0 f«hrcf REGULAR SERVICES at il a.m. & 7 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL - 12:15 p.m. Special Music by the Junior Choir at' the Evenlng Service, suits se far attained lin theii achool garden just west of th(~ scbool on Wellington St. Like everyone else the pupilà bave b>een figbting the lack o rainfaîl witb watering cans and b oping that the dry weatber won't -continue and destray the fruits oi -their labour. r Not content ta bave an ordinary gorden, Mi-. Turner bas mode the school garden an agricultural lob. aratory wbere experiments in bet- ter types of gardening ai-e cai-nied out. There ai-e variaus experimen- tai plots in wbich bath certified seed and nan-certified seeds are planted. Beets and carrots bave been plantcd bath an the level and i-idged. Somne of tbe vegetables have been ti-eated with saIt and also for weeds. Swect Claver bas been planted to estimate its value as a legume and fertilizer for building up the soul. Already im- Portant results bave been seen fi-rn the above experiments. The garden bas not been devo- ted entircly ta the growing of vegetables. Many varieties of an- fluaI, biennial and perennial fiow- ers are grawing in the attractive flower beds. This year the stones on cither side o! the waik and the bricks at the front of the garden bave been given a coat of white- wa sb. Not anly ai-e the pupils learning important facts fi-rn the experi- ments that are carried on, but thcy ai-e also beginning ta apprec- iate~ the pride that may be feit for an attractive and well cared for garden. The Statesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dycr's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle Wilson & Brown, Newtonville T. M. Sleman, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Bai-non, Hlampton Wm. Hackwaod, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock C. B. Tyrreli, Orano W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Lovell J. W. Jewcil, W. J. Berry and The Staten-nan Office The fi-st ncwspaper straw poli was conducted in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1824. Pupils Show Interest In Gardening at Central Public School The pupils of the Central Pub- Lic Schaol under the expert guid- ance of Mi-. T. Turner have again showed themselves ta be excellent amateur gardeies by the i-e- r WEDDINGS TROMPSON - STEPHENri On Saturday, June 4, at St. Paul's Parsonoge, Bawmanville, Betty Margaret Stephens, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Steph- ens. Bowmanville, became the bride of Gardon Dun Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Tbamp- son, Port Hope. Rev. G. C. Quig- ley officîated. The bride wore a gown of white slippcr satin with net y-okc trimmed with secd pearîs and a baap ski-t. Her finger-tip veil was caught ta a swecthcart head- dress trimmcd wîth orange blos- soins and seed pearls, ghe carried white and red carnations. Her only attendant, her sister, Bessie Stephens, was 'gowned in blush1 pink satin with net yoke and ski-t and worc a sweetheart headdrcss of pink net and carricd pink gladioli. The groomsman wvas Mr-. Hcrb Thompson, Port Hope, brother of the groom. The reception was beld at the home of the bride'. parents. The bride's mather received in a gown of blue and a corsage of pink roses assistcd by the groom's mather in a gown of light grey and corsage of pink sweetpeas. The bride changed ta a suit of Alice blue with navy and white accessories for travelling. The happy couple will reside in Osh- awa. Priar ta ber marriage the bride was given a miscellaneous shower. The expression, 'Uncle Sam," probably ariginatcd during the war of 1812. when aIl government Competiive Prices and Peraonal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for Tkuradag, Friday, Saturdap We wsere the rigu aia t mm uea t À f w Brit.oin's wan with France un 1659 was partly paid for by a tax on bachelors. The Otomiacian Indians of South America mix dlay with their bread. The first phase of i-rigation an the prairies took place 60 yeans ago when some ranchers trlcd to gi-ow winter secd by divertlng water fi-rn sînaîl strcamis ta i- rigaate native meadow lands. COOL AS A POOL at HUYCK'S HOUSE 0F STYLE Enjoy having yaum flair stylcd iin Bawmanvilie's newest and most modern bcauty salon- it's m-onder- fully cool tac - ur service andi charges wili please yau - try us for your next coif- fure. H UYC K'S House of Style PHONE 703 For Youm Appointment 67 King Street West Bowmanville De Bright! Feel Right! TA KEENO'SSALTIF BU OA -5 e98o For Swimming Bathing Caps 1--ý YBUFAMAIr, 101114 1949 - TIM CAMAMAN BTATUM«. BOWL4xvmTýr. nwT,&wTn 1% à ý 4mmbý- PA [H-ES& PAINSI

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