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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 13

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THURSDAY, 3UNE 23rd, 1949 TI!E CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV1T.L~~ ON'rA~TO FAUI~ 1'flIRTEKH and the ushers e M.Afd WtEuuINGS Jackson and Mr. Douglas Jackson, brothers ai the bride. WERRY-JACKSON For the reception held at the home of the bride's parents, the At a double ring ceremony per- brides mother received in sunset formned by Rev. M. C. Fisher in blue crepe styled with drape ove:- Brooklin United Cburch on Sat- skirt. She was assisted by the urday, Jur.e 11, Helen Annie Jack- bidegroom's mother wbo was in son became the bride of William gney crepe, campîemented with Andrew Werry. Bridal wreath, blue inserts. Each wore a corsage pink carnations, pink snapdragons of pink rosebuds and sweetpeas.j and ferns formed the setting. The Baskets of peonies, orange blos- wedding music was played by soms, sweetpeas and a bnidal Miss Fern Stephen, Asbburn and wneath graced the bride's table. Miss Muriel Werry, sister of the For the wedding trip via Niaga- bridegroom, sang "The Lord's ra Falls to points in the United Prayer" before the cenemony and States, the bride chose a gold col- "I Love Tbee" during the signing ouned suit of silk ticoteen with of the register. navy blue accessoies and wone a The bride is the daughter of Mn. corsage of roses and carnations. dMrs. William Jackson, Brook- Mr. and Mrs. Werny will reside lv.~in, and the bridegroom is the son in Kedron. V aif Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Wer- Guests Nvene present from Osh- ry, Kedron. awa, Godenich, Guelph, Linidsay, The bride, wlio was given in Toronto, and sunrounding dist- marriage by ber father, wone a ricts. portrait gown ai traditional satin The brid's gift to ber attend- iashioned with moulded bodice ants wene gold pendants. and full gathered skirt which The bridegnoom's gift to the swept into a siight train. The bod- best mnan and ushers were Sheai- ice was st3 led with long tight- fer pens. fitted sleeves and a ruching of fine valenciennes lace was insert- HWGOE ed into the deep oval neckline.SAWGOE She carried a bouquet nosegày af In a setting ai pink and white pink rosebuds, lilies of the valley carnations and feros at Christ and blue farget-me-nots, and Memorial Cburch, Oshawa, on wore a double stnand af peanîs, Saturday evening, June 11, Rev. the git of the bridegroom. H. D. Clevendon united bn mar-c Hen attenldants were Miss Ella niage DorothY Constance, daugh- Down, Oshawa, as maid-D)f-hon- ter of Mn. and Mrs. D. Bruce Gbo- or, and Miss Joanne Jackson, ver. Oshawa, and George Edward. niece of the bride, as junior brides- son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles maid. Bath attendants were gown- Shaw, Oshawa, formerly of Bow- ed alike in dove bine taffeta. The manville. draped neckline was compliment- The wedding music was playedf ed with lace inserts and the skirts by Mn. W. G. Rapley and Mrs. Ians had flowing tiers. Each wore ; McNab sang "The Lord's Prayer" dbuble stnand ai pearîs and car- and "O Perfect Love." ried a nasegay of pink sweetpeas Given in marriage by ber fa-r and rosebuds. th er, the bride was in white satin.1 The best man was Mlr. Roh)et The full gathered skint fashioneds Wenry, brother of the brid-groicta. with bustle effeet feil into a train DARLINGTON ABATTOIR HAMPTON ONTARIO PHONE - BOWMANVILLE 2836 A Reminder That We Stili Do CUSTOM KILLING - PICI<LING SMOKING - SAUSAGE MAKING RENDERING LARD and the bodice was styled with a net yoke. A full-length veil held her peani tnimmed headd .~s and she carried red roses and 5white carnations with white tulle bow and streamers. Her anly attendant was her sis- ter, Mrs. Gerald Crawford, as ma- tron-of-hoîiour, who wore a gown of pale blue lace and net over blue taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink carnations with pink tulle bow and streamers. The best man was Mr. Gerald Crawford. For the reception held at the home af the bride's parents. the bride's mother ware a grey dress with wh'te accessories. The bridegroom;'s mother was in a pale blue dress with navy blue ac- cessories. Each wore a corsage of pink and white carnations. The decorations in the home were pink and white sweet peas and pink and white carnations. For the wedding trip by motor tbrough southern Ontario and the United States of America the bride chose a white suit with a pink gabardine shortie coat and white accessories. Pink and white carnations comprised ber corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw will reside in Oshawa. COOPER - TENNANT Joyce Betty, youngest daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Carl Tennant, Orono, became the bride of Robent Carman Cooper, son of Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper, Onono, in a lovely afternon wedding in Park St. United Cbnrch, Orono, on June 4th. Rev. A. E. Eustace per- formed the ceremony amidst the setting af carnations, snapdragons and palms and ferns. Miss Phyl- lis Challis played the wedding music and at the signing of the registen Mns,. A. A. Drummond sang "For Thine Alone." The bride was given in marniage by ber fathen. Her gown of slip- pen satin was fashioned witb full gathered skint witb tulle overskirt and a slight train. The basque bodice ai lace aven satin was styled with stand-up collan and tiny cap sleeves, and she wane rnatching elbow length lace mit- tens. Her finger-tip veil af tulle illusion was crested with a scal- [aped lace cap and she carried a cascade af white nases. Mrs. Les- le Darcb, sister of the bride and Miss Audrey Billings were the bride's attendants. Tbey wore identical gowns of white crepe fashioned with fitted bodice, low neckline and cap sleeves and long full skirt. Tbey ware matching crepe bonnets and carried cascades of ned roses. Dr. Jack Kennedy. T'oronto, acted as best man and he ushers were Mn. Leslie Darch, T'ononto, brotber-in-law oi the bride, and Mn. Carman Cornish, cousin ai the groom. Following the ceremony a ne- ception was beld at the home ai the bride's parents. Mrs. Teonant eceived the guests in a molten 'lue crepe fnock with navy ac- essonies and pink carnation cor- sage. She was assisted by the room 's mothen wbo chose a hîn- ih grey crepe inock witb access- nies ta match and corsage ai astel shade sweetpeas and carn- tions. For the wedding trip by moton [rough the States, the bride wone à]ight green ensemble witb flow- ýred bat and gold accessories. bhey will reside at 219 Arlington .ve., Torobto. c t c t: r cq sé gi is o1 pi ai tF a er T' A Four Progressive Conservative Women Nominated Pour Progressive Conservative womnen candidates ln the General Election are ln the Iucky claver leaf above: 1, Mrs. Lee Smiley, Moose Jaw, Sask.; 2, Miss Sybil Bennett, K.C., Haiton, Ont.; 3, Mrs. Grace Sp5arks, Burin.Burgo, Nfld., and 4, Mrs. Gardon Fairclough, Hamilton East, Ont. ino a short train. A coranet o' seed pearîs held ber full lenglV. veil ai tulle illusion and she car- ied red nases and bouvardia. Miss Eleanor Scheel, of Arn- pnion, the maid-of-honor, war( pale green. The bridesmaids, Mi 'z Norma Wood, af Selby, and Mis Joan Smith, ai Trenton, were in yellow. AIl wore bnocaded taffeta styled with cap sleevcs, A peplum with fishtail effect complemented their full skirts. They ware halo bats ta match their gowns and catried yellow and white carna- tions and sweet peas. The flower girl, Miss Canal Cahoon, Toronto, who was in pale green, was gawn- ed similarly ta the other attend- antsý and carried a nosegay ai identical flowers. The best mari was Dr. Norman S. Gage, Kingston. and the ushers were Mn. C. W. Smith, Trenton; Mn. H. W. Jackson and Mn. J. Mitchell, Kingston, and Dr. Errol B. Cahoan, Toronto. For the reception which was held in the church parlons, the bride's mother received in canni- val blue crepe witb white ac- cessanies. She was assisted by the bridegroomn's mothen who was in navy blue taffeta. Each warei a corsage ai pink roses. For the wedding trip fa Cosy Island, Knowlton Lake. Harrow- smith, the bride chose a blîîe gab- ardine suit with brown acccsszor- ies. Mn. and Mrs. Law will reside in Kingston. A gold nug-get found in 1869 weizhed 157 pounds. Power with out jnstice is soon questianed. Justice and power must thercione be brought ta- gethen. 50 that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may ba jnst. -Pascal. Business Direcioi'y I LAW - IVES LE GA L At a double ring ceremonv in_____________ J rinitY Uni ted Church, Bowman- W. R. STRIKE, K.C. T H E JO H N IIF L R E ville, on Saturday, June 11, Ruthi Barrister - Solicitor - Ntr i leanor Ives was united in mar- Solicitor for Bank of Monltreal MODIEL 4411 TRACTOIR riget Betram Gordon Law. Monpy to Loan - Phone '791 The bride is the daughter of Bowmanville, Ontario The "M" ls a good-lookig tractor and lt's just as i'Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Ives, of _______________ good as it looks. It's a simple, sturdi, tractor with every 7T'rnmanvi]]e. and the bridegroom LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. feature you wvant. . . built-in "Touch-O-Matic" hydraulie ';ib- son nf Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public control, air-cushioned seat, adjustable steering Nivheel, ease E. Law, of Kingston.KigSreW. omnle of serviclng, wide adaptability Nvith speeds v'arying from Eari.N s"rjnm-er flowers formed Phone: Striet6W.,-owmni]en 5 1-5/8 ta 12 m.p.h., plus a variety cf "Quik-Tatch" working the setting for the ceremonv hn:Ofcy8 eiec 5 equlpment that no other small tractor offers you. which waq; performed by Rev. J. WV. F. WARD, B.A. Core n r ~'rtefo ful nfrmaio o te JhnDere E. Griffith, assisted by Rev.' S. Barrister - Solictor - Notary Com Inor rit fo ful iforatin o th Jon Dere Henderson. The wedding music / KnStetE tractors and fulli Une of farmn equlpment. was played by Mrs. Reta Cole 9 îi tetE Dudley with Miss Donalda Creas- Buwmanville, Ontario ser âaz soloi-t. Phone: Office 825 - House 409 Au O 9*KE lD S X The bride, who was given In MS hA1 OGN marriage b "N hrr father, wore a MS PAI OGN BROOKLIN, ONTARIO PHONE BROOKLIN 18-r-2 gown of xiiite slipper satin. Pearîs Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public (3 miles .vest of Brooklin) outlined the swcetheart neckline Successor to M. G. V. Gould and the sleeves were pointed over Temperance St., Bowmanville ______________the hand. Her ful skirt fell Phone 351 DENTAL ...........DRS. PFVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Pental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. King Street - owmanville Office Hoursý 1 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon Wedncsday Closed Siinday. Office: Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt . 325 Dr. W. M Rudeil - 1%i27 3TOP TOBACCOS VI RGI NLA SUR LEY TURKISH Wi nchester CIGARETTES4 iDR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., l3owmanville Office Hours; 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Su1day. Phone 604 MONUMENTS The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario REAL ESTATE BOWMA NVILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rcnted Managed and Appraised. Members of the Canadian and Ontario Recal Estate Boards 3. Sliehyti D. Mlaclachian OffÀae - 326 Residence - 2017 VETERINARY DR. JOHN H.. WERRY, D.V.M. Gradujate of Ontario Vetcninary Colloge 43 Cnrlisle Ave. Phone 808 Bowrnanm ille HYDRO t N~E OM NOMIS Hello Homemakers! Strawber- ries are the best fruit we know- rich and satisfying' Even the pernickity appetite is tempted by fresh strawberries and cream. In colour and flavour the chillêd red bernies are "tops' at any time of da ' . The variety of strawberry desserts includes ice cream. jelly mouid, shortcake, pie and baked pudding. For nutrition we rec- commend the Vitamin C value of fresh strawberries in place of orange juice for breakfast. The Vanrouge varicty is listcd among the most suitable fruits for pre- serving by freezing. Fortunatelv, too, strawbcrry jam is easy to make and good to serve with any variety of hot, cakes or toast. STRAWYBERRY SPONGE 2 tsps. gelafine ý2 cup sugar 1 cups crushedi bernies Scup cold water 11/2tbsps. lemon juice 2 egg whites. Put the gelatine in top af double boiler; pour in the cold water and let stand at roorn temperature for 5 to 10 minutes. Stir over bail. ing water until gelatine dissolves. Add the sugar and stir until it has dissolved. Remove from the stove and add remaining water and lemon juice. Set the top of double boiler in a cool place until the jelly is the consistency of un- beaten egg white. Beat egg whites stifi and 'vhip the jelly then fold the two mixtures together. Stir in lemon juice and crushed bernies. Spoon into sherbent dishes and chilI in electric refrigerator until ready to serve. Top with sweeten- ed bernies and whipped cream. BAKED RHUBARB WITH STRAWBERRIES Cut tender, red rbubarb into 1 inch piece.:, Place in casserole and sprinkle generously with sugar. Bake in a hot electric aven (400 degrees) about 15 minutes. Thenl add the same quantity ai washed, hulled strawbennies and cook about 15 minutes langer. For special occasions serve on squares ai angel cake garnishedi with whipped cream. STRAWBERRY PIE 4 cups fresb strawberries 3li2 tbsps,. minute tapioca 1 cup sugar Pastry fan 1 pie Crusb 1 cup of bernies and mix with sugar and tapioca and let stand 15 minutes. Line an 8-inch pie plate witb pastry and fill with the 3 cups of bennies, then pour oven the crushed mixture. Caver with perforated top crust, pressing moistened edges tagether. Bake in clectric ov'en of 450 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce heat ta 350 degrees and bake 20 ta 30 min- utes or until pastny is a delicate brown. ENGLISH STRAWBERRY JAM 4 pounds strawberries 312à pouinds sugan Juice of 4 lemons Wash the hernies and remove the hulîs. Put the fruit into a pre- senving kettle with the lemon juice, and simmer untit it is well cooked and broken up-usually about 30 minutes. Add the sugar and continue stinning until aIl is dissolved. Simmer for 15 minutes,1 then test for jellying point. WbenI it is cooked suificiently, allow it ta cool, stirring occasianally. When it is haîf cold, pour inta small jars wbich have been steni- lized. Whcn cold, cover with bot wax. TAKE A TIP 1. Do flot wash strawberries until they are ta be used-then put a few at a time in a sieve and wash under the tap. 2. Hull strawberries aften tbey are washed s0 they will nat be- came water-logged. 3. Strawbenries stain white enam- el as well as linens and cotton, LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKI Roy couRTi iCE w. atherefore, use stainless ponce- lain or glass for cooking-and remember ta sponge fresh stains with dlean water. 4. Preserved strawberries will float to the top of the jars un- less precooked in syrup and set asîde in a covered kettie for 10 hours or overnight before processing in jars. 5. Do flot add strawberries to rhubarb or pineapple until 15 minutes befone cooking period is finished; otherwjse the acid found in these fruits will bleach the strawberries. You may add red food colouring to baked dishes, Anne Allan invites you ta write ta her c/o The Canadian States- man. Send in your suggestions on homemaking, problems and watch this column for replies. "Camel's made frorn of squirrel. va t i ve. bain" brushes are the fur ai a species THINK THIS ONE OYEZ BEFORE YOU VOTE A Government which, when ft bas the chance, draws away from the simple plan ai governing with responsibility ta the people, is ne longer fitted ta serve the people. We have seen enough of the cf- fects of strange doctrines by which the people of rxany countries have been robbed of their birthright. Government by Onder-in-coun- cil is t he thin edge of the totalitar. ian wedge. A Rigbt-About-Face is the only sure xay oi connecting a conditioni SLIch as this. Get the truc founda- tion under you at the firat oppor- tunity. Your chance cames on June 27tb. There's only one sure, saie way to vote. Mark your ballot for Charli$ Stephenson, Pnogressive-Conse» e&ud1 FISHING UP HERE! Lakes and rivers ahound in the Dryden-Siotîx Lookout area of Northern Ontario, bctwvecn Ignare and Quibele. If you'ne a big fish angler, you'll find liere muskie and -ige-kL tlat will test yî>ur skill and your strangest tackle. It's mighty primitive counitry, this "fish- erman's last frontier," sa youll need an expert guide. Bath Dryden and I. Ontario we have a hol iday paradise . . . let's do ail we can ta encourage visitors from across the border. Published 4 in support of the tourist bus i- ness hy John Lajbatt Limitcd. Sioux Lookout are outfitting centres for trips into this wonderful wilder- ness -by train a two days' trip fram the Southern Ontario area. Air-taxi service, tao, fromn Parry Sound ta the aI l- vear-rolIn( ainl)ort at Sioux Look. Ouf. For fulil details of first-rate fishing camp accommodation, write the B3oard af Trade, Dryden, Ont. No others compete when you compare!0 Compare Features! No other line ai trucks in its price range has ail these feat ares! 4-Speed Synchro-Mesh Transmission e Splined Rear Axie Hub Connection e Foot-Operated Parking Brake e Steering Column Gearshift e The Cab That "Breathes"* e The Flexi-Mounted Cab e Uniweld, Ali-Steel Cab Construction e Full-floatîng Hypoid Rear Axiee *Ail-Round Visi- bility with Rear-Corner Windows* a Articulated Brake-shoe Linkage e Hydrovac Power Brakes a Wide-Base Wheels e Multiple color options. *Heating end ventllating systen, and rear-corner win. dows with de luxe .quipment optional ai extra cost. THERE'S A CHEVROLET TRUCK FOR EVERY JOB ... with capacities f rom 4,000 1bs. to 16,000 Ibs. G.V.W. I A PRODUCI 0F GENERAL MOTORS CT. IO4A Nichols DEALER FOR CHEVROLET. PONTIAC, OLDSMOBILE, BUICK AND CADILLAC CARS, CHEVROLET AND G.M.C. TRUCKS ONTARIS SCompare Quality! There's autstanding quality in every inch aftd ounce of Chevrolet trucks ... an extra measure of massive strength and durability. They'rc built to take it - the nough going and the hard pounding - ini every feature of body, cab, engine and chassis 1 Compare Performance! Qâly these trucks have the Thrift-Master, Load-Master and Torque- Master Valve-In-Head engines - Chevrolet's three champions for low-cost aperatian ... low-cost upkeep. And they have more power with economy than any engines of their size in the wonld 1 CH EVROLET TRUCKS Ik ý. TRURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1949 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLLr. ONTARIO m "Apqln murq4m f LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKI ONTARIO

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