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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1949, p. 14

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?H~ eANAnTAN M'I'Aq'~I*AN' Ut~IA~.11?YV? V ~ A ev~ In the Dim and Distant Past From The Statemman File Fitty Years Ago Solina-Frank Cryderman, th( Samuel Wilmot, N e wc as tle, genial village blacksmith, fell anc died, May 17. By a strnage co seriously injured his knee. incidence, John Wilmot, his bro- Orono-While Mr. and Mrs ther, died at the same hour in John Kivell were returning home New York. from Newtonville the horse shied Congratulations to J. S. Somers and they were thrown out of the an receiving the degree of Doc- buggy, each receiving injuries.. tor of Dentistry from Toronto Un- . . R. Beer bas commenced work iversity. in his new brick shop. W. J. Bragg, Providence, Past Hampton-A branch of the Do- President of Wellington Lodge, minion Post Office Savings Depi Sons of England, bas been ap-' has been established bere. pointed as District Deputy Grand Courtice-S. J. Courtice bas re- Master for this district. turned from Victoria University Cawker and Tait are opening where he bas completed his course a branch store at the lake wbere for B.A. . . . H. Gay and G. F. they intend meeting the require- Courtice have each purchased ments of campers and pleasure r.ew Dominion organs. seekers. Tyrone-A bridge near S. J. Frarèk Trebilcock bas sucess- Henry's was demolisbed by an fully passed bis third year exarns unusual swell of water. at Trinity Medical College and Soina-One of the oldest pic- W. Allun his first year,' tak- neers of the district, Mrs. Nancy ing 4th place on the honour list in Hillis was laid to rest. . . . J. T. general proficiency. Williamns and A. H. Stott, Harnp- Cadmus-Peter Wright, Nestie- ton, are giving the Hall a new ton, is putting a stone foundation spring coat of paint. under bis barn. Frank Grigg won first place and Crcnc Ilectiric Phone 55-r-i Orono FARIM AND H1OUSE WIRING Fast radio pick-up service means no more long waits - ~ for a taxi. SKING'S RADIO TAXIS 24 HOUR SERVICE Phone: Day 561 - Night 561 - 707 - 922 FOUR NEW CARS - ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE OPERATED BY LATHANGUE BROS. WherverYou Travel Refi frade-marks mean AuthoIi dba*h, w Coca-euh sadu enract wltC« Hcimbly's Carbonated E OSHAWA -first time prize in the bicycle r'oad C... O UM HRE'S MAMA rase at Newtonvilie. C. OL M Rev. M. E. Wilson, Newtonvilie, Cornes in flying fram the street, has received hanors fram Queen's (by Ji.m Kenny> "Where's Marna?" University having the degree of The CCF is just as interested Friend or stranger thus he'll LL.D. conferred upon hlm. in stopping cammunism as is any greet: Columbus Presbyterian Church other party. We have always op. -Where's Marna?" -is to be re-opened by Rev. A. Posed, and appose to-day, evcry Doesn't want ta say hello e McGillvray of Bonar Church, To- form of dictatorship. There is a Homne tram school or play he'll go id ronto, on June 11. fundamental difference between Straight to what he wants ta Newtonville-Fred Williams is CCF methods and philosophy and know- 'S about to erect a barber sbap. those af the communists. The C.C. "Wbere's Marna?" ie F stem democratically or- d Tent-Fle YarsAgo ganized party in Canada-the Many times a day he'Il shout, e wnyFv Dr.sAg cammunists are the least. The Seerns afraid that she's gone out. ie D.J. C. Devitt was honored CCF believes that the indivlduai 'Where's Marna?" by bis fellow dentists in the pro- is suprere-the communists be- It's bis first tbought att the door kvince by being elected Vice- Pres- lieve that the stat is supreme. The Sbe's the one be's loaking for, ident of the Ontario Dental Asso- CCF wants change by voting- And he questions o'er and a'er -ciation. the cammunists want change by "Wbere's Marna?" t Rex. W. A. Buriner. Pickering, violence. The carnmunists, and bas asked for superannuation on the leader af a çertain other Can't be happy tili he knaws accounit of ill-bealtb. He bas party, believe that minarities "Where's Marna?" ypreacbed 35 years. who bold opinions radically duf- Sa be begs us to disclose e r n r.M .Mnr n ferent tram their awn sbould be "'Where's Marna?" MissrJanMsMH Minore elcar- iailed - the CCF believes that if And it often seems ta me d rivs ed n nBoreanvile lst week this country is ta remain derno- As 1 bear bis anxious plea, Covd nratulai ta RssTili cratic we cannot afford ta bave That no sweeter phrase can be: soguaionst osTley, paliticalpios We' Mm? n f Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Tîlley, i rsn.WeesMaa? on passing bas second year Facul- tv MVedicne exarns at Taronto Like to hear it day by day, University. "Where's Marna?" Bowmanville cbums congratu- Lovliest phrase that lips can say, late Elmer P. Reddon, son of Mrs."Wbere's Marna?" M. P. Peddon, Toronto, on passing And 1 pray as tirne shall flow his final exarns with bonors at And tbe long years corne and go, Ontaio Sboo ai harmcy.Thaï he's always want to knoxv: Orono-W. A. Waddell, mana- *~ . br' an? -Edgar Guest ger Standard Bank, will occupy the P. B. Wbite's new residence. iAn exceedingly interesting, bap- e THINK THIS ONE OVER py social function was enjoyed YU OT sorne 50 relatives, and friends ai Mr. and _Mrs. James Arthur We- You know very well that a ry a thir bndsme nw rsi-Government tbat loads on the dence, Svain Farm, EnniskillenC taxes to create big surpluses, far larger than needed, is actually byclbaigwitb tbem their................reacbing its hand into your pocket 25hwding anniversary. frte money that belongs to you Mrs. E. T. Arnold Foster bas ' ~adyu blrn arrived borne fram England after ~ ~ Have you any ways of spending 2 years absence. - our own rnoney tbat yaur prefer At ag~tbrin ai eneal M ~'ta pay out for sarnetbing except ftors ernployees beld in Oshawa taxes? In recent years it bas beerj Geo. WT. MeLaughlin announceûi liiretremnt ~~~sacivepari -goving oranzaged, fatterng hi e i e m n r m aci vte part- Jîrn K enny....... sleek. Y our hard-earned funds cptointeafisftece. . have been thrown about in great pany afte'r 38 years of srie The present Conservative poic generous gestures . . . but nl XVe welcorne ta West Durhamn, of vilification is just a manoe-fryuadyus Mr. A. H. Keane, Toronto, tbe vre ta ernbarrass the. CCF. Wefor-fiouan yoursasg o n new owner of "Rural Hill Stock know that the comrnunists bave Oerfnnigi ina n Farm," Kirby. flot cbanged their views about the efficiency in gavernrnent. Yet the Congratulations ta William T. CCF and dernocratic sacialisrn. present Finance Minister himself J.Veale, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Tbey bave always declared derno- bas admitt- that be bas taken Thos. Veale, on completing bis cratie sacialist movernents ta be more off you than be needed, by a course in Medicine at Toronto their principal enemy, and ane ai good slice. UJniversity. their prime objectives in Canada This as your chance ta help get Orono-R. R. Foster carried off is ta eliminate the CCF. tbe finances of Canada straight. first rnoney in saddle class at Cammunist Line Eleet tbe party ta office that will Brooklyn Spring Fair. . . . Frank The cornrunist line is always properly represent you in running Knox, B.A., wbo spent past terym sbifting and cbanging in accord this country. at Howard University, Cambridge, witb the latest polic3r in Moscow. Elet your frie nd, Charlie Ste- Mass., has accepted a position on In 1938 the cornrunists backed phenson, and bis assaciates af the teaching staff at Queen's Univer- tbe Social Credit party against the Progressive -Conservatjve Party, sity, Kingston. . . . A. A. Powers CCF in Alberta. onl June 27tb. bas bought a bal interest in a In 1939 the cornmunists support- They will eut their budget ta large crearnery at Cornwall. cd Duplessis in Quebec. business-like requirements. Newcastle - Sunday evening In 1945 the LPP supported tbe wben George Clarke was driving Liberals. big campanies - nat tram the borne, an auto struck bis buggy, In 1948 Tim Buck announced people tbemselves as the CCF wrecking it and tbrowing out the that for tbe rest ai' the year bis does. occupants.. .. .Eigbt years aga party would support the CCF. Challenge to People Mrs. Horbert Brown lost ber wed- This move failed cornpletely. 1 sbould like ta conclude this ding ring wbile daing some gar- Sa .-.- series witb a challenge ta the dening. Ltist week wbile working In 19ý49 the comrnunists switcb- people af Durham. Of any wbo in the garden, Mrs. Brown tound ed again, withdrawing tbeir 5siP- tell you that the CCF is not de- ber ring. port from the CCF, and accusing mocratie ask if tbey bave ever its leaders af being foliowers Of attended a CCF meeting. These Wall Street. meetings are beld montbly and Tbe National Convention ai the are all public, there are no ses- CCF bas repeatedly and unan- sions from which you tbe people irnously rejected LPP support, are barred. Those wha sav wc You cannot stop communism by are not a people's party are those putting people into jails. Christ- wbo take their opinions only fromn ianity could not be stopped that tbe Tory and Liberai press witb- way, nor the waman's suffragette out giving us the courtesy or m ovement.The onIy way to fight t lo o netgashalîfor te m-rn G o thcornmnsm - povtety, un e- rnan's. an orstaenessn ' n hno 'e s e dployrnent, bad housing, jl eaitb bis own best friend?" How long peoand depressions. mnust we wait before we give aur- . h dEvhl to'Be Fougbt selves security. bospitalization. ir- Any political party tbat does not rigation projects and other social seek ta find a solution ta the legisiation. modemn curse of depressions is The choice is with ,yau. t'2 belping the carnmunist mavernent people. You can decide an Mon- because depressions lead ta grief, day, June 27. s0 let me say ta you tb ndesar then chaos, and fin- tbat wben you vote yau bave only allv to dictatorsbip. Tbe CCF is two eboices, either advance with fthe only Party arrned witb a all those tbousands who vote CCF, scientifically prepared policy ta or vote ta retain aur present era defeat depressians. af boom and bust, war and want Do you find communists strong by voting Liberal or Canservative. in Great Britain since the Labor Editor Thanked government was elected? No! Do We wisb again to include a note you find them strong in Australia, ai tbanks ta tbe editor, Mr. Gea. New Zealand, Sweden or Norway? W, James, for bis generous and No! But in countries witbout de- democratic action ai giving a mocratie sacialist gaverniments, column a week in bis paper for such as Greece, France and Italy, the use af the tbree major politi- tbe carnu1nistsaran- eerp- clprte-uin hscapin TM-----. ...l.V STAT£ER%.LL 10,000 Reserve Army ulits are schduled ta train for a ane-week erod with ail camp Men to Train activities teing directed by Ma- jar-Generai C. Vokes, CB, CBE, Inibntario DSO, assisted by members of the Central Command staff. Six Central Command Headquart- training wings will be in operation crs ba s annaunced that mare than and wili provide instruîction in ar- 10,000 members af the Canaolian maured artiliery, engineer, in- Army Reserve Farce irom ahi fantry and general military train- parts af eastcrn Canada wili train ing and subjects. Arrangements at three af Ontario's large miii- bave also been made ta run pro- tary camps this summer. Training mation, qualifications, and trade will get under way at Pictan an training examinations during the June 19, Petawawa and Barrie- perod ai the camp. field on June 26, and will be the most extensive seen in Ontario Anti-aircraft and signas regi- sincethe ar yars.ments af the Army's tbree mast sinc th waryeas. astern commands will train at Largest of the three camps wiii Picton comrnencing June 19, and be at Petawawa wbere prepar- at Barriefield June 26. It is ex- atians bave ibeen made ta train pected tbat 2,500 Reserves wili more than 8,000 men, representing train at these twa camps during sorne 160 units, between June 26 the' sumnmer. and August 26. Ail Reserve Force unîts from Ontario's Central Com- The arrny's most modemn cquip- mand, with the exception ai anti- ment will be made available at al aircraft and signals, will train at tbree camps, as wiil the iatest in this camo. Quebec and Eastern training aid.s. Fuliy qualified in- Commands wiil be represented by structor and administrative staff units ai the Ro~yal Canadian Ar- will be drawn from tbree corn- moured Corps, Royal Canadian mands, supplernented wbere nec- Engineers, and field, medium, and essarv by personnel frorn Active anti-tank Prfihierv regiments. AI] Force units and establisbnments. ~eftI /'ei"TOMATO JUICE when you buy 2 tins at the regular p'rice und present coupon beîow to your grocer Tests made recently ina 390 grocery stores across Canada revealed the amazing fact that 3 out o 5 wornen prefer Libby's <Gent/e Press", Tornato Juice, regardless of priée. Ihis is certainly a wonderfui tribute to Libby's flavour and quality, yet we believe that everybody would have chosen Lihby's had they sampled it. That's why we're offering you ane tin of Libby's Tomatojuice FREE ... sa that every family wiil know the unsurpassed garden-freshness of Libby's, Canada's favourite tomato juice. We want you to try it NOW. TJ- B-49 -------------------------------------- THIS COUPON ACCEPTABLE AT ANY LIBBY'S DEALER, ANYWHERE THIS COUPON ENT ITLES BEARER TO ONE TIN 0F LIBBY'S »TOMA TO JUCE- IFREE-with the purchase of 2 tins at the regular price. Void after July 9th, 1949 I am .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IAdress..................................................................... ITO DEALERS: This coupon will be the going retail price.I i Libby's, Chatham, Ont,. ----------------------------------------------- Liberal trick- ta win the mare progressive voters aif tbis riding. In British Columbia, in Manitoba, even in sarne Ontario ridings the Liberals and Conser- vatives have jained forces ta o block the people's movement ta- ward the CCF. And wbv shauldn't tey jaîn faorces? Tbey get their campaign fnds from h same "Shocking os Payoj way... bo, Fridlay, Ju th ame Ihing. fi T TN è0w, m-Cole U&td.O ~evraes ~10:00- 10:31 PHONVE 7551 Tif PAG YOUTE" TTICKETS TOEVERYWEERE Air, Rail or Stearnahlp Consult JURY & LOVELL Bownianville là King St. W. Phone 778 REWARD- A reward ai a $10.00 Bridai. Knot merchandise certificateI will be sent ta any Persan wbo xviilw-rite aur company, giving us the narne and ad- dress ai any jeweller i, their district that does notli bave Brldai-Knot diamond rings in stock. PEERLESS JEWELLERT MFRS. Suite 202-203 Yonge Arcade Taronto - Ontario Home of Bridal-Knot Diamonds 1 :LME tffl, igo ONE TIN OF

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