THtIRSAT, JmmN!23rd, 1949 TUE CAftLDJI~ AN TAITEIEA' BOWMANVILLE. OHAR!O *I'UUnonR mb rsTodof the thoughtless by promising o! one wor, ii~fo __ r Rbr amcrIê a~~uor Union Nembers ~~ ~ ofroneWord, in the hangeNes ONfroeerma oeswr "benefits" to one clame at the cost UN Pinafore":poedaduIga.A reeom of ail allier classes. j ,U IN LV TN This is thxe consequence Mrs. A. Clarke, Bufai avat T Voeand Preserve 0re o h ol smvn fo h u O R T O f ill-advised austerlty. ing ber brother, Mr.W.Cl r n r.Wle hta. j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _p rin c ip le s o f a fre e o cl e ty to a lin s.__ _ _ _ _ _ regimented Baciety, tram a society Dy JOHNV M. JAMESMr George Wil I Thie leading editorial ini the be watched in this respect. Thie where men were free to plan their 1NAPOLEON MAY HAVt fred MKay weehom omtor rsWÎISFr* March 1949 issue of the Raliway editorial warna. <,w jjies into a socet were LBERA NOyVNR FORl DtWJ"J STARTED fl' work at Maple forteween r.PryFrow Review, officiai organ of the Na- It Io Up to you ta aay whether or their lives are planned for tliem, at. Fancish. tt tional Union a! Railwaymen aoflnot we shall continue as a democ- where they are ordered what ta Mr.aniginuty ol CoorancsDsr. ictMngr r le ajhwol Canada, under the caption. «"rtla racy, dedicated bo the principles af plant and where to work, what ta probably have arrived without Hane, Toronto, o! theBlee ncnetinwt i ... Up TO You" presents the. mast lfreedom-freedom of association, read and what ta develop. Only four days ta go and we'll cessful again. Why gamble with Napoleon, says Miss Editix Elliot, phone Ca. spent paro!Trs.tdisiit M.adM.on pungent advice we have seen ta freedoni o! opportunity, freedoni We will have ta keep Canada know the aLnswer ta the $84 ques. your future? Consumer Section, Dominion De-ý day In I4ewtonville nte-adBrelefre mernbers o! Canadian unions on o! woahlp, freedom for individual free from the reactionary phIloso- lion o! whether the Liberals will In conclusion, there are lwo partment o! Agriculture, but its castle looking averletrioy nebd. what they wiil be votirig about an initiative, and freedom to build a phies so prevalent in Europe today have alreeog aoîyt things liaI are niost Important safe t0 say that he hurried it ai- served by- the Port oeTl- W ecmdavrlhr om j June 27. better li! e for ail. and which aur fathers and fore- alre nuhmjoiyt irst, liaI you vote to preserve ong. OrIginator of the military phone Ca.soern usay Il la quite clear that the editor- It in up ta you ta undesaftershoped the ethy had left behind aangvrnlecutrhieylat denxocratic rigixî which now ls dictum that '<an army marches on Mr. and Mrs. WaynitIad etoviegrswr co. ,; l is directed against supportlug liat if the free democratic systernilieni forever wien they emigrat- for anoîher terni. WW11'llaso'know denied the people of many unfor- its stomach'l, ie o!fered 12,000 Mr. Roy Burley werehm fonluaorNwasegilonM . CCP and St Laurent candidates goes by lie board, it wili ha re- ed ta these free shores. W. mnust if Durhami County will again be tunate countries. Second, that you francs ta any Frenchman who Litowel for lie weeeddaeengonlelclied for il warns: placed by government regimenta- defy the trend ta stallani at ail represenîed in tie opposition cansider weilllie importance o! could discover a metiod of pre- Salurday nigit adSna l'ie na ti o hauld substitute, o e d ae otrlo alhur.os., hc, rm___eprs,________Drhm_______set srig od o isfghigme.seea pdsti the aipola ou ta sayhti er to andatecnri !alhua at"wiî foial eot, a eed in lie ranka o! tie Liberai gov- A partial anawer came in 1809 iighway, fargetlingfoth ni- 'evryrutolegspl1 free enterprise, a aystem of out-I- 1la up te you ta say wheîer smaller than il was before, or if erninent which ail observerasaY when Nicholas Appert aucceeded ment liaI one aide ha1 enr-aprto.I st h et and-out or even partial statecnyawilsprthoe candidates Tosupprtd HeatcanDidaes Ibis fine counly is to have a rep- wilî be re-elecled. i rarigfo ycoigadsiurfaced and was ie nhaarn 5t h arth n Irai." This labels Ihese parties as Who place lie individuai aiead of!eettv itn nte oen ihrta h t tbey eailystandtstaand knd th stal thewio rcognie.thl Fao nersto Hallng resenata'esersig 'nlie gvern Il usee yur wa clea la ackin in gass bltie wilhIiihl higer ha lie llieraide lookeveryrootand ud, adandu1me; neeitra irate hekn teiniiua a iaieal 'rnvote Libera, yur support wilî be Iy driven corks. These botles ns-ie n esrdterdsr ab oe of individual freedorniliaI work- rigîts wicî no human agency can W7. r From Pond sicrl prcae.I ou dont wro ore raal n egho h a er ogt aprsev we tei nvd, one o en.'a___ vote Liberai, Ihat la your deélsion ieavy, and ta a large extent were es o-j ob, strnned eadteir it a up taconferamreen Aoek gowereor eaiand lhere'll be no hard feelings unaultable for lie rough and soft-jbi socalist inded eaders It la p to yu to cmprelind A won aaurepart.tedAndthifnweuraret.eAdcifedareumbleedofum lieof bahe lie-field.d atteniplt t direct their votes "en wial wiUl happen here if, by your er conditions lie hotteat for any we shall do aur beat to give Dur- Years later, anotier Prenciman, bloc" ta sociallat poiliiai candid- ballot, you elect c ndidalea liaI spring in local hlstory. Hay craps a County lie best 1Èepresenta- Peter Durand, oblained a permît ates, wbèlier straighl COF or stand for state controi, irregard- were virlually ruined and past.- Iheir admilted St. Laurent allies. less o! wiether It la calléd fascism, ures iburut out. Everywhere in ion thnyaur cainproie ba for macking aftid-patducannBt 'rie following extradas froni the saciaiism, collecliviani, commun- Ibis district, lie cusloniary water have made. laler, wheîî ane Thornas Kenneti editorial wilI be o! intereat locally ism, or "planned econamny". hales have dried up and liveatock * wapidfraatnfoleeln in vlew of negolialions said la be It Io up ta you, voter, ta say has iad a bad lime o! il. Cool 0Ow, on to lie poils on Monday. i sedfo a aaetfo h s i in progress for a sellout an elc- wielier Canada Io tlobe led mbt nigils have saved lie situation ta Be sure yau vote! cn nteUtdSae . ion day. rie counit at ie poils will state scialism by pliticians ouI- sanie extent. fo rne slealoiiscn Only scaterd rana avesidered il a joke. In 1860, how- brougil relief but lie water situa- nIlA vsd A serity ver h auatr ftnc tionthepas wek ha ben sch egan in lie United States. EXPERTS vLIN C DOES w ONDERS lion serlopal fek h aesciIn 1878 lie tiraI Canadian can- lia. severa Lewis Milligan ning factory was eslablished at ing tanks ta haul water from Van- 'iepllciptl nli aGii'eOI stan's miii pond. 'rhe lreck o! h oiia o nBrti sGiseOt F OR TE IARW -UI-HLAKING liveslack ta abbatoirs for siaugi- s immering and il anly needs lie Machine made cana were soon _____t er bas run ta Ibousands weekly. extra fuel a! a general election used but lhe tops were soldered Heavy carnyovers cul mbt relurns la bring il suddenly ta a bail. 'rie on. In 1910 aoldering was dispens- Oshawa, June 23.-Having seen witb baled iay at $45 per ton. recent municipal elections, in ed with and lie modemn type of whici the Conservatives scored can adopted. 'rese are made of I b e F n e H a r g C i n c a d v r - h e s u m e r s e a o n o p e e dg r e a t g a i n s v e n L a b o r , d o uo t a s t e e l w i t h a c o a t i n g o ! lr e i n . - tised we decidd ta lulerviewTuesday wili emperature isingappuev ACLE la aven 90 degrees. Fildmen for Pa ohv aroused sufficient Speciai enamel-lined tins are used the hering secialit condctinginterest on, lie part a! lie elector- where aydiscolaration o! the C hhese tests.cnigfcolsrptth e aIes 'to add to their ttalipapular contents aigit accufr, or chemical crop practically ruined but same John M. James vote. Ini Liverpool,fointceatonordeleinrsfceo Mr. H.Ellis' reply ta aur apen- hope is beld ouI for corn and bnee fr eloe ccronrt ieD inst'an-e, cn. corrodrethttth, Pino Rcitsurhfacelb.f w an g r ue k pH o w s b u In es ? m a osaico d a n c m n e taly sis, le p ercen tag e o ! le p op u - o d ay , can an d co n ten ts, m u st. was qualed u uc igope cte on f ct , j im e. change. lar vote w as 47.21, as com pared live up t a le exacting specifica- produced on F nl a v n n , Ju e 2 t , b is h l i -. hre ea a led arvig ace A o t he nIl has been a wonderful cam- wih,48.19 in te 1947 elcin . tio lid do n by G vern i t to Challis and n aa r ful st t rendiers withoul charge or oblig- MANAGING THE LAYING paign and we bave enjayed every 'rieo Conservatîves made a gain protect lie healli-and also tie Liberal meetingi ehwauhdl fr1,sm a iktoe may oe 'araid FOCK minute o! il. We've climbcd high of 1l seats.. Commenîing an lie pocket--of tie customer. atio ta ie ard-f-henin. ______ bibt te air ta talk ta a farmer resulla o! lhe eleclions, tie Daily evenlnt has benaneld you h ave li er im rid ~ aeful observation and atln-wbo was putting on a new barn Post said -Ilial since lie contesta us. Wc are al saiesme . . and, iori ta lie many delails invoived roof; we've lnicd tla fix a new in-cvrd"ayo i auos Las Angeles, Cal., bas almosl as US eaentslse nin handiing laying !locks requires der liaI was causing trouble; industrial -reas," lhe resulta were many streel miles of underground usedb doarnl peciand ta be. ear e n ate c , fondness for the work we've been able tb arrange for "e eca y gnf an o! at n l benlug sndt b.Weae peialias, pnigarflilu- atiencatioenol* wîring as Winnipcg bas miles of teresîed in doing everytîing bu- and vigilance aI al l imes. Pro- ane man ho have bis eleclric slave trends against Lapor alrcady mndi- streeta. DR nianly possible ta help those wîrn fit or bass is delermined by resulîs wlred; we've been tld Ibal we caled by lie caunty councli and P e ;u is a "centralized" cansti- »RA IEA SOITO a iearinlng îgain arici, active, obtlkd oe aohr a 2 ' cue eubn p urlcnesshh'toa rpbici hchvt norml i.. so long ...... imtaI he Wheter lie sweeping gains o! la campuisary for mien belween norm lle In thc management o! laying Rusl-Rid hee bad on a healer ate tixeýConservalives in ail lie muni- 21 and 60. "The mxodern Acousticori makes bouses, Baya R. A. Sansbury, Do- tirough tli etcai and ruined il; cipal elections in Brilain la an Ibis possible, yes. . . but, lî's minion Experiniental Station, we've bougit a dog we saw on indicalon o! wbat remaippns n need o! a specialisl la ensure lit oseltonh ie tha l pravide good ventilation and in Poliah and Ukrairlian and bave la be seen. Il la saîd liaI mucli correct fittîng. That's lie reason liereelaei3o difs rntimela. cam!rtable temperatunes as liese ta date been ieckled once in Co- wil dpn pnefot e for aur clinics we want la se Aoslct.egner n sin are imnportant factors in tie healhi bourg On a courtcsy visîl', and hast made by Con'evhv raia thase people whe now wear a Aclis negier ndsi o! the flock. Ample roosting btb neen lalw bv a lo n er a ti ool ana p hearing aid, regardiesa o!fniaixe ata tsspent lseven Years and oe u yn aasltw av a inune odWolo owii- - as mch s w dothos wh neà ahait-million dollars la aciieve space for ail bîrds siould alzo b. tie privilege 'o! riding in the up a record popular vole. There Oi.wiich is so vital to your heali be placed to make tie feed ac- and hia family. Whal more could bas, atlîl a large !ollowing, but "You sec, liere are many dit- and happineas. cessible and sa arranged liaIthiey any candidate ask except liaI il la: now on lie defensive, wbere- feretit causes a! deafncss . and, "Tn10,he'sarnwI- can be filled wlth a mini Mmwben lie voles are counted liaI as. in 1945 il was very muci on caci requires a differenî iearlng visible Hearing" wiicî aîîows yo amaunt a! walklng. ayl er sielili e, greatesl number should be tic offensive. 'rie Party leaders aid !itting. Because a! an efficient ta bear lie way peopeiîhn and gril should be valable aItniarkcd wiîi lie x in lie igil and journalialic supporters, since "speeci-iearing" analysis, I can impairment do.. in a ew y îanosal l imes. A constant suppiy o! place?leycnaatckieC srv-_- . ting c asune l ur t ining t he o1ring so com ple ely unnoticeable la I e n f e i wa eTh e e sa y re cam paign as been excep- tiveà for any ling ley av a don c e l W U M ~ D M U ~ as l osela poslrelumu y or ai geven your closest fiend can'l spot A properly instlaled waer sys- tonaly cean sofar as thic îbee in the p ar, are M L U I Il g R E M I S , fl r asclsea pssbe a omal, il.", tem is important in kceping lie candidates are concerned and we away the failure o! lie Labor Our main objective la ta have you We certainly urge you to spend 1111cr dry. One eigix-foal coni- muat bene camniend aur adversar- Governmenl la fuiful ils pre-elac- benefit tram aur expenience, a !ew minutes wilh Mr. Ellis . munity neat la recommendcdfoe for a epigtkcpa ytrmlopois. knowicdge, and tbc sympahhetic and, aur hah's off ho Acoushican cach graup a! 50 birds. Several e- o epn tke wyfrmto rmils understanding we give each in,- wbo provîde tlis nation-wide ser- different kînds o! maîcnial suci personalilica and badkJ-biling be- S9 fan ass Socialiat pragrani dividual bearîng 'probleni. vice ta ielp the bard-of-iearng as peat mass, straw, siavinga an lween us. Il has been an uiIet ôcreteGvrmn a 'Examine for yourself liese uew ,came out o! ticir wonld o! silene awurmaesaifctorlt-eXpenience ual only for lie dau- fulilled Ils promises o! nation- tcr. Tic type o! 1111r selected ddtsbtfrtegnnice-alizaîjon, but thc resuits have ual for use wiil depend upan lie cash. orale as Weil and bodes Weil for been as predicled. 'rie Conserva-. FREE HEARING TEST The lilter in sanie parts o! lie lie future. We bave an several tives are necalîîng sanie ofthle pen, around tic dinklng foun- occasions correlted saaenienîs rs rdcin aeb ao Tuesday, lune 28th tains or under lie Windows, b.- wiich bave been made against Partyleadrsin195.M r.d erbebr came dap. l soul b.nethie gavernment we represen, Morrison la quoted as saying, lu PROM 1 - 9 D.m. molved and replaced with dry nia- butfIese ave bn i tic atre giving thanks far lie eleclion o! Genosha Hotel - Oshawa laI they woud ual be nisled beh*nd lhe ald scarciy o! econ- Arlificiai ligbling la necessary and bave been no reflection per- ar.ao4 i aptla ol. ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ta m ain lain m axim um egg pro- sonally on allier candidates. oQtic o t helions is p r-lechio ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ duction during the fail and winten W c w auld also hike ta express speeches by allier party leaders montis. The heugl a! thie feed. u prcaint h e n r sflos retBvn ing day abauid be kepl aI about wor apprelio n t e men nd'ae as ollos En' 3v 13nien, numbeîng ancloeebn-heWk cnuddbuild four on five mii- ccodiu b egualins il 3 hurs Kep acloe ceckOudreds, wia bave worked valunlar- lion houses.. . and rebuild aur AccodingIo RgulaionsAllfccd consumfptian and egg praduc- iiy and wilh wander!ul enthus- country ln very quick lime." lion duning thie lighîing peniod. iasm and ability la ensure liaI Aue'urin Bevan-"'I confidently . Thene is a rclalionsblp between Durhami Couuly wiIi bave a Lib- egpecl liat befome lie next ciec-.. ' " W er V tngfrJh yJa e"the arnount of !eed faflsuned and eralnicmber elected on MondayT. lion vrfailinGetBt* To secure thc most satisfachory zing response because aid-lime James Grifitis-"'Labon'a palicy egg production a feeding program workcrs tell us that, lu Ibeir mmn-, -and .Labor's palicy alone--can SIna mmust be eslablisicd whici wiii ory, thcy bave neyer seen so many give thxe nation the coal it needa."l signsL maintain the body, stimulate energetic workera for Liberaliani Ernest Bevin-'Labor will pro- growti and dcveiopmcnt, support during any previaus election. We ledt your savings againsl risingI Must be removed from vehlicles before eg prdcinadecugee la wih uc wndrl prices . . Witi a Labor Gaven- Mk orblo en maximum feed intake aI al l imes. backiug from sa many aid Liber- ment iu office-wiici, wouid be Sunday morning, J~~ne 26th The weight and condition of the ais, t ram sarniany former 00F -believed and understaod by Rus. o tog ntdCnd n, h cud y r o n n , JV e 2 t ir h n i e si n i cî-reas is e w u d li e l m ke a c al barg d"a r ( cia4 aecufrity masures are fan The Zngli li peaple îavp aîways one of ils first end strongeat advocaîes. " D V A !! hxeado!alamoal any other taken their politics seniousiy, but Canada sitanas united and ready, in cooperatîo country. 'rie Prime Ministen and tbey have mlxed il wilh a saving iho erdmcaentosodoe p t his famiy bave visited aur court- sense o! humor, which îoweverwihaiedmoricntnslaolerar Ly and bave creaîed a most favor- has been i4cking in the past !ew in building peace and security. P H O N 3 0 1able impression o! humility, de- years. Sir Stafford Cripps la an volion ta duly and reai sinceritA able and banealt administralon, LIBERÂL COMMIT TEE ROOMS L ealgoerie t cue t hese pleneafhd "u-SAFEGUARD YOUR SECURITYI and ils people and bave provided amic planning, by wiich i. creat- YOUR STAKE IN CANADAS FUTURE *suci wise and able leadcrship. W. cd siortages o! commodilies for Ifeel liaI the majority o! the celc- homecocnaumption in arder ta in- V 'lors teel tie sanie way liat we do crease lie volume o! exporta. I Tey want ta continue ta be pros- and you'Il gel grass." Il la gener- _ _ penaus and fufly empiayed. Tbey aliy admiîted in tie British press- want ta feel lixat tic government thAt Sir Staffords extra dose of VTW'L I Published by of Canada is inherested in their "aÙsterily" lu bis last budget was NETDYNTIALIEA.COM persanai weltarc no malter iow respansîble for the suddcn switcb ardiuamy ticir occupation. They a! public opinion as expressed in W'Z~CIvuî ssciaionwanl sound, able and expeniencec tie municipal electians. One writ- leadership such as tie Liberal cm attributcd ilta " 'boredoni," gavernmenh has la affer. Il bas wiici e said is "aonc of tie U w m = vule Lib er l A ssoci atio npraved succcsstui in the past .and strangest o! ail Britis em notions . 'Vtf o h i -. ~ ~ 1 j oinrw eqAwàvIrAle OMAMMOILSAI&