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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1949, p. 9

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-j- ~ -j- .-. - . r ~.......... f THE CAADIA?4STATESAN. -I-Anm W Z sincere "thank you!" Ind of ed ta report that Mr. N. Arm.piai1eT ýP N Y O Lmakes Us fbel as though B.HS. strong, our, local music teacher Compaa leV tng Tri h =p lasr otoLhld Enhp oclPo l ected pleauet o hlleeia rvi r insopn 1~n.~1 had conferred an honorary degree assembled al. the district'% first fP dj r habit of taking it easy nse d o' d n eo w n drvr ex é uous ehv ee enpiewneslth .mLHalInDurhcun iq Decidd at Oshawaz District Docttblivsi te fr temuh graer ndetriel Several different people wlth noted for our academic brilliance, on the evenlng of June 24, and Mooryl.BacsLO O?.G an ode traifi.Open thes c igha ___________ scientific knowledge, have tried to which fallt makes us wlggle .ali peetdasleddporr Rmd3sltretdllCIiarlngMoshould fltcese1re.ardedraad places explain the pheriomena of the in- over when an Institution of learn- packed willi var t o an enthu.& the votes cast lni Durhamn ounty hudntbread te sa, dr . heat w ave w e have ing deigna t a notice Our existence. iastic audience thatt ttUed the hall. n r s e t t h 94 r v n i l T r e O n a i ' C a p o s je D istricof fi e s o the G de t rad r 1 a bu rst cf se dl bu at er a eloection and the 1949 DomînIo ! or %' mile track will b. decidedLogeo!th Ideenen Qie ben. xeiniaro here. Our 4wo local honeymoon cou. When it is rernembered that ail election are given the total score at the Motorcycle Rces at Alex- o! Oddfellows and Rebekah As- tesri !diigi nsal Mayb they arX right; but, the pies, Mr. and MrE. Leroy Hyland toc few of Our prese'nt crop 0f in this Issue o! The Statesman. alidra Park, 'Oshawa, Priday, July sembly of Ortario were eiected heavy traffie. fact remains that in less than 48 and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Y :oungmnan youngters have hiadt muèh, musical Below are the resuits reported 1, when ridera Irom aIl sections in Toronto last week as 1,100 dele- "hr sgo es hours after my mother-in-law re- have returned. The boys around training, due to the exigencies o June IV, 1948: f the province will be thrilling gates fro mal sections of the pro. . oTer s god rasnfo A olo in toe turned ta her home in Toronto ' we here weren't long in discoveringi war, we should feel very grate 'Duhm Couty the Oshawa district fapxs with vince gathered ut the Royal York pr t'. legay sdlMto 0mie yr' rgStrNwc1, -had a couple o! nice .showers and the foregoing and shivareeing" jta Mr. Armstrong for the unusal their sLqur"ansays Mr. Dorucece "A D. G.r Waltan's, seesconslO th tmprtue rpped from a bath young couples on the saine succesa he ha. attalned in such Foote ShieofAllisontppedandedri eFrs re telGrnf or te, nnual sessions cf Per Ona- sizling 94 degrees, in the shade, night. short perod. By the .w ay, he iReCert rigAs---dr1ver52a4 thiuP dspneed e class sif--hexWilson & Brown, Newtonville an * tayplaj, uory 76 T ha et Ms rdlsu tse i ad-aveteran Of the laie war. Marivers 605 329 69 gopdiitrecasseprsm4,tadEcmmnadvol 55 feet before his:fo rse .L ym yn Potpoljno ýl ea et MP.Pe tlsusta he!aCavan -- 490 378 58 senior, and iuniar-according te Department Councîl of Patriarchs the brake pedal. Then h ilg .A arn ~apo Bethany. A ground hog vigited vertently le t her purse contain- A letter from Hazel Renne. wha MIbrok 288 100 38 their conpetitive records. The Militant. anotler 111 feet beforeteos mHckod otpo our -yard and we found a two- ing fifty-five dollars, in the glove '5. currently spending b holiday Clarke and most exPerenced riders are called Elected for Durham district as o! brakes stop his car. Tasat awlBaktc dollar bill that we loat three compartmen t cf the car, on the with er uficle ansd aunt i Cli-Qo ---- 724 623 145 eprstencmthsnior rid Deputy Grand Master of the 1.0- tai of 166 feet even i h etCBTrei rn weks ago. t is gn qals up-ire tin x rs ni g it the onesoon. aThe fqrnia, teils cf haorence aighaiegoleQrono Ho i e iiig H ly o pe 6525 8 40 4 12 *as ' andt on thae ju io.thce.. w s M. Sa l y M M re ! c n ii n~ a d ba e r arel u y & L vl In osee otha the on hs a dine xt r ning iw s on. ei g aa tse vsiin olyw od Da un to 52 86 ' 92 clssfcaio itmhebet e on- fmeoen e Ni htng le Lo ge oa a a dinta t e ctonsy thtJaneet, . . ery n ~,.infuen e a afair onthi pl net rch rin s is w rris, aes't0. t e oes o!the stars. etc. The Newcastle 150 202 4 Petitian comm ttee f the Cana- Bow zanville. He has jurisdiction driver. U nder any othe o d h t t s a fi e In our opinion, the moon ha. no- One of the niee things about aur mast amusing part cf her letter BÈowmanville 922 576 816 dian Motorcycle Association. aver lodges at Bowmanvlle.... thing an mothers-în-law. marriage was that, we had no was when she wrote that her Port Hope -- 1100, 750 640 Three Oshawa ridera will be gun- Part Hope .... Cobourg .... Or- à C3So ! thise dn knaw who, maney and no car ta leave it in uncle was .so different from her Advance Poil 4 4 1 ning for thé champiensh .p in the ono. yer' "crehwere gono abtain gaceriho es. much e, who tk n herDaTt senior class. Don Cranfield, who For the Oshawa district, Mrs. wàa thoughtful enough t e d u e eg i gttati r c re . m us e w o k o e a , T ta ....rd e el sty a n a h w . Ha k e f B ei e L d e Owl," the B.H.S. off iciaI history A few days aga someone aaked: wllMaakreoforMthat nabady in!s the Hgin owiacnle o! Beeve dges theyer' atiîteso!tht orid could outtalk Bill Rennie. Mjort o ao ctVC cnieal promie ilagnBo anîe, as ictdD- o!" owome we had sa few gray w1,344. be competing, ànd With him, rep- trict Deputy President af the Re- HAMPTONONAI fansus institution. It has a fund hirs. at ur age?" Al we can Jim Kenny, the CCF. candidate, * esen tn h aandClub w îl e ka ss m lyP ON af ex e le t a er al b tw en t e ns o iguess w e have been to o gave a splendid speech in our T ow n of B ow m anville ho K n A t n nHo r w n e dB W A ' ' ' 2 3 ofcelrslenctuding spl eendd hto-bsy onjoyîng life ta bother about village a couple o! nights'ago, inl West Ward 1 108 87 84 They will find conipetition fram Thse convention was one. o! the graphs, sparkling hmur 'p- accumuîating them. whi1h9ho6onumcrated an unusuaH numermoubnritstha0w:ldWest Ward 2 172 19 13Jc Lgtota amilton, andbuisadlresin ddoo- pealing pocms. Congratulations ta A weeli ago we reportod a cons-acrei sprt*weeltd North Ward 1 152 74 g~EmrByers, Godfrey Neil, Pote tarshi history.W.E noth oron- thoo responsible for its makoup. ipetitivo musical festival being heid if po isr party2 , wehroemetd North Ward 2 268 150 159 Schwedik, and soveral othors. tasessiaded dr.eng te .O.. T o -the unknown donor we say a here June 17. We are nov, nîas- oPo rJu e 2, w ih mt- South Ward 1 157 96 162 Co mnpetitiosi in the junior clasa s s so , an Mr. A ta u - A R em iin e h t V e S ii D _____ one of ur local wags to sug- South Ward 2 65 5 149 ase expected ta be close with a stead, Meafýrd, was in charge of M goat that, if the CCP' wouid'give. rider !rom Courtice standing a Robokah Assembly meetings. C S s ±th e a by b ous l i nl a ves 'otaIs - - 2 576 816 good chance o! walking away with Aside from general fraternal 0 4 K L I GP C L N thdy, ear t ould aonlyhae* the onors. He is R. McKay who business which indicated a steady S O ING~ ATB~E <1) rz: n i) IlI e c ric sroeyearsta tugh aong. and Twnbp o Darlingon rides a Harley Davidson machine. growth a! the associated Oddfl.. S O I-aM KN hne5--Oion Mr, and Irs AlBen Olan haved. Providence 91 90 44 Dakin of Gait and Holsby also low groups, special emphasis was RE RIG L R etuo r. ned frsrn anny Oabhe 2. Tyrone 130 99 29 have their eye on the Junior titleo placed at this year's session on. tan 5--1rthred oyabl r. They3Maple Goe8 110 81 Nubr9 aCntgthe public service objective of ta te US.A by oto ca The Grve 1, .Numer 9 IsCoiing the I.O.O.F. Twa outstanding ex- FAIM ND HO SE W RING epor thatthe w athe and os- . Hampton 97 127 4 The expert class is topped by a pe hc r ooitn __ Ereioktllehttsehentreo! TelaStrgess o! am ploth aes h rughou ft t ro D I N pitality were bath warm. To 6. Varcoo's *91 241 220 ilton, "Number 99' t e De end- ics are t e Cancer Poliomylcus è ' yyg w le A letter from Bab ~~~~~~~~~~~Scatt, Ta7.Balys 4 12 17igOtroC mpnWh W,,nc * R e p a i r s a n d l t e r a t i o n s . . .on to t ells s h e an d o th e r m c.m - -ra le y s 5-25 7 n go ta re h a pionwh s o an d T u b e rcu lo sis F u n d , an d th e J V L ' . I I E T ATM I I b e r s - - - h ou so utl dt oe b a n g e n tat i s l a u r e l s . h o s p i t a i b e d p r o g r a m . ..coeLnseaSecialty foraU..ip husbodcar e leavng 'rota s -----62 80 42Sturgess came from boisind in tise WALL-FL M LB R E Pale Lin s a Spe ial y f ra .5.tnp y cr n xt ont. j652 860 492 championship events t Alexan- ... Free Estixnates bs ines ande Stat Istrek Succession Duties the crowd ta its feet in a tbrîlîîng M nse pel w ill have ta see if w e can't col- f n s . W t i n t e e p r O lcct a fec on each travîler. Rob Dead Man Easier fini csh. Wib im His ertg For Saf e Driving Than a Live One ton o! Toronto, riding with a brand Holiday Weekend Saves Fuel! - Opr esQ ity now machine, George tirain,1 Ralph Cre Russ Watson,El For tiesecn year inLAtJGHLI (John Atkins in thse See) dýStlel Robt. Sparks and sion, Canadian and Amorican ns The estate a man beavestbhnd. Md Salie., tional holidays came ut, the begin- S PLE I IE when he dies is not a debt ho EnCy iatHAN Customers' Corner O~ wes ta society. By al the laws nrear tl oigifoalwekdH .G ofhesm10KIGS.W jo! the land it is praperty ho had Etisaesiicmn i o i eknHn eorge H. Daucett, 10KIGS.. a rigk4t ta consume or invest as events but ta date a check reveals Ontario Minister of Higisways, refrlissg rorncon gf hoalready. Tisis event isas now bg. Satorists and pedestrians ta be, ho aine uing hicosumliet e ntstt o atya' nrexoits aruin th atet un o atclrshn s'w 26o alCuo cofrrdafaor nscitfor corne known as tise biggost of its exracaefl n tsehaaror hleft bis heirs the rnoans by kid in Canada and riders are bolida3' traffic expected aver tise Pes ewa.rd FirhrIfrain which they couîd botter serve eager to make an appearance ard comning .weekend. Lieir generation. In inivesting try ta make a namne for tisem- With Dominion Day faiiing onNae_____ Correct prices, pî n aine use entorprîse, ho selves. 'risc truck is in perfect Fniday and the Amenican Inde- drs makd aeeseta t odprovided others wîth thse eppar- shape for tise big ovent ar'd al Dendenco Day on the following Ades. fo ro d , aro ssint. oCgodtunity ta live useful lives. W sere that r m ains ta ensure its suc- Mthre a d o tblr ss o dn gerhsn N o fo d o p pia n g. % ..t y w i h i th n do s th at, ag en t o ! s ciety c s s o dw eat ier. t r a e s m to i t n s h i rh - whih e allgoermen, etway users in bath countries makie Mail to:- your budget when you know ~ < f ./' the right ta stop apinand daim aspee asyo ho -'muhehs hareofa the man's estate? it Six Russian housewives, off ic- and motorng mannrs up for saf-I has noouush p ght anducheeach ia ly visiting London, stole n ws- er holiday driving, the Minister1 0 item is con *«"T yeu . excuse it affers for making sucis paper headlines bocause tisoy states. That is vî -. we have a rai1e demand ia that it is casier to rab wouldn't talk. Mtrsswl e uhmr ----- InOrstr: t the price of a dead man than a livo one.Morst iIetnchme every item -!Id be plairly Governmnts that impose suc-WEN A and accuri,' -. rnarked on ceo is an trhans re te th tm rcs.o iosadop saeteT ODAY - E LIV-Y E 1EATERCCRNADA We hp,ý rou ind higmodern counterpart Of the ancient W. cyhop-' '-o and th is oupharise Who devoured widows' m po cy e bofus' ;i and tle l t v * ouses. If a record c uld ho se- find that %we have maade an . by. afdallIthe buvortyca uiby 0 Ue l l s i y u s o u l e e rau r d ,o a l t h e b u s e s s e s r ine d ya 0 aa 0 a 0 YES, WE'RE FIJSSV B3Y II INSPECTION A P and that record sot against tise er woui apçreclate asay GUARANTES YOU TOP QUALITY FRUITS AND Vtbe::rcr fthe n:fuccs soit h suggestions you night have TABLES ALWAYS.* derived framn the governments' RAE for Ise m pro e m en of rarh an d lin g o ! the tax es sa collected , prc xek211 systern . or Cel 10'8 ;t is the opinion o! this writer that RE S anything else that will make 'L . - . Society would soon demand tise your A& a bettr placeto 16C abolition o! this fors o! taxaton, esoe shop. Plonge write: Native, Fresh Green othstaemutdinntlyT Cuui>meReiIm à*. CA B GE - - - JO e. mare hars than good.Smr e o CA B G 0 t.But as long as aur Iaw re- . mr e rnsaddabih Pascal, New CropduisitlthduyotIegv :4uires tise paynsent a! succession interiors; up-to.h.mnt fclte o A&P ooditore, CLERY STALIKS - 2fr29 * erînsont ta see that the lawis: ia-er, modem rj an 13 agtnAeCloPartially administered; adtiat ds'a7 mrl akoe 135 L u g ht n A v e , C e le 1 's n e ta x ab le e sta te is a ll w ed ta m . :p o d etn s al a r e t e v s b eo T oronto, O nt19 0 escape . It is ta b o expected thatsy ol moen whsose ahilities bave enabled ~.........................a a asmdmmrhniis rges thonse ta accumulate buge for- EVERY ITEM PRI CE-MARKED r AT ing tise tax; and it la up ta the t u n e r , s e k o u t w a y o ! e v a d . . . . \ . ~ N* ~ - q . 4~ ~C a n a d i a n d i s t r i u o n e t d s a e m r For Your onstant Protcton PARU PA oTE in139 governmnt ta -sce ha te ,t' fJeeciemoeeicnthnev.Rcet GERBER'S--a Vare agetaay itit trietadvancesai iima ke. effhavevbeemoas ANN PAGE SLICED -W IhITE nBe C R A P g p ~ rd:eviï 0 tat sfor inra ka eas n 1.11 m itr ' 24-o loal2c SOAP POWDER *man fta establisb a charitable eakb s1 APCUSTOM GROUND fU'Il at. 31 and beqÙatis prac-reodrekgadte Qum pko' 319 ~~tically bis ontire estate estate ta eodbaki DouaI CGFFEE b 54C wizRD sucis foundatian. Bequests o! YUKON CLUB (Contenta Only) W . Tntisis nature are exempt from suc- developmen t of aua rsuc GINGER ALE * - - - 2 30-oz btls 19c D000 FOOD h? The granting o! these ex- .- FINE CANADIAN COtAlOIJRED SW"ViE'r - .02 -oir27àAmptions puts- these weaîthy mon '1W!URSflA", .TrJNE 3-lb, !9' S- - *.sa JN & flIlP. RED or BLUE BRAND BEEFWhYoro",ayHelihVnng Steaks «m R rmeai ayotrm B3LADE BONE OUT PEAMEALED P017 71 19R SHORT CUT 6MOKED S I IDK D E appli ti n o iraia <>, od ce iv E EXTRA LEAN CHOICE SLICED -"' n b r en ae f brir inad u ener akgna uhîisi n M~EED~. Sui 188 I'F BOLOGNAo ONE 0f ÀA SERIES P.RESENTED IY i nc d'ag£ e< poue ________________ K FIED GRADJE - A--3 tc SV, b.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . om a e; a gra ble er sin fe S W H O L E R LI lb.C - i l A SE nm ar et n LE OR HA and a leader in Ise fieue te SNGOKED HANS - PCNC TLE .; 5fr«0<iàcetr Dd I POIX SEILIEUS '530 COU FILLETrS P*M l.2Ise i haadeby trestgd ie; tiîyPlala.he higrmf ., - eGngmederii ~~ ds~~~~.d ~TO PR O MO TE A FU LLE R R EA L IZA T IO N I II C A A D IA N S F C A N A D A ' s R E N T R A T N S Xi «i 77 30th, 1949

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