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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1949, p. 10

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A ~' 1' "M ECMiADIAK ST4TESMAI, DOWMANVILLU. ONTAMO THTJRSDAY. JVT4 SOIt, 1,41 ~ I qwfral Rotary WU& Sneral I Waler DeGeer - yttdent Howaýrd Rundlei ed-h>1'Lerma f office as the ef exi dairnian aof.Bowmanville 'tr-Club for the past year, liîndlng aven thc gavel ta pi dent-clcct Water DeGeer at conclusion of ho luncheon Fmii li the Balmoral FHobel. The im ing was given aven entirely tc =oytfaidelegabes otahbbcRoi Iematioflal Convnctian in1 'York City and a resumne ai yoar's work, together witb rau club business. Cangratulati ftelicitahiôr.s and tbanks made *=cb ai tbe pattern ai a spleî meeting. The four delegabes wba matc ta New York were President H ard Rundle, Past President Délie, wbo were bbc officiai aliemnate voting members Bowmanville Rotary Club, tog4 emi wibh Past President Moi Vansbane and Gamnot Ràcký Tlýxr party also included the wý ai eacb. delegabe, who as Roi Anns, were numbered among ladies wbo came from c aound tbe globe ta act as _e ciaus boîtesses in the g: fong ai almost 20,000 Pc, whio gathered in Madison Squ Gerden as bbe world asscmbl: Rptarians. * Convention Reports IBrief addrosses were made, tdrnn, by bbe four travellersi 'repred back ta their bomneti club, witb ail the evidence newly acquired metropahiban phistication. Mol Dale led wibb a general picture ai the ~~41 haps yau had trouble getting ail the fuel you wanted. Weil, why not convert ta hard coal Il.. fi1 your bin with our Panous Reading Hard Ceai, ebat iiuir Pennsylvania an. MMMDARPCEOY OWEN MI pUoNiE 410 or 2249 w It wu In miniatue potential Distriution 0f T eB sns t ment, but it represents a 7S% in- vide for wear and tear on bulld- sar ~ m ci aes world force leading b universal T e 17es M crease in payroll figures. Or tusreurd .% isle.8 brthroo Itmdeon rod LinOn.speakini of the Canadian Pacifie there realned 6.2% net profit. ___________ Mrotrod. lb mde roined proud Makiong i On. y f our pIste nt lutie m Railway it mght ho told that b- There are also a lot of hazards R p rs m Events orlyVntn elndbs The hat hn n erg(~~Avctsa u rsn Ytfitween 1845 and 1947 it gave noth- for which no provision had been orta Odreri f ftrie. enterprise are readyt0 ad- ing additional to its shareholders made-business expansion ta pro- 'A A 1 L4 b a-part on lhe prograin 1 give way maskinonge to the fry and linger- ïnit that the tentative swing to 50. who numbr fibre tha i Is em- vide new jobs, possible fluctua- T~e thoGa e!t P«sien andl earor eortnof tae is ain mportpaeclalistlc thinking is -partly their ployees, but it gave, on an aver- tions in inventories or bad dN EA STER aspcldn ficreedecie the fih aiinlpoganime on fault. Let us guard that state- age, $273 more ta each of its 83,528 To look after these 3.2 % of these__ as pesiing ffier.He dscrbedcarried out by the Department Of ment. The fault isn't due to the workers tan increase of almost net profits were retained in the -the rural beàtuy of New York Lands and Forets. Eggs are col- shortcomings of a system, as is 12 %, and it appropriated the saine business The owners receivedlUB E clos- ting and the program ini the fa- State on the circle tour 10 New iected from natural spawning soebie~ sunebtthr1prcngeo snteangsfrte3%tarmindsrntar*n 1 . fic- ousGahamteampthatr. e Yrkandreurn H wa pr-grounds in the Trent District by our reluctance or inability or neg- is Pension Trust, Fund. These are their buildings and machines. Ro- told of the main adress delivercd ticularly' enthuscd b3y the frîend- hatchery crews and taken to the ligence in properly prescnting the not the facts tha>t look best on a resy an the npiationthong.intuer- Deer Lake Hatchcry. Shartly after facts. The sin af enterprise has balance sheet, but they do get ho- It might be argued that tbis is AITI M te atonal Pe vset, ngus It- they are hatched the young fish been a sin lqf omission, failure to neath the' skin. They show thc stili quite a chunk of money for v dt, heiona PresentfomAustrMit- are transferred te specially pre-ltthpopeno what this 5S heart and, ta that, everyone re- already fat pockets. Il is qbite a E- njoy thaoi. ieaet- , to mak es crongapealiforpared ponds where they are rais- tem bas donc for them. spands. '7«rghowut:b ire- universal service, peace and good-cdtth fîgrngsaeTe Let us not be too comPlacent pockesms elrgl or rwaast, tr vl.lunge is highly carnivarous and mieorth pchomefpepl ai.-1 reqire lageamounits of natural over lbis failure. Ib in a sin against requirearolsamusstgargepope.It has H MP O - mne o hepcktso poledut j.alemtfens ~~~~Jew~~~~~-i MaeieCrol aiu tg ~.T provision of this, naturai i eol. pemtedte ike us hre iaroe 478,507 oersf La w su m fhe and film star, captivated the au- food.i ncT Ucchetpoîesl be led astray-to foilow bank-wihasrenacornoerf frs.reuq. tine dience with an inspiring mater- in raising the fish. In the falaofrupt' theofies ta their own seriaus the 00 ndutes, anthnerae< lmt2dy ons, nalistic appeal ta establish a the year the fish bave grown, tohurt. Industry bas been bonestlY fvrlaioryug are etaoe-n allan ub ergwerit tyera UP u World Children's Day ta bc spon- cofdntoehermgrt f h ade av ee aig ors. ndid sored by Rotary International. approximately 8 inches in size and confident a theiteritai li lad ia he reigaus' e-aitpeole in lC anada ear7, arc then available for distribution system, n asbiveaht ti nrig a the, nss'Rei- avtaxabet ncome peUpte,00. Yo Trygve Lie, Director Gencral, * meets the needs of the whole peo. dence,Bomnilad wihaebgtd ntapplwth /:- ored United Naitions, also addressed in suitable waters, pie botter than any other systofi. soon recoîve their pins of recog- taxable incarnes of $2,300 before - . ~ l0w- the gathering wîtb the hopeful Tsya w e od n But they are not entitled to ask nition. you reach that total of owners. Efeciv Me] prediction af ultimate universal number of tanks wore constructed thie public ta acccpt these proposi- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billctt,Tatiddvipotisrcycle JUNE 20th t. SEPTEMBERI and peace arising from the spirit of th'e at Deor Lake Hatchcry bo augment lions an their unsupported say-so. Springford, with their son, Kcith ta your own doorstep.Inlsv for United Nations and embodied as xisting, facilities and for Tbe public bas the rigbt ha thc and Mts. BillebI and attcnded the ___________________ic Rdlw reth- wl ntetnt fsc ra h ups friigmnosh proof that entorprise benefits you Virtue family picnic. ~~~#4a ~,cRiw .t rey sri e rgnztio suas theaRo suppi3' food for thc fish. These and me. Other systems can dazzle Mr. and Mrs. Al Ayre, North. The woaring of pendants as areyr vitaycub oahzaihfo riasb ue R- new additions should increasee them it large promises and Oshawa, at J. W. Balson's. jewoiry is derived from -the primi- ives ceyrofag Mlmaeagatmaskinonge production ah lcast teei n mei totry ta r n Ms rd iltt og ive practice af wearing wild-ani - riesavry obeai bis Mnligh ea g re t30%, other factors belng equai. hrisnimeda i M.nd r.Fe BltDog btryb o i OnlteniHudso o bcTe i-qualify or disprove their cdaims, las ,and Jimmy, Scarborowith mal teeth, stones, or shelis around lear Garnet orte retDi-Free enterprise bas a historY adMand ndMro, t Blet.the ncck with magicai intent. thicnkar do an ih trit bas beon making a study ai on the credit of that history it Mr an s. et Bi et tea diffret ue is asar y ohecmaskinonge and associated must stand or al Mr. and Mrs. Harvey BaIson, tetdfee t h seed of living"species with special reference ta But ta present this history in ef- GJaMan gas, sawa decrbe he11pedofliin"the'Kawartha.Lakes. As a resuit fective argument, the facts of. it JakMCareNiderrntna ople seen overywbere amidsb tbc "ce- Dr. H. B. Rundie af routine surveys and creel cen-msthspiicTepulc ay WBao'sndacddUi y of ment jungles of modern Gotham"su ti o posbetsototms eseii.Tepbi a J.WBlon nd teddth and bow lbcy "babble-on in Baby- liness extended by thc people ssi snwposbet ot aut p ihu nhsamo cn itefml inc Ion," a confusion seen and feit by acrosbhe lime to the ",obvious" the water areas in this district accetiboudtat entsa he Cogoruatncon-it Bl !he speakçr for the firsb lime in Canadian party. This hospîtality b y f te. or oc ofn maskin Bell Telephone Company, to, tako onraLEtiTstaKebhBu in in tat Butho lai, the bdsnothig ta d wior one og stcinmat askalsoanc instance, lbas prospered and lett on passiiîg aIl of his eleven inbo ma ting. uhebl, h adges an o owhRotary osuitAli simt hsalosubjects in second year Optometry wh an and lasting ipeso agsad nes twas genu be-ad ocenn t Mcr- benefite dtbe country. Such argu- tUiesyofTrn. îvîn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ be mroahehom ws te imese e adtpoeaneus monts are anly skin deep. But the anvriy iTrno ai ispiatin ginedfro benin Preidct'sReprt aratve opuatins a th va- îctsMrs. M. Brown, Messrs Jack and ous srouhec-ome aaitefisens ine n pnaeu.prtv ouain fte a l a , that, over a five-year period, Joe Brown and M. and Mrs. Wm.EXR T .so- the great addresses ai famous .a h ai o sesn h e b;ta he itso t off leaders ad the cohesion ai purpose Dealing wibb the Conventions ltheofbais fry eases ofgmthe re otetBwmniladMs set- whicb aninîated the vast audience. Howard tcld sometbing ai thesisa bthr elae i mas n e statre e ift ho t othut owavle.adMs buinsstrnsctd n4heplnaykinonge in these waters. -epoesaeas t hrbi-C. L. Blanchard, Sauina, at A. L. busiesstranactd irtheplenryors; that for every dollar paid out Blancbard's. sessions and bow measures were The disÈribution ai maskinonge in dividends il has paid $5 in wag- Mr. and Mrs Norman Ciemens ofvo_____14_ s ,3500 r adDO IT carrîed by the free choiceai drn198ws33500ryad es, and bas added to that almost adMrln ootM n ing delegates from ail parts of 24,600 fingerlings. a million and a ball dollars in so- MandFMarn, arnsand Mrandly the globe. He described the cial benefits, arc marc humanly PMrt Frank asMirgand M f.amiy lîghber moments which permitted Faith will not die as long as Persuasive than a ton or bwelve Clernens, Bowmanville, Mr. and a tour ai bbe Queon Elizabeth in seed catalogues are printed. per cent increase in earnings. Mrs. John Slemon and family, Ycs, give us a eall when yeu require any electrIca New York barbon, the bail- crazy The iirst commercial hele- Or lb might bo emphasized tha~t Ennîskillen, ab Lavorne Clemens. ntlaosbbemd. urepts aebd erso fans seen at a big-leaguc basebaîl graph lino in Canada was set, since 1941, General Mators in Can -_Intalaion_____mdeOuepetshav_____yar garrie, bbe television program at up i 1847, linking Toronto, Ham- ada and the United States bas pro- patcleprec trpiigadisaln l Ye M IL Kjac Depsy'srsarn n lo t Catharines , Niagara vided 72,000 new jobs; that this is That Old Devil Profit practrical eprineatrpiring and nsalintai tpe c ngtcuadadznoleinFal'and Buffalo. close ta 24% increase in employ--___ convntiosea enjoyable experi- Ceremony of Cuttiing teCake fuîîy nurbured, belief that indus- In u r s nc. rytaesvatprofits fo h l we do a job for you that only thc bcst af materials go int Rcviewingbscofeahe work bb fellow, and gives each and every job. Hovwar touhe on bbc main him very littie in rotumn. A great Higowand bbnked n bthentire many people assume that ai bbc in- H e l hmembersbip for fine coaperation. mges value ropresented in turn~':r:thnsasu:yo ta~tnrcia ll à l hSeilmention was accorded thebc raw materials int finisbed tobefe evc rmyu lcrclisaltos Spocial Events Cammittce and btaqurehoe hidi Program Comirtfit.btIfaitbbcowners, tbey argue, whicb bave much ta do with thc w oudb satisfied wibh reasonable - Gv saeut-a o reetmts Milk, nature's most ncarly year's activities. In handing ave rtmsa 0t 1%alwudh the gavel ta Walb DoGeer, the rc- : well. The worker wauld have bis perfect food contains the tiring Prosident received an ava- share, and prices would bc main~ tion expnessed in a standing toast tained within reason. necessary vitamins and min- by the members. Past Prosident The Canadian Manufacturers' Mel Dale made the presentation aiof Association, wbich represents E easrequlred b, active tbe gold Past Prcsident's pin ta 80 % ai ail Canadian manuiact- R G OEL C I I th rals -eirngPesdet uring concerns, liitte and big, ac-IONLERI young bodies. Mllk Ish aplr etnn reiet cepted that challenge and set out Yaur General Electrie Appliance Dealer notnxpniewyo nNew President ta discover the actual facts. Same Poe48Bwavle4 igS iot nxesv aofi-Jack Eastaugh put in a plug ~.- 800 companies provided figures Poe48Bwnnil 2Kn t surlng your children's price- for The Statesman ion its faithiul ' of sales and costs and employrncnt. reporbing by Art Baker ai all Ro- From these emenged this vital lecs health. Remember - tary meetings during bbc yean. fctUetpoft-what romains Ho eaid bbc reponts did much ta - alter wages, taxes and other char- heaith is a by-product of keep bbc public infarmed aith bbc es bave -been met-wero flot good, work being done by bhc Ro-- 25 % or 32 % but a modest 6.2 mllk. tary Club. His vote ai tbanks , %. A day or two after tbis fact dnew much appreciated applause. . was made public, the U.S. Con- President Walt- DeGeen used - gross Commitîe aon profits an- bis prerogativo as bbc ncwîy in- nounced tbat the average net pro- B ig l w rf eh e ducted charman, ta bit4hbb Rotary fit ai ail manufacturing concerns paid tnibute ta, Howard Rundle ... That seemed ta make it unani- OY U G len R ae asanv ibbc Roty eer d. BHe- The combined sales ai these 800 S rn , < ~~ a took aven, ho said, with some bre- Canadian companies was a little I II V pidation, fan ho bad a bard task b"'e îbtter than 3'ý billion. 0f that, C o h to live up ta the roputation af i bis.%wntf' aorcss u 1Ypredecesso. The renainder aif : . w4s%'t the hol swag-butl. th eson w sgv n v rt o- The. uld p er ly ap lag o a s bb bary Faim manager Frank Jamie- oud rsyame penconagainswaghe son, wbo bold final plans faorbc the-" $1,426 millions ai materials pur- great show s . '.~ cbased by these 800 industries. 0f ______________________Nçw Father MR. AND MRS. BRUCE LONSBERRY theb total sales, taxes took ball a ___________________ Barry Hall was guest ai bis whose mamiago took place in bbc First-Baptist Cburch, Oshawa, miipalortaxes,;power eapn aen, grandiathon Dr. Jim Devîtt, at bhc necently. The bride, formenly Miss Elleen Ruth Brown, is thc office costs. maintenance and me- luncheon. Ho wabched with in- daughter af Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown, ai Oshawa, and the bride- pair, etc., ate up 10.8%. To pro- tenest as Lou Dippoîl inducted groom is bbc son ai Mr. and Mms. Lawrence H. Lonsbemny ai Clame Garton ta the Fatben's Club Bowmanville. -Caumtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette of Rotary. Clame got an expert's _________________________________ advice on the came and foeding ai ----- T y S N T N Marilyn Eva, first preciaus gift ta bewloe notefml i - the better' kind of dle ai Mn. and Mrs. Clane Ganton.ÉV 11 C.shortages from flow on? <Opp. P.O.) rsdett retain' in hie 1 Oshawa, Phone 1516 ma mai 9 Or perbaps you are already 1 ', * pos-suu-on more &han $10 Oshawa Laundzy& 1,a hard coal use;-? Then why in OOR GAATE United States cash.? LI wait for the "ceai rush"? A 61 OOUSGAANED 1Dmy Cleaning X flupof FamousRedn INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR HER ' THE REASON Phene Zenith 13000 Oshawa ~ fi.ilup Radîn In a scientiîic article a few years I 4 nott is your best "heat inur ago by Floyd W. Parsons let me $3.2à ~per alClaamotnae L.acc" for next fàl quote the following. 'Tberc is no Caad mstbae h sunen cause ai fatigue in îndustry GWI than impraper illumninaton. The Army Boots U.S. dolars spenthbore by AGENTS tedecy fery wman bigbt- oaso HN tcrndteyaievery warknany 15 10 Reconditianed Epasintouristeinlxiorder to, maire NSLTN RYSSTR 2R1 tflow htwe hr New Soles and Heels ETTO RY SRE25 ness, sa it fallws thatwng reen racelets th.m available for the pBy. PONTYPOOL RICHARDS' BAKERY 81-i of igh i th fildof ison.Thi Secil $.9 Stineu tee ientofimported gooda KIRBY'S CORNERS KIRBY'S GENERAL STORE 51R1 wili cause a continuai dmaw onBakesCERESUGGIN1R4 temuscular action. In many cases nes Special 98c and servicesuie.ded to ASRAaUGGIN1 S HTNYRDSPT o a sgare inoffices that 25 :rmy _ _ HAMPTON DAVY GENERAL STORE - .252 ý0 M R R Scue nthe eificiency. Eliminate Special $ .5meul U KE'.T . I LS E E A STORE 2334 -13 ThOLol AsulSied huFUEIBoacltSShrt LAKSO( Sq.'SAUOSALES 197&2 as uniformly illuminabed as pas- .irmv .3mris Reg. $4.50t CAESAREA BILYTH N. MILLER 10MR5 sible." If thec eyes givo trouble visit IFRINICAO OTO ON RN .PYERSARN BOWANILE ou opamtrst j Special $1.49 $29 OTTAWA CS3 iCopyrighted> t -t t 1- t. e k Y i$ i

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