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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1949, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE Drilliaut Recital by Young Artists Oreatly Enjoyed by the Audience An entertaining musical evening was presented by Mies Phyllis R. Challis, A.T.C.M., and her pupils at Trinity United Church, Friday evening. From the short pieces of the tiny tets ta the more difficuit renditions et the advanced pupils the recital pro- ceeded without a flaw. The recital was made even mare pleasing by the numbers played en the organ and piano accordion as weIl as the piano which gave variety te the well planned pro- -gramme. It is ditticult to choose an eut- standing number from such an al- round excellent pertorma n ce. However, the pieces in which the tonal ettects et the piano and organ were cembined were by popular opinion the highlights cf the evening. Miss Challis showed amazing skill and musical under- standing in ber magnificent argan playing. A repart et this recital would net be camplete without mention- ing the gorgeous floral decarations that pravided a background tom the recitai. The platform and choir lotft were a mass ot beautiful fiewems with pink and white peonies pedominating. At the beginning cf the recital, ]Rev. S. R. Henderson introduced Miss Challis ta the audience and paid tribute te hem musical abil- ity, not anly as an artist in lier ewn right, but aise ta her untiring efforts ta promate musical ac- complishment in the cammunity. Befame the recital Miss Chaîhis' pupils showed their appreciation by presentîng hem with a lovely gold compact and a beautiful bou- quet of tlowers. The following are the names ef the pupils who played:- Lililan Osborne, Bevenly Allilson, Gwen Budd, Patsy Moffat, Gloria Rob- son, Lamna Fletcher, Norma and Claire Alln, Ruth Goheen, Alan Moffat, Joan Cann, Ann Ewers, Damia and Karlie Palmer, Ralph Shaw, Linda Pumdy, John Miller. Jean Stainton, Patsy Mamr, Marg- aret Buchan, Barbara Graham, Marlon and Lamna Abernethy, Faye Piper, Joan Allin, Margaret Goheen, Margaret Edwards, Jac- queline Hall, Carole Oke, Leslie Luffman, Pat Cheethani, Rose- mary Goheen, Pat Robsori, Jim Shaw, Brian Martin, Lamry Lamb, Lillian Malow, Pat Bagneli, Tommy Park, Rase Marie Quack- enbush, Leon Moffat, Temmy Price, Keith Lamb, Donald Laird, Boyd Woolley, Gloria Brent, Donald Flint, Myrna Sauch, Joan Caug- lin, Shirley Mottat, Lorraine Quackenbush, Marieann- Jeffrey, Jeannette Lobb, Muriel Stevens, Myrna Tuerk, Betty Cowie, Grace Hayward, Karen Mutton, Mar- lene McDonald, Ruth Payne, Mar- garet Wilson, Evelyn Brown, Har- aid Moffat, Mike Jumko, Jean Wilson, Ted Koss, Barbara Rager, Ross Todd, Christina Lamb, Bil and Charles. Armstrong, Dean Aluin, Mary Ann Armstrong, Evelyn and Theresa Finney, Joyce Martin, Catherine Teeple, Marion, Marvleen and Arlene Boyd, Carol Watt. *The recital was spansored the Ontario Street Group ef Ti ity Woman's Association. The character et Winnipeg, r 75 years oid,- ref?-acts cuiti industry and good-natured ir pendence. by 'rn- 10 M ire, ide- r< I. n1 iy JANE WYMAN JAMES STEWART "MAGIC TOWN" Technicolor Cartoon and a Short MID-NITE SHOW THURSDAY - JUNE 30 - 11:45 pa. !'REVENGE 0F THE ZOMBIES" - 2nd Feature - "HlOUSE 0F DRACULA" FRIDAT - SATURDAY - JULY 1I-2 44, FRIDAY MATINEE AT 2 P.N. i ecnicoio jWAnd Two Entertaining Shorts I Nonday - Tuesday Wednes. « Thursday- JuIy 4 -5 JuIy 6 - 7 r Winner of Two 1 1 cademy Awards 1 1MOVIETONE NEWS TECUNICOLOR CARTOON CARTOON IN COLOR JNTERESTINcJ SHORT ________________ TEECANADIAK STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE. ONTAPUO Grade 10 Honeurs, Class I (755% and over)-.-Dysart, Nanman (without Latin); McArthur, Jessie; Van Camp, Doreen. Honours, Ciass 11 (66 % to 74%) - B3owers, Enri; Larmer, Audrey; VanCamp, Gien (Fren.). Class 111 <60% ta 65%) -Dean, Gwen. Class C (50% ta 59%)-Venn- ing, Nora (Fren., Lat., Math.); McDenaid, Garnet, passed in Eng., Math. and Science. The following are entitled te Intemmediate Certificates - Nom- ian Dysart, Jessie McArthur, Doreen VanCamp, Enri Bowers, Audrey Lanmer, Glen VanCamp, Gwen Dean. Grade Il Chant, Yvonne-Eng. III, Fren. [I, Lat. C, Hist. C, Alg. II, Chem. II, Geog. II. Emerson, Gladys-Eng. II, Fren. II, Lat. III, Hist. II, Alg. C, Chem. Il, Geog. I. Ferguson, Fay-Eng. II, Fren. C. Chem. C, Geog. III. Gibson, Glen.-Eng. C, Geog. C. Finlayson, Gertrude - Eng. Il, Fren. C, Hist. C, Chem. C, Geog. Graham, Joyce-Eng. II, Fren. r, Lat. I, Hist. II, Alg. 1, Chem. 1, Geog. I. Jackson, Harley-Eng. C, Hist. C, Geog. III. Thompson, Elaine - Eng. C, Fren. C, Lat. C, Alg. III, Chem. II, Toms, Heen-Eng. III, Fren. C, Hist. C, Alg. C, Chem. C, Geog. C. Wermy, Mevin-Eng. II, Hist. III, Geog. III. Wilson, Eunice-Eng. III, Fren. C, Lat. C, Hist. III, Alg. II, Chem. I, MacDonald, Garnet - Hist. C, Geeg. I. Venning, Joyce-Lat. C, Grade 12 Bowers, Jean-Eng. III, Fren. C, Lat. C, Hist. III, Alg. I, Chem. II. Ferguson, Wm.-Eng. 1, Fren. 1, Lat. I, Hist. I, Aig. I, Chem. I. Hamilton, Daris-Eng. I, Fren. il Lt. 1, Hist. I, Alg. I, Chem. I. Larer Glenn-Eng. II, Fren. 11, Lat. C, Hist. II, Alg. III, Chem. I. Mariow, Clara-Eng. II, Fren. II, Lat. III, Hist. 1, Alg. I, Cheî. I. Steele, Wilda-Eng. III, Lat. C, Hist. II, Alg. III, Chem. 1, Geog. I. Venning, Joyce-Eng. C, Hist. C, Chem. III, Geog. III. USE PROPER LADDERS In a special report te plant ex- ecutives issued this month, the In- dustrial Accident Prevention As- sociations stress the necessity of using praper ladders. Mention is made et the case et a workman who was cleaning tactory walls while standing on tjhe front section et a stepladder resting against the wall, the rear section having been reîoved. The laddem slip- ped; the workman tel and injured his back vemy sevemely. Executives are urged to pro- vide camplete stepladders or lad- ders equipped with satety foot for use ot workmen. In addition, al detective hadders should either Io repaîred or discarded. Wed in Christ Church, Oshawa IMR. AND MRS. GEC pictured at the reception fc Formerly Domothy ConstanceC of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bruce Glo is the son et Mm. and Mrs. ChI Bowmanville. *Socialism Is Stagnation (by R .J. Deachman) Socialism restricts the capacti; *ta produce. If production in- creases the state skims off the *gains, spends the extra on social services. The worker who can *put by littie for a rainy day-sees *no gains framn added effort. "The Economist"' of London, *England, in its issue of June 29, 1946, had this comment: "Ail economnic progress is, by definition, labour saving; yet the nttitude of the trade unions, successfully maintain- ed, is that they will permit labour-saving devices only provided that they do flot in tact save labour." If the worker sees things ir this form of shadow, organized capital teels somewhat the same, "The Economist" continues the story: "Nor is the attitude of or- ganized capital any better. The embattled trade associa- tion movement bas had great success in building up a code of industrial good manners which puts any attempt ta reduce costs and prices by greater skill or enterprise under the ban of "destructive competition." The industrial- ist who discovers a way of making better things more cheaply (which he is sent ta earth ta do) is deprived by the state of ail pecuniary re- turn and 'by his own col- leagues of any social reward." The incentives to action have cisappeared, labor and capital have fallen into a semi-comatose condition-defi ed by that de- lightful ever aY exclamation: "Oh, what's the use!E" This reflects conditions under socialism, labor fails ta realize that earnings depend upon pro- duction. Lt assumes that under sacialismn manna will fali, not tram Heaven, but tram the state. The effect on capital is pretty much the same. State indus- tries are flot going ta compete with one another. t may flot happen in Britain but in Saskat- chewan it does, the government favors its own children. We shall find out -in time--that state in- dustry is a heavy burden. It xii ~'ImWMnAV YIW AL lama ia id El id at a Tn - mI , he ech is435uni AT SAUBLE BEACH Eighteen miles west of Owen Sound, by highway No. 6, is Sauble Beach-5 miles cf safe, clea.n sand, plus variety cf hoi-. day recreation. It's a grand site for your tamily vacation! Gloriaus sandy beach for the youngsters- golf, fishing and bowling for dad -Sauble Clipper eruises on Lake Huron for mum-dancing, tennis and horsebaek riding for the 'teen agers. Write the Board cf Trade, Sauble Beach, for details. You'1l meet many U.S. viitr.... "LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKI" Mrs. D. 0. Atklnson £rom Toronto, and grand aunt Mrn. George Web- ster, B3owmanville. 1 Blacicstock Continuation School JUNE EXAMINATIONS Grade 9 Meneurs, Ciass 1 (75% and aver) - Chant, Neel; Graham, Harvey. Honours, Class 11 (66 % ta 74 % -Hamilton, Brian; Hoayer, Mary; Johnston, Nina; McArthur, Betty; MeLean, Mari amie. Class 111 (60% to 65% )-Back, Howard;. Class C (50% te 59% )-Black, Dawne; Cochrane, Donald (Fren.); Harris, Lomna (Fren., Math.); Larmer, Lawrence; Prout, Donald; Reid, Fay (Fren.); Saunders, Ernest; Tmemblay, Jean; White, Richard. Note: Subjects in brackets must be repeated: Mrs. Milton Stainton. Mr. D. Wolffers vlsited his par- ents Mr. and Mrn. R. Wolffers, Ta- ronte. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Georgie, Mr. Geo. Reid with rela- tives at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. V. Lathangue, Ma- rie and Dianne, Baflyduff. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams and Albert, Miss Lois Mcyullen, Bumketon, -Mr. and Mrs.-David Gray and Camai, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Adams and Donald, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Adamis. Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNair, Altona, with Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair Mrs E. C. Ashton is spending a couple of weeks with hem daugh- Ver at hem cottage in Sundridge. Mr. and Mns. J. Pearce, Mm. and Mm. and Mrs. J. Pearce, Mm. and Mrs. L. Pearce, Miss M. Pearce, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mr. Gea. Reid. Miss Betty Smales, Nurse-mn- Training, Oshawa, visited ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Up in a handy piace for reterence. Ar -.~..- ~4 Stafford Bras. monumental Worku Phono Whitbr 553 - 318 Dundlu St. EL, Whltby FIMEQUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise worknanshlp and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose froma the wlde selection of imnported and domestic Granites and Marbles ini stock. MONTREAL.-There'll be lots of ]azy days ahead - days when it's a fine idea to toss together a big bowl of cnisp salad ... and finish off with a refreshing fruited xnould i of wonderful JELL-O. For Jell-O Jelly "- Powders make ideal desserts for summer menus. It's such a'simple matter to prepare a Jell-O dessert mn the cool of the morning, for serving later in the day. Al seven. cf Jell-O'5 delicious " locked-in " fiavours are always sure favourites.- and àmazingly thrifty. Send For This Dooklet and begin a hobby that will give yeu pleasure for many and mnany a moon! Everyone's talkting about "A Ne.w Hobby Front An Old Craft - Hou> to Hook a .kug "I This boakiet not only gives the fascinating history cf hooked rugs in aur country -.but tells you exactly how ta go about this pleasurable business cf hooking them I It's funI .. . inexpensive and easy ... and such ewarding resuitsl Ail yau need'-. a set of wooden tramnes - burlap - bits of cloth or warstéds - a steel mug hook - colaurful, AiI-fabrie TINTEX Dyes and, of course - the bookiet! Simp]y write ta me B ]arbara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. - enclosing 10e.. and lPH mail your bookl.t ta y.. .# ost-haste "! Summea. Picnics Coli For Food H e re's Thlae With Lots 0f Pep Quick, easy, sure .and a prize way ta make pepper-upper» tender, beautiful- is HEINZ PRE- ]y set .Jams and PARED YEL,- jellies, evea with L OW M US- 'ý hard-to-jeill" fruits like etraw.. TARD! Yau'il find it at your berrnes and raspherries. Use gracer's now in the new 9 ounc6 CERTO Fruit PecUin. For Certo economicat size jar ... and you'îî is the natural substance in fruit like the handy plastie mustard that makes as "jam'>» and jel- spoon attachedt Theres ne doubt lies " h" extracted, cncen- abou it . .pîety o "plin- trated, and conveniently bottled. abot ishes se t f " into Certo recipes use fruits at their Jane"dse tprgi he choicest -fully-ripe. ful-flavoured 4glamour " class when you use - and retain the preciaus flâvour Hleinz Mustard as a flaveur flat- and tempting colour you lose by teren! This genuine. stone-ground the long-bail method. You ma niustard adds rich, peppy zes9t te niake thrifty use cf this summer's countless foods. rhat's why .1 urge fruits with Certo ..-. and end al you ta order Heinz Prepared Yel- the guesswork by tollowing exact- lQw Mustard naw .-. . so budget- IV the meies under the label of ,vise in its new 9 ounce jar! each Certop bottie. Which 0f These Twe Voatlon.ra WiiI se YOU? It's Up ta yeu whetlier yau'll spoîl hait 'your vacation worrying about what "..a~ might happen "back horne>.. or ieave things behind in such goad arder that yau'il be happy as a, larlk. You can forget se much in the rush et getting away. Did you turn off the bathrooma tap? Did yea, tell the paper boy and milkman not toca"? -~ your bonds. jewellery and other valuables este? 4 tlîcre's no need ta wvorru about uour valuables et any Urne ... -il & rent a SaJetil Dcposit Box at the BANK 0F MONTREAL!'or just a cent or twa a day, you can "'buy'j year-lang protection and worry-tre holidayst LL's a wonderful B of M "bargain>' You can'O a/lord to miss!. Dorothy and Clarence, Miss. Elvz Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Wendel McKee ait Mrs. E. Heddon's, Ca]. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Waodley Tyrone, with Mrs. Minerva Trewý ~, in, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewir Mrs. Charlotte Stevens, Mr. anc Mrs. Roy Stevens, were Sunda3 callers ait Mrs. Mary Grittin's. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett anÈ family vîsited Mr. Earl Luke Hampton. Mrs. V. McMullen, Pantypool spent Friday with Mrs. E. A Clark Werry spent a week ai ~ the cadet camp ait Ipperwash an Lake Huron. ORGE EDWARD SHAW S.S. No. 16, Darlington foloxvîng their recent marriage. Senior Room Glovr, he bide isthe augter Grade VIII-Joe McGili, Joar ~3lver te bid, i th dugher Hobbs, Elgin Heard, Reginald )ver, Oshawa, and the bridegroomn Grittin. harles Shaw, Oshawa, tormerly of Grade VII to Grade VIII-Grani -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazâe Werry, Clarence Stainton, Shirley Milis, Ted Werry, Donald Wearn, become more ditticult ta carry as Shirley Ellis, Ruth Adams, Mary the >cars go by. Griffin. Grade VI to Grade VII-Eddie Blake. ENNISKILLEN Teacher-14rs. Walker. y Grade IV to Grade V-Keith El- 1- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Schell, South lis, Ruth Lamb, Reva McGill, Bert ýe River, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Werry, Gloria Wright. il McNair. Grade 111 Vo Grade 1V-Betty n Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lais Brownlee, Elenor Heard, Chester 5s and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Mills, Lamna Jean Wearn, Nancy Rodman, Port Perry. Wood, Carrol Wright, Ronald Mrs. Mary Griffin spent Sunday Thompson, Ted Yeo. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Ty- Grade II ta Grade III-Bruce rone. Ferguson, Garth McGill, Linda Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick Stainton, Irene Ferguson. and baby and Mrs. E. Strutt ait Mr. Grade I ta Grade II-Garry and Mrs. Jack Pott's, Haydon. Beckett, Jimmie Rowan, Linda Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and Shir- Yeo. ley, Burketan, visited Mr. and Grade I-David Benham. Mrs. A. Oke. Teacher-Miss Van CarnD. Mr and Mrs Mervyn Bond. Nan- cy, Neil and Janice, Brooklin ait Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston's. Baptismal Service Mr. and Mrs. H. Milîs at Acton. a ~ Master Chester and Bruce remain- 4-t St. Paul5s Ch r ed for a holiday with their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wearn, Clare- Last Sunday marning's service mont, at Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn's. at St. Paul's United Church was cf Miss Lamna Wearn returned with special significance toalal wha at- themn for holidays tended in that the two sacraments Mrs. Howard Brawn. Oshawa, of the church were celebrated. held a get acquainted party Sat- The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- urday for her new niece Mr. Wm. per with its benetits of "spiritual Werry's bride. Mrs. J. A. Werry, naurishment and growth in grace" M\/rs. H. J. McGill, Mrs F. W. and held chief place in the obser- Mrs. E. A Werry attended varices of the haur. This holy rite Mr. and Mrs. E. White, Bethesda 'was preceeded by the Sacrament wîth Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. of baptismn in which three children Miss Mary Elliott, Boxvmanville, were received into "the fellowship visited Miss Joan Hobbs, Ennis- of the church cf Gad. killen. The children baptised were Da- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving, To- vid Michael and Nancy Marie Eli- ronto, with Mr and Mrs. W. H. zabeth, Young son and infant Moorfe. Master Garry Beckett re- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald turned with them ta Toronto Î Williams; and Ian James, infant Mr. and Mrs. John Oke vsited son at Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, Hamp- Quarrie. ton. Present at this service were four Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling generations of the Wiliams family and son, Miss June Whitfield, in the persans ot the baptised chul- Cartwright, with Mr. and Mrs. R. dren, their parents, their grand- McNeil. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston at liams, and their great grandmoth- Mr and Mrs. L. R. Ashton's, Hay- er Mrs. Charles Murdotf. don Mr. and Mrs. George Pearce, Mr. and Mms. Harold Ashton England, parents of Mrs. Kenneth and Clare with Mr. and Mrs. S. McQuarrie, arrived from the Old Kersey, Hampton. Land in time ta witness the bap- Miss Shirley Mils has returned tism of their grandson and brought home tram 'isiting her cousins at with themn Mrs. McQuarrie's Acton. Christening gawn, an heirloom in Mr. Wendell McKee and bride, the Pearce family, which was Manlette, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Sid worni by ber son ait his baptism. Parsons, Misses Elva and Laverne AIso present fram the McQuarrie Orchard, Bowmanville, Mr. and family were the gandmother Mrs. Mrs. Frank Dorland with Mr. and- J. H. MeQuarrie, paternal aunt, Libbys 3are offerint everyfamilyi Canada Itin of Lib by's "G ntl iersa", Tomnato Juice FREE! We want you and your fai to know Libby's unsur- passed, arden-fresh goodness. Clip this copnand get your /ree tins right away. THIS COUPON ACCEPTABLE AT ANY LIBBY'S DEALER, ANYWHERE THIS COUPON ENTITLES BEARER TO ONE TIN 0F LIBBY'S TOMATOU JUICE- FREE -with the of2 tins at the regular price. Vojd ahter Ejuly 9, 1949. N'aie.. ** . *... .... s........... TO DE.ALERS: This coupon wiIl be rcdeemed at the going retail price. LIBBY'$, Chatham, Ont. ~M M M-M-M - M M -MMu THICATRE OMNIL THURSDAY ONLY - JUNE 30 Whon You Buy 2 Tins ut the Regular Price and Present Coupon Below To Your Grocer 1 - "u SDAY. xim smh- i4».ý Mail Clome Geing East Going local Rural Routes Going Part Hope enly Going9 East and West Mail Arrives From East and West 8:30 a.m. From West 12 noon Frai West 3:15 p.m. From East 8:00 pan. Cut this schedule eut and paste 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 Pnm. _S_;_ 1 1 AutIiortz.d bottier et Coc.Cola under contract with Coca-Cota Lt,!. HANBLY'S CARBONATED DEVERAGES OSHAWA - - - PHONE 755 1

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