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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1949, p. 13

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TRURSDAY, 3UNE 30th, 1949 -must Organi, 'Vrqes Spexk, ~Federation P The Durham Coi who support the Du SFederation of Agric s affiliation with the f eration and the gî P ederation of Cana -turists, met together picnic ln Orono Corn è' Saturday, June 25. It annual picnic since ,unit xvas formed. 1 faoon, a steadiy rain fe few cars name onto iwith farm families ha cerz of food ta the1 under the dripping j dand enjoyed -tiuing rain, first Ma rch. Clarlie Osborne, E * nrer,ý President of Du i ty Fecleration, welcor ;-onttngent of farmers some 30) cars under1 looked like a mneagr for a tinie, but Charlie icrophone insta]Ied1 Shop, Bowmanville,1 expeet many more ta the speaker of the day he has a message tha importance that xve cý wait i space for mord 7REWA A reward of a $10.0: Knot merchandise c will be sent Io an who will write our( giving us the namn dress of any .ev their district that have Bridal-Knot rings in stock. PEERLESS JEWELLERY 1M Suite 202-203 Yongt Toronto - Onto Home of Bridai- Diamonds I Cann PRESERVING KETTLE, Ideal Alumlnum, 15 P înts - - - ----------------------- .---------$ 1 .9 8 ca. LOW PRICED SCREEN DOORS Standard Sizes--- 1 ze His preronition was wellfoui Per at than 100 cars breezed in ta tir - .ust about the best assembly lCfl1C the history of the county fede tion. .inty farmers Addreaaes DeUvered irham County Mr. Osborne, who decined tc ulture in its iregarded as a public speaker,c Ontario Fed-1 livered h President's address eat National terms which marked him as a vE dian Agriculj'- effective speaker and a man w r in a grand is fully conversant with locala imunity Park, national farm problems as w t was the 7th as international cansideratio Sthe county that intrude today in the whc Beginning at picture of primary agricultui Ill as the first production. Introducing the spe. the grounds er, Charles W. Mclnnes,t auling' hamp- President told that he was Pre2 picnic tables dent, Ontario Hog Producers, trees. They director, Ontario Federation it under the Agriculture, who as a real di treai down- farmer at Iroquois, bas devoi ,t sitice late an immense amount of time mavements cancerned with a bc benezer far- ter deal for farmers. îrham Coun- Mr. Osborne outlined somethir .ned the first cf the programme that bathi who parked and Mr. Mclnnes heard at tl the trees. It IFPA worid congress held recen re gathering ly at Guelph. Broadly, the therî e ent ta the of the speaker xvas the story leac by the Radio ing up to this great internatiori to say: "We organization. He described in el omne yet and quent terms the pioneer spir is here and and hard work that Canadia t is of such farmers exhibited in layig th ýan rfford to graundwork that has raised Caný , ta arrive." da ta the third trading nat'on( _________the world today. Going an Ia te - how Canadian farmers werei the forefront in striving ta retai JRD freedoni in the late war, the speak - I er believed the future lield brigt 00 Bridai- prospects for Canada eventuail ertificate becoming the world's first tradin .y person nation and the bulwark cf democ company, racy in a more stable world. cand ad- Organize Effectively veller in But lie affirmed, the farmerso does flot Canada, are at last on the righ diamond track in arganîzing intelligentl ta achieve their just place in ti S ~national economy. From count 1FRS. units up ta pravincial and nation IFES. ai bodies the Federation of Agri ýe Arcade culture has become a force t'nat1 ,ario being feit among aIl levels cf gov -Knot ernment. Mr. Mclnnes ciescribec how industry and labor had argan. - ized for thieir awn interests ané ting Supplies" Home Canning Machine WIII Seal and Re-eut Cans, In the Most Popular Sîzes. 2's and 21%'s. q: $14.25 ea. 'pu ea plummîr may te lield in flic ItY Federation's nexv park in the Gan- Bert Hutchesori ri- aak ra Brinqs ini Local Paper ývTe en Agers Beinq 0f 90 Years Ago n- Spoiled by Too ?4uch Bert Hutclieson of Port Pcrrx nd ly-ToLite~Tr calieci at Te Statesmnan office KPay- ___Litle_ ok.Tuesdav wthacapy of a1oxv- manville paper dated Junc 8, 1855. From the lV-nni11eg Free Press xvhich is thecefoce over 90 years During flic recent convention nid. The name cf the paper is The of thec Manitoba Educational As- Star and was edited by D. G. Flet- seciation, the senior liigh sehool. cher. Bert says is was entrusted inspecter for Winnipeg presented ta hlmi by Mr. Jas. Bayer alsa liv- a paper tbat took a dim view cf ing [n Port Perry. The Bay' er fami- tecîî-age crîduet. This officiaI, ]y arid the Hutcheson famiiy \verc Dr. Andrexv Moore, said that lis friends in Bowmanviile a liun- views wouid brarîd him as a hope- dred years ago and some way this less ceactionary, but if tliey do, a capy cf the paper bas survived. great many other aduits wiIl like- It contains the professional Wise have to be classed as old fa- card cf Dt. John H. Buteliesan, gies. For they will find a striking Barrister, Bert's father. It aisa simiiarity between their view- cantains a poem written especiai- point and bis. iy for The Star by J. Hoskin. We Citirîg eyc-witness examples wocrld like same cf our readers from the conduet o! teen-agers in ta Write a poemn for The States- the mass, an strcet cars, in the- mari ee if onlv bal! as geod. atres, on the streets, and in The forcign news it eortaius is sehoals, Dr. Moore says . .' too Russian as the Crimeaiî war xvas frequently tbey are atracrousîy rain and a ship had arrived PI rude . . . same cf tbemn appear to' Halifa wil1 the Iatest news of revel in rudeness . . . there are th e conflict. Mast cf the deatiîs far toc many wbo do îîot reeag- ,vere from fcxver. choIera and un- nize problems wben they sec sanitarv conditions. theni." The type is ratiier small and It is the lack of sense cf respon- would be bard reading by candie- sibility, he says, that it ta blame liglît and we are giad ive did net for this conduct In eontending have ta set it up by baud. The adi- tiîat modern education ils pairtly f0 vertisemeniî for Ay crs Cherry blame, Dr. Moore takes a gcod Pictocal secms familiar enougli. bealthy sxvipe at the so-called Subseription rates %vere "teri Progressive Educatiori, wbicb says shillings per annum in advancc" that a chiid slîould neyer be frus- and letters ta the editor lîad te 'bc trated and sliould always do only preoaid aud oeeandeue previso i those thiîîg,.s lie likes ta do. seeris a lutle liard Ia understandI Many acults xvii lîeartily agreý "No paper discoutinued until ail with. him .w-hen lie says that such 'rer ~ paid up." If wVOUld training is a pieî po reuese an inducement ta lbc bchiid.r ta a post-selicol lite that is fuillcfç Irustration andi disagrecable t tasks. One nylon stockirîg nianufrec- Bis main cnt2nrtion is tu-at turcd iii Canada cenfair s criflitie children ncxvacays bave fac toc average Ili4 miles cf nî'yierîyara I little ta do in tle xvay of actual The declime iu iatecest rates lunI1 work. Toc much i.m being donc foc Canada la recerîî vears lias caucd n theni. Tiîcy have no chares accund an increasýe in life insurance pre- flie lieuse, no part-lime job after miumns.1 sehoal boucs, ncthming te liclp them Beaver damns are soinolimie- L dex'elop a sens2 of responsibility. faurteen reet higli aîd mauy thau- d Be recalîs that after an aut- sands a! feet lu lengîli. d break cf adolescnt ciating la To- Caairmlsprdcd15i routa recently, it was suggested Cnaiinul pcrd 1 that mare recreational facilities million yards cf rayon fabies i rnight provide a remedy. But lan 149. eu ail-timne record bis vrew -it wvould be much mareh effective ta previde plenty ai c gocd bard wccîc, paying fIor ..t e whenever justified . . . Provis- D Il ion cf suitabie work autside ai p£8c l1a ý school licurs xvouid hlp ta iîîstil 0 a desirable sense cf respcnsibiity Yi mucb more cffectivly than by MEs handing out recreation on a plat- ter."r Bere, cf course, a large part cf l the responsibiit falis on the par-I m ent. But Dr. Moore says the Fr scboois oaa belp toc. AIl persan- nci placement efforts should be organized so that adolescents who have shown a healthy sense of re- ci spcnsibilitY are chosen for theM cest openîng in post-sehaol cm- r6 >1 oym A point net made by Dr. Moore . '... sC but that nîiglit be made bere iste liat the business and industrial w world canalaso help children de- D veiop the much-needed sense cf dtoouplareb ri espansibility by striving ta d byu Seseeb îake mare part-time work avail- using labor-saving helps. ba able sud by letting the schoals and e arents know that the work is Use'- tex icre ta be liad. AE USa j PAPER CPTS an Canada is the worid*s leading PAPER SPATENS ~ <porter f base metas. PPl'SOOSSi. PAPER SERVIETTES foi PAPER TABLECLOTIIS PICNIC BASKETS ar -.--.-Ne und- ,nare wing yin lera- ,be de- ;in ery who and we11 ions hoie irai ak- the -si- of [irt )ted Sto et- Jng he the nme nal [o- irit an he na- tell in ain k- ht ly oc-s f t] ~It f( ENAMEL-LINED CANS WITH COVERS No. 2 (20-oz.) ----------- $4.75 No. 2%~ (28-oz.> ------- $5.75 per 100 EXTRA ENAMEL-LINED v ~ COVERS No. 2's ----- $1.10 per 100 No. 2%'s $1.40 per 100 COLD P, ACK CANNERS BLUE ENAMEL WARE WITH COVER, CAPACITY ;0 qts. WIRE RACK HOLDS 7 JARS ------$2.79 ea. FRUIT JAR FUNNEL, Alumlnum----- ------ - 19e ea. CULLENDER, Lifetime Alumlnum ------------ $1.50 ea. I $3.50 ea. j DGOWNANVILLE LMO CARNIV., ------- 5.25 ca. he urged that farmers shouid flot rest until their awn organizatioti wvas perfected and supported ta ithe limit. He saw a new day for agriculture in the acceptance of the IEPA as an international ben- efit to world food producers. Great Future At one point he warned that farmers were lasing some of their preciaus freedomn in the adoption by the federal govcrnment of state trading methods. The speak- er maintained that the true suc- cess of farmers must be faunded upan freedom to handie their owiî affairs in the way of production and marketing and probabiy pro- cessing. An effective organizatian, strong enough ta give positive di- rections to governments, was the way to force legislation and meet the requirements of the future an the farm front. Much is left out of this report for Mr. M'cInnes spoke at same length and with great cf- fect. He received a great ovation at the conclusion of bis eloquent speech. Others who spoke briefly xvere Ed. Summers, Agriculture Repre- sentative, M. H. Staples, Secretary, Walter Reynolds, Treasurer of the county Federation. When the speeches concluded the sun came out ta make a real day of it. Pea- pIe maved about to examine the machinery exhibits assembled by Robsoil Farm Equipment, Howardj H~ancock and W. H. Brown, al of Bowma nvi île. Sports Held Ini mid-afternoon a softball game was organjzed and in the evening the Courtice football team played the Orono team in a league contest on the grounds. Many also stayed on tili dark ta see the nia- tion pictures put on by C. R. Car- vetlî, under auspices af the park management. It was an outdoor heatre xvith the sereen placed be- aore a backdrop cf evergreens. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTAI Bowmanville Wedding of Interest MR. AND MRS. MARK MARCHANT wha were wed in St. Jahn's Anglican Churcb, Bawmanvill recently. The bride, who is the former Miss Evelyn Hall, the daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Royal S. Hall, and the bridegrooi is the son of, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marchant, allcf Bcwmanvill BLACKSTOCK Mr. William lx.ncaid, Vaîccu. vci. xisite2d Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hcdge. Miss Pearl Wrighît and girl friend, Toccata, left last weck ta cnjcy a marîh's holidays in Vanî- couver and California. Mrs. John Rutiedgc, Bancroft, is visiting lier family iii tlis ccm- MUnity. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Halmes, Joni and Vaîî, Oshiawa, witlî Mr. arîd Mrs. Dalton Dorreil. Miss VLra Farder and Mary- Elien Dcwney, Toronto, with Mrs. John Farder. Congratulations to Miss Mona Fergusoni xho passed lier ycar at Peterbaro Normal Sciiool. Aiso ta Grant FerguIson who noxv bas bis B.A. and is ready ta enter Osgoode Hall. The Executive cf the Werrv Famiiy Pienic were entertained at the liomcŽ cf Mrs. Clarence Mar- low Fridiay erig Mux ray Werry- is niow at home witli bis parents Mr. and Mrs. Rupecrt Wcrry for the summer. Murray pasred his 3cd year at Queeîi's Univer~sity, Kingston. Mi". and Mrs.. Albert Wright, Mr. aîd -Mis. Carl Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Frcd Trcwiii and Lloyd, wcre at Pau incau Lake. Box'. and Vis Bruce Harrison moved into Mrs. V. M. Archer's hOu7:e on MVondayý. We ail hope Mr. Harr' son wihi sean regain his ical th. Mr. James Pari', xxho lias beeri in OŽhav;a H&;pital rcturîîcd hme on Tuesclay gccatly imprcv- ed. The Wa'-He-Lo Misjerî Baud met at the berne cf cs.Cecil Bii Satilrlnya.vatcrnceii After the eLll coWISlD cchcWaS Cendu!Lctd the Pl 2a11 xvas c nSxxered. Joyce Forcler read a nmis, b'Onaî'Y StOrv. -'cPogrijm corîsistcd of a sOry \"Initroducing Dr. Wxm. Scrx'jcý,' bY Joaîî Veil- .ing; a story bv Mcs. Bill. Annual re-uiloîî andi picnic cf lh King Famnilles xvs eld at Lite Britain Park Jrine 25. The abeing seiattcilýd xxiîlî shoees id net have any cffect on the en- m-xment cf gettiiî, tegeumer and renewin, aId acquaintaicez Cf 'urs~e tImere v;as botlî .ioy and )rcex. as many familiar fa-ces iad pasScd to the Great. Beoncl. 'ames anci sports were gc'eatly ijOy-cd. This Was the txventy - hirdl p 'cnic. The families were )rcsent l'rom far and near. New fficers wcre electcd for next 2asPieic to bc hcid il, theý ame place. After a deliciaus sup- .r, ecdiwcnt their wvay thînk- ng that ai-,altcrnoon could net ve been spent more cujex abiy. Irs. Rebt. BruIce, Miss Mac King. id Mu-. Gordon Strong attcndedl cmi Blackstock. St. John's IV.A. W.'A. cf St. John s Anglican 'urcli was held at the honie cf rs. Jue. Carter, Burketou Juine L 6. vith Mrs. Arthui' Baux- pre- liuîg. 'Mcs. A. Lb. Bailev toek th cripture lesson, Study Book hap- ugiven by Mrs. Fred Bamilton I ,s entitled "The Needy Soný anîd iughters in Japan." A lette:.,xva. ýad fromi an Indian Residential col tliankîng aur W. A. for the le cf clathing. Thank you ]et- .s xvece rcad from Myrtie Nes- tt and Velx'a Baicxy fo:- frunl id ficwecs. Mrs. McKibboti han *-organizcd aur ~Little Helpers Id lias enralled six men-uber - 75 \vas 'oted Io pay for upplie,, r the "Little 1Hel-pers'. F'inal arrangemnts Wexvre made, rthe lst July booth. Mcmbers eeaeh asked ta donate a tes wel wrîh the WN.A. name onî h. arly a carton cf used clothîng ýbecu Packed. Ttvo reoms liad en decon ated at the Rectorv cand eAnnual Sprîaglio cu.ze-c[ean- c f the church campieted. Mrs. MeKibbon told about the aneçi serv'ices for Anni%,ersary- nday June 19 and the euter- riment cf the Rectar and Choir M St. John's Church, Boxvman- le, imr-nediately after the ex'- îg service. uPPlyirig flowers for flhe atai w. sarranged for the next month. able s.A. L. Baîlex.vccnszen*ed ta P %Vth the Comnmunlion T ablýe first Sur.dav lan Jullot oi f th'aaks %va .tenderci, S.Carier foi, lhe uzeeto.hcr Ai HIGE SCEGOL GEOUNDS Friday, July l5th Summer Reading POCKET BOOKS 25c blystery - Adventure and Romance J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20" PHONE 556 27 King St.,~. Bowmanville k o, Ii nas 1 bee I the ing Sun viii eaur Si -was Mrs, help ithej A Mrs nom F ri, rmit PAGE THIRTEEN ------- In the federal budget for the I ear ending in 1950 it is estimated EU hat the cost of admninistering Can- T n 'ronK E oa il e$1,0,00 adwntiu liM Ail marchandlise sold of your Domninion Store h4 *nconditionally HENLEY-.FANcy QUALIY TOMATIO JUICE TIR9c METCALFE-.IN TOMATO SAUCE PORK & BEANS 2 Vu 21( N YATT-U N GRADED CHOICE PEAS 2" 21C WAUPOOS-CHOICE QUALIT SALAD DRESSING DOMINION-FULL NUT FLAVOUR LYNN VALLEY-STO. QUALITY RICHMELL0-ORANdGg PEKOE 1J. 45c jm:' 3 7C HOLIDAY PICNICS Salads - Sandwiches 1Produce Grown in Ontario FRESH GREEN ONIONS FRESH CRISP LETTI'CE GREEN PASCAL ('ELERY HlOT IIOL "SE CUCUMBERS FRESFH RED RADISHES FRESH BUNCH CARROTS FRESH B17NCH BEETS FIRM HEAD CABBAGE FI3GS WANTED PaY h7ghest rn.rktt prices for tuas. Shi;r'p;g tag, avait. f etOur stors. S.. manager fur particulars. Reg. grdi4ing station 0-21 BARKER'S PICNIC SANDWICH BISCUITS Lb. pkg. 2 c CATELLI S1PAGHET'I'1 1501.14 Tim 4 PICNMC p 1ii.CkLs ~ G-quart Red Cooking EaCherries - - Trrm Red Ripe Tomalvs Oranges talifornia Juicy VALUES EFFEC:TIVE THUISDAY. JUNE 3O*fh AND SATUi.DAY, JULY 2m,, -3 1 5 fo 33c Congraulatio s - -paid by 1h e ger al taxpa y r v Cnrtltosta Mr. John Mrs. Norman Allin. be $18.800,000. In 19-13 tbe cost James for his sweeping victory at 1 Mrs. V. Wilson and Mrs. Harold administration $a 4,îûo,0oo. the poils on Monday. We will be 1 Allin attended the Rebecca Grand following his political carcer with 1Ladge in Toronto. interst. Mr. and Alrs. Caldwell. Part Miss E. Halmes, Oshawa, visited Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. her sister Mrs. H. Rowýlhnd. Stainton. FIA Mrs. Stewart Cowan and son, Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- Ottawa, are visiting her aprents ava, spent the xveekend at home. V~ iýMr.and rs. NwtolMr. Dick JL :Mr ad rs Nwtn Cobblcciick. Marten is spendii-g this week wvith his parents Mr. Mr. James Gilfallian, Montreal, and Mrs. A. Morten. We are gladi spent the weekend with bis nîotb- Ita see Mr. Morten able ta be out er Mrs. J. J. Gilfillian, who is verY agamn after his illness. mnuch improved in bealth. 1 On Friday evening the pupils Of Mrs. C. W'ood is visiting in Kit- Mrs. W. E. C. Workman gave a chener this week with her hus- piano recital in Park St. Sunday ,and. Scbool, about 25 pupils taking Mr. Wmn. Riddle spcnt several part, On the were the days at ihe Oddfeilow's conven- kindergarten ciass, 15 children tion in Toronto. He xvas accompan- from 5 ta 7 years of age. Mrs. tf led by Mr. Robt. Chaters and bath Workmaîî revicived the course repart a very enjoyable timne they had ; &ken which is a wonder- D M N O iICongratulations ta Mr. and Mirs. fui founidation to piano playing. Bruce Chapman, (nec Pearl Mary The children are very apt pupîls Laey> who were marricd in To- as shown by their answers and A ronto on June 18 at St. Michael's their niano numbers. They thor-D Y Church cf Ail Angels. oughly enjoyed entertaining their The many friends of Mr. Mil. parents and friends, each and eve- TI E S L fard Sherwiîi are vcry pleased ry anc being mast anxiaus ta do that lie is able ta be able ta bc their part. The aider pupils were home after bis sericus illncss in heard in piano solos and duets. Oshawa hospital. We hope he xill Ail in ail it wxas a delightful pro- have continued iînprcvement. gramme and proved what can belI Mrs. J. J. Ccrnish is a patient accompiished in the short time le in Oshawa liaspital. We are pleac-- Mrs. Workman bas been teachîng ed ta report that she is feeling here. To lier must go a great deal much better. cf praise Mrs. A. E. Eustace on 011 Orono choir went t Lesk-ard oni behaif cf the children, presented mafC w Sunday eveniîîg to assist with tlie Mrs. Warkman xith a beautifulai music at their thank affering ser- bouquet. Mr. Workmaîi assIsteci vices, Mrs. Workman during the recital Mrs. J. Lintonl and lier daughter and at tlie close they served ice- Mrs. Petersion, Brantford, are vis- eream and cake ta the children < iting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watson and their friends. ,,,IlleI1 and Aima. ____________ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' Austin, poe41 eSle Calgary, aie visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Island, B.C., is the oniy corner 1 & ý1er nS Will Cobbledick, Other visitors af island in the worid exclusively de- the wveekend were Mrs.* Loweii voted ta manufacture o! commer- A Cobbîcdiek, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. P. cial higli explosives. Freeman, lier saoi and daughtcr. C3nada is the world's largesî tM ail cf Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. soiely ta ihe training of future Brock. Oshawa. leaders for the primary textile in- Visitors xith Mr. and Mrs. Alex dustry. Watsonî werc Miss Nonie Archer anîd Mr. Tom Bedcingtan, bath of Toron ta. There was a large crcxvd gatlier-A- cd in the cemnetery on Sunday fu. H A Y BA &IN~G the annual Decoration Day. The brief service was ccnducted with199 L n ae Mr brSuha schairman. Rev.199 Ln Bae Mr. ewdeyNewcastle, gave the~ scitr edigadpa CUS T ON W OR K the address. Orono Band wcre in FOR PRICE AND PARTICULARS - PHONE attendarîce playing the liymns for the service, and %vere generous m w ( u uu with numbers before and a!ter M e. E GE T the service, 74W OSHAWA Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell. Oshawa. 34W were Sunday guests with Mr. an-d IPRIESERVING KETTLE, Lifetime Alumlnum, 2 2 P ln ts -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Window Screens ADJUSTABLE, METAL SUPPORTED Â 14 x 22 x 36 ----- - --- - -79e Ca. S RNllÇ 14 x25 x44 - . ----.--- 94c ea. S .ým SCREEN MOULDING 5 ft., 6 fM. 8 ft. and 10 ft. lengths Fer Foot - ----------6c e SATURDAY SPECIAL "Seperator Oil" "Slep-On" Higlh Standard f Kitchen Wasfe LMTPERIAL OIL un *Sealed Quart Cans Cn Regular 45c, Qt. Floral Design Special - 35c qi. RedRanBlack Ti 2 for 65c 1 Special - $1.37 DonMcrGregor IHardware Co. PHONE 386 EIEYTICDAL KING ST. W. lIn Case of Rain Carnival will he held Salurday, July 161h i 8 RIO s j D 1 Li 1 ai , 1 Molvec in mouvy syrulb IVE G ET, Y B L E S 11).

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