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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1949, p. 14

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AF IU omN Y ADAI TAEMA, OMAVlIE.OTAT ----G ---- .TRADE MESSAGE BEFOREJ 12,000 READERS S C ST 35cPE A BIRTHS MAPPIN-Born in East General Hospital, Toronto, Tuesday, June 28th, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mappin (nee Hilda Johns) a daughter, Bernice Lorraine. 26-1* SKINNER - Shirley and Lloyd Skinner are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Elizabeth Ann, a littie sister for Teddy, on June 2lst, 1949. 26-1 WERRY-Dr. and Mrs. S. George Werry (nee Morris) are happy to announce the birth of their son. Donald George. in Bowmanvillej Hospital, on June 23rd, 1949. 26-11 Articles For Sale ICE box, wooden, white, excellent condition. Phone 2868. 26-1* CAR radio, slightly used. Phone 2753 Bowmanville. 26-1* DOUBLE bed. springs; also crib, large size, both wooden. For som- mer cottage. Phone 2419. 26-1* 1942 ARMY truck 30 cwt., in good condition, $275 Apply Creamn of Barley Park. 26-1 LARGE chesterfield chair. Apply evenings only 14 Brown St. N. 26-1* NEW Perfection coal oul stove ENGGEENS ith high shelf and oven, in good Mn. and Mrs. Samuel J. R. Powell annaunce the engagement of their daoghiter, Hazel Elizabeth, ta Mr. Jack Kenneth Crago. son of Mr. and Mns. W. E. Crago, Bowmanville. The marriage will take place Joly 23nd.* 26-l* Mn. and Mrs. Sam McAllister announce the engagement of their younger daughter Violet Louise ta William Albent Wright, son of Mrs. James L. Wright and the iatc Mn. Wright, Brampton, Ontario. The wcdding wili take place the latter part of July. 26-1* Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Henning announce the engagement of their daughter, Verna Margaret Elinor to Albert HarveY John Metcalf. son of Mr. Norman J. Metcalf and the late Mrs. Metcait, Maple Grove. The marniage to take place quiet]y the latter part of July.261 DEATHS HUTCHINSON - On Jonc l8tb, 1949, at Winnipeg, Man., H. Wil- bon Hutchinson, native of Enni- skillen, aged 86 years, beloved busband of Charlotte Isabel. In- terment in Elrnwood Cemetery, Winnipeg. LIDDY-On Jonc 24th, 1949, at the Ewart House, Toronto, Kath- erne Frances Liddy, in ber 93rd yean, beloved wife of the late Rev. J. J. Liddy, dean mother of Dr. H. W. Avison. Gait; Dr. R. B. Liddy, London; R. Glenn Liddy, Mont- real: Dr. F. J. Liddy An- cadia, U.S.A., and Mns. Otis Wor- den (Louise), Toronto. Interment \Mount Picasant Cernetery. PEARCE-At Bowmanvilie Hos- pital, on Tbursday, Jonc 23, 1949, George Henry Pearce, husband of the ate Frednica Vanstone, in his 84th year. Funenal f rom the Morris Funerai Chapel on Satorday, Jonc 25. Interment Bowmanvillc Cern- eteny. 26-1 TAYLOR-Matiida Letita, at the home of ber daughter, Mns. Mar- vin Nesbitt, Nestleton. Ont., on Tuesday, Jonc 28tb, 1949, Matilda Letita Drew, beloved wifc of the late Anson Taylor, in ber 89tb year. Resting at the home of ber daugbter, Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt for service on Fniday, Joly ist at 2 p.m. Interment Union Ceme- tery, Cadmus. 26-1 WOODEN silo 25xl2. Apply Gea. W. Clark, Newtonville, R.R. 1. 216.1* 1936 CHEVROLET coach, good condition. Apply 35 Beecb Ave., Bowmanville, Phone 729. 26-1* STANDING hay. Mrs. D. B. Pick- ering, R.R. 2 Newcastle on No. 2 Highway. 26-1 1941 PONTIAC Deluxe coach, new tires, good condition. Phone 2436, Lavemn Clemens, Hampton. 26-1 TWO Perfection coal oui stoves, anc short and one long glo)beye Phone 2075.261 DELUXE maroon tolding baby carniage, in good condition. Wiii seli reasonably. Phone 2863. 26-1* AMERICAN cement. immediate delivery, $1.40 per bag. Apply Wilfred Richardson, Pontypool. Phone Orono 8iri6. 26-3 JOH-NSTON Iron Horse, 5/8 h.p. gas engine, newly reconditioned. O. Hyland, Burketon, Phone Port Perry Illîr. 26-1* MAN'S bicycle in good condition, $15. Cecil Brown, 45 Temperance atter 6 p.m. on Thursday and Fni- day. 26-1* STORE equipment, Toledo scales; Dayton eiectric slicer; 6 ft. coun- ter refrigerator. Phone 2694. 26-1 ONE 3.3 Johnson twin outboard motor, A-i condition, $75. Apply Reg. Boundey, Port Perry, Phone 182R. 26-1* CABIN trailer, 7 ft. x il ft., 6 mns., accommodates four, new. Phone 702 or appiy 83 King St. E. 26-2* FRAME building 25 x 18, good timbens. Appiy Mrs. D. B. Pick- ering, R.R. 2 Newcastle on No. 2 Highway. 26-1 PORTABLE Singer sewing mach- ine, electric, practically new; aiso pram and play pen. Apply Mrs. Glen Campbell, 26 Fett St. 26.1* GARDEN tractor, 3 h.p.; plow; 1 disc; cultîvator; A-I condition. Len Fowler, 182 Duke Street. 26-1* COOL off for sommer. Canada's finest Venetian Blinds measured and instailed. Free estimates. F. F. Morr is Co., Phone 480. 25-tf Articles For Sale FLOOR COVERINGS - New de- signs in Inlaid, Moolded and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoleum and Rexoleum yard goods now in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide. Bring in yoor measorements for quotations at F. F. Morris Co. 25-tf ROYAL Deloxe venetian blinds by expert craftsmen of Met-Wo Industries, guaranteed in every xvay. Ten days delivery. Also the new Secen-O-Matic automatic window screen. J. W. Melley, Box 421, Oshawa, Phone 4101. 25-2* NO. Il side rake; No. 7 hay load- er; 10 ft. seY ipropellci combine; Clipper' ombine, motor driven; two and three furrow tractor plows; 15 run power lift seed drill; 7 ft. grain binders; new Holland hay balers. J. HI. Hancock, Phone 781. 26-1* NEW Case S tractor; new Case SC tractor; new Case VAC tractor; . --VA tractor. new Case forage harvester; new Case forage Case Uý Lase D tractor; used Case tractor: new bayloader; DeLaval and B.T. pressure sy- stems; new 6', refrigerator; new DeLavai cooler. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 26-1 THRESHING macines-3-22x38 McCormick-Deering, steel grain machines; 3-28x46 McCormic-- Deering steel grain machines; 1- 28x46 Case grain sepanator; 2- 28x46 Goodison grain sepanatans; and othens to choose tram. Mach- inery is ahl in the best of con- dition. Wc deliver. Termns and cash. Phone on write Hanlcy Bras., Schomberg P.O., Phone 6531.2-2 BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroomn suites, $69.00, steel bed outfits, completp_ $26.95; felt base floor covering, 49c a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colons; 3 pc. allover velour chesterfieid suites, $149.00; 6-pc. naturai finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- fiiled mattresses, $24.95; tri-light iamps, compiete, $12.95; nangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. ailoven velour bcd chestcrfieid suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminsten carpets, green on wine orientai designs, $4950; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Evenything for the home at Bradiey's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271. 6-tf COMING EVENTS Dance at Caesarea Pavilion, Fni. day night, July lst, fcatonîng A] Stack and bis orchestra. Round and square dancing. Admission: ladies, 25c; gentlemen, 50c. 26-1 Attention! - Country Couple5 Club. Reserve Saturday afternoon, July 2nd for family picnic ta ha bheid at Orano Park. Ententain- ment anranged for aduits and chiidren, with pnizes. 26-1 Dbon't forget Bowmanvilie Lions Carnival. High Sebool Grounds, Friday, Joly lSth. Benefit Softball Game. Maple Leaf Hockey Play- ens vs. Local Tcam. Draw for 1949 Pontiac car. 26-1 ________________________NEW batteny radios, complete TeN.9Lde lbivt CARD 0F THANKS with batteries, $29.50; 8 au. ft. edcc- yuTaeN9disatt ubnonitea trrefrigerators, 5 ycar guar- bazaoatinidiang aenof eans Mns. Bruce Whitney wisesta antee $399. Murphy's, Pon -81.boar ncking s fandci ren's thank tbe doctors and nurses. also 26-1* at ecoiastdcmmurnty I-ai al ber friends and ncighbours fan TWO battery set radios, in good tram wc3t l ck Wdnesd all tceiidnes arsad lwrswring condition; neason for July 6tb. Admission 25c. 26-1 rcidduigbrillness in seiiing, hydro installed. Phone Te7t er aiyPci Bowmanville Hospital, 26.1* William Fee, I11n2l Port Penny. Te thW nyFniyPnl 26-1* wiii be beld at Hampton Mcm- Mrs. awrece Cyderan ad anal Park, Satunday, July l6tb. Mns Lancne Cydemanand1947 DODGE Speciai Deloxe Came for cithen dinner on supper, Ann wish ta express ta thein many Sedan, beater, defroster, fog ligbts, on bath. President, Mn. Pbilp, friends, relatives and neighbours. etc., bow miheage, excellent con- Sunderland; Secretany, Mns. Clai- thein beartfelt tbanks and apprea- dition. Garnet Porter, Newcastle. ence Marlow, Blackstock. 26-1 jation for acts of kindness, mes- 2- sages of sympathy and beautitufl Ryo26-1yScol ni floral tributes extended ta tbern ONE new wagon, ta take 16" auto vensary Tea and Concert on Fn.- in their recent sad bereavement. tires; anc electrîc fencen; wbeel- day, Ju1y ist. Sports will consisi in the hoss of a dean hosband and barrow; qoantity of square tim- of races for the cbildren; men's tather. 26.1* bers and rails; sacrifice for qoick softbali game and junior football ______________________ sale. Harvey Partner, Tynone, game. Tynone vs. Enniskilien. IN MEMORIAM Phone 2328. 26-1 Boontiful supper at 4:30 p.r.- -'46 CHEV. sedan, perfect condition, unti ahi arc served. During the EDGER-In ioving mernory of a including slip covers, heaten radio suppen hour, music wili be sop- dean father, Wn-. Edgcr. wbo two extra snow tires anýd fog plied by Harold Godtrey's Or- passed away Jonc 27tb, 1928: lights; '49 Ford, two doon 3,000 ch estra in persan tram Oshawa. He bad a cbaery smile, a pleasant miles. E. Murphy, Phone 811 At 8 p.m. a Grand Concert wili be way, 26-1* presented by Harold Godtrey's A epn bu aaI eke;Variety Show, Osbawa. This show He was so kind, s0 genenoos BLANKETS, Carpets and Scatter wili be bigger and better than and truc. Rogs made tram your aid carpets, iast yean. Amplifier Systcm will On eartb lie nobly did bis best, wvoolhcns on cottons. Gather your be used for the Orchestra and Grant him. Jesuis. i-eavcnly nest. rags and phone 2890. Mn. H. A. Concert. Admission-Adoîts, Tea -Sadly missed by the tamiîy. Campbell, Dominion Rug Ca. and Concert, $1.00; Concert Oi-ly, 26-1 26-4 50c; Childnen, Tea and Concert, So5c; Concert Only. 25e. Milton TRADE-INS - Thon washer, ne- Shemon, Superintendent; Rev. A. GOODALL-A ' car ago hast Sun- canditioned, goarantced anc year, E. Cressweih, pastor. 26.1* day morning at 8:30, Helen Grace whitc enamel tub, $6950; rangette. o Goodahl, wife of John Goodalof 1ý Bowmanviiie. passed awýa%-: S- 2950; avenette $1250; coal ail LivestockFo Sale staves $9.50. Monphy's Phone 811. ________________ From aur happy home anýd cincle 26.1* 22 YOUNG pigs, seven weeks old. God bas taken ana wve ioved, She is borne awva.vtram sin and HAPPY Thought range;, fu Phone 2751. 26-1* sorrov oak ibnarv table and twao leathen SIX good Yorkshire pigs. 6 w,,eeks To a nobler î-est abo e. chairs: wvashstands: bedi-oom dish. i.WlimGenod-edl No anc kno\vs how much ve mis es Ahi in good condition. Apply1 Phone 23nh8 Onono. 26-i ber, Cecil Hill, Blackstock, Phone Paît Noue but acbii-ig bearts cari tel; Penny 106R4. 1f-'REGISTERED Scotch Shorthorn Lost on earth, but found in bull, 16 rnonths, dark roan: also heaven- BON DED Brake Sbae Exchangcu,, hay rack. Eani Tnewin, Enniskil- Jesus doath ail tbings wclî. no rivets. In stock ready ta go; Ian, Phone 2351. 26-1 -Sady munne bybusbnd i-i Chev.. Dodge, Plymouth, Cbry- family. 2-'sien, Olds.. Pontiac, Buick (drumns PUREBRED Shontbornn hu, ana ____lathcd). Bob Stocker's Garage, year aid, the best brccding and POTTER-Iti laving memnory oft Bowmanviile. Phone 804. 22-tf the right type. Carnet Riwkard, aur dean nicce, Donna Florence, ALL kinds of meat, good quahity, Poe21.1)_ wbo passcd away July th, 1948: smokecî bacon and hams, sausage NINE Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks aid. A litthe lamb too sweet anýd pure and hamburger. Darlington Abat- Wili sdil by pain. Apply O. Hy- Upon this eanth ta i'am; toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also land, Phone Port Penny lilS. An anrptci cse custom killing, pickling, smoking 26.1* And took aur- dean niiece home.1 and sausage making, rendering C - e rîciieîdand sadiv Ilard. 23-tf CYDE hanse, eight yeaî-s aId, înissed by bher aunts, Violet, black witb white face and tact. Tressa an1d Rci-a. 26-1- 1FR0 ST King white enamnel ic Apphy C. Tindaîl, 4th Concession __________________________box. 75 lb. capacity; kitchen sink, near Fîve Points, Phone 582%V3 Customn W ork iWte bed xith spring and mat-.Ohwa 61 TRATO Cutoi ý'ok. logli tess: 1933 Phvrnouth sedan, ruotar ý Seed for Sale TRATO (uson Wrk paub-and tires igood. bad-v fain,' cbeap 1 ing, culti%-rîi:ng and seeding. F. for cash. AýIPpi' C. C. Sm-th, C o SEED Ruckwbpat. Garnet Rîck- S. Allen, Phone 594. .- 6-Uf A. O. Parker, 26-1 îa.rd, Phone 2813. 26-1 es id ýS. ic 1- ;t 's Il 1. e t. e s v 1 1 Real Estate LOT on Jane Street. Apply 57 Liberty St. S. 25-2* CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100',' new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartiett, King St. East. 22-tf LAXESIDE Beach, Lake Scugog, 5-room cottage, screened veran- dah, fireplace, furnished, eiectric stove, lot 50x100. Apply R. D. Humphreys, K.C., 6 King St. W., Oshawa, Telephone 814. 26-2 A beautiflul home, 5-roomed stuc- co house, 3-piece bath, hardwood floors, lovely verandah, good gar- den, one of the best streets in town, garage and other fixtures. Possession 30 days. $6000. Frame house and lot, water, hy- dro and stool. one block fram main street. $1200. 158 acres, dry loam, 100 acres workable, remnainder pasture and bush; trame bouse, 8 rooms, tomn- ace, hydro, 2 barns, good stable. cement road, close to scbool and church. 70 acres ready for wheat. Possession arranged. $8500. Sommer cottage at lake, east beach, 3 rooms and a sonroom, hydro, partly fornished, $1000. $500 down and terms. JAMES NIXON Broker Bowmanville Phone 682 26-1 HAMILTON & SMITH $1i0.000-Bowrnanville, in finest residentiai section on choice cor- ner~, grand oid solid brick borne of 15 rooms, owner occupied, good state of repair, very suitabie for apartmcnt dividing or room nent- ing, vcry fine grounds. Reason- able tcrrns to responsibie punchas- Real Estate For Sale J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Beauiful Estate One of the most desirable proper- ties 'n Bowmanvilie. Solid brick, georgian-type residence with spac- jous red-tile terrace and Sun deck. 13 rooms, inciuding separate 5- room apartment. 7 fireplaces, large billiard-room panelled in quarter- cut oak. 3 tiled bathrooms and downstaris wash room. Hot water heating with oil. Conveniently located on beautifu]ly landscaped grounds approacbed by winding drive. Property is in excellent state of repair and well adapted for gracious living. $4,000.00 cash payment required, balance on easy terms. Ontario Street $3750.00 - Semi-detached, solid brick bouse. 5 rooms and bath. New roof and furnace. Freshly painted, inside and out. Conven- ient location. Manie Grove $3900.00-4 noom bungalow on No. 2 Highway. Attached garage and work-room. Large, well-trecd lot. Hen bouse with electric ligbts and cernent floor. Bus stops at the door. Cali Bowrnanville Representative Teleuhone 2456 Fergus E. Morrill No Sale - No Charge We have a nomber of clients lookîng for farms, large and small. For courteous. fast and efficient service contact J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Realtors 156 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. or Bowmanville Representative Establisbed over 50 ycans BOWMANVILLE $2,l00-Boilding suitable for gen- REAL ESTATE crai stone in village on main bigh- General Store, one of the finest way between Bowmanvilc and paying businesses in Ontario, es- Port Pcrry. 2-starey trame build- tablished 60 years. just 3 owners, ing in good condition, bydro. Barn present awncr netiring, turnover 20x3O, driving shed 12x20. Large '$1.000 per wcek. Post office, gas- lot. oline and ails, meat and general menchandise, bas every modern Ideal cottage sites, 50 foot lots for featune. Large grounds on Main sale at Scogog Lake near Nestie- Street, 40 miles from Toronto, ton in surroundîngs of fine som- This business, praperty and buiid- mer haimes, $250.00 each. oniy a megs bas ben weil keot up and stones tbrow from the lake edge. will make a steady profitable in- Pavement right ta the lake. North came fon sarneone. Full pnice tram Bowmanville. $23,850, $15,000 down. Stock at invoice. HAMILTON & SMITH Brokers Orono. Ont.l Phone 32r10, 1n16, 39r2 1 26-11 COOKE REAL ESTATE $4,500-In Newcastle on No. 2 Higbway, 6-roomcd trame bouse, batbroorn, fuîl sîze basement, fur- nace, bot air heating. large double lot, beautifully tneed and land- scaped. that would take a lifetirne ta build up. First time otfercd. Immediate possession. $4,000-In Orono, a really iovely home, well paintcd and in a good location, spacious living-room, din- ing-noom, den, modern kitchen, beautiful sun poncb, good base- ment, turnace, bedged lawn. Im- mediate possession. $3,000--4-noomed trame and insul- brick cottage, north wcst of New- tonville, bot and coid waten on- der pressure, funnace, hydro, at- tached garage, splendid heu bouse, cernent floor. One acre lot, 10w taxes, immediate possession. $300-Choice building lots in New- castle on No. 35 Higbway, residen- tial section. Investigate. $8500-Orono anea, 150 acres ex- cellent land, goad barn and stables, neyer drying spring, l0-roorned brick home, centre bail plan; full size basement, metal n o o f s tbnoughout. Tenms. Immediate possession. $3500-51 acres near Newtonville, 1 mile tram No. 2 Higbway, six- raomed trame bouse, white with green trirn, metai roof, heavy duty wiring. Splendid garden, barn, chieken bouse, good pomp, spring. Immediate possession. Evelyn E. Cooke, Realton Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 26-1 Chiropodist T. M. VANT, D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. General cbiropody wonk. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Osbawa, Phone 4538J. 24-6* Boom and Board $11.500 with $7.000 down. 100-acre farm, near Bowmanvillc, very modrn five-room brick haine. with sunroam, attacbed garage_, hydra, \vater under pressui',auo matic ail heating. 20-acre o!rchard, finest blaci:. loam, ever-flowing crack. A tarm you wili be prood ta own. $1500 down, doubla brick bunga- low, four apartmcnts, anc apant- mient vacant, in good nesidential district. Revenue $1.000 per year approx. \Vili pay for itself in six or~ seven years. $4.000 - four room insul.brick bungalow. bathroom, sunroom, iin- mediate possession. nice district. $2,000 down. If you are tbinking of building now or in the future, we have listed some of the finest lots in Bawmianvilie on Scugag. Prospect, Elgin, Wellington, Liberty, Qucen, Hunt, and No. 2 Highway, rang- ing tram $175.00 op. Cash or terns. Boy now for the future. Wanted-Bungalow in Newcastle and also in Bowmanville around $6,000 cash. Wanted-Farms of every descrip- tion imrnediatcly, cash clients xvait ing. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Sbebvn D. Maclachlari Phone 326 - 2017 26-1 Help Wanted SALESGIRL, steady position in Ladies' Soecialty Shopoe. Write Box 262, Statesman Offie. "R-l GIRL ta work in refreshrnent bootb, fu time. Apply Cream of Barley Park. 26-1 ATTENTION PLEASE-Wanted, Reliable man as dealer in Bow- manville. Experience not neces- sany. A tine oppontîînity ta step inta old profitable business wbere Rawleigb Produets have been sold for years. Big profits. Produets fi.bnisbed on credit. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept. ML-F-140-163, Mon-, treal. 22-5 Notices Dr. Birk's office will be closed from July lOth to August 6th. 25-5 Dr. Storey's office will be closed June 27th to August 7th inclusive. 23-8* WE DELIVER Texaco Gasoline Motor Oils and Greases to Bow- manville, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804 or 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf Auction Sales The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Austin Pat- ton, Lot. 1, Con. 2, Cavan Twp., one mile south of the Marsh Church, to seli by public auction on Thursday evening, July 7th, at 6:30 p.m., al bis farm stock, im- plements and some furniture. Terms cash. No reserve. 26-1 1 bave received instructions tram Adam Keane, Lot 22, Con. 6. Clarke Twp.. 1 mile nartb of Onono, to seli by public auction an the evcning of Friday, July lst, at 7:30 p.m.-22 acres mixed grain; 14 acres mixed bay, and sorne rnachinery inciuding a Massev- Harris 7' grain binder in excel- lent condition. Terrns cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 25-2 The executors of the estate of the late Stanley Glover, will sali bv publie auctian at bis ]ate ne- sidence, Newtonvilia, on the ev- ening of Saturday. Juiv 2n-ci at 6:30. His entire household effect. This sale will include modern and antique furniture. dishes. chester-j field suite, electric washer and many other items. Tenms cash. Note tirne of sale 6:30 p.rn. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26-1 Chicks For Sale CHICKS for sale - we have the toliowing stantcd chicks: 40 mix- ed. Rocks, 5 weeks aId; 60 mixed Rocks, 3 weeks old; 100 Leghorn pullets, 6 weeks oid: 150 Leghorn pollets, 4 wceks old. Orchland Farm, H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636. Bowmanviic. 26-1:? STARTED Chicks-2 wcek-old non-sexed Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x Newi Harnpshires, White Rocks 21.95, New Hampshines 21.45, Light Sussex 22.95. Assorted Heavies 20.45. Pollets: Bamned Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hamp- sbires, New Hampshires 30.95, White Rocks, Light Sussex 32.95, Assorted Heavies 29.95. Cockenels: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hampshires. New Hampshires, Ligbt Sussex 20.95. White Rocks 22.95, Assorted Heavies 20.75. Three weck-old add 5c per cbick. Also other breeds. Day olds, 12 flore breý,ds anc1. 13 cross breds, non-sexed, pullets and heavy cockerls. Prompt deliveny. Tur- key Poults. Older pullets, eight weeks Io laying. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fengos, On- tario. 26-1 Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are bigben. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phoni 13. reverse charges. 17-tf For Rent FIVE roomed bouse in Bowrnan-i ville. Possession July ist. Write Box 260, Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 26-1* PASTURE with running water and shelter, Phone 2200, O. P. Hertzberg, R.R. 4, Bowrnanvillc i 24-1 Work Wanted TILE work wanted, giazed colon- ed wali tile, rubber or mastic floons. Phone 2902. 22-4 RELIABLE Class A iicensed mecbanic witb reterences, neqoires work. Write Box 263, Statesman Office. 26.1* CAMERA FANS-Special Offer, Jone 18 to Joly 16: Rolîs, 120-620- 127 finisbed for 25 cents: 116 -616 30 cents; 16 evposure films, i0c extra. Bring or mail to Alpha PooSudio, Bowrnanville. 24-4' Repairs FOR ),rompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom wonk, try the Neat-Way Sboe Repair Sbop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS to aIl makes of rcfrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electrie 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf COMPLETE brake service, brakei RO anborfon young lady P ro a drom Iathing, grinding and hon-; -,orig ntc-n. Write Box 261.1P ro a ing. Brakemaster cylinders and Statesmani Office. 26.1* SKINNY Men, Women! Gain 5 ta wbeel cyhlindars honed and poIisb- ROM ndborddeird y15 lb.,. New pep ton. Tnsy tam- ed. Permafuse Ray'bond brake, ROungbusnessban. Wsrie Box ous Ostrex Tonic Tablits forI bonding, no rivets, Raybestosý 264g stesman.ffice, Boxandouble resots; new healthy flash: brake iinings. Brakes shoes ex.i ville. 26nOfic, owa- new vigor. New "get acq uainted" changes in stock ready Ia go. Bob ville.________26_______ size oniy 60c. Ahi druggists. 26-1 Stacker's Garage, Phone 804, Vlanted HYGENIC Supplies - (rubber Bwavie 2t Wanted ~goods) maiicd postpaid in plain - - -lar ucsmaethi ýDEAD hanses and cattle for free sea]ed envelope with pnice îist. heeialadocsmkthi pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 Six. samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. hme in athe lobby pool, nd»..n or Cobourg 48J. We pay phone Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub-min the obb pl ao rahtersingp charesGaron YungLtd 13tf ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. teeeao arahtensep chares, ordo Youg Lt 1318-9 îng quanters on the roof. CUSTOv bain-ii,.pick-up or sta- ls aibaks J.,ha -e tinay Cn ae pta entons Ls per~ boor. Hay on straw. Modenate oot ed the OBE. (honorary knight pnices. W. L. Morton, Phone Cmadro reM~.Ec:-~ Clarke 4332. 24-3 IN Bowmanviile, and possibly on Order of the British Empire) for Churcb St., May i3th. a three- prornoting' Ango-Amrneic an goaci DEAD StockW Free Service. We stane diarnond ring and a dinner re1ationý. wîll pick op ail dead or crippled i ring set wvith diamonris. bath \vîtb The Dike of Erbujr£ýh1 k. farm animaIs fi-ce of charge.1 platinîim settinz. Liheaai eward . biF clathe:; nom fortahbJ andl ta thr- Higzhest pnices paid for aId horses. offrerl bv.'owner. Fne laeconsternation o! Loririon !:jur. Phone: Peterborough 4026 Cohlect. !contact The Statesmnan Office. j refuFes ta faLnw lheir cbictateý 20-tf j 25-31I and be a clothes horse. MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mns. Allun Snowden and their 9 children heid a picnic at the cburcb shed on Fniday ev- cning while Rýuth and Edna were borne ton a visit. Ahi had a very en- joyable tirne. Mn. Thos. Snowden along with the immediate members of bis famsiy, 42 in number, held a pic- nic on Tuesday evening, June 21, at the church shed, so that every- one could have a visit with Betty Pritchard (nec Snowden) and ber two sons wbiie here visiting ber mother. Mr. Honnsby came clown tram Oshawa and took a picture of the famiiy, the youngest mem- ber being the montb old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, great-grandson of Mn. Thos. Snowden. Mn. Snowden is in bis 9Otb year. Several tram bene attended the anniversary services at Hampton an Sunday. Communion on Sunday, service stants at 2 p. m. Mn. and Mrs. Ailan Clank and Master Jimmny Clark, town; Mn. Vennon Trimbie, Oshawa, and Mrs. R. D. Trimble visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Stapies, Betbany. On Wedncsday evening, Jonc 15, a miscellancoos shower for Miss Lorî ne White, bride-to-be, was hcld in the basement of the chunch wîth nearly 60 in attend- ance. Atten the bride-to-be had arrivcd, and the pancels undone, verses read, Loryne tbanked ail for thcir iovcly gifts. A dainty lunch was served and social time enjoyeci. On Friday evening, Jonc 17,i Miss Miidned Snowden was bas- test, ta a crî stal dinner ta 12 im- mnediate tniends of the bride-to- be, Loryne White. The evcning xvas spent hemrning dostens. Junc 22 a trousseau tea was beld at the home of the bride-ta- be, whcn 171 goests were receivcd by Loryne, ber mother, and the groom's mother, Mrs. M. Burgess. Two great aunts of the bride-to- be pourcd tea ini the attennoon, Mns. John Henry and Mns. Hanny Ferguson, Cobourg, and in the evening ber two aunts Mrs. Allani Penfound, Oshawa. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell, Starkvilie. Lunch was servedi by ber tniends, also a nom- ber of licr ginl fricnds showcd1 flic gucsts around in the different1 roomis ta sec ber gifts. Th is conimuni ty extends heart- iest congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgess, nec Lonyne White) on thair narriage.1 Recent guests with Mrs. L. Cý Snlowdcn were Mn. and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick, Mn. andi iVlrs. S. T. Castle and Paul, Paterbono, Mrs. R. Jackson1 and Mauneen, Mrs. J. Iiiidge, Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Bennett, Mn. and t Mrs. F Monro, Bruce, Bnian anda Sheila, Toronto, Mn and Mrs. Wm. i Stewart and Margaret, Burlington. g MAPLE GROVE ANNIVERSARY The very hot weather on Sun- day, June 19 did flot deter large congrekations from attending the Maple Grove anniversary services when Rev. Franklin Bani4Pr , Pastor of Simpson Ave. UI*W - Church, Toronto, gave an e lent address to the boys and girls on 'Waving the Flags" and in the evening a mastenful sermon on "Behold Your King" ail of which made a definite impression on his heanens. Speciai music was rendered by the Sunday Scbooi in the aften- noon in a very acceptable manner with Mrs. Ivison Munday as lead- er and Ross Mctcalf, organist. In the evening tbe choir with Mn. L. Coilocutt as leader and organist furnished excellent antbems. Mn. Sam Castie, Peterboro, sang three solos at the two services wbich were appreciated very moch by bis old fniends and 'many new ones. Rev. F. Yandiey, pastor, as- sisted in the attennoon service. On Monday evening, Jonc 20, a league men's soft bail garne was piayed betwecn Shaw's and Maple Grave, also a league football game, Solina vs Mapie Grove, the home teams being winncrs. Atten whicb a large audience en- joyed the play. Worncn's Institute of Mapie Grove put on their play whicb was the finst showing, and was veny wcll attended and en- enjoyed. The play "Always Tell the Troth" has 13 ebanacters, and is a tbnce act comedy wbicb gives a foul evening of good entertain- ment. The beroine Christine Ash- icy is forcedby bier mother to pose as lien aont's wealthy heiness. Trouble cornes like a tidal wave especially wben dooghty old Mns. Frisbee knows the inside story, and gets Christine to work out a plan witb ber. Tbcre's a happy ending of course, but the bow and wby of achicving tbat happy end- ing. Chanactens werc: Chnistine Ash- ley-Jean Summesford, Doris Ashley-Norna Hagerman, Lau- ra Ashlcy-Leona Milîs, Lizzic- Winnie Brown, Cicily Sayres- Jean Mundy, Anna (mystenjoos gcrust)-Eilecn Weatherilt, Mns. Frisbee-Ruby Mondy, Madam. Parnalee-Myrtle Bradley, Elleen Parmalce-Joan Wright, Mabe]. Pennyjiackený-Marýarct Gcddes, Mary Owens-Celia Preston, Amiy Lownlce--Lyra Fiintoff, Helen Shcrwood-Connie Stevens. Director-Mrs. R. Rahm. Prornotens-Mrs. J. M4 Mfrs. R. Rabm. The tirst electnic railway line in service ini Canada ran between Windsor and Walkerviiie, Ontario. [t was estabiisbcd in Joly of 1886. Of the 75 essentiai ails osed in the rnaking of parfume, only eigbt are produed in the Western Hem- ispbere, and ahl of these are wiid- ~rowing plants. COOL AS YOU CLEANSE! Put Your Summer Essenfials On Ice! W'hen the mcrcury boils and you feel wilted, take the advlce of Elizabeth Arden and Put Ardena Creams and Lo!ions inl the ice box to cool as you cleanse. CLEANSE:- %vith ice cool Ardena Cleansing Crcam $1,25 or S3.75 REFRESH:- with ice cool Ardena Skin Lotion, briskly patted on -------------------------- $.25 or $2.40 SMOOTH:- -with ice cool Orange Skin Cream -------- $1.25 or 3? Velva Cream ---------- ----------- - -- - $1.25 or $3.75 Don't Suffer From Sunburn Apply Rexall Gypsy Cream * Cooling * Soothing * Healing Liquid - -------- . 40c - 75e Ointment Form 75e Acquire a Healthful Good-Looking Tan with Gypsy Sun-Tan Oi1, Easy to apply s-oc Deodoranfs and Depilatories Adrienne Cream Deodorant. .Jar 45c Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass iDeodorant (cream) - $1.50 Elizabeth Arden Nedra Deodorant (liquld> 10 Bachelor Deodorant Cream e for Men----- jar 45e~ Arrld Cream Deodorant-- 3c-59c Odo-Ro-No Cream -- 35c-59e Neet Cream Hair Remover m-ith Lanolin tube 68C BFOOTruuHAPPYrxX-Bazln Powder, for Rexaîl Foot Powder relieves removlng hair. 69C burnlng tlred feet. Deodorizes Vel-Vo-Tex Mit foot odours and checks Remover .----------- -30e perspiration only 35C Removes excess hair safely JURVY U LOVELJL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE when We Test Eyes It Io Donc Properly PHONE 778 BOWINANVILLE >1 - 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVMTLE. ONTARIO 1 PAGI WVVPtT&=U "nmqlr)Av- Tfmv. %%fh lai&

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