____________"Durham County's Qreat Family Journal" VOLUME 95 BOWMANVWTL. OTRO rJrPQ'IVTTT Aý nf u *LJmkizUA 11 JU à b OUtfl, 1949 6bCHidiCOPY tate~m~m JAME ELECTED Newly Elected Federal M.P John M. lames M.P. a John M. James Victorious in Federa1l lfin nIid Goodyear Holds Successful Picnic At Cobourg Beach - -. ~ -- w u. ~ m - The Goodyear Recreation C ub's Annual Picnic took place Satur- Liber ls w ep Y day at Cobourg Beach. To start LibealsSwee th Cou try the day. an automobile parade was held and prizes awarded ta the three best decorated cars. The John M. James, Liberai, was tive candidate, and the former judges under the chairmanship of elecÉed by a substantial majarity Member of Parliam-ent ran a close 0. J. Presson were Me]. Dale, A. ta represent the people of Dur- second ta the Liberal winncr. M. ThomPson, and Gea. Moody. ham Counity at the House of Com- Johnny James, a Bowmanvillc Tho prize winners in order of me- motis in Monday's federai election. boy, is the first representative rit verc Peter Batbgate, Chas. Every poiiing district in the caun- from tbis town ta enter the House Vanstone and Norm Luxton. ty recorded a beavy vote ta gîve of Commons as a member since A police escort took the parade an expression of their wishes. 1902 '.hen the late Sertator Robert bo Lakeview Park, Cobourg. Bar- Eaî-ly in the evening, 25 minutes Beitb was elected in Durham ring a few ligbt shawers the wea- after the polis had ciosed, the first County. He was also representing Iber was fine and a bail game was retuis started coming in from the Liberai party. organized and also a peanut Bowmanvihie giving Jahnny The hast Liberal candidate rep- serambie for- the kiddies. James an ever increasing major- resenting Durhain County at the H-eavy ramn in the afternoon ity. Some of the country polils Hause was W. Frank Riekard, brought a change in the programi were flot heard from until late in Newcastle, who was defeated in and 20 games of bingo were play- the evening and some officiai re- 1945 by C. E. Stephenson, the P.C. ed in the pavilion. Instead of ruru- turos are stili not in, but il is be- candidate. ning races in the usual way, the lieved that the majority wili be Bclow are listed unofficial re races xvere won by playing bingo n the neighbourhood of 300. e turos as receuvea by the Returning un each group for the prize. The The C.C.F. candidiate Jini Ken- Officer Lawrence C. Mason. Thos(! egg throwing contest, hoop race, ny, Port Hope, wiil lase bis deposit polis missing are ones from which -balloon bioxing and the cracker for not polliung hall the winning relurrs have not been received. race wcre îrun oulside. E. V. Var- zandidate's vote. Chaies E. Ste- At a later date the complote affic- coe with a guess of 1427 won the pheuson, Progrcssive Conserva- ial returns will be published. bean guessîng contest. The exact BOWMANVILLE nme of 'beans was 1432. The radio ,was won by Gea. PoilNo. ---------J. M. James J. Kenny C. Stephenson Wiseman and the mysterious "Mr. PoilNo.- 172 20 59 Goodvetar"' by Lester Highfield. Poil No. 2 ---8---------__95_il_80 Poili No. 3 -------- --------- 147 8 117 Poil No. 4 (a) -8,5 13 61 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dunbam Poili No. 4 (b)------------ 88 4 66 and Stewart, Bedton; Mrs. A. J. PolNo. 5 --------- ---- 87 10 73 LYmer, Bill, Ray and Douglas, PoilNo6__------ Oshawa, spent Sunday wilh Mrs. PolN.__--... 167 15 89 Mina Colweil and Mrs. Bert Col-i Poil No. 7 .______ 161 14 92 weil. Poil No. 8 ---- 135 18 61 Poili No. 9 -------- -------- 110) 16 87 Poil NO, 10-------- 117 15 45 Speaks Sunday Poil No. 1l1 .---- - 147 17 84 j PoiliNo. l12 _------- 107 5 71 Totals------ ------------- ....----1618 Poili Poli1 Poili poil Poil Poil Poili Poili Poil Poil Poil Poili Poili PO] 1No. 1 (il ý--.---------- 1No. 1 (h) --- No.2-- No. 3--- -- -------- No. 5---- ------- No. 6---------- INo. 7- --- No. 8 No. 9 --- No. 1 No, i No. 12 No. 13 --- No. 14 -____ No. 15 No. 16 ___ No. 17 166 RT HOPE 80 60 105 67 102 61 69 .55 78 138 93 80 61 84 43 Toals------ - 448 Pal i Poli Poli Pol1 Pol 43 2 - 26 44 39 29 23 26 49 23 48 36 33 13 32 12 529 985I 82 65 88 73 1126 69 56 84 31t 73 77 98 56 55 55 87 141 46 1362 CARTWRIGHT No. 1l ---- ----7 No. 2 --- - ---- 3l No. 3--- 52 N o 4- -------- No. à (Contmaued on Page Six) May or Lawsrence Mason Who wili be gUest speaker on the -Mayor of the Town" pro- cramn at 9 p.m, Sunda v. iJuyv. .Ma',or Nla on wiii be heard over ,ion- ofI tlici -r'onznrS. llttial Fcn- rfit H-ealtn andi Accident A.5socia- tion. TO REPRESENT NUMBER 2 gAfter!y Big Liberal Celebration The Mo(u)rni#ng Follows Election Victory Bowmanville reaily came to life buses had foilowed the procession an Monday. It's hard to say at fromi Port Hope. In ane of the what time the excitement realiy buses was the Sea Cadet's Bugle started. For same, it hasn't stop- Band and they took over the musi- ed since tne announcement was cal Part of the celebration when made by tne Prime Minister that the Orono musicians became wea- there would be a Dominion elect- ry. ion June 27. Others didn't show When the new representative any life until the polis opened at reached Bowmanviie, accampan- 9 o'clock Monday morning. ied by Roy Nichols in his auto, AIl day there were small groups he was hoisted onto the shouiders assembled at every corner on the of two local stalw arts and carried main street with many an aspir- in front of a cheering parade ing soap box arator expounding down to his own stamping his pet politicai theories in true grounds, The Canadian States- democratic style. man. In order ta be seen and However it wasn't until 7 heard he gave his speech from a o'clack Monday evening that the second floor window. It was in excitement really started rolling. this speech that he paid tribute ta Cars began ta congregate on his wife whom he said realiy both sides of the main street. The took the brunt of his campaign. committee rooms of both parties After pictures were taken, Mr. began quickiy fiiling up.Ai- James returned ta King and Dlvi- though the whole town seemned ta sion Streets and was calied on ta flock to King St., many stayed speak over the loudspeaker. At W at home with ears glued ta the tbis point, the crowd reaily let go. radio fullowing reports of election Mr. James tlid the crowd that returns. this was the first time in 50 years About 8 a'clock cheers were that Bowmanville had had a rep- heard coming from the Liberal resentative in the House of Com- rooms. Slowly returns were coin- mons. A laugh passed over the ing in that put John James out in whole crowd when the successful fro.t nd he ops o ai bi ~ candidate stated that he didn't porters were beginning ta soar. know by how many votes he had Within an hour returns appeared won, but just like at school he even more promising for the Lib- didn't worry about honours as erals of the cotistituency and long as he passed. plans were begun for a monster Throughout the whole celebra- cele-bration ta take place as soon tion there was a strong feeling as it was a sure victory. running through the jubilant The loudspeaker kept raaring crowd that could have beeni sens- out returns that were getting bet- ed even by outsiders. Fromi the - . ter ahl the lime and the instruc- faces of aIl couid be seen the tians were given ta load the cars proud glow that almost spoke in 4' and start for Port Hope. About itseif, "We know Johnny James- 35 cars tooting horns with excied he's our boy." Monday night was ~ *i -i people yeîîing exuîtingîy ta let a perfect example of "the home- Port Hopers know that Durham tw o ae od n h County had more than one town. whole town was bursting at the People jammed around thesem wthpie ', Liberals Rooms in Port Hope as lt is.a hard task ta find out wbo Mr. James was handed a micro- was the olcfest persan ta cast a"~ phone and made his first speech vote in Bwaile ut Mr. ýkx as Federai Representative for RoI r hudhv neclet Durham County. The words that chance of elaiming that hanour. rea iy aug t t e h art of the M r. F ry is 84 years ad and cam e - Port Hope people were flot the aý the way framn Campbellford ta expression of tbanks, but MrUue is u rnhie yalrz James stating that his victory was PotMrFyisaeaLbraan - flot a personal defeat of Pragres- probably feels now that the tri sive Conservalive Chas. Stephen- was \vell worthwhile. .- son, but rather bis defeat as a We would be willing to bet that The scene above depiets the He is shown leaning on the chip- representative of George Drew. Mrs. N. S. B. James was ane of front door of The Statesman of- ped and weather beaten 10mb- It was flot difficuit ta conclude the proudest motheu-s in Canada, from the immediate ovation Ihat Monday night and why not-her fice together with the accoutre- stone, said ta have been taken Charlie Sephenson is stili consid- son had bcen given the great hon- ments and decorations found there from a grave in Bowmanville ce- ered tops as a man and weli liked our of reprcsenting bis native by Editar Geo. W. James on hîs meteî-y. In the backgraund is a by evcrybody. Mr. Stephenson county in the rnost important arrivai at 8 o'clock the morning huge black crepe bow fashioned showed himseif ta be a great government institution i the DO- after the cicclion. JusIta bring to indicate the general scheme of sportsman, by going ta the Liber- minion. It was reported that John- out the meaning intended by the mourîîing. Il will aiso be seen ai rooms here for the express puir- ny James Jr. insisted on staying happy and jubilant wags who re- that the editor, wiîh hardened im- pose ta shake John James hand, home from schooi because as he joiced that the editor's advocacy munity, grasps the bunch of pai- the best of luck in the future. Bowmanville didn't go crazy editour himseif poscd with the cf- quel. The hand supporting the aid The return ta Boiwmanville was on Monday night il .iust xvent wild. fecîs in order ta complete the gre v head is just as steady as the iiteraliy the return of the trium- The Liberais havent had cause scn .caim emile of defeat. phant warriar. Crowds blocked ta rejoice for quite a whiie. It was front street from the Liberal the Liberais night and they made rooms ta the Balmoral Hotel. Two a night of it. w re DFC Awardd D..C 1 Rector of St. Joha MuCb -Ktai age à iujiy Again Won by The Statesman ýIîecivs ro ot IAt the annual convention of the The Statesman, by capturinig IOntario-Quebec Division, Cana- this latest honor, has won the Tro- Jdian Weekly Newspapers Associa- pyfv ie ic is inn tion, held* in conjunction with the pyfv ie ic is inn New York State Press Association it. The late E. F. Stephenson \vas in Buffalo last week, The States- one of the most enterprising edi- mari again won the E. F. Stephen- torsrof hîisnday and conducted a so Memorial Trophy for the Best ch aino ewspapers, including Front Page among the weeklîes in Aurora Banner, Bracebridge Ga- the provinces of Ontario and Que- zette and New Liskeard Speaker.1 bec. This annuai campetition was It has been a great inspiration inaugurated in 1940 when A. E. amonga the weekiy press Io bright- Stephenson, son of the late donor, en up fr-ont page format since made the first presentation 10 The the Stephenson Memorial Trophy Statesman. became an annual award. Eastern Star Hold Garden Party at Mrs. lames Marr's A successful Garden Party un- der the au '-pices of Durham chap- ter, Order of the Eastern Star. h.-~ leid on Thursday. Junc 23 at the. resudence af Ihe Wortby Matron. Mrs. Jam2es larr, Lowe iosîree Ted guesî were gace the attractive grounds which was an ideal setting for the occasion. Tea tables, tastefuliy decoratedl with roses and a tempting bomne baking dispia '- attracted a large crowd from the immediatç' di- trict as well as guests from To- ronto, OFhav.-a. Pic.kerînQ. P(,,:, Perr'. and Newcaztie. Gratify- ing proceerh.z compieîed this en- joyable event. F/O Verdun Robert Johnston Early Ibis year the Minister of National Defence for Air, noti- fied _Mrs. R. S. Johnston, 735 A, Danforth Ave, Toronto, that ber son, Flyiog Officer Verdun Ro- bert Johnston, bad been awarded the Distinguisbed Fiying Cross. On Jane 22, Mr. and Mu-s. John- stan were amaong many guests of the Lieut. Governor of Ontario, Hon. Ray Law~son, at the inves-ti- ture un ,vhich their son receiveci the decorcution. F/O Johnston won the DFC for gicat gailafltry v.hile serving oeerseas wuth No. 432 Squadron, Rayai Canadian Air Force. His citation read: "~This officer bas compleîed numnerous operations against the enemy in the course af wbich he bas invariabiy dis- played the utmnost fortitude, cou- rage and devotion ta duty." Aftùr the investiture, wbich w-as beld aI the RCAF Station, Toron- ta, the 300 guesîs presenit were-i îr în u at 'ca hy the Lieut. r Governor. Mr. and Mrs. John-c ru prra*r, t ncutcrIa, Newv-% torivillrh and i t i5; with rnuici-i plea-r îrpthat The' Statcsmran voic'esà conmunitv crnriiiatiorz !r) them and their distinguished son.r Rev. J. dePencier Wright, rectar sulatcul, and a new ail heatityg sys- of St. John's Anglican Cnurch has tem was iristalled. received the appointment from the Bisbop of Toronto, Rev. A. R Community Activities Beverley, ta Trinity Anglican Besides ]lis many duties in his Church, Barrie. cburch and amang bis parishianers Rev. Wright was boro in Cai- Rev. Wright bas found lime to rying Place, Prince Edwai-d Coun_ rendei' invaluable service ta Ibis ty, Ontario. He attended Quen , comrmunity. Hic: is Padre of the Univer-sity and g"daedfo Legion and an active member of Bisops UivrsiyLennoxville. Jer'usalcm Lodge, A.F. and A.M. B i s h o ' s U î v e r i t y ,A s C h a i r m a n o f U e r o r y Quebec. Serving for threyarumiîe of the Bawaniert as Curate at St. Mary the Virgun'S mBoarl Anglican Church, Toronto, he act- Boad of Education, he bas spared cd as Assistant for the foloion elther lime nor trouble ta better 4 years at St Clement's Angia the educalion facilities of Bow- Cburch, Nortb Toronto. He joined manvîlle. He ha s also taken a keon the foi-ces in 1943 and becan'e ai ~"-"-~"'- - Padre in the Air Force. FoliowingY bis diseharge in 1946, Rev. Wrighz became rectai- of St. John's Angul. can Cburch, Bowmanviiie, in Jan- i/f The lettering on the aged head-. stone reads: "In Memory of Rich- ard Siemman, who died in March 9, 1871, aged 79 years.' It was ai taken in good part by the editar as have ather like demonstrations in the Pasl. Saine time during the foilowing night, in the dark of the moon, the stone was remnoved, presumabîy '-by the cansider-ate demonstrators. Il is boped that the late Mr. Slemman stihi rests with. the easy conscience of an editor who cannaI be swerved from con- sidered principles. i 'fs Church 4 Generations of Ministers Rev. Wright is the 4th genera- lion of bis famiiy ta enter the min- * istry. Hlis father was Canon J. de- ~ rPencie- Wright and bis grandfath- er and great grandfatbcr were ~ bath Rural Deans. His mother'.- grandfathcî-, Provost Gea. Whît- tacker was the first Provost of Trinity Coilege Toronto. Rev. fWright's txk 10 orother is Principal Of the JLio~r Scliool, St. Andrew's -.- College, A:îrora, and bis othcr hi-o- tht-r ithe- Rt. Rev. W. L. Wright, Bîihop of Algoma. Durîng Rev. Wright's pastorale, the att-ndance at St. John's Angli- can Churcu bas mare than tripled. the contributiorîs have doubied,: the churcb societies have uncreas- Rev. J. dePencier Wright cd in number, a total of 123 per- sons have been confirmed and the interest in the work at the Ontar. rector's stipend bas been increased ion Training Schoal for Boys. each year. Rev. Wrigbt and bis wife, the The cburcb bas been redecara- for-mer Helen Van Nostrand, To- ted, and a new roof put on. A new ronto, wba bas taken an active oî-gan and a puipit were inistallect part in the church work have and 3 beautiful memorial windows thrce lavely chiidren, John 7 years were dedicaled. New choir vest- af age, Charlotte 5 and James 7 ments and prayer books were pur- months. chased. A newv oi heating system Rev. Wright bancled in his resig- %vas instalied in the clubh room an': nation to the Advisory Board of flev. cernent st1eps, are' heing p!acr-i the chtircb on Monday evening. aI 1h-fi ont aI tne chtîr-h. 1;.ýHr' 1, ! :ý1hç>1rihi7 fai-eweli service inter:or and the exteruor Of -' -1i asr-' o f St. John'. Church ora rectory were redecorated and in-kui àaY rnornung, Juiv. JI. .4 NUMBER 26 ei'lýip 9ibe enna. ian -%d wv JWJL.""I V JLLÀ&JAU. "Il JL.ÉýTL11 1- " à rl 1 1 K.% là £L Y 1 1 1 Ni 14' 'ZiliFi, 1 (lAil TO'