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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1949, p. 3

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'fIVESDAY, lu ESmt, lm4 "I n U KOAI A 5a9]LIAJI J5W M NX LLE*'J - oWrA RM O P G T of England. The wedding took ' frorn far Places who have thought don Beech and Janice, Mrs. L. W. Mr. and Mrs. JIm Mry n pce An one of thie Hohenzollern ê itworthwhjle to corne apart on a Van Driel, Miss Elleen Balson, Anne Elizabeth, Bowmavle tSA1yJJ8 IT.~ 'U ..castles with many notables in- î quiet 'Sundy zrorning to spend Bowmanville, Miss Jean Mc- Mr. W. Trewin's. T im es - N.ew s m .LLFjFCS cluding royalty present. ânhu n ffie Sanctuary. Laughlin, Burketon, Miss Mona Miss E. M. Werry Tont, SrieaShohSda ____ ____ __ B r___ C ollette ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ __ a dic t e a ser t aie fi t or d T he pe ace 'cf G od "surely co rnes B runt, M r. «and M rs. R ussell O r- spent a w eek at M r. L oy s in wa fa r y e l at e ed B y C o l # c F e g m e W e t e K a s e a s f o c d om isto n , A llin a n d G ra n t W e rry , to n 's. -- aroe fth retsttroe At a rntlin f th ChpelEx Enniskillen, at Mr Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. Andy Holines, M. ~ M.adMs .RwBw NEW ADD~O TO TOWN grown totake car of tAierapidlyof history disappeared. Thie Uer- Clitive held' at thie home of thieandr. and Ms. Clford ehck Hanna, Nestieton,atM.DnKordeyadM.adM. NMiD O OýO N rew t asin umberof fme the atl man royal family retired to pri- 'President Mrs. C. P. Robins on andbAle, aMs la tut n vnraignme ffmle htate life and since that Urne they tr-June 1, Plans were discussed nsiln tM. Jack Pott ' Mn. and Ms. Hp amr r a usso r n n.H laahebeng Mrs.7 J Elias StaermdeuttcmmuitEn-ei vBr.adk's. A HrisnTroto er S l usring o f 1947o,J. J Fetpt- hamde ti oinut A have lived quietly with ample iilr indicate Sundayà ahead as Mr. and Mrs. Harry McComb, Mr. Tom Lmr omn H o a n o t a t r t r e u - h m .m e a n s o n t h e i r w o n d e r f u l e s t a t e s . iL y m ertn g a nB o w m a n visî e a ta d r s . W a t e r P u da rdd F a r r o w . D n b 's n nthe first fundation for Naturaly a, com xunity spirit This wedding of a German prin-i io r h a tn and inspininga t oesTorn oMr . ate ur d y ,n g ab r an denbys. M. n M . erg Pui n boums in his housing project, shows up to Uic greatest extent in, cess to a commoner proves how scaf c wth s ners. S n yatfr m Toot, M. F Stuit Hoy, BoL ong M illmand M rs. W . Ngtn ae o hne, T rno p n outhway Gardens. By October of recreational activities. Southway well ths royal family has adapted W- wlorthe uos w tnex S noay. aull t M . F ranMountj y o - F r ila ,athr u ces nseke d wt r. Bu.n the. lame year, the first house was Gardens has held numerous house itself to ti e ol hchhsortlntcs.M. a d Ms e ayo n m e dl completed an occupied. parties, where ail are welcome to followed thie Kaiser'. war. family Burketon, Mrs. Jas. Ken-Soermhrettdddco Southway Gardens han two core and have a good time. In the Castes have always been as-T H nedy, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. E1eévator Floor ainsrieAnOooo udy streets, Jane and Flett. At present warmer montAis weiner and corn sociated with royalty, but this HAYDON James Graham, Bowmanvilîe, at M.adMs over 30 familes are living on these roasts are held as often as possible. couple aren't running true to form. Mf Mr. Leslie Graham's. .VO pj~ ets that make up one of thie Everyone knows everyone else Mr. Marris plans to take his royal CO V E -Mn. W. Conrigan, Miss Olive N E.. ns M.Shuka '-ost attractve secions of the and most of the people call each bride back to Amarillo, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs..John Ross, Mary Rankine, Mr. Ross Corrigan, MISS Narrow EscapeM.adMs Rs a:wl town. 40 houses are nearing com- other by their first names. The carry on his profession as an in- Browning's Person of Quality"l and Cathy, Toronto, at Mr. Fred Barbara Starkey, Toronto, at Mr. adM.adMsE ht t pletion and will be occupied as feeling of security and belonging tenion decos'aton. said at for us: Ashton s. Chas. Rankine's. What might have bee aa eddUcwdigc isLr ac onthy sie f Jan pedS. outhw a ns Asin vr e.aT -TWe ve summer all at once: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and Congratulations to Mrfs. Wil- accident was averted bytequkynWieAnMpeGoecrc Th nrt sd o JneStSothayGadnsininreltya -NTIna day Aie îeaps complete." family Toronto, at Mn. Henry lianms on celebratîng her 85th thinking of Wally BarbîatoSaudy which runs east and west s al- town within a town.. But through the tedious days Ashton's., birthday. Ms. Williams s mak- Shepherd and Gll's LubIC.. Mr si ueady ewl and housedsidewlks T - N - TSE o waiting tiîl "school's out" a Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, ing lier home witAi her gnandson, yard Thursday mornîg M.awvitd n.ndM.Ewr little lyrîcnby Wiil-o'-the Wisp has Hampton, at Mr. Cecil Slemon's. Charles Rnkine. Mr. and Mis. Banrabal ad drivenAitrc Rbis. tAi sothsid ar A tAe pocss OIL PAINTING-WONDERFUL Now that thc election s over brougt* forward-looking thoughts M. and Mrs. Brock Peny, To- Rankine entertained a few into tAe coal elevatortoakou Ms.TFal sle chebcing lid, anein te prorksHOBi t As safe to relate tAis anecdote to Uic summen days from dawn to ronto, at Mn. 1M. Bertrni's. friends Saturday evening An hon- the first load of UicemningadM.adMs lwHloel hav ben lad an amos BUicwbich altbough t might be con- dusk on our hilI. Mr. Bruce Taylor, Mn. Murray on of her birtbday. Mis .Williams was clearing away sreig havusbeis Abot a iar mo on of thow-- sidered unethical proved effective "Now, soon will bieak thie golden Vice, Solina, Mn.- and Mis. Slas can boast five genenations living when the second floor o h i However, t sn't the attractive manvill's populan citizens decid_ and fulfilled ts pupose. Dong, Trewin, Bowmanvill, Miss June whicb is vey unique. Besides evaton gave way and tosfcal Cndhsmréeaesat appearance of Southway Gardens cd that not only Winston Chur- In a litte hamlet cald Athens, When summer s at Aand, Anderson, at Mn. W. Trewin's. Mns. Williams, there s oe da&ugh- fel though to Ucgon lo.Ua the U.S.A that s ts main feature, but ratherchil could make a hobby of ol near Bockville, the Liberals we ef wld birds winging merily Mr. Farewell Blackbun and te, six gandchildren, six great- Wtout a momntps hstto h vrg aainwmn fta community spirit. This spirit painting. holding a PoliticQ meeting n Uic Acoss tAe meadow land. Salm, M ir. a d S .Black-ngnetandc ldrenan lAe reat Mnennoaflth c mcîa5yar fae n vrue . Salem, Mn nd Mis. M. Biack-thnet grandcThisen. tbr ugh onccof Uic smaîî penîTownp irslof fui fasarqnearosOerveA hw a i s b g n whe t ie irh s t nT i s fact fîI st cae t oe yC a t- TAnnal. on F rq ha O iv rach crim son daw n w i îî bur , M iss B essie B lackbu n, M r. and M s. D on C am eron at at th e side of th e build in n - 1 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t e t i n , w h n n t n e t i e C r t e r w a s t h e m a i n s p e a k e r f o r t h e e v - Aa p t ndt M r . l a k brns tw fnilis er sttedan bsFamily Restaurant a few days ago ening. There was a fairly good c cp np o t M. W icbn'.M . Enest Badley's, Oshawa. caped unhut. and saw 3 attractive-oil paintings crowd An attendance and ail was Sweet scented through thie dew; Mn. and Mns. Stuart Morton. Mns. Lorenze Mountjoy, Nestle. Laten thie truck was dg u n hr r oeta 0 nw Aung on thie west wall. going weil until tAie lire bell An Each gentle dusk with waing ]Maple Grove Mr. and Mis. Gor- ton, at Mn. Cel S ieo's.fon to be use frrao, agigfrmlig the Town Hall began ringing and stars AI ten questionAng Charles Car- Oîd wenie to upholsteny. ter Sr., 1 learned that the pictures someone at tAie entrance of the TeCac-nth-AI* Uk hdbeen here for about tAnce H al ylle "Fne" an ina permission of r .~rr r .lE ~ T BU h1painted then. so C ani h d vey ew moments, the hall was Mail w in od c our summer N NL~ot everyone shows sucli talent completely cieared, Howeven, services starting Juiy 3, with an TE KNODBA adcoîouî appreciation in using there was something missng-tbe excerpt frMm one of ber widely ,j oilis, so the next day, I called on ie read coluns.ISNWOE Charlie to lAnd out wben Aie bad Yes, thie complete setup was a Holdaying wlth God ~m~iiifinst discovered is future was in ruse by members of one of tAie paU! i ntng two opposing parties to pnevent "Why don't you forget ieligionI OO P He stated that Aie had started thAe Liberals fîom Aaving their wben you go on boiidays?" a col oilpaitin aouta yar goandraly.This part of thie plan work.. league admonishTes us when we since that tme ie bas found t a e, but unfortunately for thie cul- advised humi of oun plans for va- BU O ENT L SS!fascinating hobby. He has had no prits, tAie Toronto Star bad Cami- cation. For days we have been BUT OPEN O LOSS.1extensivetring but bas ler en a men on thiejo and they were muiling oven bis casuai remank.4 G e tO p ru iy o rc a a from bis own expenience tAie are able to photograph those wbo tnyîng to answcr tbe quetion to WHEN disaster ternporarily of putting paint on canvass. Perlormed thie act. oun own satisfaction. s ahtsof yu Acoe,~ Modest as aiways, Charlie TAis lire ruse dea might be a Wby a Christian should be bor shutsoff yur Icomeit daims that ie s no artist. but has go one to file away for future ci by companioning wAth. God s I E MOD B AKTT R won't stoP many of the expen- found that dabbing wth paints s reerence, peraps n another four someting we cannot undestand. ses usually Vad by that In.- an excelen means of relaxation years. Even nature takes on a new beau- Iar ~ 1 . Jnsurance covers youn pro- baehof.the scenes sbould bring , HAYDON wihteCeao fteunie.rse, I w wDwn m ~ iperty loss, you can stUU lose back vivid memories te ail those eWhoi a tseet afnissm hatp-We plenty! who bave spent many happy hours Thie Sunday ScAiool Anniver- t s as unnatunal fon a Christian An thc swimming boies around sary Services were well attended to forget Ais religion-which Before you face such a fin- Bowmanvile. It s a painting of on Sunday. Thc shed was niceiy means longetting is God and bis anilboltti g4y Barbe's Creek across from Uice decoratd wtAi a profusion of Saviou-as t would be ornmyWih heo Ke odMlsLmtd ecl Yabout te sAvitalpro pump house. fowers, mape leaves, streaers colcague to go vacationing wth- WihteCo-operation tectin of usines Intrrup~T -N -T and flags. At 230 p.m. tAe guest out is attractive wife.weae owtvuths odefl er ce ttinoBuiesIeru.speaker was Rev. S. R. Hender- Now, f Chrstians are supposed ren wable to o er yc tion Insurance. INTERIOR DECORATOR son, pastor of Trinity United to lAnd rest, change and relaxation MARRIES PRINCESS CAurcA, Bowmanvii,îe. He spoke by forgetting, thein religion and to thie younger folks but tAc older their aliegiance to God, s t not Ail you need do is select the, n o rfr a A rnov-Ae actress Asn nt the only ones couid take a good lesson logical to reason Uiat unbeliivers. person wbo can marry royalty as from Ait as Weil. He toid tAc story who are seeking change and rest dp sto 10 n a er Stuari E. James poved by Clyde Hoas, an inter- of planting a garden and how good should spnd their vacations hold- . e oi f$,0a d m k e ua ekypy et SurtNCE .- JaesATE exao ass ron a- seed gows woflderlul vegetables. ing a retreat An a monastery or > of 50c (or more if. you wish). W hnlya a h A.rilo Txa, .SA.Inour lves god seeds gow to convent? That would be a decide4 j Harris was united An marriage good tbougbts and. deeds. TAie these ardent scekers-after-pîcas- lbI n ' 'u t J Plione: Office 681. Res. 493 with a Germen princess, Ceceilia wecds An thie garden are ]kcned uic loisaking tAie tbings they love? of H hen olle n. he rinc ss s t bad tho ght . Ev ryting we W do not The lo k f r reerv - l wrca hu lare King Street, flOwmanvllle tAe granddaugter of tAe late do and say s an exampe to.oth- tons at hostes where they wll t Kaiser Wilhllem and s also a di- ers. At 7.30 p.m. Mn. Stephen meet Uic sanie k.nd of pleasures rect descendant of Queen Victoria Sayweil, pastoî of North Oshawa tbey have enjoyed ail year. TheAn United Church was guest speaker. eniy change and relaxation cornes He gave an nspirng message on from having more tume te en-y thie text "FaitA i wthout Works As joy thie things tbey like An new O U T T E R G L R L WC S R C dead" and asked tAie question sui'roundings. So t As with thie Y U B Y A H E U A 4hy Faith s Stale?" Pnimnaîily Christian who has leanned thie hesaid w lacka Christian cn truth of the wcrds-"My presence C O S R I HS WD A C viction. We sbould let oui ligAit shall go witAi thce and 1 will giveCH SEF O l W D R N E sine before men and not ide t thee rest." He seekt only ta ind ~~ ( E u T t A 0 under a bushel. Speciai music more tme to enjoy dloser felow- b LRAMCL~RILSI PLAIN COLOURS sV±'ICRa1I.'PLAN].t was suppied by the schooi under ship witA God.Ensbudwt -nhstnrbo,8lvyclus.Spfieqat.Gi tt h e i a drlepaf M i.eC assh i- TApP aoi sfw a a w i e a nE nsCo uas .U i 4 - n c s ti n bbTh e i v e y o l u r . u p r fi e u a ît . o n e osae c o a t n h a e s Fmia n Make tea double strength and kine. Mr. Frank Denby, presided when he wrote "Thie wicked shall Individually boxed. Size 72" x84". Price eacA $10.50 with extra wide taffetarbbn Sze7"x8. while stili hot pour lnto glasses. at the organ and Ms. A. Read at be tuned te destruction and ail Individually boxed. Prc, ac 15O Aild suga r a d ln .to . thie piano. During thie efferings them tbat forget God." Men arc A C E T WHT AR Ad uaradleo o at.Mr. Denby rendened seiections on fot more wicked today than they * R M R S HT AR tAc violîn. Solina Young Men's wene An days gone by, but tbcy ane Whipped ends with 2-coloun striped border. Packaged An NORVVAY CHE K D C M Quartette, consisting of Harvey more longetfui. TAey are bent on pairs. Size 72" x 90". Puice per pair $19.50 Whipped cnds. Widâ cboc fclue bcs Vice and Stanley Milison gave a or woman wbo forgets bis religion selection at each service. In thie whcn hAi s on holiday wiîî come * FAMOUS PLAIN COLOtJRS Idvdal oe.Sz 6x4.Pieec 89 " S A L A B A ' ~~~~~~~~~~~aternoon Mis. L. W. Van bni, hack te Ais job lnustra.tedand ýd on ihetawd ai ibn iecoc A C E T Bowmanvilîe, nendencd tAie solo pooner in spirit buiscîf and those Ed on ihetawd ai ibn iecoc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " T h e L o r d s m y S A e p h e rd " a n d w h o m Ae m ig h t h a v e b le s s d w illo o o r . I d v da]y b x d i e 7 " x 8 " An Uie evening "0 Lord, how aiso be pooren for bis iaxity Pnice cacA $12.50 Edges whipped on foursis.Bbclun. ndvday Lovely are TAiy Dwellings"*0 Miss Then tbene s tbe ioyr of wor- pcae.Szs3"ý Eileen Balson accompanied tAie fhipping an a straffcg church and Quatete ad Ms',VanDril.finding thei n men and women F M U L R L IT2T N Our special Uianks s tendcred thc Tone on tone type. Ends bound witb extra widc nibbon. A O SB cistn oaitfo hrexe-Lovely colour tones. IndividualIiy boxc. Siz72"x84.Bon aiarud-iAsaiDAIo, ab olus er pareticuls cncnngUcl Fut rdio PMk-. anrvceMns. Harry Lainier andnd Il lI ESIUU - lU, R US ';mi _________r.an______ot f offa K I T inasn mr og at r- osRchrsadaiy Mr. ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ TG adMsAutnLrean i Moulem/, KHRDESSS TCATL fo MSKndIRTS OVEnD"t e P .and M us. A uslninie r and ' WiIJMy roe iio ee ~ iw mo f U ' C for tai.Walteiiy , Mn nd ileM. ordnA New ShiamoupmJ*ent KNGSR D0TXS Mus. Cecil Rahm, Union, at Mn. ANeJhimei'iT K I G ~ S R A D I T I S a er O e , E ns kiand M . D on d * OI . d d e b eu .O.g e f L a d ie s ' S m a r t 24 HOUR SE1WICE Carrns. Beh' n M.£ULOVIAI l RRIIVED *aSunDayonSE9 Phone: Day 561 - Night 561 -707 -922 Canada as two schools de PITRIUTR soleiy te the training of future ~ leaders for thie primary textiles FOUR NZEW CARS* ALL PASSENGERS DiSUIRED iiidustry. haq,5 f more tan 34 million pais LNarr V e / 4. ? m e PROMP EFFIIENTof full fasA:oncd hosiery pnoduccd ARMTE CETSRII n Canada'An 1948 alniost 90 per "e"l" STOR C E A E Y L T A G E B O . Somneone as said, "Ony w llPh nTHBo m vi . O P E E A T D B T A T H A N U E D R S . . e d p e o p l e c a n b e f r e e " . T is ~ P NTUSA I E wvould be more accurateA~ stated O E IU S àY N GR ewiin reverse. 'OnAy free people can -. . . . . ..' NOM êwý 1 1 1

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