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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jun 1949, p. 6

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- - .----.- -r '~. -~- ~ .~- I - PAU MIx IThe Newcautle Independenl Dr. Godfrey Paul, Victoria, B.C., Mrs. Scott Howard and h~ called on Mr. and Mrn. P. Rare. guet Mn.. G. L. Thosnpson, a Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. vacationlng at Port Santield. Stan Graham on their marriage. At ime of writing Mr. and Mi 1fr. Tom Wallace, Toronto. Jini Dyer and Frances are ini hil upent the. weekend with the How- hopes of being in their new horu ard Toms'. Mr. and Mns. Jo. Hockin ar Mns. Maud Weston and her famlly, Ajax, are visiting Mns. daughter Marlene spent tic week- J. Hockin and Mrs. H. R.- Pear< end ti Coiborne. Mfr. and Mru. Donald Gibsi Miss Margaret Ryan, Port Hope, and children, Whitby, are spcni is holidaying with Mis Verna ing a nionth at Newcastie-on-th, Milligan, the Gateway.. Lake. Mr. Lloyd Stephenson attcnded Mr. and Mn.. Albert Pearce ar the funeral of! us aunt Mns. A. Hill family and Mrs. E. Pattersc in Hamilton on Thursday. spent the weekend with fmienc Mesrs Art Toms, Bud Bonathan in Conn. and Miss Lorraine Lee, Torfnto,. Mr. and Mns. Frank White ai spent the weekend in town. Georgina, Pickering, were Sui LORNEIS PICK-UP Days - 580 PHONE Evenings -.2464 RADIO WAVE THE PERMANENT WAVE 0F THE MOMENT RADIO WAVE niakes permanent waving an exact science. No matter what type of hafr you have. RADIO W-4VE aasuret You a glowing Permanent - hair that itaYu alive, seft au mina .11k - ne broken cads se common çdth ordlnany wavès. TrY One o! These Waves. and Sec Reow Satisfled Tou Can Be AT The Estelle Deauty Salon Under the Management of Misa Joan C. Wooliey of the Collette BeaUtY Salon, Oshawa Abse MACHFINE, MACRINELESI anid COLD WAVES Given Bi g Used Car Sale 1947 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDANEITE, ln tip top condition - ------ -----------32785.00 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN, Iow imileage --$1875.00 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, a rosI buy 31655.00 1946 DODGE SEDAN, clem car---------- $1675.0 1941 CHRYRLER COUPE, radio and heater g1295.00 1940 CHEV. SEDAN, a car very weil looked after __ 1150.00 1989 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, don't ies this buy $975.00 1089 FORD COACH, clean car ln AI condition $975.00 1038 CHRYSLER 1«9" COACH, eme car -----------8-850.00 1988 PLYMOUTHj COUPE, luit 11k. ncw throughout $875.00 1987 PACKARD "à" SEDAN, a beauty -- -------- - -----3750.00 1986 FORD VS COACH, iovely car--------------3575.00 1935 OLDS. CONVERTIBLE, luit the car for you $- 575,00 19386 PONTIAC COACH, AI condition----------------8575.00 1934 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, clean car $375.00 1934 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, clean car $375.00 1984 FRONTENAC SEDAN _- ----- -------$50.00 1933 CREV. COUPE, in perfect shape $.3875.00 .1938 DODGE SEDAN $375.00 1935 WILLYS SEDAN $_______ 275.00 1932 PONTIAC SEDAN .------8280.00 1982 MODEL B FORD COACR, wIth radio $ 350.00 -1931 GRAHAM COUPE, wlth hydrauIic brakes, a remi bur - -- ----- -- --------- - ------- _ 8275.00 ,1081 MODEL A FORD COACH _ ....-.------ $280.0 1930 FORD A COACH, newly reeconditioned mater - $250.06 1931 DURANT SEDAN, cheap $lz15.90 1931 CHEV. COACH ------ --------- ---------195.00 1930 CHEV. RODST. COUPE 0~______ 175.00 1627 PONTIAC COACH, a very elean car $. 150.00 1933 OLDS. SEDAN $2______350.00 TRUCK DARGAINS 1641 DIAMOND T 8-TON TRUCK, ýwith platiorm and racha. Fer .nly $1Ils050 188 CIIEV. 4-TON PANEL, la perfeet condition $ 595.00 1988 REO %-TON PICRUP, a nett buy 8493.00 1929 FORD A %-TON PICKUP, sacrifice fer _ 3125.00 At Art's Car Market KING 8T. W. OPEN EVENINGI 1UNTIL - PHRONU 8148 19OWigANViIJE TEE CANADIAII STATESMAX. EOP~ANVE.L~ OIITAEl~ - -. - .- ---------- -, - ~4N~ WWy Lyse One) 20 day guette of 1frs. Gordon Aslh anld girls. Mr. George Box and Miss Aud- rey Box, Port Hope, were Sunday guetta of Mr. and Mr&. Jack Wade and Douglas. L. Mr8. Wally Boyle and Billy and er Miss Violet Daggett of Garson are re visiting the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith. rs. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. [hHoward Rowe an the birth of ne. their son, William Stephen, June nd24 in Bownianville Hospital. W Mr. and Mrs. P. Hare and Mr. c.and Mrg. J. S. Ames, Bowmanville, visited Dr. and Mrs. Jack Hare oni and Susan Jane of St. Thomas. i- Newcastle Ladies weren't so C~lucky in their softball gamne Fr1- id day night with Newtonville. They on camne out on the low end of a 9-5 ds score. Mrs. R. A. Milligan, Mrs. Doris nd Richardson and friends, Toronto, in- and Mr. Bryce Ward, Oshawa, -were Sunday guests af the Gate- Sway. Dr. and Mns. H. C. Rundle, Brighton, also Masters Jqhnny and Howard Rundie, Bownianville, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hare. Welcome home to Mr. Philip Williams, who has returned fromn a vîsit to the OId Country. Mr. Williams ih at present staying with hi. daughter, Mns. Larue Martin, No. P. Misses Betty Lou Hagerman and Vivian Megit are working for the summer months at Honey Hollow 1Restaurant. Several other High School pupils have taken emp]oy- -ment in the local factories while others have gone out of town to summer resorts. On ThursdaY evening, June 23, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Enwright were Pleasantly surprised by their fam- ily and a feW frîends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton, on the event of their silver wedding anniversary. The party came as a complete surprise to the bride and groomn of 25 years ago. The couple were escorted to seats as the centre of attraction, ti-en they were presented wih roses to mark the occasion. Miss Margaret Ash read the address afPer which Mrs. Earl Walton presented the e'oeiied couple with a silver triy and a purse of silver. The honouredi guests thanked their friends waninly. Mr. and Mrs. Enwright, their iamily and sons-in-law sat1 at a prettily decorated table where1 the hostess, Mrs. Walton, and her helpers, Mrs. Ted Belsey and Mrs.1 Howard Wilson serve a dainty lunch. The remainder of ithe ev- ening was spent dancing to re- cords. I Tkank h TYRONE, y Mns. Mary Griffin,En4kias ewith her daughter Mns W Rahm. Mr..and Mn.. Fran;k *ih Grant and Beverley, with Mns. Ivan Ellicott, Peterbor>Mr. and Mns. R. J. Hodgson anJ4 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond c1app 'im' ited Mr. and Mrs. D.G oope« and Mns. E. Storie at Orono. Mns.. eStorie's many friends were urY ta hear she broke her mrm Mr. Hodgson and Mr. Clapp also eaU- cd on Mr. Harry Fraser who àa qùitc ill. Sorry to know that Mrs. Chat. Bigeiow ih stili conflned te her' bcd. Several from hene attended Haydon and Hampton anniversar- 5ici Sunday. Rois McRoberts and Heniry sWood are working at General Motors. Misses Patay, Barbara and Mar- jonce Phiflips acco!mpattied Miss Florence Gardner of Bownnie to Hall'. Lakc for a holiday. Mn. and Mns. L. J Goodmian with Mr end Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin. Mr. and Mns. Frank Sewell, Markhani, Mr WalLon Annu,, Dun- bartan, visited Mr. and Mis. How- ard Brent. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roseveer and Kenneth with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Breckenridge, Milibrook, Anlene Rosevear rcturned home accompanied by her cousin Dore- thy BaIl, Millbrook. Miss Gwen Davey is holidaying at Gienverdean Hall's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowiees and children with Mr. and Mns. J. Rundle Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton and children with Mr. and Mrs. C. English, Newcastle. Mr. R. McNickle is home after visiting his niece Mrs. Annie An- derson, Toronto. Mr. 'Donald and Mss Helen Mur- ray, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. K. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Graham an~d Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. A. Med- iock and Billie, Toronto, with Mr.and Mrs. A. Hamilton. Congratulations to Miss Edith White on passing with honouns on the compietion o! her University course at Toronto. Sorry ta hear Mrs. Everton White is in the Women' «s Coliege Hospital, Toronto. We ail wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. Williamson, Pontypool, Mr, J. Hatheriy and sons, Newtonvilic, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynand and Mrs. J.McRoberts attended De- Syo0uI To al aur loyal workers who helped befare and an eleCtian day, and toalal citizens who helped elect us at the poils on Manday we wauld like ta thank yau sincerely. Now that I have been elected ta the Hause of Commans at Ottawa it is my sincere wish that I may be af assistance ta every citizen af Dur. ham Caunty during my term af of fice. Again thank yau very much for your help. John M. James, M.P. KEEP WITH ELECTRIC FANS $5395 to $26295 rn'q p IC THE RADIO SHOP Il KING ST. E. PHONE 373 (Cmatiamad fron Page1 Totale______s Poil Poil Poil Poil Poil Poil Totale 814 CA VAS POil Ne. 1 34 Poil'No. 2 ________ 58 poil No. à __________ 9 PoiliN& 4 ________ 107 PO NO: 'à .90 Totale 328 Born Poil Ne. .1 ________ 94 Poil No. 2 il$_______ 1 Poil No. à ________ 58 Poil No. 4 là_______ 14 Poili No. I____ _os__ 6 Poil No. 6 _________ 38 Poil No. .7 _________ 88 Totals 584 MANVtRS I 28 4 __ ___ ____ ___ 55 poil No. I_ __1__ _ Pol 1o. 2 ___ ____ POli No. 3 ________ Poil No. 4 ___ ____ Poil No. 5 ________ Poil No. 6 ___ ____ Poll No. 7 POli No. 8 ___ ____ Poli No. 9 -______ Poli No. 10 -______ Poli No. il (a) = _ _ _ Total. . ______- 631 MILLBROOWr Poil No. 1 -.____ 62 Poil Ne. 2 .______ 64 Total.__ _ __ - 126 NEWCASTLE Poli Ne. 1 __ ____ 112 Poil Ne. 2 _________ 143 Totale __-- ___275 244 14 3 15 7 22 es 2 7 12 38 19 32 20 13 il 25 il 131 104 104 137 107 101 553 89 131 45 32 67 151 71 606 113 57 el 103 31 70 21 67 23 58 64 668 MARRE 64 71 33 39 57 36 57 14 76 Pol POil Poli Poli Poli Pol POUl Pol Poli No. (b)4 Poli No. 10 se Ne. 2 No, 3 Nô. 4 No. -5 No. à No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 7 13 8 9 17 BARLINGTON (à) -___________ (b).... -- (a) 78 87 165 96 127 41 52 89 127 45 50 28 35 46 738 34 48 52 54 10 3 306 DURIRAM COUNTY VOTIE James Kenny Bowrnanvilie .- - 1618 166 Port Hope --- 1448 52q Cartwright .______ .89 20 Manvert Hope Millbrock Newcastle 2 Dalington Total. _ _--- __ _ - ------ É6 coration Day services at Onono. M.adMrs. Lloyd Webb and children, Pontypool, visited Mn. and Mns. Henry Wood. Mr. DawsonBeckett accompan- 'ed Mn. and Mrs. L. Alidrcad, Mn. and MrÉ. O. Beckett and Mà.. Irene Graves to Màlton on Sun- day Mr. and Mn.. A. Youngman and children visited Mr. and Mr$. Ed. Youngman, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Hoar visit- ed Mr. and Mrà. Fred MeMahon oftLisbunn, Ireiand, at the home af Mr. and Mn.. J. W. McMahon, Tdnonto. A large numbet àttînded the miscellanecui shower held in thc hall in honour ôt Mr'. and Mr#, Lloyd Alldread (nec Evelyn Bec- kett) Fridmy night. Thé gifLa wenc many and useful ancluding à tri- light faon ilamp. Lunch was scnv- ed and a social time spent. A large number gathered at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Bill Jeweli (nec Dorothy Wright) and eha- rivaried thé newlywedà. We wenc ail glad toîcee tht nain which camfe Our wmy Sattunday. The farmens are busy wîth their haying whièh i. fnot a heavy erc>p. Election day patsed off véry quietly on Monday. 9.8. me. la Dantliagtoa To Grade Vfl.-Atlent Ro#e- vear (hon.), Grenville Bnyam (han.), Marilyn Philp (hon). To Grade VI-Jaequeline Rase- vean (hon.), George Gibbs (hon.), Graydon Crengw~ell (hôn), RItlph Davey, Canai. Phiilips, Douglas Joncs. To Grade IV-Barbara Taylor (hon.), Eldon Creowell. To Grade III-Jetit Davey (hôot.), John Moore (han.), Gtâce Gibbs, Betty Phillipè. Te Grade II-Lorraine Rose- voir (hon.), CoeQl Park (hon.), Kmy Davey (han.), Jerry Taylor, Douglas Stainton, Violet JoineO. Uns. Unt Phiip-tèacher. Stocke of ereanery butter in nin Caa~dii cities on Apill 22Ë ,leu, meuntéd te S8264,W0 poundi - Over thret imes as high as last year'a 1,708,0001 p6unds. Ixessivt tidlns la saud tô inieate àa mlii orm et muni- tir, froff whléh moat n*wspop- éon M ehapplly' imue. If you eaa keep from belng enviouoa nd jealout et your fêiiaw ma¶n. yolu arte plprôACI ing th. ouitawta 0et 8.toi 314 63 328 38 584 131 $31 75 128 33 27,5 17 ý227 306 M40 1378 CanadWs longest river, the Mfac- kenzie, is more that twice the ipeugth of the St. Lawrence. In the ten years framn 1939 ta 1949 Canadian industnial cpct has almost trebied. Sfephenson 1)85 1.62 244 515 553 606. 668 275 165 736 6109 A CARLOAD OF CEDAI SHIGLEt BAB JUST ARRIVED Telephone adObtain Our Prieesot EXTRA@, CLEARS ad SECOND CLEARS DiMDIATE DELIVERT Durham Farmers' County ComOperative PHONR ORONO 871 BrylIcreem Special Offer 1 Lte. Tube- 49o 1 Men'a Comb- 150 Ail for - 49c Toni Shanipoo 88o-55e-95c FOR PILIES AND MOSQUITOES D.D.T. Bomb------------$1.69 Flytox with D.D.T. 25-45-75 Fl1t1------------ ----23C-39c-69c Flit Sprayers ____-29e 6-12 Repellant _____59e Bepel -59e Skeeter-Skatter ____49e LOW PRICES Lactogen ------ 69e-$1.59 10-o.Noxiema ---___$1.00 93e bile NoxXema- 69c 100 A.S.A. Tabs. - -- ---19c 1-lb. Absorbent Cotton 79e . . . . . . . . . . DULLNESS e SICK HEADACHE ACIO INDIGESTION a CONSTIPATION ~w Toni Home Permanent Kit wlth Plastic Curiers320 Refit Kit ____ $1.25 MA CLEAN YOUR TEETH TO YOUTHFUL BRILL lANCE! The sp"' l I el umiod .mI~ tm~doeIIq ~ me, Medeeu Peimmide TeeIh Paile hdey Reguler t~ 29Ç Certltled HEALTH SALTS 1-lb -- ------------- 590 AMMONIATED TOOTH POWDERS Ammident ----590 Amme Carb. -- 39c, Amion ------. Lunch Kits ------ -98, % Pint Thermos - - ---31.35 Pint Thermos 3--0-- .6 Qt. Thermos ------32.50-S2.75 1 Gal. Plcnic Jus $3.75 - $4.75 - $6.25 4' Baby Scales for Rent Closed for Holidays JuIy 41h Io 151h inclusive P"'ni"CDWLING'S DRUG STORETRXUSE Sum.mer New Fabrics For'CIot'ing or Home A wonderful selection of, Fresh New Summer Fabries in a nefreshing amaortment of soudai, atripes and vanied print patterns. Perfecý for aewing the entire family's summertime wandnobe or t 4re.uing your home la new ilipcovers or draperies. Chambrays - Seersuckers - Silks Ginghams ---Broadcloths Rayons . Waallens aSuitings Juil Arrived ! FASHI'ON GIRL CREPE go,, WME 0yr NINE COLOURS $1.9 ar Butterick and Sirnplicity Patterns DRAPE MADE as- To OdeR 0 Cranes -* Haoks - Etc. . Tracks Weber's Fabric Centre Bowmanvile 10 King St. E. ELECTION RESULTS Ibo tishang andustry la beconi- We mnst have umity withaIboSi ing important in Western Cana- nation if we Want It bctwecft aa- da, with fast transport from cold ions. northeru lakes speedlng freshly Silence imat aiways goldes; caught thsh to many parts af Uic sometime. it la just plain ye- continentl. 6- Taz CANADL4m @T,&TUDL4x. IFOIMkuv= MTAmb ,rH ODAT. zc» sro&- la" www 1% Ltql Y, Bowmanvîle

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