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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1949, p. 9

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THURSDAY, MTLY 7th, 1940 * Times -News -Topics] By CoUette Ferguson Anniversfty Churchç Won't you have ancl af pie or some cake?' church anniversary sui stWl the mast wonderf in the year for people appetites and na worrie. expanding waistline. Not very many yearE supper was as much t. the church anniversar: church service itself. 0C the soul received ail the but an Monday, high, i fos ~rgotten as everyo C-great anticipation feast'that night. Unfortunately, the ch per is gradually dying ci the war, the scarcity kinds ai food braughtE a great number ai churc] Flawever, there is one c far from Bowmanville weathered ail difficultie! holds its annual supper. Haydon's anniversary su quite an experience I& night. Despite the indige fered after, from eating1 Suppens those pies will pravide subjects for drearning ail the rest ai the ther plece yean. Yes, the uppers are T -N -T fui events with goad Go West Young Woman !s about an During the past week we are in- formed that transportation agents s ago, the have been overwhelmed with the ýhe part ai number ai young ladies request- ry as the ing tickets for the weste!ln pro- n Sunday, vinces ai Canada. eattention, mhe reason? Perhaps the fol- her things îowing information quated fram 'na waited the 1949 edition ai Quick Canadi- ýn for the an Facts, in The Statesman hast week: "A ginl's chances of gatting hurcb sup- married are mare than tan per ut. Duning cent batter if she lives in the West ai many than if she ives in the East.' an end to Way back in the 15th and 16th h suppens. centuries aitar the French had church not sent men aven ta apen up North Sthat bas Amnerica their next rhave was ta s and still send out eligible yaung ladies ta .Going ta be wives for the brave adventur- upper was ers. Since the beginning ai the ast Friday 2th century the West bas proved ýestion suf- a drawing card ta young men who too niuch. seek adventura and a fortune. Now as was the case in eanly French North America, thara is 'nexcellent appartunity for al who head West "ta catch a Which One Wil1 Pay? AFTER a fine damages your home, you will have ta pay the cost af rebuilding an ne- ipalning. From which source will you draw the money? Fine Insurance willI pay the lass, thereby pnotecting youn bank account and savlngs against depletion. INSURE NOW wlth this agenr. Stuart R. Jamfes INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681. Resi 9 ing Street, Bawmanville Niost af the girls who are west- .ard bound dlaim that it is anly YOUR EYES and t .'Vision Rewritten fnom previaus copyrights af Oometrist - Disney BIdt. ,Opp. ,P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 62 I have emphasized many points bafone, by the fact that industny had necagnized the necessity due ta decreased efiiciency of workers s0 they have beau forced ta take action ta combat glane and its affects upan workens. Tbis is nat ta ha overlookad because it was just found that the decrease in sanie cases had reached 25 par cent.eSa important indeed has this beome that it is no longer a detail. Lighting engineers and experts play an important part in construction ai plants and factor- ies in advising how ta remove glare from its effects an em- ployees and 50 in time complately out ai industrial lufe. (Copyrighted) THT CANADTAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO ta spend their vacation away from the heat wave that has settled over Eastern Ontario. However, as f arI as we can sec the manhunt is on.i Expanding to Provide More Telephone Service" "Expanding ta pravide max Telephone Service." This is th way that the Bell Te;ephone Cc explaints the addition that is be ing buit ta its office in Bawmar viiie at the corner ai Church ant Temperance streets. There ar, naw approximately 1,800 tele phones in this district. Since 1881, the Bell Telephani Ca. has rendered one of the znas valuable public services ta tht community and surrounding di& trict. On April 15th, 1937, a specia Telephone Edition ai The Statesý man was issued. At this time changeover was made in the loca exshange which was canvertec from the magneta systemn ta th. dial operatian. When the change. oven was made the present Bel' Telephane Building mras buili Before this time, the office was la. cated in the Bleakly Black wherE Fred Knox's shoe store i8 now la. cated. Bowmanville was ane oi the first cammunities in the province ta have the dial system. C. F. Sise President of the Bell TelephonE Co., in a letter ta the editor at thal time, stated that one ai be main reasons why Bowmanville, had he dial systemn 10 years befare oth- er centres, was the splendid co- aperation ai The Statesman in itc editonials. Although able ta supply anlya small nun'iber af the telephane5 that wene requested during thE war yeans, the company sbould g< on record as having neyer lost the goodwill afitis customnens through keeping themn iniormed ai candi- ions in their institutional ad- vertisements. However there is ane problerr that the company has neyer beer able ta overcame-the party line and the temptation for somne peo- pie ta lis ten In. This is flot the fault ai the company, but can be charg- ed up ta that failing ai humnar nature known as curiosity. T-N-T Real Sereams Mistaken for Saap Opera Th soap operas featuned an nearly evry radia natwark have becoma known in recant yeans as tbe housawives' campanion. De- spite the raillary of critics and ad- herents ai culture, sucb pragnams as "Radio's Own Ma Perkins"', 'Peppar Young's Familyll contin- ue ta be followed by housewives ail aven the continent. Doctors have warned that listening ta this morbid type ai ententainment wbila eating is apt ta cause indi- gestion, nevartbeless, "Big Sistanr' wbich can ba heard at noon stili bas a high hooper rating. The payofi came in Toronto last Thursday when Mns. Freda Woods who was attacked in ber apartmant calad fan help, but ber screams were mistakan fan a soap opena. A woman who lived dawn- Play Refreshed Have A Coca-Cola dsk for it tither way... both trade-marks mean the rame thing. Avilmorlasbottieet Cca-Cobe umior oatt, Ceca-Cela LtL Hamnbly's Carbonated Beverages OSHAWA PHONE 7551 re id e .5 ia il (e il Ie e ;s a 0 Bowmanville Pair Exchange Vows MR. AND MRS. JAMES F. G. NOKES who were married June l8th in Trlnity United Church, Bow- manville. The bride, who is the former Jean Isabel Crossman, is the daughter ai Mns. Cai Crossman and the late Mn. Crossman and the bridegroom is the Éon ai Mns. Grace Nokes and the late Mn. James Nokes, Bowmanville. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette stairs in tha same apartmant bouse ZO (oe~ p an extra gaod radio soap opera 'and decided ta try and get the Mn. and Mrs. Tommy Wilson same pragnam. Fontunately the and Wyllene, Mr. Sid Brown, woman across the hall realized Newcastle, had Sunday suppar that these scneams wene genuine with their sister, Mrs. Ellsworth and came ta, the rescue in time ta Caswell. frighten the intruden away. Norman Walker, son ai Mr. and It is difficuit ta understand just Mrs. Arthur Walker bas a position wby these pragrams have such an at the Radium Rafinery, Port attraction for housewives. Par- Hope. haps wandering about what's go- Ms.dihClwlbartun ing ta bappen ta "John's Other ed fnam a visit in Bowmanville. Wife" makes lufe warth living, by On election day Miss Gwen adding suspense and excitemant Jones was poli clerk for the Zion ta the usual manotany. sub-divisian beid at the home ai T -N -T Mr. and Mrs. Jeno, Hilltop Service Station. Hurrah! School's Out Mn. ànd Mns. Harold Caswel and Jean visited Mn. and Mrs. Wednesday, June 29 was a George McCullougb and Loneen, great day for the Public School Newtonvihle. childran. Yes, it was the hast day A number from bere attended' af school and the yo.ungstens man- temtryl aePr oe age-d ta make the whole town temtryl aePr oe know it. At noon that day the Mr. Neil Anderson and Mr. school bell rang, the big doans Howard, Wesleyville, visitad Mn. opened and out ran hundreds ai W. Hamilton, Bunker Hill. screaming and yelling youngsters. On Fniday evening, June 30th, They wene free from school books, a large crowd met at the home ai free from homework, at laast the Mn. and Mrs. Fred Brown ta hon- academic kind, andi free irom the aur the newlyweds, Mn. and Mns. taacher's watchful eye. For aven Stanley Hamilton (nee Irena two gloniaus montbs they would Whimsett). The guests were nat have ta wonry about having gathered in the spaciaus living- ta stand 'rn the corner on being noomn and on the iawn. The aven- sent ta the hall on pnincipal's ai- ing was spent in dancing with fice fan taiking and othar îonms Mrs. Amas WhImsatt, Weicome, ai mischief. playing the guitan and Mn. Rusk, violin. The callens off fan the In High ScbooI, ui ta and in- square dances were Mn. Stan Rowe cluding 4th form finished on June and Mn. Tommy Andrews, al ai 10. Howeven, 5th forma students Welcome. At midnight ail guests bad ta write depantmental exanis wene asked ta, gather in the living- and they dîdn't finish until June raam wbere the newiy wedded .22. couple were saated. Mns. Tam Already some ai the caneinee Androus, Welcome, read the ad- youngsters have leit fan camps dness after which Mn. Fred Brown that are situated all aven Ontario. and Mn. Max Moore brought in the Because Bowmanvila 15 so close git, a beautiful studio cauch ta Lake Ontania, those who remain whiie thc gathering sang "For in town will ba able ta, spend They Are Joily Good Fellows." many ai their days swimming and Mn. and Mns. Stanley Hamilton playing on the beach. For the chul- thanked the guasts and invited dren that Jive on fanms. thene will them ta their home at Bunker Hill. ba chones and harvesting ta do. Deliciaus reineshments wene pass- For the older High School stu- ed then the nest ai the avening dents, the summer rasants bave spent in dancing. The guests part- unlimited apportunities fan thase wbo wisb ta add ta thain bank ac- count. There anealaso positions available as camp councillors. Yas, schaol will ba jayfully for- gottan for 2 manths, but we are not afraid ta predict that when Saptamber brings the ringing ai the school bell, the finst day ai schoal will ha gneeted with as much anticipation ai goad times ta came as was the finst day af the holidays. T-N-T School on Wheels While an the subi act ai schoals, thena is a somewbat diii anent typa ai schoal in Nothern Ontario that takas the torch ai learning ta more namote parts ai the province. The cbildnen in the cammunities ai Gladwick, Anstice, Ruai, Bath- nal and Stackpol-32 students in aIl attend a school on wheals fon 41/2 days avary month as campan- cd ta the 20 days a month spent at the ondinary schaol. This school an wheels is an Ontario gavernment schoal car which is a nailway car outfittad with desks, blackboands and ail othen assantials neadad for a classnoom. The school teacher ai this un- ique school is Mn. Fred Slaman, who bas been teaching sinca 1927 -the year the Ontaria Govarn- ment placed 7 scbool cars in iso- latad sections ai the province. Mn. Sioman and bis wiia hava ivad and naised 5 children in ane haif ai this car, wbich bas bean fur- nished as living quarters. Also in tha car Mn. Sioman bas a ]ittle museumn and chunch. Unlika the children ai Bow- manvilia and athar communities, the students who attend tha scbool on wheais wara nat avaniy happy to say goodbye ta thein scbool and teachan. For tbem, achool is their only communication with tha outsida world. The aton- ica and lassons in thair scbool books givt. them the only infor- mation that they bava ai tha other parts ai Canada and the wanid. Summer for Uiemn wili anly be a time ai waiting for the littie school to came back aven the rails. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA ________________PAGE NMN ed after a very enjoyable even- ing. A number fram here attended the Strawberry Festival held at Marrish United Church. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven were: Mn. and Mrs. Mackie, Toronto; Mrs. Grace Boultbee and Connie, To- ranto; Mrs. Jim Thompson, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tam- blyn, Blyth. Mr. Jim Caswell accoinpanied the Elliotts on a fishing trip ta Rice Lake. Néew Télephone Directory Being The new 1949 telephone direct- ary is just coming through the mail ta Bowmanville subscribers, A. A. Gillespie, Bell Telephone manager for this regian said tod-ay. The buff-cavered directory which contains more than 7,000 new and changed listings, replaces the green-covered edition issued last August. Thé new edition contains 88 ai- phabetical pages. There are naw three columns ta the page instead af the usual two and the book wifi be similar in size ta 4irectories is- sued for larger centg. It cantains listings for Cobourg, -Bowmanville, Coîborne, Bnighton, Whitby, Osh- awa and Port Hope. The Port Hope section ai the new directory does not corne into efiect until midnight on Saturday, July 9, at which time the Port Hope exchange will be converted ta dial operation and ail present telephone numbers will be chang- ed. "Bring your private list af num- bers up to date by checking it with the new directory," is another piece of advice ta subscribers. Lists oi frequently called num- bers, kept on office desk pads, in pocket notebooks or on cards pinned ta the wall by the hc>me telephone, may contain num'be,,s that have teen changed in the new The manager also cautianed subscribers ta laok thraugh the pages befane throwing the oId books away; directories have ofiten been used as repositories for pa- pens, money and lave letters, and ciscarc'ed directories have been found ta contain such iteni; ts bonds and even the deed to a house. Issuing directories is a large scale publisihing operatýpn, the manager said. Last year Thé Bell Teleohone Company of Canada published one or mare editions ai them."-Mary Baker Eddy. Yom Wùlt regret orderiflg NO W !ÉI No on e ever regretted being forasigliteci. Order your red trademarked Farnous Reading Hard Goal now-and as fal approaches you'll b. glad you did. It wili b. mighty comforting to know that you have a supply cf coaf in your cellar -and that it's Farnous Reading Hard Coal, trademarked with the tiny rer1 spots to show it's the genuine article. MAI)ImxltKED WITii Sr4<~U POIS OWEN NICHOLAS, FUELS PHONE 410 or 2249 BOWMAN VILLE WE'vE HAD TO BUILD or enlarge 100 tele- phone buildings in the last threyears. We were obliged ta do this at a time when building costs were about double -Pre-wan casts. Yet, up ta now, despite rising costs on ail sides there bas beau no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. To meet unprecedented post-wan de- man(l for more telephones, aur expan- sion and improvement of service have of necessity taken place in a period of rapidly rising costs. Most businesses have offset thein highen cosus by higher prices for thein products. We have flot yet donc se. You 'cani be sure we wilI keep on doing aur best ta provide yau with adeq uate and constantly impraving telephone service - an to provide it at the lowest rates consistent with a fair retunn ta aur investors and ernployces. When checd the road's flot cfrar-Be care fui, danger may b. necri To try ta pass on a hll ' or curve is asklng for trouble * * *take it easy, walf until the way is clear. And, always observe the rules of highway safetyi 010. H. DOUCETT, MinisIer ON T AR 1O0 D EP A R T M NTY 0F HIGHMW AY S HW249 ~we ~at4ed O«~ ~o,4 7o~! 47 directaries. If the 2,700 tons of osqper used cou 'ld be turned back into trees they would caver more 'han jUO acres « timberland. Lufe is contlnualiy weighing us in very sensitive scales, and tel-. ing every one af us precisey what his real weight is ta the iast grain af dust.-James Russell Lowefl. Human merit or demerit. wiil find its proper level. Divinity al- one salves the probiem af human. ity, and that in God's awn Urne. "By their fruits y* shall know THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO BOWMANVELLE

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