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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1949, p. 11

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y-. - - . .- . ÀA UMIN 4 isill Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America was discovered -bytbe Dutch navigator Schouten in 1616. He that resolves upon any great -,and good end, has, by that veryl resolution, scaled the chief bar- rier ta it. -Tyra'n Edwards 3-IN-1 STRIF JOHNS - MANVILLE 3-in-i Asphait SHINGLES 8 Colours and Blends to choose from PER SQ-----. $8.29 JOHNS -MANVILLE "Cedar .Grain" Asbesfos Siding SHINGLES Wlthout obligation let us Show you some and rive you a Free Estimate. Walls of Beauty.that neyer grow old.' Fortifie&tÈ1& FIRE. WEATHER and WEAR Cedargraln Siding Shingles are mnade of asbestes and portland cernent. -CANNOT BURN The wailsi now havej and fire minimum eER. SQ. . of your home can maximum beauty protection wlth upkeep expense. .$13.25 JOHNS - MANVILLE "Fui - Thik" I NS UL ATI10N Upstairs rooms are up te 15% cooler in hottest sum- mer wveather - you can sleep! - wlien 3.-M. Super- Felt Is installed. 3.-M. Super-Feit cuts fuel bis as mucli as 30%. Consider %vhat that sa'ving -vould mean to you! YEAR 'ROUND COMFORT SPECIAL Logging Chains The chain %vith 100 uses 3/"x 16 f eet - %vith swivel Reg. $6.75, SPECIAL - -$543 3,,8"x 14 feet No Swivel Reg. ý4.98 SPECIAL - -.- 4.09 5, 16'x 14 feet No Swivel Reg. $3.95$31 SPECIAL DON NcGREGOR HIARDW-ARE CO. Phone 386 King St. W. Bowmanviile - on - the - Beach West Beach News (The Beach Comber) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, SANDED and FINISHED ýT-I Floor Sanders Edgers & Polishers To Reni For Pariculars PHONE OSHAWA 3744w1 K. LEGGETTE OSHAWA 1-oliday time has arrivedýagain, a littie earlier than usual, as sum- mer came ta the Beach ahead of schedule. But sehool, unlike sum- jmer, ciosed on the usual date and the' children arrived from that "drear land of history books". Congratulations ta Dorothy Ann Currie, Catherine Dilling, Gardon Lawson and Doug Rice on. passing their Entrance ta High School exams without writing, and 50 were rewarded with an extra two week's holiday on the Beach. Wel done Girls and Boys! Ail the familiar faces have ar- rived and some new friends have ibeen made. One face will be miss- ed by yaung and aid. We are in- deed sorry ta have lost by death Mr. Wm. Quinn, who was a friend of ail with his cheerful greeting, happy smile and helpinghand. He has gane ta "tgather at the .River" and await the caming of his friends wbo shared bis love for the waters by Lake Ontario, es- pecially that little spot on the West harbour where for so many summers be and Mrs. Quinn have sbared their lives amongst those around them. Our sincere sympatby ta his widow and famiiy. Mrs. Quinn bad an unfortunate accident the week after her husband's death when she feJI and broke her hip. We are happy ta know that she is recuperating at Miss Edith Robinson's and jain in wishing hem a speedy recovery. Many of the cottages have bad their faces lifted \vith a fresh paint job. The Dance Pavillion bas been rejuvinated with a bran4l new floor and snack bar. The boats have been painted and launched, baating-motor and sail-are pop. ular ecreation in the cooler tem- perature of the evening breezes. Beach Association The Beach Association heid its first meeting this week. They bave plans for repairs ta the road* and adequate parking facilities, if tbey can eniist assistance fromn Town Cauncîl. They bave pracured and provideci garbage collection on Monday and Friday xnornings. New swings will be pravided for the chiidren's playground. The Bell Telephone Company is erect- ing a pay phone and 'booth on the beach for the canvenience of ev- eryane on the application of the Association. The booth wiil be located under the light 'by Cylant Phare. Life-Guard on Job The life-guard, Mr. E. Wither- spoan, bas again taken up bis watcb for the safety and weifare of.the children and aduits, wbo enjoy swimming or wauld be swimmers. He will teach swim- ming and the art o! diving, and water safety ta anyone in need of or desiring same. The ife- guard cames as a service from the Bawmanviile Lions Club and we are indeed grateful tai them and aur association for providing this essential service on Bowman ville water front. For the general pub- lic's information the life -guard will be on duty fromn 10 a. m. ta 5 p. m. daily, except Tuesdays, his day off. Mr. F. Diliing bas donated bis boat for the use of the, guard. Many Holiday Visitors Every cottage is opened and 35 5 OO AMEO Bought this amazîng Milker iD preference to ail other makes NATIONA L Ag4%LOMI IKE R Completely Portable - No Installation Cosi The one Miiker that is ready tus-as soon as you get it! fr~ NOTHING MORE TO BUY! NATIONAL 2-COW SflLKERf - ComnPlete îvith eterlilîer rack, 3 mîlking ims l ited ivitI, rubber bonts, and ,,'4 h.p. f0 cycle elee. motor. $21 1.75 21S cycle .......$21 6.75 (Gz engine drive,.$21050) NATIONAL I-COW IV iKER -As low aus..*147.95 MILK 15 TO 20 COWS AN HOUR ~, Jost plog nto any convenient ootlet, and the National Milker is ready for immediate use. You save ail the cost of expensive piping and installa- tion. Clear glass pails let yoo see how eaCh cow is mi!king. . . milks 2 cows at the same time (t'aster than yoo can hand-milk one cowl. Fin- gertip vacuum control to soit "easy" or 'hard" mtlkers. Self-cleaning. Descriptive folder by mail or visit aur store te arrange for A FREE DEMONSTRATION ON VOUR FARM STORE HOURS MON., TUES., THURS.- - WEDNESDAY FRJDAY AND SATURDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.rn. 8:30 a.m. ta 6 p.m. 8:30 a.m. ta 9 p.m. wauid appear ta iiteraliy bu at the seams. Among those rcturning a bringing or entertaining frier are: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ricea daughter, April in "sandbur Mr. and Mms. Wm. McFeetE Sandra and Johnny, Town, ttertained bis brother George "Better 'Oie". 1 Mr. D. Keown and Mrs. Wigg. 1witht their son and daughterD and Mrs. Gea. Wiggins at "Kg Wig". Mr. and Mrs. H. Spafford, O awa, baýve purchased "Dunwc In" from Mr. and Mrs. S. Shý pels. Weicome ta the West Beai Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davids and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pa son, Oshawa, in their respecti cottages. Mm. and Mrs. Bangs, Toror witb Mr. and Mrs. W. Matbews 'Idywyld". Mrs. Newton, and Mm. and M Ferguson, Toronto, in "Twill. gate". Mr. Bill Dustan, Town, w, Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Lunney a Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. L.- Dibbon a Mrs. L. Windsor, Toronto, w: Mr. and Mrs. Luttreli and Doris "Glen-Doug". Mr. and Mrs. Goddard and fai iiy, Montreal, holidaying in IH. Goddard's Cottage. Mrs. A. Stacey and Alvin, M~ Margaret Stacey, Town, spE Sunday with their daughter M Walter Goode in "Sandburst". Mr. and Mrs. Percy McMah and sons, Mr. Vern Masters, 1 monta, and Mrs. A. McMabon a Bruce Caverley, Hampton, wi Mr. and Mrs. A. Masters, Don a Terry in "Good-E-Nuff". Wea happy ta see Mr. Archie MastE Is able ta be around again afi ondergaing a major aperation aur Hospital last week. Congratulations to Mr. and M Roy Guerran who are born mooning in "Camp Cosy". Congratulations are also inc der to Mr. and Mrs. James Nok (nee Jean Crossman) on theiri cent marriage, wbo after th( boneymoon bave taken up thE summer residence in "Baske Dell". Mr. and Mrs. J. Barcley -ai family with Mr. and Mrs. T. She bans in Rance Diliing's cottage. Mrs. Damney, Miss Carol Domn and Mr. and Mrs. Jack DornE Toronta, are again occupyii "Cylant Phare". Mr. Roy Rice, Messrs. Bob ai Daug Rice, Misses Myrna ai Elaine Rice, Toronto, ini "It Soc Us. Mm. and Mrs. J. McNuity Laurence Goddard's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Murcbis( and Bullie, Mimico, witb tl Gmeen's in their "Log Cabin". Mr. Don Gaborie, Toronto, wi Mr. and Mrs. Russ Halîman. Miss June Gaborie and Mi Irene Focîl, Toronto, with Mi C. S. Haliman in "Fyvie". Mr. and Mrs. S. Dunn, Mr. ai Mrs. M. LawSon, Misses Faye ai Doris Lawsan, Mr. Cal Barchar Toronto, Mr. Wm. Aluin, Tow with Mrs. Wm. Dunn in "Rusi Nook". Mr. Don Smith, Toronto, wil Gardon Lawson in -Rusty Noc Junior. Mm..and Mrs. Jim Culley ai family, Town, with Mr. and Mi Jack Culiey, Maryla and Bih:i 1933: thee hrnthr A,.a .. . - .--ao', fameo by slave labour but at a' HRINZ-PURE TOMATO Spsucedaie; Art, Sask; Osin, Las time when the barman o! siavery I TP lD 1302s. l Angeles, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. was at its peak. Paul Gaulas was KETCHUPr moi24. W. T. Malkin, Fort Eie; Mrs. A. bis tantalizing tapic-the Paul iCMLOFEHYGUD Deans, Sprucedale. wowsafe omnctzna-d r Palibeamers were L. R. Woods, vtwho s preoa i izsena IHELOFES4Y GRON Mebun WihRpr ye t wsav o h rst.aimed bseh! i CO FFg Lb. DOMNI- Fred Willan, Ico Noble George f elas ~ t hmn"ake me a Cap-F E PN9. B PE Tbomnpson. tiv Lord" signified that the gnou p D8MINO-BLAC Tro'n outo!toxnn the funeral haci been inspimed ta kecp thelT EA ¶g.45z ELVF rrm utofton ere from Fort chain of xworship and service un- SHREDDED To i broken through another yeam ABRITISH CO The boys under Tom Hax r E T ftg.14 Skinny meny womer leadership next Saturday,,%vil. d WORHNEIIÀ.TOL74 gan ,0,5Ib. tice cards af the Sunday activities. TIS S U EF T Duing the July 10 service t ol c PRD 0 I can5 1 ,5is hilcimen will be presenteci far TSUPER U LOE i 8 G R I ~.t New Pe> im Vgo aptism. Rcx. J. de Pnir SPC REAMEDICNEW LOW . QCUINTI.-ST Wbl tîjl'Boyimb 51ou;ugvbo1W right wiii officiate assisted ___ ___ _b___38c fiii oe;n*. n- o longer ,îrawny; bodyJose& hall- 'Rev. Mr. Sigston. C I C stari'ed. siekly *bean-pole' look. Tbousands lof T O ý gils. wOmeIî. men. Whoner -re now r'roud otfa beoiel. EGGS WANTED LYNN VALLEI 'lhey ll.atuk the sIecial vigor-builing, i¶n.ii-bUding Eie, Sprucedale, Mariposi, Saleni, to .jtr . i t u . r ne-i u la i ý, t vi o or. r i T oronto, O shaw a, E ast P em b roke Shhpp i n 9 u r st ri f , g a u et . m e ,.î.i it i, r~ a loi'ui, eri h o o rd Strppin g s âcsit bie o t o re s Se. eîrx~u~so u.,ri , Iîo t iSesh on arse a d. id a. .manager for particutdrs. Reg. qradn t Il..!ý [t a ut ü"r 21 hti. i rlrIrt u b aýte,. t;on 0 29. jr, ~ tr, ,;r r r D- v1.c r A^11n ra ho tte~ Almarchasndtse sotd at vouf Dominion Store s &ad ade.ud poands. Uns set d~ey. At al îrugg.. p niîiy for the state o! h:«u UflOfitiondiy fQur8eî cd f0 $ive you IG3'. couiltmy. 'ÂRK VILLE 3oltan, Taranta, was ln Sunday. Mrs. R. Lowery and hMr. and Mrs. A. Dab- .na Haliawell, Toronto, veekend at home. with friends in Toronto. Mrs. C. Reid and Miss Mildred Wood. Toronto, spent the holidy with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruthven, Zion, at Mr. A. Dobson's. in Midland. Only one third of Canadian sali J Taronto, in "We ne'-verfus'. NESTLETON STJ Misses Rhorîa Evans, Marlie I Gibbs, Audrey Northcutt, Betty Hooper, Town, and Dorotby Evans, SOUTH NESTLETON Mr. R. B( Toronto, in the Quinn Cottage.M-L MG hda the vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Royal Quinn and Ms. Levi, cGil eldasuecess- Mm. and irst Donna bave eturned ta Sirncae fui sale on Gmay's iawn an Satur- famiywt aftr hlidyin inther In spite of bot weatbem &a large iso wit aftr.boiiary inginer cotge.-.crawd attended and prices were sn and r ary cptdilaigo"ingriong-orgood under the capable auctianeer- Miss HeIe rids cm", bas depted a osidtion fo.S.__ing a! Clark Williams. spent the wg an Norisle, as night porter and me- Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Mms. Dab, mdparts the tourist tmaffic already James Fcrrier, (nee Madeline peak o! previaus yeams. Mamiow) who were mamied July -__ _ ers, Miss Joan Wood witb Miss Cath-2 en- erine Diuling and Mr. R. Feather, Wcekend visitors at M. Gray's in Toronto, vt Mr. Waace Dillng were Mr. and Mrs. Madsen, Sas- inÉ inerLogE" katchewan, and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- *ins Mm. and. Mrs. And$' Mathews, I shahl and Keith, Malton. Keitb is1 Phor Vi.Toronto, in "Tacoma". £ ~ J ~ ' spending bolidays witb George e- Miss Margaret Hayes, Taunton, Cj "i Gray, while Elsie Gray bias gane Mrs. Owen and David, Mrs. W._____taMaiton ta spend a few weeks ýs- Bagneil and family, Town, with Migmatory birds witb unerring there. ) rMs. F. Cale in "Gamy's Paradise'. instinct return yearly ta their ha- Mm. and Mrs. Francis L. Gist, lar- One o! the praudest ladies on bitat. Such an endowment must Susan, Catherine and Mary, Man- ých! fiowmanville's Beach is Mrs.. A. be the reasan that summer after treal, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charies ,on Edwards, wha praùudly entertains summer tbe samne familles settie Gist and Mm. and Mms. D. Davison. aw' hem, twa great grandsans, John, aiang the shore o! The Cave. Con- The F. L. Gists have a cabin at ive son o! Mr. and Mms. Frark Ed- sequently the only new names ta Caesamea for,2 weeks. Also Mm. wamds,, and Stephen, son of Mm. report tbis season are those o! the and Mms. Andrew Evans, I ndian L a aid'Mrs. Len Rider. Congratula- intemesting visitars who f111 every River, Mm. and Mrs. Ashton Fife, in tions!. last cat over the holiday weekend. Beverley and Marion, Peterbomo, Mm. and Mrs. A. Habbs and fam- Visitars: were visitors with the Gists and [rs. ily bave returned borne after hall- Willow Cabin:-Mm. and Mss. E. Davisons. lin caying in "Rendezvous". Crawford. Miss Marion Thompsan, West- ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doyle and ith Pat bave now taken up residence Guli and Loon:-Mm. and Mms. ern Hospital, Toronto, with ber andin~Rnevs" Mac Inrig, Bruce and Sharon.. parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thomp- Mrs. E. Dumno and Bruce, To- Daisy Deli:-Mm. Duncan Mac- Veetn yptyt ea md onta, are now in "Cheeria" Kenzie fromn Dundee, Scotîand,tinofMsAnonTyrwo ith Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Berry are with tbe Wm. McKays and Art toso r.AsnTyo h in fl 0-s-Ez".Foxes. was buried on Friday. Mm.n and MmsEe. SeatFruo Gale Cottage:-Mm. and Mrs J. Peels of Port Perry are instaîl- Reg] km- and Kathy, Toronto, with Mm. and Slater and Lynn witb Mm. W. n il fumnace witb air con- ' ( Mr. Mrs. B. J. Severs and Kenny in Pitfield. ditioning in Grant Tbompson's their "~New Cottage". Claver Cabin:-Mms. Neale from home. 1 [îs iss e Imn MicelHln England, with the Nashes. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Wright, Black- P Misss Irne Mtchel, Hlenstock, with Mms. Alice Farder and ent Tait, Elien Ward, Margaret Ni- Bunny Burro:-Judy and Leon- rs. chois, Ruth Reynolds, have taken ard Sutherland with great-gmand- M.W hre the Quinn Cottage on the bambaur mather Alice Meyems. On Wednesday members af ion for the sommer. Happy Hutch:-Mm. and Mrs. Nes±leton Presbyterian Ladies ro. Mm. and Mrs. V. Mathewson and Donald MdcLeod and sans Donald Aid sponsomed a social evenîng in PHONE .nd fmlTwi h MLuh and Stewart with m.Hthn the chumch basement in bonour of fam iny ownge insothe MrMcLaugh- Mm. and Mrs. John Beacock (nee nd Mr. and Mms. N. J. Mulholland, Cottage 129:-Gary Leslie witb Evelyn Sanderson). Thé, yaung ire Gail and Shari witb Miss E. Rab- grandparents Leslie. people enjoyed crokinole. A short ers inson. Braeside Cottage:-Miss Dora- given and the bride _____ ter Mr. and Mrs. N. McLean, King- tby Garbutt, Toronto, witb the and groom were invited ta occupy at ston, in '"Sandlands' ' Howard Pickards and Mm. John seats at the front. Miss Ruth Wil- r. Mm. and Mrs. Sharpe are hali- Marti 12:Mmnad.r. o son and Elaine Thompson pre.. Ir.dayîng inthe "Lost Weekend". Cotatndrage1 -r.and MrComan ter sm ca isfom theirLad e- Mr. and Mms. Elgin P. Varcoe oaanBabr;Mr oa tesmlgisfo heLds Nancy and Michael in "Rest-a' and Margie; Mrs. C. Devitt, Aid and neighbours. Bath replied or- While". Wayne and Terry. Lnch ie l t hi oe kes Mm. and Mrs. Bert Hutchinson Ei-Ti-Di-Sa:-Mm. and Mms. L.c of ice ceamn and cake was re-Juy ndShmon Troto "i Duncan Tullis, Toronto, Miss Vi- enjayed. " eim "Cliff View", ginia Lee Howell, Montreal, witb Mr. and Mms. Lorenzo Mountjoy eir the Elmer Otts.1 and Miss Rase Mountjoy attended y Aou Silver Wedding Cottage 118:-Jack and Mavis the 25th Annivemsary o! Mrs. Aot50 visitors, fmîends and Carlton with the W. H. Canltons. Mountjoy':a sister, *Mr. and Mms. ind relatives, called- at the summer East Cane:-The A. G. and Charles Briggs in Haydon on ee- esidence of Mm. and Mss. Edwin Arthur Terry families and John Wednesday. Nestîcton friends ex- Luttreil to offer their sinceme con- Gremer. tend congratulations ta the hion- .cy gratulations on the occasion of Meadovue:-W. G. Grant and oured couple. ey, their twenty-fîftb wedding anni- family. Sympathy is extended ta the ing vcsary. The cottage was beauti- Armstmong Cottage:-Miss Ada fiends of Mm. George Nesbitt wbo fully decomated with fresb cut Dadson, Bowmanville. passed away July 3. nd flowers. The bride o! 25 years me- Cool Corne:-Mr. Jas, McCart- Mms. Norman Lansing enjoyed ýnd ceived in blue-moire taffeta andi ney Sm. with tbe Wm. McCartneys. a family gathering aver the bhl- ots corsage o! orange blossoms. She Omma Nook:-Mm. and Mrs. day._________HA was ably assisted by ber brides- Bruce Childs, Mm. and Mrs. F. E in maid, Mrs. Wmn. Currie, who pre- Watts and families with the Monel, an alloy o! approximate- J. W. PAI sented ber witb a beautiful silx-er Biack's. ly 2/3 nickel and 1/3 copper, hias ;on tray on behal! of those present. Sumfner Haven:-Mr. and Mrs. become anc of the best corrosion- be Mm. Luttreli esponded and Bill Tait and Michael, Miss Phyllis rssatmtl ab sdi h thanked everyone for this lovely Genge witb the H. W. Simpsons. roofing industmy today. th gift. Among those present were Cottage 107:-Miss Arlene Stra- bis mothèr, Mrs. L. Dibbon, and chan with the George Harrap's. rs. bis uncie and alînts, Mr. and Mrs. Tbree Gables:-Mr. and Mrss rs. Guy Petbick and Mss. Fred Peth- Wmn. Bell and daughitem, Mm. and ick, and their friend and rector, Mms. Ernie Soady and family, Mr. nd Rev. J. deP. Wright, and also ma- and Mrs. Mac Douglas. nd ny summer fricnds fmom the Laf-a-Lot:-Mr. and Mrs. S. E. J~"' d, Beadh. McTavish, Bill and Alan, Oshawa. > n, Next Sunday Karen Kelly, in- Cottage 117:-Miss Lynn'Dwîght .J J. Mulbolland, and Stephen, infant Cottage 119:-The David Barr it son of Mm. and Mrs. Len Rider wili Cbequems:-Mm. and Mrs. Alan ok be presented for baptism ta Rev. Dickson and Sandra with the J. H . J. dePencier Wright at the Cha- Foxes. I nd pel-on-the-HilI, at the morning Cave Cottage:-Jobn Locke and j rs. service. Mrs. Herbert Doucette. e. Tempomary Absentees:.. t~r~TmTy~ Mss Shiela McCartney at the I IL IUA YC.G.I.T. Camp Kwasind. Robin White, Jr., Pine Ranger . in the Dept. o! Lands and Fomests . < GEORGE HENRY2 PEARCE Algonquin Park. ,. A wielykno retredgenie- John White at Cub Camp Samac, man George Henry Pearce, eidest Oshawa. son o! the late William and Matil- The Chapel-on-the-HilI dia Pearce and husband of the late Last of the Cove's littie edîfîces Fredrica Vanstone passed away ta be made eady for its sommer VALUES EFFECTIVE after a lengthy ilinesa at Bowman. duties is the Chapel. Late Satur- ~ THURS, FRI., SAT. ville Genemal Hospital dune 23rd day afternoon the Bamrick car .* JULY 7- 0-. in bis 84th year. dagged a sand-boat beaming the L. 1 The deceased was born in Mari- organ from the Bars cottage ta it~posi Township in 1867. He came ta rustic station, Then came the bell Bowmanil]e i 1906 nd spetot be hoistcd ta its place inth . tbe remain'der o! bis life bere. Hýe littie tower. Sunday morning up xvas employeci for some yeams at went the baskets of fiowems cam- the Dominion Organ and Piano Ca. ieci by John T Loe nd id Gr (-agec*/ J1 WALTER FRANK 2403 R.R. S BOWMANVILLK N r WITH LIONEL BARRYMORE Suàduy CKEY 9.00P.M. MUTUAL BENEFITr %LTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION TTE, 5 Bassett Bldg., 3 Simcoe St,. S., Oshawa, Ontario qum# SWREsuiI cr OWEST PRICE IN YEARS Hyai Brand l 1 PEAS 20-o. 21n FRUIT andmi / lt uiAis3LL )CAL GROWN FRESH MNH BEETS-- 2 huches 15c ýTARlO GROWN FIRNI Size 36's EAD LETTUCE -- - 19c C. BLACK DELICIOUTS FLAVOURULL NG CHERRIES - b-39 >CAL GROWN, FIRIM, FREffH VNCH CARROTS- 2 huches 15c iTARIO GROWN EW POMMTES- - 5 lbs. 29c -FLL NUT FLAVOUR &NUT BUTTER i. 37e ANCY QUALITY PAATO JUICE Ta9c >LMIA PACK-FANCY RED 10E SALMON 'T' 37C HE VfALLEY-STD. EEN PEAS 300:. 25c 'D UALIT V M A TOES 2 -~29c EY-STD. ACHES N4VEIN :ah23C VU uIO&DA $Toast R Mao runc Ellectric ne 55-r-i Orono FARIN AND) HOUSE WIRING irs and Alterationis. ..Pole Lines a SpeciaIty Free Estimates ... PI, £ FANTED FOR EXPORT gIstered and Grade OLSTEIN 'HIN GERS : TRURSDAY, RMI 7th, 1049 TRE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVn.LE. ONTARIO u 2403 R.R. 5 BOW'MANVILLE INA rq lm "V %»ý 20-oz. fins

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