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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1949, p. 12

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PAaUrd JTT ML y rAADA TTSAN O MNILE NAU IRTnV ?vtUL *. BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH An SAVE-MINIMW( COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS WIGGANS-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiggans (nee Beverly Sudds) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Richard Edward, in Bowmanville Hospital, June 26th, 1949. 27-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Pegg of Oshawa, announce the engage- ment of their second daughter, Laurette Teresa, to Edward John Brookham, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Brookham of Bowmanville. The marriage will take place quietly on Saturday, July 23rd, in the chapel at St. Andrew's United Church, Osh- awa. 27-1* MARRIAGE AVERY - TREWIN-Mr. and Mrs. William H. Trewin, Haydon, an- nounce the marriage of their eld- est daughter, Verna Maude, to Clarence Arthur Avery, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Avery, Darlington, Ont. The marriage took place quietly at the home of the bride's parents, on July 3rd, 1949, with the Rev. A. E. Cresswell officiating. 27-1 DEATHS BRERETON-At Newcastle, on Monday, July 4th, 1949, Charlotte K. Bremeton, bchovcd wife of Hem- bert Brereton, aged 55 yeams. Resting at the Morris Foneral Chapel until Wednesday after- noon, thence at the residence. Service in St. George's Anglican Church on Tbursday, July 7th at 2:30 p.m. Interment St. George's Cemnetery. 27-1 CHAPMAN-At his late residence, Lot 30, Con. 7, Clarke, on Friday, June 24th, 1949, William Fletcher Chapman, (husband of the late Isabella Baîl), in bis 7ýth ycar. Interment Orono Cemetcmy. 27-1 ELLIOTT-Suddenly, at the resid- ence, 58 Centre St., Bowmanville, on Sunday, July 3rd, 1949, W. Leonard Elliott. beloved husband of Bertha Moore and dear father of Audrey and Blain, aged 56 years. Funeral from Trinity Unit- ed Church on Tuesday, July th. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 27-1 JONES-At his residence, 110 King St. East, Bowmanville, on Monday, July 4th, 1949, Giddus Jones, beloved husband of Ethel M. Patterson. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday. Interment Orono Cemetery. 27-1 IN MEMORIAM ROACH-In loving mcmory of a dear husband and father, E. O. Roach, who passed away July 7th, 1948: Memomies are treasures no one dan steal; Death is a heartache no one can beal. -Sadly missed by his wife and daughters, Helen, Joan and Eve- Iyn, 27-1* JAYNES-In loving mcmory of a dear mother, Evelyn Jaynes, wbo passed away July 9th, 1944: Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of a mother Your loved ones will neyer forget. -Ever remcmbemed by daughter Audrey. 27-.L1 BRANCH-In loving memory of Amanda Branch who passed away in Bowmanviile Hospital, Juhy 9, 1936: Loving and kind in ahi hem ways, Upright and jost to the end of ber days;, Sinceme and kind in heart and mind, What a heautiful memory she lef t hehind. -Ever rememhered by hem loving grandchihd Lois and ber daughters Irene and Floma. 27-1* WITHERIDGE-In fond and loy- ing memory of a dear son and brother, J. Gordon Witheridge, who passed away July h2th, 1948: Upright and just in ah bhis ways, Faithful and truc to the end of his days, In silence be suffered, in patience be bore, Till God called him home to suffer no more. -Always remembered by Mother, Father, Ruby, Nelson, Greta and Ernest. 27-1* CARTER-In cherisbed memory of F/O Roy E. Carter and bis cousin F/O J. R. Latremouille,i killed in action in 1944 and 19451 respectivcly: How well they fehi asleep, Like some proud river widening toward the sea; Calrnly and grandly, silently and deep, Lite joined Etemnity. Amnong God's squadrons in the 1 etemnal blue,.1 Their valiant spirits fly serene 1 and truc.E --Sadly misscd by the family. d 27-if Wanted DEAD lorses and cattie for free pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Co,,)ti'g 483 We pay phone rges. Gordon~ Young Ltd. 13-tf Î.D Stock! Free Service. We wil pick up all dcad or crippled farm animals free of charge. Highest prices paid for old horses. Phone: Peterboroughi 4026 Collect 20-tf CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Gea. H. Pearce wish to express sincere appreciation to their many friends and neighbours for the kind acts of thoughtfulness and sympathy during their recent bereavement, with special thanks extended to the members of Wood Senate and Rev. Cameron Quigley. 27 -1 * Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, Hampton, hereby smncerely thank Dr. Ferguson, also the superinten- dent and staff of the Bowmanville Hospital for ki'ndness and care received while Mrs. Horn was there recently. Also to many neighbours and friends elsewhere for beautiful cards, letters and flowers, our best gratitude is here expressed. 27-1* Mr. Milford Sherwin, Orono, wishes to thank Dr. Sturgess, the doctors and nurses of Oshawa Hospital and the men who gave hlood donations, also neighbours, friends and relatives for flowers. fruit and gifts and lovely cards of cheer; and for the many acts of kindness shown him and his fam- ily during his illness, he is deeply grateful. 27-1 For Rent SMALL apartment. W. Lýycett, Simpson Ave., Phone 2382. 27-1 FURNISHED cottage for August, screened verandah, inside conven- iences, hydro. A. H. Clemens, Phone 2433. 27-1 GOOD pasture for 20 head, with running water and shade. Apply Mrs. D. B. Pickering, R.R. 2, New- castle, on No. 2 Highway. 27-1 FIVE-roomned bouse with bath- oom. Middle agcd couple with- out children preferred. Write Box 266, Statesman Office, Bowman- THREE-moomned apartment, tihed bathmoom with showcr, kitchen with but-mn conveniences. Poss- ession July 1, ent $45 per month. Apply Bowmanvillc Cheaners and Dycrs. 27-1 Auction Sales Having his barn destroyed by fire, I have received instructions from Mm. Jack Morow, Lot 15, Con. 2, Clarke Twp., thmee miles east of Newcastle, on No. 2 High- way, to scîl by public auction on Frîday cvening, July 22nd, at 7 p.m. sharp, al bis farma stock, implements and feed. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auction- cer. 27-3 Soina Sale Excbange Sale to- morow night, Friday, July 8th, at Baker Farms, Hampton, 8 p.m., incloding some good, big, young f resh and springing Holstein cows; the usual offeing of calves and pigs; saddle horses, five-year- ohd, thmce-yeam-old, perfcctly bro- ken, pony; also mare with foal at foot; other extras. Ted Jackson, auctioneer; Jack Baker, manager; Phone Bowmanville 2180. 27-1* Handicraf t WANTED bandicraft of aIl kinds. For further particulars write Craft Shop, Bowmanville, or Phone 515. 27-1 Wanted To Rent WANTED-4 or 5-roomed duplex, apt or house in Bowmanville (rent unfurnished) to Toronto married couple, dlean, quiet and abstainers. Have the best references. Write Box 265, Statesman Office. 27-1 Help Wanted- PICKERS for cherries, black cur- rants and raspberries. Robert Mutton, Phone 352. 27-1 SALESGIRL for modemn Bow- manville Store, experience pre- ferred. Apply in writing stating qualifications to Box 269, c/o The Statesman Office. 27-1* WANTED-Man for steady travel among consumers in Bowmanvilhe. Permanent conection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- !er considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-G-140-131, Montreal. 27-4 BE SURE 0f a wothwhile income! Operate your own business! This is easily done by distributing our numerous varieties of Guaranteed household necessities from, door to door. Splendid territories avail- able in the city, also in the sur- rounding rural areas. Start Now! Write for Free Details and Cata- ahogue: Famihex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 27-4 Chicks For Sale STARTED Chicks: Immediate de- ivery. 2 week old: Barred Rock, Light Sussex x New Hamrpshires, Light Sussex x Barred Rock, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Barred Rock x New Hampshire Non-sex- ed 21.95. Puhlets 30.95, Cockerels 20.95. New Hampshire Non-sexed 2 1.45, Pullets 30.95, Cockerels 20-95. Light Sussex Non-sexed 22.95, Pullets 32.95, Cockerels 20.95. White Rock Non-sexed 21.95, Pullets 32.95, Cockemels 22.95. Black Austral'orp Pullets 32.95. Assomted Heavies Non-sexed 20.45, Pullets 29.95. Cockerels 20.75. Three week old add 5c per chick. Also other hreeds. Day old 12 Pure Breeds and 13 Cross Breeds Non- sexed, Puliets, Cockerels. Older Pullets 10 weeks to laying. Free cataloeue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- cries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. Articles For Sale USED water tank, 600 gallons; hîgh chair. Phone 2904. 27-1 PIANO, in good condition. Phone 2329. 27-1 MAN'S bicycle, in good condition, $15.00, 2 Lover's Lane, Phone 602. 27-1* '34 CHEV. coupe, $350 or nearest best offer. Apply 27 Warren Ave., Oshawa. 27-2 MOTORCYCLE, 1940 Indian, Mod- el 74. Ray Munday, Phone 2640. 27-1* 1935 PONTIAC sedan, Special Deluxe. highest offer. Apply 63 King St. West. Apt. No. 2. 27-1* BABY'S pram, blue. $15. J. Vir- tue, 5 Cowan Block, Bowmanville. 27-1 1939 OLDSMOBILE, good con- dition. Apply 99 Wharf Rd., Bow- manville. 27-1* ONE pair 650xl6 mud and snow tires; 1 work horse, $40. 28 Hunt St., Bowmanville. 27-1* LARGE oak roll-top desk, suitable for professional or business man. Box L, or Phone 327. 27-1* NEW low prices on small radios for your vacation. Now only $23.95. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 27-1 AMERICAN cernent, immediate delivery, $1.40 per bag. Apply Wilfred Richardson, Pontypool, Phone Orono 81r16. 26-3 CABIN trailer, 7 f t. x 1h f t., 6 mns., accommodates four, new. Phone 702 or apply 83 King St. E. 26-2* COOL off for summer. Canada's finest Venetian Blinds measured and installed. Free estimates. F. F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 25-tf NO. 7 HAY loader, new in '48; also No. 4 M.-H. grain binder, in good shape. Colin Smith, Bow- manville, Phone Orono 56r6. 27-l* USED Massey-Harris No. 44 Standard Tractor. in perfect shape. Write Box 89, Port Perry Post Office. 27-2 1937 MASTER Chevrolet coach, in good condition with good tires. Price $650.00. H. J. Stacey, Kingston Rd. East. 27-1* BEDROOM suite; bcd and springs; extension table; sewing machine; six chairs; two feather mattresses; mail box. Phone 2380. 27-2* ELECTRIC stove and annex, $35; electric rangette; hunk bed; coal oul stove; flower pots. Apply 103 Scugog St. 27-1* THREE humner Coleman gasoline stove, on legs, excellent condition. Apply Brenton Rickard, Newcastle. 27-1 ONE 1948 Massey-Harris "Clip- per" Combine, self driven, with pic]ýup. Telephone Clarke 9r1. 27-1 MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, in good condition. Byron Brunt, R.R. 2, Newcastle, Phone 3802 Clarke. 27-1* 1941 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, new tires, good condition. Phone 2436, Lavern Clemens, Hampton. 27-1 THREE-furrow tractor plow, two- wheel car trailer. Walter Frank, Bowmanville, R.R. 5, Phone 2403. 27-1* 22 ACRES standing timothy hay. Apply Mrs. D. B. Pickering, R.R. 2, Newcastle, on No. 2 Highway. 27-h ICE boxes, 'all metal, white en- amel, 50 and 75-lb. sizes, $52.95 and $68.50. The Radio Shop, 38 King St. E. Phone 573. 27-1 INTERNATIONAL hay loader and side rake tedder; 30 tons new hay, haled; W-14 Mc.-D. tractor; two- furrow International Plow. Doug Mackie, Nestleton. 27-1* MODERN enamel gas range, four burners, oven and two utility drawers, will seli reasonably. Phone 404, 22 Carlisle Ave., Bow-, manville. 27-1* Articles For Sale ALL kinds of meat, good quality, smoked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, renderîng lard. 23-tf YOUR car will look shiny new, if you use "TARNOFF." Just rub it on - and wipe it off. 16-oz. tin 60c, 36-oz. tin $1.00. At Alex- ander Motors, Bowmanvilhe; New- tonville Garage, Newtonville. 27-1 JOHN Deere tractor; 2 Cockshutt 3-furrow plows; 6 foot tiller; 15- mon seeder, complete; Case pickup hay baler; 21-tooth cultivator; 4 section spring tooth harrow; 8 foot tandem disc. F. S. Allen, 44 Con- cession St., Bowmanville. Phone 594. 27-1 FLOOR COVERINGS -New de- signs in Inlaid, Mouhded and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoleum and Rexoleum yard goods now in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide. Bring in youm measurements for quotations at F. F. Morris Co. 25-tf 2-Horse corn scuffler; Massey- Harris grain binder, 6 ft. cut, trac- tor hitch; Massey-Harris 1 5-disc drill; manure spreader and hay loader; good set team harness less collars; Clare Jewel range will humn coal or wood. ApplyW L. Barton, Box 12, Phone 2379, Bowmanville, Ont. 27-l* BRADLEY Fumniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroom suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfits, complete, $26.95; felt base floor coveing, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, alI colors; 3 pc. allover velour chestemfiehd suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring- fillcd mattresses, $24.95; tri-light lamps, complete, $12.95; angettes, anges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bcd chestemficld suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster campets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bcd spreads, $6.95; table lamps, $6.75. Evcmything for the home at Bradley's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271, 6-tf COMING EVENTS The Adams and Ferguson me- union will he hehd at Geneva Park on Saturday, July 23rd. 27-1 In place of the usual Stmawbemmy Tea a garden party will be beld on St. George's Rectory lawn on Wcdncsday, July l3th. 27-1 Dance at Caesarea Pavilion, Friday night, July 8th, featuming Ah Stack and his orchestra. Round and square dancing. Admission: ladies, 25c; gentlemen, 50c. 27-1 Garden Party at Cadmus United Chumch, Wednesday,- July l3th. League hall game; progmam by the Johnston Fntertainers of Black- water. Admission: Adults, Sup- per and Concert, 70c. 27-1* Reserve Saturday, July 23rd, for the Oddfellows' - Rebeccas' picnic at Cobourg Park. Bus wîll leave lodge rooms at 1:30 p.m. All members and their families in- vited. 27-2 Livestock For Sale TWELVE pigs, seven weeks old. Phone 2751 after 6 p.m. 27-1* TWELVE pigs, 6 weeks old. Phone 2388. 27-1* GRAY horse, 6 years old. Herb Payne, Hampton, Phone 2091. 27-1 RED and white milking cow. B. Pleasance, Long Sault, Tyrone. 27-1* SEVENTEEN pigs, 6 and 8 weeks old. Charles Downey, Phone 2590. 27-1 For Exdhange WILL exchange a double hottom Massey-Harris riding plow for a disc plow. Herh Payne, Hampton, Phone 2091. 27-1 Recal Estate For Sale CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100', ncw sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East.- 22-tf LAKESIDE Beach, Lake Scugog, 5-room cottage, screened veran- dah, firephace, furnished, clectrie stove, lot 50x100. Apply R. D. Humphreys, K.C., 6 King St. W., Oshawa, Telephone 814. 26-2 IN NESTLETON, 8 roomed brick house and barn on haîf acre of land, hydro, bath and fumnace; daihy bus service. Immediate pos- session. Apply Mary Tinney, Trinity Coîhege School, Port Hope, Ont. 27-1 HAMILTON & SMITH $3,800-6-roomed cottage in Omono, approximatehy 3 acres, apples and smalh fruits. Hamdwood floors, heavy wiring. This is an ideal location overlooking pond, refor- estation and park. $l0,000-Bowmanvillc, in finest residential section on choice cor- ner, grand old solid brick home of 15 rooms, owner occupied, good state of repair, vemy suitable for apartment dividing or room mrent- ing, very fine grounds. Reason- able to responsible purchaser. $4,800-Famm of 100 acres, close to village of Kendal, north-west of Port Hope, corner property on 7th Concession. Good land, wide yeam-ound strcam. Barn and gar- age in good repair, city style home of 6 rooms, electricity, verandah, an excellent property. Ideal cottage sites.'50 foot lots for sale at Scugog Lake near Nestie- ton in suroundings of fine sum- mer homes, $250 each, only a stones throw from lake edge. Pavement rght to the lake. North from Bowmanville. HAMILTON & SMITH Brokers Orono, Ont. Phone 32r10 - lrl6 - 39r2 27-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $4,500-with $1,000 down, semi- detachcd brick bungalow on King St. East, 3-piece bath, 5 large rooms. $12,650-half cash down, 10-moom brick home, large vemandahs, 6 large hedmooms, fireplaces, hard- wood floors, 2-car garage, hcavy wiing, auto stoker, hot water heating, newly dccorated, large landscaped grounds. Has peach, pear, apricot, plum trees, grape vines, garden ail in. Best location in Bowmanville on Concession St. $1l,500-with $7,000 down, 100- acre farm, near Bowmanviile, vemy modemn five-room brick home, with sunmoom, attached garage, hydro, water under pressure, auto- matic ou bheating, 20-acre orchard, finest black loam, ever-flowing creek. A farm you will be pmoud to own. Bowmanvillc Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachian Phone 326 - 2017 27-1 JAMES NIXON $1,200-Fmame bouse and lot, hy- dro and stool, one block from main street. $8,000-Bmick bouse, 8 rooms and bath room, bydro, full basement, ncw cernent floor in celar, beau- tiful fireplace in living-room, haîf cash. $3,500-Ncw 2-moomed bouse, ncw fumniture, water, stool, hydro and extra lot in a good location. Pos- session arrang-ed. 1 acre of land, frame bouse, tbme rooms, long shed, stable and gar- age, low taxes. Possession In two weeks. Ail for $1,200, lovcly gar- den. Wanted-5 to 25 acres of land, barn and bouse, hydro. JAMES NIXON Broker Bowmanville 160 Liberty St. N. Phone 682 27-1* 100 BAGS of cernent, $1.19 ca.;, ChiropodistNoie also two -furrow International Notices_____________ tractor plow, $25. W. G. Bowles, T. M. VANT, D.S.C., Chiropodist, rBm' fiewl ecoe Nestîcton, Phone Port Permy specializing in discases of the foot r iksofcewl ecoe 192r1l. 27-h and îeg. Gencral chimopody work. from July lOth to August 6th. Suite 2, 47 Prince St., Oshawa, 25-5 BALED mixed alfalfa and clover Phone 4538J. 24-6* D.Soe' fiewl ecoe hay, choice quality. Orders taken D.Soe' fiewl ecoe for carload lots. Water Frank, LstJonc 27tb to August 7th inclusive. Bowmanville, R.R. 5. Phone 2403. Lst23-8* 27-1* IN Bowmanville, and possibly on WE DELIVER Texaco Gasoline WANT to boy a good used car? Church St., May l3tb, a threc- Motor Oils and Greases to Bow- Art's Car Market, King St., West, stone diamond ring and a dinner manville, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Bowmanville. Phone 2148. Cash, ring set with diamonds, both witb Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bob Trade-in or Easy Terms. Open platinum setting. Liberal reward Stockem's Garage, Phone 804 or evenings until 9:30. 27-1 offered by ownem. Finder please 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf contact The Statesman Office. ONE acre of standing oats for 25-3 This is to annoonce the opening grain feed, good crop; also 20 ________________ of Martyn's Grocery Store in roosters, Barmed Rock, about four lcsok nFrdyJu 8h months old. J. Hodgson, North Custom \Vork FBeeckst ok niFrday, Jly Stre St., Newcastle. 27-1*- - will be open Monday, Wednesday ________________________TRACTOR Custom Work, plough- and Satorday evenings, chosed on FINDLAY Oval cook stove with ing, coltivating and secdîng. F. Thursday afternoons. 27-1* white enamel tim, with 2 instaîl- S. Allen, Phone 594. 16-tf ____ cdi ou burners. tank and drum, T Customers in Darlington and containing 45 gals. oul. Bargain 'Nanted TBuB East Whitby - Your Rawleigh at $60. Phone 2955 or apply B. ______________ -___ Dealer will be on bolidays from Milne, 13 Carlisle Ave. 27-1 B3EFORE sehing your live pouhtry Joly 23rd to August 6th inclusive. try us. Our prices are higher. M. Anytbing requircd before that BLANKETS, Carpets and Scatter Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r time Phone Bowmanvillc 2768. L. Rugs made from your old carpets, 13, reverse charges. 17-tf Hancock, 94 Liberty St. 27 -2* woollens or cottons. Gather youm ________________ rags and phone 2890. Mm. H. A. 1, have sohd my dairy business Campbell, Dominion Rug Co. Personal to Mr. Ernest J. Fairey and be has 26-4 become the sole owner themeof as HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (robbem of July lst, 1949. Mm. Fairey is a BONDED Brake Shoe Exchanges, goods) mailed postpaid in plain competent and experienced young no rivets. In stock ready to go;j sealed envelope with price list. dairyman and I bespeak bis con- « Chev.. Dodge, Plymouth, Chmy- Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1.00., tinucd support by my regularr sier, Olds., Pontiac, Buick (drumnsJ Mail Order Dcpt. T-38, Nov-Rub- customners and the public gener- lathed). Bob Stocker's Garage, hem Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Jaly. J. Lyons, Bowxnanville. Phone 804. 22-tf 27-9 Lyons Dairy 27-2* Work Wanted TILE work wanted, glazed color- ed wall tile, rubber or mastic floors. Phone 2902. 27-tf CAMERA FANS-Special Off er, June 18 to July 16: Roîls, 120-620- 127 finished for 25 cents; 116-616 30 cents; 16 evposure films, 10c extra. Bring or mail to Alpha Photo Studio, Bowmanvjîle. 24-4 YOUNG married man, honest, re- liable, good worker, desires work evenings and Saturdays. Can paint, do cernent work or even dlean your windows. No job too small. Just a handyman for that odd job you need done. Write Box 267, Statesman Office for information. 27-1 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, King St. West. 9-tf REPAIRS to all makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electric 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf COMPLETE brake service, brake drum lathing, grinding and hon- ing. grakemaster cylinders and wheel cYinders honed and polish- ed. Permafuse Rayhond brake bonding, no rivets, Raybestos brake linings. Brakes shoes ex- changes in stock ready to go. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804, Bowmanville. .22-tf COURTICE Women's Aftcmnoon Auxiliary met at Ebenezer S. Sehool room on Jonc 21 with Pres., Mrs. R. Gay in charge. Devotional was ln charge of Mrs. C. J. Found assist- ed by Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mrs. Esl Oke and Mrs. G. F. Annis. Pray- crs were offered by Mrs. A. J. Gay and Mms. J. Oke. Mrs. Elton Wcrry gave a most intemesting talk on "Kecping the Lord's Day'. She said in 1906 the Lord's Day Act gave aIl citizens the right to be released from toil on that day or one day during the week. Val. ues of Sabbath observance were: To serve man's need for rcst and to give ahi a chance for renewed strength; A day of worship; A famihy day; a day of re-creation, rather than recreation; man may laugh at Sahbath, but he cannot do without it. Let us leama the« proper use of leisure hours. The hoyalty of Jew and Christians of the past gave us this day. We can influence if we take a stand. Of- feing was taken and dcdicated hy the President who choscd the meeting. S.S. No. 4, Darlington Report for Jonc. Names arc in alphabetical order. Grade 7 to Grade 8-Joseph Chi3tl, Ramona Christl, Lloyd Coverley, Rae Johnston, Rudolph Roka, Elaine Senko, Thea Veen- hof. Grade 6 to Grade 7-Milton Ar- nold. Grade 3 to Grade 4-Delbemt Grills, Maion Grills. Grade 2 to Grade 3-Elsie Down, Alvin Johnston, Bihhy Roka. t Grade 1 to 2-Grant Down, Pauline Lisovec, Brian Ormiston, Bonnie Wade. Teacher-Miss Alice Arnold. ENNISKILLEN j Mrs. Mary Griffin is visiting Mm. and Mrs. John Griffin, Yel- verton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pcthick, To- ronto, Mm. and Mrs. E. J. Dickin- son, Lakeview Park, Oshawa, Miss Joanne Dickinson, Port Hope, with Mm. and Mms. S. R. Pethick. Mm. and Mrs. L. Wcarn, Donald and Susan. with Mm. and Mms. A. Wearn, Claremont. Lomna Jean bas returned home from holiday- ing, and Donald has remained for a week. Mm. and Mrs. Jardine and Don- ald, Kingston, with Mm. H. Annis. Rev. and Mrs. George Dix, Mr. H. Annis, Scamboro, Misses Winnie and Fanny Wheeler, San Francis- co, visitcd Mm. and Mrs. H. Ste- yens and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mms. Ida Recd, Mm. and Mms. E' Reed and daughtem, Linda, Ro- chester, N.Y., Mrs. P. Bishop, Osh- awa, Mrs. C. Bruner, Windsor, vis- itcd Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mr. Geo. Reid. Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Hudson, Peterboro, Mm. and Mrs. W. Rahm, and Mrs. Miller, Tyrone, were caîl- crs on Mrs. Mary Griffin. Miss Doreen Rahm, Tyrone, spent Sunday with Miss Mary Griffin. Mrs. H. Stevens visited with Mr. J. Bates, Cameron. Mm. and Mrs. C. B. Rice, Mm. and Mrs. Grant Rice, Miss Helena Moore, London, visited Mm. and Mrs. W. H. Moore and Mm. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. Miss Helena Moore is remaining for a visit. Mm. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Wayne, Mm. and Mrs. George Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adams and family, Oshawa, Mrs. Earl John- ston and Joanne, Whithy, Miss Elsie Samis, Enficld, with Mm. and VIrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr.and Mrs. P. Ehlis and family visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Vanvol- kenburg, Kadov Mines. Mr.and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Or- ono, accompanied Mm. and Mms. L. .amb and Ruth to visit Mm. and M'rs. Gamnet Towns, Port Col- borne. Mm. and Mrs. R. MitchellMm. Lnd Mrs. D. B. Kay and Bill, To: onto, Mr. Norman Sanderson, St. Thomras, Mrs. Gladys Hemns arn Norcen Heýms, Toronto, with Mr. 11 Lfld Mrs. A. Sharp. MVr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and Lloyd Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trewin and Donna, Port Credit, with Mm. and Mrs. Eaml Trewin and Mrs. Minerva Trewin. Miss Lavemne Orchard, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Degeer and family, Bethany, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr.and Mrs. C. Ferguson and family with Mm. and Mrs. Ray- mond Bottreil, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill and family attended Decoration Ser- vice at Zion Cemetery and visitt2d Mm. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, So- lina. Miss Gloria Wright and Miss Ruth Lamb took part in the musi- cal festival at Pontypooh. Mm. Neil McLean, Toronto, with Mm. and Mms. Alvin Boyd. Mr. Adam Sharp left Sunday morning for Springside, Sask., to attend the funerah of his nephew as a result of a drowning acci- dent. Miss Carrol Wright is visiting Mm. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Col- umb us. BLACKSTOCK Rev. and Mrs. Hutton, Bihlv, John and Nancy moved into the parsonage last week. The In- duction Service was in the church Thumsday evening xvith a social afterwards in the basement. Misses Jessie VanCamp, Lois Larmer and Thelma Ferguson are attending Sommer Schooh in To- ronto. Miss Vemna McNally, Colbomne, is visiting relatives. Mm. and Mms. Harold Martin and baby son moved fmom Oshawa to our village last week, wheme they are going to operate a gmoc- ery store. Mm. and Mrs. Wcim Swain, Tim- mins, visited Mm. and M.ýrs. Clar- ence Marle-r. Miss ErÀ Brown. Namilton, is visiting Mrs. Jo4n Fordtr and Vera. Mrs. Ivan Shooý and Marjorie Anne, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. John Marlow. Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Bmadhumn and chîldrcn, Toronto, and Mm. and Mrs. Frank Carter and fam- ily, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradhurn. Mr. and Mrs. David Fairthorne, Toronto, and Mm. and Mrs. Frank Wright and family, Tyrone, with Mm. and Mrs. Osmond Wright. Congratulations to Jack Marhow who was successful at his third years exams at Toronto Univer- sity. Mr. and Mms. Norman Edger- ton, Cadmus, and Mrs. Lila Vance, Hamilton, and Mrs. George Fow- ler with Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Strong, Bowmanville. Mr'. and Mms. Tom DeMille and family, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. Stan Rahm. Mrs. Ray Snooks and Shirley, and Mr. and Mms. Harold Snooks and famihy are bolidaying at Maple Lake. Ray spent the week- end with them. Mrs. Ed. Darcy is visiting hem cousin,' Mrs. Reeder in Port Perry. Miss Gertrude Henry is home for two weeks' holidays.ý Mrs. Fred Gibson, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mrs. Mervin Graham. Mm. and Mrs. Robert Mountjoy, L ;7 Given la marriage by har f- ther, the 'bride wore a lovely .; length pale blue crepe gow, Aj lace peplum and ypkc. She '~r a white straw bat with a shoulder veil and a corsage of sweetheart roses. Mary Sarchuk, sister of the groom was bridesmaid and wore a pink tafetta gown with a baller- ina skimt and bustle back. Hem white straw hat was trimme4 with Pink flowems and she wore a cor- sage of pînk carnations. The best man was Stanley Hoy, brother of the bride. After the ccremony, the recept- ion was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jillisen, Kendal, For the wedding trip to Algon- quin Park, the bride wore a flow- ered jersey dress, bloc shorty coat with white accessomies and a cor- sage of rcd roses. On their retomn Mm. and Mrs. Sarchuk will reside in Toronto. It's Time For Picnics PICNIC SUPPLIES BEACH BALLS --------------------69e and $1.35 CLO VER DIXIE CUFS ---- -------------------------- ioc BATHING CAPS ------------------------ . -- --60e - 69c - 75c - 95c 622 INSECT REPELLENT CREAM - ---------------.-59c SERVIETTES -- --- --------- --..... -- pkg. 15e TANGEL-------------------------- - ----------------- ----65 e IVY -CHEK --------- --------------------- ---- --- 75e POLAROID GOGGLES ---------- -- $1.95- $2.50 KODAK PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Baby Brownie Speclal --- $3.00 Brownle Target No. 620 --$6.72 Brownie Target No. 616 - $8.12 Brownie Reflex-Synebro Model ---------- - $11.76 Kodak Duaflex . $14.56 Renwick Cowhlde Case for Duaflex .------------ $2.75 Flashholder for Duaflex . $3.Z5 Kodak Tourlst Camera f-6.3 lens ------------- $48.50 Kodak Tourlat Camera f-12.5 lens ---------------$25.25 REVLON MATCH MAKER SETS "Lipstick " Adheron "Nail Poli sh $1.60 Value for $1.00 Elizabeth Arden Presents ber "Key to Lovellness" Kit holds the basic prepara- tions that every Iovely woman needs. Avallable in black, red, brown and green, slmulated alligator. Each - $5.00 La PalUma Castile Soap 3 Cakes - 20c JURY YLOVELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Wben W. Test Eyes It la Done Properly PHONE 778 BOWNIANVILLE Miss June Mountjoy and friend and Mr. J. Snowden, Toronto rwith* Mrs. Luther Mountjoy ana Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain. Mrs. Robert Bruce is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtk at Cobourg. Members of the councl.the Agricultural Society atten'ded the Silver Wedding Annivemsary ot Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip at View Lake on Saturday evening. A good time was had by a large crowd On Friday evening, July lst, the occasion heing the Street Dance sponsored hy the Cart- wright Flote Band. Good music was supplied by Ruth Wilson Variety Band. The very capable master of ceremonies was Clame Fallis of Toronto. Major John Foote, V.C., our member, spoke biefly. Many tickets were sold on a radio won hy Eldon Fee. Saywehl's Store donated a grand basket of groceries won by Weir Swain, Timmins. Wesley Pearce donated a load of shah wood won by David Wilson who turned them back for auction. W.A. of Angli- can Church had a booth and were very grateful for a donation of four cases of pop from Ray Snooks. We ail hope the Street Dance wil be an annual event. On June 28th W.A. of United Church met at the home of Mrs. Hemman Hooey. Devotional ser- vice was taken by Mrs. Hector Shortmidge. Arrangements were made to welcome the new min- ister and his family at the Induc- tion Service. Program was in charge of Mrs. Mervin Graham's group: Mrs. Ford, reading "Woes"; Mrs. Herman Hooey, reading "Wanted, a Minister's Wife"; Mrs. Graham "The Best and the Worst Way". Lunch and a social time was enjoyed. WEDDING SARCHUK-HOY An evergreen archway with pink and white streamers pmovided the setting on the lawn of the home of Mr. James Hoy and the late Mrs. James Hoy, Kendal, when his daughtem, Mymtle May Hoy, was united in marriage with John Sar- chuk, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sarchuk, Wakaw, Sask. Rev. H. A. Bunt, Newtonville, perfommed the ceremony and Mrs. Lawrence Winslow playcd the wedding mu- sic. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMM. ONTARIO qlnmnAT- MIT.V Vik lm PAGE TWELVE à

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