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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1949, p. 6

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t.. :PAGI lux THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ?KUR8DA?, JTJLY ?th, 190 New Schàool oeaio a heurotn fthe lorand a basement. Teachoolhe N w a the beautiful trees that have for has hot water heating. The fur- T eN w a (Coatinued fromn Page One) so long provxd&ci shade for hun- nace that is now in the uchool is I.rt Leadbeater, Bill Stallibrass, dreds of school children. During one that was removed from the Newton Stacey, Sam Povrzenic the excavation, 4 springs were Central Public School about 1932. e. sad Nelmut !Calodrlk. found. At this sarne time a piano was pur- ~ cemiletion sept. lut It has flot been decided as yet chased for the school by the Board The Bowoean.ville Board of Ed- whether the present South Ward of Education with the f inawàa.l ". . Uuatioii has high hopes that the School will be torn down or left aid et the IHome and School As- ~ a&w achool will be cornpleted in~ standing. U the old school ls left sociation. The school received ....... time for the opening of school up, it will, without a doubt, be an a face-lifting during the sumrner ID he ail ad te cntactrs reeyesore rnarring the. attractive of 1938, when the interiroth doin« everything in their power appearance of tht modern new sehool was redecorated and new te reach this deadline. sehool and also cut down the slie blackboards were a wel- It hus not been decided as yet, size of the playing field. However, corne addition to bath classrooms. which of the new teachers who of the residents of South Ward Also in thhe saine year an have teen hired for next year will think that the building is needed beam was put in to support the ~ b. placed in the new school. Mr. for community purposes it will floor of the upper room which ' TM Turner, now teaching at the remain as is, The final decision showed signs of collapsing. In tentral Public School, will be in will rest wîth the Board of Edu- 1945, the school was providtd ehai-ge of the new school under caton. with fly screens for the windows.." the direction of Principal A. M. Historical Interest Many Uses 1%ompnP. When a new building is con- Besides being a school this I1nterestlng Sidelights structed te replace a building building has many other uses. On Work was begun on thet e which bas been standing as long Sundays tht Baptist Church in ________________________as the old South Ward School, Oshawa holds Sunday School for. curiosity is aroused as to the his- the South Ward children to save tory behind such a landmark. Due themn the long walk to any of tthe fact that records are not the town's churches. E! available. rst of the:facts col- Electien days are hailed wt F R E E la ected for this article was coin- great gîte by ail tht students.-of piled ri eiicneoffr-teSuhWr col eas er pupils and teachers of the it means a holiday for them. Tht school. pchool is used as polling booths. First School Former Teachers, A visit to the Registry Office The first teacher after this * . t , revealed that before the present school was built was Mr. Charles jSouth Ward School was built, Keith. Following him were Miss * -there was a small one roomed Jessie Laing, Miss Minnie Jen- schoolhouse on the lot now oc- nings, Miss Alberta Hancock, Miss cupied by Bill Mutton's garage 'Pearl' Wright, Miss Flora Gal- In the foreground of the abov on tht corner of Liberty and Park braith, Miss Mildrtd Cole, Mr. picture is the modern Ontario S, E AN I N Streets. Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block Neil Stewart. Miss Marjory Col- School that snaigcmlto 23R&CELETS cased b the Bow- lacut, Miss Margaret McGregor, manville Board of Education from Miss Marian Pickard, Miss Doro- BRACE ETS arah and George Haines, Elea- thy Barton, Miss Doris Milîson, York, Margaret; Youngman, Rc WrrH EVERY NEW nor Barry and Mary A. and and Miss Marian Allun. Tht pre bert. WATCH PURCHASED Brodie in 18Î9. Lot 7 was pur- sent teachers of tht school are Millbrook Centre IN OUR STORE chased from John Hoar in 1883. Mrs. Muriel Symons and Miss (A) Granted Standing on th~ we will gîve Not much information could be Myrtie Hall. Tht caretakers in Recommendation of the Principa. ABSOLUTELY FREE gained concerning the appearance charge cf the school are Mr. and --Baîl, Leona Margaret <Hon., eiter get'sor alyof this sehool except that it was Mrs. E. G. Mitchell, who folldwed Chapman, Vaneta D. (Hon.); Foi Mihra etHorING ' awht frame building. Alter tht the well known "Mickey" Kemp- ztBvryMy(o.;H EXANIO BAC1E present South Ward School was thorne. son, Millicent; Mumney, Stuai i nu aPmtivthe Brd s hoo rascnvehrtedPoints of Interest Howard; Palmer, Robert Dougla! This offer Is good up until 1aintoarimitive BrseThe Churh Before this school wvas built, Richards, ,.Nancy Louise; Smit. and inluding Saturday, 'famlial konas'h Tbr the earth at this site had been re- Charles Russell H. (Hon.). Julyath,194 moved for making bricks and it (B) Passed tht Depatmenti Juy9t,199Present School had to be filled in by earth taken Examination: - Argue, Larr The present South Ward School from the basement excavation (Hon.); Bell, Bernîce; Blanc H 'S was 'built 60 years ago. The deed and other sources. It took a a Chrisina; BraithwaieShirieý JEWELLERY AND GIFT was built was purchased by the a heavy beami edged with iren Ruth Bemnice; Hooton, Margareý snOP Board of Education in 1889 from which was drawn by a team of Hubbeard, Jean; Lunn, Jessie Ma ]Phone 747 28 King Si. W. Catherine Bickell. The lots num- horsts. rina; Manley, Max; Miller, Jack Bownianville ber 4, 5, 6', and 7 in Block 14 and According te reports, tht con- Powell, Morley; Zralko, Teddy. front Duke and Ontario Streets. tracter who built the school was The school is a 2 story brick threatened with a financial loss OEAN MIDESH ] and used brick vne ntd LWRADMDL CO of solîd brick te complete the JUNE, 1949 building. The three carpenters who were i Principal L. W. Dippeli will b, empleyed in tht construction 0>1i town, at dý date te be anneuncei the shool ere ohn Hmley later, te interview students whi thohoolwrre JohnPeHe ley, , jwij'information regarding thei ~, ~ ,~Joh Bery ad L!.) iii /A\Note:- Students with subjeets ii F\ ~ I f \ S HOOL RES LTS brackets after their names mus u SCH OL RE ULTS repeat these subjects in a lowe. À :-lu eform. _TZBATRZ * DOWMANVILLE (Continued from Page One) Standing: Hunt. Dlonald; Laing, Robert, Ma- lst Class Honours - 75eý and oveý Comfortably Air Cooled gee, Ross; Moere, Edwin; Nichol- 2nd Class Henours- 66%ý' - 74r, son, William; Richardson, Louis; 3rd Class Henours- 60rr' - 65%. FRDA I A UR AY - U Y -9Silis, Murray; Simmons, Francis-, Pass - - - 'o - 59ýi FRB Y AT R A UL 9Younghusband, Norman. Grade IX to Grade X BLACKSTOCK Prize for General Proficiency- teyRiJJîT-.RiIGE Davey, Lois; Forder. Marilyn; Diana Webber. lm WM $U= »MHamilton, Ruth (Hons.); Hamil- lst Class Honours-M. Cooper M THE Ummton, Shirley (Hons.): Hanna. Mar- G. Hayward, S. Lamb. P. McFar. i e; Hooyer, Bennie; Strong, Ralph quhar, S. Morris, A. Richards, G (lions.); Swain, David; Toms, Robsen, D. Webber, B. Williams Wilma Wil-M. Wright. Wim;VanCamp, Keith; Wl 2nd Class Honours-C. Byan- t..,liams, Phyllis. B. Crowe, G. Herron, D. Hockir i IENNISKILLEN M. Leask, H. Liptay, J. Maguire gCaverly, Bruce; Chant, Gary; G. Martin, L. Osborne, M. Rey. . . . . .... Coutts, Nancy; Haass, Walter, nolds, G. Ritter, C. Werry, I Heard, Elgin: Hilîs. Jacqueline: Woolley. Hindman, Muriel; Hobbs. oan 3rd Class Honours-H. Bruce Holroyd, BilIy: Holroyd, Doreen: M. Elliott, G. Hodgsen. C. Hutch- Koss, Henry (Hons.), Liptay, John inson, N. Johnson, F. Johnston. G -------(Hons.); McGill, Joseph; Olesen, Kersey, J. Kitson, M. Nickerson Cameron; Pascoe, Marion (Hons.): M. Perfect, S. Piper, S. Quantrill NONDAY, TUESDAY - JULY Il- 12 Pleasance, Thomas; Polak, Yol. B. Rogers (Maths.), A. Senki anda; Reynolds, Fat; Smith, Kath- (SpelI.), R. Slaght, J. Stainton, P leen (Hons.): Vivian, Daniel: Viv- Stephens. C. Tuerk, M. Yeo. ian, Jewel; White, Dougla; Wot- Pass-D. Bate. S. Bate, D. Bat- ten, Arnot. tamns, I. Bernard, B. Brock, L, Brown, V. Brewn (Fr.), T. But- BETHANY tery (Fr.), J. Coughlin (Maths.), Carr, Marie; Driver, Maurice; J. Coyle (Maths.), H. Dilling. F, Gilbank, Keith; McMahon, Ruth; Eagleton (M a t h s.), B. 'Finn Mitchell, Helen; Pomeroy, Bey- (Spell.). M. Goulah (Maths.), N. erly; Porter, Donna; Powers, Don- Hagemman (Maths.), Madeline elda (Hons.); Preston, Betty Hall (Maths.), bVarilyn Hall, G. (Hons.); Rowan, William; Sargin- Heath (Fr.), A. Host, R. Jeffery, son, Keith. D. Johns, K. Jones, C. King, R. Lane (Maths.), R. Leask, R. Mar- JANETVILLE tyne. D. Murdoch. H. Perrett Donald; Elson, Joanne, Steph- \ R(Mths)1, Ry. M.Dhan td the Old South Ward School ve Loomning up behind the new school tomn down after the ,new school is st. is he South Ward Public School, completed. m. built 60 years ago. that may be le al: rd- irt s; taI y et; la- be ed ho ýr in Ist er er is ald; 1-ancocl<, Gary; Noden, McFarquhar, M.Mrtn(ah. ~ g~ - George, Osborne, Barbara, Par- G. Nicholas, A. Ott, P. Phillips, R. rsCLIPPERSTO THE W" , ker, Seldon; Spencer, Rowland. Potter (Hist., Fr.). C. Read. J. Reidl ~9 qpvMTU EHO~222-.,,.Orono Centre (Lat., Fr.), E. Roach (Maths.), R. ANDA)Ga eAtadn o h Roy, K. Shackelton (Maths.), P. Recommendation of the Principal: D titn .Vnap(r) j' -Armstrong, William; Bruton, Sih(ltLtF. .Suh ______R. White. Joan (Hon.); Cantreil, Marlene Credit is given te tht following (Hon.); Cornish, Joanne; Goode, students in subjects listed-Jean Ednae H Joffas, arold; Lvch Bragg, Agric., Art: D. Heyland, Henry; ofHrl; Robinson. Maths., Agric.;, M. Humphrey, iEleanor (Hon.); Sherwin, Anna Maths., Bus. Pr.: J. Hutchinson. SM aie (Hon.). Maths.; B. Sellers, Maths., Fr. 1CUABO I(B) Passed tht Departmental WIOMARK '~~~ Examination: - Beyd, Marion; GrdXItGaeXI aàne rr Carson.. Amy: Carson, Helen Ist Class Honours-J. Dale, J. RIR VM DR(Hon.); Chapman, Erla (Hon.): Stenger. MAN W ~ aweEhl DboMr 2nd Class Honours-M. Dippell, Louise (Hon.): Farrow Alta M. Osborne, W. Richards, M. (Hon.); Farrow, James: Gamn- Southey, D. Taylor. IIsby, Grace; Getlik, Margaret: 3rd Class Honours---E. Brown, ccwoonHallowell, Mary; Harness, Mar- V. Friend, M. Stevens, C. Teeple, Igamet Jean: Hoy, Mary Helen: N. Varcot. in 4- ackson, Ruth; Lowery, Lloyd: Pass-M. Allun, C. Campbell, M. 'L e-ch icolorPower, Catherine, Rainev, Arlene Clarke (Alg.. Germ.). R. Coombes (Hon.): Ransberrv, Gwendolyn (AlgI, 1. Cruickshank (Lat.. Fr.) JJ;et'Duiie;Wity, ennth;Mofatt G.Nicholson, G. Snow- den (Hist.), M. Tink, L. Wilson. Credit is given to tht following students in subjecîs listed - N. Allin, Lat., Fr., Agric. I; J. Cmaig, Hist., Lat., Fr., Phys.; J. DeGeer, Lat., Fr., Agmic I; Y. Henning, Fr., Phys.; N. Marshall, Music; M. Mutton, Hist., Fr., Phys.: T. Ott, Lot., Fr., Agmic I. Music; G. Park- hili, Hist., Fr.; M. Sherba, Comp., Maths., Phys.; M. Tink, Hist., Lat.. Fr., Phys.;, A. Wermy, Hist., Phys.; B. Yeo, Lat., Fr.> Music. Grade XIff Prize for General Profiiency- Catherine Tuckeî'. Tht following are the namnes o! tht students who will eceive their Secondary School Diploma - E. Allin, P. Bowles, I. Carter, K. Crawford, E. Crowe, W. Harnden, K. Lycett, F. Mohun, M. Reid, S. Snowden, C. Tucker, D. White. Credils are as follows-E. Allin, Comp.. Lit., Hist., Geomn., Lat., Fr., Chemn.; P. Bawles, Comp., Lit., Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr., Germn., Chiem.; D. Buttemy, Chemistry; I. Carter. Comp., Lit., Hist., Geomi., Lat., Fr., Gemm., Chem;: K. Craw- ford, Comp., Lit., Lat., Fr.; E. Cmowe, Comp., Lit., Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr., Chem.; R. Gallaghem, Chemistmy; W. Harnden, Comp., Lit.. Hist., Lat., Fr.; R. Hilîs, Comp., Lit.. HlisI..; K. Lycelt, Camp,, Lit., Hist., Geomi., Lat., Fr., Chem; A. Maguire, Hist., Agrie II; F. Mohun, Comp., Lit.. Hist., Geomn., Lat., Fr., Chemn.; D. Park, Comp., Lit., Lat., Chemn.; M. Reid, Comp., Lit., Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr., Cheni; S. Snowden. French; C. Tucker, Camp., Lit., Hist., Chem.; D. White, Comp., Lit., Hist., Geom., Lat., Fr., Agric. II. Commercial Resuits Bank o! Commerce Prize for Genemal Prof iciency-Lydia Bales. Bank o! Montreal Cup for Speeci and Accuracy in Typing- Bruce Macdonald. Tht foliowing are tht names of, the sludents who will receive their1 Commercial Diplomas - L. Bato, P. Cale, A. Cox, R. Gomham, B. Hooper, B. Hughes, G. Murdoch, A. Norlhcutt. Tht following are tht names of tht students who will eceive their Commercial Certiicates-R. Falls, B. Macdonald, G. Fiend. Credil is given to the following students in subjecîs lisled - B. Grant, Maths.; D. Richards, Lit., Rap. Cal., Bkkg., Arith.. Bus. Cor., Bus. Law, Off. Pract., Spell., Pen- manship, History. RURAL SCHOOLS PROVIDENCE S.S. No. 5, Darllngton Grade VIII-Joan Burdett, Ro- bert Cox. To Grade VIt-Joan Gibson. To Grade V-Gatl Harvey, Al- vin Quinney. To Grade IV-Robert Allun, Lloyd McRobbie, Gary Cox. To Grade III-Audmey Wood, Glenn Quinney. Ta Grade II-Beverley McRob- bit. Carol Harvey, Jaey Bothwell. Nat Pmomnoted: Grade lt-Clar- ence Lackwood; Grade I-Norman Lockwood. Dorothy Adamson, teacher. ENFIELD SCHOOL S.S. No. 15, Darlington (Figures denote per 'cent) Grade VIII, Entrance - Smith, Kathleen; Pascot, Marion; Pres- cot. Rose Marie; Hoaper. Jack (had ta quit schoal June ist due te seius tyt trouble). Te Grade VIII-Lorna Cochrane 81. To Grade VIIA-Doreen Lycett 83, Evelyn Pascot 80. To Grade VIIB-Allan Taylor 69, Glen Cochrane 66, Glen Pres- colt 64. Grade VI-Murray Abbott 92. Grade V-Dellan Lycett 80, Keith Taylor 61. Grade IV-Gerald Abbot 77, Ronald Stephenson 75. Grade IIIA-Bernice Cochrane 86. Kenneth Cochrane 77. Grade IIIB-Gary Bowman 65. Ronald Hubbamd 60. Grade II-CamaIt Hooper 84, Donald Lee 71. Mms. A. W. Prescott. teacher. LONG SAULT SCHOOL (Figures denate per cent) Grade VII-Alfmed Pleasance 80. Grade VI-Lorne Burgess 49. Grade V-Dorothy Burgess 67. Grade IV-Malcoilm Pleasac 65 Grade III-Robert Thiesburger 94, John Van Eyk 74, Keith Gable 67. Grade II-John Pleasance 89, Jot Wood, 49. Bruce Burgess 33. Mrs. Will Ashton. teacher. S.S. No. 4, CLARKE Juniors. In arder o! menit. IV te V-(Hons.) Ronnie Har- court, Mary Jones, Ted Lane. III te IV-(Hons.) Norman Stacey; (Pass) Betty Mamie Gibbs; (Rtc.) Billy Hathemly. II le III-(Hons.) Gwen Stamk, Joan Walkey, Joyce Hathemly, Raymond Maver, Barbara Ovens, Delores Gibbs. I ta II-(Hons.) Philip Walsh, Bruce ElliolI; (Pass) Richard Rogers, Kenneth Gibbs. Mrs. C. E. M. Caswell, teacher. S.S.ý No. 6, HOPE Following is a report of tht. June promotions: Grade I te II-Zosia Lesnik (Hons.); Jean Best (Hons.). Grade III te IV-Gerald Best (Hons.); Ronnie Hopkins. Grade IV te V-Teddy Hop- kins, Joan Black (Hons.); Basil Sunday. Grade V te VI-Iris Caswell (Hans.). Grade VII to VIII-Dilwyn Clack. Mrs. Charlie Raby, teacher. BETHESDA S. S. No. 10, Darllngton 'The follawing is a repart of' promotions made in Bethesda School: Grade VII ta VII-Cole, Lil- hian; Coombes, Bobby. Grade VI te VII-Chandler, Don: Colt, Helen. Grade V 10 VI-Chandler, Fred; Coombes. Jimmy. Grade IV le V-Brent, Gloria. Grade III te IV-Malette, Glen;1 Pascot. Ruth.1 Grade Ilite III-Delaney, Doug-c las: Turrel, Joyce: White, Anne. Grade I ta II-Cole, Allun; Mal- elle, Eldon: Pascot. Loran. Ruth Cresswell, teacher. BURKETON Mr. and Mms. Orville Greer ivere an a fishing trip te Algonquin Park and were guests aI Mm. and Mrs. Ed Fowlem's cottage. Mm. and Mms. Stanley Moffaît, Oshawa, Mr. andl Mms. Wm. King and Nina, Misses Marie Hamînett, and Martha Bye, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. O. Greer. Approximately Iwenîy-five aI- tended a famîly picnic on tht grounds o! Mm. and Mrs. J. Carter. Misses Helen Hanthorn and Janet Barr, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mmm. B. Hanthamn. Miss Effie Avery and Mm. George Lute, Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. C.«Avemy. Burketon W.A. members were guests o! Enniskillen W.A. at tht home o! Mrs. A. Shampe. June 28. July meeting of Bumkeîon W.A. will be at Mms. John Wotton's on July 14. Mm. C. Hoskins and Mmm. E. Caugh.ill, with friends in Brace- bridge and Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKeek- ney, Winnipeg, Mr, and Mrs. Wal- ly Bmeck and Allen with Mrs. Thos. Breck. //4 HAMPTON Mr. and ' Mrs. Jerome Barry, daughtem Beverly and friend Don Lewis, Mm. and Mrs. N. Barry, and daughter, Rochester, N.Y., Miss Irene Barry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smale and Bob- by, Toronto, at Mms. Ida Sinale's and Wilfmed Smale's. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Bmodie, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitnell, Mrs. El- liott, Temry and Brian, Tomante, with Mm. and Mms. J. R. Reynolds. Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Willîs, To- ronto, with bis, parents Mr. and Mms. J. Willis and aunt Miss Bea- trice Colwill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw, Osha- wa, at Chas. Daw's. Mms. F. Adams and Miss Eunice Randie have returntd f rom a plea- sant two week's visit at Owen Sound, Mt. Forest, and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy attendede a silver wedding cele- bration in honor o! Mm. and Mrs. Charles Briggs of Toronto, at tht home of Mm. Cecil Slemon, Hay- don. Mm. and Mms. Cephas Mountjoy, lslington, with Mr. and Mmm. Tht- mon Mountjoy. Mr. and Mmm. Jack Cowling, Brighton, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cowling. Mm. and Mrs. H. Town and son Stephen, Tomonte. were holiday guests o! Rev. and XMrs. E. S. Lin- stead. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Heaslip, Don, Kathy and Mike, Trenton, Mich., visittd hem sister Mms. Frank Rogers and Mms. MeMullen, who accompanied them an their return te Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Cruick- shanks and Joan and Mrs. Ida Wil- cox, Peterboro, Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina, visited at Percy Dewell's. Mrs. F. Rogers and Ross visited Mm. and Mms. Carl McMullen, Osh- awa, Miss Audrey Macnab with Miss Joan Cruickshanks, Ptterbero. Mm. Harold Dewell, Toronto, visittd at Sain Dewell's. Miss Bessie Reynolds, R.N., Oshawa, at J. W. Reynold's. Rev. Kenneth Kingston. Mara- thon, N.Y., and daughtem, are guests o! his mother Mrs. E. A. Kingston and saster Mms. Chas. Daw. Mm. and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton, Oshawa, were guests cf Mm. and Mms. Cecil Lockwood. Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicoîf, San- dra and Donald, Peterbomo, Mm. Donald Yellowlees, Guelph, Mm. and Mms. Frank Wright, Grant and Beverly, Mm. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Camai, Donna an1 Ma- rilyn, Tymene spent July IsI at N. C. Ytllowlees'. Miss Marina Perfect, Bowman- ville, spent tht weekend with Miss Evelyn Smale. Mr. Wilbert Bailey, Kitî:l'ener, was guest of Mm. and Mrs. C. E. Horm, while visiting other cou- sins also in tht Homo familv-and bis aunt Mrs. Emma Bennett. prier te §ailing on tht Empress of France for Edinburgh, Sectland, where he will be on boan te the North British Rubbem Co. for tht next few months. His wifti and daughter Patsy, wilI accempz-iny him. Mr. and Mrs. D. Buchanen, Que- bec, are guesîs ef hem cousin Mrs. Will Wilbur while visiting rela- tives in tht Cmydermaii family af- ter an absence o! ovem thimly yeams. Mrs. Buchanen was the fo,;mer Mary Clarke, daughter of! Mm. and Mms. Tom Clarke, former i esidtnts of Hampton. Our chumch fence has been gmeatly improved and bmightened witli a coat of paint. Miss Barbara Rogers has accept- ed a position in. the Gi store aI Burkelon. Mr. Edwin Wood, Bowmanville. Mm. S. Williams and Miss Eva Williams attended tht funemal o! Mrs. Anson Taylor, Blackstock, on Friday. Hem many tmiends are happy te know Mms. W. W. Hemn is pro- gressing favorably afler hem opera- lion aI tht Bowmanville Hospital, and is n0w mesting aI home. W.M.S. was held aI the home of Mms. Jeffemy with president Mrs. E. S. Linstead presiding for tht business period. Proceeds from a!ternoon tea at Miss Reynold's . Reynrols. Mr. Nide ha FORI TUE OPEN ROAPI) Bob Courtice and Shirley, Cour. ticp, at Elmntr Wilbur'u. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bliett, ,Doug. las and Jimmie, Scarboro, with Mr. and Mmm. Keith Billett. Mm. aînd Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Omono, with relatives. Captain H. K. Clemens and wlfe, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ga.rdner and Robert, Tomonto, with his mother Mms. Melissa Serves. M.r and Mrs. Perey Allin an~d Sheila, Oshawa, at C. E. Horn's. Mm. and Mrs. Roy Metcai.f, Maple Grove, with Mr-. and Mrs. Alfred Challener. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albin Clemens, Bowmanville, Mm. and Mrs. Frank Hastings and family, Port Penny, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clemens and Marilyn, Toronto, Mr. and Mms. John Slemon and family, En niskillen, at Lavemne Clemen's. Mm. and Mrs. Allen Parker, To-. monte, with Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise. Mm. Clarence Niddery, Trenton, Mm. and VMrs. Leo Niddemy, Aur- ora, Mm. and Mrs. Calvin Niddery and baby. Mm. and Mrs, Levi Nid- dery, Toronto, with Mmm. S. G. Niddery and Mary. Mm. and Mrs. Evemett Mountjoy, Kedmon, Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Columbus, at Merwin Mountjoy's. Mm. and Mrs. J. W. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Harle, Ami and Helen, Bownianviile, at J. R. Reynold's. Mrs. Geo. White and Mrs. Dix- on, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mis. Will White and Mms. C. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Warren and David, Oshawa, at Mms. C. Colwill's. Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, at home. Mrs. Mary Cann and Joan, Miss- es Mabel and Phyllis Challis, Miss Ruth Rabbins, Bowmanville, Mm. Jack Pearce, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mms. Bloyd Wilcox, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edgar, Mm. and Mms. 1Gamnet Tubb and Gary, Oshawa, Mm. Jehnny Medland, Bmooklin, Miss Ella Down. Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. H. Wilcox and Madlyn. Mm. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy visited Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Sît- mon, Haydon. Mm. and Mms. Hilton Peters, Ralph and Keith and Miss Glas- pell, Zion, Miss Mary Peters, New- castle, at Salter's. Mm. E. J. Rogers, Porquis Jct., with his moîher, Mrs John Rogers. Mrs. C. E. Jeffery wilh hem son Wallace and Mms. Jeffery, Tomante. Miss Bertha Ammour, Oshawa, at home. Rev. J. W. Whitelv, guest preacher at tht anniversary, wifs and family, weme guesîs af Rev. and Mms. E. S. Linstead. Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Balsori and sons, Oshawa, at J. C. Mac- nab 's. Mm. Harry Bird, Mt. Hamilton, visiled Mm. and Mms. Theron Mountjoy. Mrs. R. Petley, Toronto, visited aI Harold Allin's and Mms. G. Ad- ceck's. Mm. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, Bowmanville, at Perey Dewe1lls, Mm. and Mms. Al! Ayme, Oshaw at J. W. Balson's, t Mm. and Mms. Howard Foley,Z Bowmanville, at Sam Dewell's. Mms. Stanley Ploughman, Port Permy, and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanvilie, with Mm. and Mrs. S. Williams. Mr. and Mms. Memwin Cryder- man, Joan and Grant, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Crydemman. Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Rat, Mms. M. Brown, Messrs. Jack and Je Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. North- cutt, Bowmanville, Mrs. Chas. Blanchard, Solina, at A. L. Blan- chard's. Mrs. K. Winterbumn ik home a!- ter assisting for .several weeks in tht home of Mr. W. Chapman, Kir- by. who passed away on Saturday. Mms. F. Rogers, Mrs. T. McMul- len and Mrs. Winterburn visited relatives at Janetville and attend- ed a garden party there. Mr Alfred Challener attended the funemal in Toronto on Monday o! Mrs. (Rev) J. J. Liddy. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy at- tended Nesîleton Anniversamy an Sunday. SENFIELD Mr. andl Mms. Ray Taylor ànd .Scotland. NOWFORYOUR CAR ICTOR *Crystol-dear ton- Nevor* Long Range -Saielive .-New before at anvwhere near the price inch RCA Victor 5-tube circuit tivei new ClaritY Of tone e ngleat a tunîng %harpnesi - holds stations volume ta, overrndc engine droiie. for remmekcabie distances. *Fits 'Sm AU - Easy t.eIntll - l.nginerred for fait under-thc.dash > installation in anv make or mc)del of car. Aiso available for 12-volt operation at slightly higher tait. *Priced for Ivsry Car -*Compact - Ru*,ggd -. Dial face Onir Neier hefore such 13" hi ' h bv 'ia ide - superl1atie performance andi leaves Plenty offIeg rciOm.* Miniature tone at anvwhere near tubhesand rugged 2$srembly highly the price. rm.istanî iii ro~ac shock. Corne in for a dernonstration. THE RADIO SHOP 38 KING ST. E. PHIONE *171 ivvv , OR . 1 1WURSDAY, M-T - 1949

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