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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1949, p. 7

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MUfhAY, ULT ?th, 1049 Miss Winona Clarke ia &pend- erton, is holldaying with ber par- ing a few days in Toronto. ents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Mrs. A. N. Fraser, Toronto. was Misses Mona, Ella and Enid a guest of Mrs. Chas. H. Mason. Penfound, Erie, Pa., visiteo their Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Cowling are cousin, Miss T. Maude Penfound. holidaying at Moores Falls, Hall- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy, burton. Islington, visited bis sisters, Miss Dr. J. C. Devitt spent the past Annie Mountjoy and Mrs. J. E. week on a fishing trip In Algon- Elliott. quin Park. Mn. nd Ms. en Ktsonand Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Smale, Bett An ar hoidaingat ea-Ottawa, Miss Ida Peebles, Col- BettyLannaeoe.ig tBa borne, visited his mother Mrs. C. ver ake.J. Smale. Miss Joan Bennett, Toronto, ls MadMs e.Gaa n Joac ng wih Ms.Barbara spent the holiday week- Jack arbe.end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Boag, Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith Fergus- Lake Simcoe. on spent Monday and Tuesday in Mr. and Mrs. Eric Densem, Brockville. Montreal, were holiday guests Mr. Bert Jewell, Oshawa, spent with his parents Mr. and Mrs. the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Alan Densemn. Maria Jewell. . Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bryant and Miss Beverly and Master Barry family spent the holiday weekendi Cowling are attending Camp Cal- with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lambert, umet, Haliburton. Palmerston. Miss Mary Laskaris is holiday- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turney,1 ing with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trenton, spent Dominion Day Turney, Trenton. with her mother Mrs. Rose Irwin, Mr. Norman Creeper, Toronto, Cowan Block. spent the weekend with bis fath- Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Vanstone. er Mr. H. B. Creepr. Nancy, John, Alice and Virginia,1 Miss Gladys Courtney, Toron- Waterloo, are holidaying at Bow-1 to, spent the weekend with Mr. manville Beach. and Mrs. Leslie Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bartlett,1 Miss Tanya Goddard and Miss Margo, and Grant. Toronto, weret Margaret Cunningham are attend- weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs.t ing Sparrow Lake Camp. P. E. Greenfield. spen sevraldays at the High- Montreal, are holiday guests with lnInAlgonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNulty at Mr. and Mrs. B. F. (Bert) Souch. their beach cottage. Medicine Hat. Alta., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver andt D)r. and Mrs. Norman Allun. thrice chldren. Brampton, were3 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCormick, holiday weekend guests of Mr. Gait, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cousins. and Mrs. Morley Vanstorie. Mrs. May Pearce, Cedar Grove,t Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto. N.J., is visiting Miss FlorenceS spent the weekend with her par- Werry, Mrs. Milton Samis and oth-d ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn. er friends in this vicinity. f Miss Eleanor Johnston, Walk- Miss Dorothy Evans, nurse-n- f training at Toronto General Hos- pital, was guest with her parents0 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans.h Mr. and" Mrs. J. W. Burridge, 1~ BA TIT OSEL Toronto, spent the haliday week- C' Vanstone at the lake. l Mrs. Irene Foell, Miss June Ga- oj SERVIC;ES bourie and Mr. Jack Spanton, To- ronto, spent the holiday weekend G with Mrs. C. S. Hallman. di S unday Eveni ng nM.adeMrs Reg Crarnp, Don- s ny ad Tedy, penttheholidayL weekend with her parents, Mr. and le 7:30p.m Mrs. A. E. Robinson, Meaford. S Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wright, Ha- ai milton, called on his aunt, Miss SURJECT:- Olga Tod, while on their >vay sti t, spend the week in Trenton. th ThatQuesion Mrs. A. R. Cousins, Toronto, ci of\V rlli #' and Mrs. Geo. McMullen spent C ofWoldi ess' the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ta D. S. Cameron at Sharbot Lake tu UNIN H LLMr. Bort James, Detroit, Mich., te UNION HALL accompanied by his une]e, Milford 10 DIVISION STREET Wilkins, Oshawa, gave bis cousin NE Mr. Geo. W. James a cali on Sun- sci Pasor:day. to Pastor:Mr. J. A. Walker, Meaford, and ry L. W. Matheson, B.A. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Pinkney and R 35 Horsey St. Phone 2655 baby,, spent the holiday CO weekendwith Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ar Staples.1 Mrs. Norman Hamley and Jean mn oMtdo Q«hure £ MORNING SERVICE - il a.m. Soloisi - Orville Osborne Classes For Beginners and Primary During Mornlng Service as Usual. COMMUNITY EVENING SERVICE AT ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHRURCH TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. R. G. Harle, Organist. SCALP TREATMENT for DIFFICULI HAIR Does Your Hair Look Dried Ouf, Frizzy and Unmanageable ? These hot aummer days wili damage It tliat way. Keep your hafr i the. bot of hem Jth by having one of our Recondltioning Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treatments. Toul i tnd It will add more shining glory to your hair which wilI keep it manageable throughout the aummer monthu. Cail us now ai the The Estelle Beauty Salon Under the managmnt of Joan C. Woolley and her assistant of thc Collette Beauty Salon, Oshawa PHONE 433 CORNER 0F GEORGE & CHURCR STS. Als» Machine - Xachnelem - CoId Waves and Uic New Radio Wave given. SOCIAL AuD PEESONAL Phon.sU rs. Wm. Roberts and son )rge attended the wedding af ;s Catherine Moran and Mr. iel Agar on June 25 at Yonge Let United Churcb, Toronto. ;Roberts was guest soloist and le requeit, of the bridai party 9'"0 Perfect Love" befare the rnony and during the signing e register "HOW Near ta God". Fe welcome Mr. and Mrs. Will ver and daughter, Toronto. ta bis native town wbere have takeni up residence in Prower home on Wellington t is over 40 years since Mr. eer first entered the banking ness, first with the Ontario kand later with the Bank of real. Two years aga lie was ,annuated owing ta ili health. 1Sunday, July 3rd, at, the of three o'clock the Rev. G. eron Quigley perfarmed the ýment of holy baptismn in St. s United Cburch, when Mr. Mrs Ernest Hunt. of Ottawa, ented their infant daughter ple of iter ele Sou twi j w aftE w1t by St. Hur wor ontý and whi tiZEi Pau Ave add Igr typc - as of3 and hei saw Coi Mrs, f ishi and in th as1 nie& ingi daug G.V forr one Sa l hono the Scho Exer Mr Geor, Miss Brui Stree Mrs. at th sang ceren of the We Prov back they t.he St. I Prowd busirg Bank MJontr superi On hourt Care sacran Paul's andY preser fTEE CANAD!AN STATESMAJr, 1OWMMqVILLE. ONTAIUO PAGE SMENr mmmmý r-- Miss Elizabeth Scott and M H. Prust, Peterboro, are spei a few days with Miss Mar Trebiieock. Miss Isabelle Naylor, Nori spent the holiday witb her r~ er, Mrs. K. Naylor. Mrs. N and Lillian accompanied hi Noranda for a visit. Messrs. Alan Strike, town, Dick Bowles, Nestleton, left t for Taylor Statten Camp, A' quin Park, where they will s 6 weeks as guides. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee, Se St., enjoyed a trip to Mont Ste. Anne de Beauprie and bec City where they observec 29th anniversery of their wedc Congratulations to Mr. Jim erson, son of Mr. and Mrs. V Paterson who bas passed into year Honour Business Admini tion Course at Western Univer London. Mr .and Mrs. W. Campbell Donna, Detroit, Micb.,1 weekend guests of Mrs. S. Chartran. Miss Florence CE bell is visiting Mrs. Chartran a few days. Bowmanville Midget bas( team will meet Port Hope t at the Memorial park to-ni Thursday, July 7 at 6.30 p.m. draw for the bicycle wiil be later on in the month. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mathie Pomona, Calif., have been visi Mrs. Mathieson's father. George Cherrington, Liberty North, and also motored to 1V treal to visit Mr. Matbieson's ther who is Mi. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Fox, Pe and Jimmy, Washington, 1: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clarke, ronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. G: er, Oshawa. and Mrs. Morris Jo town, were holiday guestsv Miss Helen Morris. Several residents within town limits who are not served the Public Utilities water sur system, have had their Wells dry the past week. Some 1h farmers continue to haul w: for livestock from Vanstone's r pon d. For the first tîme in years nr of the residents in tawn havi had to cut lawns for weeks p. T'ho hot sun, day after day, crisped the grass s0 that walk over at praduces a crunching soi like walking avor pulverized sn on frosty mornings. Mr. William Roberts E George roceivod a cable Wedn day morning from Mrs. Robe: stating that she had arrived London, England. Mrs. Robe lft by plane on Tuesday and v ;end two months with relati, and friends in England. No soonen had we written 1 ory of the extreme bot weati han the forecaster ushered in ol1 wave Tuesday night whi 'ntinued with slight showers j oWednesday. Monday's tompez ire at 96 bas ibeen toned doi o80 as we go to press. Geo. A. Rainey, 103-l6th S Tew Toron to, in sending bis su ription writes: Congratulatia :John James on bis necent vict YIt is a long time since Frai ickard was, in. Hope Durha ounty bas a good representati- nd best of luck to you ail. At this time of year many Boý ianville hauseholds are entertai ig relatives and friends from istance. The Statesman is alwa- leased to publish personal iteni rthis kind in this calumn. E indly phono 663 or drop tI ems at The Statesman office. Mr. Walter Thompson, new ected member of parliamont fi uth Ontario, and bis charmir vin daughters, Mary and Jane ere interested spoctators at tl ivenule basebaîl game Saturda ternoon at High Scbool grounc len Bawmanville defeated Wbi S4-3. Mir. and Mrs. Nelson Jackmaî ;Catherines, Sgt. and Mrs. 1 unt and Sharon Anne, Eastviev re holiday guests of their par ds, Mrs. Frank Jackman and M: id Mrs. R. W. Witberidge i hich time Sharon Anne was bar .d by Rev. G. C. Quigley in S .îl's United Churcb. T. W. Len Ellit ng net (Continued from Page One) la Rotary Club rmotto which ho Up. th" eld in alis contacts in busines lor and community affairs. ta Owner of a large plumbing busi. ness, Len himself would get oui of bcd anytime during the nigbi ind ta answer emergency calîs and ay smile his way along as an expen. n- ienced trouble shooter. In corn. nd munity affaîrs he wvas always ai the front ta push things along anc o0g dip into bis own pocket, generously ýa, for private and public charities. ie But it was in the Bowmanville th Rotary Club where ho found the n.most satisfying outlet for comn a-"king-pin" as a booster for Rotary L. work and for many years was nd urgod ta continue as manager of a- the Rotary Fair. y, Shortly before ho passed on, Len Elliott had completed jusi nid aven 20 yeans perfect attendane ýre ait Rotary, a record of robusi G. health and keen service seldoni L- attained aPd only by the few wbc !or do flot miss througb ilîness or interfering engagements. A Past iii President o! Rotary, Len was also lm a Past Master o! Jerusalem Lodgc, àa. AF. & A.M., and a member of li Palestine Chapter. A keen lover Id of gaod sparts, ho centreci most o! bis interest on thorobred and harness horses and often took time n, out ta go ta the races. That was Ig. about bis only relaxation from and service. n- Mr. Elliatt came ta Bowmanvîlle 0-as a young mari of 25 years, look- ing for opportunity in the town hoe chose as a good place ta &et ýy alang in business and ostablish bis home. For a short timo ho 0was emploved in the hardware - business with Harry Rice, thon ho 5., formed a partnership in the th plumbing trade known as Green- way & Elliott, which continued for oe eight years until Mr. Elliatt took ýy it over as sale owner. During the [y past twa decades lie expanded the ra business ta its present largo pro- il partions serving a very wide area. ýr Just 31 years ago Mr. Elliott Il was mnarried ta the former Miss Bertha Moore o! Bolton. Their st twa cbildren, Audrey <Mrs. Gea. t Spencer), and Blain were born t. and educated in Bawmanville. ls Mrs. Spencer, daughter-in-law of1 9Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, ànow esides with bier husband in IV New Westminster, B.C. Blain bas been cannected witb bis late fatber's business for some years d past. The extromely happy fam- -ily circle is now broken for the first time. n There aiso nemain ta mourn sLen's passing. bis mother, Mrs. ISamuel Elliott; three sisters, Ger- stie, (Mrs. James Ewart); Gladys, (Mrs. Wardla Norris), and Hazel, (Mrs. Craig Wakely) of Bolton; r and three brothers, Harry of In- ' glexvood; and Wallace and Lamne 1of Bolton. The funeral services were con- ducted on Tuesday, July Sth, in iTrinity United Cburch, of whicb the doceased was a memiber o! tbe Official Board and the sermon was delivered by bis pastor, Rev. S. R, Henderson, assisted by Rex'. J. M. Boyd of Bolton United Cburcb. Present in a body were members of Jerusahemn Lodge ta extend Masonie rites prior ta interment in Bowmanville Cemetery.' Wbile the casket rested in the Morris Funeral Chapel priar ta the formai services, literally bun- direds o! people came with an immense array o! floral tributes ta pay their last respects ta their departed friend. It was a sad cl Procession of people wbo feit a deep maurning and a real sense of personal loss. Many people came from distant Points to ho present for the ser- vices in the church and to express candalences ta the bereaved famn- ily cirche. Wbile the funeral ser- vices were being observed, ail the business places in tawn remainod clased as a mark of affection and respect. The bearers were R. L. Mitchell. Gea. E. Moody, Ralph Barrett M. J.* Elliott, Gea. E. Chase, Dr. R.G. Cowie. Officiai Returns Give John James p431 Majorlty i- Al day long On Wednesday t Mayor L. C. Mason, Returning ýt Officer for Durham County, in the federal election of June 27th, was -kept busy along with the repre- at sentatives of the three candidates ,d in opening the 83 ballot boxes and "y counting the ballots. The results le of the voting are as follows: LJohn M. James 6.907 1- C. E. Stephenson 6,476 LJames Kenny-149 Is Majority for James - 431 )f Next week a detailed report of 1each polling sub-divjsjon will be itpublishéd. ;for the community. Lou Dewell n was complimented for his work 0on the programme committee. Aub rSmith released some unexpected ;news when he told that the Lions 0Community Centre was made available to the public for no fewer than 400 meetings during rthe year. ýt Life Savlng J Ed. Summers told that the mem-. ebership committee had broken severi with Il resignations and il 1new members coming in. Gord Elliott told of the work of the Safety Committee, a. non-profit department, which supplied funds 1 for many community benefits, tnotably the life-saving at Bow- manville Beaeh which came under the direction of AI Witherspoon. Norm O'Rourke, Andy Thompson and Barney Vanstone followed on wvith reports on Ladies Night, soc- ial activities and the Blind Com- mittee. Stan Rickard presented a seven- point programme for future work among boys and girls. Treasurer Stu James told the general finan- cial picture at the moment which . is soon to be expanded by the annual Lions Club Carnival. In- ternational Counsellor J. J. Brown ' introduced the District Governor. and after his installations were r completed the. new President, Bob a Kent, made a stirring appeal to a keep up the good work in the c coming year. n MAPLE GROVE Mns Cecil Jeffcry and Miss Do- reen Jeffery, left Saturday for Winnipeg to, visit with the form- er's sister Mrs. E. F. Willoughby and faýmilr Mr. anid Ms. Chanlie White and Eddy, Oshawa. wîth Mrs. J. D. S tevens and Mrs. Ken Summers- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Power, Osha- wa, with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Ste- vens. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Flint, son Tommy, Toronto. Mr. Albert Woodbouse. New York, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kennedy, Sharon and Larry, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday. Mass Marion Snowden, Toronto, spent weekend at home. Don't forget Institute meeting Monday niglit. The correspondent wishes ta cor- rect a report of a pienie. It should have read Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Snowden with their children, grand cbldren and great grand- .children, numbening 33, beld a Picnic at Maple Grove church shed on June 24 when a very on- joyable timo was spent. Maple Grove W.M.S. Maple Grave Women's Mission- ary Society met in the church witb Pros., Mrs. H. Freeman in the chair. Mation was passed ta send for a Blue 'baok and also a book 'Growing With the Years". It was rlecided ta consult the Evening Auxiliary and propose gaing ta-i gether ancd order the Literary Book Sheif. Mrs. Laird gave a roading on Stewardship. Program -ommittee for August are Mrs. .ookson and Mrs. H. Wright.c Mrs. H. Brooks thon took the chair for the program. Tapic was ilive ta Overseas Relief, which showed tho great need. Ail gifts cre sent ta people or institutions known ta cburcb leaders in Brit- ian, Europe and Asia. A solo by Jean Scinersford "Camne ye ta Nazareth". A skit depicting the i *Gifts galore for Europe and Asia" vas given by Mrs. J. Munday, Mrs. 1 Ross Stevens and Mrs. S. Morton, c epresenting a Lawyer, a DoctorC and a Sister Martha, a deaconess, ' ill church wamen of Germany, hattmng witb twa Canadian wo- 1 Blewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Blew- iett and daughter Glenda and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hanlock and son Gary fromn New Toronto. Mn. Har- aid Balson, Hampton, won a rose trellis in the croquet tournament but for exceptional, agility in the actogenarian field, Mn. George Taylor, Orono, captured all bon- ours wben he performed a tap dance ta the muchi enjoyed viôlin music provided by bis son, Charles Taylor. In expressing gratitude ta Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman for their kind hospitality, everyone agreed that the occasion ought to be rcpeated annually. A number o! yaung friends were entertained at a birthday party for Helen and Patsy Knox. Mr. A. L. Pascae, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Charles and Hel- on, Mr. and Mrs. A. J Balson and Ileen attended the Decoration Day services at Zion on Sunday. Miss Velma Gilbert, Tronto, la holidaying at hame. Master Douglas Milîson, Toron- to, bolidaying with bis grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Millsan. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at home. Mr. andi Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Harold at Ai! Allen's, Bow- m an ville. Mr'. and Mrs. Clarence Vice and Donna at Vernon Pawell's, Col- umbus.0 Mr. and Mrs. David Morrison, Mrs. Marianoe Grigg, Oshawa at HYPnatism was once tbought ta ho caused by a tbick magnetic flucid. GET AHIAD WITH BRYLCREEM Canada'. Iargest-sellanq hair dressing gives hair a smarf weil- à , greomed look, HANDY TUBES ... 29çi49 Corn,4ete Kits -----0 Refis - -----5 GIN PULLS De Bright! Feel kight! TAKE ENOYSS 'PI? BUY ODAY- 59, 98 Alex. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 C OMBS Bobby, Pocket or Cuni 10c Value TOILET TISSUE I.D.A. Brand Reg. 3 rails 250 4 for 25c CORN REMOVER I.D.A. Brand -,Reg. 25e -1-lb.Ocan-Reg. 15e on AMM - 1 - DENT The well known Ammoniated TOOTH POWDEII was 75e POWoeil NOW 59c -. Prevents decay EPSOM SALTS VACATIONUNEESUA IVY-DRY for poison lvy, oak and sumac Montserrat LIME JUICE 44c - 79c LANTIGEN 491 for hay foyer ALLERGI- TABS. $1.00 - $2.50 CAMERAS and FILMS TARGET BROWNIES --- 6.72 and $8.12 easy-to-use cameras that make fine pictures. Baby Brownie $ ___ 3.00 Brownie Reflex $- - 11.76 Duaf li ----------814.56 Kodak "Tourlata" - --- 5 --- 25.25 UP Marksman Box Camera - 5.95 Ansco "Shur Shot" .------5- 5.45 for SUNBURN- ---- SUNTA Noxzema Skltn Cream or 011 -- --- -------3oc -60e Snowtan for tanning 49c Gray's BaIm --------50e - 79e Velvetta Suntan Cream -.- ---- - 39e I'nguentine -------------. 60e - $J.20 Aerlflex Antiseptic Cream -----45C SUNGLASSES Willsonite Glasses -- 49e - 59c - 79c Aviation Type - - 1.25 - $2.95 Solarex -__ -------_--5 9e to $1.39 Grantly --- __ - --51.00 - $1.95 - etc. Polaroid ----- -----52.50 Polaroid Sportglas ......51.95 -L t15C 1 ! SODA BICARB ScA12Bran8 lu Tda!4, 8 and 16 -oz. 8,1c Roiet12Miik of Magnesia Milk of Magnesia! In.A . Brand T6&tsI~ 8 33( ~1 and 32-oz. - Reg. 33, 55e 27c 5rnd9mctsssIZ3/4"" x V 28< 10 % 3 0s A . 3Brand 9 1O0~n, 00' - Eg. 0eSOc 200 tissues 9" x WI" 2for 65a 22c27c9c- I59cNw Aqua-Pruf EAR PLUGS PAPER PLATES Pkg. - 21e Interlake LOTION ....... 600 OIL ....6 0a.1O POWDER ... 28à55' CREAM . .. ....... 55' L .J p .... 0...... 1 MEAD'S PABLUM and PABENA 25C - 50C KLEENEX PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MorcGlID r gor, Drugs land, in a training college for mis- sionaries o! the Dutch Reform cburch ta which women came from many countries before gaing on ta the first assembly of the World's Cauncil o! Churches in Amsterdam, August 1948, xvhicb tald o! the great. need for food W. teser~o tii. ulght t. limit quanU~lea b le Lions Club ýr <Continued from Page One) 1- gramme wore the addresses given y. by Miss Veronica Fniend and Bob ýr Gallagher wbo delivered their -e oratarical contributions ta ho Sheard in the provincial finals this seasan. Their instructor, Miss Jean Cunningham, High School ntoacher, and the two cantestants dwore given a round o! applause d for their very splendid accom- n plisbments. h District Gavernor Darling spoke - very briefly ta again affirm that ýs the Bawmanvil]e Lions Club was e the spankplug o! Zone 10 and one -of tbe best in aIl Ontario. Ho spoke with real appreciation o! the yoar's work donc as nepre- 1 sented in the annual reporta of Icommittoos which wene presented sbefore him as the afficial guest 1 of the evening. The cammittee j chairmen reported respectivelv under the threo Vice-Presidehts. Jack Cale, Arnold Anderson and Bob Kent, who were in charge o! the division of work the past y e a r . G r e a t V e a r Deac Goddard wonl a big hand when ho reported the year's total of fines ta be $178, a real,' tail- twister's record in the collection af nickels and dimes. The sal et of hockey tickets also netted: $583. Alex McGregor reparted on the success o! the Lions Auction Sales, the community draws and thIe Food for Britain campaign. Jimmy Marr was absent as attend- ance chairman when the winning, o! the Rynard Trophy was an-' nounced. The Carnival Committee totaîl- ed up net neceipts o! $2346. Don Williams gave a fine report o! the Lians Club Concert Series, wbicb sbowed a small net but big dividends n e m- iyoofculture Sharon Anne for this Christian rite Present ta witness the cere- mony were Mrs. Hunt's si stenMrs Nelson A. Jackman, Mr. Jackmaný and Iýtt'e Mary Jackman o! St. Catharines. SOLINA It was a happy privilege ta wel- came Miss Doris Milison home hast weekend fram Bolivia, South America, wbere çhe bas served as a missionary toacher far the past five years. For the Milison family it was a joyous reunion, .v-ich was also sbared by the congrega- tian at Ehdad Church Sunday mor- ning who grected Doris there. Do- ris will now have a furhaugb of one yecir in Canada and after tbree rTcarth's 'boliday with ber family expects ta go on speaking tours. Congratulations are extended ta Mr. Dean McLaughlin, Osha- wva, grandson o! Mr. A. L. Pascoe. on winning the Ontario Champ- ionship tournament at Toronto. Mr. John Knox suffered a knee injury. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harris at- tended thc funeral of Mr. Harris' aunt at Wostan. Sixty members of the Taylor fanilies assembled for a picnic on the cool. spaciaus lawn at tbe îome. o! Mn. and Mns. Everett Cry- lorman hast Saturday afternoan. iaming !rom the greatest distance vere Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass qnd son David, Rochester, N.Y., 1 i Co1rs. A. Blriewit .and rSrvc D Reoge otihorTI.LoR ý s i SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for Tkursday, Friday, Saturdau 1 le-49c-69c-$1.39 NEW LOW PRICE

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