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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1949, p. 8

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?TTU P",AfTA AruIIM r1ITtANVým TU ONTARIO Tennis Club Pays Visit ta Whitby For Tournament Last week Bowmanville Tennis Club returned Whitby's visit for a tournament on the Witby courts. Despite the terrific heat some good tennis was enjoyed. Excel- lent refreshments were served on the verandah of the club bouse. Men's Doubles Reg McArthur and Ernie Tay- lor 6, Arnold Lobb and A. Mc- Feeters 2. W. Hatch and D. Ellison 3, W. Slemon and E. Witherspoon 6. .R Collins and A. Mifflin 4, W. McFeeters and C. Trewin 6. Mlxed Doubles M. Stanlick and R. McArthur 6, L. Dippell and A. Lobb 0. L. Sleightholm and W. Hatch 3, R. Bowman and G. MsFeeters 6. S. Foster and R. McArthur 2, L. Dippeil and E. Witherspoon 6. J. Ashby and E. Taylor 5, N. Allin and K. Siemon 7. P. Bagley and G. Mifflin 7, W. Ward and W. McFeeters 9. B. Tennier and D. Ellison 6, C. Trewin and O. Trewin 1. S. Foster and R. Collins 4, N. Allin and G. McFeeters 6. P. Cook and S. McLeod 6, D. Venton and J. Dunn 1. E. Taylor and D. Ellison 9, K. Siemon and E. Witherspoon 9. (Left as a tie) P. Cook and S. McLeod 6, D. Venton and J. Dunn 4. Ladies' Doubles L. eliegtham and M. Stanlick 6, L. Dippell and N. Allin 4*. P. Bagley and B. Tennier 6 ,W. Ward and O. Trewin 4. After Chinese, more people speak English than any other language in the world. The Sahara Desert, covering 2,500,000 square miles, is larger than the continental United States. luveniles Undefeated In Lakeshore League1 (Intended for Last Week) By Gerry Morris The bard bitting Juveniles made it 6 wins mn a row as they defeated Witby 4-3 last Wednes- day. "Lefty" Jack Buttonshaw, won his 4tb game in as many starts as ]imited Wbitby to five bits wbile bis mates played errorless ball behind him. Two snappy double plays by Bowmanville slowed up Wbitby wben they threatened to score. Bob Gallagher was the big noise for Bowmanville collecting 2 bits and driving in 3 runs. Roy Falls, Dick Wilson, Jack Buttonshaw, Don Stutt and "Slugger" Rice each bad one bit off Neal who also pitches Intermediate for Wbitby. The Juveniles play Wbitby a re- turn game Saturday July 2 and this game should be something to see. The boys are selling tickets for every game so buy one and support the Juvenile Bahl Club. Line up. Hamilton 2b., Levitt cf., (Mof- fat 6tb), Falls ss; Gallagber c, Heath rf, (Sellers 6th), -Wilson 2b, <Stutt 6th), Rice lb. AB Hîts Runs Av. Gallagher 20 Il Il 555 West 20 8 6 400 Creamer 13 . 5 à 385 Buttonshaw - 17 6 5 357 Heathe 17 6 5 353 Falls 15 4 6 267 Levett 12 3 4 250 Masters - 9 2 0 222 Hamilton - 18 3 5 167 Rice --------.-18 3 2 167 Moorecraft --Il 1 1 091 Players at bat less than 9 times are not included. Parcels received in Great Britain from Canada in 1948 had an esti- mated value of $11 million. A large proportion were parcels of foodstuffs sent to friends in the Old Country by Canadians. DARLINGTON ABATTOIR HAMPTON ONTARIO PHONE - OWMANVILLE 2836 A Reminder That We Stili Do CUSTOM KILLING - PICKLING SMOKING - SAUSAGE MAKING RENDERING LARD BUY THE LARGE 25, PAC KAGE 1. H. ABERNETHy 64 Concession St. Local Tecam Enters 1 Pee Wee World Seuies 1 1 SPORT NEWS ýs (Intended for last week) On June 23, Maple Grove Girls, who have been winning more than their share of games in the league, rwent down to defeat at the hands of Salem Girls who were playing their best and made very few errors. In the first haîf of the first in- ning it looked as though Maple Grove had a chance when they got in three runs to start the game off, but in the last haîf Salem really went to work to, go ahead with a score of 4-3. From then on the Salem girls allowed only 2 more runs to Maple Grove while they piled up another 7 for a final score of 11-5. The whole game was a case of good playing on the part of Salem with no one in partîcular starring ex- cept Joan Craig, the pitcher, who was really 100% and threw them in to the dismay of the Maple Grove clan, Bowmanvllle 21-Salem 5 On Monday, June 27, Mien Sa- lem met Bowmanville in town it was quite a different story. Whe- ther it was the heat, the changc in cliamond or the election is bard to determine but Salem girls were awa yoff their usual game and lost by a score of 21-5. Bowmanville hitters proved too much for the outfie]d and once Bowmanville got ahead Salem girls just could- n't seem to do anything about it. However, there are stili a couple of games to be played between these teams and anything Lzould happen yet. Salem 28-Tyrone 6 Tyrone Men's team met Salem on June 24, to go down to a 28-6 7lefeat. The game was exactly as the score indicates, very one-sided. Aill of the Salem players were playing perhaps a littie hetter *han usual but with the competi- tition they had it wasn't much of ajob to win. Gerald Shackleton lid a fine job of pitching and the whole team was right behind him. The outfield especially seems to ec improving and we wouldn't ec surprised to see the team make a good showing against the other teams as they have against Ty- one. The Congo River in Africa was1 discovered by the Portuguese navigator Cao eight years before Columbus discovered America. TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steanishlp Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowvmanville 15 King St. W. Phone 778 F. C. CROWIE 102 Elami St. New Canadian Golf Choxtipion H-ere's big Dutch Harrison (right) of Little Rock, Arkansas, receiving the Seagyam Gold Cup from J. Frowde Seagram after winning the Canadian Open Golf titie at St. George's Golf Club, Toronto. Juvenile Bail Club Plan Selling Season's Tickets Bowmanville Juvenile Basebal Club is wînning more and more support every time they play on the High School grounds. They need every dollar of gate receipts to make trips to outside points and hold first place in the Juven- lie Lakeshore League. These lads have had tickets printed and plan a drive to sel thcm in advance of each game. It would be a fine thing to give them every support by purchasing these tickets. Remember: "This team remains undefeated to date." Let's back them to the limit in this advance sale. Juveniles Win Again Taking Port Hope In Close Game 6-5 (In'tended for last week) By Gerry Morris Ba.seball fans really received their money's worth Tuesday night as Bowmanville came from behind with two out in the last inning to score 2 runs and retain their unbcatcn record. Bowmanville got off tri a shakey start by committing 4 errors in the first 3 innings, but soon got back on the beam again. Roy Falls pitched steady bal and scattered 4 bits throughout the seven innings and had 3 bits Ba Ph Business Direciory LE GA L W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Mfoncy to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. arrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville hone: Office 688 . Residence 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister - Solictor - Notary 91/2 King Street E. Bowmanville, Ontario Phone: Office 825 - House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanvflle .Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DFVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of SDentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday. Office: Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt . 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell - 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., I3owmanville Office Hours. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday. Phone 604 MONUMENTS The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Fort Hope, Ontapio REAL ESTATE BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE '78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised. Members of tbe Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards 3. Shehyîî D. Maciachlan Office - 326 Residence - 2017 VETERINARY DR. JOHN H. WERRY, D.VM. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College ,43 Carlisle Ave. Phone 808 flowmanville to help his own cause. Roy also scored the winning run. Jim Le- vett was next to Roy with 2 bits. Highlight of the game was wben Dick Wilson, coloured player from B.T.S., walked, stole second with some shifty dodging and then scored the tying run on Fall's bit. Line Up. Hamilton 2b, Levett cf, Crea- mer ss, Gallagher c, Wilson If, Falls p, Heath rf, (Buttonshaw 5tb) Stutt 3b, Rice lb. RH E Port Hope à 4 5 Bowmanville 6 7 4 The next game is Sat., July 2 at the High School against Whitby at 2.30. Plan to attend and sup- port the boys. The new Miss France received ber title by default when the original choice, Yvonne Viseux, got tired of undressing at public appearances. The French cer- * 7oday ire Lire in a Greater Canada A Pee Wee Basebal Tourna- ment known as The Littlest World Series will be sponsored by the Central Ontario Zone of Recrea- tional Directors, to be held at Gibosh Park, Mount Dennis. To- ronto, on Thursday, July l4th. This tournament has been en- tered by teams from ail the towns and cities of Central Ontario and will be two leagues, major and minor. The minor league will be the 10 and il year age group, and the major league 12 and 13. The Bowmanville Community Council plans to enter a team in each leagùe. The team in the major league will be known as the New York Giants and the minor league as Buffalo. The teams will be the guests of Maple Leaf Stadium that night and will be introduced to the basebaîl fans before the profess- îonal game. Winners and run- ners-up will receive their awards, at this time. The Bowmanvjlle Legion have donated money to the Community Council for the express purpose of buying equipment for both the teams to be entered in the Pee Wee Tournament. This series will be well worth- while watching and the presence of fans from home will encourage the local teams to play better graphy, bookbinding, printing, management or creative typo- graphy, but the first year general course will include a period in journalism for those taking the option courses. Students seeking to major in applied journalism veill, in their first year, be given training in the practical consider- ations of publishing. They wlIl be taught the elements of copy rnarking and layout, band setting of type, linotype, intertype, mono- type, letterpress, off-set press and lithograpbmng, book-binding and estimating. The journalism course will be printing plant and schqol. Editor. xal classes will be tauyht in a planned newspaper news-room. Students will be expected to work on "The Ryersonian," the Institut. paper. The School of Graphie Arts bas plant facîlities worth $3o0,000, and will subscribe to the latest adver- tising "mat" services, and modern teletype services, Ail the strength and force of man comes from bis faith in tbings unseen. He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. . 1 Canadian Holstein Gold Seal Producer Queen of the Pioneer Lodge Holstein herd of Master Breeder Alex. McKinney, Brampton, On- tario, and undoubtedly one of the greatest - Holstein cows ever de- veloped in Canada from the stand- points of both production and re- production is Pioneer Lodge Dora Aggie. "Dora Aggie" bas recently completed her tentb consecutive lactation in officiai Record of Performance Test with a total pro- duction of 184,848 lbs. milk con- taining 6,678 lbs. fat, average test 3.62 percent butterfat. She has thus qualified for a Gold Seal Certificate of Longtime Produc- tion presented by the Holstein- Friesian Association. AILlber re- cords were made on twice-a-day milking and b er lifetime total the second higbest for fat and the thirel higbest for milk ever com- pleted in Canada on twice-a-day milking. At the ripe old age of fifteen years, Dora Aggie is surrounded by ber descendants, 58 of the 60 animaIs .-n the Pioneer Lodge berd being directly. descended from, her. Dora Aggie and her daughter, Aggie Pontiac, are probably the most famous daughter-dam pair of producers developed in Canada. Aggie Pontiac has a seven lacta- tion twice-a-day milking lifetime total of 147,911 lbs. milk, 5237 lbs. fat. average test 3.54 percent but- terfat. This gives a total product- ion for dam and daugbter of 332, 750 lbs. milk containing 11915 lbs. fat, totals that are flot even ap- proached by any other daughter- dam combination developed in Canada. Aggie Pontiac is the Can- adian champion for milk pro- duction in the Senior thre-e-year- old class of the 365 day division on twice-a-day milking and is also the champion for milk in the sen- ior two-year-old class of the 305 day division on twice.-a-day milk- ing. Two Year Course In Practical Journalism At Ryerson Institute A, two-year diploma course in practical journalismn is to be intro- duced this fali at the Ryerson Institute of Tecbnology, Princinal H. H. Kerr announces in the In- stitute's publication "The Ryer- sonian." This course will enable a young man or woman to fit into the workings of a practical news- paper, trade journal, advertising agency or bouse publication. The Scbool of Graphic Arts will offer options for students 1ihn - Mr. R. L. Mitchell, Manager - Mr. J. C. Porter, Manager - Mr. CG. C. Fuester. Manager oremet Industries Lîmil achieved remarkable su( engines. More tban bali at u mn i . r., .,net jinustries 'Limited has expandcd to three plants in Guelphi, cmploying 296 workers. "'Canada is a land of opportunty.. There is a field for almoet anytbing one can think of. and anyone with a willingness for bard work bas a good chance to achieve success", says Donald J. Smith, President of Hornet Industries Limited, UB8tRO i h Guelph, Ontario. ted, which was founded in 1945, bas in this short time ccess in the manufacture of chaia saws and combustion ow l a If the production of tbe plant reaches markets outoide kla a*sàsUnaliq hi Cumm Cm's uuKM -~ ..~.- -- - .~ ~. k . - .. I PAGE IGET taught in a special setup of a -James Freeman Clarke. N/ LET NOTHING COME AHEAD 0F THIS First of al, when you are paid, pay yourself. Unfailingly, set aside a definite percentage of your earnings, deposit it in a savings account with us-and leave it untouched. Then plan to live comfortably on the balance of your earnings. In this way you are bound to succeed-to enjoy life much more, to be independent when independence means Most. Be generous to yourset'f THEf CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 1 1 1 - 1 zý 1 1 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH NEWCASTLE BRANCH ORONO BRANCH . THE CANADIAlq S'rATV-qMAM- Rnvm,&v".T.P. rvmalpre% Io Salem Girls Defeat Maple Grove Lassies Other Games Played

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