TRI! eAWAnTAW rA'rA~IAW UAWIEAWYI?.Y.' AN'I'A~1~ £ ~' * 'YOUR EYES and If: Vision hewyritten ...... ..' . .. from previous copyraghts of C. H. TUCK Optometrist Disney BIdg. (Op».P.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 63 Iadustry bas been unselfish in its expenditure et large funds Vo improve conditions for its work- ea-s because by s0 doing it speeds jup etticiency again. Did you ever stop Vo Viak that yours might be a v'ery selfish interest wben you realize that 40 per cent et indus- Itrial eye conditions la need of cretion originaed in public sc-hool lite. I am saying a great deal about glare but there is much Vo be said and its many angles will sili i eave much unsaid. (Copyrighted> ) "W.tfi this onmOy bae, sb.y i wants t. Peumer l BOWNA AIE LON CARNI VAL FRIDAY, JULY In Case of Rein Carnival will he held Saiurday, JuIy 161h~ HIGE SCHOO0L- GROUNDS SNEW CARNI VAL ATTRACTIONS GCOMPLIMETSoRY 'J u j' GLEN RAE DAIRY Rayais Beat Petes Courtice Soccer Team Juvenies Overpower one in the seventh for a si.x run The moderr concept of a mis ti rdceita rrslt, L ksoeLa u e d e g eW t PotH 9 7Infinal count. siona.ry is n who teaches tea eeiini nrdc~t o S P OT N'~ ~ Laeshre eag e L ads eag eWih Prt o1 e 9-7 Canada Bread: KirIdbridge, rf; nativtorrnL sets wxllhei SPO RT N E W S Gam by 7.2 26 Gaies to Play Oth Strcdght V if; M YoscSr, t; SPate, 2c;GMaysucst-lua ndmtra ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __thews, 3 ; h;, p. i Bowmanville Royals Intermedi- (Intended for Last Week) Although Port Hope collected Bowmanjl: Snwe, p Ebenezer Still Leads took an early lead but saw itwi ates"team, poflans sbefe thes Courtice Football Team, Cham- 10 bits off "Lefty" Jack Button- Chant, lb; B. Snowden, c; Bird, cf; largest cre ac a i pions of the Darlington Football show, Bowmanville Juveniles Richards, 2b; Budai, 3h; Finney, ss; saointelf okctouthit hammered out I with 6 going Bragg, rf; King, If; Schwarte4 lai Darlington- Leaigue 12-1l. H. Snowden started for Peterboroth Intermediate "ýA" are gue for the past two seasons, for extra bases and defeated Port 5th and Walker If in 6th. Clw~l7 Maple Grove and was relieved by team, in a league game, July 6, areon tela ttemmn yHp 9-7 in tehlsd town Sat- ________ ~ u~ Cour»~ce is Second Ted Hoar in the fourth inning. aotketehoosne- Du Fr point margin over Hampton. ra fe~ uts et 19 _aka______l h ayfrt tk hehnr, -.DogFr With 26 games still to be played u'ra ed no.Btosa ct Ebeeze "uxi" til la Jaeck G i tc eSod aten way forin ey went the routs for Royals, while the contest narrows down among terd the 10 its very evenly and LAKESHORE. Ebenezfha er "uis" stai ]ate o troftce B Soe was hittingSullivan for Petes had ta be re- the five eading teams as shown hdIl strikeouts to his credit. JUVENILE BASEBALL rualsothlllegu b vrte f ta o te am wtha omrlieved by Dadson, former Bow- nhesadgsIeowsatJy Spence Creamer was the big gun their 20-10 win over Tyrone Fr.- a triple and two other safe hits inn vinlehpitcanrinto try toasetrieu'e for Bowmanville with 3 hits wrhile Standings day- evening. Scoring nearîy al] 5 trips to Ihe plate. Ted Hoar also the game. aea "Jock" Buttonshaw, Bob Galla- (Compiled by Gerald Morris) $ ri~(o h~ their runs in the first inning Fb- hit well for the winners. For Cour- Reports of scores for two weeks gher and Dîck Wilson had 2. Both Gaines Including July 2nd enezer heid off a comeback at- tice Bob Johnson and Jack Gay Late RH a past ar sflos.Of Buttonshaw's were triples. Won Lost Pts. tempt by Tyrone which netted were hitting stars. Errors were It was a good game ail the "Ltay"Do Masters pullËd the B mavle (B) 6 0 12 te 10rs.quite numerous and accounted for with neither team scoring tiîî the ' June "Litte' outonh iewt oul saa()5 2 1 morîewnan otcu an , runs. fif th when Millar and Floyd com- 22, Hampton, 0, Orono, 0 in the 7th to score 2 runs and Cobourg (B) 4 ý3 8 ute twe oran an s d Ining s -i234 oa bined for one with sharp singles. 25, Maple Grove, 1, Solina, 4 break a 7-ail deadlock. Highiighs Port Hope (B> 1 6 2 M tpst.One d ay e at in e co rti'ce 1i2i34 56i72T2til the latter scoring. Royals evenezi 27, Bowman., 0, Ennis., 0 of the game were two beautiful Whitby (B) 1 6 2 piin . n exele aame Courtice Mape rtice 3 1 O 0 i 2 2 12 in the top of the sixth on hits by Orono, 0, Hampton, 3 running catches by Dick Wilson defeated Shaw's 6-3. Jack Gay for League Standings as of JuIY il regained the lead in the bottom 29 poned pot-in eft field. Goo Courtice pitched one of bis better Ln Score games holding the heavy hitting P W L pct. half as Pagett singled to short, July R H-1EAcie tE p r ne advanced on an error, took third Accident1, Emponxperiencele- _ 1 Shaw's team well in hand. John Ebenezer ---- 7 6 i .857 after Dadson hoisted to right and , CEnni., , H mtyr n, 0 Pormt nvope ---- _______ 9 il 2 __insructonoth Stacey matched pitch for pitch Courtice --- 7 5 2 .714 scored after Meazies flied Voa 2, ouic, , Tomnve, 2 PortHees:--- 1BoTatcaefl ntrctonoft wGayringslte a triplen Bilhal e r 67Cwe ulvnhdcmit oia ,Bwavie atre:Bwa lle, But- individual worker is part of the Geain sameda ripe it MPl Gave 6 2. astowerySuplivonths po t is ,Tyrone, 3, Maple Graove, 2 tonshaw and Falls. Port Hope: whoe pan prgra o thheassbases wi loadedo Shww6h33ch()wasateygootadhShaontas is ow6nvl3e 0, .5003 accidennBron.wrye lSA pNIra TOaciNetET y Boatanviple, 0, ion, 3 L nahan an Braon.prevention w as em phasized at a for 3 rus and the bal game. Fuz- Salem---- -- 6 2 4 .333 Iotie eli ra ul h n- the latter game Bowman- Bowmanville-Falls,c;- Levett,metn of one of the ten Class k a tes led lsunapraderl.ure l e In eshorthanded. cf; Creamer as; Gallagher 3b; meeingbetter kind o zy" Hay of Courtice hit the only Tyrone -~ 8 0 8 .000 Royals rallied to win. vlepae Safety Associations comprising home rua of the game with no- League Standings Buttonshaw p; Wilson 1f; Crook the Industrial Accident Preven- body on bases. Harold Hammond Future Gaines Summary W T L P t ; (Sellers 5th) Masters 2b; Rice ion Associations, states the July D y Ce nn mda euiucacinlffil uy1 MalGrv tSlmR H E Cotrtice 7 1 1 15lb letter to industrialists. The chair- on a bail which was really tagged. -Ebenezer at Shaws Bowmanville ---- 000,001,6-7 il 1 Hampton 6 2 2 14' Port Hope-Bebee lb; D. Ash- man of that association said that Frîday evening Maple Grove July 19-Salem at Courtice Peterboro 000,011,0-2 6 0 Solina 3 5 2 il ton ss; Evans cf K. Ashton a-t; Lord it was possible ta predict a good %Vu'Ilib. fresh as a spring gre Summary: Earned runs-Bow- Enniskilien 4 3 3 il 3h; Bryon c; Taylor 2h; Honey If; accident experience if the proper this year with your clothel r manville 5, Petes 2; ruas batted in Orono 4 3 2 11 Lenehan p; training were carried eut and that cleaned the amazing Sanitonewy -Cox 2, Yourth 2, Bagnell, WesV, Bowmian. 3 3 4 9 Umpires: Devine, Plate; Cane, tbis should start at the top andiSit aeo nwlfdle Millar, Menzies; Vwo-base hit- Maple Grove 3 1 4 7 bases. be followed through ail ranks.colors terkupoSng esslies a -Ineli; stolen bases-Stewart, Floyd, Tyrone 1 2 6 4 that "like new" look again,beas $670U.2% DOW N - Collins hits-off Furey 6 in 7Ju nie Wn Local Midgets Santone goes tawork on ingrie 5, Dadson 2 in 1/3 for 2; i by pit- u e lsWi Swamp Port Hope Large 6-room, 3-bedroorn, li, storey home in a new cher-by Sullivan (FuerW; lef t Sanitone is better tao, for u rsdnilae. arwo lostruhu.Cingad on bases-Bowmanviile7- Petes Ninth Straight The scheduied Midget Basebalfvrt sweaters-they w lh res de ti l rea H rd oo f oor t ro gh ut. Ce ll g nd 4; losing pitcher- S u lliv an:t: e f a t n C o 1- i u rg G am e betw een B ow m anville and c ianer and blocked t e fit li ke n w walls are fully insulated. There is ample room in the full of game-] :40; umpres-Allen at Port Hope on the Memorial Park So get that fresb start for g basement for your recreational facilities and work bench. plate, Billingsiey on basesb b er ors diamond, Thursday evenang, was Have ail your clothes dry Included in the house Is a new furnace and hot water tank.(bGerMois a thriîî for the "soak 'em" fansou etrwy..icssn On Wednesday, July 6, the Ju- but a disappointment to the boost- than ordinary dry cleaning. The kichen i compltely mdern wth ampe Of fcial vera e alenies won their 9th straight ers hopeful et holding the Lake- &ls The kich n s om ie ely mo em wih mp e O f R y l P là y e rs win by defeating Cobourg 4-3. It shore M idget League t gether for built-in cupboard space.- The floor in the bathroom and R yl . was a pitcher's duel between Hart the playdowns. The Port Hope kitchen are mastic tile for easy cleaning. Occupance in 10 In Baseball League of Cobourg and Falls of Bowman- team appeared Vo be an unbal- fI days. Phone Oshawa 4400 for further inform , àion. ville. Hart had 13 strikeouts and anced aggregation lacking the ne- sxVc Comning down the home stretch, allowed 3 bits, while Falls had cessary practice for good competi- ~~ ~corfortably at tetop oft he Ia- 10 strikeouts and allowed 5bhis.tion prt eore îf t h arlessness Bowmanville Royals have reîeas- and drove in. 2 ruais and a pinch end of the 2ad inning with the ed their batting, pitching and hit double by Bob Gailagher, ac- score 23-0 for Bowmanville. Two OE DYelscaess sh w L un r team averages as shown below. couated for the tieing and wia- ruas in the 15V from 4 dlean sin- SMEOYes'cres- chofie'id ~~~~~~~Lack of information on outside aing ruas.gls enntaethsuri-ns c eovyuinaDyCaig slowed up reports in The States- was slightiy shifted with Jack But- ily unitormed group that had which may Iead to your fin-. Phone Zenith 13000 Osaw0 IN SU R N C Eman for some time. The home tonshaw behind the plate and Bob "basebaîl" stamped on their every ancial bankruptcy. Don't rlsk gam agins Whtbywasrained Gallagher playing lst base. The move. The 2nd trame was a de- otSaturday and will be piayed Juveniîles, however, wil be bacle of 21 ruas and 4 Port Hope your Present prosperlty and lue The olwn figures in- strengthened by the addition o pitchers were worn down before happiess by drivng without A. luegames up Vo July 9Vh. Dean West, their reserve 3rd base- the 3rd out. adequate Automobile Insur- G REALTORS 6 SIMCOE ST. M. Batting Averages man who bas been absent because Jeftery started the landsiide ance. See to, it TODAY that OSHAWA, ONT. AB Hits Ave. of illness. with à hit and before the side 'You are fuily protected NESTLETON GRAE TRE251 __________Maxie Yourth ---- 47 19 .413 Bowmaville-Wilso, If; Heath was retired, 6 players were up ta through PONTYPOOL RICIHAD'AKR81-6 -- - _____________ -~ Buck Cowle.-----20 7 .350 rf; Crook (4Vh); Buttoasbaw, c; bat 3 imes, 12 bits and 2 errers, KaBSCRES KRYS EEA TR 11 Don Giihooley . 47 16 .341 Falls, p; Creamer, ss; LeveVV, cf; plus 8 walks and 15 stolen bases, KRYSCRES KR Sonny Hooper 50 17 .340 Hamilton, 2nd; Masters, 3rd; added up ta 21 a-uns. Stainton, CAESAREA S A&Bill Bagneli 22 7 .318 Stutt (5th); Rice, Ist; Gallagher, up twice, doubled each time and e1ar R HAMPTON DAVY GEEA9TOE26 Doug Furey -- - 28 8 .286 5th. Ted Dadson hit a triple. We left St a . a George Piper---- 20 5 .250 R H E iA at that. ENNISKILLEN SLEMON'I EEA TR 5 Tim Cox -------- 36 9 .250 Bown'anvllie-------4 3 3 C. Ferguson pitched for Bow- INSURANCE- REAL ESTATE BURKETON STN. GILL'S GNRtSOE 34-13 AI Martyn --- 39 9 .231 Cobourg---- - ---- ----- 3 5 4 manville in masterful style, fan- BAKTC NO _____________________________________ Jr. West 36 8 .222 ________ UlGord Sturrok __ 18 3 .167 aed 3 of the seven men Vo face Phone: Office 68L Res. 49 CAESAÈEA BLY¶' .MLLR145 Te agel . 1- 11M pie Le f Club effective hurlers, Don Bates, Russ B ob W illiam s ------10 1I 100 a e nd B l E li . F r o w TREATRE B OWMANVILLE In the Stolen Base dept. Stan Hoding Try-u th e M a n G i h o o le y is e a d in g th e m a n v il ie , R . W h ite ba d 3 its a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COM~'OR ADLY - AIR - C~1ED Iway with 6 Vo bis credit. Ted C m si oot 2 each fel Vo Dadson, J. Stainton, ______________-_____-__________and__Bill__________and__Al_______ Jeffery and pitcher Ferguson. THURS AY -JULYA41h h e gin ep.J te Th ooaoMai M. Brooks 2B,Wl1 4 In the Sluggibail Club et tteeInternational White LF, T.Dadson 1B,. L. W N A 1 4 Pro ourh bs treeLea in coeNa Brooks C, J. Stainton CF, D. wbiie Bil] Bagne]], Don Gihoers hladl oa Punction witb the Stevens SS, C.Pie3,R.Jt Richard Lionel Dean and Tim Cox have one each. The ioa Lait îî nag r RF, C. Fergusoa P. f XVid ark Barymoe Sock ell Royals bave bit 17 doubles with tir al y-oue ilmp is week.t Widmark Barrymore Stockwell ~Sonny Hooper haviag 4, Ted Ba-terryo cmshiwek Ineil 3 and Maxie Yourth and JrAil boys fa-om tbis district inter- esedi Poesina asbli areBowmanvileC -. PN T West with 2 each. Maxie has had esed i oessoaaea r leCOF "'DOWN TO» THE SEA IN SHIPS"l 2 Defeat Can. Bread Bill Bagnel bas the best eye on Daily workouts and practices Ithe team having reacbed tirst waîî commence at Il a.m. ec Club of Oshawa FRIDAY - SATURDBAY - JULY 15 - 16 base 9 times on walks. Gilhooley mernang and last until 4 p.m. Al ____ bas had 6 passes and Ted Bag- prospective bail players from the Ia Bowmaiille Thursdiy night neli 4. ages et 17 te 22 and boys wbo teCnd ra lbfo sa have CanadaaBreadrclub tr mcOsha Pitching Record baegauae rmHihSho was handeti a 9-6 setback at p- B~ ROS HAPPY- GO-H UGGY MUSICAL!1WoreLest Toronto or Philadelp ia ry-eut0dlb ib Wn LOt arno e iig elr his cryouadthe hands ot the BowmanviL:e C. DeugFurd ...-- O camp for ail beys desirous Of Jr. West ------------- 3 0 playing Professional Basebali. Bathe pitched for tbe Oshawa IGordon Sturrock - 2 2 Mr. Cy Morgan, Pbiladelphia's crew and saw four ruas cross the George Piper - - -- 1 Chief Scout in charge eft tay-eut plate ia the last et the sixth Vo gave Alan Osborne - O---- 1 camps will conduct the daily ac- the winnea-s their edge. Up until tivities and be wîi be ab]y as- that point he had heen holding bis sisted by several well-kaown Phil- own with the home owa batters. --------------------------------------------~adelphia scouts aad executives. Saowden hurled for the winners .1 Millen Memorial Stadiumn (Via- and altheugh he had the game lead /Ami lurt Park) wuili beth- ste+thefo mst t-heseen nang1pay - . ;z~ ~ ~ a t LTLfCHNItOLOR Il ý ýi mmzý r 1 THE CANADUS STATZSMM. BOIrNL&NVtLT.M. MNTAIM a 15t