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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1949, p. 12

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1%e Newcasi Miss Ma Miss Elsie Rowe took in OId Home celebrations in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. McCuiiough spent the weekend with their parents in Oshawa. Mr. Perey Tuff and Miss Aima Salisbury, Toronto, calied on Mrs. Frank Branton who has been quite ill. Miss Lois Reiiey, Toronto, is with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Fenning, London, visited Mrs. F. Branton. Mr. Murray Walton and Miss Audrey Gibson, Toronto, visited friends. Mr. Harold Deline has been va- cationing in Indianapolis, Indiana and Cincinnati, Ohio. Miss Lois Martin, Toronto, has been vîsiting her father Mr. P. Martin. Mr. R. W. Goheen and family have returned from an enjoyable mator trip around the northerr country. Mrs. Tindail, Glasgow, Scotland. flew' over here to visit her frîend Mrs. Erskine Duncan, Since Mrs. Duncan is holidaying at New- *castie-on-the-Lake, Mrs. Tinclpli has been spending an enjoyabie visit at Duncaîrn. Miss Ida Logan, Lindsay, is visiting Mr. H. T. Manes. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dayman and Mr. Albert Weidon, Lindsay, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couch. Mrs. Loftus Bellamy is visiting her son, Everett Bellamy in Mon- treal. Mr. Frank McMullen took his pack of Cubs camping iast week. He took them to a fiee spot north of Oshawa. You neyer saw a more excited bunch of youngsters as these young fellows when they were starting on their way. They had a busy few days of learning camping art, swimming, boating and hîking. Alil in ail they had a wonderful time. Miss Muriel Lake and Mr. Bill Keyes, Toronto, with her mother Mrs. Frank Gibson. Master David Burdick, Colling. wood, is holidaying with Mr. H. Manes, Miss Mabel Oldfield, Mrs. Reta Embiey and Tracey. Miss Joy Dunbar is holidaying with friends at Gore's Landing. Miss Betty Smith is holidaying with ber sister Mrs. W. G. Bayle, Garson. Miss Carol Goheen is hoiidaying with relatives in Port HoPe. The community was shocked by the sudden death of Mrs. George Gaines Sunday. Mrs. Gaines had been ailing for some time but her death came as a shock. Sincerest sympathy is extended to her hus- band and family. Several from here have been attending the hardball games in Toronto o! late. Having a top- notch club of our own in tdwn has done a lot towards creating an le Independen. argaret Ash 1active intenest in the sport. Sympahy is extended ta Mns. Fred W. Bowen and Mary on the loss of a dean husband and fathen. Mns. M. Stapleton visited in Port Hope with Mn. and Mrs. Al- vin Jones. Y.P.U. o! United Chuncb enjoy- ed an excursion trip ta Rochester Saturday. They le! t eariy Satun- day morning and arrived home very tined but veny happy. 1 KENDAL - Mn. Harvey McInnes with Mn. àand Mrs. R. Mencer. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Lowes and sRonnie, Peterbono, with ber par- ents, Mn. and Mns. N. Patton. Mn. Evan Quantrili motaned ta Saskatchewan for a few weeks' stay. Mn. and Mns. Ned Foster and !amily and Mn. Bill Darlington at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson and !amily, London, with ber fathen, Mr. Sam Seani. Mn. and Mns. Paul Mencer and famnily, Guelph, with her parents, Mr. and Mns. Warren. s Mn. and Mns. Eddie Counoux and Ray motored ta Cache Bay ta visit his parents. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Mencen and Bruce spent Sunday in Tononto. Mn. and Mns. Reynolds Sn. with Mn. Henb Revnolds while Mns. H. Reynolds and Peter are in Wind- S sor. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Mrs. Mary Luxon with Mn. and Mrs. R. Mercer. -2 Mn. and Mns. Joe Julisen and sChnistina, Miss Margaret Jackson, Mn. L. Hilditch, Mn. Joe Mantin- ehl and panty at Tony Hill. Miss Violet Mencer Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. WŽS9Mencer. Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Ruth and Phyllis, Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mrs. R. Mencen and.. Mns. Wm. Mercer at- tended the Junior Homemakers Achievement Day in Orono. Roy Sleep and Bill Mercer at- tended the basebail meeting in Port Hope Saturday. As Kendai and Camborne are tied fan sec- ond place a game is being piayed Thursday evening at Comborne ta decide standing, with the'!inst game o! the play-offs the foiiow- ing Tuesday. A dance and shower were held Fniday evening in Kendal Orange Hall in honor o! Mr. and Mns. Johnýy Sarchuck, (nee Myrtie iHoy). Their fniends gatbered ta rwish them weii and present tthem with many beautiful gi!ts. Mrs. Mabel Langsta!f visited Mns. Percy Burley. 1 Misses Dorothy and Colleen Falls with their gnandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Falls. Mn. and Mns. Grady Cox and daughten, Oxford, North Cana- lina, U.S., with her sister, Mrs. Earl Burley. Bill and Bert Bostock wene calling on aid friends aven the weekend. Bill bas just returned from South America where he has spent a couple o! years. Well, nain came at hast! Satur- day afternoon we had severai gentie showers fohlowed by gaod heavv nain at night. This did wondens ta the morale a! the people as well as heiping the Inter cnaps. From May 22nd ta July 9th is long time ta be with- out nain when tempenatunes are in 80's «and 90's. A combined meeting of W.A. and W.I. was held June 29 at the home of Mns. R. Mencer who pre- sided aven the finst part then turned it aven ta Mns. Stoker, W. I. President. Mns. Art Low nead the scripture. W. A. rail cahl was answened by naming a wamen o! the Bible. Much discussion cen- tned around a new pantny whicb is the present aim o! W.A. To pno- vide enough space it appears a w oodshed will have ta be enected. Anumben of names were handed in for the autograph quilt which the W.A. is making. Mrs. Bunt gaean instructive ppro Newfoundland and the meaning ,o! thein colorful unusuai place namnes. WESLEY VILLE A plcnic was heid by Mrs. Arnold Thonndyke at Barrow- clough's beach on Thursday a!- tennooin for the young childreti and thefr mothens. Games were piayed and numerous prizes were given follawed by a picnic lunch. Mns. Cable, Rochester, with her sister, Mns. Percy Snell. Mr. and Mns. F. Thorndyke, Washington, D.C., Mrs. Thorn- dyke. Milibrook, Mrs. E. Meek- ing, Port Hope, and Mns. F. Tel- fard, Vancouver, cailed on Mn. Victor Thorndyke. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Hill and Laurel. Port Hope, cailed an Mn. and Mns. Edgar Barnowclough. Congratulations ta Muriel Aus- tin, Laura Binstead and Rass Dmn- ner wha passed their entrance exams. Mr. Shields, Mount Pleasant, with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nich- ails. Mrs. F. Telford, Vancouver, with, her brother, Mr. Victor Thorndyke. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner and famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell. Mr. Murray Payne spent Sun- day visiting friends at Mankham. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldned and Lais and Master Jim McKay visited Mn. and Mns. Hamilton and Miss B. Hamilton, Broughm. Misses Hazel and Doreen Pow- ell, with Mnr.and Mrs. Don Coul- ten, Downsview. Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Tonkin and David, Oshawa, with Mnr.and Mrs. Sam Powell. Many from here attended the funerai of the late Mn. Fred Bow- en. Sympathy is extended to bis family. Miss Audrey Adams visiteà Mn. and Mrs. Harold Hughes, Osh- awa. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Souch and family a nd Mn. A. Souch, Shiloh, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Adams. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Wade and Bill visited Mn. and Mns. Ai! Brown. Mn. and Mrs. Geong'e Dowling and family, Windsor, have rented Ai! Brown's cabin. Mn. and Mns. Alec Hendy visit- ed in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Johns and famiiy and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cap- pen and family, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Baskenviile. Mr. and Mns. F. Wilson, Osha- wa, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Bas- kerville. (Intended for Last Week) Mns. Chas. Aiidned, Barbara Ann and Brian accompanied by Mrs. A. E. Hotson, Newcastle, at- tended the Blackburn-Hardy picnic at Orono. A most enjoyable meeting o! the K.S.& C. Club was held at the home of Mrs. Bill Lake, June 29. Guests were Mrs. Gea. Jaynes, Miss Gladys Long, Mrs. Harvey Murphy and Miss Adsett. The in- tnicasies o! a patented stocking damner wene thoroughly. expiored and digested, some more prob- lems in, etiquette were discussed, but no one seems quite sure o! what sbould be done with that serviette. Shauid ane stuf! it in one' s cup, tuck it neatly in the saucer, or throw is quickly unden the chair. Perhaps some heipful soui will came up with the an- swer. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Poilard aind family, Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Jim remained for a holiday. Mn. and Mns. Fred Gibson, Courtland, N.Y., Mrs. J. F. Hall and Mrs.E. A. Valleau, Oshawa, and daughten Margaret, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. W. Holmes. Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Rickand nd family and Miss Marlon Rick- ar&, Shaw's, and Dr. and Mns. Bruce Murray and family, Stirl- ing, with Mn. and Mrs. John Hen- dry. Mr. and Mrs. Les Alldred and ffamily, Onono, Mns. Roy McKay and Jim, Bronte, with Mr. and Mns. Robin Alidned. Jim is stay- ing for holidays. Mn. and Mns. Cynil Avery, Bnown's, with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Mn. and Mn.-Arthur Beclwin Mrs. Russell Wright, and the groom is the son o! Mn. and Mns. T. S. Jeweli, Tyrone. Countesy Oshawa Times-Gazette SOLINA Mr. and Mns. Russell Gilbert and Velma attended the wcdding o! Mns. Giibert's ncphew, Gardon Slemon and Miss Margaret Mathe- son at Emmanuel Coilege Chapel, Toronto, and the neception aftcn- wards in the Ames Common Roenty o! aur young people en- joyed the Pnesbytery excursion ta Rochester on Saturday. Everyone is invitcd ta the Sun- day School picnic at Sauina School grounds Tuesday, July 19. Miss Veima Gilbert is enjaying a vacation at Wasaga Beach. Miss Doris Milison wiil speak at Sunday School an Sunday. On June 18, Mr. and Mns. Alex Patter abscrved the 3Oth anniver- sary o! their wedding and ta bon- or this occasion, a number o! fniencis assembled with the rela- tives at thein home. On 'behal! o! those present, thein cldest son, Harold, offereci best wishes and congratulations. Gi!ts pncsented ta Mn. and Mns. Patter ta mark this happy event included a din- nen set o! china from, ber sons, daughten, daughters-in-law and 1grandchildren; elcctnic teakettle, Kenwood hianket, pair o! pillow cases and $1 for cach year a! mar- b ied hife !rom thein fathen, bro- thens, sisters, nephcws and nieces and a table lamp and a pain o! bath towels fram thein fniends. Guests were present !nom Toron- ta, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Hampton and thein son Jim bas siace retunned ta bis work at Pine Portage. David and Donald Kcllett witb their grandpanents, Mn. and Mrs. David Monnison, Oshawa. Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, at Mn. J. W. Yeilowlees'. Littie Dianne Tink had a bad fahl'rcquiring six stitches on ber face. Mn. and Mns. Lamne Keliett vis- ited Mn. Kellett's mathen, who Ls iii at Part Hope Hospital, Messrs. A. L. Psacoe and A. J. Balson attended the funenal o! Mn. Fred Boweil at Newcastle on Monday. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Tink, Lamne and Dianne, Mis. H. E. Tink at Bryce Brown's, Oshawa. Messrs. Wil!red Pascoe Jr., Ha- raid Pascoe, Edgar Pascoe and Charles Mackey, Oshawa, at A. L. Pascoe's. Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Kiveli and Miss PeArl Leach with !niends at Frasc-rville. ENFIELD tin 35c TH~E CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTILE, OIfTARIO- PAGE TwECLVEi ANN PAGE FAMOUS MAYONNAISE A & P IRRADIATED EVAF. MILIK FANCV CANADIAN LOBSTER FANCY LIGHT MEAT TUNA FISH Special Reduction! $2350 FOR THE REST OP~ JULY IN RADIO RADAR COLD WAVE EXCEPT FOR $5.95 WAVE HUYCKÇ Bouse of Style 67 King St. W. Phone 703 HAYRB 1949 Loi C U STO0Il FOR PRICE AND PART] M. LEG 3749W1 A & P CUSTOM GROUNO DOKAR COFFEE ANN PAGE SLICED WRIITE BREAD YUKON CLUB (Contents Only) GINGER ALE - Caësey Jones," the railnoad en- gineer celebrated in the sang, was a reai penson-John Luther Jones-and was killed in the weii- sung accident on Apnil 30, 1900. Luidwig van Beethoven, prob- ably the world's gneatest compos- er, once was arnested as a tramp because he was dressed so shab- bily. ALING mg Baler .q _ WO.R.K ICULARS - PHONB GETTIE -, iOSHAWA wbo wene married in Tyrone Uni-1 ted Chunch on June llth.* The1 bride is the former Dorothy Eliza- beth Wright, daughter of Mn. and Family Reunion BLACKBURN - IIARDY PICNIC The Blackburn - Hardy Annual Picnic was beld at Orono Agni- cultural Grounds on July lst. Althaugh it xvas a very hot day there was a good number present. About 80 relatives sat down ta a bountiful dinnen and 150 ta sup- per. Aften dinner most of the aider people and many a! the younger anes taok thein chairs outside and spent most o! the aeternoon chat- ting and trying ta kcep cool. Races were run with winners in the five yrs. and under class- Bobby Jamieson; girls, 6-10 yrs. -Grace Blackburn, Helen Cale; boys, 6-10 ys.-Robert Aluin, Paul Aluin; girls, 11-16 yns.-Helen Allia, Norma Allia; boys, 11-16 yrs.-Gordon Hardy; girls, 16 î'rs. and aven-Norma Allia, Mildned Allin: boys, 16 yns. and ave- Reg Burns, Oscar ,Jamieson; lad- ies' lucky spot - Jean Burns; men's timing race-Gardon Har- dy; girls' and ladies' three-legged race-Jean Down and Norma AI- lin; boys' and men's three-legged race-'Wes and Bruce Down; ne- lay race-Don Hardy's team. Games af softbail, football and honseshoes wene enjoyed also. The business meeting took place just before supper with President Gardon Hardy in charge. The treasurer's report was given and afficers elected for 19.50. Those who had passed on during the year were remembered with a minute's silence. They are Mrs.1 Frank Osbonre, Miss Adah Aluin, Mn. Hubert Smale. Mn. William Pollock, Brandon, Man., and Mn. Elmen Davison. A pnize was pnesented ta the youngest penson present. b2by Jamieson, Peterboro; ta the aid- est persan present, Mn. Albert Allia, Bowmanville, 88 ydbrs of age; and ta, the persan coming the iongest distance, Mrs. John Long, Collingwood. It is haped that we wili sec everyone present again next yean. and many others who were flot there this year.1 'Salem Girls Defeat Bowmanville 9.-7 Thunsday night, Salem girls wene in top fonm when they met Bowmanviile at Salem and band- ed the visitons a 9-7 defeat. Salem got off ta a gaod stant with 4 ruas in the Ist inning. Salem then got 1 in the 2nd and Bowmanvillc stanted ta play and stacked up 2 in the 2nd and 1 in. each o! the 4th and Sth innings. In the 6th inning Bowmanville thought they had the game when they brought in 3 runs for a score a! 7-5 in their favour. However, by good hitting and with the heip o! errons by Bowmanville, Salem sconed 4 runs in the 6th. Then they just had ta hald Bowmanville down in the 7th which tbey did. It was a game whene the winners were piaying goad bail bath in the field and at bat and was last by Bawmanville through errons and due ta the fact that their beavy hitters just weren't hitting. Joan Cnaig and Ruth Yeo shaned the mound duty for Salem and bath did a gaod job, whiie Emma Shned pitched the whoie game for Bowmanville and is credited with the ioss. Salem girls played two exhibit- ion games with Newtonville iast week when tbey broke even. Basebali is popular in Holiand. A modern jet plane is made up o! more than half a million Pieces. THURDAY, JULý l4th, 190 Tyrone Couple Exchcnge Vows Mn. and Mrs. William G. JeweII m a lb54c m 24-oz loaf 12C 2 30-ai btIs 19c m 8-az jar 19C OBITUARY GIDDUS JONES Giddus Jones, a resident a! Bowmanvilie since 1945, and widely known thraughout Clarke and Hope Townships, where he !armed for many years, passed peace!ully away after a prolong- ed illness which he bore patiently at his home on July 4. Mn. Joncs was born at Newton- ville in 1872 being anly son a! Mn. and Mrs. Henry Joncs. He remained there, except for a short pcniod when he !anmed at Port Hope. until he xvith his !am- ily moved ta Orono in 1929. Mn. Jones was twice married. His !inst wi!e being Elizabeth Harcourt o! Port Hope who pre- deceased him in 1905. Ia 1911 lie was married ta Ethel Patterson who with their son Clifford and daughter Eilcen Joncs, aad one sisten, Mrs. J. Milison. Port Hope, survive. A sistcr, Mrs. Wiliis Penwýarden, predcccascd himn in 1917d. The many heautiful floral tri- butes were expressive o! the esteemn in which deccased was held. Rev. S. R. Headerson. pastor a! Trinity United Church, offic- iatcd at the fuacral service and interment took place in Orono Cemetery. Palibearens were: Willis Jones, Clarence Allia, Milton Elliott, Laurence Allen, Roy Berry and Jim Patterson. Relatives attending from a dis- tance werc: Mrs. J, Milîson, Mrs. G. Hancock. Mn. M. Haacock, Mn. and Mns. Roddy Caldwell and Mn. A. J. Runnals, Part Hope; Mn. and Mrs. Wil!red Atchison and fam- ily, Mn. Russell Penwarden, Pet- erbono; Mn. and Mrs. Allan Jones, Miss Irene Ott and Mn. N. Diakiu, Toronto; Mrs. Alice Joncs, Mir. Sam Joncs, Mn. and Mrs. Melville Joncs, Mn. and Mrs. Willis Joncs, Newtonville; Mrs. Mary Jones, Buriington. Most fi-zhermnen catch f1iýh by the tale. - 2tall tins25c - -nm tin65 Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and !amily at W. Hemphill's Long Brancb. Mn. and Mns. Hoskin Smith, Margaret and Kathleen, at D. Hepburn's, Uxbridge. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfned Bowman and family at Milton Tamblyn 's, Orono. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford, is holidaying with ber sisten, Mrs. Wallace Pascoe. Mn. and Mns. R. Cooke, Detroit, Wiifred -McLeary, Mrs. Evelyn Whillien, Miss Vena Stiason, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stinson and David, Toronto, with Mrs. H. Stinson and Normana Mn and Mrs Harold Ormiston ivith Chaude Smith, Enniskilhcn. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Lycett and family at H. Cowling's, Whitby.I -Mr. aad Mrs. Gnd!rey Bowman and Garry at Lamne Simpson's, Enniskillen.nan Mr. and Mrs. H. McEwan n fami lv, Whitbv., spent a weck at Len Stephenson's. Neighbours enjoyed a social ev- cning at the home a! Mn. and Mns. Will Ashton last Tuesday. During the evening Mn. and Mrs. Stan Graham (nec Helen Ashton), newl,,yweds, were presentcd with a table lamp. a large corn!Iawer vase and a china dish. Lois Or- mis!on rend the address and Mar- garet Smith, Ruby Gri!!idi and Gladys Yelhowlees made the pre- sentation. Helen and Stan express- ed their pleasure and apprecia- tion o flhe cifts, The evening w-as spentmin singing and cards !ollow- 'ed by a very generous lunch. COURTICE Mr. and MNrs. Bill Hawkshaw and son Jimmy, Kitchener, Miss Joy Bunker, Harmony, and Mr. Maur- ice Bickle with Herb and Mrs. Nichois. Among those enjoying the ex- cursion from Cobourg to Roches- ter on Saturday were-Jack and Ronnie Bickle, Lorraine and Wal- ter Tink, Henry Veenhoff and others. Th;-- was sponsored by Y.P. Union. Among those enjoying a pleas- ant evening with Dr. and Mrs. Found, Toronto, recently were- Cecil and Mrs. Found, K. E. and Mrs. Courtice, Ross and Mrs. Pearce, Herb and Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Gordon Piekeil, Detroit, Mrs. L. J. Brooks, Oshawa. Cecil and Mrs. Found are en- joying a pleasant trip to Alaska. .Angus and Earl Truil are on a trip to Nanton, Alberta, and will also attend the Rodeo Stampede at Calgary. Sa mand Mrs. Brooks, Provi- dence, with Wili and Mrs. Bickle. They ail enjoyed a visit with Law- rence and Mrs. Malcolm, Nestle- ton. Stan and. Mrs. Coverley and sons were guests with Wes. and Mrs. Cameron, Zion. .Mr. Gordon Pickell, Detroit, is enjoying a holiday at the old home and with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Hancock, Ro- chester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Mitchell, Doyen, New Hamp- shire, Mr. Geo. Short, Hamilton, Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Butt, Toron- to, with Mns. John Short and sons. Mr. ani Mns. Frank Clough have moved to Cobourg, he hav- ing a position on the police force. Ail wish them success. Mrs. Clarke, mother of Mrs.1 John McGregor, has returned from Toronto Hospital after an1 eye operation. Ail wish her con- tinued improvement. Mn. and Mrs. Bradbury andi family have moved to Ottawa, he MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mrs. Roy Topping, son Jimmy, Islington, with hen par- ents Mr.and Mns. Fred Stevens, Mns. Topping and son remaining for a visit. Mn. Michael Jagger, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mrs. L. C. Snowden's. Mn. and Mns. John Happs, Lor- raine and Glenn and Ed De Grafs, Sacramento, Calif., have been vis- having a p sition there. Mr. Be4ý Robinson, Timmins. visiting hiq mat.her Mrs. Robinson Sr., his sister Mrs. Fred Balson and Fred, and his brother Cednic and Mrs. Robinson. Waily and Mns. McKnight at- tended the Orange Walk at Belle- ville on the l2th. Douglas and Mrs. Oke, London, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Wright, Osha- wa, with Blake and Mrs. Oke. Mn. Stephen Komesky and son Ronald, Mr. Tony Komesky and Mr. Sooley, Holden, Alberta, with Norman and Mrs. Gniffin. Ladies Benean Class of Ebenez- er, met at the home of Mrq. Carl Down with an attendance o! 271 aduits and 15 chidren. President iLss Ann Hait occupied the chair and opened the meeting with a poem. It was decided to hoid their annuai bazaar in the fail. Devo- tionai period was in charge o! Mrs. Glen Pickeil with the theme "Consider the Lilies." Scripture was read by Mrs. Cari Down and a vocal solo by Mrs. G. F. Annis "The Very Same Jesus". Mrs. Blake Courtice closed this period with prayer. Pnogram was as foi- iows: Vocal solo by Mrs. Alvin Metcalf, and an interesting talk given by Mrs. Ross Pearce on her trip through the States last Fali. Mrs. Edra Price favored with mu- sical selections, accompanied by Mrs. S. Courtice. Refreshments were served and a social time en- joyed. EVERY ITEM PRICE -MARKED FOR YOUR CONSTANT PROTECTION Customers' Corner A GOOD food store mus( be a CLEAN store. We believe our customerE are entitled ta top quality food at kow pnices, served in clean, hcalthful surround- ings. That's why we train and instruct our employees to keep ail trays ýnd cases and scales scrubbed and sani- tary; ta keep refuse and packing cases out of the aisies and off the sidewalks: and ta keep floons and grac. ery racks clean and ardenly Sometimes durinom rusl: periods it's hard ta keep a store as neat as it shouid be. But that's aur job, and you will be doing uts a favor if you will let us know if yaur A&P store ever fails in any. way to menstire un ta our h!gh standards of cleanli. ness. Please write: Customer Relations Dept., A&P Food Stores, 135 Laughton Avenue, Toronta, Ontario From the. Famous Okanagan Valley in British Columbia Canada'& Finest Large, Lusciaus Sweet Eating CHERRIES No. 1 lb 33e Excellent for preservina. Buy them by the case. AIPPLES-NEW/ CROP DUCHESS No. 1 2 Iba. 33> BLUEBERBRIES-FREH No¶ .box259 RNGESitCLFORNIA VALENCIA No. 1 doz. 25<e LEI,!NSFRESH VERDELLI 300's pkg. of 41e CARROTSFRESH GNo.N TObSuN..11< FRESH TENDER for SwEff CORNYELLOW No. 1 i9 7N EW BURLINGTON, 6-qt. 9 POATE CLEAN, WHITE, No. 1 bskt. OGILVIE CHOCOLATE or GOLO CAKE MIXES ---pkg29c A MEAL FOR FOUR ]KRAFT DINNER u,2 Pkgs27c A READY SNACK SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs 27c CAMPRELL' TOMATO SOUP - - 210Ooz lins 2lc CHECK THE TRIM OF YOUR MEAT AT A & P. NOT ONLV DO YOU GET THE BEST THERE 18, BUT MORE FOR VOUR MONEY AS WELL. .,ýèjmBUY CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY. RED or BLUE BRAND BEEF llpjrDONELESS ROUND STEAK or ROAST iib69c SMOKED SHANKLESS BLADE BONE OUTlb4e POUR SHOULDEES lb. 55< BLUDE ROAST. l.4< 1V, TO 2 LBS. EXTRA LEAN i DRESSED RUBBI'f5 lb. 39e NqINCED BEEF * .lb 399 PRE-DRESSED-MILK FED GRADE A FLAT RBE BRISKET lb. 25e CHICKENS lb. 67< YUL LE M SL * .E* lb. ~ BOILING FOWLGRADE A lb. 41< SIRLL EL OSTlb. 69e COTTAGE CHEESE ' lb. 191 RIIN VEAL BAST l. 690 SALMON STEAKS lb. 53e WHOLE OR HALF FRE8H LAKE NIPIGON SffliKr-1D xxNS 'b. 594 WRITE FISH *lb. 29g iting Mr. Fred Hocl C44 Mr. and Mrs. Seward Tyler, Mý. and M?-a. Lou Hackin, relatives ,of Mns. Hopp's;'aiso at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and other friends., Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hockin, Mr. Edward Foley, with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stapies, Bethany: Mrs. Edward (Ted) Foiey, Dorothy and Donnie, who had been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stapies returned home with her husband. Evenlng Auxlllary The Evening Auxiliary met June 30 at the home of Mrs. Ste- phen Jeffery with 15 members present and 3 visitons. The themne "The Lord's Day" was conducted by Mrs. Jeffeny, assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Mrs. Sid Bar- rabali. A paper in "Keepinth Lord's Day" was given by MQ Russell Rahme. A readiniè< an "Community- Friendship" was given by Mrs. W. H. Brown. Mrs. Yardley spoke on Canon Warner's mission in Bowmanviie, reteiling some of the wonderfui stories of his life and the lives of many ho has heiped ta find God. Mrs. W. Munday took the chair for the business period. Mrs. Bradley reported cards sent, and Mrs. Coverly reported articles had been purchased for the suppely bale with the exception o! a tby which had been donated. It was decided to help the W.M.S. finan- ciaily on the "Book Shell". We decided to hold our picnic Juiy 21, and invite memnbers of Baby Band. Mrs. H. Bradley and ber group wili be in charge. Collection amounited to $3.50. Games were enjoyed and a delightful lunch was served. The men who succeed best in public life are those who take the risk o! standing by their own con- victions. -James A. Garfield. Ahthough the number o! hens that are iaying eggs is 10 per cent lower than last year, every group o! 100 birds is producing là more eggs than last year._ m a m P' ",

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