ieV 12,6 9DAY, JULY 14th. 'A S\. ie Schoolp !Jer" SEdition of"te The students off the Central ana South Ward Public Scbools have achievet i n outstantiing amount of success witb their 1949 edition of their school magazine, "Trom- peter." Betwecn, the green covens et- tractiveiy decorateti with the school ceet designeti by Joan Barticît in school colours off yel- low and punplej is an exe llentne sumne o! events that havtan place durmng the past year witb atideti attractions off the Literary aRd 1.Humour Sections. The editors. .)ara Goddtard, Dan Ross, El- l4r Leighton, Ruth Stocker anti Ronald Gomham in the compila- tion off Ibis school magazine have showeti that they have outstanti- ing journalistie ability. The twri opening pages off Une magazine are time Editon's Page wbîch colîtain etitor'ais off timely advice to the students wbo have completeti their finet round off cd- ucation. The ncxt featune centaine a bief ;vnteup off important world events. The Lîterany Scetion xith itL contributions from stutients off cvery gracie bas again this ycan attaineti its usuel standard of ex- cellence, The Scbool News Sectmon con- tains reports et' the excellent Mosuý- je F'estival whicn was prcsented untier the dirctrsnîp off Mr. R. G. Harle, the Onetonical Contes, Crafts, Garden Wonk, Open House, Improvements in the Sehool, the' New School, Art, Sebool Partie-;, Home Ecoinomies anti the trip the membens off Grade Eight took tei Toronto. The neonrt off the Ficeld Day with the list off pnize winnens îz the bighlight off the Sports Section boweven there are aizo items1 sbowing that sofftball anti hockey had an important place in the school agenda. Humour is alweys a welcome addition anti the neader wi]l net be disappointeti with the jokes that atit a li.ghten sîde te the sehool magazine. B I E A B T~ àl i i., l'A 1I Lassitude - Shortnes! Breatb - etc. - etc Remove Congestio Put the Wlood ln circul with internai mmass Treatments at your l $3.00 to $5.00 Treatment at the off $2.00 Phone 538 Bow'mani u n4 un',' Rohert CoIvill L jj gess Therapist 1 b s of ýc- dation ýgc. home rfiee vile The Hoflb..i~ Rol Each yecn echool crests and bar, are awarded te pupils thnougbout the grades for ScbolarshipCii zensbip, Attentiance, Progress. Public Speaking, Track anti Ëie1ti. These are the highest awands off tbe schools. The winners this y car ar:Room 1-Mm. ThoMnpsn Scholaship-John Stacey; Citi. zenship-Marie Potter; Track and1 Field-Lyle Hooper, Art Rove; Attendance-Jim Murphy, Grace Kennett, Shirley Kitson, Tommy Graham, Noel Dudley. 'Room 2-Mr. Slute Scholarship-Lorraine Lingard; Citizenship-CJontion Kilpatnick; ProgreýEs-Lonnaine McFarlane; Public Speaking-Carl Vesna; At- tentiance-Jim Ho3pcm-, Dennis Hughes, Anna Murphy, Rae Wil- kins, Nancy Wilson; Tnack anti Fielti -Doi'othy Kilpatnick, Lonna Fletcher, Jîm Hooper. Room 3-MmI. Turner Sciiolarhip-Janet McGregon; Citzenship-Jan Rosz; Publie Speaking-Barbara Gotidardi, Be-' veriiey Frank; Attendance-Ken KinQ. Bev'erley Frank, Eleanori Leighten. Room 4-Miss Couchi Scholanship-Don Laird; Citi- zenslîip-Shimley Bathgato; Pro- grees-Florence Cook; iittendance -Pat Hooper, Jack Humpbme> s, Eleenon Maguine, Marilyn Spicer, Hazel Wcbbem, Shirley Bathgate, Momie Lingard. Room 5-M'tiss McGreg-or Scholansbip-Beverly Cowling Progrese-Donna Thentell; At- tende nceeBeverly Cowling, Bar- ry Cowiing, Joan Beckett, Lloyd Room 6-Miss Mlulton Scholarslîip-Marie Fenguson Citizensip-Jobn Lunn; Attend- Lorelei Hetbcnington, Marie Hughes, James Parkhill. Rooni 7-Miss Bragg Scholarship-Lorna Pinkham Citizenship-Karen MotIon; Pro. gress-EobbLy Cemruthere; At- ýemdance-Arlene Begley, WilliE Hoopor, Maurice Richards, Harold Kennett, Allen Moffatt. Room 8-Miss Bunner Scholamsip-Ed wamrd Leaver Attendance-Rae Bune, Robent Gnah a zn. Room 9-Miss Carruthers Scholarship-Mm-ga-ct Gobeen: Attemîtance-Joan Allun, Glemnn Crossmiy, Jimnule Masterson, Don- ald MeGregor, Lynda Miller., Cwen Murdoch, Karlie Palmer. Room 10-M-s. Walters Scbelanebip-Ma-y Mitchell; Attcndance-Davii Parker, Juti> Goodman, John Graham. Room il-Miss Haig Scholans-hip-Gregory Cooper. Attendence-Daviti Parker, Ju- dy Goodman, John Graham. Rooun 12-Miss Cole Sclîolarslip-Karen MeM,ýurter; Cilizenship - How'ard ~i POWER OFF SUNDAY, JULY l7th f rom 4 a.m. ta 7 a.m. D.S.T. weather permitting. In order ta make essenial repairs ta lunes and equipment. and again on UTDA4Y, " JULY 24th at the same times weather permitting We regret the temporary inconvenience and recruest your co-operation. P.MAýNVILX-17, PUBLiC UTILITIES ~~HAIR 7 eMSTYLING... Bave your hair stvied by one etf Oshaw~a's leading hair stylists- IMRS. JEANNE MARE of the COLLETTE BEAUTY SALON Mrs. McCabe will be wiih us on Tuesday, July l9th i id %iIIllie pleased to help you %vith any difficuit problemns on vour hair. ('a1 us tc>lay for an appointmnent at the ESTELLE DEAUTY SALONt Phone 453 or Residence 2951 MACHINE - M.%ACHINELIESS - COLD WAVE AND THE NE.W RADIO WVAVE ALSO GIVEN Married in Maple 31r. and Mrs. Arthur n:trdafter theîr reccnt wed- whl ding in '\,Ipie Grovc Church. The son briLe. xvho is ttie formncr Lrn es Emmnaleah Whitc, is the Louhtryn off Mr. and Mrz. Lawrence C. COU] R ffam Mus serv Surn as i. mV witi Trei Bici ner. H. Gm-a A sion Mis, Smi Mm-s chil( Mm-s Ci Jobi tiau, Witl Clai Ci Scb( M i ted Progress-Mav. leQciley; Attend- ance-Charlotte ï-oopem. Room 13-M1iss Hall Scblanrship-John Webb; Citi- zensip-Carol Maguire; Progress -Lowell Highfield; Attendance- Billy Henn'ng, Carol MagPire, Do- ris Fme-cott, Sentira Cantiler. Don- ald Henning, Denwyn Highfield, Bobby Richards. * Roon1-m-.Symons Scholarshlip-Cziroly-n Balsomi; Pregress-Ovx:i Scott; Attend- anec-Russell Wilson. * Ioom 15-r.ies Osbornc ScholanŽhiip Wa n-ie Puniy; Ci- ti-ýcnhip-L o-q tic;ne Hall; At- tencanc-Gcoar1,ý Ke.aneÉt. Lions Club Prize in Engiih- Elcanor Lcighton, Rfonala Gor- t hin.. The Entnence Boar'd bas nec- oiînuI..ncciI nU: tbimLý%-tive ecU- cents î'cceive îneir 1 ihh chool Enmtmance standing, on the 70asis oi tiîein termni, crkl. 'I hcy arc-Bar- L-ocdara, Em.w.î'd t.o1;elb, Eleanor Leighten, Bevem-iy Frankc, Joan Bar*:lst-t, t.ýýrbe-re mi'urdoc. Lorraine Lingcn.,r, Dan Eo2s, Ale_ Cemocron, Roilalci Uerhanîb Ruth Stocker, Barbar'a Watt.L Dennis Hughies, Virginia Stott, Gary Humphrcý s, Bev'erley Allison, INnel 'Wilson, e'iancy Smytlîe. John Bale, Cathernime Diiing. Kenticth King. Lilcemu S*pcer, Mu- rilReynolds, James hoopcr, Les- lie SPnmi, F atsy Tomnio o, Don- aid Grant, iMonkýil Ecmoison, Lonna ýletcher, Carl 'V2<na, Jchn Luxton. Carl Piper, Eciwam-t Fry, Rae Wilkins, Keithee-n Braigan. Othon students of t[lils yeaim-s Entrance lsAb crnetby, Betty Bcrrill, John Bird, Pauiline Bricigett, Stanley Bruce, Ethel Cinyton, Su'mnrc Cole, De- ', Ceivie, Lar'y D.Oecll, Glen uJowson, Maîicann .lc Jflery, An- 'hur Jenebs, .uý-ic:cy ilpatrick. Gordon Kilpairi'k ,., Aibent Linîg- am'd, Paigc'L ci Loi raine Mc- Iaiane, Bnoxî "î:rs Terry Mas- Lers, Roy A itLot tanimnna ;VLIIpb.ý' Lorraine Q .ît.s.Margare, Quinney, l Ivco..e Seiber;, 'Don- nid Richard1S, Luinîith, fRob- Cnt Stockcî,i, L,'_i'a'r.nping, Ly le ý rmble, R"aiTrimblî -lerý Vandcrbelt, ±laloh Vinle, IDeuiglaS iWalkcr, Roý \ý ooia'ti, Boydt iVoolîr; BURKE TON MmS. E. Caugahill xisitcd fiends Sni Niagar-on-the-Lake anti St. cthncmi nec. Miý7s Linda Slîuamt, Niagara FaIls. wvith Mmm. E. Caughili. Mm. anti Mm;. Alcx Messin, Mm. Frank Mansfieldi. Toronto, w'itiî 2M. antd Mn' F. Needham. Mmr'-. E. Acim wilb hem father, Mmr., Toronto. Mis; Barbara Ceaie:. Brookii-.. stCenitlien bolideýs s wth Isabel Carter. Con.-ratulations te Lois Davcy ou~~ -c , mi rececxrlný7. Mnlr. Nelson Hudson xitb Mn. Rn;'. anti Mmes. R. M. Sey mour have been on their vacation. Sun- . - jiî N U. Service anti Suntia;v s7.col w ill ho at the usual lime here. SALEM S-9. NO. 9, DARLINGTON Report off Jonc Examinations High Scbool Entrance-Craig, flc.ttrice (Hon.>. Gibner, Carole (Hon.). Ritter. Gertrude (Hon.). IRivihards, Domeen (Pass). Grade VI tb VII-Cmaig, Corda: Ritzer, Herbeert; Sey mour, Mar- Gmede V te Grade VI-Pugh. Sana m. *Grade IV te Grade V---Bla:'k- buin. Grace; Cook, John~; Kow'al, Eddie. Gradle 111 te Grade 1V-Se'-- rnour. Ethel. Grade Il Ie Grade 11-CollIa- colt, Joyce. Crado' I to Grade II-Bluck- bui'n. Glen: Welsh. Domnaldi; Welsh. JRonlald. S Names ii helical ortier. Mai'jomie H. Collat'ott, Teaciie. THE CANAiDIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO "h him a spezdy recovery. in May. ÇroveY%.I 'Li Mrs. Bertha Yco is visiling hier Church :ýcrvice w'iil be %vith- daughter Mrs. S. Rcynard, Whit- frawn for the rext four Sunca:s by. while our p&sýor is on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cobbledick and Mr. Dàvî,d Malcolm has had the Marilyn, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. telephone instalied. Lloyd Yeo and children, New- Karen Thompson entertaîned «castle, Mr .and Mrs. H. Gildard, several kiddies Monday afternoon «' Battawa, with Mr .and Mrs. G. on ber birthday. Yeo. Mr .and Mrs. Me Bertnim receiv* Mr. and Mrs. S. Geach and eh.,- ed word off the PaEsing off her littlc ~-dren visited Mr .and Mrs. Ro,> four year old nephew, son of Mr. Maynard and Mrs. J. McRoberts. and Mrs. Nelson Gage. The littie Mr. A. Hunt and Carol. Isling- lad was bit by a car a couple off ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Colbary. vveeks ago. Mrs. Bcrtrim attended Brooklin, \vith Mr. and Mrs. J. the funeral. Sympathy is extendec.. Colbary. Lo the family. Everyone %vas very thankful Miss Grace Treivin, Toronito,' at for the grand nain we had Satur Mn. Wm. Trewin's. day and which lasted tilI the early Mr. Bruce Garrard, Islington hours off Sundély. with his parents Mn. and Mrs. C A nurnbcr off Tom Barr's neigh. Carrard. bours did a kind act on Tuesday Mr, and Mrs. Walter Oke, En- by drawing in bis field off hay. niskillen, Miss Francis Potts ano Mrs. Errol Hughson, Toronto hier nephew Jimmny McDonald. visited with Mrs. Nini Hughson. Collingwood, at Mr. Jack Pott*s Mrs. Henry Ashton, Clayton Read. at Mr. Bert Ashton's, To. HAYDONT Mr. Kenneth Walker, Mrs. Me- Alpine, Torontoa ,at Mr. J. Walk. On Friday evcning neighbors, er's, with Mrs. McAlpine stayins friends and rclatives ffrom tlay- with lier parents and lier daugh- don, Union. Enniskillen, Bow- I er Aileen for a wveck's holidays. manvîlle adBocsfc, ahe- Mr. Frcd Ashton, Toronto, N ed at the church shezi in honorof Mr. anci Mns. Lloyd Beech. The bolidaying with his famiiy. many, and varjea[ sho;ven giffts Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron,4\Mrs. wevre opened and displayed on a M. Bertrim and ffamily, at Mr-. long pinK andi white decorate.d Ken Smith*s, Bowmaiiville WTesi table, on tLhe centre off which was Beach. rR. Burgess a heautifful bouquet off roses. The Congrattulalions to Ra.) Ashton bride andi groomi were czenrtec' on passing his Mbh grade musît' ite, and the bridegroom is thc te the front of the plattoi7m,-to two exams with honors. off Mr. andi Mrs. Morley Bur- chairs against a background ot Mn. Jas. Grant caoght a 212 i, ail off Maple Grove. pink and white streamers andi a lb. brook Iout: 17 inchcs long, in îrtsy shaa TmesGazttelarge basket of Ilowers, while a creek east off Haydon. irtey Ohaw Ties-azetc Mn. Frank Dcenby playeti trie Wcc- Little Davidi Legere. grandsor. i ding March. Rn;'. A. E. Cresswell of Mr. and Mrs. David Malcoim. TY O Every ably acteti as ohatirmani and hati is tonsils remove i in '11,ow - TYRON calid onMr. Dan Black who manville Hospital. Mrs. L2gere ______recti a short adclrm:ss. Several se- is holitiaying with bier--on anti ev. anti Mrs. Cresswell ant i ections by M1r. Frank Denby on parents. îiiy are on their bolida3ys at the violin ïoti Miss Vivian CLowl. Mr. Melville Bertrim, Mrý Nel. koka. There will be no church ing on thle guitar wei'c enijoyed. son Gage, Thornhill, Mr. and Mrs vice for the next four iveeks. Mrs. Chas.- Rankine, sang -I Love -Donald Johnston. Mr. Reid Diekie. dry School v.'ill be carnieti on You Truix ". AIl joined in Com- Cadmus. at 1Mr. Dan BIreke. Lisual at 10 a.m. rnunity sînging. H-umorous reati- Mran Ms.VnEeLn Ir.andMrs C.W. Woodley ing9s wcre givori by Mmer. Theron Sault, Fa.y Mountjoy.. Boxx'nian- [n. an Mrs. C.y Dde Mou ntjoy andi Mrs. Chas. Garrard. ýville. and Mr. Frank Dcnlby. Mr. !nton. l. c ad oohy tned and Mrs. Etigar Wright nnd fam:- Mcothalnks for the beautiul giffts and ly Enniskillen, at Mr. Don Carr's. Ir. andi Mrs. Lorne MC OY xt2ecd an invitation te comne ___________ )oin, and Miss Donothy Skin- andi zec thicml. AfLCr view4ýng the ýToronto, with Mr. and Mrs. pric.u. nis F-nd having a fricndly, a bountcus lunch anti le-' STÂRK VILLE liss Velma Taylor with MiSss monade ivres srveti. _____ ce Hayward, Bowmanville. Congr, itulations îo Mr. anti Mrs. Mr. andi Mrs. Haroldi Little îmd nuimber off Y.P. enjoyeti the Clarence Aèvcry(.e Vemna 'rre- sos Oshawa. -isited Mr. and iMrs. off n uinte Confenence excur- w\in) con their miamiage. Affter' Llew Hallowell. l to Rochester. the shox;er on Fridiay niFýht about Mrz. Shutka visited fniends ir r. andi £Vrs. Leonard Smith, twen, %-liv'c carioac~s vent back Osiaw,. ses Dorothy anti Kathleen te therr home int gave them a Cogauain'oorentranc tii, Millbrook, visited Mr. and rcusing chimivari. j lass tupon their succe.-s. Thcy anc -J. A. Rosevear. C o i p atu i i,-:ste Mr. anti Mns.i Helen Carson, Amy Canzon. Marv, Ir. anti Mrs. Earl Stephens anti Gomc'a ýSI'cm-on (nec Margaret Loui Dobs,-n anti Mory Hlo.e] [den, Sutton, visiteti Mr. and Matheson> on toceir mrrniare. The Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoît an,' sH. R. Burgess and Mr. and bride is dlaughtcr of R2,,. Dr. andi family, Toronto, with Mrs. Franl- W. F. Park. Mn-. A. \'athcscni, Toronto. The :3tnie.' 'ongratulations to Mr.and Mrs. bnridc's fathcr. x.'ho le the Deaun off Mr-. andi Mrs. Ormes Falle .anti ýn E-roome on the birti off a Emn !Cug.officiatLetiat fanîily ;ii'ted Mr.. md Mm-s. Grat- 'ltr.ehocrŽ ?n. M/ilton and Lloyd in Cu.rts. Fenelon Falls. r. and Mrs. Ceorge Alitircat Slcînen attentcd the ;vedtin', Sat- So'-ry to hFi-r o7 thi oassing o. h Mr. anti Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, ury aftcmnooai. v:hAch took place Our former M.P.. Mr. r. W. Bow. .kson. in the Collcg«e en. Symoatby goes to his wiffe and 'ongratuilations te our Iligh We w're;cry pleersoti te get a daughtcr. ýool pupils on pessing their Ie S eaCy rmin Seturti'ay c f- Mr. and Mrs. Dobson and Mary ME. Lct'neen anti n'Ctes the finighlt. T ou visiteti Mr. and MrS. Ruthven. isz Lohs Davcy, Burketon, vis-' Gaýrden ano il cîtrc-ps were in Zion. 1 -Ccn uave-. a mcm eou.s sLaie. It \vas ti'e firs't Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robînson 'cx'pial f!-om, tu",re ttc'nriprt ft-,1 rain' -e have had sncre sorne tirme itnd E,,, A,,.,nt,+ iur.TT O.-....... Ossea. INm. and Mns. K. Roîva, Eow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Hovv- anti Farrow'. Mr. andi Mrs. Don Stapîcton anci d&ughter, NewLonville, with Mr. andi Mr. Lorne Todd. Mrs. Fred Tocid enjoyed a vki!, ffrom ber sister Ms-s Williams, To- ronto. Mrs. Howard Fcrro\v with Mr and Mrs. George Knox;, BractIly's. M\.iss Nierma Hallowcll vIsýtec, Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Hallowcll. BLÀCKSTOCK Resuits off£Music Exaemiiîation., in piano held a, Port Perry off I4rs. David Wilson's pupils: G rade 111-Hon., Cathci;îi,, Bai- lcy ; Pass, Marilyn Jackson. Gracie IV-Hcn., Joan Venning. Grade V-Hon., Shirley Hamilton, Pass, Betty MeArthur; Grade Vl-Passý, Jesse McArthur. Mr and Mrs. C-omgc Rutlicr,~or, aind Allati',Mr_. Geormge t!owler a nti 1\rs. Luthcr Mountoy apcni the weckend in Winghi:m an, iqm. anci Mrs. Maur-'ce Saimell.. and baby with Mr. and !Vl!i. am- oldi Crawford. Mr. iand Mrs. Haroldi Swain and lamily anîd VM. and Mrs. C. Mel. Gill anti fainily witb Mr. i-d Mi_. Lauronce Mountjoy, 'Morgaiîs-toîî. Nir. andi Mns. Lionel Keith anc Marion andtI iss Saabe Hem-n. Sauit St. 'dearir-, ;icsd Mrs. Eti Darc'y, Mr. andti Mrs. Russell Spinks'and Mr. anti Mrs. lra Ar- gue. Emrie MeL2an, Permanîent Ali Force. stationeti at X'eliowkniic i'lew borne for a visit wvith hie par- ents. Mn. andtiVMn;. DF-vid MeLsa&n. Mn. Harny Williamson, Saska- toon, calleti on Iriends in the vil- iage Fritiey. Mn. ana Mrs. Frank Watson.i Seagcrave, with Mizs Mac Kiîîg. isis F'Ioreice MeLauglilin anc Miss Normna Hooey weith Mr. anc Mrs. Hcnb 1-ooey. MVr.and M'.it;upcrt E.ý crs a", Mrs. Fred G:'a.son, B;mnil %vith Mn. anti MrÊ. Mervin Gnah- MiUs Hazal Mouritjoy le holiiday 'ng at Beavcr Minies, AI'ocnta. Mrs. MIilton Sandier:onl, Roy. ilarry ind Bctiî, Toronto, ;vith Mn. anîd Mrs. C. Manýlow anti Mn and Mm-s. Henb Swain. Mr. anki Mrs. Ra\' Fcrg-uson are vtiting c matire3 . _re. Prof .md Mme. W. K. Fenguseji D,-.ii'. Ccrnn., ;'isitcd. Mn. and Mrm Roy Fergu.moni. .unr. and Lins, I-. Lowci'y. Ki'bý with Mr. Ct ieCcii Hill. Mme. John Mc.Xce le visitinm .ieniýs ini Fenelon Fzls A lovel.\ mr'icel!ancous silOv'n1 was helti in tlic Conumunity Hri' WednesdnN- evcningy in l,-our o Mr. and 'Ivr,:. Joîin Bccec'c. Annm'al Church ffL- die's, Orange Lodge aî e' Lotige andi guests was helti Sun- day eveniiîg. Procession ivas lez, by Cartwright Fife anti Drum Band to St. John's Anglican ehurch. Rcv. John McKib!n givc the addircss anti two love1; solo- were Ecung by Onangeman Howord Say-well. Thzre wvas a record at- tendance. ivieiners of the local lodges and ýhe Fife anid Drum Band atzer.ced ýhe ccdebration rt Oshawa on Sat. urcdry and at ieneion Èalls on Tuesdsy. July mzeting of B12clzstcck Wo- m.ýn .i, nrsiutL . vs az :cecf ~Ars. Perey Van Czcmp July 6. Pol Cal! wts ian,-ve,,'d by yoc r birthcc-y. A spisadia zr--ount of Lhe District Annual wvas prz-sentcd ,y Mrs. Perey Van Camp. Pro- '%;am in chcrge of the 1-Iis3ri. ccl I:c-earch grotip. A very i-at.r- cs'I'n- and crnusing raccount %wr.; 'icn of "The His.ory of Egypt .ciool' by a lornier tcercher. Mrs. J-crman }oocy. Nîrs. Leith By- lr. Id in Conirunity Singing. Mrs. 'clin McKe-gi ' a arcac:ing., Gran6mothcr'. Thî'illing ýtcry ai tlc Hrol*iieof Lplj,cr Cana- da" w-as given by i\.rs. Gilbert Mro.Mrs. Albert \Vr',iit, *,he otl'.:'mcm ber off the Group. -s - :isted areatly in the lunch pc-r. lod. Congratulz-tions to Mrs. PhYllis Neals ond hicr clrss, Ruth H. niloal'lyn Forn'tr and Keith Van Caip whio wcrc ail succc- ful. Wcca rccipc cclIs for whip- !,Cd cg, whitc a s.t 'c s found in oy-bcE:II prolein. Prob- lem ron,, z' wh-t t Ioc'o wilh ith whitc for th c cg nog., Sinec lnotli ii_ ý Ie i-lun ti it 's sE:tIl:d rilht, no m3tter h;;un- limitced po\*' cr P n m" nrt-, pffless he excrcli- it fairly --n stl'Y his act;ons w1 H rc il. t t plaguehi m JOH'%S-IIAN"dLLE 117P %'ilI bc nie- -cA t'b shom' v'oit santin'es and g'e ,'cu ;,n et'matc.v at or, 1b. - Rrg. ?s1.0( 5L- S. r-A WV. F7,NCE STAPLES at Ic lb. - 61 ce R"ý.U!ai 1C SPECIAL O-MPLETE - --- DONM MCUIEGUR HARD1,I)VAI-%E CO. Phone 386 King Sti W -I NAewsp ap er dcvertising Brings You PROFITS Three Simple Rules Io guide your advertising program ADVERTISE RECULARLY Kecp your name boffone tfie public eye. Do what success- fut salesmen do - cali on customens anti prospects con- aistently. GIVE NEWS AND FACTS Make your advcrtmsiuîg copy easy to reati, friendly anîd Jnformative. Peop!e read newspapers for news. Giî'e thenu fades and ne%%s about your merchandise anti services, EUY SPACE CAREFULLY Prolect your ativeutîeinm by bnsisting on audileti circulation reports that guve accumate accounts of circulation. The Audit Bureau of Circulat iions, a National Co-operative Asscciation of more than 2,000 publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies, has established and maintained definite standards of circulation. Annuallv the Bureau's trained auditors make a thorough audit of our circulation. The verified f acts and figures thus obtained are issued in an officiai ABC report, which gives a complete account of circulation, distributi',7n ound many other f acts you should kn ow when buying newspaper adver- The Canadian Statesman 12,000 Prospective Customers Read The. Statesman Ecl Week PAGE THIRTEEN IL ut IL v ý -u - Il Orange Walk in Oshîawa anti dca the walk at Feneloii Falîs.' Several fnom lîcre enjoycd a pienie at Jacksen's Point on Soi:- i day. Mr. anti Mrs. L. Hooper andtiMn. anti Mvis. A. Richards with Mm. anc Mm-s;. T. S. Jardine at Iheir cottage et Buckhorn Mr. anti Mrs. F. L. Byam amîd boys anti Mr. ieai,r--. V i Park anti fami]y attemîteti the Martin Picnie ;,t(Jrono. Mn. Bilîme Dudley, Trenton, vis- liedi Mm. antiMm-s. O. Fiend. Mr. antiMm-s. R. B. Scott wilh Mr-. antiMms. Arthur Smith, Col- amnbus Mr. anti M's. Malcolm Bci'mv Robert anti Peter, iwith MnYr. Mme. W. J. Miller, Mr. and Mme. Keîîneth Bî'ed- heMr. antiMm-s. Carl Fao]. To- mente, witiî Mr. anti Mme. Raymond Clepp. Mme. Ro'ot. Hotigeon visiteti Mm-. anti Mme. H. G. Hooper anti Mme. Stonie at Orono. Mies Alma Mvati]], Pont Arthur. with Mr. anti Mrs. Lonie Anuîls. Mr. anti Mme. Ewamt Bragg anti famrily with Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd S kitnn. Mn. antiMm-s. Arthur Yoongaman cati fanily with Mr. anti Mme. Norman Leach, Taunton. W.M.S. meeting was held et Mme. Howardi Philp's wiîh a gooti attentinc, including nine child- ren off the Baby Banti whicb %vas bmýiiig entertaineti. De;-o:banal w;as given t.y Mme. F. Wcn.-.x: Teomi pemance necitation "The Drinkng House oveî' the Way'l 1w Mme. R. Hotigson: eeting by Mme. J. Hîlîs; piano selo by Miss Bes 'c His. Last ebapler of the StucY Book ;'as soleuîoiti]x given by Mm;ý. W .1. Miller anti a reading. "Etemnal k'îmes*" bv Mm-s. Cesswctl. Next meting at Mm-s. Don Staimtol's anti M iselîýn Bandi pioie '.îIllbe helti Aug. 19 when Len ,,Seul chlldren a..'e also invitedt te atend. lue cam anti cake wcre çcmved 'oy Mmer. A. Hill andi group Mi'. anti Mme. Fred Snmithl anti Grace. Long Sault, with Mr. anti Mme. J. Cook. Mi, and Mme. Neéil Y"ol 2nrd cilidren. Miss RelIa C_-'111,ade- c<împanied Mn. anti Mms. J. Oke w lie visitet Mm-. anti Mme. Albert Runile, Hanmony. Mmr. anti Mme. Alex Perger"nt Jr., Hamilton, wiîh lier parents4 Mn.a:îd Mmi. Walter Rahm.' Mr. anti Mrs. H. Hefford Mr and Mm-s. F. Bazier anti Diarire,j Aglicount, visitet i M-S. J. Mc- RobErts anti Mr anti Mme.IR. May- nanti. R ev. a nd Mme. A. E. Ci',eszzwell anti family were tee guests 'Mon- day evcnirg wîtn Mn. and Mn., J Mm. anti Mms. J. Oke, Enismkil- ien., visiteti Mmrand Mri. N. Vel- low lees. Mr-. antiMm-s. Murray Tabh vis- iteti Mr. anti Mrs. Gilbert Ho. Lintisay. Mr. antiMm-s. H. Wonnacnt, andi Rosi'. Dixi, witb Mr. antidr.E. A. V-mrtue anti John. S *mi to near NIm. T. fla-r ;iz under the Doctor's came. AU %%i5zh ,ana rýiva mTin ai %ijr. u. kroust s. r