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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1949, p. 14

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, M rw PAGE FOURTEEN COST 35c PER AD BIRTHS BROOME-John and Eva Broome are happy to announce the birth of their dlaughter (Susan Elaine) at Bowmanvilie Hospital on Sun- day, Jul* lth, 1949. 28-1* KING-To Mr. and Mrs. Clary King, a daughter. Dayle Marg- aret, at Bowmanville Hospital on July 9th, 1949. 28-1 LYLE-Boro to Mn. and Mrs. Alec Lyle. (nee Louise Sellers) July th, 1949, at Bowmanvilie Hospital. a son, stiliborn. 28-l' PAYNE - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughten. Sally Patricia, at Bowmanvilie Hospital on July 7th, 1949. A baby sister for Julie Diane. 28-1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McKee, Cadmus, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Zetta, to Mr. Raymond Harold Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Barber, Courtice. The wed- ding will take place at Courtice United Church parsonage on Sat., July 23rd. 28-1 DEATHS LAWRIE-At Cobourg, Thursday, July 7th, 1949, Alexander Lawrie (formerly of Mapie Grove) son of John and Isabella Lawrie, in his 78th year. Funenal from the Morris Funerai Chapel on Satur- day, July 9th. Interment Bow- manvilie Cemeteny. 28-1 IN MEMORIAM PRITCHARD-In memory of a dear husband and father, George Edward Pritchard, who died sud- denly July l3th, 1942: Ini life lox'ed and honoured, In death remembered. -Sadly missed by wife Jessie and children Helen, Lillian and Fred. 28-if WAKELIN-In Ioving memory of our dean father, Harold Wakelin, who passed away July l3th, 1948: We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds, For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. -Lovingly remembered by son Clair, Irene and granddaughters Sherry and Nancy Gayle. 28-1* WAKELIN-In loving memory of my dear husband Harold Wakelin, who passed away July l3th, 1948: I have lost my soul companion, A life linked wîth my own, *And day by day I miss him more As I walk through life alone. Deep in my heart lies a picture 0f my loved one gone ot rest; ln memorys trame I shahl keep it, Because he was one of the best. For no one knows how I miss him, No one knows the bitter pain I have suffered since I iost him; Life has neyer been the same. I mourn lon himn in silence, No eyes can see me weep, But many a lonely tear is shed While the rest are ail asleep. -Sadly misSed by his wife Rosa- Eind. 28-1* CARD 0F THANKS Mn. and Mms. Edward Powell, Newcastle, wîsh to thank their mnany friends, kind neighbours and relatives, the W.A. of the United Chunch, Rev. W. W. Pat- terson and Dr. McKenzie for their thoughtfulness during their con- f inements. 28-1 We, the mother, brothers and sisters of the late W. Len Eiiiott, would like to take this opportun- ity to thank the kind neighbours and people of Bowmanville for their manv acts of kindness and expressioons of sympathy shown Len's wife and family during the sad bereavement. 28-1* Mrs. Giddus Joncs and family of 110 King St. E., Bowmanviile, wish 10 express to their many friends, relatives and neighbours, their heanîfeit thanks and apprec- iation for acis rif kindness, mess- ages of synipathv and beautiful floral tribuItes extended bo them in their recent sad beeavement in the loss of a dean husband and father. Especially thanking the Rev. Mr. Heuiderson for bis com- forting words.. 28-1* Sincere thanks 10 doctors and nurses in the Oshawa Hospital, doctors and nurses in Bowman- ville Hospital, Fonester Compan- ions for plant and fruit. Salvation Army for flowcns and cards, Womnen's Jnstitute for flowers and cards. aIl kind friends in the town of Bowmanv ic and at the Beach for all thecir kiodness in mY iii- ness. iîm.\ bereavement and îlness such kindness bas meant a great deal to me. Thanks a million 10 everyone. MIrs. A. Quinn. 28-i Personal SKINNX' Men, Women! Gain 5 to là lbs. Newx pep. too. Try,. famous Ostrex Tonie Tablets for double ,,o.., ,,,s: h atfhtfles : n,. COMING EVENTS The Ferguson and Adams re- union wili be heid at Geneva Park on Saturday, Juiy 23rd. 28-1 Dance at Caesarea Pavillon, jFriday night, July lSth, feacuring AI Stack and bis orchestra. Round and square dancing. Admission: ladies, 25c, gentlemen, 50c. 28-1 Reserve Saturday, July 23rd, for the Oddfellows' - Rebeccas' picnic ut Cobourrg Park. Bus will leave Iodge rooms ut 1:30 v.m. Al members anîd their familles in- vited. . 27-2 Enjoy an aftcrnoon at the 1lake Wednesday, July 20. Tea, bridge, euchre, booths at Mrs. Ott's cot- tage, West Beach. Tickets 50c. Everyone welcome. Free trans- portation from Garton's 2:15 to 2:45. 28-1 Attend Lions Carnival at High Sehool Grounds. Friday, July 15, featuring special benefit softball game, N.H.L. Hockey Stars vs. Bowmanville Ail-Stars at 7 p.m. 'Lu cky ticket draw for Pontiac Car and special draw for Child's Station Wagon. 28-1 PUBLIC MEETING Ail citizens of Bowmanville are cordially invited to attend a meeting ut South Ward Public Sehool on Sunday, July l7th at 10 a.m. for the purpose of elect- ing officers, directors and com- mittees of the Bowmanville Mem- orial Park Association and to transact the business of said or- ganization. 28-1 Durham County Hélstein Breed- ers Twilight Meeting will be held on the Farm of Jas. T. Brown, Newcastle, Monday, July 25th, commencing at 7 p.m. There will be a type demonstration. Speaker, Prof. Geo. Raittiby, O.A.C., Guelph. Prizes will be given, aiso ice crean' and cake and re- freshments. Everybody weicome. H. J. Brooks, Pres., H. C. Muir, Sec. 28-2 Notices Dr. Birk's office wiIl be closed from July 1Oth to August 6th. 25-5 Dr. Storey's office will be ciosed June 27th to August 7th inclusive. 23-8>1 Harnden's Garage will be clos- ed from Juiy 16 to 23 for holidays. 28-1 * John A. Holgate & Sons will be ciosed for holidays from July 18 to August 1 inclusive. 28-2 WE DELI VER Texaco Gasoline Motor Oils and Greases to Bow- manvilie, Ennîskillen, Tyrone, Orono and Newcastle Areas. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 904 or 864, Bowmanville. 22-tf Customers in Darlington and East Whitby - Your Rawleigh Dealer wiil be on hoiidays from July 23rd to August fth inclusive, Anything required before that time Phone Bowmanville 2768. L. Hancock, 94 Liberty St. 27-2* DR. KEITH SLEMON'S OFFICE From July 13 to July 20 inclusive day and night phone cails wiil be received at number 2526, except during office hours when calls will be received as usual at 830. 28-1 * $100 reward is offered for in- formation that will lead to the conviction of the meanest person, or persons, who cut the flowers off my father's grave at St. John's Cemetery, Biackstock. Please send ail information to the Brown Window Frame Co., Lut- treil Avenue, Toronto. 28-2-1 1 have sold my dairy business to Mr. Ernest J. Fairey and he has become the soie owner thereof asi of July. vlst. 1949. Mr. Fairey is a ' competent and experienced young dairyman and I bespeak his con- tinued support by my regular customers and the public gener- ally. J. Lyons, i Lyons Dairy 27-2* TENDERS WANTED Clarke Township School Area Board request tenders for wirîng of Newtonville Public Scbooi. Plans and specifications mnay be seen at office of secretary. Tenders will be received up to July 25th. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. J. J. Melior, Orono, Ont., Sec.-Treas. 28-2 Chiropodist T. M. VANT, D.S.C., Chiropodist, specializing in diseases of the foot and leg. Genenal chiropody work. Suite 2. 47 Prince St., Oshawa, Phone 3947. 24-6* Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair' Shop. King St. West.. 9-tf REPAIRS to ail makes cf refnîg- eraters, domestic and rommercial. M ~on Electric 42 King St. E., ohfne 438. 26-tl vigon. New -get acquainted" size I OMPLETE brake service, brake only 60c. AIl druggists. 28-1 Idcum lathing. gninding and hon- ing. Brakemaster cylindens and HYG!ENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber wheei cylinders honed and polish- goodsl miailed postpaid in plain ed. Permafuse Raybond brake scaled e'îv d.ope Nvith pnice list. bonding. no rivets, Raybestos S* -5c nrr S. 24 samples Sl.00. brake linings. Brakes shoes ex- p - -;l nr- - -1t. T-318, Nov--Rtib- changes in tock readv 1te go. Bob ber Co.. Eux 91, Hamilton, Ont. 'Stocker*s Garage, Phone 804,' 27-9 Bowmanvilse. 22-ti Articles For Sale DINING-room suite. Phone 2633. 28-1 * DOUBLE garage in Bowmanville. Phone 805. 28-1 '27 CHEV., good condition, beater. Phone 2742. 28-1* 1934 DODGE panel truck. Apply 170 King St. W.1 28-1* '35 CHEV. coupe, best offer. Ap- ply 200 Church St. 28-1* WOODEN ice box in Ai éon- dition. Phone 2912. 28-1* YORK cook stove. in good con- dition. Phone 2994. 28-1* 1935 OLDS. convertible, radio, heater, $525. Phone 772. 28-1* MOTORCYCLE. 1940 Indian, Mo- del 74. Ray Munday, Phone 2640. 28-1 * 1937 CHEVROLET Master coach, in perfect condition. Phone 2112. 28-1* PLAY pen and play pen mattress. in excellent condition. Phone 808. 28-1 1937 DODGE sedan, good con- dition. Phone 952, 77 King St. E. 28-1* WOOD silo. 14x30 ft.. standing in good condition. Phone 607J3 Osh- awa. 28-1 PARTS of Massey-Harris binder. Apply Clarence Turner, Phone 2075. 28-1* '34 CHEV. coupe, $350 or nearest best offer. Apply 27 Warren Ave., Oshawa. 27-2 24 LARGE Green unbearing appie trees. Phone 2337, 240 Liberty St. North. 28-1* '39 CHEV. sedan, in good con- dition, $800 or nearest cash offer. Phone 2061. 28-l* MASSEY-Harris 3-furrow tractor plow, narrow bottom, No. 23A. Phone 2341. 28-1 ELECTRIC washing machine, Simplicity, in good condition. Phone 2181. 28-112 PEPSI Cola electrie cooler (water- iess) John F. Martyn, 20 Division St., Bowmanviile. 28-1* 1934 DODGE coupe, in good con- dition, $300 or best offer. Apply R. Williams, Newcastle. 28-1* NEW 1949 Fargo one-ton express truck. Apply Palmer Motor Sales, 20 King St. E. Phone 487. 28-1 MOTORCYCLE. 1947 Norton 500 C.C. Apply E. Osborne, Bow- manville R.R. 4, Phone 2486. 28-1* 1941 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, new tires, good condition. Phone 2436, Lavern Clemens, Hampton. 28-1 PLACE your order for raspberries now with Mrs. D. B. Pickering, R.R. 2, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 2534. 28-l* USED Massey-Harris No. 44 Standard Tractor, in perfect shape. *Write Box 89, Port Perry Post Office. 27-2 BALED wheat straw at reason- able price if picked up in the field. F. S. Allen, Bowmanville, Phone 594. 28-i. '39 BUICK convertible model 46-C, radio. heater, defroster. good tires, excellent throughout, Phone Orono 83r4. 28-31: BINDER Twine-use the best, Ply- mouth Red Top binder twine at $1250 per bale. Vanstone Flour & Feed Miii. 28-2* WHITE folding carrnage; aiso small white bassinette. good con- dition. Apply 36 Queen St.. Bowmanville. 28-1* MAN'S bicycle in first class shape; aiso 'Renfrew cook stove. Phone 2001, Lewis J. Wood, R. 4 Bowmanville. 28-l* 1937 DODGE Deluxe sedan. ex- ceptionally fine condition. Apply Miss Norma Hooey, Burketon. Port Perry 78r3. 28-1* Articles For Sale_ BARLEY Chop, $55.00 per ton. Port Hope. Enquire for prices on other ground grain. Phone 29121 Port Hope. Geo. G. Wickett. 67 John St. 28-1 GURNEY cook stove, burns wood or coal, steel top, white porcelaîn enamel with black trim. In good condition. Apply 122 Duke St.f Phone 2774. 28-1*1 SMALL size billiard or 1o tbe complete, suitable for 'ungalow; also set of Books of Knowledge. Phone Bowmanville 2712, 146 Liberty St. N. 28-I* CHESTERFIELD suite; youth's bed, like new; double bed with spring and mattress; large size crib, large patterned rug, ail in good condition. Phone 772. 28-1* DODGE Deluxe sedan, 1938, dlean good tires. Price $600; also '36 Ford coach, good condition, good tires. Price $400. Bert Johnson, Burketon R.R. 2, Phone 2290. 1 28-1 TWO sets of good, double bed springs; drop-leaf kitchen table and chairs; solid oak dining suite; battery radio, Stewart-Warner. Mrs. Leask, Elgin St., Phone 919. 28-1 BLANKETS, Carpets and Scatten Rugs made from your old carpets, wooliens or cottons. Gather your rags and phone 2890. Mr. H. A. Campbell, Dominion Rug Co. 26-4 ONE 3H Renfrew separator, ex- cellent condition, capacity 300, lbs.; one No. 18 DeLaval, used six months; two 14K Renfrew se- parators, 600 lbs. capacity. Phone Port Penny 111r5. 28-1* BONDRD Brake Shoe Exchanges, no rivets. In stock ready to go; Chev., Dodge, Plymouth, Chrvy- sien, Olds.. Pontiac, Buick (drumns iathed). Bob Stocken's Garage, Bowmanville. Phone 804. 22-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quaiity, smoked bacon and hams, sausage and hamburger. Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton, Phone 2836; also custom killing, pickling, smoking and sausage making, rendering lard. 23-tf FLOOR COVERINGS - New de- signs in Inlaid, Moulded and Gran- ite Linoleum, just arrived. Canvas back Linoleum, Congoieum and Rexoleum yard goods now in stock, 2 and 3 yds. wide. Bring in your measurements for quotations at F. F. Morris Co. 25-tf FINDLAY gas stove, 4 burners with table top, automnatic oven control, broiler, cupboard and cutlery drawer; also white kitchen cupboard with glass doors on top. Apply 67 Cburch St. Thursday evening or Friday. H. Powell. 28-1* NEW Case SC tractor; new Case VA tractor; new Case VAC trac- ton; used Case D tractor; used Case C tractor; new Case forage harvester; new Case forage blow- er; used set sping-tooth hannows; new hayloader; new DeLavai milk cooler; DeLaval milkers. coblers, water systems; Beatty steel stalîs; hay fonks, etc. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 4917, Bowmanville. 28-1 BRADLEY Furniture Cza., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroomn suites, $69.00; steel bed oulfits. complete,, $26,95; feit base floor covening, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ail colons: 3 pc. allover veloun chestenfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natural finish breakfast suites, $66.00; spring. fiiled mattresses. $24.95; tni-light lamps, complete, $12.95: nangettes. ranges from $59,00; 3-pc. ailover veloun bed chestenfieid suites, $119.00; 9 x 6 Axminster carpets, green or wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table iamps, $6.75. Everything for1 the hume at Bradiey's. 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Livestock For Sale TEN pigs, 6 and 7 weeks old. Ravensworth Farm, 'Phone 2035. 28-1* 1_ Lost SATURDAY evening, green, maie budgie. No. P.O. 48-24161. Please phone 916, and receive young one for reward. 28-1 Work Warited TILE work wanted, glazed colon- ed wail tule. rubber or mastic floors. Phone 2902. 27-tf SIGN writing and trucks lettered. George T. Forsey, Phone 936. 28-1 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED typist. Aýppiy ln writing to Box 270, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 28-2* BOYS wanted for remainder of summer holidays. Apply Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 28-2 GIRL for liiht housework, one morning weekly. Phone 2763. 28-1* YOUNG woman wanting work. Please appiy at Bowmanville Cleaners. 28-1 CHERRY pickens, young trees, good picking. 35e per basket. Ap- ply Lewis Clark, Newcastle. 28-1 WOMAN helper for part day each week, good wages paid by the hour. Apply Mis. S. Charles AI- lin. 55 Church St. East, Bowman- BOOKKEEPER-shouid be able to type, maie or female, steady employment. Apply in writing, to Box 271, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 28-2* CAPABLE girl or woman to as- sist in Snack Bar for two weeks so that 40 Girl Guides may enjov camp holiday7. Apply Mrs . A. J. Frank, 72 Scugog St. 28-1 WANTED-MVan for steady travel among consumers in Bowmanville. Permanent conection with large monufacturer. Only reliable hust- ler considered. Write Rawleigb's Dept. ML-G-140-131, Montreal. 27-4 SALESMEN to seli roof coating, paints to farmers, pnooerty own- ens. Selling plan allows you to beat competition. Canadian made. Shioped from Toronto. United Builders Co., 6007 Euclîd, Cleve- land, Ohio, U-S.A. 28-1 LOCAL representative for Beauty Counseilor cosmetics and toilet accessonies; fulli une for ladies and gentlemen. A few bours a week calling on friênds xiii give you a hani-dsome ineome. Write Box 272, Statesman Office. 28-1* BE SURE of a xorthwile income. Operate your own business! This is easiiy cone by distributing our numerous vanieties of Guaranteed housebold necessities from doon 10 door. Splendid ternitonies avail- able in the c:ty, also in the sur- nounding ruril areas. Stant Now! Write for Frce Dctails and Cata- logue: Familex, 1600 Delorimien. Montreal. 27-4 ARE you Iooking for something permanent in the selling field? Unusually attractive dealer sales position opcii in Bowmanville dis- trict. We wzint active intelligent hard-working mannied men. Must have car, good references. Earn- ings fimst year will net oven $3.000. No investment in stock. Write Sales Manager, 386 Water Street, Peterborough. 28-2. Chicks For Sale BARGAINS in started cbicks wbile they last. 2 week old: Barr- ed Rocks. Light Sussex x New Hampshire, Light Sussex x Barred Rock, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Banred Rock x New Hamp- sbires: Non-sexed 21.45, puliets 30.95, cockerels 20.95. New Hamp- sbires, Rhode Islaod Reds: Non- sexcd 20.95, pullets 30.95, cock- emels 20.95. Lighit Sussex, Black Australorps: Non-sexed 22.45. pul- lets 32.95, cockerels 20.95. White Rocks: Non-sexed 21.45, puliets 32.95, cockerels 22.95. Pullets:- White Legborn x Barred Rock, TWELV okhr is sa White Leghorn x LigOt Sussex AMERICAN cemnent, immediate V YokhrpisOca 33.95, Black Minorca x White Leg- delivery, $1.40 per bag. Apply MeQuade, Phone 195r4, Pont hrs3.5 sotdHais Wilfred Richardson, Pontypool, Penny. 28-1 homosex34 .95, Assorted Heavies Phone Onono 81r16. 26-3 PUREBRED Yorkshire bog. îw_ cockerels 20.75. Thnee week old BEDOOMsuie; ed ndand a haif years oid. Appiy K. add 5c pem chick. Olden pullets BEDROM site bedandSprings; E. Dean, Newcastle, Phone Clarke 10 xveeks to iaying. Free cata- exenio tbl; ewngmahie;1902. 28-1* logue. Tweddle Chick Hatchen- sxchairs; two feathen mattresses; . - ies' Limited, Fergus, Ontario. mail box. Phone 2380. 27 -2* 'THREE Yorkshire sows. bned to 28-1 GAS stove, thnee burnens good Tamworth hog, first litter due ________________ conditioon; 3-piece chestenfield Jly20,h. pplyStaney Giiil suite; radio, good condition. Ap- R.2 uktn 8 Double Basebal ply 53 Liberty St. N. 28-1* TEN pigs, seven weeks old July ih Sced le PINO-Hitzanan th6s : milking goal; hound pups. S. Bl ceue Buy now for the fail and be not dahomas 6of sLio. R.R. î. î<e-H re Saturday disappointed. Ternis. Fred J. f da eat0fseolsot 8s-e1__ Mitchell. Telephone 353. _98-le0 na. 1 Toppîng the Juvenile Lakeshore 1948CHEV thre-qurtertonFIFTY Rock Pullets, Peel's straipi, Basebali League wîtbout a defeat 1948k CEV. a tre eter iton hatched March and should stant up 10 JulIv 12, thîs reason, the heater and racks, mileage 10,000. laving this month. T. R. Bow- Bovmyanviile team will step up to Alvin Boyd, Phone 248-4. 28-1* man, Blackstock, Phone 172r33. its strongest competition in juve- 28-1* nule ranks Satumdav attemnoon on COOL off for summer. Canada"'sGNRLpros.qitw the local High Sehool diamond finest Venetian Blinds measuned GoreEA, ups.qitwn when the Oshawa Juvenile "A" and installed. Free estimates. F. osblack with white face and team will be here 10 take part in F. Morris Co., Phone 480. 25-tf fe.ApvC idi,4hCn a double bill. The first game vwill -cession, haîf mile west of Five one at 2 pin. sharp; then WITH on without extras. 1946 ,Points. 28-1w witmmanne o ices h Chevrolet 4 - door Fleetmaster!scodgam wîlflo ime- sedan. Bargain for quicik sale. For Sale or Rent ateîy. Phone 2949 evenings, after 6. 1 The Oshawa teamn is made up of 28-2 SIX-roomed summnen cottage, East most of last year's Motor City A Fndcoahrecn-Beach, Bowmanville, ahl conven- Juveniles who played in the On- 1930 Model AFr ocrcn iences. Apply W. Cole, 56 Church tario finals against Toronto rivais. ditioned motor, four new tires,, St., Bowmanviile, Phone 566. The Bowmanviile team bas fieen seal beam lights. Ross Page c/o 28-1obie 0mkîamsfto- Mn. Harry Jose, R.R. 3, Newvcast le. I ______________________sifts____ -8 1 To ng to an .njury sustained by cat- Si Wanted ToBuy cher Bob Gallagher. Unusua, io TRADE-INS-nangettes, washers, 1.._ba5eball. t\vo pitchcrs, Button. electnie ranges, coal ranges, vac- BEFORE selhing your live poultry shaw and Falls, will a'Itenante a~ tium rleaniers; anci iradioF:.AIl try us. Our pnîces are higher. M. catchers whilr Gallachem filis i'n piced to clean. Murphy's, Phone, Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r at tIb.e Book Sýaturday for 811, 28-1w 13, reverse charges. 17-tU basebaU hrills. Real Estate For Sale COTTAGE at Caesarea, five rooms and garage, electricity ard inside conveniences. Write Box 268, Statesman Office. 28-1 SIX-roomed semi-attached brick bouse in good residentiai area. Furnace, hardwood floors, three- piece bath. For further inform- ation Phone 2779. 28~ CHOICE building lot on Brown St., 42' frontage by 69' deep, with additional garden plot at the rear, 90' x 100', new sewer. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, King St. East. 22-tf JAMES NIXON 1 acre land, frame house, thrce rooms, loa1g shed, stable and gar- age, low taxes, possession in two weeks, ail for $1,200, lovely gar- den. New two-roomed house, new furi'- iture, water, stool, hydro and ex- tra lot in good location. Possession arranged $3,500. James Nixon, Broker Bowmanville Phone 682 28-V; HAMILTON & SMITH $16000-General Store on main highway, village north of Bow- manville. Very nice Groceteria style store doing good business. Pool room at rear with 3 table. showing nice profit. Comfortablc living quarters (5 rooms) low- taxes. Above price includes stock. Reasonable terms to responsibir AT Foi Rent ATCaes4rea, 5-roomn cottage. Phone 725. 28-1 FURNISHED cottage for August, scrcened verandah, inside conven- iences, hydro. A. H. Clemens. Phone 2433. 28-1* PARTLY furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply atter- nouns at 63 Scugog Street or Phone 2213. 28-1 COTTAGE, two miles from Hamp- ton on lar~ge creek. Ideai location foi' children. Appiy Geraid Bal- son, Hampton, Phone 2733. 28-l* TWO partly furnished rooms, bus- iness person preferred. Apply in wniting to Mrs. R. E. Hendry. 26 Concession St. E., Bowmanville. 28 -1 BRoom and Board ROOM an:d Board wanted for .oung girl working in town. Phone 2592 after 6:30 p.m. 28-l* The Bo\vmanviile Board of Education would be pleased to neceive the names of any persons who would accept one or more of the new teachers who will be coming to Bowmanvilie in Sep- tomber next. Please file your name with Stuart R. James, Sec.- Trcas.. Bowmanville Board of Education. 28-2 Auction Sales ________ .Having his barn destroyed by $3,20-God 10-ace frm suthfine. 1 bave neceived instructions $3,00-ood100acr fam suthfrom Mr. Jack Monnow, Lot 15, of Pontypuol, near No. 351hîlgh- Con. 2. Clarke Tw-p., three miles way. 80 acres workable, 2-) anns, east of Ncwcrstle, on No. 2 High- ,30x50 and 16x32, driving shcd, 16n m a. to sel] by public auction on .32, w-oodshed 14xl6. Z-1 U P .Friday evening. July 22nd, at lU.à storey 6-roomed brick veneer 1, p.m. sharp, ail his farm stock. hou ' e in good condition. ji)ilic' implemnents ard feed. Terms cash. well. open for offer for quick No nescrve. Jack Reid, auction- sale. oei. 27-3 HAMILTON & SMITH__- Brokers Crono, Ont. Funnituýre Sale- I have beenl Phone 32n10, lnl6, 39r2 atîthorized to seli by public auc- 28-1 lion for Mrs. E. Biekeil, 69 King ' St. E., Eowmanvilie, on Satur- COOKE REAL FSTATh I day. Juiv% 23. ber household ef- $32.000 - Bowmanville area, 150 rects including many v'aiuable and acres more or less. Here is a IS Su uselul articleq. Sec itemized list- that m-ould meet the requirements in- next iv.'ek. Tenms cash. Sale of the most ambitieus. Excellent c.t 1I m. D.S.T. Elmer Wilbur, land, young orchand and ail or- aueiioneer. 2- chard equipment.' Miik contract: -__ lO-can milk cooicr, spring fcd Ar:'ion sa'e of pnooerty andj streams. '8-roonmed brick home ho(iîchold iurnliî'e-I have been hardwqod fiooring, bathroom, fur- authorized to selI by public auc- nace, heavy duty wiring. FirsLt ion for Mn. A. F. Spencer, on time offered. Terms. Possessicn Highxvay No. 2 at Maffle Grove, arranged. onpositc Black Cat Inn, on Fni- day. July 22, at 6 o'clock, bis pro- $17,000-63 acres exceptionsll3peniy consisting of a double lot good land cn No. 2 Highwa 'v.'10- on xvhich is a good bouse with, romed frame home, mwell paintcd 'hè,sement, garage and ben bouse. and fuily insulated. Very 'rem un- Property' wili be sold subject to erative young apple and pean on- a reserved bd. Terms and con- chard, best varieticz; oldest grour ditions xviii bc gîven tîme of sale. 26 years out. Good barns mnd Fitrniture cash. See listing next welI equipped stables. H wroveck. Plecýs' note time - six th*Dughout. This is tnuîy a rm. ' o ock in the evening. Elmer thiat ma.rks; witb tle Lbef. T ; - Wi Ibur, auctioneer. 28-1 time offered. 50 per cent ca Fh. balance arranged. Exclusive list- Tie firSt commercial factonies ing. to make plywnod wene erected in ________RuFsýa in the 1880'E. $4,300-in Newcastle, 6-rýooiiicd ________________ frame bungalow. idea]ly locoale II________________ on No. 2 Higchway, bathmooomn, furnace, attractive groundis, dou - ble lot, immediate possess'on. î T',- C...-. 1 T1 $2,000-25 acres higbxvay location. Smali bouse and cbicken bouse immediate possession. For funther particulans contact Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor 1 Newcastle Phone Clarke A26i21 28-1 BOWIVA NVILLE REAL ESTATE $2,900-fufl pnice, with $1.,0 0 C down, double cottage, one xith 6 rooms, anâi the other 5 rooms. bathruom in cach, on East Bcacii, grand view of the lake with fini- x'ate beachl, nice lawn and hedges. screened in verandahs, beavy wir- ing, electnie stoves, Kelvinator, and !ce box, completely furnishcd witb linens, dishes, cutlery, rugs, furniture, etc. Ready to movc' in- to. Possession Aug«ust Ist. This is an exceptional buy, and \vill bc, sold quicikly. .First corne, firS t served. $3,900-witb $1,000 dovn, semni- bungalow. five large room:s, brickI, 3-piece bath. Reduced for quici: sale. $4,200-Seven-roorn trame I' u ,. chicken hoLIýe, garag(e, ue.t-r corated on corner lot 66'3xiS4'. Batbnoom, hydlro. PosScý-ioiï Terms. Building lots on Prospect, lýamb.: Lane, Elgin, Wellington, Libcrt -vî North, Brown, Qucen and No. , Highxvay. We handle only exclusive listings Wanted-Bungalows, bouse andl farm s. Bowmanville'Real E5-tate 78 King St. West J. Shehy.ýn D. )IaclLch!Mir Phone 326 - 2017 28-i Custom Work TRACTOR Custom Work. plougbf- îng, cultivating and seeding. F. S. Allen. Poone 594. (2.- t f Wanted DEAD borses and catlle for fre pick up. Phone Toronto AD.3636 or Coooti-g 48J We pay phone charges, Gordon~ Young Ltd. 13-tf DEAD Stock! Free Service. We will pick up ail dead or cmippled farm animals free of charge. Highest prices paid ton oîd borse,ý Phone: PeterbomoughI 4026 Couruct 20-,tf Tor~onto Hydro s 0<..' fir' t Plih:c utîiliei coînpany li7 own a helicopter. i o morn -ULL nafl U Prevent Fires During the holiday season with st) many thousands of people va. cationing in the out-of-doors, the danger of forest fires is greater than at others seasons of the year. A stniking poster issued by-.tM'i, Indugtrial Accident Prevenj< Associations for use of their Zo1ï bers contains an illustration showing a man's hand with a burnt match-stick being broken between the thumb and forefin- ger. This serves to show the ha- zard wheneven matches are used. The advice "Break match in your finges-dead matches are safe" is practical and is good ad- vice at any time. The average age of top-ranking maie movie stars is 40 years; thre women average 32. They say. G. F. JANIESQ!l TIRE DENOT Cor. King and Silver St.. Bowmanville - Plhone 467 ,ttSUNBURN S un tan Lotions and Creams R!ý"XiiLL GYPSY CREAM (Ointi-nent fo'-m) ---- tube 75o NIVEA SKIN 'OIL --------50e --- ----- 23e - 53e - 98e lSUNTAN OIL 30ec-60e TRUSHIAY HAND L.OTION 30e -49e -89e iRIKEI'S FRENCH BALM -------------- 69e (GLD CREAM ----- 60e SKOL ---------- 53e - 75c Summer Colognes ('ooliiîg and Itefreshing as a Stum'er Breeze Chanei No. 5 $3.00 e50 li-arriet Hubbard Ayre Co!dcen Chance $2.00 Elizabelh Arden Blue Gras:s FIow'er Mist 51.75 HIelena Rubinstein Heaven Sent Co!ogne -.$1.00 - $1.50 Lyc:ýen Lelong Opening Night. lindesereet, Sirocco, Tailsp'n .$1.50 -$2.50 Special! Odex Soap - le Sale 1 cake for le with the purchase of 2 cakes at the regular pnice. 3 Cakes - 20e Special! Regular Cake Pamolive for le with purchase of regular Super Suds Both For - 36e Foi the Bathi Canadian Sea Fine Sait F)9(. CliItan B,ýthchirim SI9 Harriet Hb ; Ayre ri--'( Cioven Eodly Poti-er Wood'*s Ol Yard.ley Lavender Bath Salts .---- Yan<l'ey Lavender Bath Soap ----- Yardley Lavendomeal .--- - Adrienne Dusting Powder---- 6'Jc-SI.00 --- 51.25 cake 85c ---- 1.75 $1.50 Fly-Tox with 5 o/o DDT Miakes every surface a death trap 1o Insect.s. Appiied to %vaiis, ceil*ngs, s(creens, etc. 24e - 43e FLY-TOX AEROSOL INSECT BOMB Triple Action. " Pyrethnins " Piperonye Butoxide " DDT $1.69 JURY & LOVELL YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE MVen WVe Test Eyes It is Donc Properly PIIONE 778 BOWINANVILLE w "'1 BRINU YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS 1 - 1

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