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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1949, p. 7

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!THURSDAý( JULY 14th, 1949 ÎGC AU IDPERSONAL I il Pnoe663 j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lunney are enjoying their vacation ai. Nor- land. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey and Nancy are visiting Mrs. W. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Percy, Otta- wa, are visiting his mother Mrs. John Percy. Miss Joan Greenfield is visiting Miss Nancy Townsend in West- morint, Que. Aand Mrs. Chester Jury and A1lîjAn, Timmins, are visiting Mrs. J. H. H Jury Mrs. R.' Tandy, London, Eng- land, is visiting her sister Mrs. John Living. Miss Alida Dragon, Montreal, was guest of her niece, Miss Don- aida Creasser. Mr. Barry Hall, Toronto, is holidaying with his grandfather, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Miss Harriet Bartlett, Toronto, spent the weekend with her aunt Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilkin, Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mr. #Xnd Mrs. Jack Garbe. Misses Mary Alidread and Viv- ian Prout, are vacationing at Nor- thern Eagle, Haliburton. Mr. Bud Nichols, Englehart, is vacationing with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols. Miss Aileen Toland, Kingston. visited Miss Lola Down and other friends in town on Friday. Miss Mary Todgham, Windsor. is holidaying with her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Len Richards. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Rollie Bate, Brown St. Mr. Jim Colwell, Toronto, Mr. Ray Lymer, Oshawa, were week- end guests of Mr. Ted Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. N. Cameron, Osh- awa, spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Milton Jamieson. Mr. Howard Percy and daugh- ter Helen, Hamilton, were guests of his mother, Mrs. John Percy. Mrs. W. E. C. Workman is at- tending a summer course at the Royal Conservatory of Music, To- ronto. Mrs. Gordon McLean, Uxbridge, sp ent Sunday with her aunt Miss iNO FAITH? INO GOD? jNO CHURCH HOME? We Believe We Can HeIp You 'jCorne to the BAPTIST GOSPEL SERVICES held Sunday Evenings 7:30 P.M.L in the Union Hall, Division Street Pastor: L. W. MATHESON, BA. 35 Horsey St. Phone 2655 Annie Mountjoy and Mis. Elliott. J. E.1 Mr-. V. E. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bentley, Peterboro, were Sun- day guests with Mrs. S. J. Hen- derson. Chie! o! Police Sidney Venton and Mrs. Venton and Audrey are bolidaying at "Glenverdean", Hal- iburton. Miss Doreen Jeffreys, Bank of Montreal staff, is visiting with Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Willoughby, Win- nipeg, Man. Mx- and Mx-s. Harold Needham and son Harold, Quebec City, vis- îted bis parents Mr. and Mis. J. H. Needham. Mrs. Annie Bradley and Miss Maxion Sutherland were guests of Mrs. Mina Colwell and Mrs. Ber. Coiwell. Mrs. Harvey Wight and Mr-. Alex Wight, Hughendon, Aita., are visiting friends and relatives in this district. * Miss Colleen Clarke is sper( *ing the suimer with Mr. and Mr George Downham at Honey Ha: *bour, Georgian Bay. * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williarî visited their daughter and sor ;n-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorr *Kleinstiver at ahod Mrs. Clare Topping, Freedon Alberta, is visiting Mr. and Mr C. A. Larmer and othei' relatiVE in Bowmanville and district. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lake, Mv and Mrs. Howard Swinden, Wa dctn, N.Y., were weekend guesi of Mr. ani Mrs. J. H. Needham, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Casbouri Irene and Sidney will motort Sarnia to attend the wedding( son Harold on Saturday, July il Mr. and Mrs. John Jolliffe, Tc ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Mei cier, Ottawa, were weekei guests of Miss Novelda Berry. Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss Ar nie Mountjoy attended the S] mon-Matheson wedding th. took place in Emmanuel Colle,- Chapel. Toronto, on Saturday. Mrs. K. J. Riley, Durban, Nata South AIrica, who has spent th winter with her sister, Mrs.M Hall, is sailing for Scotlando JuIl- 20th. Miss Jean Cunningham whoj taking a special summer cours in Dramatics at Queen's Univer sity, was weekend guest with Mis Helen Nelles. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hay, Mr, ai Mrs. Jack Varcoe, Mr. and Mri Bert Syer were guests of Ja] Fowler at Mari. Kenney's Ranc] Thursday night. Mrs. H. G. Darch and Mrs. Ar thur Darch and Judy, New Yorl City. N.Y., are visiting Mrs. A.L Darch at their cottage ai. Bow manville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Roach Terrv and Paul, and Mrs. Ceceliz Roach and Veronica, Torono spent Sunday with their sister Mrs. Wm. Clarke. Ra.mi on Saturday, which wa! general throughout Ontario, pre. cipitated 1.6 inches of water whicý will mean millions of added reve. nue for the farmers. Rev. Andrew McBeth, Edir. burgh, Scotland, who is gues, preacher ai. Knox Presbyteri3y Church, Toronto, for the summei visited Mrs. W. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wylie and soi, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cox, Cooks- ville: Miss Helen Cox, Mr. Ala. I TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Regular Morning Service - 1l a.m. Music by Ladies' Quariet ('Mesdames S. R. James, L. W. VanDriel, O. Richmond and D. Alldread) Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., 1 Minister. Irs. ix-- lis )ne me rs. es il- sts ri. to of 16. r d on- e- ai. al, n e o n is .se r- ss rs.j ,r- k L~. ia Mx-. R. G. Harle, Oxganist. TE Nn SAZMN BOW;MANVMLL, ONTARIO Greville, Toronto, v'isited their parents Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cox. Mr. Frank Swinburne, Montreal, son of Mrs. J. McNulty, and Mr. Peter -Browning, Montreai, are staying wii.h Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNuly, West Beach, for the month of July. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rudeli and Scotty are holidaying wîth bis parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Ru- deli, Guelph, ai. their cottage at Oliphant, Lake Huron Mr. and Mrs. Adoîf Koidofsky, Hollywood, California, were guests of ner mother, Mrs. Alan Williams. Mr. Koldofsky left on Monday, tzut Mrs. Koldofsky re- mained for a longer visit. Accordng to Counties Health Unit report ending Juiy 9 North- umberland and Durham Counties had only 9 cases of communicable diseases-7 chicken pox and 2 measies. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thurston, Lindsay, were guests with Mr. and Mx-s. H. S. Bennett.. Little Miss Elaine Bennett. who bas bef n holi- daying in Lindsay, returned home *with themn Surveyors have been busy the pasi. week lining up the site for the new bridge across the marsb near the Base Line for the exten- sion of the new- super-hghway 2-A which will link Toronto and Montreai. Cartwrigbt's Orange Bugle Band paraded Bowmanville streets Saturday in a 'brie! stop- over whiie proceeding to the grand Orange parade in Oshawa which attracted thousands fx-om mosi. points in eastern Ontario. Miss Lucille Forde-, Secrebary, Depi.. o! Agriculture office, is en- joying tbx-ee week's bolidays. Miss Marjorie Coucb is relieving and then she will take a brie! holiday- before proceeding to England for a yeax- under the teacber-exchange organization. Mr. and Mrs. David Park ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trimm, Oshawa, 10 the Golden Wedding celebration in Toronto o! their aunt and uncle Mr and 1Mrs. J. H. Fowler. Mrs. Fowler was the former Alice Trimm and was a former resident o! Bow- manvilie. A double wedding ceremony took place in St. James Roman Catholic Church, Toronto, when Clare Keogh became the bride of George Arthu- Lax-in and Anne Keogh became the bride o! Dr. Frank Seftle. The brides are the daugbte-s o! Mx-. and Mrs. George Keogh and gx-anddaughte-s o! Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Veale, Bowman- ville. Master Wayne Purdy, son of Mr. and Mvrs. Clifford Pux-dy, bas returned from spending 3 weeks ai. a Cxippled Children's Camp called Mary Wood, situated on the Rideau River near Perth. Most of the boys that attended this camp were French Canadians, consequentiy Wayne is able to impress bis rhums now by speak- ing a few words o! French. He also .earned to sing "Allouetbe". We are indebted to W. J. Milis, St. Marys for sending us the fol- owing clipping announcing the leath O! a former Bowm anville OHONO ýr, umen: -, une a ervicesfo George Ira Cochrane. Los Angeles Visitors with Mrs. Elizabeth aattorney and businessman for the Tamblyn wvere, Mr. and Mrs. Jim epast 50 years, were held at his Fowler, Oshawa, and Mr. R. K.ý ,h home, 2249 South Harvard boule- Banting, Toronto. e-yard, with Rev. George Davidson, .MIrs. I. Snell, Toronto, is visit- rector of bt. John's Episcopal ing her sister Mrs. Paterson and 1-Church officiating. Interment in Mr. and Mrs. McGee. Rosedale Cemetery."~ Mr. Mils Miss M. Davey visited Mrs. st mentions visiting Mr. Cochrane Geo. Bickle, Bowmanville, iast Sand Mr. Stanley McClung, another week. rBowmanville boy, when on a visit Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond in 1936 to Los Angeles. and Alex have gone to Muskoka. t, _________________ Their first stop will be at Grav- enhurst wbere ber sister and bro- STwo Trucks Tangle ther-ifllaw live. an MissAnna Stapies and severai [n Near Fatal girl friends are on an extended t. mo tor trip to New Brunswick and Collsio Wet BrdgetheU.S.A. They expect 10 go as far as New Orleans. A matter of inches was the nar- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and row margîn that saved the lîves Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hooey of two truck transport drivers left by train on Friday to attend when their vehicles came int the Calgary Stampede. collision at the eastern approach Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson 10tehghway bridge opposite and Betty Ann, Toronto, are holi- Vanston's Mili, at 10 o'ciock, daying with his parents Mr. and Friday night, July 8th. 'By the Mrs. Alex Watson. same margîn, Vanstone's Mill was A number from here took in probably saVed from total des- the excursion to Rochester on truction by fire since one of the Saturday under the auspices of transports was carrying a full Y.P.U. of United Church. ioad of gasoline. Mrs. Neil Smith is spending the A Smith Transport, No. 42, summer with Mr. and Mrs. Herb license PCV 377-4-A and C-6142, Burgess. proceeding east, had almosi. clear- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glenney and edtebridge when a Texaco gas family and Mrs. Harvey Curtis transport truck, thundering west, were Sunday gue'sts of Mr. and edged over the centre line o! the Mrs. Len Buckley, Peterboro. highway and forced the Smith Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell vis- truck close to the guard-rail at thi aglr n o-n the south side. The Texaco truck 'e hi agtradsni- crashed into the Smith truck jusi. .aw Dr. and Mrs. Jack Leslie, Pet- back of the cab. erboro. Near Disaster Visitors with Mrs. C. Awde' were Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooper. The impact exploded a front Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. F. tire on the Smith truck and tore Werry, Tyrone. the front wheels from the Texaco Mr. J. Mason spent the week- truck. Its forward momentum end with Mrs. J. Dickson. gouged deep ruts out of the pave- Miss H. Davev is visiting ber ment as the gas-laden vehicie nephew Mr. ken Fraelick at came to rest only inches from the Prince Albert. wooden, overhead walk that leads Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyn is vis- to the miii. Had t toppled over tnhenieMr.Cayt the embankment, with sparksfl'itn henec Mr.Caya ing about from the pavement, ut Nipîssîng near North Bay. is likely a conflagration would Srieo akS.Cuc a have resulted. heid in the'town hall Sunday mor- The blow drove the Smith truck ning. Rev. A. E. Eustace gave an int the south guard rail. tearing inspiring message and Miss Gwen out four posts heid bogether by Chatterton and Miss Jean Rainey vire rope. knocked over a sign sang a well rendered duet. and hydro pole, and - the vehicle Mr .and Mrs. E. G. Hay have came to rest on a driveway. and sold their home on Centre St., rernained haif canted over a Bowmnanvii]e. to Major John 15 f t. drop at the bottom of which Foote, Port Hope. He intends ma- was a pile o! rociks. Oniv fate king îtito apartmenîs. Mr. and held disaster in check for both Mrs. Hîay and family wili move drivers. this month bo their new home j Police Investigate just completed on the Manvers A cro-wd gathered quicklv as road. bothdrivrs mergd fom teir ss Audrey Biilings spent the cabs. bailershaen but uninjuhrdweekend ai. home. cabs, bdly hakn bt unnjue. M r. and Mrs. Bob Coooer visit- Night constable Walter Hall andedhrpantM.adMs.Ci speciai constable Alan Densem en n r.Cr were quîckly on the job to direct Tnant. traffic and supervise clearance of Mrs. Ephrian Wbite received the roadway. The Smith truick painftîi injuries bo her right hand was already off the highway and when t went into the wringer of 1 the Texaco truck was towed from her eleclric washing machine on the scene, with ils driver going1 Monday. along. It is expected that thel Mrs. Herb Rundie and Mr. and police will take further action in Mrs. George Armnour. Hamnton. the matter. visited Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood. Orono Masonie Lodge was wel r reo)reFented at tbe funerai o! the Original street L.gbts were fiber j ate Fred Bowý%en in Newcastle. torches. Mrs. Geo. Crowther and Charles Len RichardCVins 600 Mile Race, i With Carrier Pigeon Len Richards, 65 Church St., local pigeon fanciex, is receiving congratulations from many fri- ends, for breedmng and training the speedy carrier pigeon that won the great international race of 600 miles, straightaway on July 9th. The course was an airline direct from Decatur, Ill, U.S.A., to Bowmanville, and Len's bird flew the distance in 18 hours, 55 min- utes. to top ail competitors enter- ed fromn vax-ous points at this distance. It takes quite a bit of expert training and handling to develop a speedster of this calibre. Com- peting with the Oshawa Racing Pigeon Club, selections fromn Len*s loft. have also won: isi. fromn In- gersoîl 126 miles; isi. from Til- bury. 215 miles: 3rd fromn Mont- pelier, Ohio, 344 miles, on two occasions, then Isi. and 4th fromn Decatur with bis champion cap- turing the cu15 Juiy gth. Len purchased his pigeon loft. some lime ago from F'rank Bot- Ireli, veteran Bowmanville pigeon breeder, who was knwn ail across Ontario in the pigeon heyday o! this town. Together with Irwiîî 'Dub" Piper, Len forms the other haif of the only two men in Bow- manville who are keeniy interesi.- ed in racing pigeons. They are both members of the Oshawa Rac- ing Pigeon Club which bas some 15 fanciers on its roster. Besides his racing stable of birds, Len keeps some fancy Oriental Frilîs for show purposes ai. the C.N.E. and Royal Winter Fairs, where he bas been a con- sistent winner. Winning this gruelling race adds another laurel to the many sporling champion- ships in various fields that have come 10 Bowmanvilie. Salem Boys Defeat Shaws Lads 18- 4 In an exhibition game played ai. Salem on July 11, Salem boys de- feated Shaw's 18-4. Shaw's cer- tainly looked and played bail very differently from what was expeci.- ed from reports of some of their league games. Salem, however, was playing exceptionally well and if they keep ut up a spot in the play-offs is a sure thing. Salem scored 8 runs in the Isi. inning, 3 in the 3rd, 2 in the 4th and 5 in the 6th, while holding Shaw's 10 2 in the 4th and 2 in the 7th. Horn and Stacey pitched for the losers with neither helping their cause very much. Geraid Shackel- ton was pitching bis besi. for Sa- lem and had the whole team be- hind him. This is the firsi. time these two teams bave met tbis season 50 that there will be tw&o league games between them which seem 10 provide the besi. oppor- tunity of Salm getting into the play-offs. We hope Ibis game is a preview o! what is bo come. a Competitive Pricesanduv Personal Service SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS for Tkursday, Friday, Saturdap LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL 'SPECIA spray il! and Benefil SofihaJi Game This Frday - 7 p.m. - High School Grounds 't -r! Gillette 1 Specials and Reminders for BIadùs Thursday, Friday and Saturday Dispens ~ ~'-( Summer Make-up Special - ~ $1.30 LADY ESTHER CouW±c y.<, VALUE FOR 65e Iw the dependable colo gne deodorant Deliciously scented, dclightfl to use . . . a spray of it ilîsures day-long daintiness. Quick drv- ing and does flot harm clothes. In a handsoznc atomizer flacon for autonain application ex- clu-sivc with Lenthéric, a non- Spu li travelling companion. 4 oz. for $1.5o. A full 65e size o! Lady Esther's grand new Cremne Make-up and a 6.5c jar o! Four-Pux-pose Cx-eam. Both for 65C BLANDOIL Al'seIn plof Ogealie Oil 1for 4-oz. - Reg. 25e TLCUM ,Big 12-oz. Sae a o J..iiA.LIL Choice of! Odors »l4c, fr2 7~c, SHAMPOO I.D.A, ÏBrand4-8 - 9c3 Absorbine r. __ $1.19-$2.39 _ _ Bathing Caps 19e-45e to $1.25 Beach Balîs ------- 29e up Brorno-Seltzer 25e-49e-95e First-Ald Kits 89e-$1.50 Up Flash lights with batteries ------8-- 1.39CH K Gillette "Roeket" Razor Set $.9Y u lvy-Dry for Poison Ivy- 59c Noxzemna 21c-49e-69c-$l.39 S M E RevIoiî Aquamarine Lotion $1.NE S Tan-Gel E D Burn Ointment . 65c-$1,65 Tat-Ant-Traps --- 35c-3 for $1. Thermos Botties ---- 81.50 up Wildroot Cream-OiI 39c-59c-99e ITer or 6-12 Inseet Repellent - 59e Aerosol Insect Bombs ..-.. $169 - $1.98 - S4.95 Green Cross or Fly-Tox FIy Spray _ - 25e - 45e - 75e Velvetta Suntan Cream . _ 39e; Repellent ----49e White Sboe Cleaners - "10 _ 15e-25e; Palm Beach. 25e Interlake or Cashmere Tissue _ -. 1--- 3 for 32e Modess - Kotex - Kleenex - Face-Elle mser w %$2.0Vealue e. De Bright! Feel Right! TA4KE ENO'S 'SA'[!fi BUYTOAY- 10B80 CAMERAS ýer Box Type- Folding Kodaks $5.45 un - $25.25 up SUN GLASSES Wlllsonite 49c-59c-79e Others SI-25 to $2.95 ARRID or FRESH DEODORANT 39e and 59e English Style I.D.A. Brand - 1-lb. 59C ,&%lu ' -TlA fnan. - :RRY I.D.A. Reg. 25e 19C ski épis E t Plus FREEl EGG CREME SHAIMPOO For the price o! the Home Permanent alone - you gel a homne wave kit and Egg Creme Shampoo, to 'make your hair easier rto set and comb. i Only - $3.25 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY M4cGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drucj Store Phone 792 Drugs Community Eveninq Service Sponsored by St. John's, St. Paul's and Trinity at 7 p.m. Soloist - Miss Betty Sisson 41 Years Unbroken record of Dividends THE GODERICH ELEVATOR AND TRANSIT CO. LTD. Common Shares (Current dividend rate $1.00 per annum) Price: $15.50 To yield 61/2% The Common shares are the only securities of the Company outatanding. Full detoils avoulable upon request. MIDINSUM Huron & Erie Bldg. 50 ng St. West C' AMM-I-DENT Ammonium Dental Powd Now only - 59e COREGA Dental Plate Powder 23e - 43c - 73c SQUIBB ~oR ~ IDDENTAL CREAM ~ Large Tube - 49c HEALTHSALTS BAIIJ'AB !CASCARA 3_ 'WILD STRAWB: SIV[4k04'FSHome Permanent Alà 1ex We Deliver a « SI 'J 'j N r a. te and Mrs. Bowen and baby, New- points where they visited rel~a- The Mackenzie River is the IO! more than 34 million pairs castle, visite i the former's moth- tives. longesi. river in Canada althougli Iof full fashioned hosiery produced er, Mrs. C. Wood. Women's Institute will meet this it ranks only fouirteenth in the. lin Canada in 1948 almost 90 per Thursday in the church basement. worid. cent were made froxi nylon. It is the annual grand.mother's HAMPTON group--411 ladies welcome.Cete~I i% Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Don- ~" Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Soucb, Med- ald and Douglas, and Miss Nancy icine Hat, Alta., Mrs. Ida Tren- Johns, attended the wedding o! I ( PE L outh, Mrs John Aluin, Napanee, their nephew Gordon Siemon Dr and Mrs. Norman AllUn, Mrs. and Margaret Matheson in Toron- Albert. Cole, BoWmianville, were to on Saturday. L R dinner guests at the home o! Mr. Congratulations to Entrance -F O C. W. Souch and Mr .and Mrs. Ken pupils and ail other school stu ?PM ,/éef-t> Cavrl1 dents wbo have successfully pass.P Mrs. E. P. Doncaster, Mrs. Vic- ed Iheir exams. >~ vr,?ae,. tor Peacock and daughter Dwaine, Sympathy is extended to Mis*0f oeri de000 Mr. nd rs. os.Arva, Oha-Clifford Colwill in the death o! wa, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncombe, ber sister (Lulu) Mrs. Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Houck, Fair, Oshawa, after a flngering aa Bowmanvilie, at W. W. Horn's. illness. Mrs. Ada Willis, Toronto,' is Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yeiiowlees --- guesi. o! Mrs. Elmina Johns. are now occupying their new Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelly and bouse.BAIfc1fG Nancy, Cabourg, witb ber parents Steady ramn showers were pre- DANCIN Mr. and Mrs. F. Honey. valent on Sai.urday through the EER NJestleton, ai. Merwin Mounljoy's. the evening when much ramn feu.We n sd y Nih Mx-. and Mrs. Herman Pascoe, which bas refreshed gardens and at Columbus, at C. W. Soucb's. iawns and cisterns-for which al r.J.R eyo . aree fvery rat houl, aflr eerai * r'sEdew] e David and John, with Mr. and Mrs'weso eydybtwahr WV. Gilchrisb, Port Credit. Mr. aind Mrs. J. Purdon, Misses Pavilion Mrs. Leta Moore, Toronto, visit- Dora and Margaret Purdon, a-4 M iss Cecile Petite, Toronto, ding a i Jane bville United church D I S ON - 5pe r ero pent a week ai. home. Miss Glad.. on July 2nd. AMSIN - 5eprpro ~ C a p m n , o r o t o , i s l s o e n - M a s t e r R o n n i e B a k e r , S o l i n a , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ joying bolidays at home. wilh bis auni., Mrs. Jim Smaies. _______________________________ Miss Ver-a Mason and friend, Master Lorne Tink, Solina, Mewburgh, N.Y., and Mrs.. May wib h bis aunt, Mx-s. Perey Dewell. ohns, Tyî'one, visited ai. Lorenzo iMr." anrd Mrs. Frank Dewell. i J RC fl A 1 rrull's ai-d called on olhex- friends. Murray and Eleanor, Tbisi.letown. F U C OT Sw Bruce Caverly bas xeurned a!: witb bis brothers, Sam and Percy ýer a pleasant trip tbx-ough the MrD ndMs.CrlWix, r. From Factory to \Vearer Eastern States.,r n r.Cr ibr r David Reynolds is xisiing bis and Mrs. Gordon Beckettî, Osha- indle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Jim- wa, ai. Elmer Wilbux-'s. Be Wise*.* Economize nie Brodie a North Bay. Mr, and Mx-s. Leslie Jackson,Cota d Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn visited Bowmanville, visiled Mr.and C asR parda d Rerode1led ilr. and Mx-s. Gilbert Wilkinson Mrs. N. C. Yeilowlees ai. their H P i1 theix- cottage ai. Bewdley. new home. PORT HOPEDFUR fCOM A NY Mrs. Will Chapman acrompan- Pd Mx-. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs, Ty- Canada bas developed a 1,5- 2 SOUTH STREET ýone, on a pleasant holiday week-. ounce "vesi. pocket" Geiger counit- PHONE 35614 end tr'ip to Detroit and other er for uranium prospectors ______________________________ im- a mmud PAGE SrVM

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